There's so much talk of Mel's "racist rant." I listened. Although he most certainly says the n-word and says it in a line that suggests contempt for black men, the rant is all about the woman's purportedly fake breasts. The hatred is squarely aimed at the (white) woman.
A feminist issue.
२२३ टिप्पण्या:
223 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Huh?
Bad behavior, for sure
Trying to find a political issue here: pure BS.
Give me a break with the BS bigot hunt.
proving there is a difference between a good actor and a 'bad actor' and they can both occupy the same mind.
Wow! Mel really hates his mother. The girlfriend was alert to use that anger against him for a pay day based on her carefully set up recording of his hatred. Mel needs to find a way to appreciate women, or he will repeat this disaster.
And, fake tits are ugly as hell.
The bolt-ons do, indeed, make a woman look like a cheap hooker.
"A feminist issue."
You're actually Gloria, from All In The Family, aren't you?
urt Gloria had great, natural boobs Crack.
Should be but Gloria....
No coffee morning (wahhhhhh!).....
I can't too worked up by this. Mel Gibson is a jerk. We know this.
If there is some larger significance in what he said it is only because someone else made it public.
So, Mel Gibson wasn't trying to influence the culture at large with what he said. He had an intended audience of one.
Everyone says nasty things in private. Mel Gibson is more famous than most so more people care what he says in private.
If this cuts short his career that's no huge loss. I stopped watching his movies when it became clear that they were all revenge fantasies.
For some reason, this reminds me of the immortal Onion video spoof:
"Use Of N-word May End Porn Star's Career.",14174/
I don't care about the political opinions of actors, musicians, etc. Also don't find any political meaning in a domestic fight between actors, musicians, etc.
It's just Hollywood.
@ John Lynch...But this is a Law Blog, and all law is based upon the all powerful human revenge fantasy we call justice, and political rulers attempts to co-opt that revenge fantasy and make it appear respectable. Ergo, Mel Gibson would make a fine lawyer.
Racism is the current "in thing" in the media; that does not mean that normal people are any more or less preoccupied with it than they have been.
I don't even know what "racial profiling" is supposed to mean anymore.
Kind of reminds me of the old Bennet Cerf joke about the Frenchman in New York. His host took him up on the observation deck of the Empire State Building, and he spread his arms and exclaimed, "La femme! La femme!" His host asked what in the world on New York's skyline reminded him of women, and he said, "Effrything! Effrything remind moi of les femmes!"
okay, can i say something...
It doesn't really sound like him. i mean, i was all prepared to believe it all and be bummed out and then i listened, and no... it didn't really sound like him. He sounds deeper typically. I'm not saying I am sure it is not him. i mean maybe the recording is distorted, or something, but I am not sure i buy it. is gibson denying any of it?
The media is overrepresented by people of the Jewish faith, Ann, and Mel Gibson stirred a lot of controversy within the Jewish community when he released his documentary "Passion of the Christ," which re-enacted the Jewish murder of Jesus Christ - God's only child - on a cross after severely beating him to death.
Do you think that might have anything to do with why the media would play up anything negative they can dig up on Mel Gibson, including illegally made surreptitious recordings?
You've discussed misogyny and racism ... but those are side issues. You've totally ignored religious hatred, which seems to be the motivating factor here.
Clearly, Mel is a small and angry little man. Oh well.
Enjoy the golf, today. Keep to the shade and drink lots of water.
The left these days is all about grievance mongering, and there is a very strictly observed hierarchy of victimhood, and black people in general are much higher on the victim foodchain than white women.
Not so New hussain Ham...Falsely stating that Jews murdered God is the oldest of all Jew hatred per se. The scriptures point out that Jesus was arrested at midnight, tried before dawn and executed by Italians by 9:00 AM, all because the Rulers feared the Jewish People would never stand for the arrest and murder of their popular Prophet named Jesus accused of being an insurrectionist against Roman/Herodian rulers. That may be a good reaso why we need to exterminate the Italians, but leave the Jews out of it.
Clearly, Mel is a small and angry little man. Oh well.
Have you never said something you maybe regretted in the heat of the moment when you were angry with your spouse or significant other?
How would you feel if that person was surreptitiously, and illegally, recording your telephone calls?
And then how would you feel if the media played those illegal recordings because they hate you for religious reasons?
Is Mel wrong to have said what he said? Certainly. But who among us has never said something regretful when angered by their spouse?
The real story isn't what Mel Gibson said ... the real story is how the media is setting about to crucify Mel Gibson, much in the same way that God's child was murdered --- only slower and more painfully.
Mel Gibson is probably an alcoholic. Last time I checked with the media, alcoholism is a disease and people shouldn't be tarred and feathered for being sick.
But let's get it out there folks and discuss the religious hatred on display here.
Mel Gibson must be destroyed because he made that movie.
And they're going to destroy him any way they can.
Mr. Gibson seems to have a little anger problem.
The last time it was Jews wasn't it? Of course he was drunk then, but still.
This time it's black folks, fake breasts and this woman.
I don't see a feminist issue. I do see a really sick man though. I wonder how he developed this problem.
I don't know about "roused", but we sure are Aroused by breasts, both male and female.
Ah, the Christianist that is really a seething cauldron of hatred toward the Protected Victim Classes.
Better this than reporting that the new head of healthcare in America is an avowed socialist.
New Ham, the Jews didn't so much MURDER Jesus, as they fulfilled G*d's Plan....
The Miracles before and the Resurrection were all just the "show" G*d put on, for us, to demonstrate that Jesus WAS who he said he was...and therefore we need to pay some attention to what he said. (Pretty Good for a Crypto-Jew, If I do say so, myself)
The Jews and Romans didn't murder Jesus, they fulfilled G*d's Plan...under "murder" you make it sound like they were trying to thwart G*d.
From the Jewish PoV Jesus was a Blasphemer...and a threat....the Romans just saw him as one more Jewish "annoyance."
Fake bazoobs are on the way out, supposedly. They always looked like somebody had shoved a boulder under the skin.
Saw an article about casting for a picture (not porn) where the actresses had to have their original equipment. So Mel can get one grievance off his mind.
We can hope. He's becoming the male Lindsay Lohan.
WV "conall" What the Democrat Party tries to do.
It's a question of business sense for the news audience, and what narrative will keep them from tuning away.
That's not "Americans" but the TV-news moron subset.
If that masseuse had recorded Gore, I wonder if we'd be hearing, "Setup!" and "Illegal recordings!" like we did during the ACORN scandal.
Gibson is a patriotic Republican and if anyone disses him I say pooh on you.
A sea of women doing the back stroke on the mighty Missip. What a glorious vision. Nipples portruding from the river.
Titus, are you going to insult Althouse again?
Or is the Janus mask smiling today, and posts will be limited to twee descriptions of excrement?
Pogo, Namaste my friend. Life is great and I am full of joy and love.
May you have the greatest of weekends.
Twee it is.
Alert me when the sad/angry Janus is back.
It's hard to keep up sometimes.
My Indian UK husband and I watched The River and Bend It Like Beckham last night. It was very rewarding.
Although he told me the Indian Actress in The River (1951) was ugly.
I wanted to do the gay Indian in Bend In LIke Beckham. He was totally hot. Nice portruding lips.
The concession first: Gibson is a man with anger issues, and seems to express them in both racial and gender terms. If he's having love children with women half his age, he's likely suffering from self-image and control issues and he's angry that he can't own her affection. This man needs help.
