I think it's insignificant compared to the stuff in the previous post. Carelessly using an image does not make a candidate bad; carrying on a lifetime of malevolent work and putting ego and ambition before justice does.
The worst aspect of this sudden sea-change in our politics (and I did indeed think a liberal cycle was emerging) is that the Republicans have no more of an idea as to how to manage this country than the Democrats.
Yeah, perhaps they'll do less harm which, given the choices, might not be too bad.
"I Want Divided Government Now!" isn't much to put on a banner and march under but hey, it's catchy.
It seems like Martha got long odds on Brown and bet the ranch.
I really thought a Democrat could be caught biting the heads off kittens and still get elected in Massachusetts, but Martha has turned idiotic self destructive campaigning into an art form.
I'm waiting for her to get caught not recycling next. It's not beyond the possible.
And before, conservatives get too giddy, remember, there actually is a Senator Al Franken. No, I'm serious. Millions of people voted for him. Look it up if you don't believe me.
It's never the people who vote for a Democrat, it's the number of ballots that can be found under the spare tire or under that loose board in the backroom! Or, in the case of Minnesota, the erroneous machine counts that need to be readjusted after turning in an earlier tally.
Martha should have stayed on vacation. She might have coasted to the win. Instead, she stepped on the clutch, rammed it into reverse, and popped the clutch.
After telling everybody that Catholics should not be permitted to work in Emergency Rooms, it's obvious Maatha is only following DNC guidelines.
Slightly OT: There are some photos of Willie with Maatha on Instapundit and, if any parents want to show their kids what clean living can do for you, they can point them to that spread.
Ann and Meade are about 5 years younger than him (I think), but he looks about a thousand years older.
SMGalbraith said...
The worst aspect of this sudden sea-change in our politics (and I did indeed think a liberal cycle was emerging) is that the Republicans have no more of an idea as to how to manage this country than the Democrats.
Depends whom you wish to call Republicans. If you mean the RINOs, they're the ladies' auxiliary of the Democrat Party.
There is a liberal movement called the Tea Party. The American Left as it exists today is about as illiberal a thing as one could imagine.
Fiscal responsibility and manageable government are not anathema to liberal ideas (if, of course, we take Milton Friedman's definition of liberal). The idea that the welfare state is liberal is part of the FDR propaganda of seventy-five years ago. If anything, what's called liberal has become so ossified, it's really reactionary.
Nowadays, the conservatives are the real liberals.
Mark said...
I've come to the conclusion that everyone who works for Coakly is a committed Brown supporter.
And Coakley should be committed.
OldGrouchy Doug Wright said...
It's never the people who vote for a Democrat, it's the number of ballots that can be found under the spare tire or under that loose board in the backroom!
Remember, Democrats and Republicans in MA are less than half of all voters.
Fred4Pres said...
You think that is insane...
This is insane:
Martha Coakley exclaims that Curt Schilling is a fan of the New York Yankees?
No, he's a Phillies fan, so that's OK.
WV "entaman" The nice Jewish people who make all those pastries that shoot my cholesterol through the roof.
They are also using a one minute thirteen second robo call from Obama. I listened to the first 30 seconds. Obama was still talking about himself at that point (really--not exaggerating) so I hung up.
Edutcher: Excellent point about Conservatives being Liberals in the classical sense. Today's terminology stinks. Conservatives aren't, Liberals aren't, Libertarians ain't no such thing. Left and Right have no true meaning today. But terms like Constitutionalism has a meaning, authoritarianism has a meaning, statists has a meaning.
BTW: Hitchens has an interesting take on Marx havin a love for the USA versus his disdain for Russia; strange. That said: Coakley is a Statist Authoritarian.
wv: Franken said he's going to "restle" him some reporters.
edutcher, you better stop that switcheroo stuff with the 'liberal' name. I'm confused enough as it is.
We get enough "up is down" and "black is white" from the left. Then we get Republicans who aren't from the right. Now you're adding "left is right". This is not helpful!!
Remember, Dyslexics vote too...when they can keep things straight.
Edutcher: Excellent point about Conservatives being Liberals in the classical sense. Today's terminology stinks. Conservatives aren't, Liberals aren't, Libertarians ain't no such thing. Left and Right have no true meaning today. But terms like Constitutionalism has a meaning, authoritarianism has a meaning, statists has a meaning.
BTW: Hitchens has an interesting take on Marx havin a love for the USA versus his disdain for Russia; strange. That said: Coakley is a Statist Authoritarian.
wv: Franken said he's going to "restle" him some reporters.
Dudley Do-right said...
edutcher, you better stop that switcheroo stuff with the 'liberal' name. I'm confused enough as it is.
We get enough "up is down" and "black is white" from the left. Then we get Republicans who aren't from the right. Now you're adding "left is right". This is not helpful!!
Remember, Dyslexics vote too...when they can keep things straight.
Other than that; Yes.
As one of our founding Fathers once keenly observed,
"The world has gone mad today And good's bad today, And black's white today, And day's night today, When most guys today That women prize today Are just silly gigolos "
Jason - Catholics don't "belong" in Emergency Rooms as workers because they can't be trusted to help all patients?
Unlike the Amirault case, this slam on what 70% of Mass residents and most nurses are...is Thursday 1/14/10 Fresh.
Gawd, could the bitch say anything stupider??
Maybe that she was frothy angry when the Red Sox unjustly won the World Series when the Yankees deserved it more - but it would be a stretch.
Most Mass Catholics are prochoice or at least of a mind not to seek to meddle in other's choices on abortion - but you can bet that about 1/4 or 1/3rd of Catholics in that state have a family relative in a job Coakley seems to be saying they can't be trusted to work in, as Catholics.
