१७ जानेवारी, २०१०

So the President traveled to Massachusetts to deliver the news that Martha Coakley is a Democrat.

"Martha's opponent already is walking in lockstep with Washington Republicans... She's got your back, her opponent's got Wall Street's back. Bankers don't need another vote in the United States Senate. They've got plenty. Where's yours?"

The personal touch turns chillingly impersonal.

१९१ टिप्पण्या:

Chase म्हणाले...

Bankers don't need another vote in the United States Senate. They've got plenty. Where's yours?"

Words from the President of the United States, the President of all the people.


How far Obama has already fallen.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Coakley is needed for the bankers' trial prosecution team.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

The best friend that Wall Street Investment Bankers have today is Obama. Does he think the simpltons in Massachusetts are all that dumb?

chickelit म्हणाले...

I can't wait to see him try and pull this stunt in California when Boxer starts going down.

Chase म्हणाले...

Funny - I've been looking, but I can't seem to find any speeches form George W Bush after he became President where he encouraged and sought to pit any one group of Americans against another.

Must be why Bush was so hated - he couldn't tell us which American's we were all supposed to be against.

The Drill SGT म्हणाले...

The top 10 firms of contributors to Obama 2008:

•Lehman Brothers, investment banker
•Citadel Investment Group, hedge fund investments
•Goldman Sachs, investment banker
•J.P. Morgan Chase, investment banker
•Citigroup, financial services
•Morgan Stanley, investment banker
•Proskauer Rose, law firm
•Jones Day, law firm
•University of Chicago
•University of California

Financial Industry
- Obama $40 Million
- McCain $29 million

The Drill SGT म्हणाले...

Where was Coakley last week?

In DC with Health care lobbyists.


at Fenway

who's in lock step with Washington again?

Jason (the commenter) म्हणाले...

He is coherently stringing words together. That was his big selling point during the campaign and I don't expect to hear griping from anyone who voted for him unless he fails to do that.

Beta Conservative म्हणाले...

God forbid the 41st Republican get in the way of the people's health care bill (assuming by people you mean trial lawyers and union members).

I wonder what Geithner thinks privately when he hears the pals he treated so well used as campaign fodder.

Johanna Lapp म्हणाले...

Okay, Obama's speech was dull and lazy. But did you see the size of that crowd? Brown must be quaking in his boots!

Kirby Olson म्हणाले...

Even if Brown gets close -- within ten percent -- he can count it as an enormous victory.

With Obama's polls tumbling, is it possible that he's starting to be a negative factor in any given election? How long before they start to hide him away?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Obama looks pathetic and not the least bit presidential. No tie? Is her even taking this campaign seriously?

He was clearly discombobulated by the heckler. Watch the clip. What happened to Obama's wit? It failed him, and he flailed. If he were in touch with the election and with this crowd, he would have been able to come up with a response. He's lost the magic.

And nobody likes being lectured to! Wasn't Obama running against fear-mongering and divisiveness in 2008?

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Martha Coakley is an evil nasty person and beyond being a democrat or republican, deserves defeat on her record alone. Martha Coakley destroyes lives in the guise of being a "prosecutor."

Rejected by the WSJ.

Even lefties hate her.

Radley Balko on Coakley

The Drill SGT म्हणाले...

But did you see the size of that crowd? Brown must be quaking in his boots!

LOL, so a State Senator pulls 50% more crowd than the President and Coakley.

That's 1 measure of enthusiasm.

So one can assume that everybody at the Brown rally is going to get out and vote.

At the Obama rally? How many were there for him up close and won't bother to vote for Coakley. After all, the reason he was there was because of a Coakley excitement deficit.

So based on that, how many more of those crowds will cast for Brown tan show up and cast for Coakley :)

The Drill SGT म्हणाले...

The only question left is how many trunks of ballots is it going to take to keep her in the race.

I hope Brown is now spending on GOTV and will have poll watchers

अनामित म्हणाले...

Maybe Obama ought to explain why he has approved the secrecy of the details of the AIG bailout??? The secret information is part of a regulatory filing that all public companies are required to report. And AIG is a tad more "public" than most "public" companies.

The reason why this is being kept secret is because the Obama administration doesn't want the public to know what companies were indirectly bailed out through the AIG bailout.

Who's got Wall Street's back?

Synova म्हणाले...

That's an incredibly remarkable article, if you read it carefully. Particularly considering where it is posted.

Look at the adjectives attached to Obama and to Coakley's campaign.

at risk, struggling, critical, scrambling, quickly, dispirited, nasty antiestablishment environment .. threatens Obama, anger and anxiety, budget-busting spending, expanded government, high unemployment, questions Obama's strength

And the "balance" they could come up with was one incoherent heckler who was removed.

And they got Brown's money quote "it's not their seat, it's yours."

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

Think it over. A year ago just being yelled at in public by Catholic abortion protestors was a PR plus. Not anymore. Just being a woman stalked by a man candidate was a PR plus. Not anymore. The people have wised up and are not afraid of the SlanderMedia making the good guys appear as bad gus anymore. I give the credit for that seachange to the Rogue and her courage setting an example in how to stand up to Media powers. She is a leader!Scot Brown, and many more good men, are her followers.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Obama campaigned..
Haitians died.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Remember, Obama said he doesn't want to be president of blue America, and he doesn't want to be president of red America.

He wants to be president of all of America.

Except those lousy scum-sucking so-and-so's over there.

Obama is a demagogue of the worst kind.

Kansas City म्हणाले...

I have not watched the speech yet and "judging" speeches is notoriously subjective, but I don't understand Ann's point:

"The personal touch turns chillingly impersonal."

Is it that Obama would not use Brown's name? Or the general tone of the speech?

Some of these comments are very good. The notion of a president pitting americans against one another is not good, but Obama gets a pass from the media on virtually everything. He also is so used to getting away with everything, he does not hesitate to engage in, or perhaps he does not even see, the inappropriate conduct.

ricpic म्हणाले...

Get the rich! Get them. Get them I say! To the Finland Station!!!

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Andrew Sullivan is going crazy trying to justify Martha Coakley. He admits she did some evil things as a proseuctor, but says Brown is even more evil. Why? No real explanation, other than him being a Republican. Other than he might--gasp--cut taxes.

In Andrew's mind republicans are not serious in their drive to cut taxes. Apparently being a conservative in Andrew Sullivan's mind is promoting a massive expansion of entitlements and more taxes. How is this conservative? It is a mystery!

And Andrew wonders why people think he is nuts.

But these quotes are priceless:

I live in Newton, Mass, an incredibly liberal city, and I see Brown signs all over the place. Last week before the shit really started to hit the fan, I was driving through Needham, Mass and I swear there was a Brown sign on every other lawn. I was stunned. To add insult to injury, I have a Coakley bumper sticker on my car and last week while in Wellesley, Mass I approached my car in a parking lot and I heard 2 electricians making fun of my sticker and of Martha. I could not believe it....the sticker had been on my car since October and all of the sudden I felt like I should take it off because people are ca-raaaazyyy!

