2. "... Rand Paul projected by CNN to win his Senate race in Kentucky and another conservative, Dan Coats, projected to win the Senate race in Indiana."
3. "I'm more comfortable with Fox," say I, after watching CNN for a while and then switching.
4. Oh, CNN is better. Better graphics. Lots of people saying things. Annoying much of the time, but more detail. Mary Matalin enthusing about Portman winning in Ohio, a state Obama won.
5. DeMint already making his victory speech. Kitty Dukakis in trouble for seeming like "a walking billboard."
6. CNN says Coons wins. We won't have Christine O'Donnell to kick around anymore.
7. Rubio! David Gergen enthuses about "a Republican Latino with star power."
8. "Wow, the first time one of the fictional Althouse characters actually had a complete story arc! Bravo!" (Scroll up.)
9. It's so sad for the Democrats. They gave us so many things. Gifts. Expensive gifts. That we didn't want. That they bought with our money.
10. Tim Kaine blabs on and on, making a happy face. Eventually, Wolf Blitzer cuts hims off with "It's going to be a long night for you.
11. CNN's music for tonight is the same (or just close) to what was used in the HBO John Adams series. It's about the Framers, no? As the Tea Party clinches it.
12. Drudge says: "REPUBLICANS WIN SENATE SEATS: AL, FL, GA, IN, OH, KY, MO, NH, SC... DEMS WIN: CT, DE, MD... TOO CLOSE TO CALL: PA, IL..." Hey, what happened to California? Earlier he was calling it for Boxer.
13. Manchin. "Huge win" for the Democrats, says Wolf Blitzer, about the hot West Virginia race.
14. The GOP takes the House. It's outside of the margin of error, says NBC. Pelosi is gone. Ding dong. [UPDATE: Now MSNBC is calling that "a mistake." MSNBC is awful.]
15. NBC says Wisconsin is "too close to call," as the polls close.
16. Rand Paul victory speech: "I have a message! A message from the people of Kentucky! A message that is loud and clear and does not mince words! We've come to take our government back!"
17. MSNBC is hilarious. They're near meltdown. Rand Paul will destroy America. The Republicans "salivate at the thought" of worldwide economic collapse.
18. O'Donnell conceding. Very cheerful. Chirpy. I listened to Marco Rubio's victory speech a few minutes ago, which was, by contrast, very mellow.
19. Scott Walker has, it seems, won the Governorship here in Wisconsin. That's supposed to mean — that must mean — no to the high-speed train boondoggle. Also in Wisconsin, Russ Feingold is way behind.
20. Feingold has lost, quite decisively. I'm sorry to see him go. He's a good man. But I should admit that I voted against him. I had to vote for the Party of No.
21. Geraldine Ferraro and Sarah Palin appear side-by-side on Fox News, analyzing the elections, denouncing sexism, and then ending on this adorable, ultra-girlie note:
22. Screen shot:

23. I just thought that was amusing, the way YouTube inserted my face into the Fox News. By the way, did you notice, at the end of the clip, when Geraldine said she wanted to go on "Dancing with the Stars," Sarah said "I'll hook you up"?
24. John Boehner tears up talking about American values, which he's chased all his life. Then, talking about his business, he sobs. Keep it together, Boehnsy!
25. That got a little... weird. I hope Boehnsy is ready to lead. Anyway, here in Dane County, Feingold's campaign manager George Aldrich is not giving up: "Russ is down by 80,000 votes, but...up to 1.4 million votes haven’t been counted." None of the Madison votes were in when he said that: "We are confident that this race is going to tighten, it is going to tighten quickly, and we may be in for a long night here."
25. Over at Drudge, it's the 3 Rs:

Rubio, Rand, and Ron.
26. Charles Krauthammer on Fox News: "The Obama agenda is dead." The Democrats have retained the Senate, apparently, but, looking forward to 2012, they will, self-defensively, distance themselves from Obama — says the Kraut.
27. Feingold has conceded. NYT:
Quoting Bob Dylan, he said, "My heart is not weary, it's light and free, and I've got nothing but affection for those who have sailed with me."The Times misses that "Forward" is the state motto. And maybe that "fist in the air" was posing as the Wisconsin "Forward" statue.
It is not clear what he will do next, but Mr. Feingold, 57, told the crowd: "It's on to the next fight, it's on to the next battle, it's on to 2012 and it is on to our next adventure, forward." He raised his fist in the air and left the stage.
28. Karl Rove exclaims that he's "exhausted." I was just saying he looked tired.
29. Speaking of tired, it's interesting that Harry Reid will be sticking around. There's something so dreary about him. Does his victory cheer Democrats? Or would they have had more fun kicking Sharron Angle around?
30. I'm tired too. See you in the morning.
६३२ टिप्पण्या:
«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने 632 पैकी 201 – 400 नवीन› नवीनतम»Tammy Baldwin (D) barely hanging on here in Madison.
hoping not everyone voted for straight line party.
Gotcha! I voted for a couple of Libertarians for state offices.
Samwise: Mr. Frodo, I think someone is following us.
Frodo: I think you're right Sam. I can smell it from here.
Samwise: What are we going to do Mr. Frodo?
Frodo: Oh never mind. Its only Ritmo. It's bad enough we have to go to Mordor and now we have him tagging along. Its times like these is when I miss Gollum.
I can hear Ritmo and garage crying all the way here in rural Ohio.
@Ritmo, with Kirk, Toomey, and Buck all losing in the early going (though it's very early in Colorado), and MacMahan and Raese already lost, the Senate did not hinge on O'Donnell.
But you lefties keep dwelling on O'Donnell. I take it you just hate good-looking Republican women?
(Note to Althouse -- keep your party affiliation Democratic, lest you incur the hatred that our resident trolls have for good-looking Republican women.)
I just checked back on Maryland, and I see that with 39% of the precincts reporting that MD-5 has jumped to 65% Hoyer over 34% Lollar. As I said before, the Mason-Dixon line is the northern boundary of Maryland.
Ritmo:So you're saying Delaware wasn't a competitive state?
No Ritmo, this is more fun.