Now, here's my question: why was this image-obsessed young thing prepared to tape this conversation? What buttons did she deliberately push to provoke this obviously-expected rant? What was her goal?
And why was she cozying up to a wealthy, good-looking misogynist twice her age in the first place -- then altering her body to appeal to other men?
Gibson is going to get what he deserves, but the young lady will not, and that's where social change is needed. How much do we really want to reward this sort of aggressive narcissism on the part of young, image-obsessed women? Because it appears to me that the young lady, also, needs help, and giving her societal power and a chunk of Gibson's personal fortune, which is probably what this is really about, is the polar opposite of the sort of help she needs.
Why does it have to be one or the other? Seems like both. Mel doesn't have issues, he has a subscription.
It would be nice if he'd go on a rant about something else women do.
Because it must be one or the other. A rant and ranter cannot be both racist and misogynist.
Dude's a creep. And his movie on the American Revolution also contained lies.
I agree with New Ham. The jewish forces who control the media and Hollywood and want to bring socialism to this country need to destroy Christianity which is the last bulwark against socialism. They will never forgive Gibson for being a conservative Christian who made ''Passion of Christ.'' They must now completely destroy him. These are the same people who tried to make Ted Kennedy a god.
Geez, look at the con's here going after the woman!
Hint: making audio recordings is much easier these days. It doesn't require the old reel tape so many conservatives seem to imagine.
We have digital devices of all sorts that can do so in 10 seconds.
But, yeah, blame her for his racism and misogyny.
"... the Jews didn't so much MURDER Jesus, as they fulfilled G*d's Plan ..."
Not arguing that point.
The point I'm arguing is that Mel Gibson in largely Jewish Hollywood made a movie portraying the murder of Jesus by the Jews - angering many contemporary Jews.
The mainstream - largely Jewish media, is now setting out to destroy Mel Gibson by releasing the contents of surreptitious wiretaps of private telephone conversations he had with his spouse.
Is this a racist issue? Is this a misogyny issue?
Or is it really a religious hatred issue?
This story - in my view - isn't about whether Mel has racist tendencies (because everyone does, including black people).
This story isn't about whether Mel has misogynist tendencies because everyone does ... even women.
We're all sinners, yes?
This story is about Jews in Hollywood and the mainstream media out to destroy Mel Gibson for producing "The Passion of the Christ" by releasing wiretaps of his phone conversations.
And yet Ann blithely ignores this elephant in the room.
I live in the South and have now heard Mel Gibson use the "N-word" more than any person I have ever met outside of... you know... a black person or comedian.
I bet the sets of the "Lethal Weapon" were interesting places to be. We had a black liberation Marxist and a hate filled bigot as co-stars. It just shows how effective capitalism is in bringing people who are natural enemies together.
It doesn't require the old reel tape so many conservatives seem to imagine.
We have digital devices of all sorts that can do so in 10 seconds
Do your friends know this?
I listened to it. It's him.
Doesn't he have a pack of kids? And didn't he used to be all into espousing the wonders of marriage and being conservative? What happened? Maybe that all was just BS. Probably.
And his movie on the American Revolution also contained lies. you think this is relevant...JFK or Born on the Fourth of July don't bother you?
If we threw out all the Hollywood movies that contained "lies"(However you define that)we'd have no movies to watch at all...
Godzilla was not a lie. Right, Alpha?
Godzilla was not a lie.
Not the 1954 (?) Original, but the one with Matthew Broderick?
Alpha is enjoying the tiny sliver of hope Mel Gibson offers that all is not lost, that indeed white men are evil, etc etc, and that this applies to the TEA party and GOP, etc etc.
Meanwhile, a socialist is in the White House.
He's appointed a self-proclaimed socialist to head the new national healthcare system.
He has rewarded Black Panther Party thugs that threatened people who tried to vote.
He has failed to address the worst environmental calamity in 50 years.
He has caused businesses to avoid hiring, due to the uncertainty his taxes and regulations have caused.
His foreign policy has rejected our friends and reassured our enemies.
His entire administration has been a total clusterfuck.
But Alpha has Mel Gibson to soothe him for awhile.
A private conversation gets taped and leaked. Our liberal friends are OUTRAGED that it was made public and that people are making character judgments about the participants.
Poor Journolist members.
"that indeed white men are evil,"
Wow. I didn't know that. So, you're telling me that I, a white man, hate white men?
This is shocking news, indeed.
Or, it could be you're engaging in that mental masturbation known as a a strawman argument. Don't overdo it, kid!
Regarding Mel Gibson's lying movie about the American Revolution....
There is no historical account or evidence that the British locked people up in churches and burned them alive.
For starters.
Gibson's an asshole.
Please explain the concept of Godzilla to Joe.
You are a fine man, Alpha.
"So, you're telling me that I, a white man, hate white men? This is shocking news, indeed."
Democrats in general hate white males; even the white males among them do so. That's hardly news.
But you're a misanthrope.
OK, I'll play Mel's advocate here.
First, let's drop this bullshit line about his ex-gf being "twice his age." He's 50 and she's 39.
Second, if you can't hear the passive-aggressive, I'm-recording-this-so-I'm-going-to-be-the-ultra-calm-liar-whose-lies-will-infuriate-you routine, then you've all been blissfully spared dealing with a particularly annoying type of person.
Third, where exactly is the misogyny in telling the mother of one of your kids that the way she presents herself to the world is slutty? Call him patriarchal if you like, but it's a stretch to call a man with 8 kids a woman hater.
What's left is the private utterance of the worst word in the world, something I'm sure no one on this site has ever, ever said. That plus a potential Kinsleyan gaffe concerning actual crime statistics that would be virtually impossible to substantiate through standard crime reporting.
Crack please don't ask for money. It is so demeaning and not fab.
There is no historical account or evidence that the British locked people up in churches and burned them alive.
You know Ron Kovic was on HIS SECOND TOUR IN VIETNAM making him a "Lifer"...not poor innocent draftee victim of Da Man...and then there'sKevin Costner in JFK...bad physics and an amazing conspiracy...
But hey that's all good it supports the Leftist narrative...that Mel Gibson feller, he can't be allowed to get away with "Creative License", can he?
AllenS, in a weird way I want you.
Mel Gibson is 54.
"men and women are just different. They're not equal. The same way that you and I are not equal... You might be more intelligent, or you might have a bigger dick. Whatever it is, nobody's equal. And men and women are not equal. I have tremendous respect for women. I love them. I don't know why they want to step down. Women in my family are the center of things. And good things emanate from them. The guys usually mess up... Women are just different. Their sensibilities are different." When asked for an example, he responded "I had a female business partner once. Didn't work." When asked why, he said that "she was a cunt." Gibson also said "Feminists don't like me, and I don't like them. I don't get their point. I don't know why feminists have it out for me, but that's their problem, not mine."
I want you too. I want to kick your fucking head in. I don't even think that you're a fag. I think you're a girl. I'll bet your name is Mary. You'd be the first girl that I ever kicked in the head.
Mel is out of control with his verbal attacks. He needs a big time out.
Sorry - I meant Adam not Joe.
Pogo continues spewing lies about Dems hating white males.
The Dem Party is still dominated by white males to this day. So that's pretty obviously nonsense and bullshit.
Democrats want to remove he impediment and social injustice of racism and sexism. If you find that offensive it says a lot more about you than anyone else.
