"Duke Winces as a Private Joke Slips Out of Control,"
reads a NYT headline. I wondered
what Duke winced? John Wayne is too dead to wince, and who cares what some Euro-aristocrat feels? Turns out it's Duke,
the University, and the article is about that college girl who made big, detailed PowerPoint presentation about her sex conquests and sent it out to "a few friends" by email, whence it migrated to the web, purportedly to her shame and dismay. Supposedly, the young woman — Karen Owen — didn't mean for
her hilarious writing to go viral. Is that so? My experience with writers is that they want readers. But that's a side issue ignored by the NYT, which is fixated on Duke University:
On campus, students were abashed, if not a bit fatigued by the notoriety.
Just four years ago, the Duke men’s lacrosse team was embroiled in scandal when a woman falsely accused three Blue Devils players of having raped her at a party where she was to perform as a stripper. One year later, the charges against the players were dropped and the prosecutor in the case, Michael B. Nifong, was disbarred.
What?! Why liken real sex between consenting individuals to a false charge of rape?! "Notoriety" — that's a ridiculous umbrella term.
Seven of the 13 athletes Ms. Owen wrote about were — or still are — on the lacrosse team. This incident has angered many of those who are already sensitive to their image, according to students and alumni who know them. The lacrosse players contacted would not comment.
Huh? So... those 7 guys aren't the ones who were falsely accused of rape, are they? And are the lacrosse players really so "sensitive" that it bothers them for people to know that they had actual sex with classmates?
On campus, other students had plenty to say.
Kishan Shah, 18, a pre-med student from Carmel, Ind., said the university should not revoke Ms. Owen’s degree, but “they should let her know that she has disgraced the school.”
Who suggested the crazy punishment of revoking her degree? And since when do we punish people for talking about their sexual encounters? If she's lied about someone, maybe they have a defamation claim, but it's hard to see how a young man is hurt by the rumor that he had sex with a woman, even if she thinks he wasn't a good enough lover.
Mike Lefevre, a 21-year-old senior and the president of the student body, said that people were not sure whom to be more concerned about. “Should we be more worried about the young woman’s privacy or worry about the individuals who were named?” he said. “It’s not so clear to us who was the victim, and who we should reach out to.”
Give me a break. If you do things with people, they can talk about it. These days the talk is on the internet. Get used to it. If you don't like it, try limiting your sexual encounters to people who love and respect you. And quit whining.
७८ टिप्पण्या:
Is she hot? Cause, as far as the guys' reputations, that's what matters most. Unless she said one of them was small, in which case, disaster for him!
Well said. And yes, hotness, or the lack thereof, is critical.
Tim - She's pretty. And yes, she did say that about at least one of them.
Isn't our hostess disgusted that this is the kind of behavior that feminism produced?
In the girl or the boys?
Sure Ann. If a guy had written about a bunch of women like this I'm sure you'd be just ever so nonchalant about it.
^ BTW, pic of her there. She's kind of hot. And the fact that she's such a slore that anyone, now, can totally degrade makes her that much hotter.
Better tell the University powers that be NOT to peruse the Facebook pages of their students.
(Can they do that?)
I thought Crystal Gail Mangum went to NC Central, not Duke. Wait, what? This broad who fucked like a crack whore is a white Duke student? Well I'll be.
The NYT is as diligent and honest as Nifong. And, to paraphrase Nifong, "They are so fucked."
WV: pewfu - well, there are a lot of ways to spin this one, I will leave that exercise to the student.
Safe sex. No such thing.
"Sure Ann. If a guy had written about a bunch of women like this I'm sure you'd be just ever so nonchalant about it."
Find the old post of mine where I am not or anything I've ever written that supports that assumption.
Clue: Check out the flak I got over AutoAdmit.
Meade and I had a simultaneous commentgasm.
I thought you already blogged this topic today:
"Whores. Whores! Whores! Look around you. Look around you. Do you see what's happening?"
Meade and I had a simultaneous commentgasm.
I call bullshit. The female commentgasm is a myth. Just like the G-key.
Well, okay, but do ya have to tell the entire nosey internet? Sheesh!
Actually, if you notice the time stamps...
Actually, if you notice the time stamps...
You were after so you have more staminterneta?
now comes mean, cold ann althouse: treating young adults like adults.
Coeds chronicling their sex life on the Internet is so 2006 -- see Lena Chen's SexandtheIvy.com . Further, Harvard far outranks Duke in prestige.
