My neighbor consumes pot brownies to help her with the extreme nausea she feels after her chemotherapy. She doesn't like the taste, but she says they are effective. She is not a druggie looking for a "high", either.
She obtained them legally at one of the Boulder marijuana dispenseries. Is she a criminal now? Or just the dispenser that sold them to her?
aka the chicken-shit way out, as there is no record of anyone's senate vote, or possibly, no record of any individual senator being present at the time.
Besides, who wants to be on record of being against the children?
Does the Senate actually believe that a double fine will stop the kind of human filth that would distribute pot brownies to children? The world's greatest deliberative body--meh.
Why is it that the Feds needed a Constitutional amendment to ban a good red wine but can bar a brownie with merely the stroke of a pen? I don't get it.
I detected the odor of cocoa on the driver's breath mingled with an odor I recognized as burnt marijuana, so I requested her to perform so field sobriety tests.
I asked a drug task force officer to burn some MJ for me once, to I could experience the odor. I thought is smelled like a camp fire. I keep wondering about what they were putting in those campfires at scout camp.
..the intellectual roots of modern liberalism lie in an assault on the ideas of natural rights and limited government. They eventuate in an administrative state and rule by supposed experts.
Jees. We've had at least one president and a vice-president that have admitted smoking pot. Pot was legal until Prohibition. We have the highest percentage of our population in prison of any country in history. (For you knee jerk, self-righteous liberals, we first reached that milestone during the Clinton administration.) And the bozos in Congress can't wait to make our society more repressive. Better get out your hobnail boots and learn to goosestep.
The truly sad thing here is that Diane Feinstein isn't even California's worst senator.
Reason magazine has been running some pretty good coverage on the "candy-flavored meth" myth. The best line: "In the world imagined by Feinstein and Grassley, kids do not use drugs because it feels good; they use drugs because it tastes good."
Of course, I bet a bunch of Republicans voted for it too
It passed the Senate by unanimous consent. It is possible that there were Senators who opposed it, but if so none of them bothered to show up and say so.
We have the highest percentage of our population in prison of any country in history. (For you knee jerk, self-righteous liberals, we first reached that milestone during the Clinton administration.)
Well dude, obviously Reagan started it. It's not like Clinton had much leeway to do anything humane and rational in office while the wingers were constantly breathing down his throat at every turn to accuse him of being everything from an abomination of a human to a walking crime against humanity or whatever.
Plus, if you look at the chart, while rate of increase was steady from the start of Reagan's terms through Clinton's, the proportion of the population was only hit by the end of Clinton's term by virtue of the fact that our incarceration rate just started turning around with Bush. For one reason or another. Also, this doesn't rule out the possibility that it resulted from other countries experiencing decreasing incarceration rates relative to ours.
President Obama is trying to knock down Michigan’s best chance at finally having a conservative governor
Oh, I know. Finally! It's not like Michigan had to suffer under a conservative idiot governor for 12 years, all the way through 2003 or anything.
And what wonderful years they were for Michigan. Detroit sank to less than a million people and the auto industry continued its long, slow decline. A decline that it took Obama himself to put an end to, BTW.
Keep sticking up for conservatives, Political. The faction needs more empty platitudes, failed policies and shiny, happy, shallow faces to plaster over its horrendous record.
Blaming the president, any president, for incarceration rates is silly. For one thing, it's Congress that decides what is illegal and what the sentence will be.
Also, the chart Ritmo linked is represents all incarceration - prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities. The vast majority of people are incarcerated by the state. This isn't a change because of a party or an individual. This is a societal change.
Sentences are harsher because crime was seen to be out of control in the late '70s/early '80s. The pendulum had swung away from punishment to the rehabilitation side, and just when people were getting the idea criminals were getting away with murder we had the crack epidemic.
These days the pendulum is almost entirely on the punishment side.
Well dude, obviously Reagan started it. It's not like Clinton had much leeway to do anything humane and rational in office while the wingers were constantly breathing down his throat at every turn to accuse him of being everything from an abomination of a human to a walking crime against humanity or whatever.
Blame Bush, blame Reagan, blame the other Bush. The liberal excuse factory.
A real profile in courage, that Clinton. The old liberal meme of "everything we do bad is because of the conservatives" meme is old and worn out. We don't you guys grow some balls, accept some responsibility and develop some real values?
Bill Clinton signed the 3 strikes law, one of the primary culprits in this problem, in 1994. Are you saying the brave and courageous Clinton signed the law and imprisoned people to win votes?
Hillary in 1994 said, “We need more police, we need more and tougher prison sentences for repeat offenders. The ‘three-strikes-and-you’re-out’ for violent offenders has to be part of the plan. We need more prisons to keep violent offenders for as long as it takes to keep them off the streets.”
Way to stand up for your values. Wimps and liars, the bunch of you.
