१२ मे, २०१०
"Kagan is so Manhattan, Scalia is so Queens, Ginsburg is so Brooklyn and Sotomayor is so Bronx."
When Kagan is confirmed, there will be 4 Justices from New York City — but they're not all from the same place. Each is from a different borough, and that makes them, in fact, very different. Immense diversity.
Elena Kagan,
Obama's Supreme Court,
Sonia Sotomayor,
Supreme Court
१०० टिप्पण्या:
Tell that to somebody from fly over country
4 NYC residents
4 East-coast elite private colleges
4 East-coast elite private law schools
2 jews, 2 catholics
Perhaps the rightwing is worrying about Ms. Kagen being from the upper east side or the upper west side.
One pleasure of New York City is walking down any sidewalk and hearing the entire world pass by in the conversational snipets. The criticism of this diversity is, of course, that it is alleged that our justices not be a product of their experience but of documents and history.
Perhaps a litmus test for the SC job is to walk down a midtown street at high noon and see if the candidate either embraces the scene or runs from it in horror.
Each is from a different borough, and that makes them, in fact, very different. Immense diversity.
I'm going on the assumption the Professor is being humorous or sarcastic here.
Immense diversity!
wv: fetingle - a Chris Matthews fetish.
nahhh Hoosier...contrast that image with one idiot sitting in the middle of a field somewhere in flyover country....
Related satire: Diversity Advocates Object to Obama's Nomination of "Yet Another Harvard Dweeb" to the Supreme Court http://optoons.blogspot.com/2010/05/diversity-advocates-object-to-obamas.html
"I'm going on the assumption the Professor is being humorous or sarcastic here."
I hope so.
Staten Island gets shafted as usual.
But there is diversity. Alito is from Jersey.
"I'm going on the assumption the Professor is being humorous or sarcastic here."
I assume the same, but in fact, after living in NYC for nigh on 30 years, I can state that the five boroughs are indeed very different in their cultures, and those born and raised in one borough cannot be said to be necessarily similar at all to the residents of any of the other four boroughs. I have lived in Manhattan my entire time here, but I worked in Queens for the first decade I was here, and the people there--only a few short miles away as the crow flies--were as different from Manhattanites as if they were from another region of the country. Which, in a sense, they were.
HD, I've got news for you. There's plenty of people around this country where English is the second language. You don't need to be in NYC to hear a conversation you don't understand. I've been to NYC. Why not have some diversity on the court consisting of candidates from different parts of the country. Different experiences in life and all that...
What the court needs is a redneck. There are no crackers on the court and I am deeply offended. I suggest one of the guys from Red State.
Wise words out of Jane Hamsher:
"Like Harriet Miers, she doesn't have a record to tell us how she would adjudicate from the bench. They led a rebellion against the executive branch and the same thing should happen here."
"Accepting Kagan just because people like Obama is wrong. That's appropriate for American Idol, not the Supreme Court. Nobody knows what she stands for but him. It's just a cult of personality with Obama. This is the Supreme Court."
Too bad voters didn't apply this American Idol principle to the last presidential election.
Seriously, elections have consequences. Kagan will replace Stevens, big whup. Prog for prog, except Kagan will have MUCH more trouble convincing Kennedy of anything given her past performance before the court. I think she is a great nominee and will be a long lived and almost completely ineffective sociailst on the court.
In the final alalysis, she will be a good pick for us small government types.
nahhh Hoosier...contrast that image with one idiot sitting in the middle of a field somewhere in flyover country....
Maybe with the right combination of drugs and alcohol this might actually make some kind of sense but....
So Harlem is unrepresented.
Trooper York should be in heaven. His short list of great baseball writers yesterday contained no one west of the Hudson.
"nahhh Hoosier...contrast that image with one idiot sitting in the middle of a field somewhere in flyover country...."
The day after the 2004 presidential election, there was a piece in the New York Times bemoaning the result. They interviewed New Yorkers, and one woman's take was priceless. She explained the contrasting landslide vote for Kerry in New York versus the split in the MidWest (e.g. Wisconsin was close to 50/50) by observing that New Yorkers think for themselves whereas the people in the MidWest just vote for whomever their friends tell them to.