I drove from Concord to Worcester today. We saw 6 or 7 Brown signs for every Coakley sign, maybe more. That's pretty consistent with what I've seen in metrowest in the last few days. She is NOT popular around here. And yes, I agree that she'll be ensconced for 20 years or more if she wins. She's the anointed one and we're all supposed to just fall in line. Oops.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

By paying his staff as contractors instead of employees, Scott Brown avoids any responsibility to be a good employer and provide them health insurance. That alone should be enough to disqualify him in the minds of many voters. But by paying his staff as contractors, Brown has also managed to avoid his responsibility to pay their payroll taxes. Brown has pushed his tax obligation off on to his employees, which is not only selfish, it’s also probably a violation of federal law.

It’s no surprise that Brown evaded questions about paying his staff as contractors, directing people to speak to his attorneys. And it’s no surprise his attorneys wouldn’t comment on the issue, because Scott Brown is almost certainly in violation of federal tax laws.

अनामित म्हणाले...

@traditionalguy- I think it's much simpler: Support for the underdog and skeptical distrust of those in charge, especially when those in charge are so filled with hubris and corruption.

I think its much the same dynamic as 2008; only the sides are reversed. Obama and Co just haven't figured out that they are the new bosses yet. How pathetic it seems to hear them rehashing the outdated game plan.

MEMO TO OBAMA: You won. Although if you now want to go back and rerun 2008 all over again, I think much of America would be willing to revisit that decision.

Rialby म्हणाले...

Carbon footprints don't matter when Democratic politics are in play. What was the carbon cost of flying the POTUS to Massachusetts? Doesn't matter. Go Democrats! Eff the environment!

Btw, you see that James Cameron said he supports eco-terrorism? Do you think he'd be upset if someone burned down his massive mansion?

Bob_R म्हणाले...

Obama can't pack a hall in Boston???

Beta Conservative म्हणाले...

I was not aware that Brown's campaign workers were forced into servitude. I though they chose to work there and the campaign chose to hire them, like the old days before we headed for a command economy run out of DC.

David म्हणाले...

Chase said...
Funny - I've been looking, but I can't seem to find any speeches form George W Bush after he became President where he encouraged and sought to pit any one group of Americans against another.

Good point.

Perhaps the trolls will find one or manufacture one, but it surely was not Bush's M.O.

Plus, since Dodd is retiring, the bankers do need another vote. He was so reliable for them and now he's going away.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

julius - stop sucking up to your wing nut buddies.

we understand.

now get back in the closet.

Rialby म्हणाले...

Beta - if you're new, heed this warning: do not respond to Jeremy.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

Chase said..."Funny - I've been looking, but I can't seem to find any speeches form George W Bush after he became President where he encouraged and sought to pit any one group of Americans against another."


opposed to anybody who disagreed being referred to as anti-american or a traitor.


Jeremy म्हणाले...

Rialby - chickenshit.

if you can't counter or provide an reasonable comment...

fuck off.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

By paying his staff as contractors instead of employees, Scott Brown avoids any responsibility to be a good employer and provide them health insurance. That alone should be enough to disqualify him in the minds of many voters. But by paying his staff as contractors, Brown has also managed to avoid his responsibility to pay their payroll taxes. Brown has pushed his tax obligation off on to his employees, which is not only selfish, it’s also probably a violation of federal law.

It’s no surprise that Brown evaded questions about paying his staff as contractors, directing people to speak to his attorneys. And it’s no surprise his attorneys wouldn’t comment on the issue, because Scott Brown is almost certainly in violation of federal tax laws.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

By paying his staff as contractors instead of employees, Scott Brown avoids any responsibility to be a good employer and provide them health insurance.

You earn more as a contractor. I always preferred it.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

Former President George W. Bush pushed back Sunday against criticism -- levied most prominently by talk radio host Rush Limbaugh -- that his successor, President Barack Obama, was somehow politicizing the disastrous earthquake in Haiti.

"I don't know if -- what they're talking about," Bush declared during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press." "I've been briefed by the President about the response. And as I said in my opening comment, I appreciate the president's quick response to this disaster."

अनामित म्हणाले...

@Jeremy- At some point you've gotta judge the issues and decide their relative importance.

Brown's hiring of independent contractors might be something that can be used against him, but it is a very weak point and nobody really cares.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

hard-head - "You earn more as a contractor. I always preferred it."


and who paid for your insurance, dumbfuck?

Jim Hu म्हणाले...

For Jeremy, this was in the Globe
Brown's campaign said most of his small staff are contractors who already had health insurance. Those who did not were paid more to allow them to purchase coverage under the Connector -- a system set up under Massachusetts' landmark health care reform

Republicans should note that while Brown has said he'd vote against the currently proposed plan, he voted for universal coverage under Romneycare. If he wins, in a few months the right will be complaining about him being a RINO like Snowe and Collins.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

julius, you're a lying sack of shit.

why are you you so afraid to admit that you're just another tea bagging wing nut sucking up to the local pack?

supporting brown over coakley makes it clear.

we both know what you are: gutless.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

what are you sad fucks going to do it brown loses?

who will you target for your next whinefest?

अनामित म्हणाले...

@Jeremy- I am just another tea bagging wing nut sucking up to the local pack. I'm gutless too. Happy?

Jeremy म्हणाले...

95% of the people here every day are nothing more than an extension of the tea bagging wing nuts who just can't get over the fact that obama won.

and there's always the racist element that we ALL know exists.

you're a sad crew.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Dirty politicians (and the Democrats now in power are as dirty as they come) only love banks when they themselves are going there for a few years to snag their millions before returning to “public service.”

President Clinton's friend Franklin Raines: a few years at Fanny Mae and walked away with millions of dollars.

During that period, Fannie Mae developed a $10 billion accounting scandal involving inflated earnings. In 2006, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) announced a suit against Raines in order to recover some or all of the $90 million in payments made to Raines based on the overstated earnings ( initially estimated to be $9 billion but have been announced as $6.3 billion.)

Clinton’s other friend Jamie Gorelick had no previous training nor experience in finance, but was appointed Vice Chairman of Fannie Mae and served alongside Raines.

Investigation by the OFHEO detailed in their official report on the accounting scandal in 2006 on page 66 that from 1998 to 2002 Gorelick received a total of $26,466,834 in income.

Obama’s chief of staff Rham Emmanuel Emanuel made $16.2 million in a two-and-a-half-year stint as a banker at Wasserstein Perella, according to Congressional disclosures.

This is how our dirty politicians get paid off for their usefulness - quick in-and-out jobs at the I-bank, and then back on the road as fierce independent-minded public servants.

They must all go and go now.

We, the taxpayers, are being fleeced.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

julius - we both know what you are.

little man.

Unknown म्हणाले...

When a Lefty blogger says there's a Goldman Sachs branch in the West Wing. lines like, "Martha's opponent already is walking in lockstep with Washington Republicans... She's got your back, her opponent's got Wall Street's back. Bankers don't need another vote in the United States Senate. They've got plenty.", ring just a tad hollow.

Especially coming from the guy right behind Christopher Dodd and the Hildabeast in terms of contributions from major banks.

And, oh yes, Haiti is shaping up to be a much bigger mess than Katrina ever was - and nobody can say it's terra incognita. The Navy and Marines have been
commuting to there since Woody Wilson.