Blame Bush, blame Reagan, blame the other Bush. The liberal excuse factory.
Blaming mathematics and simple evidence is yours. The rate of increase jumped markedly under Reagan and stayed at that rate through Clinton. It's right there in front of your very fucking eyes.
A real profile in courage, that Clinton. The old liberal meme of "everything we do bad is because of the conservatives" meme is old and worn out. We don't you guys grow some balls, accept some responsibility and develop some real values?
Such as respecting the democratic process and not knee-jerkingly resorting to hate, for instance?
Bill Clinton signed the 3 strikes law, one of the primary culprits in this problem, in 1994. Are you saying the brave and courageous Clinton signed the law and imprisoned people to win votes?
Yeah, once again. Clinton's success hinged on being a somewhat effective politician who was just squishy enough to put up with all the hate and bad ideas that you fuckers implanted in the mind of the electorate, and made it impossible to govern without accepting.
Hillary in 1994 said, “We need more police, we need more and tougher prison sentences for repeat offenders. The ‘three-strikes-and-you’re-out’ for violent offenders has to be part of the plan. We need more prisons to keep violent offenders for as long as it takes to keep them off the streets.”
Oh boy! Again with the Clintons. Thankfully the time of having to triangulate toward the bad ideas and policies of the right is over. People as tactically oriented and interested in short-term gain only, such as the Clintons and their doppelgangers on the right, just don't seem to have the clout that they once did in the days when the nation's attention span could only last 30 seconds.
Way to stand up for your values. Wimps and liars, the bunch of you.
It takes someone pretty far gone to confuse an acceptance of reality with cowardice and lying.
But really. Call some more names. That should demonstrate your maturity and capacity for the serious business of governing, shouldn't it?
As I said. The communists had a hammer and sickle. The Irrelephants need a pacifier and rattle.
And just out of curiosity, Dadvocate... What do you blame Bush for? Anything? Or was he as perfect as you believe every conservative to be?
Like you really want to know. Your just projecting idiotic beliefs that I've never stated, nor any conservative or libertarian, LIKE MYSELF, I know has ever stated. If you want to take a rare escapade into reality, maybe we can talk.
Well, ok. I guess until then I'll just have to live with all this intrigue you leave me with, enticed at the prospect that you'll one day engage me with something other than talking points, ideology and blame. I hope to be worthy of that, D. Maybe someday.
DADvocate, you're forgetting the rules for judging Democratic Presidents:
Anything good that happens under a Democrat is entirely to the credit of the Democrat.
Anything bad that happens is the fault of some Republican - the previous President, the President from 12 years earlier, some member of Congress, someone with a radio show, etc.
Isn't it nice that the Senate has finally gotten around to taking care of this utterly evil and divisive issue of pot brownies. I mean, since they've cleared away all of their other less worthy legislation to actually address this crisis, why they should be commended for their deeds.
Ritmo: It's not like Clinton had much leeway to do anything humane and rational in office while the wingers were constantly breathing down his throat at every turn to accuse him of being everything from an abomination of a human to a walking crime against humanity or whatever.
Oh right. Like its our fault Clinton obstructed justice and suborned perjury.
Ritmo - I have a blog. If you're not too lazy you can visit and see what I thought about George Bush. (I could use the hits.) But, as I said, your interested in making baseless accusations rather than reality.
No problem, state officials can just decide not to report the incidents to federal authorities. Don't want to burden the Feds with law enforcement. Bonus, Feds lose out on fines.
Fen reminds me of all the love Clinton garnered before he was charged with the awful crime of mispeaking about the sex he had.
All the disgusting hatred spewed at Obama now has been seen before. It was actually probably worse then. The right often come across as sore losers, as people who maintain ideological constraints far too strict to allow them to even believe that not everyone in the world cares for their oversimplified answers to everything, boorish worldview and intense hatred of anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun.
BTW, Fen's an idiot. The impeachment backfired and the people were with Clinton. If anything his popularity went up at that time. By then the right might have learned a lesson. They learned to shut up and tone down the hate rhetoric. But that was a no less valiant attempt on our friend Fen's part to re-write history than all the other times.
Can't forget Jazz Discharge Party Hats Once upon a time It was in Albuquerque, New Mexico There were these girls that worked at the college The were really cool... (They thought so anyway) The would be delighted to tell you how suave they where At the drop of a hat
There was three of 'em: One of them thought she was a Beauty Queen... The other one was a Walking Blow-Job And then there was this skinny girl...
