"... as also of course happens when she 'thinks things' and then 'writes them down' and 'alerts the public as to her thoughts.'"
Heh. I got FireDogLake writing in the anti-Althousiana genre.
ADDED: I guess Firedoglake is flouting the "civility" bullshit that's been bandied about lately.
AND: Here's the link to Hoft, where there is a nice juxtaposition of photographs along with my quote about the President's hair color change. (Let's call it his "mood hair.")
I think it's important to talk about the way politicians use their visual image in communicating their message. Clearly, we talk about female politicians' hair all the time. It is different to talk about men's hair, of course, because men aren't supposed to care much about their hair.
It's part of the conventional manly image not to pay attention to hair, and when a man runs afoul of that image, he gives his opponents raw material that... well, that can make a hilarious video. (That video was much funnier before the pricks that own the "Theme from Rawhide" asserted their candyass rights.)
AND: Here's how female politicians are treated when they change their hair:
२१० टिप्पण्या:
210 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Ahhhh... FireDogLake: the Justin Bieber of political websites, in a world of Stones, Tulls and Zeppelins.
civility reigns!!
'thinks things' and then 'writes them down' and 'alerts the public as to her thoughts.
Uh, isn't that what every blogger does (though some with less thought and less public)
Now you know you've hit the sore spot.
They squealed.
Now stomp.
Isn't Firedog that Marcotte bitch?
Isn't that term "Instadouche" sexist?
After all, why should douching be loaded with these negative connotations?
It's just the normal and healthy cleansing of the vagina!
What does this douchebag have against dirty vaginas? Vaginas get dirty in the normal course of an active life.
What would she have vaginas do? Sit at home and live the horrifying existence of a Republican housewife? You know, the ones who never have any sex, and thus never need a good douching?
That website is unreadable.
The tone says political commentary by fourteen year old boys.
when she 'thinks things' and then 'writes them down'
"I mean, really! Why can't she just alternately type the words "FUCK" and "PALIN" in all caps, over and over and over again, the way any sane and rational blogger would, for heaven's sake -- ?!?"
The tone says political commentary by fourteen year old lesbians.
The tone says political commentary by fourteen year old lesbians.
Oh, I'm fairly certain Markos Moulitsas never blogs there, himself.
"The tone says political commentary by fourteen year old boys."
But the reference to "Almaden" shows we're dealing with a boomer geezer.
To be fair to Firedoglake, there are links in the quote that I didn't copy because I can't put links in the title, so go over there and click the links on things like "thinks things." It is funny.
The comments section reminds me of Democrat Underground - everyone is sharing what illegal drugs they've done and what medication they're on...
FDL: The latest outrage is that the President of the United States may be dyeing his hair, which is wicked and conniving and wicked, for obvious reasons, these reasons being, well because. Anyone who dyes their hair is worse than Hitler, who didn’t dye his hair, but murdered millions of innocents.
Reading comprehension fail. Its not about dyeing out the gray. Its about dyeing it gray to black and then black to gray, depending on the venue. What a narcissist.
Anyway, here is why Althouse believes that the hair dye is Important:
"Restoring his party’s electoral fortunes?!! Are you aghast that I would say such a thing when the literal message is “Before We are Democrats or Republicans, We are Americans”? But it’s clear to me that the GOP is on the political upswing, and it’s in the Democratic Party’s interest to proclaim a period of low-key nonpartisanship and take away its opponents’ momentum."
Hooray, a member of the House of Representatives just got shot in a mass killing! This is great news! Hold the dye job, I have to go on the teevee! Michelle! Break out the Almaden!
Or something
Exactly. We have your guys on record hoping and praying for another OKC moment to rejuvinate Obama's failing presidency.
"Isn't that term "Instadouche" sexist?"
I think it's sexist against men. A reference to premature ejaculation, right?
I guess Firedoglake is flouting the "civility" bullshit that's been bandied about lately.
Andrew Klavan Explains the Leftist Approach to "Reasoned" Debate: "SHUTUP!!!"
"Anyone who dyes their hair is worse than Hitler, who didn’t dye his hair, but murdered millions of innocents."
Aw, come on. Hitler dyed his hair. It's that phony-baloney goths-and-Elvis color.
Professor: your comment about almaden is very astute--goes a long way to identifying the age of the poster--I mean almaden? Hell, even trademark dave had you drinking boxed wines, which these days are pretty good--Almaden? lord what a bunch of pansies.
The hair dying thing really hit a sore spot. Broke Godwin's law right off the bat.
Didn't FDL get the civility memo?
FDL is funny but I suspect they couldn't be if they actually wanted to be.
It seems you've missed out on the latest crime committed by Palin.
She's dog whistling her followers into these crimes of violence.
The primary difference between Eric Fuller and any random, dopey FireDogLake gull:
Eric Fuller was involuntarily committed yesterday.
The typical FDLer has not been involuntarily committed. Yet.
