Really? Here's Barbie. Here's a montage of faces that have horizontally faced Tiger's. I'm sorry, Eugene, but these women are just not that pretty. Barbie is very pretty and glossy and made-up, but in a daytime, cheerleadery way. The Tiger women are all made-up for nighttime, indoor work, and they are not all that pretty. Tiger's wife is the Barbie. Tiger's women to cheat on Elin with are all getting away from Barbie/Elin. It strikes me as a touchingly ordinary search for sex that feels dirty.
A Woody Allen joke: "Is sex dirty? Only if it's done right."
Robinson rambles on:
If adultery is really about the power and satisfaction of conquest, Woods's self-esteem was apparently only boosted by bedding the kind of woman he thought other men lusted after -- the "Playmate of the Month" type that Hugh Hefner turned into the American gold standard.Which Elin is, but — what is wrong with you, Eugene? — these other women are not!
But the world is full of beautiful women of all colors, shapes and sizes -- some with short hair or almond eyes, some with broad noses, some with yellow or brown skin. Woods appears to have bought into an "official" standard of beauty that is so conventional as to be almost oppressive.What is wrong with Eugene Robinson? He is seeing race, race, race. The Tiger women look white to him — are they? — and, beyond that, some big hair, big makeup, and big boobs makes them Barbie. Hardly.
His taste in mistresses leaves the impression of a man who is, deep down, both insecure and image-conscious -- a control freak even when he's committing "transgressions."I don't think so. I'd say he's a man who went for the Playmate ideal in choosing a wife and aimed low for cheating. He was the opposite of image conscious and controlling, and that's one of the reasons his fall from the god-like stature he had for us is so very long and hard.
If you clicked on the Barbie link and heard the voice of Barbie, don't you think she sounded an awful lot like Mira Sorvino in her Oscar-winning role — as a prostitute, naturally — in the Woody Allen movie "Mighty Aphrodite"? I say "naturally," because they are always handing out Oscars to actress who take on the amazing challenge of playing a whore.
Barbie, sluts, Woody, Woods...
२८७ टिप्पण्या:
287 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Writers write even when they got nothing.
Eugene is off his game. So Tiger should have practiced affirmative action and bonked a more diverse group of women. add some short ones, some fat ones and some uglier ones in to make it more representative?
Do any women in those environs have real boobs?
Just wondering.
wv skedplib
Sounds like something to do with all the snow.
I would agree with the nighttime, indoor work look of the other women, but I don't see his wife as the Playmate, Barbie-type. She seems more athletic - kind of a California look (I see your point, but maybe we see Barbie differently).
To me, he's being quite image conscious about the wife-side of things. Look at all the pre-Thanksgiving couple pics - they're the shiny, happy, perfect couple. Yes, clearly he needed something else...
Note to self: Never - even in jest - do or say anything (and I do mean ANYthing) disrespectful towards the Mrs' old Barbie collection.
This race thing is really getting ridiculous. Can we get the hell over it already? Like Obama, Woods is at most 50% black, probably less since many blacks are less than 100%.
As our silly culture rolls along, are we going to think of people with 20%, 10% black heritage as a black person who is somehow different and expected to act black in all things? Wood's Asian heritage is somehow invisible now, not at all important. Same with Obama's white heritage. We are still a bunch of tribal idiots on this stuff.
At least we know that Tiger doesn't discriminate against equine-Americans.
You are right again Professor. Robinson is like a Masquerading Climate Scientist always seeing what's not there as proof for his false idea. He has "homogenized the raw data" into the opposite of what it shows. The Rascism Industry must need to hide its decline. Tiger is simply a cheap whore addict. Elin and her family must feel so sick about what Tiger obviously preferred over her and them that she will never want to be seen with him again.
Barbie was too good for the he-slut putt putt.
They girls all share a certain..."over-processed" look.
Sorry. In a hurry, but way too many typos. Again:
k*thy -- did you realize that the blonde in the middle of the montage picture is Elin?
She looks normally attractively Scandanavian in shots I have seen her in with Tiger. In the montage I thought she was one of the harem. (Which, I guess, she is/was.)
I did think that two of the brunettes (the LV manager and the girl with the curly hair) looked somewhat more "normal." Whatever that means.
But why am I bothering? I really think this is Tiger's and Elin's (and their kids') problem.
He did not ask to be deified.
He plays golf for a living, for cryin' out loud. He's not a minister. (Jesse Jackson anyone?)
On the racial side (why?) he has disappointed some by significantly and noticeably not participating in the racial stuff which goes on all the time in the media.
BTW -- did you know some golf magazine for January has Tiger and Obama on the cover? Tiger's giving the President hints.
Unbelievably bad timing.
I get the feeling that some blacks (i.e. Robinson) would have approved if TIger had cheated with a black woman.
What is wrong with Eugene Robinson? He is seeing race, race, race. The Tiger women look white to him — are they?
Compared to Eugene Robinson, I'd say yes. Tiger certainly seemed to prefer the lighter shade of pale for his extra-marital activities. Not sure if that says anything at all other than it seemed to be his personal preference for the type of female he is attracted to.