Oh well... Some of the guys in the band got together With the girls from the college They were having a good time... (We were in Alburquerque for a couple of days) But these girls thought they were Hot Shit 'N wouldn't pooch the guys in the band On the first day, so... A couple of the guys in the band Who were desparate for THAT KIND OF ACTION Kept workin' on 'em for two days (Which is a waste of fuckin' time anyway...) So, anyway... But if that's your idea of a good time, what the hey?
let me help with the seocnd half of the song Lem, while you get Youtube sorted out:
Well, one of the guys in the band picked up het panties (He told me later the stuff in the bottom Was like punching an eclair...) Anyhow...there was nothing else to do... It was Alburquerque, New Mexico It's two o'clock in the morning... They're not going to get any nooky anyway... So this one guy and the T-shirt guy Started sniffing the girl's panties... They were sniffing the fudge and sniffing the glue... Sniffing every 'thing' that adhered to these Delightful little morsels (Some of you might think this is weird... No wonder. It's not exactly normal, but What the fuck?) So, they're snorting it... (Hey! It's the twentieth century... Whatever you can do to have a good time, let's get on with it, So long as it doesn't cause a murder...)
So they're snorting the pants 'N' then they put them on their heads... They were having a good time... The girl was in the water...she didn't even see What was going on with her underpants... They were wearing the pants It looked just like a tiny little party hat... Their ears were sticking out the was so fun Later on they discovered, This would make a great way of life for them... They would go from town to town, looking for panties They would take the panties after they were hung up On the clothes line Later on they would take 'em back in the dressing room They would play with them... They would fetish the underpants... They would snort every little morsel attached To the underpants...and then...they would feel that They were FULFILLED
And so you can see, That what we're doing here on stage Is part of a Great American Tradition The tradition of the JAZZ DISCHARGE PARTY HATS
Wouldn't doubt your PC would need to reboot to listen to Keneally Lem . He is a freak. Real fun band to see though. He toured with Zappa for only a few years but seemed to have absorbed everything.
Yes Lem. Been a long time since I've listened to him though. I had a friend that played drums that rented from a while back that played Stern all the time. Just listened to that clip, it's tight! Nice track and audio. You hang out at the 55 ?
They used to feature a big black singer I forgot her name, sort of like Aretha - she used to pack the little place, they had to turn people away.. she used to do two shows.
I thought jason posted something about me posting copious amts of jazz sniffing panties lyrics because you posted something about jason posting something about recipes. ANd deleted it. Whew.
I love latino chicks. I've always been so close, yet so far.
Steve Vai> with Mike Keneally on keyboards ( his natural instrument) and then guitar. In the clown hat. Keneally stole the show on that G3 Tour from what I hear, I didn't get to see any of it. Sorry I'll stop.
Steve Vai reminds me of a doc I saw a while back call 'It Might Get Loud' by tree different guitar legends Jimmy Page the guitar player for U2 and Jack White.
They all have a unique approach to the electric guitar.
Jack White rejects all the technology while the U2 guy embraces it.
Lem: It looks like Jason left so I guess we will never know for sure.
I didn't leave!
And I have no recipe. All I know about pot brownies comes from things said by an ex-hippie college professor and a drugged-out coworker. Oh, and from movies. According to movies it's always some up-tight older person who eats the brownies, by accident. So I don't understand how this bill is supposed to protect children.
It's not like Clinton had much leeway to do anything humane and rational in office
Yeah, Clinton was a real softie when it came to law enforcement. If only those mean Republicans had given him a chance -- for example, during the two years when Democrats controlled every branch of government -- something could have been done!
either the guitar player/diva does the complicated maneuvering necessary to keep us entertained (hard to do in a solo where there are really no surprises any more)
first off i dont want grownups sounding like Church prepubescent quior boys and girls. (Enrique I glesias should be banned from the air waves for a period of no less than 5 years)
Mercedes Sosa, an icon of the left in South America, also recorded this song.. it used to, or more correctly, I seem to remember as a boy this song was thought a protest song.. but now that I can judge for myself, I only hear poetry.
Ritmo: Clinton... charged with the awful crime of mispeaking about the sex he had.
The plantiff has a right of discovery to establish a pattern of sexual predation in the workplace on the part of the defendant. If you are subject to a sexual discrimination suit, the women you work with will be interviewed to see if they were coerced to exchange sexual favors. If you conpsire to lie under oath and obstruct that investigation, its not merely "mispeaking about sex".
And Ritmo, you really reveal yourself to be a hack with that choice of words. But I see now why you bloviate with $10 words all the time - you've got no substance. Your pretense at intelligence is a cover.
The right often come across as sore losers
people who maintain ideological constraints far too strict to allow them to even believe that not everyone in the world cares for their oversimplified answers to everything, boorish worldview and intense hatred of anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun.
Now you're projecting.
The impeachment backfired and the people were with Clinton.
As were LA residents with OJ. Your point?
Fen's part to re-write history than all the other times.
More projection. You've demonstrated you're the one trying to re-write history... "mispoke about sex"... what a laugh.
But thank you for proving that I need never take you seriously on any topic I'm not certain of.
The firedoglake thread is pretty funny in a sad way -- they all vote for a nanny party that seeks to limit our choices all the way down to salty snack foods...and then they expect that party to leave us alone when it comes to pot brownies?!? Good luck with that (what are they smoking?)