Your thesaurus won't prop you up on this one.
But I think you'll figure it out eventually. My pick in the Althouse Office Pool is "6 Months"
I see a future for Christine O'Donnell on Fox News as some sort of commentator or morning-show person. She's got something, I find her adorable (polite for sexy).
There goes Big Mike, voting with his little penis. Fortunately, not everyone votes with their penis.
Thanks for letting us keep Pennsylvania, too. We sure appreciate it.
Let's be clear, win or lose, Johnson really never "leads" Feingold in anything. Apart from inherited money from loaded spouses.
I don't follow the Senate too closely, but Russ Feingold long seemed like a man of high integrity and also not a lock-step partisan. Why should people be so happy about his defeat? Didn't this blog used to like him...until this blog became a tool of the Tea Party and began spinning for idiots like Christine O'Donnell?
Any idiot with the slightest understanding of elections knows that this was a referendum of the Democrats' handling of The Great Republican Recession.
Is there a point where you left-wing lunatic types grasp the simple concept that you were hired to fix the recession and all you did was make it worse?
Can that penetrate the silly little thing you jokingly call a brain?
Michelle Bachmman talking about out of control spending wearing out of control mascara and makeup. Going with the spokes-model thing it appears.
"Any idiot with the slightest understanding of elections knows that this was a referendum of the Democrats' handling of The Great Republican Recession."
"There are no American troops in Bagdahd!"
"There is no terrorist threat!"
"Dewey Defeats Truman!"
A Collection of Dumbass Statements and Quotes Throughout the Years, 2010
Fox calls the WI gubernatorial race for Scott Walker!
Knob Creek bourbon here in celebration.
Ritmo: Any idiot with the slightest understanding of elections [snip]
This is going to be a fun night!
Hey Ritmo Look! Over there! Its Sarah Palin!
Is there a point where you left-wing lunatic types grasp the simple concept that you were hired to fix the recession and all you did was make it worse?
They did the make the recession better, not worse.
Fox called Gov race for Walker.
Senate is still looking good for the Democrats, even if Reid loses, so I'm not sure that this is a bloodbath of epic proportions.
Is there a point where you left-wing lunatic types grasp the simple concept that you were hired to fix the recession and all you did was make it worse?
Can that penetrate the silly little thing you jokingly call a brain?
What's the time-frame for fixing a decades-long bubble in the making, Big Mike?
Here's to the sound-bite fixes you'll get to try out. Seriously, let's see what you can do to blast-off out of the "crater" (McCain borrowing) of The Great Republican Recession.
As a little source of joy, I was expecting Megen Kelly to be more hot. But, something was off, maybe the clothes, although there was a nice neckline. I dunno.
When it rains it pours.
Who among us except Meadowlark has asserted that Delaware was a competitive state?
How can a person named Megen Kelly not be hot?
The big question is whether or not Barack "The pictures got small!!!" Obama is going to have a total meltdown and start talking about his civilian Army again.
Short of that, the next year or so should be enjoyable as we watch the Dems destroy each other internally in hopes of salvaging their 2012 chances.
I saw Michele Bachmann on MSNBC. Gotta say, Chris Matthew was being a complete idiot (surprise) and a little partisan -- insisting on asking only about investigations. Bachmann didn't do any of the insane thing she usually does. She sounded like she was in the majority, agenda and all.
What's the time-frame for fixing a decades-long bubble in the making
Looks like about two years, Chief.
Rhode Island's interesting. With 71% of the precincts reporting he real Republican is ahead of the RINO, but only barely. Chafee may wind up wishing Obama had endorsed the Democrat after all.
So you're saying Delaware wasn't a competitive state?
I'd have to harsh my mellow by going and finding the pre-primary analysis, but yes, I believe that pre-O'Donnell Delaware was considered a safe Democratic Senate seat.
I mean, dude, Delaware; doesn't get much more blue.
Post-O'Donnell, of course, the storyline had to be how the Tea Party blew it by picking such a loon. This is how the Noonans of the world keep friendships with the media gatekeepers who actually write their checks.
No hard feelings, no remorse.
Fen's just so full of the chuckles of joy brought to him by disregarding timing.
Obama knew upon winning in '08 that two years were not going to be long enough to reverse the horrifying, long-term structural damage wrought on our economy by Republican machinations, regulatory capture and political distraction.
But I'm sure Bob Beckel already let the little guy in on that one. He keeps him honest, you know.
@Ritmo, what 7 said.
"Also in Wisconsin, Russ Feingold is way behind."
Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa beans.
And Nice Chianti!
Boehner: Nancy, I know this is hard for you but we won, you lost. Can you give me the gavel now?
Boehner: Sigh....Nancy take off the robe and the flowing beard. Halloween is over and we need to get to work.
McConnell: Maybe we should humor her. We can call Dubya and he can play the Balroc, you know, maybe bring her out of this.
Boehner: Nah, get Cheney, he doesn't even need the costume.
My thought on Obama: Clinton had his out as "end welfare as we know it," and the good sense to move to the right and say that "the era of big government is over."
I'd be shocked -- shocked -- if Obama has such sense or ability to move with the electoral tide. How do you move with the tide when you proclaim yourself to be so much more than the tide?
White males voted for Sandoval while latinos voted for Reid. Who are the racists now?
@Mark, IMAO Mike Castle would have won Delaware. But he blew the primary.
Note, he blew the primary. He could have tried instead to have a meeting of the minds with tea-partiers but he decided to go negative, in violation of Reagan's 11th commandment.
I'm not sorry he lost. We'll try again in 2016.
"Looks like about two years, Chief."
That was one of your better lines, Macho.
1jpb said...Megyn.
I think you'll like this
Fox News Reporters Have More Fun
Seven, Delaware is competitive if a guy like Castle is running on the GOP ticket.
Seven Machos,
President Obama is the tide. He's the sun, the moon. He's... He's the Lightbringer!
Hey, what's this running up -- I mean down my leg? It tingles...
I mean, dude, Delaware; doesn't get much more blue.
Neither does New Jersey and I never hear enough of the Rs (carpetbaggers, of course) going on about how wonderful they think Chris Christie is.