Freeman Hunt said...
If that masseuse had recorded Gore, I wonder if we'd be hearing, "Setup!" and "Illegal recordings!" like we did during the ACORN scandal.
7/10/10 8:54 AM
Freeman, that is a rhetorical question, correct? You already know the answer.
Can I just say Crack Linking to "The Macho Response" is totally not macho but rather really liberal and defeatocrat?
Thank you.
Allen -- go back and feed the horse again, or brush him or whatever. And the goats or the other critters you have on your farm.
You need to get away from this bunch.
It's a beautiful weekend.
Sorry - I meant Adam not Joe.
What the F*ck is wrong with you, man....I don't look a F*cking thing like ADAM!?!?!
What, do all we Crypto-Jews look alike to your kind?
Allens, thank you for the attention. Your last comment just made me splew all over myself.
Can you help me clean up daddy.
The teachable free speech moment today is reading comments by Tighty Righty and New Hussain Ham both morphing into junk b-grade anti-semitism. That makes them both Mobys of the first order. Hating Jews is a super irrational mental defect and those indulging in it need to be challenged for their own sake. See what it got Gibson.
Democrats want to remove he impediment and social injustice of racism and sexism.
That's a nice open-ended mission, there...since YOU get to define "sexism" and "racism" why you and the Democratic Party have a job for decades to come....
?"Mel is out of control with his verbal attacks. He needs a big time out."
Mel Gibson was having a private corrective conversation with his spouse, who he felt was acting like a whore - putting herself at risk of rape. He is clearly angered, and perhaps, rightfully so. Who knows? Since there is no context provided by this tape, you certainly don't know.
That private telephone conversation was surreptitiously wiretapped - illegally.
Next, selectively edited portions of those recordings are being played for the amusement of the public by a largely Jewish mainstream media - angry at Gibson's historical representation of the murder of Jesus Christ - God's only Son - at the hands of the corrupt Jewish church.
And you think he is the one who needs a timeout?
So are you a racism denier, Joe? Or apologist? That's a question you and every conservative should ask themselves.
Nothing is ever racism. There is no racism.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
Ah, Titus has changed the Janus mask again already.
That's more than a teenage girl changes clothes.
"Nothing is ever racism. There is no racism. "
Officially, there is only racism by whites.
Otherwise, it's called 'diversity'.
Misogyny, absolutely.
But I'd say the *media*, who has labeled this event, is more into reporting racism than misogyny/sexism when both are present in the same moment.
This reminds me of that John Mayer rant that was widely reported on a while back .... a mix of misogyny and racism, but probably mostly misogyny.
and I'm sure Hillary would have a lot to say on this topic as well.
New Ham goes anti-semitic:
Next, selectively edited portions of those recordings are being played for the amusement of the public by a largely Jewish mainstream media
Uh, ya got a fact to back that up? By all means, link to a source? (Stormfront, maybe?)
And Wall Street? Mainly Jewish?
Pogo, you can watch Allens and I if you are a good boy.
If you are a bad boy you can join us.
Have you been a good boy or bad boy?
Sorry, I should have preserved this entire anti-semitic rant from New "Hussein" Ham:
Next, selectively edited portions of those recordings are being played for the amusement of the public by a largely Jewish mainstream media - angry at Gibson's historical representation of the murder of Jesus Christ - God's only Son - at the hands of the corrupt Jewish church.
Come on, conservatives! What do you think of this statement? Condemn or support?
So are you a racism denier, Joe? Or apologist? That's a question you and every conservative should ask themselves.
Nothing is ever racism. There is no racism.
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.
Excellent Gambit, Sirrah....turn it back around on your interrogator!
Well Good Sir, how about YOU define "racism?"
Is racism using the word "Niggardly?"
Is racism using the word "Black Hole?"
What IS racism? Are Spike Lee or Zulu Shabazz racists?
What is "sexism?" Is the opposition to Abortionist sexist?
You see you have to define thesocial ill you're combatting, in order to declare victory....
But you don't want that, do you? Beause if you declare victory then you have to find a real job...and then all those womyn and People of Colour might start voting Republican or Libertarian or Green or something...
" ... both morphing into junk b-grade anti-semitism."
Criticizing Jews is not anti-Semetic.
Crititicing Papal complicity in child rape is not anti-Catholic.
Criticizing Muslim terrorists is not anti-Islamic.
And criticizing Obama is not racism.
The Jews are not exempt from justified criticism any more than any other religion acting badly.
"And Wall Street? Mainly Jewish?"
What does Wall Street have to do with Mel Gibson's telephone being wiretapped and selectively edited portions being played by the mainstream media?
AlphaLiberal you are unhinged.
Rly Al...New Ham is a "conservative" now?
You got lotsa the game down now...since no one but New ham and Tidy Righty agree with either Tidy or New, but they must be Conservatives?
Ok, how do you feel about killing Crack-uh Babies, AL? I understand a prominent libberal is on tape extolling the virutes of killing crack-uh you support or oppose it?
And Titus swings back to twee!
Criminey, it's like a goddamned strobe light, or a cheap neon sign.
Also, the rant to me wasnt about her fake breasts; it was about his belief that she was his property, and that he felt threatened by other men seeing her and being attracted to her -- and he blamed that on her fake breasts and her tight clothes. He told her to stay in the house so people would see her; and said that its would be her fault if someone raped her.
He was trying to manipulate her and control her with his unbelievably offensive and juvenile threats of withholding his 'love', his 'wanting of her' and his 'trust'; and tried to shame her into wearing clothes and removing the implants because they made him feel insecure (that other men would be attracted to her).
I like to think that women today see this and think this behavior is from the stone age ... but I think this sort of thing happens much more often than many might like to believe.
"but I think this sort of thing happens much more often than many might like to believe.
Yeah, check out the Islamic enclaves in France, England, Canada, Dearborn, Michigan, and, well, the Muslim faith in general. Burkas in downtown Minneapolis!
Or did you mean something else, danielle?
There's a paradox to fake tits. With fake tits, a woman can wear clothes better and look more attractive to all the world. The exception to this is her lover who gets to see her naked and finds silicone and not nurture in her embrace......For all the bigotry, there's an element of pathos to Gibson's rant. How does it happen that a movie star with money, fame, and looks ends up in such a futile dance? I felt this way when I heard about Al Gore trying to make some kind of vital connection with a midnight masseuse.....I would have thought that these men could have used their advantages to negotiate a better deal and found some joy or peace or help for pain with a good woman......My admiration for Tiger Woods remains unshaken. Love passes, but time stands still when you're having sex with pornstars in a luxury suite of a Vegas hotel.
"...He was trying to manipulate her and control her ..."
No, he was explaining to her that she was acting like a whore.
A woman ceases to be an individual once she marries a man. Then, they become a team. What one does affects the other.
When one of them gets out of line, the other has the obligation to right that spouse. If, for example, Mel was cheating on his wife, then she would be right to correct that behavior and to threaten to withhold her love from him if he refused to restrain his base instincts.
Mel Gibson has the same obligation to his marriage to correct his wife's illicit behavior.
That's called "equality."
I like Mel Gibson's movies. He plays the classic Scots-Irish witty tough guy who enjoys a fight. But in person he has several severe mind glitches. He hates women and he hates Jews. If you love women or if you love Jews, then speaking out boldly against his bad examples is a duty. My own Church ( The PCUSA)is trying to do do its best to screw the Jews too. It's an epidemic that needs to be opposed.