Sometimes lack of self awareness is so cute.
Harlem is Manhattan. Take Kagan and Sotomayor, and split the difference.
I really don't think their borough is probative of diversity.
What teams do they root for, and what beach do they frequent?
Those are the two key questions.
HDHouse said...
...contrast that image with one idiot sitting in the middle of a field somewhere in flyover country....
Contrast HDHouse's racism and classism with empathy and true love of diversity.
that makes them, in fact, very different. Immense diversity.
Elwood: What kind of music do you usually play here?
Bartender: Oh we play both kinds, Country and Western.
Blues Brothers
This justice also grew up in an environment with different accents and different cultures but I guess its not "good enough" anymore
and everybody else went to Law school at either Harvard or Yale?
Only Kennedy was born West of the Mississippi, but he was unfortunate to be forced to attend that local run-down college (Stanford) before HLS.
Seriously, Westerners understand Federal power differently from New Yorkers. It comes from having the Feds own most of the land out West.
If you had to ask somebody in flyover country: What city is least like the rest of the US, what percentage would say NYC?
TMink said...
What the court needs is a redneck. There are no crackers on the court and I am deeply offended.
an amazing statement of the lack of diversity and how things have chnaged in 50 years.
My answer to that is, the nearest you can come to a cracker on the court is either Catholic Clarence Thomas from Pin Point Georgia and Yale Law or
Catholic Anthony Kennedy from Sacramento California and Harvard Law.
"Each is from a different borough, and that makes them, in fact, very different. Immense diversity."
LOL. "Immense diversity" among Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Kagan? Bronx/Brooklyn/Queens are more similar than different; Manhattan is more different than similar. The only outlier here is Scalia/Queens: conservative male Rep vs. lefty female Dems. Truth be told, Ginsburg, Sotomayor and Kagan are all Manhattan girls, perhaps not from birth but surely in the breeding; Scalia is an outer boro guy all the way (except in his love for the Yankees).
I don't care that she is liberal. Democrats appoint liberals, Republicans occasionally find a real conservative. That is how the game is played and why we have elections.
But it would be nice if we would actually get some diversity on the court. The media and the Democratic party assume that a group of people who all went to the same schools and worked the same jobs is somehow diverse just because they are different sexes and colors.
I want real diversity. And it can be liberal diversity. But lets make it liberal diversity that does some good instead of the craven careerist Ivy League thinking that Kagan represents. How about someone who grew up poor, went to a state law school and worked as a public defender? Someone who understands who the criminal court system actually works and how cops and judges actually act? Someone who has tried cases and can write an opinion that actually mean something and are usable by practicing attorneys?
Give me that and I won't care if they are a flaming liberal.
"Immense diversity", if you were sarcastic, that would be right. There is something wrong with the lack of geographic diversity in the court's makeup.Is there something wrong with the rest of the country? Are there no opportunities or are there no smart people there?
If you had to ask somebody in flyover country: What city is least like the rest of the US, what percentage would say NYC?
Hmm. I'd vote for Portland Oregon.
To begin with, I've been to a lot of cities, but I've never been to Portland (O). That makes it different just for starters.
Meade said...
"Contrast HDHouse's racism and classism with empathy and true love of diversity."
Your marriage to Ann doesn't give you a free pass to say stupid things Meade. NEVER on this blog or any other have I made a racist comment other than a slap at Gonzales in the Bush administration which was rightfully deserved as he did an injustice to every Latino by calling himself such.
As to this snip at Hoosierdaddy, the barb was against pedestrial neo-con types sitting in the middle of a field in flyover country not catching a glimpse of the diversity that surrounds most of us and which most of us relish as part of the core pattern of being an American.
You should know better than to make a remark like you made and you should be sorry for it.
If not sorry, you should be intellectually embarrassed.
"As to this snip at Hoosierdaddy, the barb was against pedestrial neo-con types sitting in the middle of a field in flyover country not catching a glimpse of the diversity that surrounds most of us and which most of us relish as part of the core pattern of being an American."
Yes because you will never see a Mexican, black person or foreigner anywhere outside of the coasts. It is just a big white world out there.