I. for one, rejoice that The Era Of Pretend Civility is finally over.
Marcotte declared on her blog that people who defended the [wrongly] accused Duke students were "rape-loving scum"
"her comments about other people's faiths could well be construed as hate speech."
Yes, she's going to lecture us on civility....
click the links on things like "thinks things." It is funny.
I clicked on them all, but I couldn't find anything funny. A lot of "OMFG, Althouse is stooooopid! BOX WINE!"
I suppose it is funny that an adult wrote all of it.
Professor--real men do not prematurely ejaculate--its those damn women who have no sense of the moment :)
this is clearly a semen libel
Oh no! Looks like something unkind was said about the thinnest skin in the blogosphere. Time to call in the commentariat and corral them into place. Second amendment remedies (or at least their verbal equivalents) are being put into action.
Good lord do you take things personally.
I think he's just trolling for hits.
Owl Man, sometimes I think you live on another planet.
Point of order--isnt jane hamshire the big mamma rabbit of FDL? whateverthe case, this looks like it might shape up to be a duelling blogsite war--I am going to pop some popcorn.
If Althouse has thin skin, why is she quoting and linking to this?
If Althouse has thin skin, why is she quoting and linking to this?
Shhhhhhh. You'll make the poor dear start stammering, and then he'll lose the place in his assigned talking points.
It's either this, for him... or else selling light bulbs over the telephone. Have a heart.
Because this time she thinks she can win!
She is becoming more confident. Not a good thing for the cause of reasoned discourse generally but a better thing for her self-esteem, and by extension, the blogosphere itself.
Because this time she [mercifully] SNIPPED.
"The Loughner is strong, in this one."
I'm wondering what makes a little boy in superhero avatar guise believe that others are having trouble growing up, getting a decent job and otherwise successfully making their way among the world of adults.
Damn ritmo what in the world are you doing up at this hour? you usually do not make your appeaqrance until after 9 PM
There goes Superhero Boy with his self-circumcision device.
I'm wondering what makes [SNIP]
Shhhhhhhh. Sleepy-time now, little online soldier. Shhhhhhh.
I think it might have something to do with it being a "weekend", Roger. You know, those periods of time when people who normally work (but, I guess, not the Althouse commentariat), have some time off.
Damn ritmo what in the world are you doing up at this hour? you usually do not make your appeaqrance until after 9 PM
Arby's must have found someone else willing to run the grease vats during the graveyard shift.
You need to keep poking them, Ann, until you get a cool hatename like "Instadouche."
"Altampon" or some such.
Hoft doesn’t understand that he’s looking at the closed captioning for deaf audience members.
LOL. Awesome.
hmm ritmo--before I retired I used to look forward to sleeping in on a weekend--not getting up early, but we do make our choices. Anyway always good to have you on board.
Libtard: Because this time she thinks she can win!
Boy are you dense. This thread is about laughing at ankle-biting fleas who finally think they found a "gotcha!" moment.
Superhero boy is doing battle with the pixels on his screen again.
Go, Brave Superhero Boy! Use your magical scissors device against the Evil Online Dots and Words! Cut them! Cut them all away!!! Make them vanish from your existence!!!
Talk about someone endeared to Loughner-esque approaches...
wv: oveye
The business of The Zero going gray and playing with his 'do has been noticed for about a year and the transparency of his trying to "heal the nation" in the manner of Willie, post OK City, is well-established.
FDL is mad because the Conservatives are actually laughing at it, rather than being cowed. That they can't make a point in plain English, but have to go full Kos, probably indicates they really haven't got one.
This thread is about laughing at ankle-biting fleas who finally think they found a "gotcha!" moment.
... with special guest-appearances by the mingiest and most ineffectual fleas of the lot, to boot. ;)
"Altampon" or some such.
Don't want to get too graphic, but Althouse is way past the age of tampons.
I get ya, Rog. I used to regularly sleep in past noon or even 2 sometimes. But my age must be catching up with me. That and the fact that over here, on the East coast, it's already past 11.
OK--I confess to some degree of confusion--can someone enlighten me as to the superhero reference?
Because this time she thinks she can win!
She's already won. She won before she posted.
Win the battle, then fight the battle.
Those FDL cretins are weak. I just subjected myself to multiple threads and didn't see a single interesting topic or comment. And talk about humorless. Sad bunch.
Superhero boy is [SNIP]
... causing you to mewl and snivel just a bit more pitiably each and every time he trims your content-free gasbaggery down to EPA-approved levels, looks like.
Ritmo (sorry cant keep up with id changes, forgive me)--as a retiree, I have to be up early to catch the miscreants who let their dogs poop on my lawn--eternal vigilance and all that (and clint eastwood in grand torino)
the pricks that own the "Theme from Rawhide" asserted their candyass rights
Hey! Let's see some of that there "civility," Professor!
I think it might have something to do with it being a "weekend", Roger. You know, those periods of time when people who normally work (but, I guess, not the Althouse commentariat), have some time off.