" ... e felt threatened by other men seeing her and being attracted to her -- and he blamed that on her fake breasts and her tight clothes."
A woman who wears tight clothes to show off her new fake breasts is deliberately attempting to attract the attentions of other men.
That is inappropriate behavior for a married woman. It places the marriage and the familial unit in jeopardy.
Such actions by a woman in a marriage rightfully deserve condemnation and corrective action.
Single women can whore it up all they want and nobody has any right to complain.
A married woman promises during her marriage ceremony not to do such things. And so, if she then does those things, then her spouse is right to call her out on those damaging actions.
If she wants to boob it up and whoredog the town ... then she should leave the marriage first. Then nobody would care how she shops her pussy around.
But as long as she's promised before God to love, honor and cherish her husband - he has a right to demand she not engage in activities that diminish the quality of his marriage.
For all those who went on and on about how Journolist was a private conversation (which it clearly wasn't), this would be an example of an actual private conversation.
Also, as I recall from my dating days, if your boyfriend turned out to be a huge jerk, you dumped him. You needed not to record your fights with him and release them to the press. I suppose, however, the downside was that you would not receive a house and other such monetary compensations.
And as for Mel, HDHouse expressed my sentiments perfectly in his first comment. Time for Mel to wise up and chill out.
A "feminist" issue? Doesn't characterizing it that way invoke the whole "personal is political" baggage, making Mel Gibson's assholery a burden to be borne by all men?
No, Althouse, no. This is Mel Gibson's problem and no one else's.
And your headline? "Mel Gibson teaches us that Americans are more roused by racism than misogyny (or breasts)". Bullshit! The fact that the media is promoting something intended to "rouse" their readers does not mean anything about Americans; it means something about what the people running the media think. That goes for New Media just as much as for the MSM.
I just went over to to see where the Mel Gibson story is positioned. It's #18; #17 just above it is this image with the link text "Can't wait to grow me some donuts". Hardly rousing.
There's seems to be some confusion. These two weren't married. Gibson is still married to someone else.
May I ask what Titus offers to these discussions? I am clearly without a clue.
"There's seems to be some confusion. These two weren't married. Gibson is still married to someone else."
In that case then, he deserves what he got in the first place ... she was a whore from the get go.
I do not hate jews. That is a libelous charge. I do have a problem with those in the mainstream media and Hollywood who are trying to undermine Christianity in order to bring about a socialist state. Many if not most of these people are jews.
I like pearls...I don't care if plump Japanese maidens dove to the bottom of the Inland Sea and plucked the oyster from its bed....
Or the oyster had a seed placed in its body and then was raised in a tank.
So too breasts...fake or real is immaterial.
I think the discussion of fake or real is kinda of silly. Personally I think the prejudice against breast implants is from naturally busty womyn, who feel their monopoly is being challenged.
The antipathy to augmented breasts is a way to de-legitimatize artificial breasts, and thereby make the "real" ones superior. Denise Milani has real, large breasts, but that doesn’t make her INHERENTLY sexier than say Pamela Anderson.
And New Ham, you must be a Moby, out to provide “proof” Althouse has racists, bigots, or anti-Semites…any way, IF your girl friend has nice breasts (real OR fake) and is displaying them very nicely, guys like it…it says, “Yeah, this fox, she’s MY fox. I must be quite the man to have captured this fox. So eat your heart out loser.” So placing some kind of blame on Mel’s girl friend for dressing like a “slut” is blaming the victim…You may not be a Moby, mayhap you’re writing from Iran, who knows?
You're stating the obvious. Of course he's misogynist. We've known that since "sugar tits," haven't we? And more than ranting, she's accusing him of knocking her teeth out.
We have laws against this; it looks like his management has dropped him. Where's the feminist issue to be pursued? He's going to face consequences, and that's good.
Freeman, if he had been physically abusive with her before, than she was smart to keep a record of other encounters. That's a common practice.
I do not hate jews. That is a libelous charge. I do have a problem with those in the mainstream media and Hollywood who are trying to undermine Christianity in order to bring about a socialist state. Many if not most of these people are jews.
No, you’re just an idiot or a troll or a Moby…BTW, for starters, it’s not “Libelous” unless:
1) It’s untrue; AND
2) You have been damaged by the statement.
Any way it’s patently sill to claim that MOST of the folks attempting to bring Socialism to the US are Jews….after all Jews are less than 5% of the US populace, and I think it’s safe to say more than 5% of the US wants Socialism. So UNLESS ALL Jews are pulling for Socialism it should be obvious that you statement is false…even to YOU. As you have made it, I can only conclude that if you are going to be making patently and easily disproven claims then you base your animus not on Logic, but IRATTIONAL Animus…you know there’s a word for that in the English language, as it relates to an irrational animus towards Jews…ANTI-SEMITE. If you’re not trolling then you ARE an anti-Semite, because you make absurd claims that ought to obvious to anyone that are false. So options are:
1) Troll;
2) 2) Anti-Semite.
I know you also threw in many…many if not most…sure many, is many more than 1 Jew, 3 Jews, 50 Jews? “Many” covers a multitude of sins, doesn’t it? So is it your contention that a statistically significant number of Jews support Socialism, and that this number is greater in the Jewish population than in the non-Jewish population? Be precise…show your figures, provide citations, show all your work. And lastly, define “Jewish”. Is Woody Allen a Jew? Is someone who does not practice faith a Jew? Is someone who does not practice the faith, but has “Jewish” grand-parents a Jew? How many quarters of “Jew” in your lineage make you a Jew? Please tell us Dr. Mengele, inquiring minds want to know.
We've known that since "sugar tits,"
Whoa, whoa, WHOA..."sugar tits" is out that explains the odd look my boss gave me when I used the phrase to describe her...WHo Knew?
Luckily she's a Jewess, and we all stick together.
I read somewhere else that there is reason to believe that this tart was hired to break up Mel Gibson's solid Christian marriage and humiliate and delegitimize his strong voice for traditional American values. Some of you may laugh but just look what happened with the Russian spys. It happens all the time and clearly this tart would do anything for money. In this case she is probably getting a pay out from her media/Hollywood masters and a bonus from Gibson's estate.
I do have a problem with those in the mainstream media and Hollywood who are trying to undermine Christianity in order to bring about a socialist state. Many if not most of these people are jews.
Is that you, Mel?
Misandry is almost fully tolerated, and is encouraged by those same feminists that should be offended by Gibson's comments.
To paraphrase Ezra Klein, Althouse, you sure do have a lot of sexist commenters...
"And why was she cozying up to a wealthy, good-looking misogynist twice her age in the first place -- then altering her body to appeal to other men?"
"Gibson is going to get what he deserves, but the young lady will not, and that's where social change is needed. How much do we really want to reward this sort of aggressive narcissism on the part of young, image-obsessed women? Because it appears to me that the young lady, also, needs help, and giving her societal power and a chunk of Gibson's personal fortune, which is probably what this is really about, is the polar opposite of the sort of help she needs."
There are a lot of assumptions in there, all unfavorable to the woman. No evidence, just slurs.
And then there's the poster who believes husbands have a duty to "correct" a wife's "slutty" behavior. Nice. Hussein, are you a Muslim?
Althouse's point is well made, that humans are currently better at identifying racism than identifying sexism. But there's still an awful lot of trash on this board.
