४ डिसेंबर, २००९

"Uh, Facebook."

So how do we know there haven't been other gate-crashers?

२८ टिप्पण्या:

miller म्हणाले...

You can trust it because this is the Most Transparent White House Ever.a

अनामित म्हणाले...

The 90210 Presidency continues.

Jesus Christ it's like junior high school all over again when the Secret Service has to find out about being punked on fucking Facebook.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Competency is about setting a tone, as much as actual ability. If this had happened to the Bush White House, the equivalent of Desirée Rogers would've been sacked long ago. To the press' credit, they are keeping up the heat on the story.

robinintn म्हणाले...

I sense a stories-that-don't-add-up theme.

G Joubert म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
vbspurs म्हणाले...

OT: Just heard when I was in my car that the Amanda Knox verdict will be announced at midnight Italian time (weird). So any second now!

vbspurs म्हणाले...

The verdict -- Amanda Knox is convicted of murder, and she gets 27 years. Her co-conspirator gets 25 years. YEESH, on shaky DNA evidence.

Penny म्हणाले...

Surely if such a fine organization as the Secret Service can be "punked" by the Salahi's, it should then be no surprise that James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles were able to "punk" yet another fine organization like ACORN.

Procedures and protocols were in place within both organizations, but unfortunately not followed, leading to these very embarrassing, high visibility breeches.

The procedures and protocols will be reviewed, further training will be provided, and the parties who breached the regulations will be handled through our disciplinary procedures.

Nothing more to see here, citizens. You may now move on.

अनामित म्हणाले...

OT: First mammograms, then they cut out pap smears.

Now Obama's MSNBC says to give birth at home. Cut's down on health care costs.


Up next: Self-amputation for beginners!

somefeller म्हणाले...

If this had happened to the Bush White House, the equivalent of Desirée Rogers would've been sacked long ago.

Actually, that's not true. The Bush White House was pretty well-known for keeping people on long after their sell date. See, for example, Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales.

Jason (the commenter) म्हणाले...

I too wonder if it happens all the time. The way it could happen seems pretty obvious: bribe a Secret Service agent to let you in.

David म्हणाले...

Everyone seems to worry about the danger to Obama.

How about the danger to the Prime Minister of India and his wife? Or to our relations with India?

We put the Head of State of an important ally at risk.

If even they had insulted the Prime Minister (think a nice bitch slap with a few choice insults) it would set us back two decades.

Has Obama called the PM to apologize? Has anyone thought to ask this question?

Fen म्हणाले...

The Bush White House was pretty well-known for keeping people on long after their sell date. See, for example, Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales.

George Tenet.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

OT: Tom Brokaw also involved in a car crash! He and his wife are okay after a three-car pile up, but a woman involved was killed. Bad driving week for celebs.

somefeller म्हणाले...

George Tenet.

Yup, him too. Also, FYI, there was a freak snowstorm in Houston today. Might want to call to see if your cattle are fine.

Automatic_Wing म्हणाले...

Freak snowstorm? It's the start of the man-made global colding crisis. We're all doomed!

Unknown म्हणाले...

somefeller said...

If this had happened to the Bush White House, the equivalent of Desirée Rogers would've been sacked long ago.

Actually, that's not true. The Bush White House was pretty well-known for keeping people on long after their sell date. See, for example, Donald Rumsfeld and Alberto Gonzales.

Wrong as usual. Gonzalez did nothing wrong or even questionable. His only sin was being a Republican (and an Hispanic one, too) - Willie Whitewater committed the same sin, so, obviously there was nothing wrong.

As for Rumsfeld, he was an excellent organizer and an aggressive prosecutor of the War on Terror (his real sin). His problem was he opposed the surge and Bush didn't. He was held no longer than he should have been.

WV "hordam" Something to hold back the raging hookers.

"horartyr" What to wear when looking to hook.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...

I know! It has happened before, and here's proof.

Rialby म्हणाले...

This should prove once and for all to cospiracy theorists everywhere that human beings are generally highly incompetent. Things like this happen all the time. The vast majority of the time we have no idea that it's happened. It's the rare instances - nutjob in a 6th floor window, nutjob in an underground parking garage, nutjob in a hotel ballroom, nutjob in boarding house across from the Lorraine - that we pay attention to.

It should put it to rest. But it won't.

jeff म्हणाले...

"The way it could happen seems pretty obvious: bribe a Secret Service agent to let you in"
Are you serious? This is the freaking Secret Service. Not the bouncer at your local club. Someone walked them in. They went thru the metal detectors and other screening. This is no big deal other than the fact no one wants to admit to letting them in for some reason. Probably because they turned out to be grifters and they are now an embarrassment. If someone had come out the first day and just said, yeah I vouched for them. This would have died then.

sort of runic rhyme म्हणाले...

WH does not want tabloidesque story to die

We get to fear for dear Obama's safety from rogue rouged big titted blondes

We don't notice tanked economy so much

We're diverted from Climategate, as the press and Congress investigate an Owen Wilson/ Vince Vaughn movie

Owen's the blonde

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

I think many are missing the extreme competence and bravery of the crashers. Publicity whore is a long honored American career path and they have performed admirably. This Secret Service criticism is just a distraction to diminish the greatest accomplishment of this type since an unknown, unaccomplished, inexperienced Hawaiian snuck in January of this year posing as a qualified presidential candidate.

Matthew म्हणाले...

I think G Joubert has it right. Somebody in the administration must of waved them through. People just don't show up figuring they might be able to sneak in to a State Dinner. These folks had some thing in place that they thought they could get in. There was some help from somebody.

Registering To Comment With Blogger Sucks म्हणाले...

When Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton took the floor she asked, "How did you discover that the Salahis had entered? Did you discover it through their facebook, or was it your own discovery that some interlopers had entered?"

Few locutions these days irritate me more than this one. What is the mental blockage, exactly, that leads people to say things like "my Facebook" or "her MySpace," rather than "my Facebook page" and "her MySpace page"?

It's so weird. We're such sloppy thinkers now.

prairie wind म्हणाले...

The chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson, said the country is fortunate the affair didn't end in a "night of horror."

Can we stop hyperventilating about The Danger? There was no danger to anyone at any time. This couple came for the party and the photos; they didn't come to blow anyone up. Let's just make sure it doesn't happen again and stop talking about it.

Bennie Thompson is a flippin' idiot.

Peter म्हणाले...

I'm with the "somebody in the Aministration waved them through" camp.

I'm also in the "no particular danger" camp. I worked with the Secret Service a couple of times in my career. I can tell you that if those gatecrashers, or anyone else, had tried anything violent, they would have been down in seconds, getting a royal ass kicking in the process.

Those guys on The Detail are tougher than woodpecker lips and just plumb mean. I don't care if those folks had a black belt in some furrin chop sockey stuff, they would have gone down fast. And their great grandchildren would be born crying from how much it hurt.

Secret code word: Pnes, two or more iron skillets full of hot, fresh cornbread. If our illustrious President had had a few more of those growin' up he wouldn't be such a pencil neck.

veni vidi vici म्हणाले...

"How about the danger to the Prime Minister of India and his wife? Or to our relations with India?

We put the Head of State of an important ally at risk."

Considering that one of India's recent PM's named Gandhi was assassinated by a belle who sidled up to him at a reception wearing a sari with a bomb underneath, it would be beyond uncouth for the White House not to be bowing before the Indian PM in apology.

It's not like he's not used to bowing, after all...

wv: "locksugh" -- a variation on "lockstep" involving daisychain fellatio.

Think Extraordinary म्हणाले...

If someone had come out the first day and just said, yeah I vouched for them. This would have died then.