WV "extred" Those big, circular pieces of black rubber you encounter on the interstate.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"He is coherently stringing words together. That was his big selling point during the campaign."

He's one of the clean ones too, says Joe Biden.

Also, he doesn't speak Negro, unless he wants to (you know, if he's talking to the hip hoppers). Harry Reid is keeping track so you don't have to.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

Quayle - right. the democrats are the "money" people and the republicans are the party of the "people."


can you spell...potato?

Jeremy म्हणाले...

florida - racism is not pretty.

shut up.

Mian म्हणाले...

I've sort of been following the election, but tell me something:

Wasn't Martha Coakley the one bludgeoned to death with a golf club by that drug-addled Kennedy boy a few years back?

exhelodrvr1 म्हणाले...

"and there's always the racist element that we ALL know exists."

Good job - admitting you have a problem is the first step!!

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Obama squealed:

She's got your back, her opponent's got Wall Street's back. Bankers don't need another vote in the United States Senate.

Does he realise that he has been the bankers' best friend this past year?

And does he further realise that an analogy would be something like Bush campaigning for a candidate by stating his opponent is nothing but a stooge of the military?


Jeremy म्हणाले...

vbspurs "Does he realise that he has been the bankers' best friend this past year?"

do YOU realize who was in charge when the shit really hit the fan?

here's a hint, dipstick: his name is george and he was in charge when things could have been handled.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...

Roger J. म्हणाले...

the contractor comments are indeed interesting--I preferred to work as a contractor--maximized my personal freedom while allowing me to do a job which I thorougly enjoyed--health insurance wasnt a big deal to me for many reasons.

Scott Browns contractors are a non issue and even if they were would only appeal to union stiffs who will vote democratic anyway. A non issue, and will certainly not make an iota of difference in the MA election.

Beta Conservative म्हणाले...

@Rialby: I've been here since the beginning. Just don't post all that much.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"... because Scott Brown is almost certainly in violation of federal tax laws."

Then he'll fit right in in Washington, D.C.

Didn't I hear of a tax cheat named Tim Geither who is best friends with Barack Obama?

Last minute accusations against candidates rarely pay dividends. For example, the cocaine addition allegation against Martha Coakley that's been making the rounds.

Do we want to take a risk on Martha being so coked up she pulls the wrong lever on health care?

Jeremy म्हणाले...

McConnell: Mass. race a 'referendum' on health care

so if brown loses...will the tea baggers hers support health care reform?

vbspurs म्हणाले...

From the Times (the one which is not going to charge to look at content), a report of the race:

"Coakley’s opponent, Scott Brown, 50, is a lawyer who is also a lieutenant-colonel in the National Guard and has served in the state legislature since 1996. His claim to fame was winning America’s sexiest man contest when he was 22 and posing nude for the centrefold of Cosmopolitan magazine. The accompanying story said that Brown liked “slinky girls” and was not shy about taking his clothes off.

Last November Boston’s Suffolk University released a poll that showed Coakley 31 points ahead. When it released a second poll on Friday it gave Brown a four-point lead.

Coakley’s friends describe her as witty with an encyclopedic knowledge of Broadway musicals, but on television she appears stiff. Gail Collins, the New York Times columnist, compared her speaking style to “that of a prosecutor delivering a summation to the jury in civil court in a trial that involved, say, a dispute over widget tariffs”. Brown, by contrast, is not only photogenic but exudes easy charm, portraying himself as a self-made man who drives around in a pick-up truck.

On Friday he did a walk-about in Boston’s Little Italy, a Democrat stronghold. Asked how he felt about possibly winning the seat, he replied to loud cheers: “It’s not the Kennedys’ seat. It’s not the Democrats’ seat. It’s the people’s seat.”

[Homerun, Scott!! It's in the popular lexicon now]

A number of women had brought along their dogs. Donna, a dentist, had brought her fox terrier Razzie. “I always voted for Kennedy but this guy is refreshing,” she said. “Washington has forgotten the middle class and he’s the way we can stop it.”"


Chase म्हणाले...

How big a loser is Jeremy?
Let's play and see . . .

So far on the facts, Jeremy is


I wrote:

can't seem to find any speeches form George W Bush after he became President where he encouraged and sought to pit any one group of Americans against another.

•Obama demeans his Presidency and the Office by often pitting Americans against each other in his speeches (read the quote at the top of the post).

So how did Jeremy answer? Let's see:

opposed to anybody who disagreed being referred to as anti-american or a traitor.

•Hmmm . . . searched all of Bush's speeches since he became President and Jeremy's answer is: WRONG. Not once in any of Bush's speeches during his Presidency did he refer to any American as "anti-American" or "traitor".

That's MINUS ONE for Jeremy. Your answer was provably wrong, Jeremy.

Care to try again?

File under : loser.


The Drill SGT म्हणाले...

rhhardin said...
You earn more as a contractor. I always preferred it.

sure. You pay 1099 consultants a premium because:

- they cover their own SS, FICA, etc
- they don't have job security, vacation, etc

These folks have a 100 day or less Job. Of course it's a temp job. likely much less than 100 days, cause Brown has been broke for the first 90 days of that 100.

as for IRS issues. I don't think there are any. You get issues if the consultants are long term and if they do the same things your regular staff do, but in this case, he has no regular staff and it sure isn't more than a few weeks work.

I would not be surprised if most of his staff aren't on LWOP from day jobs.

अनामित म्हणाले...

racism is not pretty.

You're right Jeremy. It's not pretty when Joe Biden claims Barack Obama can get by because he's "one of the clean, articulate ones."

It was Harry Reid who called Obama a negro. I thoguht we'd reitred the N word as a society? Everywhere except the backrooms at DNC headquarters. He even acccused Obama of using Ebonics to fool black folk, then talking white to the Harvard crowd.

Maybe you should ask your fellow traveler Democrats whether they agree with you on the whole "racism is not pretty" angle.

Because the only racists seem to be them.

While you're there, say hello to Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Democrat Senator Robert Byrd - Head Racist in Chief.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Let's play and see . . .

No, let's not, Chase.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"... so if brown loses...will the tea baggers hers support health care reform?"

Jeremy why don't you put the Scotch away, dude.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...


FYI Beta is not a newby. She is Alpha Liberal's far smarter & conservative little sister.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

BREAKING NEWS: Latest poll from Insidemedford.com (who?) breaks it down thusly:

BROWN - 50.8%
COAKLEY - 41.2%
KENNEDY - 1.8%
NOT SURE - 6.2%

I don't like the Not Sure percentages. Plus I don't know who these pollsters are. Also, I don't like big leads -- Scott Brown is still the huge underdog in this race. Let's keep it that way, so as not to get cocky or overoptimistic.


Beta Conservative म्हणाले...

@AJ Lynch: News of my reassigment surgery has spread faster than I realized.

MeTooThenMail म्हणाले...

All around delightful, engaging, educated, personable, fun, funny, romantic, fit, and liberal human being

And foul-mouthed.


Enraged like an adolescent.


And a Troll.

There, FIFY!

You're welcome!

vbspurs म्हणाले...