The larger issue is the man's privacy was violated. A man should expect that he can say anything he wants in his own bedroom. The bitch recorded him against permission. The fucking bitch.
BTW, I don't hold Mel's antisemitic rant against him, even though I'm a Jew. We all say crazy things when upset and drunk.
I read somewhere else that there is reason to believe that this tart was hired to break up Mel Gibson's solid Christian marriage and humiliate and delegitimize…
And then,
Is that you, Mel?
No, I was thinking more on the lines of an Iranian Mullah…notice poor Mel is merely a cat’s-paw to this “tart’s” feminine wiles…I bet she has fake boobs, AND uncovered hair, because we all know about the effect of womyn’s hair on men.
"But there's still an awful lot of trash on this board."
And we thank you for your contribution thereto.
Sorry Joe I am not going to respond to you. I have learned that by feeding the trolls (like yourself) you only encourage them. I know I am right, you know I am right (that is why you are going on the hard offensive) and everyone reading this blog site know I am right. Your days of controlling the mainstream media are coming to an end. Get use to it.
It's kind of funny except for the anti-women hate and the racism.
Is Mel Gibson being a Christian?
"Mel Gibson might be my favorite feminist. If he's not number one on my list, he's pretty close, in competition with Pope John Paul II."
-- Kathryn Jean Lopez, Always Wrong About Everything, National Review 12/2/03
I don't think that word ("Christianity") means what you (con's) think it means.
alwaysfiredup said...
"To paraphrase Ezra Klein, Althouse, you sure do have a lot of sexist commenters..."
Ezra Klein was understating the case as we see on this page here.
We also see exhibited on this page the sexism and racism that the right feels more and more emboldened to state out loud.
More excuses for Gibson:
"The bitch recorded him against permission. The fucking bitch."
"Blame the victim" is a core conservative credo. (Except when they're playing the victim)
Sorry Joe I am not going to respond to you. I have learned that by feeding the trolls (like yourself) you only encourage them. I know I am right, you know I am right (that is why you are going on the hard offensive) and everyone reading this blog site know I am right. Your days of controlling the mainstream media are coming to an end. Get use to it.
Mu-Wa-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha (In my best Snidely Whiplash voice)
Tidy (translated):
I have no adequate logical response….you cheated and used facts n’ logic an’ stuff an’ that’s not fair! You’ll get yours soon Jew-Boi….(In my dreams, in my Mom’s basement, between surfing for tentacle pRon and hitting all the Neo-Nazi websites, and hitting a few “adult” websites for some free downloads).
I await my end, at your hands, with equanimity.
Alex is a moby, Alpha. So is Tidy.
How can Lopez's comment be judged in light of events in 2010? Is it time warp day?
Oh YEAH AL, two folks Tidy and New Ham kare here supporting Mel...and that's your sad pathetic dreams...
Trust me I'm betting YOUR room in Mom's basement doesn't look that much different from Tidy's.
I'm reminded Mel Gibson also has a gorey view of Christianity.
Link to the Lopez quote, where she disagrees strongly with Ann Althouse (Lopez-ALthouse talking heads coming soon?)
two folks Tidy and New Ham kare here supporting Mel...and that's Althouse...
I didn't say that Althouse and the racist/sexist commenters (who are only a subset of the conservative commenters, to be sure) are the same.
I think they are different, actually, and I wonder what Althouse thinks when she reads such from her fellow travelers, who also slurp up and regurgitate the bile flowing from Limbaugh.
FH, those two are only the most extreme examples, but their views are widely shared among conservatives, if to less blatant extent. They are representative.
And I have had extensive enough debates to know they're not imposters.
Lopez, a real poor judge of character:
"Blame the victim" is a core conservative credo. (Except when they're playing the victim)"
Except I am conservative, AlphaMale. It would be far easier to have this discussion about racism and sexism if you didn't try to throw political ideology into it all the time.
I'm reminded Mel Gibson also has a gorey view of Christianity.
Wow THAT’S d@mning isn’t it Alpha….Here’s a new flash…they beat Jesus 39 times….they stuffed a crown of thorns on His (his-for us Crypto-Jews) head…and then nailed Him(him) to a Freak’n Cross…Dood/doodette that ain’t Sesame Street.
And it’s “gory” not “gorey” and it’s a CATHOLIC (Roman) view of Christianity…on my midnight jaunts about town, collecting my loan-shark payments, and looking for nubile young Christian womyn to seduce, and young babies blood for our Holy Jewish Pastries…I have entered a number of churches (to defile of course) and you’ll note the standard CROSS in your Protestant Church, but a CRUCIFIX in your standard Roman Catholic Church. The Catholics emphasize the bloody and painful nature of Christ’s Sacrifice for our/your sake.
My disjointed thoughts:
You Althouse commenters would start to argue if the topic of discussion was: "Water: Boy, it sure is wet. Discuss."
Everyone here agrees that Mel Gibson is a huge asshole. And yet you find shit to argue about, to the point of resorting to ad hominems and accusations of racism and sexism. It's remarkable.
On another topic, unrelated: "TidyRighty" is clearly a Moby. Please don't encourage him by acting as though he's sincere. I don't really know what a "troll" is, it seems poorly defined and I don't want to chase away people with opinions that don't conform to the majority. But Mobyism is really obnoxious.
And finally, to the topic of the post: Althouse quoted someone: ""Mel Gibson teaches us that Americans are more roused by racism than misogyny (or breasts)."
And just above this comment box, Althouse instructs: "Other than that, don't use the "n-word"..."
So yes, I'd agree with that quote. Some people are much more bothered by racism (and not just any racism, but specifically that targeting African Americans) than they are sexism, including our hostess.
I mean, I can use words like "cunt" and "bitch", slurs like "kyke" and "gook" and "hillbilly" and "retard", and it's all hunky dory; but use the word "n*gger" and my comment would get deleted.
I'm not complaining; I wouldn't use the word anyway, it's a word used by assholes like Gibson. And it's your blog, your rules. But there's an odd asymmetry there that just doesn't fit my perception of Althouse. Why can I type "kyke" in my comment, with no asterisk?
You know AL until you define "sexism" or "Racism" I'm suspicious of your claims of its ubiquity here.
Personally I think YOU'RE a sexist, racist homophobe...using MY defintion(s), and so I will not talk to you any longer.
How's that for come clean about all the "sexism" and "racism" you see hereabouts. A decent semantic or operational defintion is all I'm asking for, no not even "decent"...that's a weasel word. A testable, measurable defintion of sexism and racism is needed.
And since you see it...tell us what it is.
AlphaLiberal said...
Regarding Mel Gibson's lying movie about the American Revolution....
There is no historical account or evidence that the British locked people up in churches and burned them alive.
Alpha has never heard of the concept of fiction, although "The Patriot", essentially a remake of the old Jimmy Stewart movie, "Shanandoah", is a bit over the top.
Loosely (and I do mean loosely) based on the wartime adventures of Francis Marion, it's depiction of the battle of Cowpens is fairly on target. What made everyone roll his eyes was the portrayal of Marion's arch-enemy, Banastre Tarleton. 'Bloody' Tarleton, as the Continentals called him, did massacre American prisoners, although the bit in the church owes more to Lidice and is what Hollyweird used to call 'box office'.
Democrats want to remove he impediment and social injustice of racism and sexism.