DE was an open seat, perhaps it never could have been competitive, but that sure goes against the Tea Party narrative to say so. But it's not like I was the one to bring up O'Donnell on this blog, when the posts about her were uploaded by Althouse. If you guys always thought the state never stood a chance, I don't understand why she was written about as extensively, and then written off, here.
Whatever. No big deal.
wv: equate
They did the make the recession better, not worse.
No friggin kidding. Global capitalism seemed on the verge of collapse, and the Republicans were bitching about unemployment benefits. They stabilized the economy, unquestionable (gdp growth, banking sector growth) but people are still in a really rough way and it's not clear that they did much better than stall the fall.
Rand Paul winning is a victory for head stompers.
They did the make the recession better, not worse.
Kirk: Bones?
McCoy: He's dead Jim!
Kirk: Dead? But he has a pulse.
McCoy: I meant brain dead.
Kirk: What is it with those red shirts anyway?
Hey Ritmo - name me one Republican who isn't insane/stupid.
Global capitalism seemed on the verge of collapse
Okay, Karl.
Quick comment regarding the OK Sharia law: A lot of establishment democrats AND republicans wanted to see it fail.
Reason? Because it bans the use of sharia and any other foreign or international law from being used in the court system. Why does that matter? Apparently because now international companies will be concerned that any contracts they have signed under international law with parties in OK need not be upheld in Oklahoma law. And this might limit international investment in Oklahoma.
Now, this seems fairly reasonable to me - and could have been avoided with an exception for business contracts.
Do any of you know a little more about this? I confess, my knowledge about the implications of this, as well as of OK politics is limited.
@ live blog post 19.
At least there are some thinking people in Wisconsin. Philadelphia is single handedly giving PA to Sestak. From 1 corrupt senator to another. Depressing as hell here.
Okay, Karl.
The difference is Karl would have been happy about it.
DE was an open seat, perhaps it never could have been competitive
Jesus, dude. You again demonstrate that you have no idea what you are talking about. Castle would have won in a walk, and it's why Coons and not Biden, Jr. ran for the seat. Castle is a liberal Republican, which is the kind who can win in Delaware, like a conservative Democrat in Alabama.
Everyone knows all this. Everyone except you, who is too busy spouting and looking like an ass clown to take any time to learn the basic political facts on the ground.
Go masturbate, son. Put one of your hands to good use.
Uh Oh...the WI Senate race is tightening...Johnson is only leading by 13 points now :)
Looks like about two years, Chief.
If you admit that these elections weren't about anything other than the economic state at the moment, I don't get why the other Althousians are proclaiming this to be some kind of huge, durable, sustainable ideological victory.
Shouldn't you pick one conclusion or the other? Or does it just come down to which reasoning is more self-serving at the moment?
Just wondering.
"How do you move with the tide when you proclaim yourself to be so much more than the tide?"
Barack Obama is in a riptide, and frankly, there will be nobody there to throw him a rope.
Because he's drowned all his friends keeping his own head above water. Everybody who steps out in front of the bus for Barack Obama is run over by that bus.
And he's driving it.
Barack Obama is the quintessential Chicago pol. He cares about Barack Obama first and Barack Obama last and only Barack Obama.
He'll have 7-figure book deals from here on out, every two years, like clockwork. That's all that matters.
Anyone who lashed their political future to him drowned tonight. And anyone who does in the future deserves their fate.
Any Republicans ... ANY REPUBLICANS ... who seek to reach across the aisle to work with Democrats until 2012 will meet the same fate.
Tonight, we are sending you a message: "Undo what he has done."
Or we will undo you.
Michelle Bachmman talking about out of control spending wearing out of control mascara and makeup.
Hahaha! The best you can do is make comments that high school students would consider childish. ROFL.
Ankur -- Let people in Oklahoma govern themselves and don't worry your pretty little head about it unless you live in Oklahoma.
In between shots of Chris Matthews asking Michelle Bachman whether she is "in a trance," MSNBC keeps running that doggone Nissan/Polar Bear ad!!
New Ham
You going to celebrate by licking some some snatch tonight? Oh that's right, you're commenting on a blog that for the most part, hates your comments. But the passion just isn't there tonight, to me. The only time I seen you really jazzed, really titillated, was when the thread was about Janet Napolitano, and you jumped right into her pussy*. Pardon the pun. C'mon, we can derail the thread, everyone else does. You feeling lonely again?
*Once again it's up to me to chase New Ham. And I'm tired of bearing the load.
Luke: Ben? Are you ok?
Obi Wan: I just felt a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.
Leia: Oh no! Has the Death Star destroyed another planet?
Obi Wan: No, must worse, the Republicans have taken over the House of Representatives.
@Meade - Doesn't Tammy Baldwin usually bounce in for a big finish?
Put one of your hands to good use.
I think using it to slap that tight mask off your head would be a good use, since your gibberish regarding what is or is not a competitive seat is lunacy.
Newsflash: A seat occupied by a liberal Republican still gives votes to your team. Rove knew this. But apparently you don't.
You are violating even your own strange standards for coherence tonight, Machos.
Looks like my darling Michelle Bachmann will be re-elected despite all the garbage the thug Dems threw at her, so I can go to bed happy. Night all.
@Mike, don't make me go all Google on you.
The point is at the time of the primary I recall that Delaware was not considered in play. The Tea Party activists did what they do, backing the anti-establishment, anti-big government candidate.
The establishment did what it did to the Tea Party activists at that time and went negative.
Castle is frickin' 70 years old. This was his going-away present. (All of you suddenly-sympathetic-to-the-aged who want to bring up Reagan, well, Senators take time to get up to speed; that's just how the institution works. Presidents are expected to be AT SPEED when they take office.)
In the environment of Nov 2 2010, maybe Castle would have won. But I'd rather have a bad enemy (sorry, Obama had a Kinsley gaffe on that one) than a bad friend. So no hard feelings, no remorse.
NBC just called Wisconsin for Johnson. Not a big surprise.
Do we have to hear about Tammy Baldwin bouncing again? I haven't recovered from the last time.
wv: latesst. At the latesst count, the Republicans have gained 26 seats in the House.