Well, okay, but do ya have to tell the entire nosey internet? Sheesh!
We await the powerpoint presentation.
Guaranteed she's shaved :(
Dick Nixon is a graduate, and they have a Polish basketball coach. 'Nuf said.
ironrailsironweights, whatever you do, do not read "I Am Charlotte Simmons", written by my close personal friend Tom Wolfe. It is set at Duke, allegedly, and the women in that story are all too familiar with razors, if you take my drift. We would have to put you on suicide watch...
Meh. She's a 6 or 7. And she looks like she won't age very well.
“It’s not so clear to us who was the victim, and who we should reach out to."
- Mike the Student Body president
Must be that natural PC tink that the woman is always the victim, even when she is holding the bloody knife, and the guy on the ground has holes in his back.
Mike, if you can't tell the difference, you should go to the health clinic for some testosterone shots. She invaded folks privacy and published details about non-public persons onto the internet.
They were the victims of this incident, not the schank who kisses and tells.
She forgot the rule: everyone knows someone they trust to keep a secret.
My understanding is that she passed it to a friend who passed it to a friend etc.
But I enjoyed the read. It was refreshing to see what women really think about hook ups - what goes through their minds, where they're coming from, etc.
Must be that natural PC tink that the woman is always the victim, even when she is holding the bloody knife, and the guy on the ground has holes in his back.
DING DING DING...we have a winner. Seriously, people. We're going to be a good decade or more shaking this neurosis off.
Whenever the NYT publishes a trashy story like this, it includes some kind of socio-cultural "angle" to preserve its self-image as a purveyor of serious journalism.
"Hey, let's tie it to that rape thing that happened over there a few years ago."
Serious concerns...On campus, people are concerned, abashed, fatigued...it comes at a time when...just four years ago...notoriety...sensitive to their image...should we be worried about privacy...who's the victim?
At this point, the NYT is just an upscale women's magazine.
who's the victim?
Ha. EVERYONE is the victim. This is what comes of a permissive society that has quit arguing about where boundries should be placed. We made our bed, now lie in it.
"It’s not so clear to us who was the victim, and who we should reach out to.”
To me, that's the height of lameness. Where did he learn that someone has to be a victim. 2 adults in a less-that-great sexual encounter?
There's probably nothing "purported" about her shame and dismay. When all is said and done, no matter what heights she reaches professionally or personally, she will forever be remembered as that chick who drank a lot and fucked her way through the Duke lacrosse team.
This fact has no doubt penetrated her brain by this point.
This story reminds me of the "shoe tree" on campus when I was in college. Supposedly, each shoe represented some woman that more than one frat guy slept with. Ridiculous and juvenile but no big deal, right? Well, every year during 'Take back the night' the local feminist groups or whoever (I never went) marched through the street and protested the shoe tree. We thought it was funny.
The biggest question...is the power point funny? If so, I don't see the big deal.
Brilliant post, Professor. However, any female saying that a male was a lousy lover should be considered defamation per se. I mean how is a guy supposed to survive that?
As always, it seems, The Gray Lady is guilty of inflicting a really lame metaphor on the world in the name of someone's 7-1/2 minutes of notoriety.
Meade said...
Safe sex. No such thing.
In the same way as minor sugery.
Might be a good time to link to the Ttrailer of Easy A, in which the nerdy, needy, and gay boys want people thinking that they did have sex with that (young) woman.
Here's what I don't understand. A generation of young people is accustomed to interacting online and revealing personal details here and there. Anonymity and discretion are sparse.
But when some revelation becomes embarrassing or harmful—whether it's this situation, sexting, or the suicidal victims of online bullies—the participants yell, "Privacy!!"
It looks like the old disconnect between actions and consequences.
She cannot unring that bell.
Just ask Anita Ward.
PowerPoint, comments from a student Body President, the well known fact that some lacrosse players have longer sticks than others . . . there must be a joke in here somewhere.
(Only 13 in 4 years -- where's the marching band -- and what about grad school.)
She cannot unring that bell.
Don't you mean "She cannot unbang that gong"?
As everyone knows, the Duke's first foray into Hollywood was when he was an USC football player.
He was one of the twenty guys who took part in a gang bang in Clara Bow's house. Along with teammate Ward Bond.
He so impressed the "It" girl that she got him a job. As a grip. Or maybe a "best boy."