I imagine even Obama will be upset with that - as it also demeans noble Muslims, members of the Religion of Peace, who have similar views. And unlike prochoice Catholics - few Muslims are comfortable with bucking any aspect of "the whole program".
In Boston, Muslims seethed and raged on hearing they too, like Catholics, are unfit to work in emergency rooms. The ACLU, while endorsing Coakley, also demand that Coakley meet with offended Muslims as soon as they finish voting. But not Catholics..."they are a menace to progressivism, with their backwards Christian beliefs."
Hey, I was just wondering the other day, whatever happened to that former Chicago cop who used to hang around and jabberjaw around these parts, and now I can celebrate Peter Bella's return!
Welcome back, Kotter! Nice to see you up in this joint agin'.
I once went to a law school graduation. This DB (Schumer) shows up and gives a policy speech that lasted 30 minutes. I gave him that, even though it was an off year - he had just won election the previous year. Then 2 years later, at a high school graduation, this DB pounces out of a limo and onto the dais and proceeds to give THE SAME SPEECH. He's worse than worthless.
Watching Hannity, on re-run. Nina Easton (a Democratic strategist, but one I respect and like) said that Massachussetts has a "dirty secret". They don't elect women. Whoa.
Everybody knows what happens after Kirk/Picard tells the computer the code for self destruct sequence .. at the end of the countdown the ship explodes into smithereens ..
Well thats unless you are on the Martha Coakley ship.
What is the reason that Vicki Kennedy didn't run, again? Because I have to tell you, she would've wiped the floor with Brown simply on the sympathy vote (she seems like she has a good head on her shoulders too).
This is priceless. I just took a spin in the liberal blogosphere, courtesy of Memeorandum, and one lib commenter urged Coakley to CRY at the next possible campaign stop.
Y'know, like Hill choking up in NH.
The one thing I love about Palin, which will NEVER CHANGE NO MATTER WHAT, is that I sense that woman is tough jock, and she'd rather eat her left earlobe than turn on the female waterworks.
(Outside of her country or kids, and even then, maybe)
I am so contemptuous of women who cry in public to get sympathy. It's manipulative, and I hate that crap.
Didn't the Tea Bag Hunk vote AGAINST legislation (one of only three!) that provided funds to the First Responders on the Holiest Day of All for Republicans? I would have thought that's like kicking the Baby Jesus in the head.
OK, maybe it got mentioned over in the other thread -- but when I was doing my Amirault homework the other day I also came across the Keith Winfield - sexual assaulter of his niece -- a toddler -- with hot curling iron story which might raise some more questions about Coakley's fitness for office.
Just another prosecutor (yawn) who wants the right to write laws for you and me which she would never be subject to.
And I *told* you two days ago she was a Yankees fan.
"I'm here tonight with Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Senatorial candidate. Hello, Martha." "Hi, Ted." "So Martha, you've been receiving some criticism these last few weeks." "Unfairly, yes." "What are some things that voters might not know about you?" "The news has been sidetracked with trivial matters, but I have great plans to fix the problems of this country." "What's an example of one of your plans?" "Well, Ted. Take feral dogs for instance." "Alright. What about feral dogs, Martha?" "I calculate that if we adopt a public shoot on sight policy for loose dogs, we will not only end problems with feral dogs, we will save hundreds of millions of dollars in animal shelter costs." "You want people to shoot loose dogs on sight?" "Yes, precisely." "That's... bold." "That isn't my only plan." "Oh?" "No, cats are a problem too. Really there are just far more cats than this nation can support." "There are? I didn't realize..." "Yes. Now we must adopt a one cat policy. No one may have more than one cat. If a household has a cat, and the cat becomes pregnant, and the pregnant cat gives birth to kittens, police should be dispatched to the household to then execute the excess kittens." "Oh!" "Yes. I've got a plan for widows too." "Uh..." "They cost quite a lot to our system. But we can eliminate those costs entirely. I was just reading about this former custom in India called Sati..." "Ah! Well, we might not have time for that. Uh, how about we move on to Obama. I hear he's coming out here to support you." "Yes. I appreciate his support." "What do you think about his healthcare plan?" "I think any plan that would help us weed out the people we don't need to be spending money on would be great." "And what do you mean by 'weed out?'" "I think everyone knows what I mean, Ted." "Mmkay. Well, what do you think of his plans to address our country's economy?" "He is right about the banks. All of this financial mess is the fault of the banks." "Mmhm." "I even brought a graphic to illustrate the problem with the banks. Here it is." "That's a map of Israel." "I think that about sums it up." "What does that even mean?!" "Thank you so much, Ted, for having me on." "Do you want to be elected?" "Of course! And before we go, I'd like to send out a big @$%& you all to the voters of our state." "Uh... Right." "Oh, and children suck. Especially the crippled ones. Ick." "This is Ted Brown, and thank you for watching Good Evening, Massachusetts!"
The DSCC can at least take heart that that interview hasn't happened. Yet.
Just another prosecutor (yawn) who wants the right to write laws for you and me which she would never be subject to.
You know why Coakley is disappointing to Dems, and thus there is a strong apathy about voting for her? Because we like relatable people, but never moreso than in January 2010.
In fact, we're STARVED for a little relatability in our leaders.
I sense Americans feel alienated from Obama because he doesn't express himself in terms they understand. His soaring rhetoric is no substitute for talking as if he actually understood and at one point had shared their troubles.
Nationalised health care? How about the pain and embarrassment of losing your job? Did Obama ever have to wait tables or deliver pizzas, smile for lousy tips, or summarily get canned for coming in late three nights in a row?