Sestak will probably lose, but so far it looks like he may pull it out.
That's not the point.
Even if Sestak won, Rs would probably be somewhat happier that Specter is toast.
Everybody is against Specter. Kumbaya.
[This is my version of bipartisanship.]
Mark said...
So you're saying Delaware wasn't a competitive state?
I'd have to harsh my mellow by going and finding the pre-primary analysis, but yes, I believe that pre-O'Donnell Delaware was considered a safe Democratic Senate seat.
I mean, dude, Delaware; doesn't get much more blue.
Post-O'Donnell, of course, the storyline had to be how the Tea Party blew it by picking such a loon. This is how the Noonans of the world keep friendships with the media gatekeepers who actually write their checks
1. Delaware was not a safe Democrat State. Former Governor and Congressman Mike Castle led the Democrat by 10 points before he was ousted by Tea Party loons for the unqualified but "cute 'n perky" Christine.
2. The Delaware Dolts could have learned from the bluer than blue Mass Tea Party, that put the Apostate Traitor RINO Scott Brown in Office. But they thought bringing in Perky Virgin Crazy Girl away from her bill collectors would "send a message!" - apparantly by sending Coons to the Senate.
3. The Delaware Dolts did blow it.
Even if Noonan and Karl Rove had boosted the Ditz like Matthews and Dowd kissed the sainted Obama's hemline last election - there was no amount of lipstick they could coat the O'Donnell pig with that would change voter's read on her chippy blather and disturbing biography.
Well Meade I bite my lip over Feingold's loss but I predict folks will be bitterly disappointed over Ron Johnson, and we will hear from Feingold again. And I smile that a decent man like Sestak may pull of a victory in PA.
If you admit that these elections weren't about anything other than the economic state at the moment, I don't get why the other Althousians are proclaiming this to be some kind of huge, durable, sustainable ideological victory.
You mean like Obama's historical, transformative 2008 Presidential election win?
Kirk: Bones come to the bridge immediately.
McCoy: What is it Jim?
Kirk: Ensign Ritmo. We never even left for the transporter room and he just collapsed on the ground gibbering incontrollably.
Chekov: Oh Captain, don't worry, he does that all the time. It should pass in a few minutes. If not just show him this picture of Barney Frank and he'll be right as rain.
Feingold, perhaps the greatest enemy the First Amendment has ever known, has been vanquished?
Thank God!!!!
That's my first big trophy of the night!
Thank you, you wascally Badgers!!
Hey Ritmo - name me one Republican who isn't insane/stupid.
Newsflash: A seat occupied by a liberal Republican still gives votes to your team. Rove knew this. But apparently you don't.
Newsflash: When Ritmo runs to the shelter of Karl Rove, it's been a good night for fans of small government.
Hey Ritmo - name me one Republican who isn't insane/stupid.
You mean like Obama's historical, transformative 2008 Presidential election win?
Is there some sort of Sci-Fi dialogue that can impart upon Hoosier Daddy the simple lesson that not everyone votes in the same election for the same reason?
NBC and Fox call it for Ron Johnson. let the piss swimming commence!
I see that Toomey and Kirk are coming back. I think Buck is a goner in Colorado.
I have an early morning tomorrow so I'm going to call it a night.
Here's hoping...
Curly: you are ridiculously dense. When Castle lost, the seat became uncompetitive.
Ritmo: What's the time-frame for fixing a decades-long bubble in the making?
Seven: Looks like about two years, Chief.
Congrats on the takeover of the house oh ye regular
commenters, know you are stoked about that.
Foolsgold. Gone.
What shelter, Mark? Rove was wrong that a less goofy Republican, liberal or not, could have kept the seat? What makes you think that I think Karl Rove is always wrong?
" Congrats on the takeover of the house oh ye regular
commenters, know you are stoked about that."
Eh, remains to be seen what they do. With politicians I'm never optimistic.
Seven Nachos, thank you for your condescension as well as for helping add some more valuable information to this thread! I always learn from you.
Speaking of timeframes, what's the timeframe for winning a war?
Hey Ritmo - name me one Republican who isn't insane/stupid.
This is the arrival at Finland Station.
The revolution has not started in earnest.
Stay tuned.
When Castle lost, the seat became uncompetitive.
Precisely. And I thank your Tea Partiers for making that happen.
I also thank Castle for being too spineless to run as independent, as successful pols such as Lieberman have done. Even Specter stuck around a bit longer by getting switchy with it.
But because you are but a simple partisan hack you don't understand such things, Machos.
The New York Times has live maps:
House of Representatives
Thank you Wisconsin :)
@Cedarford, go read what I wrote upthread.
The single, lone, "Delaware Dolt" who blew it was Mike Castle himself. He had to make the case with Republican primary voters that they were better off with him, and he never bothered to try.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
"Fortunately, not everyone votes with their penis."
Yeah, there are all those women voting with their pussies, right Ritmo?
Oh to Russ Feingold - so long fucker.
Haley Barbour is talking about how the House win is a complete repudiation of Obama.
Um, unless the GOP takes the Senate, it's a half repudiation of Obama.
Nikki Hayley - another Palinite winning.
peter - don't you love our system? It's genius. The founders made sure that you needed 2 election cycles to get complete control, thus ensuring that the American people REALLY know what they're doing.
Ankur -- I'm sorry that you feel that the basic badrock principles of federalism and self-government and actual democracy are snobby concepts. Nevertheless, if something doesn't affect you, then it's pretty stupid to worry about what people who are actually affected are doing about it.
I bet you got enough problems than worrying about the politics of the good people of Ada and Muskogee.
So gaining at least 5 Senate seats is not notable?
Ritmo: What's the time-frame for fixing a decades-long bubble in the making?
Seven: Looks like about two years, Chief.
I'm glad to know that the Republicans are no longer in this thing for the long-run.
"Thank you Wisconsin :)"
Yes, Thank You Wisconsin for firing Benedict Feingold.
You have strengthened your country today by firing Feingold and removing his sorry ass from the proud institution that is the United States Senate.