This fact has no doubt penetrated her brain by this point.
She knows plenty about penetration.
It has not escaped my notice that the young lady Did the Dirty Deed with a bunch of testosterone-dripping athletes. You can be sure that she wouldn't have done the same with a bunch of science fiction nerds.
This incident is one of the most famous in Hollywood lore. It also led to the invention of the condom.
You see Ward Bond was a very disqusting person so no body wanted to ....err...follow him in line....because....err...who knew where he had been. So Frenchy Lepeau who was the kicker on the team rummaged around in the kitchen until he found some sausage casings that he distributed to his fastidious football teamates...and well....the Trojan was born!
So to speak.
This quick invention led to a fad in Hollywood where many other things were used to sheath the penis.
Towels. Carperts remnants. Cravats. Even those new fangled plastic bags that were being handed out at Bob's Big Boy when you bought the super dinner burger combo.
It was a fad that spread from Hollywood throughout the nation.
Until that fateful evening that Fatty Arbuckle tried to use a champagne bottle.
“It’s not so clear to us who was the victim, and who we should reach out to.”
Damn, back when I was in college I would have killed to have been the victim of hot, energetic, multiorgasmic young women who didn't demand long-term commitments (or much of anything else, other than ginormous equipment) before they put out.
I want a do-over, dammit.
This unfortunate episode also traumatized the Duke who swore to only go bareback henceforth. Thus he only dated and married Latin women who refused anything but skin on skin and did not believe in such fripperies as the condom.
The only time he made an exception was his brief affair with Marlene Dietrich which was really all about his career.
And of course with Marlene you could not touch the sides anyway so it really didn’t matter.
Such an amateur!.
Trooper York is talking smack. Fatty Arbuckle never would have thought he could fit in a Champagne battle.
This unfortunate episode also traumatized the Duke who swore to only go bareback henceforth. Thus he only dated and married Latin women who refused anything but skin on skin
Usage note: bareback is strictly a gay term. The correct term in this context is raw dog.
Irene said...
Here's what I don't understand. A generation of young people is accustomed to interacting online and revealing personal details here and there. Anonymity and discretion are sparse.
But when some revelation becomes embarrassing or harmful—whether it's this situation, sexting, or the suicidal victims of online bullies—the participants yell, "Privacy!!"
It looks like the old disconnect between actions and consequences.
Like the New Morality was the old immorality, but nobody wanted to admit it until syphilis became resistant to antibiotics and AIDS raised its head.
The young folk will be getting a hard education in cause and effect if the economy swoons again (and it looks like it will).
Lucien said...
Trooper York is talking smack. Fatty Arbuckle never would have thought he could fit in a Champagne battle.
And the condom goes back over a century to a British Army officer of the same name.
Althouse recommends that young men limit their sexual encounters to people who love and respect them. I would further recommend that young men grow gossamer wings and fly to the moon......At a certain point in time, the sexual mores of young people becomes like their music totally incomprehensible and unmelodic. The woman here seems more adept at betrayal than intimacy.
"Usage note: bareback is strictly a gay term. The correct term in this context is raw dog."
That works too, because John Wayne was a fag!
I don't see how the parent of a good high school male lacrosse player could bring themselves to let their kid accept a scholarship to Duke.
Well of course Fatty wouldn't fit in a champange bottle! That caused the whole problem. His problem was of course girth and he normally used a Mason Jar.
But he had to improvise.
Hence the regrettable accident.
I realize you want to dis the Duke but I am sure he would not care because if there is anyone who was secure in his masculinity it was Mr. Wayne.
I would admit that the second wife Esperanza Baur had a hint of an Adams apple but she was a Tijuana whore so anything was possible.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Unless she said one of them was small, in which case, disaster for him!
What if he commits suicide over it?
Is that some sort of Mason-on-Dicks Line?
I think dissing a guy on penis size is the lamest thing going. What is he supposed to do about it?
It's also very cruel. There's a lot of talk about cyber bullying right now. Is writing bad reviews of someone's sexual performance or genital size considered bullying?
I am vaguely offended that you would suggest that I want to diss The Duke!
A lot of straight guys like to watch their buddies fuck. I know I do!
I think dissing a guy on penis size is the lamest thing going.
When men have to get silicon implants to compete for the opposite sex....
Althouse recommends that young men limit their sexual encounters to people who love and respect them.