No? Well, guess what. It shows.
And he's not even a regular ENOUGH guy to fake it. He's all cerebral and cool, without an ounce of authenticity about him.
I know black Americans still support him overwhelmingly, but they shouldn't so much. Putting on accents and sending them secret "codes" here and there is no substitute for the real thing of knowing what it is to be black and being followed around in a store, just because.
With Coakley, her Marie Antoinette moments are catching up and worst of all, she's reminding people of what they lack in Obama -- a person who is alien to pop culture, to sports, to having to stand around in the cold weather, to being a working stiff in an ER.
What a paucity of honest-to-goodness folks we have in American politics right now. It's sad.
I was scared shitless driving in and out of that place.
And the guy had an enormous cage of birds that he kept telling me to be quiet because he didn't want to bother them.
I had to leave because as we were fooling around the birds must of heard us and started going wild.
I felt like Tippie Hendron walking out of that place, with my beautiful Prada heals gracefully and nervously taking each step in order to not disrupt the birds anymore.
I looked back as I was walking out and the guy went in the cage and all the birds swarmed on his head and shoulders and other body parts.
It's too bad too because he was hot.
I also did a guy from Revere who was hot. They call girls from Revere "Revere Headers".
You can't swing a cat without hitting a nail salon in Revere. Or a hot pizza delivery guy.
Revere Beach is notorious for late night cruising right next to the police station.
Sorry I digressed back to my boots on the ground stories regarding the election.
Just got home from dindin. It was fab. Check came to $200.00 for the two of us-nothing fancy, just a laid back affair. Then did the boyfriend, then back home to take the rare clumbers out. Now setting in with a nice glass of wine. Complexion is to die for, thanks for asking.
Revere Beach is notorious for late night cruising right next to the police station.
I had a summer job picking up litter at the beach untill noon .. I saw a used condom for the first time.. I had no idea what it was the other kids were laufing their heads off.
Victoria: Soaring rhetoric? BHO's got a soaring voice, deeply resonate, and an interesting speaking style. However, BHO has yet to demonstrate an ability to speak off the cuff, witness his "debates" with Hillbill during that part of his campaign. Witness his responses when his crowd put him off his planned statements: "Wait a minute, now wait....." BHO can certainly make an impression yet he doesn't make a JFK kind of impression, IMHO.
However, suit yourself, you and many others are impressed with BHO's speaking so maybe that's something. Still, BHO will fizzle out and perhaps that's coming soon to a country near your's. Realize also that to the Democrats, BHO is a touchstone, their golden child come to deliver them, but to where shall that be?
wv: they shall "punge" themselves to their very depth.
Old Grouchy, I think Obama is a very proficient orator. My favourite subject in high school was something my school called "Rhetoric and Allocution". Basically public speaking, which I adored doing. Never felt in the least bit nervous or shy. I prepped myself by listening to Churchill, JFK, and scouring Plutarch's Lives for rhythmic phrases.
I am positive Obama had the tricks to become a good orator when he was younger. One can tell it's not just some writer putting words in his mouth.
That said, he's a second-tier orator, and doesn't come to the feet of MLK.
Though the Marlins have won the World Series twice, there is an ocean of difference between the Red Sox and the Teal Monsters. $10 is about right for the nosebleeds, although yes, parking is exorbitant at $25. Fortunately, there is park-and-ride on the metrorail and shuttles for $2.
Actually nothing is "on the ground" yet. I was in Cambridge and Boston tonight which of course don't count but I also went to my husbands in Quincy which is middle of the road. No action, no signs, no nothing.
I would be curious, what, if anything, Joe Kennedy's role will be in this race. He is poling at like 3-6%-could that make the difference in who wins or loses?
Lots of folks are urging Joe Kennedy to urge his supporters to to vote for Brown, but he's not ready to do that (in a radio interview, I believe).
I did read via Memeorandum that at LEAST folks in Massachussetts have zero chance of confusing him with the Kennedy family, since his full name is always followed by "No relation to the Kennedy family" in every newscast.
There's apparently another famous guy called Joe Kennedy too, who's known as Joe4Oil, who gives free oil to needy families. And folks know the Joe Kennedy on the ballot is NOT that Joe4Oil either.
Personally, I'd be very surprised if the Libertarian gets more than 2%. And I think whomever wins on Tuesday, will win by 5.
OT: This announcement flew totally under the radar today, but Rep. Snyder of Arkansas is the latest Democrat to announce his retirement (at the end of his term). He was polling badly against a Republican (AG Tim Griffin), 56%-39%.
Hehe, Cockup. Excellent, we have an in-house (or should I say Alt-house) nickname for Maaatha.
Yes, that's a fear Lem, but again, I think this race will not be one of those Coleman/Franken dealies. It's going to be a big margin of victory, either way. Just a hunch, of course.
You know, I was thinking that if there HAS to be a third party in American politics, that I hope it won't be the Tea Party, but the Libertarians.
There's some overlap between the platforms and supporters, but if Joe Kennedy is an example of the up-and-coming Liberatarian, I think it bodes really well. He did very well in the debate (even Titus thought so).
Ann and Meade are about 5 years younger than him (Bill Clinton) (I think), but he looks about a thousand years older.
Did anyone see Hillary doing her Haiti press conference on C-Span yesterday?
She looked so tired and puffy eyed, more than her age. This conservative has always thought she was an attractive woman (said so many times here before)but boy, did she look like she needs a long vacation and a makeover.
The one thing I love about Palin, which will NEVER CHANGE NO MATTER WHAT, is that I sense that woman is tough jock...I am so contemptuous of women who cry in public to get sympathy. It's manipulative, and I hate that crap."
ahhh VB, jock kinda links to a male part of the anatomy requiring a jock-strap...something that Sarah should consider but over her mouth.