No, the Demos are doing everything they can to perpetuate it. If there were no victims, no one would vote Democrat.
Pogo said...
"So, you're telling me that I, a white man, hate white men? This is shocking news, indeed."
Democrats in general hate white males; even the white males among them do so.
More like the Demos hate anybody who won't vote for them and swallow their lies. Since that includes most white men, you pretty much nail it.
Defining sexism: degrading and demeaning women just for being female, such as having breasts and wearing attractive clothing. Presuming that women are sexually promiscuous based on no evidence whatsoever. Presuming that men have the right to control women and that women must acquiesce.
Does that work?
Why can I type "kyke" in my comment, with no asterisk?
Because we Jews run the Internet and we already know all about you Pasta, and so it’s irrelevant to us as to whether you type “Kike” or “K*ke” because we are going to ruin you no matter what….
Something for YOU to consider Tidy…we know who you are and we know where you live and we know where you work…and ONE day, when you least expect it a horde of fanatical rabbinical students, accountants, lawyers, and hired goons will descend upon you and yours!
Defining sexism: degrading and demeaning women just for being female, such as having breasts and wearing attractive clothing. Presuming that women are sexually promiscuous based on no evidence whatsoever. Presuming that men have the right to control women and that women must acquiesce.
Does that work?
By THAT argument I only see one mayhap two “sexists” here…hardly the same as being over-run as Alpha would have it.
I'd say at least three or four, plus mobys. I'm trying to decide if people who deny that sexism exists in that rant count as sexist themselves. But maybe they're just oblivious. Let's be charitable.
Alpha is of course wrong and trying to be disagreeable, but what else is new?
Uh-Oh now you're using "sexism" in a way you did not DEFINE...only one person has said Mel had a right to discipline her and dictate her dress...YOUR DEFINITION of "sexism."
So I haven't seen 3 or 4 or anyone denying "sexism" you've defined it.
Sorry now you're trying to broaden your definition, and not substantiate it....
So what is "sexism" and who is "denying" it's existence?
Well Mort Zuckerman just called and I gotta go...Plots to hatch, nets to cast wide, nubile Christian virgins to to be made...movies to be to be influenced...all in a days voik for a Yid, like me.
I don't think that word ("Christianity") means what you (con's) think it means.
Please define Christianity for me.
I'm always curious to know what Christianity means to someone. I find that liberals who profess not to be Christians (I don't know if you do or not) have the most rigid definitions and expect rigid adherence to their definition while disallowing the definition of those who actually profess to be Christians.
Of course, defining Christianity to the satisfaction of all Christian sects, let alone to non-Christians who want to portray it as negatively as possible, is next to impossible.
Dude. Seriously? First comment denies this is an issue. Fourth says it was said in private so not an issue. DaveW: I don't see this as a feminist issue.
shouting tom: "The bolt-ons do, indeed, make a woman look like a cheap hooker."
I'm not quoting Hussein or philwink anymore.
Adam may not have been in earnest but it was hard to tell.
And that's ignoring TR and only looking halfway down the page.
Is New Ham Maxine? Sense a flavor there.
And Pasta @12 noon -- mmmm -- interesting observations there. So blacks (except for Kenneth Gladney -- who is not black enough) are the privileged victims, but Jews, women, et. al., cannot qualify for that Blue Ribbon status.
Sorta like how Jew baiting is ok in Britain and Europe, but any whiff of questioning the extremism of Islam (the biggest victims -- well, except for double dippers, the black Islamists) results in howls of pain, indignation and outrage, not to mention threats of or increased violence.
Maybe Althouse is a subtle contributor to the Favored Victims private-members-only club?
As for Mel Gibson -- I like the guy --
Does he behave like an idiot? Yes. He is an idiot. That being said very intense guys with alcohol problems tend to say and do stupid and illegal things. (Dennis Hopper? A wide assortment of other "celebrities.") It is interesting how much press this is being given. Maybe because he did stake out a claim as an "Old Catholic?"
I thought it sad that he and Robin (Robyn?) were divorced. Same disappointment with Harrison Ford. (Calista Flockhart?!!?)
There is something good to be said about the depth of men and women who stay in it for the long haul with those who stayed in it with them for the long haul.
Good grief, what a mess.
If this has been a test post or experiment to see how blogging would do, the whole thing would have been shut down within five minutes.
JAL, I agree completely.
I'm taking Mrs. Pastafarian out tonight for our 12th anniversary. To a decent restaurant, no less. I might even exchange my loincloth for a pair of khakis.
SMGalbraith, at least the discussion hasn't yet descended into what types of blackberries people prefer.
Oh, shit, I've started it now. Someone's going to start talking about the type that grow on trees, versus the type that grow on bushes; and someone else will point out that those tree-borne berries aren't blackberries at all, but are some other fucking sort of berry, and how great they are on pancakes.
(The other Joe)
Just to be clear; criticizing implants is now misogynistic, yet criticizing women choosing to do porn is feministic.
Do the feminist spokeswomen have an official stance on tattoos, piercings and skirt length?
And his movie on the American Revolution also contained lies.
HA HA HA HA funny.
Is that like one of the lies Obama told during his campaign?
"I will allow Americans to buy their medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower outside the U.S."
Happy Anniversary, pastafarian!
Hold it. "Gibson donated $500,000 to the El Mirador Basin Project to protect the last tract of virgin rain forest in Central America and to fund archeological excavations in the "cradle of Mayan civilization.""
What an idiot; he should have bought and electric car and made a movie about global warming to pay for his indulgences.
than she was smart to keep a record of other encounters.
Better to leave *before* the next (alleged) beating, but she probably wanted more money and sole custody.
With so many kids already, why didn't Mel get snipped before fooling around? Is birth control worse than adultery in his Church?
Congrats Mr. & Mrs. Pasta!
Of course you could wear coordinated loincloth with her grassskirt and coconut bra.
Real knockouts, you'd be.
Have a glass of good wine and drive home safely. :-)
Happy anniversary, Pastafarian! Whatever you wear tonight, make sure it isn't the outfit from your profile picture.
"Just to be clear; criticizing implants is now misogynistic, yet criticizing women choosing to do porn is feministic."
a) I thought you were leaving.
b) Porn is very anti-woman. Anything that reduces women to their genitals is a bad thing. I'd say the same for men via-a-vis Playgirl, but even there men are not commonly reduced to tits(dick?) and ass the way women are.
c) talking about implants wasn't the bad part. Saying that certain women "look like cheap whores" was the bad part. Do you see the difference?
Seen that behavior in both sexes when they think they've got to wind up hating someone to terminate a relationship and he does seem to have a general problem dealing with hate.
If he knocked out teeth, there should be records, she should press charges, he should do time. Unless attacked.
These people should stay far apart and have no more contact.
But for two people having a vicious, but private break up conversation now constituting the basis of what is feminist? No.
Ditto the best wishes to Mr&Mrs Pastafarian, but I hope she is more of an expert on berries than you.
at least the discussion hasn't yet descended into what types of blackberries people prefer.
Well, a lot of folks here seem to be the type to worry about missing strawberries, if that's what you mean.
Yes, the internet is the wild wild west but the comments on this post are nutso. Mel Gibson is an ugly sick man. Full stop.
And Tidy Righty is a Moby that came here from Balloon Juice to disrupt things. Count on it.
