"... about the fact that a large portion of liberal media is dedicated to lying to liberals. They regard their audience as marks to be misled and exploited, not as customers to be served with useful information."
Writes Matthew Yglesias, except I replaced his word "conservatives" with "liberals" (as devilishly and aptly suggested by my darling husband Meade).
९७ टिप्पण्या:
I take Yglesias about as seriously as Sullivan.
Check the first comment on Yglesias's post. Someone slipped under the radar.
Think Progress eh? Breitbart could pick up a pointer or ten from them about how to dishonestly edit a video.
Great Ann and Meade, you are a part of the "they are dicks so we get to be dicks" crowd. Got it.
No, phil. They are dicks so we get to make fun of them. Don't be a dick.
Surely Shirley will not overplay her hand here.
Yglesias is a shill for a leftish policy organization. He has no business lecturing anybody about ethics.
The saddest thing about this thread is that the right wing on here might actually believe there was no substitution in spite of the "s" on the first liberal and that Yglesias has further lost his mind.
Anyone who believes "Yglesias has further lost his mind" is a fool; Yglesias already lost his mind, there is no where to go.
This whole "my side, my group, noble and good; your side, your group, evil and stupid" meme is starting to really get me pissed.
Scott said...
Yglesias is a shill for a leftish policy organization...."
speaking one shill to anothere fella?
I don't know that I agree with you. The typos in these two sentences are more typical of Althouse than they are of Yglesias.
Think Progress eh? Breitbart could pick up a pointer or ten from them about how to dishonestly edit a video.
Unless you can back that up with an incomplete, and heavily edited third-hand video exchanged anonymously for an undisclosed amt. of money, with fraudulent and totally misleading analysis -- complete with horrifically incorrect facts and date stamps by someone who calls them-self a journalist, published and signed for all the world to see, [and for future inquisitive journalists to dissect], well, it's hard to take you seriously.
Quayle said...
This whole "my side, my group, noble and good; your side, your group, evil and stupid" meme is starting to really get me pissed."
then switch over to the side of truth and justice Quayle...and stop wallowing around the River Styx. There is always time to repent your ways. We are big tent liberals. What is grand about it is that it affords the likes of us putting up with the likes of you.
We really should consider bringing back the use of apprenticeships. These young elitists are so uninformed and inexperienced they don't even know what they don't know.
AJ...is that a call for bring back indentured servants?
Hey! Someone named "hdhouse" left a comment at Yglesias' place!
I frequent Althouse’s blog – one of 3 or 4 liberals there who can withstand the constant bell ringing right wingers. I’m always puzzled by the blind faith belief system engaged in by that community. They quote Rush, Savage, Beck, Hannity and Faux Noise endlessly and now are having a love affair with the Tea Party.
I guess they feel comfortable with what they are being fed and that is a scary proposition for the future of the country.
Surely Shirley shucked and jived the white man and the brother;
Neither the NAACP nor USDA thought she was worth the bother.
Liberals have a strong conviction that the only reason anyone disagrees with them is that they just aren't getting the facts, or the "facts" they think they're getting are blatant lies. "Blatant lies" are anything that contradicts liberal dogma.
NPR had a segment Sunday on "The Politics of Anger." It opened with this audio:
About a week ago, California Congressman Brad Sherman, a Democrat, showed up for one of his regular town hall meetings with constituents. And at that meeting, Sherman was taken aback a bit when a constituent stood up with an unusual question.
Representative BRAD SHERMAN (Democrat, California): The question in question started off by saying that the Department of Justice had a policy not to prosecute any African-American for any crime if the victim was white.
The questioner misspoke because he said "any crime" when he was referring to the case of the New Black Panthers attempting to intimidate voters at a polling place. However, to the average NPR listener, the question must have sounded like it came from outer space because they have never heard a thing about the issue the questioner was raising, nor does it sound like the NPR reporter or Rep. Brad Sherman had either. Like MSM newsmen claimed never to have heard of the ACORN or Van Jones cases, and NY Times readers knew nothing about the John Edwards scandal until he acknowledged it himself.
What goes on outside the bubble, stays outside the bubble.
You show how dumb you are with that question.
@Quayle. Couldn't agree more. The "your side is worse" argument is just about the stupidest out there. It's a clown car competition in confirmation bias. And look, here's HDHouse to hold forth.
It's always so funny (except for how it's not) that somehow self-reflection and honesty are associated with one set of political beliefs while blind faith and delusion are associated with other political beliefs.