News of my reassigment surgery has spread faster than I realized.

Next we'll find out you're a commie.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

vbspurs said..."Scott Brown is still the huge underdog in this race."
you throw out a poll showing brown 9 points ahead ans say he's a "huge underdog?

what would he be if he was 9 points behind?


Chase म्हणाले...

Obama's stump speech when running for President in 2008:

"This country is ready for a leader who will bring us together" and makes the case that he's that person.

Another campaign promise he never intended to keep?

Not when he uses his Presidential speeches to pit any one group of Americans against another.

How un-Presidential! How beneath the leader of the United States!

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Kirk said that the new Senator will be sworn in quickly.

A new Massachusetts senator will be sworn in as quickly as possible, Sen. Paul Kirk (D-Mass.) pledged Sunday.

But note that the State Senate are possibly plotting to keep a bill on the floor, to prevent Brown from being sworn in before finishing business there first. This is just a rumour, however.

Chase म्हणाले...



We have defeated Jeremy! He cannot answer the charges! He was proven wrong, and failed to redeem himself!

Congratulations and thanks all around!!!!

former law student म्हणाले...

Top contributors in 2004. Which Presidential candidate did you vote for?

Candidate A (in the bankers' back pocket, obviously):
Morgan Stanley $600,480
Merrill Lynch $580,004
PricewaterhouseCoopers $513,750
UBS Americas $472,075
Goldman Sachs $390,600
MBNA Corp $356,350
Credit Suisse Group $331,040
Lehman Brothers $329,725
Citigroup Inc $320,620
Bear Stearns $309,150
Ernst & Young $305,140
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu $290,450
US Government $287,636
Wachovia Corp $275,310
Ameriquest Capital $250,650
Blank Rome LLP $223,900
Bank of America $218,261
AT&T Inc $212,920
Cendant Corp $207,443
JP Morgan Chase & Co $205,900

Or Candidate B (Non bankers edged out bankers):
University of California $622,925
Harvard University $355,359
Time Warner $305,824
Goldman Sachs $303,250
Citigroup Inc $288,631
Microsoft Corp $278,597
Skadden, Arps et al $264,077
US Government $229,976
UBS Americas $219,700
JP Morgan Chase & Co $207,065
DLA Piper Rudnick et al $204,353
Wilmer, Cutler et al $203,386
Stanford University $195,899
IBM Corp $189,390
Viacom Inc $182,996
Morgan Stanley $180,979
Robins, Kaplan et al $177,650
Columbia University $175,592
Bank of America $169,502
General Electric $159,031

vbspurs म्हणाले...

OT: Govenor Paterson of NY nuzzling a lady at steak restaurant -- and she wasn't his wife?

"I saw him kissing her neck," said Sharon Farrell, a lawyer sitting two tables away from Paterson and his mystery gal pal at the River Palm Terrace in Edgewater. "He was right on her neck, nudging, like back and forth.""

Well, at least she isn't a hooker. The black Hispanic lady works with him, apparently.

Chase म्हणाले...

Top contributors in 2004.

6 years ago?!!! Is that the best you can do?

C'mon fls! Put down the blanket and flashlight and come out into the real world.

It's 2010!!!!!

Jeremy म्हणाले...

chase - pull those lips off your wing nut buddy's asses for a change.

Chase म्हणाले...

Hey - Gov Patterson wants the same benefits as every Democratic Governor of New York gets!

gosh - it must just suck to be a Democrat today!

Chase म्हणाले...

Jeremy, Jeremy - that's the best you've got. Bring it on, little boy.

Loser Jeremy.

Provably loser Jeremy!

I love saying it out loud!

And everybody can see it! Yes!!!!!

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

One fact cannot be escaped. Coakley has got to be the most stupid candidate to run since Joe Biden. It is hard to keep track of who said more dumb things.

Anyone who read about the Arinault and Winfield cases has all they need to never vote for her again. These were not errors in judgment. They were egregious, wantonly negligent, and reckless conduct. Too bad she could not be indicted.

Ken Pidcock म्हणाले...

I remember reading Sully's Goodbye to All That and thinking, that's right, Clinton would only invite continuation of the ridiculous partisanship we've lived with all of our adult lives. What we need is someone outside of all of that.

What retards we were. Clinton knew that the Republican leadership doesn't give a flying fuck about the United States of America.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

There was a leak that Joe Lieberman was "close to endorsing" Scott Brown today, Sunday. Word from The Hill says there is absolutely no plan by the Senator's office to release an endorsement ahead of Tuesday's election.

Sounds to me like the Dems were trying to play a little game there, by aligning him with the unpopular Lieberman.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

Drill SGT - Excellent series of posts! You are on fire today!
Jeremy said...
By paying his staff as contractors instead of employees, Scott Brown avoids any responsibility to be a good employer and provide them health insurance. That alone should be enough to disqualify him in the minds of many voters.

Coakley doesn't have to worry. Most of her workers are government employees, flunkies dispatched from law firms and various prosecutors offices she is tight with, professional machine apparachniks with "no-show" jobs in Mass, and union employees. All who already have cushy healthcare benefits.

I know this, Obama posed as a bipartisan uniter and lied his ass off about that. He has chosen the path of Bush when Bush had peak power - demonize the opposition and cram what he wants down the throats of them. And Obama excels in working to intimidate moderates with thug-like threats from Pelosi and Reid serving as his proxies for hard-left agenda.

So much for "no Red or Blue America", transparancy, and his numerous other lies.

The worm soon turned on Dubya and his corporate cronies and neocons - and from 2003 -2008 the opposition made him bleed for his 2002 excesses.
Methinks the "2nd Brownie" is gonna be wishing Hillary was elected and he could have just been the SCOTUS Justice he thought he deserved now, vs. when his 8 years is up.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Err, not very catchy Lem.

Obama campaigned..
Haitians died.

"Obama tried,
Haitians died" might be closer, but it's not good to politicise this event...

Jeremy म्हणाले...

vbspurs said..."There was a leak that Joe Lieberman was "close to endorsing" Scott Brown today, Sunday."


joe lieberman.


same guy who sucks on mccain and palin.


Ralph L म्हणाले...

And they got Brown's money quote "it's not their seat, it's yours."
I'd rather Brown had my seat than my seat have brown.

Chase म्हणाले...

but it's not good to politicise this event...

I agree, Victoria..

By the way, where did provably loser Jeremy go?

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Kirby Olson wrote:

How long before they start to hide him away?

So long as the economy, and most importantly, jobs are down, there is a chance he could be toxic to voters. He desperately needs something, some win, to turn around the ship. HCR ain't it, but I don't know what is.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

vbspurs - president obama has something to do with haitians dying?

you are one sick fuck.

Chase म्हणाले...

Awwwwww. There's crying Jeremy.

Does being schooled make Jeremy want to cry?

Jeremy lost right in front of everyone here.

Jeremy is at MINUS ONE.

Is it too hard for Jeremy when he loses?

Awwwwww. Poor Loser Jeremy,

Provably Loser Jeremy!

vbspurs म्हणाले...

By the way, where did provably loser Jeremy go?