Curt Schilling responds and it's gonna leave a mark!
But never, and I mean never, could anyone ever make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan. Well, check that, if you didn’t know what the hell is going on in your own state maybe you could…."
This is an example of people who work in the world of ads that don't have any idea of what's going on in the real world.
There is an ad running on tv that depicts a father bringing home an old truck (1940-50's model), and then father and son work on it during the ad. When the ad is about over, they show the father and son walking away as if they had just bonded and there is the truck, that was left WITH IT'S LIGHTS ON!
In fact Curt Schilling really wanted to come to the Yankees but they preferred Randy Johnson when both were shopped by the Diamondbacks and they were willing to wait several years for the player they wanted. In retrospect that might have been a mistake. But the Yankees cannot accommodate every player who wants to come to them and many of them have to go to some other team happy for sloppy seconds (see Beltran, Carlos New York Mets).
None the less, Shilling has acted like a spurned lover ever since and that explains his undying devotion to the mythical Red Sox Nation.
Oh and the blood on his sock? Definitely menstrual.
So glad that "Kennedy" thing is *over* (And I think Jack, not my favorite prez by a long shot, was flipping in his grave when nephew was making deals with Chavez.)
COAKLEY IDIOCY UPDATE: Schilling, who supports Scott Brown, responds "I’ve been called a LOT of things…
But never, and I mean never, could anyone ever make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan. Well, check that, if you didn’t know what the hell is going on in your own state maybe you could."
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१०२ टिप्पण्या:
Maybe stupid, but I don't think purposeful. What could be the purpose? Unless political suicide was ordered.
I think it's insignificant compared to the stuff in the previous post. Carelessly using an image does not make a candidate bad; carrying on a lifetime of malevolent work and putting ego and ambition before justice does.
The worst aspect of this sudden sea-change in our politics (and I did indeed think a liberal cycle was emerging) is that the Republicans have no more of an idea as to how to manage this country than the Democrats.
Yeah, perhaps they'll do less harm which, given the choices, might not be too bad.
"I Want Divided Government Now!" isn't much to put on a banner and march under but hey, it's catchy.
"What do we want"?
"Divided Government!"
"When do we want it?"
Eh, it'll do.
Did they spell Massachusetts correctly? They have had trouble doing that.
Where is Willie Horton when you need him?
It seems like Martha got long odds on Brown and bet the ranch.
I really thought a Democrat could be caught biting the heads off kittens and still get elected in Massachusetts, but Martha has turned idiotic self destructive campaigning into an art form.
Does God bestow incompetence? Her whole campaign, it's like Divine Intervention.
No kitten head biting. But girl drowning okay.
@Freeman Hunt- It's the Curse of Hubris. Like magic, it works equally well on either party.
I'm waiting for her to get caught not recycling next. It's not beyond the possible.
And before, conservatives get too giddy, remember, there actually is a Senator Al Franken. No, I'm serious. Millions of people voted for him. Look it up if you don't believe me.
Can you imagine the screaming and berating going on at campaign headquarters right now? Talk about hostile work environment.
Good for Coakley!
(Hee, hee, hee)
Let's get a grip here. What better way is there to show the greed of Wall Street than with the sterile sanctuary of the twin towers.
I've come to the conclusion that everyone who works for Coakly is a committed Brown supporter.
Nothing else makes sense.
It's never the people who vote for a Democrat, it's the number of ballots that can be found under the spare tire or under that loose board in the backroom! Or, in the case of Minnesota, the erroneous machine counts that need to be readjusted after turning in an earlier tally.
You think that is insane...
This is insane:
Martha Coakley exclaims that Curt Schilling is a fan of the New York Yankees?
Curt Schilling!!!?
Dennis Leary, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck are going to be voting for Scott Brown now.
I hope Coakley goes completely ape shit nuts with negative attack ads. Looks like she's trying to make my wish come true.
Martha should have stayed on vacation. She might have coasted to the win. Instead, she stepped on the clutch, rammed it into reverse, and popped the clutch.
The engine is going to land in Obama's lap.
If she loses, I want credit for christening the term Coakleyed: meaning to totally impload in one week.
After telling everybody that Catholics should not be permitted to work in Emergency Rooms, it's obvious Maatha is only following DNC guidelines.
Slightly OT: There are some photos of Willie with Maatha on Instapundit and, if any parents want to show their kids what clean living can do for you, they can point them to that spread.
Ann and Meade are about 5 years younger than him (I think), but he looks about a thousand years older.
SMGalbraith said...
The worst aspect of this sudden sea-change in our politics (and I did indeed think a liberal cycle was emerging) is that the Republicans have no more of an idea as to how to manage this country than the Democrats.
Depends whom you wish to call Republicans. If you mean the RINOs, they're the ladies' auxiliary of the Democrat Party.
There is a liberal movement called the Tea Party. The American Left as it exists today is about as illiberal a thing as one could imagine.
Fiscal responsibility and manageable government are not anathema to liberal ideas (if, of course, we take Milton Friedman's definition of liberal). The idea that the welfare state is liberal is part of the FDR propaganda of seventy-five years ago. If anything, what's called liberal has become so ossified, it's really reactionary.
Nowadays, the conservatives are the real liberals.
Mark said...
I've come to the conclusion that everyone who works for Coakly is a committed Brown supporter.
And Coakley should be committed.
OldGrouchy Doug Wright said...
It's never the people who vote for a Democrat, it's the number of ballots that can be found under the spare tire or under that loose board in the backroom!