It's like... math. A correlation based on the immutability of numbers where the right answer is the right answer and the same answer every time.
Of course, rationality would require one to conclude that the claim that political opinion is subject to that sort of equation is proof, itself, of delusion.
They quote Rush, Savage, Beck, Hannity and Faux Noise endlessly and now are having a love affair with the Tea Party.
Define "endlessly."
its like shooting fish in a barrel AJ...like fish in a barrel...
Define "they".
mesquito said...
"Define "endlessly."
It is that time when you say the same bullshit over and over ... just millions of times...and suddenly, those on the right will attest to this momement, you/they say "gosh...that makes sense. I've heard that before. can't think where. but it must be true as I've heard that before...can't think where...but it must be true as I've heard that before....can't think where...etc. etc. etc.".
HD - not interested.
Tents are for circuses and for mobility, and they are notoriously unstable in high winds.
I'm more interested in foundations, real and immovable. And I don't really care if they even span the River Styx, as long as they don't shift with every current or wind.
Show me your big foundation on which many can build a lasting life, and I'll consider taking a look.
Big tent? I'll pass.
Note in hdhouse's "letter" (assuming it is his) the assumption is that to "quote" someone, or talk about them, is to claim them as an authority. That's implicit because substituting any of the "liberals" often quoted here that people often talk about doesn't even make sense.
"Those crazy conservatives over at Alhouse continually quote Obama and Pelosi." It just doesn't work in context no matter that it is actually far more true.
I'd like examples of anyone at all quoting Glenn Beck. I bet I wouldn't even have to use my toes to total all Glenn Beck quotes by participants on this blog for the last year, possibly two or even more.
I got *accused* of repeating a Glenn Beck screed once, but as I hadn't watched his show that was impossible, and not a quote anyhow.
I'd bet, real money, that the references to Glenn Beck or Fox News by *liberals* on this blog out number those by conservatives at least three to one... and that's just with the "three" of you, real numbers, not percentages.
Unless you can back that up with an incomplete, and heavily edited third-hand video exchanged anonymously for an undisclosed amt. of money, with fraudulent and totally misleading analysis -- complete with horrifically incorrect facts and date stamps by someone who calls them-self a journalist, published and signed for all the world to see, [and for future inquisitive journalists to dissect], well, it's hard to take you seriously.
Poor GasRage Fopahs. Probably the last person around who doesn't know that ThinkProgress is one of Soros's bought-and-paid-for propaganda outlets.
But here's one of the recent frauds they were busted on. (More here, here)
Oh, and I bet that about half the Glenn Beck references by conservatives will be the single comment I once made to the tune of
"Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck! Glenn Beck!"
HdHouse wrote:
then switch over to the side of truth and justice Quayle...and stop wallowing around the River Styx. There is always time to repent your ways. We are big tent liberals. What is grand about it is that it affords the likes of us putting up with the likes of you.
So shut up and join the team or we'll call you a teabagging racist (straight up). There finished your thought for you.
I wonder why Demented Old Grandpa Harold didn't complain to Yglesias about how the right-wingers smeared General Betrayus?
Okay, hdhouse, I'll play.
Now, find me an examples, from the month of July, Althouse commenters quoting:
a) Limbaugh
b) Hannity
c) Savage
d) Beck.
I'll make it easy. If you can find anyone ever quoting Savage I'll declare you the winner.
Surely if you really meant "endlessly" this should be a snap.
Please don't pick on hd. He has been out in the sun in the Hamptons and he is a little more addled than usual. Just shake your head and look away.
We need to be nicer to the elderly.It is good for your soul.
Yglesias is now moderating comments that dont dovetail with his narrative.
In a piece about conservative echo chambers.
What irony. What a hypocrite. What a tool.
It's important for any inspid, Manichean mind like Yglesias to see the other side as evil and lying. Therefore, when the other side speaks its view of what is or its view of what should be done based on reality, the other side is lying.
Oh, and the accusation of repeating Glenn Beck was a case of my saying something from a libertarian point of view, which Beck seems to occasionally do. It only becomes repeating Glenn Beck when the person on the hearing end of it is entirely oblivious of a good 50 years of political thought.
Or what... Beck doesn't *get* his ideas from anyplace? He's an original?
Which seems to be HDHouse's complaint... people talk about things and seem to know what they're talking about with each other but it's all new to HDH so it must be one of these conservative talkers who make their money being outrageous and we're all just mimicking them.
