१५ मे, २०१०

The Best Illusions of the Year.

These are fantastic optical illusions. Be sure to at least watch the full video of the winning illusion before proceeding to make jokes about Barack Obama or whatever.

११ टिप्पण्या:

campy म्हणाले...

Two optical illusions and Barack Obama walk into a bar ...

Unknown म्हणाले...

"These are fantastic optical illusions...Watch the full video of the winning illusion before proceeding to make jokes about Barack Obama..." I doubt anyone is going to top that.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Wait until Glen Beck exposes this conspiracy. Revoking gravity is not one of the powers delegated to the Federal Government in the Constitution.

Chase म्हणाले...

something, something about "balls" . . . something about "balls" . . .

Unknown म्हणाले...

Show that to someone who's drinking and they'll take the Pledge.

Ned म्हणाले...

barack obama = joke...made

JAL म्हणाले...

wv detria

Is that the joke?

Ken Pidcock म्हणाले...

Some of the best-organized stuff is presented by purves-lab, complete with excellent masks.

dave1310 म्हणाले...

Why would anyone compare serious scientific efforts with a known joke?

Methadras म्हणाले...

There are no such things as optical illusions. Only optical conclusions.

AC245 म्हणाले...

Obama specializes more in oratorical illusions than optical ones.