Because nobody works on Saturdays and Sundays. Nobody that matters, anyway.
wv: cuierhe, which really ought to be a South American herb.
The online persona known as "kent" fancies himself as The Green Lantern. It's a more obscure superhero, but identifiable enough to anyone vaguely familiar with Marvel comics, even if unobsessively so.
After Superman those characters just start becoming a bit downright nerdy for some of us. But "kent" must summon his psychological strength using the methods available to him. Oh well.
Pricks and vaginas referenced in the same post!
Are we ready to go to the videotape? Is it too early in the morning for YouPorn?
Where's the Trooper? He gave me the sad news the other day... Vanessa Del Rio retired!
How did I miss that?
can someone enlighten me as to the superhero reference?
Ritmo's substitute for actual, substantive argument. Sort of the troll equivalent of Hamburger Helper, intellectually-speaking.
"kent" (I mean, "Green Lantern"): The Justice League is calling you. Time to get out of your basement, put on your leotards, and fight crime (and of course liberals, but in a non on-line format).
Are you up to the task? Are your superhero powers ready? Or does mommy need to hit the "snooze" button for you?
The online persona
Seriously, though: that's it?
I mean... that's the absolute best that you've got?
The Justice League [SNIP]
... and...?
Lord--sorry I asked the question. what was I thinking.
WV: cesswar: what this thread will morph into (apologies for ending a sentence with a preposition)
Lord--sorry I asked the question.
Hey... not my creepily fetishistic li'l online "tic," all right...? ;)
If text-based answers vex you, Rog, here's a visual for kent's super-playtime activities.
Ahhh--I haven achieved enlightenment--if I click on the thing that says show unsecure items--there are the avvatars--it is all revealed to me know.
back to guarding the integrity of my lawn
here's a visual [SNIP]
... and...?
I got one for hubby, too:
Use your ring, "kent". Scissors are not the device of choice for your superhero avatar.
I love the internet--where else can you learn so much useless information. And I always did get the green lantern and green hornet confused--I think it was obi wan who did th3e jedi mind trick on me--these are not the greens you are looking for.
Vanessa del Rio has an autobiography out: Fifty Years of Slightly Slutty Behavior.
Slightly Slutty?
Check out her gangbang scene in The Devil in Miss Jones.
Sorry, but the obvious snarky name for Althouse is:
It's a more obscure superhero, but identifiable enough to anyone vaguely familiar with Marvel comics, even if unobsessively so.
Can you get anything right? Green Lantern is a DC comics character.
Comedy gold! The "writer" at FireDogLake who came up with that posting about the mote in Althouse's eye needs to remove the beam from his own...
And yes, Reagan dyed his hair, too. Yawn.
ST: I am guessing that vanessa del rio isnt the lady who wore fruit salad on her head and danced the carioca?
Use your [SNIP]
... so: nothing, then?
All that huffing and puffing and ineffectual, low rent trollery... and: nothing?
My... wow.
@ Shouting Thomas
I don't think that post was written by the queen bee there at FDL, but by one of the drones in the hive.
Oh pardon Monsieur Davis!
Are these the sorts of arguing techniques that impress the other nerds at the comic book conventions, kent?
"Sorry, but the obvious snarky name for Althouse is:
How about :
Can be pronounced as alt-whore-tex, or alt-vor-tex
Are these the [SNIP]
... and your argument is...?
This was sweet:
FDL MODNOTE: There are many things to disparage Ann Coulter about without casting aspersions on her sexual identity. Doing so will result in your comment being moderated
Good effort, but you're missing alot.
Example: calling us Rednecks in the thread. Thats an ethnic slur. You might as well call us Sp*cs or N*ggers.
Although I enjoy the irony of Liberals ignorantly using bigoted stereotypes to slime us as ignorant bigots.
I see that Super Kent has erected his Super Terrific Forceshield of Imperviousness to Words!
"Redneck" is an ethnicity now?
All you have to do to see the lie is to look at more than these two images of Obama. You posted two videos shot in different lighting conditions on two different cameras and on one you can only see the very front portion of the hair.
Yet you run on your assertion as if it was ironclad proof. THAT is what fills the observer with douche chills. Maybe Althouse is "having fun" or whatever she does when she posts blatant lies and fabrications on the internet, but others will believe anything that is said about Obama is true.
I see that Super Kent [SNIP]
Your argument, then, is that I'm "Super Kent?" Is that it, essentially...?
I wouldnt suggest redneck is an ethnicity, but like cracker and similar terms it is a slur and carries all the connotations and denotataions that apply to negros or negresses (making allowances for oprah here)
Your argument, then, is that I'm "Super Kent?" Is that it, essentially...?
You're a super stupid supernerd.
But use your powers to cut those last three words out, O Predictable One!
Libtard: "Redneck" is an ethnicity now?
Its a slur directed at rural whites.