Let all Senators look upon his ruinous fate. If you seek, as a Senator, to restrict the God-given rights that we as Americans enjoy, then all your power will be stripped from you.
Everything you cherish will be taken from you.
You've been warned.
Slightly off-topic: Whatever happened to Baghdad Garage Mahal?
Peter -- Looks like about four years, based on 2006.
I would add that we still have multiple military bases in Japan, Germany, and Korea, among many other places.
Thanks for being here, by the way.
Did you hear how Olbermann stuttered when he realized that both Gianoulis and Sestak were now trailing?
Surgeon Dan Benishek takes Stupak's seat in Michigan.
Is there some sort of Sci-Fi dialogue that can impart upon Hoosier Daddy the simple lesson that not everyone votes in the same election for the same reason?
No I'm going to give it to you straight up. Obambi won because of the financial meltdown.
It's the economy stupid. Always is the economy, always will be the economy. Had it not been for that Obama would still be voting Present and fetching coffee for Bill Clinton.
Han: Ok strap in while we make the jump to light speed.
Leia: How can you understand what that walking carpet says?
Han: Its easy. The last co-pilot I had, Ritmo something or other, now that was some incomprehensible language.
Leia: What happened to him?
Han: I couldn't take it much longer so I said I had to go to the john and left him in some bar in Mos Eisley. I think he's playing in the band there.
Ritmo: I'm glad to know that the Republicans are no longer in this thing for the long-run
Wow. I'm almost tempted to throw him a clue.
But this is more fun.
Please Ritmo, I hope you stick around tonight with your hysterical attempts to figure it out.
Ritzy, Seven is right -- the RINO in Delaware was a shoe-in until he got primaried. He polled something like 10% over Coons, and Coons polled something like 10% over O'Donnell.
And it's still better that O'Donnell lost by 15% tonight (10% voters differential plus 5% Democrat margin-of-cheat). RINOs don't help the Republicans, unless they would give us the majority so that we can control committees. And we weren't going to sweep 10 races and win control, that was absurd, and has been disproven in WV, one of the more realistic pickups out there.
RINOs only serve to give Democrats bullshit bipartisan cover for their socialist agenda. But you know that.
Who knows maybe Ritmo will eventually grow up and buy a clue as to what's really going on. But he's a typical 20-something Obama worshiper. Cut him some slack.
Nevada Election Results Delayed By Power Outage...
Let the conspiracy theories begin...
I'm very pessimistic about prop 19 in California. I don't smoke but I really want to put a dent in the law enforcement/prison/Mexican drug gang industry.
Here's a race people should be watching -- it's not a sexy race, but it will decide Obama's fate in 2012:
Ohio governor -- Kasich is just about tied with the idiot Ted Strickland with about 80% of the vote in.
Obama needs Ohio. Last time, he won it by 200,000 fraudulent votes. A Republican governor will cut into that margin-of-cheat.
I don't mind RINOs for the same reason I like conservative Democrats. They amount to the same thing: center right.
MSNBC finally admits at 10:55 EST a race I called at 6:34pm EST: Benedict Feingold stripped of all power and fired as a US Senator.
Alex, a really big wave would have put the Democrats in charge of the Senate.
Feingold losing is proof that there was opportunity to get rid of other incumbent Dems.
"Obama needs Ohio."
Obama will never make it to Ohio.
Why tonight is different is that this overwhelming change is not just the word change and some fluffy talk. These are new people arriving on the scene overnight out of the population. It was never astroturfed or sponsored by a party machine. It's having huge effect. A band new party and movement is smacking down the oldest party, and the second oldest is kissing it's ass. This is not hope of change, it's change.
Will the DC sand trap swallow them? They will not be forgiven if it does, and neither will the sand.
Actually I'm going to go watch the rest of Downfall...I mean the election results. At this point the only person whose actually spinning this as some kind of win for the Democrats is Ritmo.
This is why I don't watch American Idol. Yes I know that people who have no talent get on the show and yes I know that insufferable prick Simon will berate them, tell them they suck, should stick with asking Paper or Plastic as a carrer but it's still not nice and I don't like seeing you guys do that to Ritmo.
Ok I do but I'm missing watching the results. Carry on folks.
Unfortunately, there's no chance that the other sponsor of McCain-Feingold will be forced into retirement.
Palin: I look out here and see a whole army of my countrymen, standing here in defiance of tyranny! I say, they may take our health care but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!
Rove: Fine speech. Now what are you going to do?
Palin: Gonna pick a fight :-)
Toomey is ahead slightly. Love to see that one flip.
Too bad about O'D, but, like Miss Sarah, I have a feeling she will have her revenge.
Right now, Rs have gained 4 Senate seats and 8 state houses.
Anybody know how many black and Hispanic Republicans have won? About 14 blacks and 17 Hispanics running as Republicans and it would be interesting to see how many make the grade.
murgatroyd666 said... The New York Times has live maps:
House of Representatives
Those are some really useful tracking. Hat tip to whoever put them together.
Too bad I don't trust the NYTs as an information broker. I wish I could use those tonight, but I'll pass.
If economics doesn't just give the edge, but provides the only reason for how 100% of the electorate will cast their vote, then you're saying that Republicans had an incentive to not work with Obama to improve it these last two years, Hoosier?
Wow. Ron Johnson beat Russ Feingold. Wow. And Johnson never thought about running until he spoke at a Tea Party event five months ago.
Johnson is the real deal. Very good man. Very generous, fantastic reputation in the city where he lives and works. He'll be an extraordinary senator.
I'm shocked. WI will be a red state for the first time in 60+ years. Wow. And most of our House of Representative races are going red. And the Governor. Wow.
And how about this - House Budget Committee Chairman Rep Paul Ryan (R-WI).
And Sean Duffy campaigned so damn hard he forced David obey - David Freaking Obey - to drop out of the race for Wisconsin's 7th Congressional District. And Reid Ribble defeated incumbent Steve Kagen.