For all the boasting of the left about compassion..
From Bill Clinton's Wikipedia..
While campaigning for U.S. President, then-Governor Clinton returned to Arkansas to see that Ricky Ray Rector would be executed. After killing a police officer and a civilian, Rector shot himself in the head, leading to what his lawyers said was a state where he could still talk but didn't understand the concept of death. According to Arkansas state and Federal law, a seriously mentally impaired inmate cannot be executed. The courts disagreed with the allegation of grave mental impairment and allowed the execution. Clinton's return to Arkansas for the execution was framed in a New York Times article as a possible political move to counter "soft on crime" accusations.
Where's Alpha Liberal? A comment thread isn't completely destroyed until Alph shows up.
You know, people tell me that cannabis is harmless or at the very worst it just makes you mellow and eat too much junk food. So how do you explain Ritmo and garage? Or maybe the laws have made it impossible for them to get the dose they need, which is why they are so cranky.
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१०७ टिप्पण्या:
It's the busybody instinct.
Hysterics and handwringers are needed for diversity.
Oh wonderful oppressive nanny state president, "you've singed 200 plus laws since you're in office..." I love you.
-Joy Behar
I say we send congress home on furlough for a few years. We have enough laws. Then, repeal tax-payer funded Pelosi-Care.
Life would start to improve in America.
What's she got against the goat industry?
Democrats are definitely "the man" now!
And Rangel is trying to bring back the draft!
My neighbor consumes pot brownies to help her with the extreme nausea she feels after her chemotherapy. She doesn't like the taste, but she says they are effective. She is not a druggie looking for a "high", either.
She obtained them legally at one of the Boulder marijuana dispenseries. Is she a criminal now? Or just the dispenser that sold them to her?
Althouse is going to lose cred w/ the natives w/ links like that. What's next; HuffPo and Dkos?
Do you read FireDogLake regularly?
"Passed by unanimous consent."
aka the chicken-shit way out, as there is no record of anyone's senate vote, or possibly, no record of any individual senator being present at the time.
Besides, who wants to be on record of being against the children?
I didn't know there was an epidemic of children eating pot-laced brownies.
Does the Senate actually believe that a double fine will stop the kind of human filth that would distribute pot brownies to children? The world's greatest deliberative body--meh.
Why is it that the Feds needed a Constitutional amendment to ban a good red wine but can bar a brownie with merely the stroke of a pen? I don't get it.
She obtained them legally at one of the Boulder marijuana dispenseries. Is she a criminal now? Or just the dispenser that sold them to her?
She was always a criminal under federal law. There's no legally obtaining pot, regardless of the status of state laws.
Jason (the commenter) said...
Democrats are definitely "the man" now!
They have been since '32.
Do Pot Brownies taste different or do they just make everything more wonderful?
Also, I wish Joy Behar would learn
to spell. I think she means "signed"
I detected the odor of cocoa on the driver's breath mingled with an odor I recognized as burnt marijuana, so I requested her to perform so field sobriety tests.
I asked a drug task force officer to burn some MJ for me once, to I could experience the odor. I thought is smelled like a camp fire. I keep wondering about what they were putting in those campfires at scout camp.
We used to call the hash brownies.
I bet Brink "liberaltarian" Linsey feels like an idiot now.
Of course, I bet a bunch of Republicans voted for it too.
I tell you what I'm angry about. The public Internet terminals at Kinko's/FedEx Office block access to You Porn, Voyeurweb and The YNC. God damn it.
educher said
"They have been since '32".
..the intellectual roots of
modern liberalism lie in an assault on the ideas of natural rights and limited government. They eventuate in an administrative state and rule by supposed experts.
read more from An Old Argument Revisited.
Jees. We've had at least one president and a vice-president that have admitted smoking pot. Pot was legal until Prohibition. We have the highest percentage of our population in prison of any country in history. (For you knee jerk, self-righteous liberals, we first reached that milestone during the Clinton administration.) And the bozos in Congress can't wait to make our society more repressive. Better get out your hobnail boots and learn to goosestep.
The truly sad thing here is that Diane Feinstein isn't even California's worst senator.
Reason magazine has been running some pretty good coverage on the "candy-flavored meth" myth. The best line: "In the world imagined by Feinstein and Grassley, kids do not use drugs because it feels good; they use drugs because it tastes good."
Of course, I bet a bunch of Republicans voted for it too
It passed the Senate by unanimous consent. It is possible that there were Senators who opposed it, but if so none of them bothered to show up and say so.
Throw that lesbian Alice B. Toklas in prison!
We have the highest percentage of our population in prison of any country in history. (For you knee jerk, self-righteous liberals, we first reached that milestone during the Clinton administration.)