Get lost.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Andrew Sullivan wrote:

To add insult to injury, I have a Coakley bumper sticker on my car

Next to his "Obama is my Homeboy" bumpersticker and Rainbow flag.

Chase म्हणाले...

Jeremy lost right in front of everyone here.

Poor Loser Jeremy!

Jeremy म्हणाले...

vbspurs - actually president obama's polling is UP...and even better than king ronnie at this stage of his tenure.

but of course, you and the rst of the morons here would never know that.

PRECEDENTS – To a large extent Obama’s treading the predicted path for a president presiding
over 10 percent unemployment.

His course in approval almost precisely matches that of the last
president to take office in the tempest of a recession, Ronald Reagan, who went from 68 percent
job approval shortly after he took office to 52 percent at the one-year mark.

Obama’s gone from 68 percent to 53 percent in the comparable period.

Chase म्हणाले...

with Jeremy calling you a "sick fuck" Victoria, I thought you wouldn't mind him being schooled.

Sorry to offend you.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Photos of the Brown rally, via Instapundit:

If this were Florida, there would be no one in the cold weather

The Whole World is Watching Brown


Jeremy म्हणाले...

chase - i already have pogo obsessed with me.

are you trying to push a fellow wing nut aside?

are you interested in being tea bagged?

i have balls available if you're mouth is up for it.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Jeremy, please insult me too. Please. Call me a tea bagger or wing nut cause that really hurts. Trust me, I deserve it.

Trolls have been crashing and burning around here a lot lately. I would like some abuse before you realize what's happening to you and your lot and you sulk way back into the depths.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

There's a PJM poll coming out at 2 AM CST (3 AM EST). I doubt I'll be up, but maybe for Lem's posting interest. :)

(Plus, I don't trust any polls)

Unknown म्हणाले...

Jeremy said...

and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...and the whining & bitching continues...

You can stop any time you choose.

vbspurs said...

BREAKING NEWS: Latest poll from Insidemedford.com (who?) breaks it down thusly:

BROWN - 50.8%
COAKLEY - 41.2%
KENNEDY - 1.8%
NOT SURE - 6.2%

Insta reports a CrossTarget poll for PJM with the same margin.

Maatha's starting to look like a B-17 over Regensburg (or Schweinfurt or a 24 over Ploesti, pick your metaphor).

Chase म्हणाले...

Jeremy wrong again!

Jeremy now at MINUS TWO on just this post!

Jeremy said:

His course in approval almost precisely matches that of the last
president to take office in the tempest of a recession, Ronald Reagan, who went from 68 percent
job approval shortly after he took office to 52 percent at the one-year mark.

Actual Gallup polling (larger sample than all other polling organizations):

Headline, December 8, 2009

Gallup Poll: Obama's Approval Rating Lowest Of Any President After 1 Year

That's two strikes for Jeremy in just this one Post!

Althouse commenters awaitng Loser Jeremy's third strike . . .

more to come . . .

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Ooh, Edutcher! Speak the historical stuff to me baby! Very sexy.

24 over Ploesti

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Brown has already won. If by some "miracle" Coakley ends up in the Senate, it will be a victory for conservative at least at wonderful, because it will rally the right and like-minded independents who still want the change Obama promised, but of which he clearly is not the agent. Or it will be seen as stolen which will do the same even more powerfully.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...


I apologize. I thought when you ingenuously appeared and announced that Alpha was your brother, you said you were his younger sister. My mistake.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Beta Conservative म्हणाले...

You don't have to apologize AJ. I am quite fetching.

Chase म्हणाले...

Dust Bunny Queen said:

Jeremy is an idiot

Provably so!!!

An idiot proved to have the facts completely wrong TWICE in just this post alone!

Jeremy म्हणाले...

what are you little tea bagging babies going to do if brown loses?

i can't wait.

Penny म्हणाले...

You know that I periodically like watching Sunday morning TV news shows, hoping to catch a tasty bit of nuance.

And I caught a BIG, nuanced fish today.

Republican commenters have stepped away from bashing our President. In fact, they have stepped forward to commend him for his BOLD steps in moving his agenda forward!

That, of course, was followed with the expected, yet extremely understated,..."not that EYE agree with him, but he 'WON'" commentary.

Haha, gotta love the ole mirror trick!

Chase म्हणाले...

And what will Jeremy - "twice facts wrong here Jeremy" - do if Brown wins?


Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

By paying his staff as contractors instead of employees, Scott Brown avoids any responsibility to be a good employer and provide them health insurance.

By paying his staff as contractors, the employees have many more tax deductions available to them to reduce their taxes much more than a W-2 wage payer can.

They can make more net income than a wage slave. With more deductions.

In addition as a self employed person, their insurance premiums are a 100% deduction for themselves and their dependents INSTEAD of being taxed by the government for having a Cadillac plan, they can choose the coverage that they want. Oh 'teh horror'

Scott Brown is doing his employees a giant favor by hiring them as contractors.

Jeremy is an idiot

Chase म्हणाले...

You know that I periodically like watching Sunday morning TV news shows

We do now . . .

vbspurs म्हणाले...

In addition as a self employed person, their insurance premiums are a 100% deduction for themselves and their dependents INSTEAD of being taxed by the government for having a Cadillac plan, they can choose the coverage that they want.

Awesome clarification, DBQ. Democrats are all about the scare facts, "he doesn't give his employees health insurance!!", because it makes him sound bad.

Oh 'teh horror'


Jeremy म्हणाले...

can i assume you idiots think there is only ONE poll available?

most here constantly tout rasmussen, but you'll go with anything that you think supports your silly wing nut opinions.

here's who you assholes are quoting:

President Obama has "the worst ratings of any president at the end of his first year."

Karl Rove on Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 in a 'Wall Street Journal' column

that's funny.

now, here's GALLUP:

Obama's current 53% job approval rating is ahead of Bill Clinton's rating one year after his election, and essentially tied with Reagan's in 1981 and Carter's in 1977.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

The real unemployment rate- according to actual economists- is one and half to twice what the government claims.

So Obama is sitting on a 15-20% unemployment rate. Plus small businesses are closing at a fast rate.

What did he say about his pals the bankers today? They got theirs? He gave it to them.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

I'm hoping you guys will be here on Tuesday, live-blogging the Mass returns. Win or lose, it's going to be HUGE.

A rehash of the old, wonderful Althouse threads, where 300 posts was a mere warmup, 400 posts meant we were clearing our collective throats, 500 meant we just started paying attention, and 600 posts were the beginning of the real fun!


Jeremy म्हणाले...

as to karl, the asshole rove:

(polifact) First, we should note that Rove was guilty of rhetorical excess when he said that Obama's numbers are the worst of "any president" at this point. Gallup's historical data -- the longest-running of the major polling firms -- dates back to Harry Truman, who was the first president whose entire tenure was polled in a fashion that modern experts would consider scientific. So Rove should have argued that Obama's numbers were the worst of any post-World War II president at this point in his term.

Second, Rove misspoke when he referred to measuring Obama's ratings at the end of his first year. By definition, those numbers won't be available until late January. But in assessing his statement, we've sidestepped that problem by asking Gallup to provide us the approval ratings for December of the first year in office of the postwar presidents, so that the ratings for each can be compared more directly with the figures we have for Obama.