Pasta - "RINOs don't help the Republicans, unless they would give us the majority so that we can control committees"
I bet you cannot wait to get rid of that traitor apostate RINO Scott Brown then - and return the Mass seat to proper Democrat hands. Better a Democrat that votes with Democrats 100% of the time than a traitor RINO who votes with Dems 8% of the time, I guess ---is the thought process of Right Wing zealots and Fundies.
Boxer won.
Wow...Gerry Brown won. Sane residents of California must be embarrassed to admit that they live there.
Pennsylvania is now 50/50, less roughly 30,000 votes apart.
I think I hear lawyers boarding planes for PA at this very moment.
If economics doesn't just give the edge, but provides the only reason for how 100% of the electorate will cast their vote, then you're saying that Republicans had an incentive to not work with Obama to improve it these last two year
If 2 + 2 = 7, and if 100 percent of 14 is 8.524, then clearly the square root of 16 is 59.
You know Obama sucks when he can turn Wisconsin into a red State.
bagoh20: Why tonight is different is that this overwhelming change is not just the word change and some fluffy talk. These are new people arriving on the scene overnight out of the population.
Yeah, and when they get to DC, they have to get in line behind the leadership of Boehner, who did not just arrive out of the population.
Even NPR has called Wisconsin for Johnson.
Aw, poor Russ ...
Just a few reasons why Feingold is a loss for those who place America first--Protect jobs from being shipped abroad via free trade. (Oct 2010)
Voted NO on promoting free trade with Peru. (Dec 2007)
Voted NO on free trade agreement with Oman. (Jun 2006)
Voted NO on implementing CAFTA for Central America free-trade. (Jul 2005)
Voted NO on establishing free trade between US & Singapore. (Jul 2003)
Voted NO on establishing free trade between the US and Chile. (Jul 2003)
Voted NO on extending free trade to Andean nations. (May 2002)
Voted NO on granting normal trade relations status to Vietnam. (Oct 2001)
Voted NO on removing common goods from national security export rules. (Sep 2001)
Voted NO on permanent normal trade relations with China. (Sep 2000)
Voted NO on expanding trade to the third world. (May 2000)
Voted NO on renewing 'fast track' presidential trade authority. (Nov 1997)
Voted YES on imposing trade sanctions on Japan for closed market. (May 1995)
Hoosier: Palin: I look out here and see a whole army of my countrymen, standing here in defiance of tyranny! I say, they may take our health care but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!
Rove: Fine speech. Now what are you going to do?
Palin: Gonna pick a fight :-)
You definately nailed that one!
Worthy of an Althouse Photoshop!
Mr. Rove, with all due respect, Bob Beckel makes a good point when he says GOP leadership squandered the opportunity pick up 90+ seats.
And Rubio gave a good speech, but he got it wrong:
This isn't a "second" chance for the GOP, its the last one.
Jim_J said...
"Thank you Wisconsin :) "
On behalf of all my fellow Wisconsinites,
you are welcome.
Did Rachel Maddow just say that Russ Feingold didn't get any support from the Democratic Party? Wasn't Obama in Madison like two weeks ago?
Cedarford, Scott Brown gave us a filibuster to stop the Democrats from enacting the most egregious bits of their agenda, so obviously he served a purpose.
But we're past needing him for 40; we'll end up with about 45 seats. So yes, I'd like to see him primaried the next time, by an actual conservative.
Much of the current economic mess has been created by RINOs compromising with Democrats on huge spending bills. We don't need any more Olympia Snowes.
Ya holy crap-I was looking at this:
82.51 % 1392/1687 Precincts Completed.
Overall winner(s) Denoted by Winner vs Runner(s) up
Candidate Name Party Votes % Of Total Votes
which I thought was insurmountable for Toomey.
Wow-he might actually overcome that...
a 220,000 vote advantage for Sestak in Philly.
Sane residents of California must be embarrassed to admit that they live there.
The ones that can jump ship already have.
"We want our fucking taxes cut"
The typical know-nothing Teabagger rant. Taxes are still LOWER than they were in the first term of Reagan. Your taxes were cut (drastically)--at least if yr yacht club GOP, not Evinrude --, with BushCo (and Obama did not kick them back to Clinton levels) . Now itll be veto-town
Anyway, GOP/TPers win in hick states, as predicted, yet Demos hold on to Senate (and...go Sen Reid!). And lose NY (and CA soon). A House of....ho's
"Unfortunately, there's no chance that the other sponsor of McCain-Feingold will be forced into retirement."
And you know what ... I'm OK with that.
John McCain fought for his country and served honorably. He lived in an enemy prison camp for four years. I think that altered the man and I am willing to forgive him his transgressions owing to the debt I owe to him as a soldier.
Russ Fucking Feingold gets no such quarter, owing to the fact that he never served his country. He's been a tick on society. Only taking from it, and never giving anything to it.
And like all ticks, eventually they get picked.
Tonight, Russ Feingold got picked.
The tick has been scratched off.
Ed Schultz: "If you're a liberal, tonight you're hurting"
Peter -- I was an election judge tonight and I was talking to a cab driver about the election on the way home from turning in all the ballots and what not.
"This puts Obama in trouble in 2012, right?" he asks.
"Two years is an eternity and then some in politics," I say.
If Boehner is smart, he works to cut spending and devolve some problems to the states. He works for stabilization so that free enterprise may thrive. He works with Obama and the Democrats. He doesn't worry about ideologues in his own party.
When Machos starts with his gibberish, I always know he's embarrassed to admit something.
He knows the Republicans did what they could to worsen the state of the economy, in order to improve their electoral chances.
He's just unpatriotic and anti-American enough to hold the economy hostage in order to achieve a win for his team.
Like I said, he's a partisan hack. Pretty transparent one, at that.
But it's good to know he's having trouble finding work.
Yeah, Fen, stay away from the NYT maps and data, as they are sure to poison your brain.
Jeez, it's just data. Got any evidence that they are misrepresenting anything?
yr yacht club GOP
Lotta yachters out there voting tonight, dude.
Sucks to be you, doesn't it. Sucks to be a whiny bitch.
LibtardSockpuppet said: blah typical know-nothing Teabagger blah blah yr yacht club blah BushCo blah hick states
Open wide little bitch. Suck on these.
Kasich! Kasich!