Well dude, obviously Reagan started it. It's not like Clinton had much leeway to do anything humane and rational in office while the wingers were constantly breathing down his throat at every turn to accuse him of being everything from an abomination of a human to a walking crime against humanity or whatever.
Plus, if you look at the chart, while rate of increase was steady from the start of Reagan's terms through Clinton's, the proportion of the population was only hit by the end of Clinton's term by virtue of the fact that our incarceration rate just started turning around with Bush. For one reason or another. Also, this doesn't rule out the possibility that it resulted from other countries experiencing decreasing incarceration rates relative to ours.
President Obama is trying to knock down Michigan’s best chance at finally having a conservative governor
Oh, I know. Finally! It's not like Michigan had to suffer under a conservative idiot governor for 12 years, all the way through 2003 or anything.
And what wonderful years they were for Michigan. Detroit sank to less than a million people and the auto industry continued its long, slow decline. A decline that it took Obama himself to put an end to, BTW.
Keep sticking up for conservatives, Political. The faction needs more empty platitudes, failed policies and shiny, happy, shallow faces to plaster over its horrendous record.
Blaming the president, any president, for incarceration rates is silly. For one thing, it's Congress that decides what is illegal and what the sentence will be.
Also, the chart Ritmo linked is represents all incarceration - prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities. The vast majority of people are incarcerated by the state. This isn't a change because of a party or an individual. This is a societal change.
Sentences are harsher because crime was seen to be out of control in the late '70s/early '80s. The pendulum had swung away from punishment to the rehabilitation side, and just when people were getting the idea criminals were getting away with murder we had the crack epidemic.
These days the pendulum is almost entirely on the punishment side.
Well dude, obviously Reagan started it. It's not like Clinton had much leeway to do anything humane and rational in office while the wingers were constantly breathing down his throat at every turn to accuse him of being everything from an abomination of a human to a walking crime against humanity or whatever.
Blame Bush, blame Reagan, blame the other Bush. The liberal excuse factory.
A real profile in courage, that Clinton. The old liberal meme of "everything we do bad is because of the conservatives" meme is old and worn out. We don't you guys grow some balls, accept some responsibility and develop some real values?
Bill Clinton signed the 3 strikes law, one of the primary culprits in this problem, in 1994. Are you saying the brave and courageous Clinton signed the law and imprisoned people to win votes?
Hillary in 1994 said, “We need more police, we need more and tougher prison sentences for repeat offenders. The ‘three-strikes-and-you’re-out’ for violent offenders has to be part of the plan. We need more prisons to keep violent offenders for as long as it takes to keep them off the streets.”
Way to stand up for your values. Wimps and liars, the bunch of you.
Blame Bush, blame Reagan, blame the other Bush. The liberal excuse factory.
Blaming mathematics and simple evidence is yours. The rate of increase jumped markedly under Reagan and stayed at that rate through Clinton. It's right there in front of your very fucking eyes.
A real profile in courage, that Clinton. The old liberal meme of "everything we do bad is because of the conservatives" meme is old and worn out. We don't you guys grow some balls, accept some responsibility and develop some real values?
Such as respecting the democratic process and not knee-jerkingly resorting to hate, for instance?
Bill Clinton signed the 3 strikes law, one of the primary culprits in this problem, in 1994. Are you saying the brave and courageous Clinton signed the law and imprisoned people to win votes?
Yeah, once again. Clinton's success hinged on being a somewhat effective politician who was just squishy enough to put up with all the hate and bad ideas that you fuckers implanted in the mind of the electorate, and made it impossible to govern without accepting.
Hillary in 1994 said, “We need more police, we need more and tougher prison sentences for repeat offenders. The ‘three-strikes-and-you’re-out’ for violent offenders has to be part of the plan. We need more prisons to keep violent offenders for as long as it takes to keep them off the streets.”
Oh boy! Again with the Clintons. Thankfully the time of having to triangulate toward the bad ideas and policies of the right is over. People as tactically oriented and interested in short-term gain only, such as the Clintons and their doppelgangers on the right, just don't seem to have the clout that they once did in the days when the nation's attention span could only last 30 seconds.
Way to stand up for your values. Wimps and liars, the bunch of you.
It takes someone pretty far gone to confuse an acceptance of reality with cowardice and lying.
But really. Call some more names. That should demonstrate your maturity and capacity for the serious business of governing, shouldn't it?
As I said. The communists had a hammer and sickle. The Irrelephants need a pacifier and rattle.
And just out of curiosity, Dadvocate... What do you blame Bush for? Anything? Or was he as perfect as you believe every conservative to be?
Just wondering.
I love it when a narcissist demands humility and fallibility of others. Very interesting to watch.
And just out of curiosity, Dadvocate... What do you blame Bush for? Anything? Or was he as perfect as you believe every conservative to be?
Like you really want to know. Your just projecting idiotic beliefs that I've never stated, nor any conservative or libertarian, LIKE MYSELF, I know has ever stated. If you want to take a rare escapade into reality, maybe we can talk.