Third, not all postwar presidents came to office equally. Dwight Eisenhower, John Kennedy, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, both Bushes and Bill Clinton were all elected, so their presidencies all started at the usual time of the year. By contrast, Truman, Lyndon Johnson and Gerald Ford assumed office after the death or resignation of their predecessor. Johnson's approval ratings roughly a year after taking office were around 70 percent, while Truman and Ford were both around 40 percent at that point in their tenure -- a level lower than Obama's today. But because the comparison isn't exact, independent analysts advised us to exclude Truman, Johnson and Ford from our analysis.

So, here are Gallup's December approval and disapproval ratings for all elected presidents since World War II. (For Clinton and George W. Bush, Gallup polled on presidential approval twice a month rather than once a month as previously, so the numbers below reflect an average of the two December scores for those presidents.)

• Eisenhower, 69-22
• Kennedy, 77-11
• Nixon, 59-23
• Carter, 57-27
• Reagan, 49-41
• George H.W. Bush, 71-20
• Clinton, 53-39
• George W. Bush, 86-11
• Obama, 49-46

Chase म्हणाले...

Gosh Victoria,

I do admire you so..

So many visit the blog here and Jeremy seeks to slash and burn, but instead of that in this post, we are showing him up as an actual undeniable loser on the facts, without sinking into just ad hominem.

It's not that Jeremy is justa drive-by troll - We've clearly got him on the actual goods, this time, in front of every visitor who read s even a small amount on this post.

Though you'd possibly appreciate it the schooling of someone who calls you "a sick fuck"

Sigh . . .

Jeremy म्हणाले...

vbspurs said..."I'm hoping you guys will be here on Tuesday, live-blogging the Mass returns. Win or lose, it's going to be HUGE."

but i thought there was NO way coakley could win.

i thought brown already won.

hold those balls in yur mouth until tuesday...

Jeremy म्हणाले...

• Eisenhower, 69-22
• Kennedy, 77-11
• Nixon, 59-23
• Carter, 57-27
• Reagan, 49-41
• George H.W. Bush, 71-20
• Clinton, 53-39
• George W. Bush, 86-11
• Obama, 49-46

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Obama Advisers Believe Coakley will Lose

Mmm. I don't like this overconfidence on Brown winning, guys. Not one bit.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Mmm. I don't like this overconfidence on Brown winning, guys. Not one bit.

Yep. They can't get cocky and slack off. You never give up until your opponent is compeletly decimated, cut into little pieces and burned to keep them from coming back, zombie like, from the grave to vote again

vbspurs म्हणाले...

DBQ, it's a legal holiday in Mass tomorrow (it's one here, too, but that means no Post or banks are open -- most people still have to work). I hope those who are off take the time to campaign for Brown tomorrow.

This election is ALL about GOTV.

Chase म्हणाले...


Jeremy said:

here's who you assholes are quoting:

President Obama has "the worst ratings of any president at the end of his first year."

Karl Rove on Wednesday, December 16th, 2009 in a 'Wall Street Journal' column

WRONG! THIRD STRIKE in just one post!

The Gallup Poll that was quoted by me was published on the left wing site Talking Points MEMO:

Gallup Poll: Obama's Approval Rating Lowest Of Any President After 1 Year

Jeremy, obviously unable to read when actual source material is given, fires away with unsourced, irrelevant and dishonestly used material.

LOSER JEREMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Althouse commenters want to know . . .

is it actually


vbspurs म्हणाले...


David म्हणाले...

What Can Brown Do For You?

garage mahal म्हणाले...

Win or lose, it will be excellent news for Republicans.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Win or lose, it will be excellent news for Republicans

Win or lose, it is good news for the people in general because suddenly, they are engaged in the process.

Someone earlier said, that Obama has awakened a sleeping giant. I think that that is true. People are no longer going to be complacent and let it be business as usual. Scott Brown, is a result of this process.

Chase म्हणाले...

Welcome Althouse visitors:

extreme left-wing commenter/troll Jeremy has been demonstrably proven to use facts dishonestly and continually, in just this post alone.


Jeremy stated above:

Obama's current 53% job approval rating

Obama is at 53% in only one poll out of 10 taken nationally in the last 10 days. OBAMA real average today:


Source: Real Clear Politics/All Presidential Approval Polls

Once again, Jeremy caught dishonestly playing fast and loose with the facts.

This commenter exhausted at the exhilaration of proving beyond any doubt with facts that Althouse blog troll/commenter Jeremy is wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong!

My work done, going out for champagne and tapas to celebrate with friends!

Jeremy, you got Served!

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Grindr", the iPhone gay hook-up app (that has to pretend not to be a gay hook-up app to remain in Apple's good graces) sent a pop-up message when opened today begging users to "support Martha Coakley". Yeah, that's what I want to think about when I'm in the mood to trawl for gay sex: Martha Coakley.

Again, the repulsive Democrat assumption that gay votes are their bought-and-paid-for birthright, and that we'll all go take a cold shower and rush out to help the most cynically phony candidate since... Barack Obama.

Chase म्हणाले...

Quick note to regulars:

You're welcome.

I love you all, and I rarely engage Jeremy and other trolls, but there are two many visitors here (office workers I know peeked into this blog for the first time and were turned off by Jeremy's unanswered-with-facts presence on the blog.

So . . . this time, Jeremy was shown to be the loose with the facts, can't back up anything he says type of commenter by someone who didn't have to just call names back and forth, but actually showed that he is through facts a political and opinion loser.

And with that, every real commenter here wins. (Unless you're mad that someone actually could prove him wrong factually, rather than just ignoring him).

Either way,

You're welcome.

And good night.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Imagine that you were a trolling, angry leftist at Althouse during the run-up to the 2008 presidential election.

Now, try to comprehend your angry trolliness as your world is falling apart and a Republican is taking a Senate seat in Massachusetts that about a month ago belonged to the last of the relevant Kennedys.

Unknown म्हणाले...

vbspurs said...

Ooh, Edutcher! Speak the historical stuff to me baby! Very sexy.

24 over Ploesti

Are you waxing saucy with me, vb, or has someone hacked your account?

Bomber pilots often referred to the type of plane they flew merely by the number. A 24 is a B-24, in this case, of the 15th Air Force and they really got socked over Rumania in what was supposed to be a milk run, hence the metaphor.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

anybody know when the golden globes are on?

Jeremy म्हणाले...

7-Nachos - "world is falling apart"

it is?

MY world isn't.

and why do you keep posting a picture of a terrorist as your moniker?

Jeremy म्हणाले...

chase - you're such a suck-ass.

good lord...one would think you were accepting an award.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Are you waxing saucy with me, vb, or has someone hacked your account?

Oh! Edutcher, I thought you knew that my undergrad history degree had an Eastern European specialisation. :)

But I was waxing my sauce at you, yes.


Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

and why do you keep posting a picture of a terrorist as your moniker?

Dumbshit... It's a Lucha Libre mask

garage mahal म्हणाले...