Ha. I remember discussing abortion with female friends in college. One of the reasons they resisted the concept of abstinence is that it meant they wouldn't be able to keep a guy.
When men have to get silicon implants to compete for the opposite sex....
The other way to look at that is to say--Women can get silicon implants. To compete for men or to please themselves. There is no such option for men.
Women can also wear padded bras, or have sex with a top on.
"Althouse recommends that young men limit their sexual encounters to people who love and respect them."
No, I didn't. I only said don't whine if it doesn't work out well. It's a gamble to have sex with people you can't trust. If you don't like what happens, tough luck.
There is no such option for men
Uhm no. Men can get penile implants these days.
"I think dissing a guy on penis size is the lamest thing going."
Maybe, but you can see women's breasts and the size of a man's penis is a big secret. Women should be good sisters and share the information... if they happen to have the opportunity to see what is, in normal life, unseen.
"Men can get penile implants these days."
Oh, blech, I can't unsee the surgery pics I saw Googling that. But it looked to me as though penile implants were about remedying erectile dysfunction, not enlarging the penis.
Oh, lord, why would you ever cut into your sensitive parts????
Women should be good sisters and share the information... if they happen to have the opportunity to see what is, in normal life, unseen.
I don't think breasts compare to penises, as far as self-esteem goes. We women are pretty fair at assessing our breasts, and knowing if they are something we wish to fully involve in a quick sexual interlude or not.
It is funny, though. The women who want to be empowered talk about men accepting their breasts as they are, and ignoring their muffin tops, so happy are they to be with a naked woman. But they'll make a snide remark about a man's penis size in a heartbeat.
Well, I'm just saying that if men were held to the same standard as women, there would be a market for penile enlargement that rivals that of breast augmentation.
Since their isn't, I don't have much sympathy for men getting griefed over their size. We do much worse to women.
Since their isn't, I don't have much sympathy for men getting griefed over their size. We do much worse to women.
In this NYT story, we have one woman falsely accusing several men of rape, and one woman writing up details (including mean details) and spreading them on the internet.
Are you sure men really do much worse to women?
And I would prefer women not to be cruel, just because men can be. Just because we expect men to handle the cruelty when it amuses us.
Are you sure men really do much worse to women?
You're kidding, right?
For starters, most women who get implants undergo anesthesia, which has several risks, including DEATH.
Get back to me when men are risking death to attract a mate.
Get back to me when men are risking death to find their mate.
It seems to me there is a long history of young men doing very dangerous things to find their mate, keep their mates, or protect their mates. Centuries of soldiering comes immediately to mind.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics says this about the most dangerous jobs:
“Fishers and related fishing workers” died from workplace injuries at the rate of 200 per 100,000 full-time equivalent workers in 2009, according to the B.L.S., 60 times greater than the rate of 3.3 per 100,000 for the overall American work force. For loggers, the fatality rate was 61.8 per 100,000 and for aircraft pilots and flight engineers, 57.1 per 100,000.
Male-dominated fields, all of them.
(ps. Why assume women get breast implants only for a mate? What about people who have other forms of plastic surgery?)
Come on. It's lame to attack men over penis size, something that is deeply hurtful and something they can't do anything about.
Is that really so hard to agree with?
Of course, the men in this story all played dangerous sports to get this particular mate. She wasn't sleeping with the safety-loving chess club.
but you can see women's breasts
We see what they want us to see.
BTW, tall, skinny guys rarely have small ones.
If, in the interests of science, I were to attempt to sleep with Duke University cheerleading squad, I'm pretty sure that somewhere between girls 1-3 I would fall in love and give up my quest to sleep with the entire squad. If said girl turned me down, I would go into a blue funk and likewise give up my quest-- at least for a couple of months. This girl lacks velcro. She'd do well in the porn field but such sang froid will probably not lead to domestic bliss......I don't know how much loyalty and fidelity one owes a casual sex partner, but one owes a certain amount of kindness and consideration to every human being--even casual sex partners.
I thought the woman was always the victim.
How does it disgrace Duke? It is not a program or policy of theirs. Students are free beings capable of making their own decisions and taking action. I would only think her actions reflect on her.
Please, dear God, no virginity as a be true to your school new policy or program.
Ever see the beginning of Idiocracy? Makes me believe intelligent people should boink freely and hopefully procreate enough to ward off the Idiocracy.
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