Cracker refers specifically to whites, Rog., but a Hispanic can, technically get a "red neck", as it were, in response to too much sun exposure, no?
""Redneck" is an ethnicity now?
But, the concern over there was that Coulter could be transgendered. Not exactly an ethnicity.
But very un-civil!!!! So that's good, right?
oops--slipped a redundant ta in denotations (must have been thinking of carmen miranda--or vanessa del rio--its all so confusing when you get to be my age--went immediately to the ta tas
I'm pretty sure that redneck was never devised by non-whites to be used in a derogatory way toward whites. It was something that non-rural whites used to describe unsophisticated guys who labor in the fields or whatnot.
I guess we must invent the history necessary to attain outrage, any way we can get it. Oh well.
Conservatives 4 Better Dental Hygiene,
"Redneck" is an ethnicity now?
Yea, they're descended from FarmLand.
Libtard: whites technically get a "red neck", as it were, in response to too much sun exposure, no?
Thats it Ritmo, show us your true colors.
Racist scum.
But very un-civil!!!! So that's good, right?
Without outrage, order and no room for daylight in between, the right-winginess sort o falls apart.
You're a super stupid supernerd. [SNIP]
Ah. Your argument, then, is that I'm "a super stupid supernerd."
Okay. You've spluttered it, finally.
... and...?
Next up, Ritmo explains that "wetback" is a term of affection used amoung Latinos.
I understand the term redneck BTW--my point was that it is a slur, plain and simple--just as cracker is a slur. BTW I am not offended by either term--which is why I dont have a problem using "nig**r (a la Robert Byrd)--In short, I try to be an equal opportunity slurrer--depending on the size and mobility of the sluree
Roger J.,
I wouldnt suggest redneck is an ethnicity, but like cracker and similar terms it is a slur and carries all the connotations and denotataions that apply to negros or negresses (making allowances for oprah here)
Gak! Choking. On. Oprah. Reference. Gak!
Blacks came from Blackville, and we (making allowances for oprah here) prefer to be called Black Villains.
Jeez, you guys don't seem to know any of this stuff.
Fen, I know you're fascinated by righteous indignation as a satirical device (probably because you don't understand its proper uses), but it fits less credibly on someone who kicked Palladian around a few short weeks ago and cried about the lack of willingness to entertain your comparison of gay troops to orphans committing incest.
Fen: the preferred term is "mojado" among hispanics for their mobile brethern
"Redneck" isn't a slur because it's never directed at all whites, just uneducated whites.
But then, it's not like you outrage-o-maniacs really take your own arguments seriously or anything. You just cling to them like a kid to a pacifier.
Some folks are proud rednecks.
Not being educated is not an ethnicity. Unless one intends to create an entire clan of uneducated fools.
Libtard: "Redneck" isn't a slur because it's never directed at all whites, just uneducated whites.
This will be fun. I guess "N*gger" isn't a slur because its never directed at all blacks, just inner city blacks..
Its so funny for somone claiming to be so Progressive Enlightened Tolerant to argue that "redneck" is no biggie.
Hold on a sec while I get the popcorn..
I guess that's why Levi Johnston was cast out. He did not exhibit the requisite shame over admitting one's ignorance!
Some folks are proud rednecks.
And some folks are proud n*ggers.
Your point?
I haven't had this much fun since the Libtards claimed that grabbing Katleen Wiley's breast wasn't sexual assault.
I have to disagree with you
Ritmo--anyone who worked outside got a redneck; thus in my world redneck could be a nebraska farmer or a delta sharecropper--you have apparently used your own denotation in reference to education; for example, I might be tempted to call the late Senator Robert Byrd a redneck; but he did have some modicum of education. Obviously what is needed is the equivalent of the OED for slurs--then we would have a common reference.
The "N" word is applied to and considered a credibly offensive term when used against anyone who is black.
I have never heard anyone refer to a white Wall Street banker as a "redneck".
Having fun yet?
Man, are you really this desperate? Or is it just the ignorance...
Libtard: Or is it just the ignorance...
Oh the irony.
The "N" word does indeed apply to all blacks.
Oh I see, you're an equal opportunity racist. How long have you hated blacks, Ritmo?
Latino's too. You were about to explain how Wetback is okay because its not directed at all Latinos...
*passes popcorn around*
The words are always interesting--which, of course always perplexes me about our hostesses preoccupation with the N word.
I give you an example frequently used by one of our own commentariat: "progressive jew"
Slur or no? if so why and if not why
naughty naughty Ritmo! I caught your racist remark before your deletion.
Fen, you're becoming about as incoherent as you were when you compared repeal of DADT to allowing orphans to commit incest.
About as offensive, too. But then, offensiveness is just a tool to you. I get it.
I would suggest redneck has its connnotation in class rather than educatioon--someone who works in the sun rather than in a cubicle--but lacking a common reference, thats my opinion.