Remember, Democrats and Republicans in MA are less than half of all voters.
Fred4Pres said...
You think that is insane...
This is insane:
Martha Coakley exclaims that Curt Schilling is a fan of the New York Yankees?
No, he's a Phillies fan, so that's OK.
WV "entaman" The nice Jewish people who make all those pastries that shoot my cholesterol through the roof.
They are also using a one minute thirteen second robo call from Obama. I listened to the first 30 seconds. Obama was still talking about himself at that point (really--not exaggerating) so I hung up.
Edutcher: Excellent point about Conservatives being Liberals in the classical sense. Today's terminology stinks. Conservatives aren't, Liberals aren't, Libertarians ain't no such thing. Left and Right have no true meaning today. But terms like Constitutionalism has a meaning, authoritarianism has a meaning, statists has a meaning.
BTW: Hitchens has an interesting take on Marx havin a love for the USA versus his disdain for Russia; strange. That said: Coakley is a Statist Authoritarian.
wv: Franken said he's going to "restle" him some reporters.
edutcher, you better stop that switcheroo stuff with the 'liberal' name. I'm confused enough as it is.
We get enough "up is down" and "black is white" from the left. Then we get Republicans who aren't from the right. Now you're adding "left is right". This is not helpful!!
Remember, Dyslexics vote too...when they can keep things straight.
Other than that; Yes.
OldGrouchy Doug Wright said...
Edutcher: Excellent point about Conservatives being Liberals in the classical sense. Today's terminology stinks. Conservatives aren't, Liberals aren't, Libertarians ain't no such thing. Left and Right have no true meaning today. But terms like Constitutionalism has a meaning, authoritarianism has a meaning, statists has a meaning.
BTW: Hitchens has an interesting take on Marx havin a love for the USA versus his disdain for Russia; strange. That said: Coakley is a Statist Authoritarian.
wv: Franken said he's going to "restle" him some reporters.
Dudley Do-right said...
edutcher, you better stop that switcheroo stuff with the 'liberal' name. I'm confused enough as it is.
We get enough "up is down" and "black is white" from the left. Then we get Republicans who aren't from the right. Now you're adding "left is right". This is not helpful!!
Remember, Dyslexics vote too...when they can keep things straight.
Other than that; Yes.
As one of our founding Fathers once keenly observed,
"The world has gone mad today
And good's bad today,
And black's white today,
And day's night today,
When most guys today
That women prize today
Are just silly gigolos "
edutcher: Yep, you're our hero, today; sayeth the tomato can guy!
First they came for the reporters, then they came for the Catholics, then they came for the 9-11 survivors.
I can't wait to hear what she has to say about orphans in wheelchairs, because you know she has an opinion and you know it's a doozy.
The Democrats need to fire, no blacklist, everyone who's had anything with her campaign or putting her up for election.
Jason - Catholics don't "belong" in Emergency Rooms as workers because they can't be trusted to help all patients?
Unlike the Amirault case, this slam on what 70% of Mass residents and most nurses are...is Thursday 1/14/10 Fresh.
Gawd, could the bitch say anything stupider??
Maybe that she was frothy angry when the Red Sox unjustly won the World Series when the Yankees deserved it more - but it would be a stretch.
Most Mass Catholics are prochoice or at least of a mind not to seek to meddle in other's choices on abortion - but you can bet that about 1/4 or 1/3rd of Catholics in that state have a family relative in a job Coakley seems to be saying they can't be trusted to work in, as Catholics.
I imagine even Obama will be upset with that - as it also demeans noble Muslims, members of the Religion of Peace, who have similar views. And unlike prochoice Catholics - few Muslims are comfortable with bucking any aspect of "the whole program".
In Boston, Muslims seethed and raged on hearing they too, like Catholics, are unfit to work in emergency rooms. The ACLU, while endorsing Coakley, also demand that Coakley meet with offended Muslims as soon as they finish voting. But not Catholics..."they are a menace to progressivism, with their backwards Christian beliefs."
It's ironic that Sen Schumer called Scott Brown "a right-wing teabagger," because he is not the homosexual in the race.
Hey, I was just wondering the other day, whatever happened to that former Chicago cop who used to hang around and jabberjaw around these parts, and now I can celebrate Peter Bella's return!
Welcome back, Kotter! Nice to see you up in this joint agin'.
wv: "piccons" -- People who get teased a lot.
Schumer is a douchebag. How's about that?
I once went to a law school graduation. This DB (Schumer) shows up and gives a policy speech that lasted 30 minutes. I gave him that, even though it was an off year - he had just won election the previous year. Then 2 years later, at a high school graduation, this DB pounces out of a limo and onto the dais and proceeds to give THE SAME SPEECH. He's worse than worthless.
I can't wait to hear what she has to say about orphans in wheelchairs, because you know she has an opinion and you know it's a doozy.
Fred4Pres wrote:
Martha Coakley exclaims that Curt Schilling is a fan of the New York Yankees?
Curt Schilling!!!?
OMG! Are you serious?? Schilling, of the bloody sock?
...she's not just making herself look stupid, she's making women look stupid, and I take that personally. Especially as a Red Sox fan.
I think it's obvious why she ran a low-profile campaign. Her own staffers probably ixnayed Statewide campaigning, because she's so out of touch.
The Dems have never had to fight, really fight for a Senate seat in Massachussett(e)s, and man does it show.
Watching Hannity, on re-run. Nina Easton (a Democratic strategist, but one I respect and like) said that Massachussetts has a "dirty secret". They don't elect women. Whoa.
Everybody knows what happens after Kirk/Picard tells the computer the code for self destruct sequence .. at the end of the countdown the ship explodes into smithereens ..