House you are the most profoundly ignorant person ever to post on the internet. I really think you are performance art. Or at least that is what I hope for your sake
The Drill SGT said: My answer to that is, the nearest you can come to a cracker on the court is either Catholic Clarence Thomas from Pin Point Georgia and...
During the court's down time, Justice Thomas and his wife ride around the country in an RV to go to NASCAR races. Just sayin'
"Yes because you will never see a Mexican, black person or foreigner anywhere outside of the coasts. It is just a big white world out there."
Hey John...give up the putz routine ok? Hoosierdaddy brought up this topic in his comment. He sits in the proverbial cornfield never ever getting to the fence...that was the point.
Honest to God the school system fails when it produces fools who can't read or think. John...get it?
Not to mention the fact that House doesn't seem to know who the neo-cons are.
Original Mike said...
"Not to mention the fact that House doesn't seem to know who the neo-cons are."
oh mike, i've got a really good idea....
While I do appreciate Justice Thomas' southern roots, I am referring to a talk through the nose redneck. Race does not enter into it, but Justice Thomas' Gullah background would not cut it in terms of representing the South and West.
I want someone who rhymes the i in "chicken" with the i in "wicked." Heck, they could even be Cherokee as this is a cultural rather than racial distinction.
House just doesn't seem to understand the diversity of the 57 states.
AllenS said...
House just doesn't seem to understand the diversity of the 57 states."
I rest my case...thank you Ms. Heinz
This post reminds me of that New Yorker (?) cover with the New York map of the country.
Not 57 Varieties, HD, but 57 states. Do you know who thinks that there are 57 states?
WV: dintic
Hey John...give up the putz routine ok? Hoosierdaddy brought up this topic in his comment. He sits in the proverbial cornfield never ever getting to the fence...that was the point.
What comment? That I think its humorous or sarcastic thinking coming from four different NY burrougs shows immense diversity? Well shit for brains I stand by that because if you think that represents the diversity of America it goes to show how moronic you really are.
Honest to God the school system fails when it produces fools who can't read or think
Something which you prove to everyone here everytime you touch your keyboard.
oh mike, i've got a really good idea....
That's not an idea hdhouse. You just ate your ice cream too fast and got brain freeze again.
Were it that FDR were alive today, he'd demand court packing to provide a Justice for every borough of Gotham, every sexual deviance, every sect of Judaism, and every ethnic flavor of Catholicism, and somebody like Hugo Black to hold the Solid South. Now that's diversity - or at least entertainment.
TMink said...
Seriously, elections have consequences. Kagan will replace Stevens, big whup. Prog for prog, except Kagan will have MUCH more trouble convincing Kennedy of anything given her past performance before the court. I think she is a great nominee and will be a long lived and almost completely ineffective sociailst on the court.
Hate to say it, but, unless the lady drops 40 or 50 pounds and kicks the weed, she may be lucky to see 60. She looks to be quite short, so, being as heavy as she is and a smoker, it's going to be an awful lot for her body to handle.
So saith The Blonde.
Meade said...
HDHouse said...
...contrast that image with one idiot sitting in the middle of a field somewhere in flyover country....
Contrast HDHouse's racism and classism with empathy and true love of diversity.
Throw in linguisiticism (?) and probably ethnocentrism. Nobody is more obsessed with the browning of America than the National Socialists; there's a big front page piece on the subject in one of the major organs about once a year, it would seem.
As to the idea the Ms Kagan is a threat to flyover country because she grew up in Manhattan, you can hear the world pass by anywhere there are computer people or college students, for example. Apparently, HD never goes any of those places.
HDHouse - Neo-Cons are actually mostly coastal Jews who happen to be conservatives and/or favor an aggressive foreign policy. Of course, in Europe it is just a code word for "dity Jew", but I'm sure you knew that, right?
Also, are you Hispanic? If not, why are you the arbiter of all things Hispanic?
edutcher: Apparently, HD never goes any of those places.
Cosmopolites can be so parochial.
I want someone who rhymes the i in "chicken" with the i in "wicked."
Okay, I'll bite. How the heck would you say those words without making the "i" sound the same?
I think HDHouse is most likely not a racist, but he is certainly closed minded about his city.