Acknowledging why something is considered offensive only makes you a racist in Fen's world. And that would be the same world that compares allowing gay troops to serve openly with allowing orphans to commit incest.
Obviously you feel like you were caught with your pants down for a reason, Fen.
always perplexes me about our hostesses
Oh, dear! The poor Professor's went and undergone cellular mitosis again!
words are always interesting
I'll say.
Shitmo has morphed in Conservatives for Better Dental Hygiene!
And he's back for another beating!
The last one wasn't nasty enough for you, Shitmo?
Libtard: Fen, you're becoming about as incoherent as you were when you compared repeal of DADT to allowing orphans to commit incest.
What? Please don't blame your poor reading comprehension on me.
And stop dodging. You were about to explain to us how Wetback is okay because the slur is not directed at all Latinos...
Pretending that the "N" word can't be applied to anyone who's black (as Fen just did) is Fen's way of saying that certain blacks should be called by that term whereas others should not.
Yes, by all means, Fen. Let that be your wise and considered opinion on ethnic slurs.
oops--Kent--mea culpa--its hard to type outside in the cold when I have to keep dogs and little children off my lawn :) and I use a net book which has small keys anyway.
I never said that "wetback" is ok to use.
Slow as ever, ShootingTightAss is back in action. And threatening the same terrorism he did last time.
I guess he's up for being cited some more.
Ritmo: actually hispanics, at least those of eastern washington use it all the time in its spanish translation: mojado
Has it every been established whether or not Reagan dyed his hair?
This isn't snark. I admire Reagan tremendously. I'm just wondering if the fact has been established.
If Thersites isn't an intellectually inert brat, I don't know who is. Bon appetit!
Roger, why are conservatives so slow to admit that different dynamics apply when it comes to how descriptions are used within a group as opposed to in-group/out-group uses?
Do you feel that the same language that is used within a family is acceptable to people outside that family to use when referring to them? Do you want some other guy referring to your wife in the same way you do?
What is so damn hard to get about this point?
The use of mojado among hispanics is rather like the use of "nigger" among negros--when used internally to the group its OK--when used by an outsider to the group not so much
with resect to hispanics we rednecks can simply cut thru the
BS and call them all beaners--see how easy?
(and for the irony impaired it was mnerely a rhetorical device)
Ritmo_Libtard: I never said that "wetback" is ok to use.
Yes you did. You said "Redneck" is okay because its not applied to all Whites.
So by your own standard, you're saying that "Wetback" is okay because its not applied to all Latinos.
If I have to keep walking you through this, I'm going to charge you for the lesson.
Ritmo--if you look at my next post i am agreeing with you--intergroup references are not the same as extragroup references--
My larger point--there are NO--ZERO NO
commonly accepted uses of these terms--COMMONLY ACCEPTED--that provide any usage guidelines. thus we wallow in the slough of namecalling and worse.
It looks like the only charge comes to yourself, Fen, for refusing to acknowledge that you are wrong and why.
The moment that whites become an oppressed minority, with less political power than the other groups, is the moment that your arguments will start to have any credibility. Until then, just keep crying "victim"! I understand. It's all you have - intellectually and morally speaking.
And he's back for another beating!
Evidently, his overriding concern, at one point, was to agitatedly stutter out, red-faced, that I'm (his neolgism) a "supernerd"... but: it's all been just a lot of hooting and yawping and hopping up and down beyond that point, I'm afraid. (Very possible he might just not have it all sorted out in his own mind yet, I suppose.)
@Roger J: I was just teasin' ya. ;)
Ritmo--if you look at my next post i am agreeing with you--intergroup references are not the same as extragroup references
And no ever said they were. Ritmo is just throwing up a smokescreen to distract from the fact that Liberals approve of ethnic slurs directed at white people.
Redneck=poor white trash. Now do the math.
Full disclosure: my wife considers me a redneck. She also thinks I'm conservative. You'd think she'd know me better.
And conservatives refuse to believe that whites have more political power than any other group.
All your smokescreens are organized around that delusion, Fen.
Ritmo: The moment that whites become an oppressed minority -
Oh I see. Racial slurs are okay if your target isn't an oppressed minority...
This is too easy.
I'm always amazed at the Huge Blind Spot liberals have when it comes to this topic.
And Ritmo--I simply cannot speak for "conservatives" I can speak only for myself--I express only my own views, although if you want some epistemological frame for my personal philosophy it is an amalgam of Burkean conservatism coupled with Millsian classical liberalism. With a heavy does Milton Friedman libertarianism.. Now that probably doesnt help too much, but it does tend to provide some intellectual anchor for me.
So I cannot speak to what conservatives think until I know what kind of conservatism they espouse.
Does kent not realize that we're done talking about him and that he has become irrelevant to the conversation?
Is his mother not around to clothe/bathe/feed him and direct him away from his supercool keyboard and computer device?
Racial slurs are okay
Apparently to you they are okay.