Bwaa ha ha ha. Ha.
I love it when I am told by leftists here that I am a follower of Glenn Beck. I still have no real notion of who this man is or where he can be seen or heard.
Seriously Synove. Can't you be nice to the poor old guy.
Think of him as Baron Harkonnen who just had the plug pulled out of him.
The air is just leaking out at an alarming rate.
Have mercy.
Mr. McGoo aka AC245:
That was devastating!
2 of the 3 links are the same take on one incident, [by the same blogger, wow could I troll the Confederate Yankee archives], one that conclusively proves that only 2 of the 4 racists Think Progress found at a Tea Party ralliy were actually tied to Tea parties. So, only half.
The claims of racism in the Tea Party movement are so overblown and unsubstantiated that the best Think Progress could do to prove racism was post a video of four supposed racist Tea Partiers. Right Klik has found that of those four, two of them were not even in the Tea Parties.
Bravo, son.
" Seven Machos said...
I love it when I am told by leftists here that I am a follower of Glenn Beck. I still have no real notion of who this man is or where he can be seen or heard."
I think he plays the guitar. I thought I saw him in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Show.
HDHouse continues to play the race card. He's part of the problem. For all the complaining here about the same-old tired race games, why isn't he ostracized?
He'll spend 3 threads calling you racists, then slip in a slight compliment re Reagan, and you guys will rush over to buy him a beer...
2 of the 3 links are the same take on one incident, [by the same blogger, wow could I troll the Confederate Yankee archives]
GasRage, I provided links to three different bloggers all discussing the same single fraudulent video that ThinkProgress was pushing. (There's really no need for you to lie about such small things, when you have so many bigger things to lie about.)
They conclusively showed that Soros's propaganda outfit had produced an incomplete, and heavily edited third-hand video, which is what you asked for, Buchananite.
You can crawl back under your rock, now.
"I would think conservatives would worry about the fact that a large portion of conservative media is dedicated to lying to conservatives".
That struck my funnybone. The "Meadester" is right on the mark to switch conservatives to liberals.
Media is a business that once made it's owners very wealthy. Ailes is a brilliant businessman. Just look at what he has accomplished.
All visual media paints a picture to influence the viewer to watch again and join the "tribe".
We have always been a society of tribes that came together and became "one out of many". Alas, not so much anymore.
I propose a toast, " America the beautiful,the light of freedom for the world, God bless her.
The bar is open..
Dang it.
That decided me. I'm going to go out (or go to Amazon) and buy Glenn Beck's thriller.
I've been curious to see if he wrote a good one or if he let his political passions wreck it, but I couldn't quite bring myself to spend the money just for that.
Oh, better... I'll go to the library and request it so it goes on their accounting.
garage Buchanan said: "well, it's hard to take you seriously."
Not that you'd know what it's like to be taken seriously.
Media... Meade... Meade-ia... Medea... Madeira...
I think he plays the guitar. I thought I saw him in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Show.
Beck Ola!! I saw him in 68 at the Filmore West. At least I'm pretty sure I did. You know what they say about the 60's. No really I did.
Looks like Althouse has picked up some new participants in phil. Welcome. Play nice now
They quote Rush, Savage, Beck, Hannity and Faux Noise endlessly and now are having a love affair with the Tea Party.
Do any of the conservatives here EVER quote Savage, Hannity, or Beck?
What?!?!?!? MattY got something right for once?
A large part of the conservative media consists of those one slight level above car salesmen riling people up rather than doing anything that requires much of any thinking. A good example, of course, is the tea parties movement, aka brainless puppets for DickArmey and friends.
At the same time, the liberal media lies to their readers and tries to rile them up about things like racism when the issue involved is much more involved.
A good confluence of the two ideas is in the area I cover; see my topics page. Liberal media tells lies to other liberals and in fact to everyone; almost all the opponents of the liberal media aren't with-it enough to do anything about it. See some of my entries for how I do things.
And, of course, note that Althouse's site is infested with 'partiers, so expect some of them to lie and mislead and completely fail to understand this comment and how it could help them. They really are infinitely dumb.
Meade was right. The media lies as much to the Lefties as anyone else. Problem is, the anyone else had sense enough to know they were being lied to 40 years ago and went elsewhere for their information.
David said...
Surely Shirley will not overplay her hand here.
Don't call me Surely (had to).
HDHouse said...
AJ...is that a call for bring back indentured servants?
My God, he actually believed Shirley's demented story about bonded indenture. A genuine Cornel West masterpiece up there with the idea Cleopatra was black.