Most of us who don't malinger in NYC don't really think it's the be all and end all of human civilization. It's just a big city.
To think that there is tremendous "diversity" coming from different parts of the city is simply astounding.
I don't think it's so important to have a quota system from different races or religions. I'm more put out by the bizarro world that believes you have to have gone to Harvard Law or Yale Law to be a Justice.
Three years at a school so young in life can't be that much of a factor in what makes someone a good or best candidate for the job. It is purely a cultural matter. There is a stranglehold on the access to these positions that is perpetuated by US News and politicians and businesses. It's not a healthy thing.
Skyler said...
I want someone who rhymes the i in "chicken" with the i in "wicked."
Okay, I'll bite. How the heck would you say those words without making the "i" sound the same?
That must make us both rednecks.
Now in my case I was a Drill Sergeant and its been said that the whole Army ends up talking like Southerners. I know for a fact that Drills do better calling cadence and swearin in Southren.
Do all Marines end up talkin lik they's from the Carolina's?
Favoring and always extolling diversity over non-diverse groups is racist IMO.
These smart kids live in a hothouse where they are fertilized, clipped, and harvested for prom night. There is some variation in their coloring, but that is more a triumph of the florist's cross pollination techniques than of the diversity of their species.
The Drill SGT said:
Tell that to somebody from fly over country
2 jews, 2 catholics
And hammered again on the Catholic thing later. What does this have to do with anything. I live in flyover country and am a Catholic. And I practically live next door to a big synagogue. We papists (and our cousins the Joooz) don't just live in ghettos anymore.
Sgt is very far from being biased. He was just pointing out the lack of religious diversity to Althouse's post.
Sorry Will,
Nothing against either Catholics or Jews.
It was an analysis of diversity, or the lack of it.
AJ Lynch said...
Sgt is very far from being biased.
I'm biased about lots of things. It comes from being older. I don't think religion or even race are 2 of them.
Do all Marines end up talkin lik they's from the Carolina's?
I've seen Full Metal Jacket about a hundred times and the scene where R. Lee Armey is calling cadence while the recruits are marching, I can't tell wtf he's saying.
"You are all grabastic pieces of amphibian shit!"
I use that every chance I get.
I stand corrected. Heh.
Hoosier Daddy said...
I can't tell wtf he's saying.
Well that answers ma question. They do talk like us dog faces. And sing the same Jody's
f you had to ask somebody in flyover country: What city is least like the rest of the US, what percentage would say NYC?
(or Honolulu)
To be read as cadence:
If I get nominated to the Court
If I get nominated to the Court
I'm gonna get me a male escort
I'm gonna get me a male escort
If I'm outted from the closet
If I'm outted from the closet
I'm gonna go all Lorraine Bobbet
I'm gonna go all Lorraine Bobbet
I don't wanna do this anymore
I don't wanna do this anymore
Cadence. Brings back fond memories.
No, I'm serious. I have no idea how to say "chicken" and "wicked" without making the "i" sound different. Can someone clue me in?
What is with the right-wing's fetishization of flyover bumpkin country? Nobody in their right mind would want to live in a small town or spend any time there. Everyone dreams of the big city culture with the art galleries, cafes, horse carriage rides. You should see Woody Allen's "Manhattan". Fuck red-states.
"You should know better than to make a remark like you made and you should be sorry for it.
If not sorry, you should be intellectually embarrassed."
Intellectually embarrassed????
A literate adult who finds it necessary to resort to three "you should" statements in a row, qualifies himself for intellectual embarrassment.
Marcia - "So Harlem is underepresented"
Not really, Eric Holder is Harlem's gift to US jurisprudence.
To increase the diversity on the Court, clearly we need a transgendered from Yonkers. The son of Asian immigrants who is wheelchair bound and hails from Staten Island. A "real black", preferably with a big sob story bio of coming from a deprived background in a fatherless family in Long Island - spotted and sponsored by wealthy Manhattanites to a string of full scholarship private schools culminating in Harvard Law.
Alito takes care of the Jersey part of NYC Metro, and maybe CT can supply a Greenwich CT blueblood Jew for added diversity.
AllenS said...