WTF are you going on about? First you link to a gallup poll on TPM dated Dec 8th, that had Obama at 47%. Then Jeremy posts the latest gallup showing Obama at 53%. Then you claim it was dishonest of Jeremy only using gallup!

Jeremy म्हणाले...

Palladian - just look at the latest supreme court ruling on an open, televised hearing relating to prop 8.

republicans hate gays...even the republican gays.

it's embarrassing and disgusting.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Yeah, that's what I want to think about when I'm in the mood to trawl for gay sex: Martha Coakley.

Wow, it should now advertise itself as "boner reduction" app.

1775OGG म्हणाले...

It's never the vote counts, it's always the votes in the recount! Remember Washington State, 2004, Minnesota 2008!

"So, how votes do you need to win? I don't know, how many you've got?"

wv: cogle it if you don't believe me!

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

It really does not matter if Brown wins - Coakley's repulsive record and campaign as a symbol of the Democratic party is what matters. Then the cherry on top is the President being dumb enough, or desperate enough, to join it. A Brown win will be anti-climactic.

Palladian म्हणाले...


Jeremy म्हणाले...

bagoh20 said..."It really does not matter if Brown wins - Coakley's repulsive record and campaign as a symbol of the Democratic party is what matters."

oh, right.

what a crock.

Defenseman Emeritus म्हणाले...

Jeremy, I admire your perseverance. You've been thoroughly called out and trounced, and yet you keep showing your face in this thread. Ever heard of the term "lost cause?" If not, you and Martha are about to be forcibly familiarized with it.

Jeremy म्हणाले...

Defenseman Emeritus - i have no idea what you're blathering on about.

are you interested in having me tea bag you later?

my balls are yours for the asking.

let me know, pogo and chase are already in line.

अनामित म्हणाले...

I understand they buried Ted Kennedy with a bottle of Scotch. Now I know why.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"But I was waxing my sauce at you, yes."

Waxing your sauce? Is that how salad cream is produced?

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Oh how I miss salad cream, Palladian!

wv: swede. OTOH, I do not miss mashed swede.

Defenseman Emeritus म्हणाले...

Stellar comeback, Jeremy! I especially enjoyed your homophobic use of the term "tea bag." And you had the gall to accuse Republicans of hating gays.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

I understand they buried Ted Kennedy with a bottle of Scotch. Now I know why.

Freaking waste of a good bottle of scotch.

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

"Coakley's repulsive record and campaign as a symbol of the Democratic party is what matters."

oh, right.

what a crock."

That's been the big story all week: how bad SHE is, not how great Brown is. Kennedy's seat is not gonna be lost because Brown is some genius, but because Dems are doomed and this is just the first casualty. The smart money would switch sides now, but your principles are too strong. Good for you.

JAL म्हणाले...

Who pays for AF1 to fly to Boston when Obama acampaigns for Coakley?

If the taxpayers do, he needs to wear a tie when he is traveling on the taxpayers' dime.

Defenseman Emeritus म्हणाले...

Oh, and Jeremy, please don't interpret my not bothering replying to your upcoming posts as a sign of disinterest. I'm just going to bed. By all means, continue to beclown yourself before a national audience to your little heart's content.

wv: endzons What Martha won't be reaching on Tuesday.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Remember when commenter Robin said it would be funny if Coakley's name were really "Marsha".

Well GUESS WHO CALLED HER MARSHA just today when campaigning for her?

Rep. Patrick J. Kennedy, the late Senator's son. He must be on the blow again.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

If the taxpayers do, he needs to wear a tie when he is traveling on the taxpayers' dime.

I wouldn't mind so much, because I'm sure other Presidents have done it. But it's always the double standard that grills me.

Palin conducted interviews in the Governor's office, and she had to face ethics complaints for using her office for "election purposes".

How different, tell me, is that to what Obama does, scurrying around on the taxpayer funded Air Force 1?

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans म्हणाले...

Coakley's repulsive record and campaign as a symbol of the Democratic party is what matters.

Though I have admired Rabinowitz's columns in the WSJ on the Amirault case, and Romney's lack of attention to a pardon during his term as governor was my primary complaint about him last year, I initially thought it was a bit of chutzpah of negative campaigning that she should have brought up Coakley and the Amiraults in the WSJ recently until I read that the first thing Coakley did when she found she really, yes maybe really, needed to campaign for the Senate seat in the general election was to air an advertisement extolling her fighting for women and children's rights using the Amirault case(s)! This when the evidence was overwhelming she had historically been hewing to this position solely for personal political benefit despite the blatant disregard for justice and cruel misuse of the defendants.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

The good news? OBAMA!! The bad news? She's all right

Unknown म्हणाले...

vbspurs said...

Are you waxing saucy with me, vb, or has someone hacked your account?

I wasn't aware you were an historian. Technically, Ploesti is more Southern than Eastern in its import, but what the hey, if it makes you happy, I live to swerve.

When the Blonde talks to her friends at work about the place we've seen by car, she always does five minutes on how I regale her with all sorts of historical minutiae regarding the places through which we're driving. I make it interesting, she says; although it's tough to keep talking on those long road trips. Meade is lucky that way, Ann always has her camera for entertainment.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Don't forget to heck out the Tilda Swinton look-a-like in minute 1:12.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

One last post before nightie-nights.


Unknown म्हणाले...

Spoken like the Marxist that Obama is.

From Inwood म्हणाले...


As noted on Instapundit, at least Pat Kennedy didn't call her Martha Moxley.

ic म्हणाले...

Bankers don't need more votes because they, especially Goldman Sachs (Geitner's, and Paulson's firm) have already owned the damned federal govt. They screwed up, we paid them, they paid out the loots as record bonuses. Who, may I ask, let that happen? He has the audacity to mention them.

JorgXMcKie म्हणाले...

Whenever I see jeremy start flailing [and failing] wildly I always think of two movies. The first is "Animal House" and the second is one of the later John Waynes [I can't recall exactly which]. Why?

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son." Dean Wormer

and, "Life is hard. It's harder when you're stupid." John Wayne

vbspurs म्हणाले...

PPP has Brown by +5

BROWN - 51%

...not enough, guys, not enough. It'll be a nail biter on Tuesday.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

LOL! Inwood. Now that would've been fun.

Hey, have you ever seen the "Downfall" parodies where Hitler goes ballistic to a room full of Generals?



vbspurs म्हणाले...

wv: epater!

That's an actual French word, best known for the phrase: Épater la bourgeoisie. To shock the middle-classes.

The liberal middle-classes in our case.

Vader म्हणाले...

"Maatha's starting to look like a B-17 over Regensburg (or Schweinfurt or a 24 over Ploesti, pick your metaphor)."

I prefer "Stuka over London", but there's no accounting for taste.

John Stodder म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
John Stodder म्हणाले...

By paying his staff as contractors instead of employees, Scott Brown avoids any responsibility to be a good employer and provide them health insurance. That alone should be enough to disqualify him in the minds of many voters.

Is this the best Democratic spin on this race available today? Wow. The only word for it is limp.

What's on the table in this election?

-- The future of a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate that has been Obama's guarantee of his legislative agenda's success.

--Possibly, the fate of the health care bill -- at minimum it forces the Democrats to do some very unsavory things in public to save it.