I don't think they are okay (even though you do). I just think that they have less power to harm or even to offend (if that standard mattered) when applied to some groups than they do to others.
Hmmm--I do think George Orwell would enjoy this thread--hopefully as much as I have had with it.
the use of words is an extraordinaly complex topic.
Does kent not [SNIP]
Ah. No answer to the query @ 10:58, then? All just the online equivalent of farting on your part, in the final analysis?
Fine, then. Just so you've 'fessed up to it. I'm good.
You are right. My apologies for believing that you could have any better access to the minds of - let alone be lumped in with - others who call themselves "conservative". You are much too independent-minded for that and you have my apologies if it seemed that I had forgotten that.
There are many others of whatever identifier who would be better off if they were to decide to go by your example.
and once again, please assume I can usually spell if not type--recall: I have the ingtegrity of my lawn to protect.
Ritmo: Apparently to you they are okay
No Libtard. You said that racial slurs are okay if your target isn't an oppressed minority. Try to keep up with your own bullshit.
...still waiting for you to work this one out:
1) Ritmo: "Redneck" isn't a slur because it's never directed at all Whites.
2)_Ergo: "Wetback isn't a slur because it's never directed at all Latinos.
Logically, how can #1 be true for you while #2 is not? Please don't hurt yourself in the process.
Ritmo--no need to apologize--as long as ideas can be debated we will be in good shape--it requires those of us involved in the debate to recognize what we ourselves believe and our value systems for assessing out beliefs.
Really that is not always an easy task--introspection is a tought proposition--especially when it is articulated on a blog.
Less harmful/less offensive does not = "okay" but Fen will pretend that it does because "okay" is about as sophlidstickated a concept as he can come up with - goofy little uneducated white guy that he is!
Harry Truman said "nigger" and did not mean it as an insult, but his was the last generation that could do that.
When Robert Byrd used the term on the occasion that is so much quoted, he spoke of "white niggers," and it was not meant as a term of endearment.
And "nigger" is not an acceptable term among respectable Black people for all the "gangsta-rap" talk on you hear on TV and whatever.
"Redneck" is an ethnicity now?
Absolutely. Cincinnati even has a law against discriminating against someone (like me) who is of Appalachian regional origin. It's no surprise that you know nothing of this. Obama demonstrated this when he made is "clining" commments and others. Bigotry is so hard to stamp out, especially amongst the self-rightious left.
Ritmo: blah blah [distraction] blah blah [racial ephithet] blah
...still waiting for you to work this one out:
1) Ritmo: "Redneck" isn't a slur because it's never directed at all Whites.
2)_Ergo: "Wetback isn't a slur because it's never directed at all Latinos.
Logically, how can #1 be true for you while #2 is not? Please don't hurt yourself in the process.
Ritmo: Less harmful/less offensive does not = "okay"
By George, he's starting to get it!
No worries Ritmo, you're on the path to recovery. We'll have your racism cured in no time now.
A most interesting thread IMO--I will leave the field to those who wish to carry on--there is a lawn to protect, dead irishmen to be toasted, and women to be boinked--so much to do, so little time.
to all: a great sunday morning.
I guess "N*gger" isn't a slur because its never directed at all blacks, just inner city blacks.
Two things:
1) No black person on this planet has ever been called anything with an asterisk in it.
2) "Nigger" is directed at all blacks, regardless of class, etc. Inner city blacks are the only ones who've come to some kind of terms with it.
And conservatives refuse to believe that whites have more political power than any other group.
This is an easy one. "Whites" aren't a monolithic political/social entity. You prove it with your own name-calling, which you helpfully point out is directed specifically against less educated, lower income whites.
Elite, urban whites have more political power than any other group. White truck drivers and waitresses, not so much. They just aren't "the right kind of white person".
Sorry Fen, I should have called you "undereducated" instead of "uneducated". Little differences like that can be meaningful, and less offensive.
The minute "rednecks" are threatened with immediate deportation will be the minute that ALL WHITES need to feel as offended by that term as Latinos do by the term "wetback" when it is used against them.
Don't let reality get in the way of your attempt at reasoning, Fen. Facts must be admitted into the process, you see.
No black person on this planet has ever been called anything with an asterisk in it.
I know, but I have to deal with the stupid censorship here or get deleted. We agree on the sillyness of this, but I have to comply with it or lose my post.
"Nigger" is directed at all blacks, regardless of class, etc.
Says you...
This is an easy one. "Whites" aren't a monolithic political/social entity.
No sh*t. (And no offense intended by that. I'm just glad that someone here gets it).
And by extension, America itself is not a monolithic political/social entity, even though the prevailing populist construction on the right is to pretend that it is. They wish to deny that different groups, such as Latino, black, etc., either don't exist or are somehow less socially or politically relevant than are the differences that exist between whites.
Ritmo: The minute "rednecks" are threatened with immediate deportation -
There you go again. Pretending a racist slur is okay if the target isn't oppressed/deported/etc.