Cadence. Brings back fond memories.
did you click on my Jody link above?
He's a Jarhead, but it sounds pretty much like my mid-late sixties cadence calls.
"Questions about Kagans NYC and Jewish background appeals to the basest levels of ignorance, prejudice and antisemitism. If a person comes from New York, she's not one of "us". If she's a Jew, shes not one of "us". If she is educated and has accomplished much, she's not one of "us". If this is what certain people in this country think, then they are certainly NOT one of "us". They are bigoted against a city and it's people, and antisemetic."
For decades, Jews have gone on about the "importance of the traditional Jewish seat on the Court" and whined each year that "no Jew was there for us",no legal strength blessing the Court from "the profound history and contribution of Jews to law as others know it".
So Jews ought to understand and not whip out the anti-Semitism card when they are vastly overrepresented by their numbers (1.7%) of the population, and question the moral right of Protestants to themselves pose the tradional Jewish plea "Hey, what about us? Where's our piece of the action?"
Then there is the very fact of the Judiciary committee's makeup that makes a Jew an easier "pass" than a white Southerner or a Protestant.
There are 18 members. 9 are Jews. 5 have grown up in NYC.
MamaM said...
"A literate adult who finds it necessary to resort to three "you should" statements in a row..."
Perhaps you are right. Should the occasion arise and should perchance I feel the need to repent my usage and of course if Meade should feel to retract, well I would'a if i could'a..but should'a I?
Like any unelected institution, SCOTUS's legitimacy in part rests on appointees that appear to understand the culture, traditions, and laws of the country as a whole.
That gets tougher when you have no representatives from New England. Or the Southwest, or Rocky Mountain States. Never a one from Alaska or Hawaii. Only one now from the Midwest. And only one Southerner. (with no other Southerner strongly considered or nominated in 40 years and Thomas passed only after a firestorm of liberal East Coast opposition).
No Protestants.
Some could say New England is actually represnted because all 9 went to the 2 Law Schools who are within an hour drive of one another in New England. Yale and Hahhhhvard!
I did click on the link. I enjoyed the physical aspects of being in the Army and nothing beat jumping out of airplanes.
Here's a good Drill Sgt. story:
When I was in basic training at Ft. Leonardwood, MO in June of 1966, we were standing in the chow line when a DI said: "Tighten up the chow line. I want you men standing asshole to bellybutton, if the man in front of you ain't smiling, you ain't close enought."
Funniest thing I have ever heard in my life.
C4 said...Some could say New England is actually represnted because all 9 went to the 2 Law Schools who are within an hour drive of one another in New England. Yale and Hahhhhvard!
2 minor corrections.
Ginsburg went to Columbia after Cornell
Kennedy and Breyer were born in Sacramento and San Francisco, though both went to Stanford and Harvard Law (and both stopped between Stanford and Harvard with English degrees from London School of Econ and Oxford)
but you are right about all 3 being products of elite systems
I did learn an interesting factoid about Breyer. Though raised Jewish, he has a son who is an Episcopal Priest (must be the result of the English wife he picked up at Oxford)
AllenS, On a similar note, remember police calls for cigarette butts across big athletic fields. My 1st Sgt used to always say:
Get to work... All I want to see is assholes and elbows
meaning he wanted to see us all bent over picking up trash. I don't remember smiles...
I had two MOSs. 11Bravo and 101KP. I did a lot police calls, when I wasn't pulling KP.
Hey former law student, I was only listing guys who were contemporaries of Roger who sat in the same press boxes at the same time (except for Grantland Rice). But there are many great writers that I loved to read in the old Sporting New. Joe Falls from out of Detroit was my kind of guy and Jerome Holtzman from Chi-town was an old fashioned guy like Arthur Dailey but still very knowledgeable and a fount of information. Of the younger generation you could never go wrong with Tom Boswell from Baltimore/Washington even though he hates the Yankees.
In fact the only place where the baseball writers really suck is in fact Boston, which as we all know sucks.
The worst of them is of course old Petey Gaamons, who is taking Steve Philip’s sloppy seconds.
Never trust anyone from Boston.
Drill - All nine are products of Yale or Harvard Law.