Well, ok. I guess until then I'll just have to live with all this intrigue you leave me with, enticed at the prospect that you'll one day engage me with something other than talking points, ideology and blame. I hope to be worthy of that, D. Maybe someday.
There is a foxy looking rep from Minnesota Michelle Bachmann on CSPAN right now.
In light of the recent Arizona ruling who will enforce this law?
One law blog I read yesterday said that based on the judge's ruling in Arizona, states cannot 9or don't have to?) enforce federal laws.
So are we going to have a whole new federal police forc for brownies?
John Henry
DADvocate, you're forgetting the rules for judging Democratic Presidents:
Anything good that happens under a Democrat is entirely to the credit of the Democrat.
Anything bad that happens is the fault of some Republican - the previous President, the President from 12 years earlier, some member of Congress, someone with a radio show, etc.
Isn't it nice that the Senate has finally gotten around to taking care of this utterly evil and divisive issue of pot brownies. I mean, since they've cleared away all of their other less worthy legislation to actually address this crisis, why they should be commended for their deeds.
Ritmo: It's not like Clinton had much leeway to do anything humane and rational in office while the wingers were constantly breathing down his throat at every turn to accuse him of being everything from an abomination of a human to a walking crime against humanity or whatever.
Oh right. Like its our fault Clinton obstructed justice and suborned perjury.
Do Pot Brownies taste different or do they just make everything more wonderful?
Wait, we hated Clinton? I thought we only hated black Presidents.
Wait, we hated Clinton? I thought we only hated black Presidents.
Clinton claimed he was the first black president.
Wish he would just step in and run the country.
Clinton is corrupt, but at least he's competent.
DHOTUS is the dumbest man in the room.
AC245 - Thanks for reminding me. I forgot.
Ritmo - I have a blog. If you're not too lazy you can visit and see what I thought about George Bush. (I could use the hits.) But, as I said, your interested in making baseless accusations rather than reality.
No problem, state officials can just decide not to report the incidents to federal authorities. Don't want to burden the Feds with law enforcement. Bonus, Feds lose out on fines.
Fen reminds me of all the love Clinton garnered before he was charged with the awful crime of mispeaking about the sex he had.
All the disgusting hatred spewed at Obama now has been seen before. It was actually probably worse then. The right often come across as sore losers, as people who maintain ideological constraints far too strict to allow them to even believe that not everyone in the world cares for their oversimplified answers to everything, boorish worldview and intense hatred of anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun.
BTW, Fen's an idiot. The impeachment backfired and the people were with Clinton. If anything his popularity went up at that time. By then the right might have learned a lesson. They learned to shut up and tone down the hate rhetoric. But that was a no less valiant attempt on our friend Fen's part to re-write history than all the other times.
Don't want to burden the Feds with law enforcement.
Excellent observation, ie the Obama suit against Arizona.
Any Kind Of Pain .
Mike Keneally style.
I guess this thread wouldn't be complete if it weren't for the old horndog himself er, campaigning, in his own words.
Can't forget Jazz Discharge Party Hats
Once upon a time
It was in Albuquerque, New Mexico
There were these girls that worked at the college
The were really cool...
(They thought so anyway)
The would be delighted to tell you how suave they where
At the drop of a hat
There was three of 'em:
One of them thought she was a Beauty Queen...
The other one was a Walking Blow-Job
And then there was this skinny girl...
Oh well...
Some of the guys in the band got together
With the girls from the college
They were having a good time...
(We were in Alburquerque for a couple of days)
But these girls thought they were Hot Shit
'N wouldn't pooch the guys in the band
On the first day, so...
A couple of the guys in the band
Who were desparate for THAT KIND OF ACTION
Kept workin' on 'em for two days
(Which is a waste of fuckin' time anyway...)
So, anyway...
But if that's your idea of a good time, what the hey?
I'm having problems with YouTube.
It skips the graphics and keeps plating the audio.
I'm only using about 30% of the hard disk.
let me help with the seocnd half of the song Lem, while you get Youtube sorted out:
Well, one of the guys in the band picked up het panties
(He told me later the stuff in the bottom
Was like punching an eclair...)
Anyhow...there was nothing else to do...
It was Alburquerque, New Mexico
It's two o'clock in the morning...
They're not going to get any nooky anyway...
So this one guy and the T-shirt guy
Started sniffing the girl's panties...
They were sniffing the fudge and sniffing the glue...
Sniffing every 'thing' that adhered to these
Delightful little morsels
(Some of you might think this is weird...
No wonder. It's not exactly normal, but
What the fuck?)
So, they're snorting it...
(Hey! It's the twentieth century...
Whatever you can do to have a good time, let's get on with it,
So long as it doesn't cause a murder...)
So they're snorting the pants
'N' then they put them on their heads...
They were having a good time...