Well thats unless you are on the Martha Coakley ship.
the Coakley ship just comes apart one gaffe at a time.
How can you be running to be the next senator for Massachusetts and not know the Curt Schilling lore?
And to confuse him as a Yankee?
OMG.. I think i hate her now.
Jason, your 10:21 and 10:24 comments -- buttah.
What is the reason that Vicki Kennedy didn't run, again? Because I have to tell you, she would've wiped the floor with Brown simply on the sympathy vote (she seems like she has a good head on her shoulders too).
This is priceless. I just took a spin in the liberal blogosphere, courtesy of Memeorandum, and one lib commenter urged Coakley to CRY at the next possible campaign stop.
Y'know, like Hill choking up in NH.
The one thing I love about Palin, which will NEVER CHANGE NO MATTER WHAT, is that I sense that woman is tough jock, and she'd rather eat her left earlobe than turn on the female waterworks.
(Outside of her country or kids, and even then, maybe)
I am so contemptuous of women who cry in public to get sympathy. It's manipulative, and I hate that crap.
Lem wrote:
Martha Coakley ship.
Captain Cockup on the USS Loser.
Okay, one last back-to-back-to-back post from me and then I'll go soak in a tub after coming in from a great evening.
By any metric, Coakley has made one gaffe after another this week. To paraphrase Hillary Clinton, it's been biblical.
So someone please get on the horn to Scott Brown's HQ and tell him to cut a campaign spot with all her gaffes.
Voiceover: "Martha Coakley. Not good enough for Massachussetts."
cockup - Brit slang to botch..
I was making the alliterative allusion to Coakley.
Martha Cockup. :)
Didn't the Tea Bag Hunk vote AGAINST legislation (one of only three!) that provided funds to the First Responders on the Holiest Day of All for Republicans? I would have thought that's like kicking the Baby Jesus in the head.
In the Politicos comments..
A gaffe a day keeps victory away.
OK, maybe it got mentioned over in the other thread -- but when I was doing my Amirault homework the other day I also came across the Keith Winfield - sexual assaulter of his niece -- a toddler -- with hot curling iron story which might raise some more questions about Coakley's fitness for office.
Just another prosecutor (yawn) who wants the right to write laws for you and me which she would never be subject to.
And I *told* you two days ago she was a Yankees fan.
Garage, never bring a pen knife to gunfight.
Good Evening, Massachusetts!
with Ted Brown
"I'm here tonight with Martha Coakley, Massachusetts Senatorial candidate. Hello, Martha."
"Hi, Ted."
"So Martha, you've been receiving some criticism these last few weeks."
"Unfairly, yes."
"What are some things that voters might not know about you?"
"The news has been sidetracked with trivial matters, but I have great plans to fix the problems of this country."
"What's an example of one of your plans?"
"Well, Ted. Take feral dogs for instance."
"Alright. What about feral dogs, Martha?"
"I calculate that if we adopt a public shoot on sight policy for loose dogs, we will not only end problems with feral dogs, we will save hundreds of millions of dollars in animal shelter costs."
"You want people to shoot loose dogs on sight?"
"Yes, precisely."
"That's... bold."
"That isn't my only plan."
"No, cats are a problem too. Really there are just far more cats than this nation can support."
"There are? I didn't realize..."
"Yes. Now we must adopt a one cat policy. No one may have more than one cat. If a household has a cat, and the cat becomes pregnant, and the pregnant cat gives birth to kittens, police should be dispatched to the household to then execute the excess kittens."
"Yes. I've got a plan for widows too."
"They cost quite a lot to our system. But we can eliminate those costs entirely. I was just reading about this former custom in India called Sati..."
"Ah! Well, we might not have time for that. Uh, how about we move on to Obama. I hear he's coming out here to support you."
"Yes. I appreciate his support."
"What do you think about his healthcare plan?"
"I think any plan that would help us weed out the people we don't need to be spending money on would be great."
"And what do you mean by 'weed out?'"
"I think everyone knows what I mean, Ted."
"Mmkay. Well, what do you think of his plans to address our country's economy?"
"He is right about the banks. All of this financial mess is the fault of the banks."
"I even brought a graphic to illustrate the problem with the banks. Here it is."
"That's a map of Israel."
"I think that about sums it up."
"What does that even mean?!"
"Thank you so much, Ted, for having me on."
"Do you want to be elected?"
"Of course! And before we go, I'd like to send out a big @$%& you all to the voters of our state."
"Uh... Right."
"Oh, and children suck. Especially the crippled ones. Ick."
"This is Ted Brown, and thank you for watching Good Evening, Massachusetts!"
The DSCC can at least take heart that that interview hasn't happened. Yet.
I used to live in Lynn Mass.
I cannot stress enough to everybody here the magnitudinal gargantuan size of this gaffe.
This is a self inflicted cu.de.gra.
Obama was still talking about himself
Sound strategy, because everything I hear about Coakley is appalling. At this point she's running as "Obama Needs 60 Votes" Coakley.
I confess that background image did not register as the WTC. In my memory the towers were black, not limestone colored.
You lived in Lynn Lem?
JAL wrote:
Just another prosecutor (yawn) who wants the right to write laws for you and me which she would never be subject to.
You know why Coakley is disappointing to Dems, and thus there is a strong apathy about voting for her? Because we like relatable people, but never moreso than in January 2010.
In fact, we're STARVED for a little relatability in our leaders.
I sense Americans feel alienated from Obama because he doesn't express himself in terms they understand. His soaring rhetoric is no substitute for talking as if he actually understood and at one point had shared their troubles.