Ginsburg was at Harvard Law and was one of the Law Review editors when her husband landed a coveted NYC position. So she Left Harvard and finished up part of her last year at Columbia.
Of course Harvard has always honored her highly and forgiven that slight smudge on her credentials.
Being New Yawkers not one of them has the restrained compromising Anglo-Saxon temperament that made this country possible.
Just as many New Yorkers have a skewed viewpoint about people from the rest of the country, so do youse guys.
The type of New Yorker that everyone hates is epitomized by hdhouse. An elitist snob who looks down his nose at working people, he puts the liberal in limousine liberal.
The regular guys who live in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island who are cops, fireman, doorman, clerks, Wall Street workers and deli clerks are the kind of guys who can hang out with any of youse knuckleheads.
Don’t judge all New Yorkers by a piece of shit like hdhouse.
The downfall of New York was the spread of sushi from Manhattan to the outer boroughs.
a slap at Gonzales in the Bush administration which was rightfully deserved as he did an injustice to every Latino by calling himself such.
Say, House, has your white ass now been deputized to the ethnicity police force? Where are the rules written down so that we know a guy named Gonzales is not entitled to call himself Latino, but another guy named Richardson is?
This reminds me of the feminist writer who declared in September 2008 that Sarah Palin was merely "pretending" to be a woman.
It also reminds me of the Indian tribes that come into money and then disintegrate in squabbles over who is really a member of the tribe, with everyone but the chief's clan getting kicked off the rolls and told they are no longer Indians.
And it reminds me of the liberals who find Obama and his prep-school white-bread Hawaii upbringing to be authentically African-American, and consider Clarence Thomas of the dirt-floored shack in Georgia to be some kind of Oreo race traitor.
What's the common denominator? Easy. If you support the grievance mongers of your own race or gender in their quest to loot the public treasury and subjugate the white man, you're in the club. If not, you're out.
By their own actions these looters and moochers give the lie to the notion of fixed race or gender or ethnicity. We should therefore hold them to their own standards by abolishing all minority preferences and affirmative action at once.
We didn't fall ricpic. We are still standing and taking the hits for the rest of the country.
The fucking terrorist's don't try to blow up Milwaukee.
Or Boston. No matter how much they might deserve it. Just sayn'
They want to blow up NY because nobody likes the Yankees or Giants.
"Not to mention the fact that House doesn't seem to know who the neo-cons are."
oh mike, i've got a really good idea....
Do you really? In my experience, not one liberal in a hundred uses the term "neo-conservative" correctly. They are like seven-year-olds on the playground picking up a new naughty word that they use as an all-purpose insult.
The other one in a hundred who does know his political taxonomy uses it as a polite euphemism for "filthy Jew."
I just know it wasn't the sushi.
Everyone dreams of the big city culture with the art galleries, cafes, horse carriage rides. You should see Woody Allen's "Manhattan".
Sez you. I've never seen a Woody Allen movie, nor cared to stay in New York longer than 36 hours.
And horse drawn carriage rides? Are you an idiot? What percentage of native New Yorkers have ever ridden in one of the Central Park carriages? If it's one in a thousand, I'm the Queen of Sheba.
For the sake of diversity, are there any potential future candidates from Staten Island?
Too much of a stretch?
Supreme's will take Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island too, it's lovely going through, SCOTUS reviews
It's very fancy at SCOTUS, you know.
The subway and metro charms us so, when balmy breezes blow to and fro.
And tell me what street compares with Pennsylvania Avenue in July [when the court is in recess]
Charming amici gently gliding by
The living constitution is a wondrous toy, just made for a girl and boy.
We'll turn the Supreme Court into an isle of joy.
We'll go to Greenwich, where modern men itch marry indeed.
And restricting speech is okay depending on what your motives be.
We'll channel Douglas, the originalists we will frighten
When your reasoning is thin, your holdings will make progressives grin.
I'd like to take a sail on stare decisis with you, the true motives we'll view
The conservative grumbles cannot destroy the dreams of a girl and boy,
We'll turn Supreme Court into an isle of joy.
holdfast said...
"HDHouse - Neo-Cons are actually mostly coastal Jews who happen to be conservatives and/or favor an aggressive foreign policy. Of course, in Europe it is just a code word for "dity Jew", but I'm sure you knew that, right?"