Apparently, HD doesn't know apprenticeships are how The Zero's beloved unions train craftsmen.
(Shhh, don't anybody tell...)
Lone wacko said "Althouse's site is infested with 'partiers."
Well just damn, all I said was that bar was open. Settle down Lone wacko.
Would you like a xanax?
I don't see Kliban's cartoon online, "Man lying to cat."
What I think is absolutely hysterical is that there are four leftish types who think it is some kind of holy mission to spout talking points on Althouse. You can't talk to three of them at all, because they blow off any counter argument you offer. And they always lead with invective, charges of racism, or dripping contempt.
It's just sad, and discouraging. And eliciting this kind of discouragement is their intent.
Which is sick.
They conclusively showed that Soros's propaganda outfit had produced an incomplete, and heavily edited third-hand video, which is what you asked for, Buchananite.
You are correct in that the 3 links you provided are the 3 different sites. My error. But they hardly support your case. The "left Coast Rebel" link basically showed Think Progress documenting racists at Tea Party rallies -the 4 examples in question, at least 2, if not 3 out of 4 racists are indeed racists at Tea Party rallies. Think Progress corrected one error. The only possible way it's not 3 out of 4 correctly identified racists at Tea Parties that Think Progress represented is if the comment "Obama is too black", isn't necessarily racist if taken in context. "You be the judge".
And you do you have a link to think Progress is on of "Soros's bought-and-paid-for propaganda outlets" ?
*one of.
Meade's brill.
Dear Liberals:
I don't think you're dumb, ignorant, blind, or evil.
I just think you're wrong.
That's about the extent of it.
I do take David Frum seriously and he has written about the failure of the conservative media to criticize Andrew Breitbart for his role in the Sherrod farce implying of course that the conservative pundits often do not voice a critical self-reflection on where their ideological position takes them. Of course I suspect many of the commenters on this blog will simply brush off Frum or myself with the usual ad hominem attack -- they are stupid scum etc...
And you do you have a link to think Progress is on of "Soros's bought-and-paid-for propaganda outlets" ?
Of course I do.
Once last time, GasRage Fopahs, you asked for proof that ThinkProgress had produced an incomplete, and heavily edited third-hand video. I provided that proof.
It doesn't surprise me that you're now trying to change the subject by repeating the dishonestly edited propaganda ThinkProgresss was pushing, hoping to smear a man who was speaking at a Tea Party event with his black wife and biracial son as some kind of racist.
Go crawl back under your rock, you repulsive propagandist.
Glenn Beck-
Pros: Good-humored, lively, entertaining.
Cons: Conspiracy-theory-a-day show premise, overexposed, maudlin at times.
Sean Hannity
Pros: None.
Cons: Humorless Prick.
I've never listened to Savage, and don't have any plans to do so.
(If you had troll[ed] the Confederate Yankee archives, you might have saved yourself from looking like such a dishonest asshole, GasRage.)
"Do any of the conservatives here EVER quote Savage, Hannity, or Beck?"
It's vice-versa, I think.
For what it's worth I listened to most of Beck's radio show today, as I do at least once a week. He is a nut.
BTW, did you know that BHO only planned to be in office for one term. See, he and the progressives chose him to do all sorts of evil lib/commie stuff while HRC seems normal by comparison. And then, HRC will be the lib POTUS candidate instead of BHO for a second term. And then she will win and she will actually be an even more evil lib/commie than BHO.
And, folks who know their history realize that this is exactly what happened w/ Teddy R and Wilson.
Oh, I almost forgot; there was also a tie in to Beck's new book. So, the audience was encouraged to go out and pick up a copy.
Nutty is as nutty does.
P.S. I want to make it perfectly clear that that the silliness above was all Beck's POV, this is not my POV.
"I've never listened to Savage, and don't have any plans to do so."
Pros: Jewish comedy shtick.
Cons: Screams criticisms of opponents.
Does he himself really believe what he says? It isn't clear to me. I'm really not sure he cares one way or the other - he's paying the bills and living near his large boat in S.F.
Lone wacko said "Althouse's site is infested with 'partiers."
LoneWacko is on meds. I dont think anyone here is Tea Party.
And don't you love how LoneWacko is always claiming he want to help them, after calling them dumb and stupid. He spends more time talking about them than their platform.
the 4 examples in question, at least 2, if not 3 out of 4 racists are indeed racists at Tea Party rallies.