The girl was in the water...she didn't even see
What was going on with her underpants...
They were wearing the pants
It looked just like a tiny little party hat...
Their ears were sticking out the was so fun
Later on they discovered,
This would make a great way of life for them...
They would go from town to town, looking for panties
They would take the panties after they were hung up
On the clothes line
Later on they would take 'em back in the dressing room
They would play with them...
They would fetish the underpants...
They would snort every little morsel attached
To the underpants...and then...they would feel that
And so you can see,
That what we're doing here on stage
Is part of a Great American Tradition
The tradition of the
Has Mike ever played at 55 bar in NYC?
Found it - I'm talking about Mike Stern. I used to see this guy at 55 bar check it out.
55 is a really small place next to the famous/infamous Stone Wall gay bar.
I rebooted the machine and youtube seems to be working better now.
Wouldn't doubt your PC would need to reboot to listen to Keneally Lem . He is a freak. Real fun band to see though. He toured with Zappa for only a few years but seemed to have absorbed everything.
have you ever heard of Mike Stern?
I'm surprised no one has posted a recipe.
I heard your Keneally videos.
the one where he seems to be telling college stories is unusual.. not to be critical.
Yes Lem. Been a long time since I've listened to him though. I had a friend that played drums that rented from a while back that played Stern all the time. Just listened to that clip, it's tight! Nice track and audio. You hang out at the 55 ?
I'm surprised no one has posted a recipe...
Are you hinting that you might have one Jason?
it wouldn't be braking any of the voluminous rules ;) above, or is that below, the Leave your comment notice.
i used to go there all the time.
havent been for over a year.
They used to feature a big black singer I forgot her name, sort of like Aretha - she used to pack the little place, they had to turn people away.. she used to do two shows.
the one where he seems to be telling college stories is unusual.. not to be critical.
LoL. Zappa. Sorry, better than a recipe.
Oh? Is Recipe a song?
I thought Jason was posting about Pot Brownies.
I thought jason posted something about me posting copious amts of jazz sniffing panties lyrics because you posted something about jason posting something about recipes. ANd deleted it. Whew.
Anyways there is another palce I used to go - but thats where I met the last steady girlfriend i had..
called Arthurs Place.
They used to feature a blues/modern jazz band.. sometimes they let me play what some call the cow bell.. and we latinos call cencerro.
well played its like an accessory, a pair couflins in a suit, a well placed handkerchief in the breast pocket.
It looks like Jason left so I guess we will never know for sure.
I didnt delete btw.
Madonna's Holiday features a cencerro.
I was surprised at the time when I heard it. the pop sound has for the most part rejected it.
I love latino chicks. I've always been so close, yet so far.
Steve Vai> with Mike Keneally on keyboards ( his natural instrument) and then guitar. In the clown hat. Keneally stole the show on that G3 Tour from what I hear, I didn't get to see any of it. Sorry I'll stop.
I found the version that has it..
Holiday - Madonna
it goes silent at certain points and then it starts up again.. the way all percussion should.
Steve Vai reminds me of a doc I saw a while back call 'It Might Get Loud' by tree different guitar legends Jimmy Page the guitar player for U2 and Jack White.
They all have a unique approach to the electric guitar.
Jack White rejects all the technology while the U2 guy embraces it.
Could guitar technology be a sort of pharma blonde?
Jack White would not say this but I got that impression.
Lem: It looks like Jason left so I guess we will never know for sure.
I didn't leave!
And I have no recipe. All I know about pot brownies comes from things said by an ex-hippie college professor and a drugged-out coworker. Oh, and from movies. According to movies it's always some up-tight older person who eats the brownies, by accident. So I don't understand how this bill is supposed to protect children.
Oh c'mon Jason. Even I've tried pot brownies.
Or were they cookies. Or cookie dough rolls. Whatever.
So I don't understand how this bill is supposed to protect children.
I take it this waht they mean by nanny state ;)
we are not goin political again are we?
we were talking about music.. i want to get back to that.
any thoughts on why there is no electric guitar in salsa for example?
It's not like Clinton had much leeway to do anything humane and rational in office
Yeah, Clinton was a real softie when it came to law enforcement. If only those mean Republicans had given him a chance -- for example, during the two years when Democrats controlled every branch of government -- something could have been done!
Santana showed what two seemingly incompatible styles of music can do if given a chance.
musicians seem happy relegating/keeping the guitar in its diva state.
this is not nearly a critisim as it is my observation.
Do Pot Brownies taste different or do they just make everything more wonderful?
They taste pretty revolting, actually. Supposedly hemp was a common food source in medieval times, to which I say... man, medieval times sucked!
These are some musicians that tried to make the guitar a team player..
In Dulce Decorum - The Damned
Take waht The Police did with the electric guitar here.