Really? I'm sure you have a source for this. Then tackle "costal Jew"...that one eludes me too. "dity" Jew too while your at it....
gosh, you fellas and your codes......whewwww
"costal Jew"...that one eludes me too.
"Costal" relates to the ribs, so a costal Jew dotes on (kosher beef or lamb, natch) barbequed ribs.
Wasn't New York City the place that was mostly on the other side during the American Revolution? :)
Immense Diversity? Really? They are North Easterners. Nuff said.
AllenS. When I was in basic training at Ft. Leonardwood, MO in June of 1966
Me too. A-3-3.
John at 9:37 AM said it all. As for the residents of Queens and Bronx "fly-over country" where their Manhatten Island rulers keep the airports, may they all rise up, march on Central Park and burn the Harvard Club back to the dust and ashes that it was made from. Or a better revenge would be electing the Wasilla Warrior as President.
gosh, you fellas and your codes......whewwww
You and your random capitalization!
interesting isn't in Knox...
"Everyone dreams of the big city culture with the art galleries, cafes, horse carriage rides. You should see Woody Allen's "Manhattan"."
The New York in Woody Allen's Manhattan is long, long gone, if it ever existed at all. I always saw Manhattan as a fairy tale, a fantasy, that obscured the hideous decay of 1970s New York with black & white long shots. As beautiful as the movie was, it certainly wasn't a depiction of reality.
But I'd gladly trade Manhattan-era Manhattan for the Californian-infested haute-bourgeois simulation that we currently have over 'cross the river.
Most people who say they live here for the amazing cultural scene take advantage of it maybe twice a year or so. I visit the Met once a week to draw & look, but I think I'm a distinct minority.
You should see Woody Allen's "Manhattan"."
What about Annie Hall, where Woody grows up under the roller coaster at Coney Island?
Superficial analysis.
So Scalia will vote the same way as the other three?
Kagan's childhood was Manhattan's UWS. Quite different from, say, Inwood or Stuy Town, both also on the isle of Manhattan.
Sotomayor's East Bronx was quite different from my wife's South Bronx.
There is no Queens or Brooklyn of the Mind, just a bunch of 'hoods.
But they did all grow up in NYC, which is a mindset.
And we could use some regional & educational diversity on SCOTUS.
I suspect that Kagan’s UWS family would’ve looked down on Ginsburg’s Midwood family & that both of those families would’ve looked down on the Italian from Queens & The Puerto Rican from Da East Bronx as well as my Inwood Irish family. With no good reason to do so, I might add.
Why does everyone on the Supreme Court have to go to a certain few schools? Justice Stanley F. Reed, who was from my home county, in Kentucky, for crying out loud, did not have a law degree, although he did attend the University of Virginia College of Law.
My father was in a welder's shop across the river in Aberdeen one time to get a toilet contraption fixed. (This must have been something of an emergency, since, like most houses then, we had only one toilet.) Justice Reed's wife came in, wanting a couple of sets of andirons fixed. For some reason, the welder didn't want to deal with her, and refused to fix her andirons. She asked him, "Don't you know who I am? I'm Mrs. Stanley F. Reed." The welder was really angry with her, and told her he didn't care who she was, he wasn't going to fool with her andirons, and he didn't. But he did fix my dad's toilet thing.
My mother recently told me that story. I had not heard it before. I didn't know them, but their house was maybe a mile from mine, and not particularly fancy from the outside. Stanley F. Reed Street runs next to the courthouse.
n the topic of Supreme Court justices, you can get your own Green Bag Justice Scalia Bobblehead, and contribute to a worthy cause. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=170484173397&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:US:1123
I was in C-3-3. Were you in the wooden baracks or the new ones?
sad that you didn't get nominated even though you went to NYU Law (sorry you didn't get into Columbia); clerked for the Southern District (sorry to hear you didn't get the 2nd circuit clerkship), and did your time at Sullivan and Cromwell (sorry you didn't get the Wachtell job) eh? Your New Yorker credentials, and thus fitness for the SCOTUS, are impeccable! Ah well, you still have your blog!
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