The two racists aren't Tea Partiers and the two Tea Partiers aren't racists. ThinkProgress is 0 for 4 on truth, but 4 for 4 on convenient editing tricks. :)
Hey, just an informal count: how many here are members of the Tea Party?
Lonewacko says we're crawling with them, but I've never seen one here.
I joined the Columbia Records Club once when I was 10 (and boy was my Mom mad).
Does that count?
then switch over to the side of truth and justice
And therein lies the essence of the problem:
inevitably "our" side is the :
brightest, purest, most compassionate, most diverse, most righteous .... (you get the idea)
HD, its the center you're losing. From GAllup:
Thirty-eight percent of independents approve of the job Barack Obama is doing as president, the first time independent approval of Obama has dropped below 40% in a Gallup Daily tracking weekly aggregate. Meanwhile, Obama maintains the support of 81% of Democrats, and his job approval among Republicans remains low, at 12%.
Independents were the tipping point for Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential elections. They threw him over the top to win but less than two years into his presidency, Independents are abandoning him in droves.
Jornolist will NOT HELP.
Does a Wet Tee Party count?
Not that I'd know, but well, I was wondering.
A few months ago he had a really interesting interview w/ Jerry Brown. Those two had really good chemistry.
I think Savage was impressed because Brown could take the fire and he respond w/ reasoning that Savage could see was well considered, even though he often disagreed w/ Brown's conclusions.
Damn it, you guys, I was drifting off to sleep, reading The Three Amigos, when Synova showed up and started making it interesting. Then everybody showed up and got me to laughing, and now what am I going to do? I'm tired!
roesch-voltaire said...
I do take David Frum seriously and he has written about the failure of the conservative media to criticize Andrew Breitbart for his role in the Sherrod farce implying of course that the conservative pundits often do not voice a critical self-reflection on where their ideological position takes them. Of course I suspect many of the commenters on this blog will simply brush off Frum or myself with the usual ad hominem attack -- they are stupid scum etc...
While I know I'm not a pundit, you can easily see I called Brietbart on his mistake (actually a lot of people did, but we're giving him a pass for causing, both, the NAACP and the White House to behave like the scared fools that they are and over-reacting: mission accomplished, even from a mistake.):
You're wearing blinders, RV.
I listen to Beck in the car and, yea, he's a little over-the-top (the "read your bible" stuff is stupid) but he and his sidekicks put on a decent show, remarkably funny, with really well-edited bumpers that feature Punk, Techno, and Rock.
Hannity - no way - same with Savage.
Rush is Rush, and there's no getting around Rush, with his "Right On, Right On, Right On."
The man kills me.
Libs are obsessed with these guys, because they can't break through, not us.
Hey, just an informal count: how many here are members of the Tea Party?
My parents are, as are several friends. I've never been able to fit one of the rallies into my schedule.
A few months ago he had a really interesting interview w/ Jerry Brown. Those two had really good chemistry.
Kind of like chlorine bleach and ammonia.
I've never listened to Savage, and don't have any plans to do so.
I'd like to throw a plug in for Savage. I haven't heard him in years, but my local AM station used to get him a few evenings a week, and he was damn amusing. Absolutely batshit crazy, but damned amusing.
I've never encountered anyone who listens to him seriously. Even living in one of the reddest red states out there.
- Lyssa
Ah the Udub professorate: I watched you "grow up" in Madison. I was awakened by the rumble of Sterling Hall blowing up, my dog bristling at the foot of my adolescent bed, whilst an innocent father and grad student was crushed questioning, blind with fear, never to see his children or wife again, under the rubble....your arrogance begets blindness, a personal smugness, and weaves a steel larvahouse around your psyche, and there you shall linger till dementia or death, in the red, dated fury of Madison's little alcoves. I left you, seeing this mental condition for what it is/was, returning only occasionally to make music, harvest trees and fish.... enjoy!
I'm not a regular here, but when I read the stuff you guys post it's pretty much in line with my views. I find myself far more in alignment with Tea Party platforms and candidates than with any other identifiable party or party caucus. These days I won't give money to the RNC, but I will often contribute to candidates supported by Jim DeMint's Senate Conservative Fund. It would be pretty fair to call me a Tea Partier.
As for Beck et al., Synova nailed it: Do liberals think these guys are originals? They hear basic conservative and libertarian ideas on several talk radio shows, and don't know how to account for it, because in all their fabulous education they've never run across the content (not just the names) of these centuries-old ideas.