Nationalised health care? How about the pain and embarrassment of losing your job? Did Obama ever have to wait tables or deliver pizzas, smile for lousy tips, or summarily get canned for coming in late three nights in a row?
No? Well, guess what. It shows.
And he's not even a regular ENOUGH guy to fake it. He's all cerebral and cool, without an ounce of authenticity about him.
I know black Americans still support him overwhelmingly, but they shouldn't so much. Putting on accents and sending them secret "codes" here and there is no substitute for the real thing of knowing what it is to be black and being followed around in a store, just because.
With Coakley, her Marie Antoinette moments are catching up and worst of all, she's reminding people of what they lack in Obama -- a person who is alien to pop culture, to sports, to having to stand around in the cold weather, to being a working stiff in an ER.
What a paucity of honest-to-goodness folks we have in American politics right now. It's sad.
Fellow republicans I am boots on the ground here and I can tell you things are nuts.
"Oh, and children suck. Especially the crippled ones. Ick."
I did someone from Lynn once.
I was scared shitless driving in and out of that place.
And the guy had an enormous cage of birds that he kept telling me to be quiet because he didn't want to bother them.
I had to leave because as we were fooling around the birds must of heard us and started going wild.
I felt like Tippie Hendron walking out of that place, with my beautiful Prada heals gracefully and nervously taking each step in order to not disrupt the birds anymore.
I looked back as I was walking out and the guy went in the cage and all the birds swarmed on his head and shoulders and other body parts.
It's too bad too because he was hot.
I also did a guy from Revere who was hot. They call girls from Revere "Revere Headers".
You can't swing a cat without hitting a nail salon in Revere. Or a hot pizza delivery guy.
Revere Beach is notorious for late night cruising right next to the police station.
Sorry I digressed back to my boots on the ground stories regarding the election.
You lived in Lynn Lem?
Yea back from 79 to 83..
I went to Fenway and became a Red Sox.
Currently I am burning Patchouli incense.
Just got home from dindin. It was fab. Check came to $200.00 for the two of us-nothing fancy, just a laid back affair. Then did the boyfriend, then back home to take the rare clumbers out. Now setting in with a nice glass of wine. Complexion is to die for, thanks for asking.
That was before my time, you know what they say about Lynn?
I doubt many people from Lynn go to Red Sox games much anymore considering tickets are like $100.00. How much were they back in 79-83?
Was Lynn totally Latin/Black when you were there? Or were Italians still around? Now no Italians and all Latin/Black.
Titus is a top? Colour me fabulous.
Revere Beach is notorious for late night cruising right next to the police station.
I had a summer job picking up litter at the beach untill noon .. I saw a used condom for the first time.. I had no idea what it was the other kids were laufing their heads off.
Victoria: Soaring rhetoric? BHO's got a soaring voice, deeply resonate, and an interesting speaking style. However, BHO has yet to demonstrate an ability to speak off the cuff, witness his "debates" with Hillbill during that part of his campaign. Witness his responses when his crowd put him off his planned statements: "Wait a minute, now wait....." BHO can certainly make an impression yet he doesn't make a JFK kind of impression, IMHO.
However, suit yourself, you and many others are impressed with BHO's speaking so maybe that's something. Still, BHO will fizzle out and perhaps that's coming soon to a country near your's. Realize also that to the Democrats, BHO is a touchstone, their golden child come to deliver them, but to where shall that be?
wv: they shall "punge" themselves to their very depth.
Was Lynn totally Latin/Black when you were there? Or were Italians still around? Now no Italians and all Latin/Black.
Not yet.. it was mostly whites and some blacks and latins.
How much were they back in 79-83?
My uncle payed like $12.00 for seats near the peski pole
Old Grouchy, I think Obama is a very proficient orator. My favourite subject in high school was something my school called "Rhetoric and Allocution". Basically public speaking, which I adored doing. Never felt in the least bit nervous or shy. I prepped myself by listening to Churchill, JFK, and scouring Plutarch's Lives for rhythmic phrases.
I am positive Obama had the tricks to become a good orator when he was younger. One can tell it's not just some writer putting words in his mouth.
That said, he's a second-tier orator, and doesn't come to the feet of MLK.
sorry i'm so slow titus..
the wv thingi dosent help either.
so whats happening "from the ground" - thats a newsman lingo right?
$12.00 for seats near the peski pole
A few years back I paid $3 for the nosebleeds at Marlin Stadium. I was there when McGwire hit 58 and 59.
I may seem like an executive box gal, and I am, but I prefer being with real folks with the mustard stains and crayon-and-glitter signs.
I go to one Red Sox a game, because of the price.
Now it is a sport for rich people to attend. And it is sold out every game. Owners and manager are a bunch of libtards.
They still have hot dogs but now Legal Seafoods and other designer foods. Too bad, sad that it has come to that.
I don't even think you can get a ticket for under $100.00 and parking will cost you another $25.00-50.00.
Though the Marlins have won the World Series twice, there is an ocean of difference between the Red Sox and the Teal Monsters. $10 is about right for the nosebleeds, although yes, parking is exorbitant at $25. Fortunately, there is park-and-ride on the metrorail and shuttles for $2.
Actually nothing is "on the ground" yet. I was in Cambridge and Boston tonight which of course don't count but I also went to my husbands in Quincy which is middle of the road. No action, no signs, no nothing.
I would be curious, what, if anything, Joe Kennedy's role will be in this race. He is poling at like 3-6%-could that make the difference in who wins or loses?
My husband didn't even know there was a senate race or who the people running were.
Isn't that kind of sweet?
I know what you mean titus.. nothing is the same anymore.
Do they still have the dog tracks there near Revere?