Try this one, Libtard: Skin color is as relevant as hair color. And racial slurs are racial slurs regardless of the target's status.
Its not a difficult concept to wrap your mind around. Try it.
Two against one, Fen. One of them in a position to personally opine on the reality of the situation. And all you have left now is "says you"...
Fen's feigned outrage is becoming ever more feigned and outrageous.
But more to the point: Libtards (like those at FDL) who spend their days lecturing us about racism shouldn't be calling White people Rednecks.
Roger J,
"progressive jew"
Slur or no? if so why and if not why.
Yes and no, because it accurately describes a particular kind of jew - the NewAge kind that recycles, goes on retreats, and puts Israel before the United States where they live.
The Shabbat goy
Ritmo: One of them in a position to personally opine on the reality of the situation. And all you have left now is "says you"...
Yes Ritmo. Crack doesn't own the word. Non-blacks are allowed to say that "no, the n-word is not used to describe all blacks"
You really do have a long road ahead of you.
Non-blacks are allowed to say that "no, the n-word is not used to describe all blacks"
So then why do you, as a (presumably) white, well educated, non-blue collar commenter on the Althouse blog become offended when other whites (not yourself) are referred to as "redneck"? By your own admission, it can't apply to all whites.
Socrates is coming for you, Fen!
The entire elite vs working class split within white America is why Sarah Palin inspires such fear and loathing from the ruling class establishment. It terrifies them that this working class white woman doesn't know her place. Doesn't she know she should be working at a truck stop or a bass fishing shop instead of opining on national politics? The nerve!
"Nigger" is directed at all blacks, regardless of class, etc.
Says you...
Do you have evidence to the contrary? You know I'm no race-monger, I've got almost every black person I know, of a certain age of course,...
Sarah Palin inspires fear because she's too stupid to know that "lifting American spirits" is not so complicated a talking point that it requires a hand note.
Don't overcomplicated stupidity, Maguro. It will help your side in the long run. Even the pundits have turned against her and once the right wing goes against its own punditocracy it's goose is cooked. The right wing anger machine needs actual voices and a broadcasting establishment/elite - even if it decides the "good old boy/good hair" network of the political elite has become tired and shopworn. All they have done is replaced a bureaucracy with a talk-o-cracy.
Crack: Do you have evidence to the contrary?
For starters, there's no way anyone can prove if someone using n*gger as a racial slur intends it soley for the target of his racism or for all blacks in general.
But yes. I rountinely hear blacks telling other blacks to "stop behaving like n*ggers". They clearly are using the term as a slur (not term of endearment) and they obviously don't consider themselves to be n*ggers.
Yes, I know, personal anecdotes are worthless. So here is Chris Rock doing the same thing:
/via wiki
Chris Rock: Because we hate black people too! Everything white people don't like about black people, black people really don't like about black people, and there's two sides, there's black people and theres niggas. The niggas have got to go.You can't have shit when you around niggas, you can't have shit. You can't have no big screen TV! You can have it, but you better move it in at 3 in the morning. Paint it white, hope niggas think it's a bassinet. Can't have shit in your house! Why?! Because niggas will break into your house. Niggas that live next door to you break into your house, come over the next day and go, "I heard you got robbed." Nigga, you know you robbed me. You didn't see shit 'cause you was doing shit! You can't go see a movie, you know why? 'Cause niggas is shooting at the screen, "This movie's so good I gotta bust a cap in here!" You know the worst thing about niggas? Niggas always want credit for some shit they supposed to do. A nigga will brag about some shit a normal man just does. A nigga will say some shit like, "I take care of my kids." You're supposed to, you dumb motherfucker! What kind of ignorant shit is that? "I ain't never been to jail!" What do you want, a cookie?! You're not supposed to go to jail, you low-expectation-having motherfucker!
Regardles, I think you agree that all racial slurs should be treated equally. They're wrong, regardless of who the target is.
Ritmo here is arguing the reverse - that ethnic slurs like "redneck" are permissible because of x. He doesn't get that its irrelevant what x is, its still wrong to stereotype according to race.
Incredible! Fen loses the thread:
...there's no way anyone can prove if someone using n*gger as a racial slur intends it soley for the target of his racism or for all blacks in general.
Someone can be a racist without having a problem with all members of that "race" in general?
So says Fen!
Before sunburned farmers were called rednecks, Scots-Irish rebels against the British crown were called that. So originally it was an ethnicity.
/edit, misattrib to Crack when it was actually Ritmo
Ritmo: So then why do you, as a (presumably) white, well educated, non-blue collar commenter on the Althouse blog become offended when other whites (not yourself) are referred to as "redneck"? By your own admission, it can't apply to all whites.
Its the hypocrisy. And I find it ironic when race-conscious liberals ignorantly use bigoted stereotypes to paint rural whites as ignorant bigots.
Socrates is coming for you, Fen!