If Boehner is smart, he works to cut spending and devolve some problems to the states. He works for stabilization so that free enterprise may thrive. He works with Obama and the Democrats. He doesn't worry about ideologues in his own party.
If goodness and sunshine prevail and the morning in America strides across the land, then money will flow out of the buttholes of Senators far and wide. Freedom for dollars.
Jim_J said...
Ed Schultz: "If you're a liberal, tonight you're hurting"
I'm a liberal - a conservative liberal. Tonight I'm happy.
He knows the Republicans did what they could to worsen the state of the economy, in order to improve their electoral chances.
Hilarious. But I'll bite, Meadowlark Ass Clown. What did Republicans do in the federal government without a majority in Congress and without the presidency? How exactly were they able to worsen the state of the economy from such a position?
I do love a good conspiracy yarn.
McCaint's a conniving little psychotic rat who should be sedated ASAP. Whoa
And supporting the likes of Sharon "Latinos are sorta like Orientals" Angle. Pathetic
pter: Yeah, Fen, stay away from the NYT maps and data, as they are sure to poison your brain. Jeez, it's just data.
Yes, data from the NYTs.
I don't trust them as an information broker any more than I would trust a stock broker who lied about Enron.
Got any evidence that they are misrepresenting anything?
Do you still trust CBS? Didn't get the memo?
Ritmo now has to dig that Tom Corbett is his governor!
Okay, I'll admit to all that at the time of the primary, Castle was ahead of Coons in the polls, O'Donnell was behind.
Still, no hard feelings no remorse. The current wave isn't about D versus R, it's about accountability and restraint. Delaware conservatives didn't feel they'd get that from Castle, so they voted their preference in the primaries.
(By the way, I'm still giggling about Ritmo positively referencing Rove. He's going to have bad dreams tonight.)
Manchin got the message. I think Cuomo got it. (His speech at the NY Democratic Convention hit all the Tea Party talking points, making me think he has something in his noodle besides noodles.) Hopefully the beltway establishment (both R and D) got it too. The leash is shorter now, and big money isn't a panacea.
Thank you, Tea Party.
After a rousing evening around here, I am headed to bed with plans to listen to a calm and reasonable NPR report in the morning about angry voters being mean to our noble President. Then after 48 hours we should resume our fixations on either Stopping Palin or Promoting Palin: everybody must chose one.
I'm watching MSNBC with the sound off and it is wild. Like watching a clip from America's Funniest Home Videos; all these contorted faces and flash grins, grimmaces, eyes that don't know where to go, weird mouth twists; they're all sucking on limes slices that have been dipped in wasabe; it is a scream...Olberman is thinking if I can just put on a serious enough face this will all disappear...
SFC B wrote:
Did Rachel Maddow just say that Russ Feingold didn't get any support from the Democratic Party? Wasn't Obama in Madison like two weeks ago?
Yes, which proves Mr. Maddow's point.
WV: purhyphs, or purhyphs not.
What did Republicans do in the federal government without a majority in Congress and without the presidency? How exactly were they able to worsen the state of the economy from such a position?
I do love a good conspiracy yarn.
Nothing. Nothing at all, wrassler-guy. They were willing to do whatever it would take to improve things and didn't care a whit whether that would reflect as well upon Obama as it would upon them.
They put principle first. And that principle just didn't include getting elected because of how bad the economy was.
On behalf of all my fellow Wisconsinites,
you are welcome.
Ron Johnson is googling "what does a Senator do?", "where does milk come from?", "what are these complicated things Russ Feingold kept talking about".
Meade, you have no idea what makes this state tick, stick to things like gardening and internet dating, things you do know something about in the interim.
Kasich is up by about 4% with about 90% of precincts reporting.
That's not looking good for Obama in 2012.
"J", can I taste your tears? Just a little taste.
Mark makes some good points there. I was never a fan of Ross Perot, but y contention is that ended up winning the 1990s from a policy perspective. Not saying it's good or bad. Merely saying that his policy prescriptions ended up enacted, even though he failed to win office.
Hey Fensterstein, come on out to El Lay, well show ya how we treat Texass tea trash. Bring yr mama, Bushboy
Not all non-conservatives are cute and cuddly.
Maddow and others have no idea about what is going on in Wisconsin. Feingold lost because of his health care vote; it's simple as that.
Pluw he showed his true personality in his town hall meetings; and people didn't like the preening schmuck they saw.
"Just a few reasons why Feingold is a loss for those who place America first ..."
February 14, 2002 ... a date which will live in infamy.
Russ Feingold will be remembered ... just as Benedict Arnold is remembered ... for a single law: when he tried unsuccessfully to restrict the God-given free speech rights of Americans enshrined in the Bill of Rights. He brings shame to Jews by his actions.
He shall hang his head in shame for all eternity. Nobody will ever remember anything else he ever said or did.
His betrayal of America will go down in infamy - just as the attack on America by the forces of Japan at Pearl Harbor.
Hmm, Jeremy starts with a "J".
Ron Johnson is googling "what does a Senator do?"
Obama should probably google, "what does a Senator do?"
So what? Your dude lost. Go fuck yourself.
Actually here is the latest from Philly
97.63 % 1647/1687 Precincts Completed.
Overall winner(s) Denoted by Winner vs Runner(s) up
Candidate Name Party Votes % Of Total Votes
That means Toomey overcame a Sestak lead of 283,341 in Philly.
You don't often see 84% of a vote go one way unless you're looking at-
But it's good to know he's having trouble finding work.
I assume this was snark about him being an election judge?
Dude, some of us take time off from work to do things like that. It's an interesting experience. And patriotic as all hell.
Ferraro did a major league filibuster on Palin. Palin had to just sit there and listen to Geraldine's talking points, or appear rude by interrupting.
Experience counts.
Pasta, I don't really give a F. but the hick GOPers won't be doing jack--Prez veto, and Senate there to stop them--, except rubbin' their pps together for their puppetmasters in Big Oil, the DOD, alcohol, tobaccy, real estate etc. If anything this will probably result in a backlash propelling any credible Demo into the white house again (BO, HRC, Biden, etc)
Mark -- I didn't even catch that. Don't worry. Ritmo Urban Dribbler knows that I earn considerably more money in a year than he will in a decade. We had that discussion.