When I worked as an encryption coder in the Moscow embassy, my supervisor was always telling me that Russian women were simply not to be trusted. I don't mean to make sweeping generalizations but this affair does seem to support his contention. Anyway, it's good to be back in the good ole USA where you can let your hair down and not have to worry about such women. When the pressure of my current job as a weapons designer at Livemore gets to me, I like to head for the ten dollar slots at Trump AC to let it all hang out. You'll see me there most every Saturday night wearing a Che t-shirt for ironic reasons. Slots not sluts is my motto. It's good to be in an environment where there are none of those manipulative Slavic women trying to work their wiles......Incidentally, how far out of your way do you have to go to find a Russian woman who needs implants?
JAL said...
And yes -- Pogo -- this is certainly distracting people from the horrendous appointment of the head of Medicare Medicaid, Dr. Berwick.
Any of you paying attention?
He says America has too much healthcare to choose from. (Funny from the pro-choice crowd.) He says we need to limit what is available and deny people care becasue it's too expensive. (And that will improve care.)
Kudos to you. This guy is Josef Mengele on the half shell, wanting to basically determine who lives and who dies. The Zero is doing everything possible to keep this guy as secret as possible and his evil little minions are carrying out his wishes.
Death panels, anyone?
Ya betcha.
Pastafarian said...
I'm taking Mrs. Pastafarian out tonight for our 12th anniversary. To a decent restaurant, no less. I might even exchange my loincloth for a pair of khakis.
My congrats, too. Definitely go for the pants and skip the beads if you're doing neckwear.
(Largo, on this morning's open thread,linked to Nina Simone's rendition of Sinnerman.)
Literally powerful, musically excellent, emotionally real, and spiritually on target. Politically incorrect, but true.
Tits with nipples showing swimming in the Mighty Missisip.
Rather than focusing on whether Mel is a racist, antisemite, or misogynist (and he may be all three)--what appears obvious is Mel is out of control.
Like Tourette's Syndrome, the driving force is probably not racism, antisemitism, or misogyny, but Mel showing no judgment or control over what he says. I think he is starting to lose it. I am not making excuses. He is responsible for what comes out of his mouth. But there is more going on here than some closeted racist in a revealing moment.
He needs to calm down, get his life in balance, and get right with the world. And take responsibility for what he says.
Someone thought I'd left...I HAD...there are several "Joes" these parts about...all of us Devilishly Handsome, Winsome, Smart as a Whip, many of us circumcized, and possibly Jewish....
I just popped back in to report that the supply of nubile Christian virgins is vanishingly small...
Gibson has proved to be an asshole.
Or mentally ill.
He's not aging well either.
Titus, sugar tits could be a term of endearment or insult depending on delivery and context.
I am sure you recognize this, but Mel's delivery and context made it an insult.
Some women don't like the term. My wife especially. Nothing against the t-word, she just thinks that term should be limited for small ones. Most women have boobs. She likes preciseness in language.
You should post your stadium sketches that you mentioned away back.
traditionalguy said...
Not so New hussain Ham...Falsely stating that Jews murdered God is the oldest of all Jew hatred per se. The scriptures point out that Jesus was arrested at midnight, tried before dawn and executed by Italians by 9:00 AM, all because the Rulers feared the Jewish People would never stand for the arrest and murder of their popular Prophet named Jesus accused of being an insurrectionist against Roman/Herodian rulers.
The Gospels and Jews own later writings say that the Jewish Sanhedrin tried Jesus for heresy, sentenced him to death -- then delivered him to the Romans because by Roman law, only they could execute subjects under their power - no competing group could.
Traditional Guy has been reading the comic books Zionists distribute to Christian Fundies, I guess.
It is also well documented the Jewish priesthood also tried many early Christians for heresy (inc many early saints) and also turned them over to the Romans for execution. And the Jews wanted the heretics to die hard - no easy sword stroke, but asked the Romans to make it painful and make it last.
Flavious Josephus backs up the Gospels and later Tulmuds that argue that Christ was a blasphemer and false prophet - justly sentenced by the Jewish Council as a troublemaker and handed to the Romans for dispatching. He wrote of the centuries-long pattern of Jews condemning & executing blasphemers. When allowed historically to do the executions themselves, they would. When the Romans came in, they insisted on having the Final word about dispatching local rabblerousers - but typically accepted the Sanhedrin's verdict on their own kind.
Josephus writes:
Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man; for he was a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ. And when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him..
the Jewish murder of Jesus Christ
Jesus was beaten and killed by Romans, not Jews. Read the Bible sometime. :)
Wasn't Mel raised in Australia?
b) Porn is very anti-woman. Anything that reduces women to their genitals is a bad thing.
Porn doesn't "reduce women to their genitals". Most of it does treat the women AND men in it as purely sexual creatures, but what of it? Pro basketball games treat men like they were nothing more than basketball players. Is that anti-male?
If you watch porn and come away thinking of the women in it as nothing but sex toys -- that's you. That's your misogyny. That isn't porn.
It strikes me that while processing "equality" as the highest virtue we schizophrenically
make exceptions and loopholes.. essentially denying that we really mean or even perhaps want "equality".
Popular culture is replete with just the ugly verbiage Mel used, if not more colorful.. We all know what the requirements for an exception are.. I wont go into it here because some people just get stuck there, as if they are alone shouting in the wilderness for rescue.
It is plausible that as long as we are not conquered by a foreign power and remain a super power; we are going to continue to have this problem.. this race thing.. the price to pay for success.
Maybe this is what Obama has in mind.. see Krauthammer.. making us less safe (economic safety included) will redirect our attention away from the perceived enemies at home.. remember the brief post 9/11 near nirvana.
Now.. for all the fears of a nuclear holocaust, there was racism during the cold war.. granted, we were not as fat (economically) as we are now.
Who knows?.. food for thought?
If you watch porn and come away thinking of the women in it as nothing but sex toys -- that's you. That's your misogyny. That isn't porn.
It depends on the porn. The old San Fernando Valley stuff born in the 1970s was focused on the genitals. But newer material takes porn in various directions-- some softer (NSFW!), some harder (super NSFW!), but mostly away from the old style of seeing women simply as sex toys.
Others argue that racism is not that big a deal.. they are called conservatives/uncle toms.
Both of those links above are from porn companies that pride themselves on being "ethical" and "authentic", and are generally known for being that way within the industry. That's an important part of the New Non-SFV Porn.
Susannah Breslin's piece from Oct 2009 is a great read about about the sad state of the old-style San Fernando Valley porn business:
They Shoot Porn Stars, Don't They?
it's only slightly NSFW
The onslaught of porn is responsible for deadening male libido in relation to real women, and leading men to see fewer and fewer women as “porn-worthy.”
Far from having to fend off porn-crazed young men, young women are worrying that as mere flesh and blood, they can scarcely get, let alone hold, their attention.
See Naomi Wolf for a compelling article on the subject.
Naomi Wolf is full of it. Plus she's a Marxist and all-in participant in the Leftist agenda. Like any feminist hack, she focuses on feelings-- and not very deep ones-- instead of facts.
New Ham - Gibson being an alcoholic doesn't give him cart-blanche (sp?) to say what ever he wants. He's full of anger and rage (a common symptom for a common drunk, btw) and now it's out in the open. Again.
Maybe it shouldn't be, but it is. You can't unring a bell.
And yes, I have said things to people I care about that I have regretted. I've faced them, learned from them. and made my amends. Mel can do the same.