Here's my take on talk radio: I generally agree with what they say, but don't like listening, because they are pounding a few simple ideas repetitively with great emotion and at high volume. I appreciate their getting the high points out to people who aren't reading much beyond their useless local paper.
How do you become a member of a non-organized organization?
Crack, sorry I did not read your blog or comments, but relied on Frum to inform me of the general drift of the right wing. While I read a wide variety of blogs and news papers, to be honest I do not listen to Beck, Savage etc. as I can pluck their talking points off the web in just a few seconds, and there is only so much time in life, that should include, as Alhouse discovered, kayaking in Wingra among the other nature places of the cafe'.
That's what you get for reading Frum. From my understanding Beck, Fox, Coulter, Hot Air, and many many more prominent conservatives have been criticizing Breitbart.
Not that Frum could honestly report his own bowel movements or anything, or you could recognize your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to the right, but keep trying kid.
How do you become a member of a non-organized organization?
How does one become classified, or classify oneself, as liberal or conservative, for just two examples? Because a group isn't "organized" doesn't mean it doesn't exist, or that one can't belong to it. : )
As for hdhouse and garage mahal: So long as I'm growing a third arm here, I call bullshit on pretty much everything they say about echo chambers, full stop.
How do you become a member of a non-organized organization?
Also, how do you get "kicked out" of a non member organization?
You're calling bullshit on what?
GMary you must be right about Frum's inability to report the facts as he was George. W. Bush's speech writer-- I should have taken that into consideration. By the way Coulter claimed Breitbart was "set up" much the way liberals claimed Dan Rather was set up so I guess she is in good company? My point, and Frum's, is there is little critical reflection in pushing the ideology of either side.
" roesch-voltaire said...
Crack, sorry I did not read your blog or comments, but relied on Frum to inform me of the general drift of the right wing."
This is probably why your facts are wrong. NR, FoxNews and many others have criticized Breitbart. But Frum doesn't dare admit that because it undermines his current mission of attacking the right.
HDHOUSE says in part "What is grand about it is that it affords the likes of us putting up with the likes of you."
At least he doesn't hide the left's belief that we're all free to join the true believers and become third class citizens.
"They quote Rush, Savage, Beck, Hannity and Faux Noise endlessly..."
Wow. Though I've never had a very good opinion of you, HD, I've never taken you for a liar. I'm disappointed.
Wow. Though I've never had a very good opinion of you, HD, I've never taken you for a liar. I'm disappointed.
He's always been a liar, Mike.
He just crawls back under his rock when he gets called out on them - as he did in this thread - and later pops up somewhere else spouting new lies.
("I have nine medical patents", "the right wing was responsible for General Betrayus", etc.)
I did, in fact, buy Beck's thriller today. So now I can embark on my future of quoting Beck at every opportunity.
The first quote will be a random, eyes closed, finger on the page event.
"Nelan touched Noah's chin and turned his head to get a better view of the damage sustained in the arrest."
I'm having glorious visions of what I can do with selective quotes and ellipses. ;-)
"the right wing was responsible for General Betrayus"
I loved that one. I took it for blind, froth-at-the-mouth partisanship. But yeah, could've been lying.
"the right wing was responsible for General Betrayus"
What probably happened is HDHouse heard a bunch of repubs reffering to this General Betrayus while berating libs since libs have sent that talking point down the memory hole, especialy now that Obama made the "brilliant" move of appointing General Betrayus, the same guy the dems basically accused of lying while trying to undermine the war in Iraq on the senate floor.
But that's what happens to libs. They have their talking points and no short term memory so if the talking point no longer is relevant they simply wipe it from memory. If a fact is embarassing it is swept from the record. CLinton passing the deregulation bill that the libs say is the cause of the financial downfall. BZZZTTTT (noise made as the fact is wiped from memory) It was the republicans and George Bush! Clinton passing the ILA and the UN passing 15 resolutions agaiinst IRaq for WMD's and non compliance. BZZZTTT. George Bush lied to us! He betrayed us! Whoever said there were weapons in Iraq? We need inspectors to go in there and look for weapons.
air rading villages and killing civilans in afghanistan is a bad policy. Libs scream and gnash teeth. BZZZT. Air raidin villages and killing civilans in Afghanistan is Obama' policy.
George Bush gives record amounts of money for aids in africa. Libs make sure to remind us that George Bush doesn't care for Black people BZZZTTT Desmond Tutu wonders where all the money for aids went. Libs ask "what's aids?"
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