LibtardSockpuppet: Pasta, I don't really give a F.
Sure, thats why you're here spewing your bigoted hatred.
With your sockpuppet.
Suck harder, bitch.
Yes, "J", I can almost feel that palpable momentum for President Joe Biden in 2012.
That's some very astute analysis there, "J".
You know, I can't tell actual commenters from sockpuppets anymore.
Shorter J --
Democrats = lightworkers
Republicans = evil
The simplicity is beautiful. Also, we'll never see this angry venter again.
Ritmo now has to dig that Tom Corbett is his governor!
I'm in the Northeast, dude. Republicans here are nowhere near as crazy as the ones who hang out on this blog.
"Ron Johnson is googling "what does a Senator do?"
Too bad that Russ Feingold didn't Google "what does a Senator NOT do."
Here's what a Senator does NOT do:
1) Don't repeal the First Amendment.
2) Don't suck the Page's cocks.
3) Don't rape children.
Russ Feingold should have Googled. If he had, he'd still be a United States Senator.
Instead, now he's just another fucking schmuck.
Health care may have hurt Feingold, but McCain-Feingold has been one of the greatest legislative failures ever. It reduced free expression, and did not reduce the role of money in politics at all.
Seven Machos seems a very reasonable wrestler. I cheer him.
@Garage Mahal - Got the speedo on yet?
How much do you "earn" in a year, Machos? I mean, you are a lawyer, so your profession isn't whored out to the same party you're whored out to. But I'm still curious. You sound too unhinged to go very far as an actual politician. A bit O'Donnell-esque.
Just so I know where the lobby for Mexican wrestlers stands.
Feingold failed in his three major objectives:
1. to get money out of politics
2. to get hydrogen out of water
3. to have the letter 'm' stricken from the alphabet
He tried so hard, though. His failures certainly cannot be chalked up to bad intentions.
This has been a good night for some interesting rising stars in the Republican party: Rubio in Florida; West in Florida; Ryan in Wisconsin.
And if Kasich hangs on in Ohio, we'll take quite a few statehouses.
I'm not sure if the night could have gone better for the Republicans, to be honest. Dems still have control of the senate and the presidency, so they own the next two years of shitty, sluggish economy. And by 2012, most people's employers will have dropped their insurance.
It was fun to hear Machos bitch on his blog about how he wasn't making money. Seeing as how he thinks he has no reason to exist without enough of it to be a completely unprincipled whore.
Feingold not giving up.
Ritmo said: "But it's good to know he's having trouble finding work."
Mark: I assume this was snark about him being an election judge?
Dude, some of us take time off from work to do things like that. It's an interesting experience. And patriotic as all hell.
Telling. Ritmo doesn't share the same point of reference, or he would have known that bashing volunteerism would backfire.
But then, we already suspected Ritmo was a parasite.
Does the fact that your team is having its ass handed to it bring out the nasty in you, Ritzy? Or is there something else I missed precipitating your personal attack?
"Any idiot with the slightest understanding of elections knows that this was a referendum of the Democrats' handling of The Great Republican Recession."
And they fucking bungled it.
So, they're fucking fired! What about this do you not understand Ritmo?
Democrats said George W. Bush was ruining the country. So we hired Obama, who said he would:
1) Close Gitmo
2) Free the gays
3) End the war in Iraq
4) Bring the troops home
5) Oppose the individual mandate
6) Rein in Wall Street crooks
He never said he would:
1) Take over GM
2) Take over Chrysler
3) Force an individual mandate
4) Hire Socialists
5) Sidestep Senate confirmation
6) Renew the Patriot Act
7) Force people to buy shit
So guess what.
We're firing everyone who ever even made nice eyes at the guy.
And he's fucking next bitch.
I invite all of you to visit my vanity blog, which Meadowlark apparently visits with some frequency. Further, I ask that all questions about the financials of my vanity blog be referred to Ritmo.
Pastafarian: I'm not sure if the night could have gone better for the Republicans, to be honest. Dems still have control of the senate and the presidency, so they own the next two years of shitty, sluggish economy.
Hume made a good point on FOX - how many of these Dems 2012 in the Senate will support an Obama Veto of House efforts to repeal Obamacare?
I think they got the message tonite. So many Dems gone because of their health care vote.
Kasich is up by 4%, with 95% of precincts in, and they're calling it "too close to call".
I assume that they realize that there might be a couple hundred thousand ballots "misplaced" in the trunk of an Oldsmobile on Euclid Avenue in Cleveland.
Pastafarian: Much of the current economic mess has been created by RINOs compromising with Democrats on huge spending bills.
Here's another guy who doesn't remember that Medicare, Part D came with a trillion dollar price tag. And no, it wasn't just RINOs who voted for it. Cantor, Ryan, and most of the rest of the Republicans voted for it.
When Machos bitched on his blog about Michelle Obama's encouragement of people to expect better of themselves and Barack Obama's supposed ruination of the economy, I assumed the decreased personal workload he mentioned had something to do with those things.
But perhaps he's not as much an unprincipled whore as he presents himself to be. You'll have to ask him. He does seem to be obsessed about these things.
Fen, I think you'd have to peel off about 15 Democrats to over-ride a veto. That seems very optimistic to me.
Still, it would be a great thing to force a vote on, just to put them all on record as, one more time, voting for the steaming pile of shit that is Obamacare.
Remember that North Carolina Dem a-hole Etheridge who grabbed the kid in a headlock while shouting "Who you"?
He just got his drunken ass fired.
Justice, brought to you by the Tea Party of NC.
So anyway, about this awesome election...
No Wisconsin news outlets are reporting the results of the medical marijuana referendum.
Wellcome to a Tea Party country.
So anyway, about this awesome election...
This election promises to turn some of us into the richest whores in the house!!!1!!!!1!1!!
(Satire.) Well....
I'm not happy. The wave wasn't enough to get me a new Representative. The House switch should be more dramatic. There are too many safe seats out there.
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