Alpha Liberal said:
"And his movie on the American Revolution also contained lies."
Wait... The movies lie?!?
Call fucking Ripley!
In that taped conversation (I don't think Mel knew he was being taped) Mel was probably sauced.. but he was speaking about a real problem.
Something is 'making' women do this.
Now.. I don't know why Mel couldn't have just said "Sorry honey but, could you please change into some other outfit"?
Is that kind of request against the feminist code?
I can't believe no one has yet said:
Let's take a closer look at those breasts...
The tramp that set Mel Gibson up, Oksana Grigorieva, is being represented by an attorney name Marci Levine. Enough said.
Revenent - "Jesus was beaten and killed by Romans, not Jews. Read the Bible sometime."
Romans could largely give a crap what the locals did as long as they didn't challenge Roman rule, Roman law, paid their taxes, and didn't transgress on certain key norms.
Jesus was very careful not to challenge the Romans, insisting that his focus was on the spiritual, not the temporal. "Render onto Caesar"...right in Revenents Bible. As is the trial of CHrist by the Jewish High Priests. Christ broke no Roman law. He broke Jewish religious law.
According to the Gospels, Pilate was not happy to have the high, powerful Jews coming again and asking the Romans to play hangman to the Jew's Judge, Jury, and Prosecution that created the death sentence local Jews demanded Pilate to implement.
Obviously, Jews are none too happy they have suffered over the centuries for the collective guilt Christians and Muslims have put on them as the killers of Christ and the wicked, perfidious people as the Prophet wrote of them after Jews in Medina betrayed him.
But lying about the actual history just because the contemporary Jews were wrongly held to account for their ancestor's actions in the long distant past is like saying we must pervert the history books and call Benedict Arnold a great hero and patriot because "certain Arnolds" have suffered slights or actual harm from Benedict's stigma.
The media organization pushing this trash is TMZ which is own by Harvey Levin.
You are one sick puppy Tidy Righty.
I am starting to think that Ann is posting all of these stories about Mel Gibson to drum up posts from her coterie of anti-Semitic admirers.
danielle said...
Misogyny, absolutely.
Check mate, bitches !!!!!!!!!!
(I don't think any of the leftists here would survive a scrutinization of their comments for evidence of Gibson-class misogyny, racism, and anti-semitism.)
Is it possible that porn is affecting music.. the lack of decent pop music and the explosion of Internet porn do seem to intersect.
Just thinking aloud.
Romans could largely give a crap what the locals did as long as they didn't challenge Roman rule
By -- for example -- by being hailed by the people of Jerusalem as the King of Israel? That sort of challenge?
Porn is the “wallpaper” of our lives now. David Amsden
If this is so, whats the point of making art/music of something so prevalent like sex/wall paper?
Indeed most contemporary pop is full of pornographic lyrics.. while this may have been true in the past - it was not as prevalent as now.
Saying that certain women "look like cheap whores" was the bad part.
Not if it's true, or do you think they're all expensive whores?
"look like cheap whores"..
That phone call sounded like a bad movie script.. people talk like that in the movies.. and the movie going public pays.. I think someone made this point already.
I'm not saying is right or wrong.
Not so New hussain Ham.
Don't feed the trolls
Others argue that racism is not that big a deal.. they are called conservatives/uncle toms.
A couple of weekends I, a man of German/Irish/English descent, was sitting at home alone. My daughter was out with her half Filipino boyfriend (Filipino father/white mother), my son was out with a girl as black as Obama (black father/white mother), one my son's best friends is the son of a Mexican immigrant and a local woman. I've known his uncle, one of my favorite people, for nearly 20 years. My kids aren't unusual for their generation.
But a bunch of liberals want to ruin it all by fomenting and encouraging racial hatred and using every incident that can possibly be twisted in some way to this end. And, of course, racial discrimination and bigotry is just fine with these liberals as long as whites, especially white males, are the target.
I sure am glad that it is so easy to tell real boobs from fake boobs. Otherwise there might be some evolutionary miscues and deception going on.
Alex, TR and New Ham
Hail, hail, the gangs all here
(but have you ever seen them in the same room together?)
I'm dogged by the feeling that, like some evil kitty cat, Althouse is toying with us.
I absolutely do not rule out the possibility that... more Americans are roused by racism than misogyny.
Punked ;)
Blood Sport (1996), the title of a book by James B. Stewart about the Clintons is a play on words from Vince Foster's suicide note.
"I was not meant for the job or the spotlight of public life in Washington.
Here ruining people is considered sport."
Now its not just Washington and it doesn't seem to get old either.
revenant wrote: By -- for example -- by being hailed by the people of Jerusalem as the King of Israel? That sort of challenge?
I think you missed Cedarford's point on that score. Jesus may well have had a substantial following but his biggest threat was to Jewish authority at the time.
This ritual sacrifice of Mel Gibson's art reminds me of how people treated Roman Polanski-people who were unable to separate a man's work from his reprehensible behavior.
It's telling.
Ok.. let me try a hand at misogyny ;)
More men win at Wheel of Fortune than women.
There.. try to get me banned!
Four hours from now, this post will have scarcely made a nipple.
toMel's just saying that he doesn't trust her. The rest of it is just paranoia. He wants her to calm him down on these issues.
His paranoia that she would prefer younger more virile men, and that she is playing him false is what he's really talking about.
We shouldn't allow the speech to be politicized. It wasn't meant as a political speech. It was the speech of someone in love who isn't sure he isn't being a fool.
You have to hear the injury in this.
He shouldn't be with this woman, but he has too crude a mind to realize it in a normal way.
One thing to keep in mind is that Mel Gibson is a private citizen. His sexual douchebaggery is not as disappointing as that of, say, John Edwards (with that poor kid involved) or Al Gore (who is a fucking narcissistic psychopath). They asked for the trust of the public as Senator, Vice President, and Climate Superhero, all the while presenting themselves as virtuous people. Mel Gibson's efforts to ruin America were limited to starring in Signs.
The hatred is squarely aimed at the (white) woman.
He should marry a wise latina in my view.
Like any good producer Mel is claiming exclusivity to the showing of his wife..
I don't think that's unreasonable.
How do you get from criticizing fake breasts to hating women? It's a reallll stretch.
I think you missed Cedarford's point on that score. Jesus may well have had a substantial following but his biggest threat was to Jewish authority at the time.
"Jewish authority" meant Herod, not the Pharisees or Sadducees. The Romans didn't care about Jewish religious authority. They cared about their own authority and that of their client king. That is why the charge against Jesus was that he had claimed to be king of the Jews.
OH NOES!!! He said NIGGER!!! Oh what shall we do? Quick, get Al Sharpton, Jesse 'Marble Mouth' Jackson, Harry Belafonte, Rev. Wright, and every other race baiting do nothing there is to protest this horrible word crime against the blacks and boobies!!!
Methadras @9:08 PM.. you are violating one of the two rules althouse has reluctantly seem fit to propose to us.. common now.
American men love breasts, more than you may know. Putting that aside, Mel is just an actor. Why would anything he says matter to anyone. But then it is good for blog fodder, no? After all even Titus loves tits, right Meade...
"The jewish forces who control the media and Hollywood and want to bring socialism to this country need to destroy Christianity which is the last bulwark against socialism. They will never forgive Gibson for being a conservative Christian who made 'Passion of Christ.'"
Will they "never forgive" him because the Jews are Jewish and not Christian?
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