Spirits in the Material World - The Police
either the guitar player/diva does the complicated maneuvering necessary to keep us entertained (hard to do in a solo where there are really no surprises any more)
or the guitar can play as part of an ensemble.
No disrispect garage but..
these guitar solos become interchangeable after awhile... a copy no matter how small the variation is still acopy.
November Rain - Guns N' Roses
This one has two solos.. the first one he holds back and the second, presumably is where he lets it go.. at a memorial service no less ;)
Althouse had a post titled "I hate music".. I didnt take that literally for a minute..
the post was about how bland music passes for good/listenable music these days.
I think we are starved for good music.
first off i dont want grownups sounding like Church prepubescent quior boys and girls. (Enrique I glesias should be banned from the air waves for a period of no less than 5 years)
Non, Je ne regrette rien - Edith Piaf
that song "No Regrets" should be played to people who are told they must apologize..
these phony apologies are the scourge of this republic.
Left To My Own Devices - Pet Shop Boys
we do better left to our own devices.. and brownies ;)
I'm not saying there is no place for song like..
Topaz - The B-52's
I'm just saying don't play them to death.. don't make them into torture anthems.
Life would be very complicated if we lived according to...
Il Triello - Ennio Morricone
the code of the good the bad and the ugly... thank God I believe we have something simpler in mind
The place I like to be best in the whole world is back in my village in Wales, down at the pub, standing with the miners drinking pints and telling stories.
Sabor A Mi - Eydie Gormé & Trio Los Panchos
Willie Colon (wanted to be mayor of NYC) took a classic and made it his own classic.. music is malleable that way.
Oh,¿qué será? - Willie Colón
here is the original classic..
Oh que sera - Ana Belen y Jairo.
Mercedes Sosa, an icon of the left in South America, also recorded this song.. it used to, or more correctly, I seem to remember as a boy this song was thought a protest song.. but now that I can judge for myself, I only hear poetry.
Summer Sun - Koop
Chopin Sonata No 2 (1) - Rachmaninoff
Ritmo: Clinton... charged with the awful crime of mispeaking about the sex he had.
The plantiff has a right of discovery to establish a pattern of sexual predation in the workplace on the part of the defendant. If you are subject to a sexual discrimination suit, the women you work with will be interviewed to see if they were coerced to exchange sexual favors. If you conpsire to lie under oath and obstruct that investigation, its not merely "mispeaking about sex".
And Ritmo, you really reveal yourself to be a hack with that choice of words. But I see now why you bloviate with $10 words all the time - you've got no substance. Your pretense at intelligence is a cover.
The right often come across as sore losers
people who maintain ideological constraints far too strict to allow them to even believe that not everyone in the world cares for their oversimplified answers to everything, boorish worldview and intense hatred of anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun.
Now you're projecting.
The impeachment backfired and the people were with Clinton.
As were LA residents with OJ. Your point?
Fen's part to re-write history than all the other times.
More projection. You've demonstrated you're the one trying to re-write history... "mispoke about sex"... what a laugh.
But thank you for proving that I need never take you seriously on any topic I'm not certain of.
You're just a hack.
The firedoglake thread is pretty funny in a sad way -- they all vote for a nanny party that seeks to limit our choices all the way down to salty snack foods...and then they expect that party to leave us alone when it comes to pot brownies?!? Good luck with that (what are they smoking?)
For all the boasting of the left about compassion..
From Bill Clinton's Wikipedia..
While campaigning for U.S. President, then-Governor Clinton returned to Arkansas to see that Ricky Ray Rector would be executed. After killing a police officer and a civilian, Rector shot himself in the head, leading to what his lawyers said was a state where he could still talk but didn't understand the concept of death. According to Arkansas state and Federal law, a seriously mentally impaired inmate cannot be executed. The courts disagreed with the allegation of grave mental impairment and allowed the execution. Clinton's return to Arkansas for the execution was framed in a New York Times article as a possible political move to counter "soft on crime" accusations.
like most politicians leftist will do whatever it takes to get in power and remain there.
i have to go.. keep asking questions.
Illegal pot brownies?
Well, firedoglake commenters, you voted for these assholes. They aim to control every aspect of your life. Why did you think otherwise?
Heckuva job, FDL.
For all the boasting of the left about compassion..
Well, its more about the boasting than the compassion for the them.
Its become a brand. Profess your belief in World Peace as an Indulgence for all future sins you intend to commit.
Where's Alpha Liberal? A comment thread isn't completely destroyed until Alph shows up.
You know, people tell me that cannabis is harmless or at the very worst it just makes you mellow and eat too much junk food. So how do you explain Ritmo and garage? Or maybe the laws have made it impossible for them to get the dose they need, which is why they are so cranky.
Our resident Libtard trolls are somewhat diminished since the demise of JournoList.
I wonder if Lem has anything to say about this issue.
LOL DaD! Lem might be ignorant about pot brownies, but meth bars are apparently another matter altogether!
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