Heh. Hardly. He's too busy unpacking all the assumptions you made about my race and class.
We British Royalists will make sure to guard our tongues then, Ken.
Seriously, clarifications are always good.
Ritmo: Incredible! Fen loses the thread
On the internets, a self-assertion of victory is the last cry of a Loser.
Fen: there's no way anyone can prove if someone using n*gger as a racial slur intends it soley for the target of his racism or for all blacks in general.
Ritmo: Someone can be a racist without having a problem with all members of that "race" in general?
No dumbass. Someone can use the n-word without intending it to apply to all blacks in general.
By your logic, Chris Rock (upthread quote) is a racist who has a problem with all blacks.
Libtardism: Yes, they really are this stupid.
Fen uses the phrase "target of his racism" to describe the attitudes of someone whom he claims is not racist.
Orwell? Paging Mr George Orwell!
Let's keep this one going a little longer...
Fen, for anyone still following the desperado's quixotic quest, is trying to say that you can't use someone's "racism" as a reason to label him a racist.
He also can't tell the difference between me and Crack so there you have it.
Fen uses the phrase "target of his racism" to describe the attitudes of someone whom he claims is not racist.
Yes, thats what I get for trying to simplify it into something you could comprehend.
Will you at least admit that you shouldn't be using ethnic slurs to refer to rural whites while lecturing us about racism?
Will you at least admit that you shouldn't..
I already did but I think that whole fingers in your ears thing must have gotten in the way.
Sure, thats why you've been defending the use of the slur for the last 2 hours...
Saying that one thing is less harmful than another thing is not a defense of the former.
I could say that a knife is less harmful than a bazooka. Does acknowledging that simple fact imply that I believe attacking someone with a knife is defensible?
What is wrong with you? Why is all this not obvious?
Ritmo: Saying that one thing is less harmful than another thing is not a defense of the former. Why is all this not obvious?
Its obvious. Unfortunately, thats not what you said.
You started by claiming that "Redneck" was neither an ethnic nor racial slur.
Then you retreated into faulty logic, claiming that racial slurs directed at whites were permissible because whites aren't an oppressed minority.
Then you claimed its not a racial slur if its only directed a portion of that race. When I pointed out that, under your logic, "wetbacks" couldn't be labelled an ethnic slur because it didn't apply to all Latinos.. you responded with some nonsense that its different because white don't face deportation.
And now you're pretending you never said any of these things...
Ya, I think we're done here.
Redneck was originally an ethnic, religious and class slur. And a dessert topping.
Surprised Trad guy didn't point that out.
You started by claiming that "Redneck" was neither an ethnic nor racial slur.
Originally, it wasn't. That's why I doubt it is now. Ken from S.C. backs me up on this. Are you from an area of the country where people would consider the "redneck" to be a term of personal offense? If so, learn the history. Unlike the "N" word, or "wetback" it was not used by one current group to antagonize and use to accompany political clout to the detriment of the rights of another. I daresay that British royalists and Scots-Irish are not two different races in America today poised for political battle against each other, but perhaps through your extraordinarily cloudy vision, you see it differently.
None of this means it's right or proper to use, but no amount of explanation will convince you to get off your high horse of false outrage. It's all you've got.
It was an ethnic slur but not a racial slur.
When it comes to unreason, Fen is never done.
He fears that British royalists are not being sufficiently respectful to those of Scots-Irish descent.
Not an unreasonable fear, I suppose, for someone with Jared Loughner's level of paranoia and misunderstanding of history and context.
I look forward to Fen's online videos someday.
You love the bottom of the comments, Ritmo.
After about 100 comments, it's all personal insults and spitting.
You love it. In fact, you love being on the receiving end of the insults and spittle.
You're pretty fucked up, chump.
Ritmo is a loser.
After about 100 comments, it's all personal insults and spitting.
You love it. In fact, you love being on the receiving end of the insults and spittle.
You're pretty fucked up, chump.
As observed, previously: "All just the online equivalent of farting on your part, in the final analysis."
This thread = Exhibits "A" through infinity.
Go tend to your shrine, ShootingTightAss. And let me know when the next mail-order bride arrives.
Alex doesn't know what side he's playing for.
And Green Lantern-wanna be has no argument at all.
It's the trifecta of Althousian idiocy!
RitmoLibtard: When it comes to unreason, Fen is never done. He fears that British royalists are not being sufficiently respectful to those of Scots-Irish descent.
Yes, thats its Libtard, keep mocking racist attacks against whites. You're nothing more than another racist scumbag.
Thats your right. But don't ever come in here again to lecture us about tolerance and racism.
I know. I'm so intolerant of whites! How do I go about my daily life with all these white people around me, against whom I harbor such intolerance, hatred and animosity!
Fen's about as coherent as a Jackson Pollack painting.
Ritmo - I'll assume that you behaver yourself with the white people you work with, then you go online to express your racism and hate. Why not have the courage to tell whitey what you really feel in person?
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