--The first Democrat to lose election for this senate seat since 1948.

--An array of issues ranging from unemployment to homeland security, from cap-and-trade to aid for Haiti.

--The possible election of a senator who joined in the horrific injustices heaped upon the Amirault family long after it was clear they were completely innocent.

But Jeremy, getting his cues from some netroots blogger or another, is trying to push the employment contracts of Scott Brown's campaign staff as not just one issue, but a disqualifying issue. But Coakley's behavior in the Amirault matter is not disqualifying, not even mentioned much less defended or explained.

Let's see...a handful of employees working on a short-term project have to fund their own benefits for that brief period...vs. a man potentially spending the rest of his life in prison for a crime he didn't do, and that the candidate as prosecutors knew he didn't do.

For Pete's sake Jeremy, you should turn in your party affiliation card. Is this plus a bunch childish insults is the best you can do? Profoundly pathetic.

veni vidi vici म्हणाले...

"By paying his staff as contractors instead of employees, Scott Brown avoids any responsibility to be a good employer and provide them health insurance. That alone should be enough to disqualify him in the minds of many voters."

I thought Brown's pretty much widely known to support RomneyCare in MA. Thus, the state-run insurance takes the load as opposed to that antiquated system of employer-provided insurance.

In other words, where's the fucking fire, other than in your trousers?

अनामित म्हणाले...

John Stodder is a Democrat, people. A thoughtful one.

John Stodder म्हणाले...

Thanks Seven.

But, for the first time since I was 12, I find myself reluctant to embrace that party label. I don't know if there's any hope any more of the party's a return to Clinton-era political sanity. Things do change, and sometimes quickly, but I don't see the big rethink the Dems have needed since 2001 happening under the current regime.

So, for now, I call myself "independent."

Patm म्हणाले...

What a deplorable remark. This president becomes less presidential and more demagogic every day.

I miss Bush.

Patm म्हणाले...

Jeremy, thank you for playing, but Bush NEVER said people who disagreed with him were "traitors" or "unamerican." The people who said "interpreted" (projected) his WH as saying that are the ones who have played the "if you disagree with Obama you're antiamerican, or a traitor or a racist" card for a solid year. That would be the dems and the press.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Patrick Kennedy (D-RI)

"If you think there's magic out there and things can be turned around overnight, then you would vote for someone who could promise you that, like Scott Brown," Kennedy said. "If you don't, if you know that it takes eight years for George Bush and his cronies to put our country into this hole ... then you know we have a lot of digging to do, but some work needs to be done and this president's in the process of doing it and we need to get Marcia Coakley to help him to do that."

Digging, if you're in a hole, would probably be the wrong approach.

Ray म्हणाले...

Jeremy said...
*snip* are you interested in having me tea bag you later? *snip*

What's with the continual reminders of just how repulsive "progressives" have become?

Another reminder? How utterly lacking in logic liberals are.

You cannot continually call people "tea baggers" and then claim to be one without a complete loss of credibility.

Although....I have to admit. Given that in this act there are "tea-bagg-ers" and "tea-bagg-ees"...if I was forced to be either I know which it would be.

Fen म्हणाले...

Jeremy is the face of the Left.

Fred4Pres म्हणाले...

Andrew Sullivan goes into full spin cycle:

This Senate seat was held warm for Ted decades ago, when he was parachuted in and stayed there for ever. Part of the revolt is based on the fact that Coakley seems to be the ultimate Kennedy clan crony, and was also plopped in by a tiny number of primary voters, and seems to imbue the arrogance of the Democratic party elite. Most voters know that she could lord it over them for decades. But they'll almost certainly be rid of Brown in a few years.

If that works keep telling yourself that.

Opus One Media म्हणाले...

Chase said...
Bankers don't need another vote in the United States Senate. They've got plenty. Where's yours?"

well butthead, what is your real objection to what Obama said? That bankers don't have influence (equate that to dollars and wealth and ready cash to give to politicians????)

grow up. this is a real world and Obama is learning how to play the game with the powerful and influential. He is also calling braindead bankers out for what they are. sleaze.

Opus One Media म्हणाले...

David said...
Chase said...
"Funny - I've been looking, but I can't seem to find any speeches form George W Bush after he became President where he encouraged and sought to pit any one group of Americans against another.Perhaps the trolls will find one or manufacture one, but it surely was not Bush's M.O."

well assholes. when Mr. Bush held townhall meetings or gave speeches and only those who swore an oath that they were true blue republicans were admitted and anyone who though that Bush was the feckless idiot that he seemed to be, were excluded, don't you think in your little peabrains that he was excluding????

don't cha? ya'betcha.

hawkeyedjb म्हणाले...

I used to enjoy this blog, because the comment threads were fun to read (and occasionally contribute to). Now it's been infected with Jeremy, and the nasty viciousness of the canned left-wing insult generator that he brings along. It's no fun walking down a sidewalk that has a pile every ten steps or so.

Calypso Facto म्हणाले...

Don't bet against the machine! If a 4-1 Democratic majority aren't enough, there are lots of ways to put a "finger on the scale" in Mass.

Obama Plunges Into Mass. Race (WSJ)

Republican strategists said the race remains too close to call. Democrats suggested overnight polls tracking voter sentiment have shown a shift back to Ms. Coakley.

On Sunday the nonpartisan Cook Political Report, which closely follows national campaigns, said the Massachusetts race remains "very much of a toss up," with Mr. Brown "holding onto a very narrow, single-digit lead."

The report added, "Given the vagaries of voter turnout, particularly in lower participation level special elections, this race could still go either way, but we put a finger on the scale for Brown."

Fen म्हणाले...

Liberal Filcher: well assholes. when Mr. Bush held townhall meetings or gave speeches and only those who swore an oath that they were true blue republicans were admitted

Riiiight. Thats why Democrats were allowed to disrupt the Republican National Convention.

And Fuck Off, asshole.

Dust Bunny Queen म्हणाले...

Bankers don't need another vote in the United States Senate. They've got plenty. Where's yours?"

You know, I've been thinking about that. WHERE IS MY VOTE in the Senate or the House.

The Unions have their lobbyists. They even get to sleep in the White House and have slumber parties with the President. Wall Street has their professional lobbyists. The Pharmacists. The Doctors. The God Damned Street Sweepers. They ALL have a voice to get their vote in Congress.

Who is my lobbyist? WHERE IS MY VOTE. Oh......wait.....the Senator or Representative is SUPPOSED to be my vote, be MY lobbyist.

I guess, I'm just not bribing enough.

Michael म्हणाले...

Just a reminder to those who are triple mad at bankers: if the people who borrowed money paid it back on time and on schedule there would have been no credit crisis, no economic meltdown, no unwinding of swaps, no problem. It is convenient to get puffed up and red faced angry at the mean old fat cat bankers, but the people who borrowed the money stopped meeting their obligations. Their bad. Sorry, but that is the way the world works.

अनामित म्हणाले...

When you've lost John Stodder...

mariner म्हणाले...

When I checked this thread's comments and saw how small my browser scroll-bar button was, I was discouraged.

Then I noticed how many comments were by Jeremy and I felt a little better.