There was a big GE plant also.. I remember thinking i would work there when i finished school.
Lots of folks are urging Joe Kennedy to urge his supporters to to vote for Brown, but he's not ready to do that (in a radio interview, I believe).
I did read via Memeorandum that at LEAST folks in Massachussetts have zero chance of confusing him with the Kennedy family, since his full name is always followed by "No relation to the Kennedy family" in every newscast.
There's apparently another famous guy called Joe Kennedy too, who's known as Joe4Oil, who gives free oil to needy families. And folks know the Joe Kennedy on the ballot is NOT that Joe4Oil either.
Personally, I'd be very surprised if the Libertarian gets more than 2%. And I think whomever wins on Tuesday, will win by 5.
Is the calculation that this Joe will siphon votes away from Brown?
Apparently yes.
Although you can make the argument (now that it's close) that it's Martha who stands to lose the most for people voting for Kennedy.
OT: This announcement flew totally under the radar today, but Rep. Snyder of Arkansas is the latest Democrat to announce his retirement (at the end of his term). He was polling badly against a Republican (AG Tim Griffin), 56%-39%.
Wonder if Freeman knows more?
thats the problem.. if its close in the poles just btwng Brwn and Cockup it mean Brown loses.
Brwon has to have a wider margin.
Hehe, Cockup. Excellent, we have an in-house (or should I say Alt-house) nickname for Maaatha.
Yes, that's a fear Lem, but again, I think this race will not be one of those Coleman/Franken dealies. It's going to be a big margin of victory, either way. Just a hunch, of course.
You know, I was thinking that if there HAS to be a third party in American politics, that I hope it won't be the Tea Party, but the Libertarians.
There's some overlap between the platforms and supporters, but if Joe Kennedy is an example of the up-and-coming Liberatarian, I think it bodes really well. He did very well in the debate (even Titus thought so).
Off to sleep! *waves good night to Lem and all* :)
..that I hope it won't be the Tea Party, but the Libertarians.
The problem with libertarians is that they remind me of Groucho Marx's - "I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member".
They dont do politics.
ok see ya tomorrow Vic.
I'm in the mood for some music..
They dont do politics.
Glenn Reynolds for President.
Pon "Sin Ti" y duermete ya, Lem. Son casi las 3 de la mañana, niño! Ciao. ;)
How could a candidate make this many unforced errors without being a plant for the other side?
I detect the work of Karl Rove.
It just looks like tall buildings to me.
There's better things to be offended by.
Ann and Meade are about 5 years younger than him (Bill Clinton) (I think), but he looks about a thousand years older.
Did anyone see Hillary doing her Haiti press conference on C-Span yesterday?
She looked so tired and puffy eyed, more than her age. This conservative has always thought she was an attractive woman (said so many times here before)but boy, did she look like she needs a long vacation and a makeover.
she needs a long vacation and a makeover.
She needs to start wearing her New York Yankees baseball cap more often. That is after she has a long vacation and a shower.
oh for Christ's sake. That background isn't the position of the party..it is photoshoped by a graphic artist.
The message is right, however, GOP=bought and paid for.
vbspurs said...
Y'know, like Hill choking up in NH.
The one thing I love about Palin, which will NEVER CHANGE NO MATTER WHAT, is that I sense that woman is tough jock...I am so contemptuous of women who cry in public to get sympathy. It's manipulative, and I hate that crap."
ahhh VB, jock kinda links to a male part of the anatomy requiring a jock-strap...something that Sarah should consider but over her mouth.
Curt Schilling responds and it's gonna leave a mark!
But never, and I mean never, could anyone ever make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan. Well, check that, if you didn’t know what the hell is going on in your own state maybe you could…."
Idon't know Opus One, I would guess Sarah (and Victoria)need a jock alot more than you and your hero worshipping government dependency fanboy pals.
This is an example of people who work in the world of ads that don't have any idea of what's going on in the real world.
There is an ad running on tv that depicts a father bringing home an old truck (1940-50's model), and then father and son work on it during the ad. When the ad is about over, they show the father and son walking away as if they had just bonded and there is the truck, that was left WITH IT'S LIGHTS ON!
In fact Curt Schilling really wanted to come to the Yankees but they preferred Randy Johnson when both were shopped by the Diamondbacks and they were willing to wait several years for the player they wanted. In retrospect that might have been a mistake. But the Yankees cannot accommodate every player who wants to come to them and many of them have to go to some other team happy for sloppy seconds (see Beltran, Carlos New York Mets).
None the less, Shilling has acted like a spurned lover ever since and that explains his undying devotion to the mythical Red Sox Nation.
Oh and the blood on his sock? Definitely menstrual.
Curt Schilling is in fact really a Phillie. Which means he is a loser as this year’s World Series has proven.
Did I tell you lately that the Yankees are World Series Champions? Again.
mythical Red Sox Nation.
Good to have you back Trooper, you old yankee. You can have Hillary.
And Martha. (She's a closet Yankee.)
I know for a fact she subscribes to Yankee magazine. See?
And Obama seems to be phoning it in. He needs her to fight insurance companies and Wall Street?? He has been making deals with them for the past year!
Joe4oil is a real Kennedy.
The oil is from (or was from) Hugo Chavez.
So glad that "Kennedy" thing is *over* (And I think Jack, not my favorite prez by a long shot, was flipping in his grave when nephew was making deals with Chavez.)
COAKLEY IDIOCY UPDATE: Schilling, who supports Scott Brown, responds
"I’ve been called a LOT of things…
But never, and I mean never, could anyone ever make the mistake of calling me a Yankee fan. Well, check that, if you didn’t know what the hell is going on in your own state maybe you could."
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