The commentariat would die if Althouse had a clock like Mira has in her apartment in Mighty Aphrodite...maybe Christmas...if you've been good!
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Who runs around wishing that Tiger Woods would include some sisters in his harem? Who are these people? Why don't I know them?
Two things you need to know about Eugene Robinson:
(1) all white women wearing makeup look alike. The man can not tell one from the other.
(2) Eugene is jealous as all get out of Tiger; As in "churning urn of burning funk" jealous.
He did not ask to be deified.
He certainly didn't shun the benefits of deification either insofar as it was letting him rake in the endorsements that made him a billionaire. Not a small achievement for the sport of golf. Or any sport for that matter.
I have long shared Mr. Robinson’s point of view and have, for many decades now, done my level best to bang hot chicks of every size, shape, age, height, race and degree of vaginal dexterity.
@maguro -- LOL.
@peter hoh -- great link.
And why isn't Woods boffing any guys? How he come he thinks he so straight? To paraphrase Mr. Robinson: Woods appears to have bought into and "official" standard of gender that is so conventional as to be almost oppressive.
I heard a caller hand Hannity his ass yesterday over a point of view nobody seems to be discussing.
The caller's ex-husband of x-number-of-years had cheated on her. She was complaining that everyone is making such a big deal about how beautiful Tiger's wife is..."why would he cheat when his wife is so beautiful". She maintained this basically insults all wives who have been cheated on who are less than beautiful as if it was the wives' fault. An interesting point.
I think there is another aspect, though, that I would at the very least be willing to give some measure of doubt-benefit (lol) to a husband who's wife has taken to playing excessive mind games over sex and is using it as a tool to manipulate the relationship. Yeah, I know...shocking, but it does really happen. To friends and friends of friends, of course.
Granted, in such a case sex-as-a-weapon is more the symptom of deeper problems with the relationship, but it doesn't matter how beautiful your wife is if there's not bumpin' of to speak.
In other words...
You can have [enter exotic car type here], but if it doesn't [enter typical car action here, usually involving motion], it doesn't [enter frustrating result of the previous two variables put together].
@ Freeman,
I said it before...If Elin needs a shoulder to cry on, I'm there for her in her hour of need.
Tiger was an idjiot...
Bissage, speaking of such dexterity, and things Swedish, here's a post that combines both, and features a spread shot that may be of interest.
Daddy Woods married a Thai woman. Boy Woods married a Sweed woman. Maybe the two just don't care for black women.
"If adultery is really about the power and satisfaction of conquest...."
Who says adultery is about that? It's about the completely normal sexual excitement and pleasure of having sex with someone new and unfamiliar. If we had to take vows that for the rest of our lives we would only eat the same meal for the rest of our lives, we very quickly would find anything else--anything else--tempting to us merely for being a change from the usual. The exotic quickly becomes ordinary, and then, dull.
One might argue this is the biological imperative at work...our primary directive, so to speak, being to get our DNA into the next generation, and there being no better way to insure our DNA survives than to spread it around as generously as one can.
We have devised moral and cultural prohibitions against adultery because coherent family units are the optimal environments in which to rear children until they're old enough to be more or less self-sufficient, but the impulse is hardly unusual and not indicative of a drive for "the power and satisfaction of conquest."
Maybe they are all beautiful on the inside.
I find them all just fine looking. Being a very stunning looking woman changes the way such a girl relates to others and often that can be unattractive. And what is with all the degradation about their jobs? That's makes the critic the ugly one. I never shared that need to disparage people for what they do for a living. How they do it is what matters.
One of my favorite quotes is: "You know that little white part on top of chicken shit? That's chicken shit too." ~from the movie "Real Country".
@Robert Cook
Who says adultery is about that? It's about the sexual excitement and pleasure of having sex with someone new and unfamiliar.
Bingo. In almost all cases I've ever been privy to, it always distills down to this. Very, very rarely is it emotional infidelity. I've never known it to be something about power or control. That smacks of the most shallow feminist dogma.
Does Robinson have a problem with black men sleeping with white women? How old fashioned of him.
There has always been a lot of resentment both ways about interacial dating. Too bad Ronbinson hasn't gotten over that.
@Robert Cook,
Your description of adultery is exactly right. I often wonder if the singularity folks are right (and if the Dems don't destroy the healthcare system) and we live much longer, more active lives, if certain accomodations are going to have to be made to marriage. We have never lived much past 70 years or so in the past. And marriage was thus never really supposed to last much past 50 years. Can people really stay married for a century if they are healthy and other options available?
No offense to anyone who actually looks like Barbie, but it really is striking how much the women who've been linked to Woods resemble one another.
Just a little racist projection there by Eugenics Robinson. Move along now.
Either Robinson is made stupid by his fixation on race, or he fixates on race because he is so stupid that he is incapable of having interesting thoughts about the subjects he gets paid to write about. His thinking is more of the debris field left by affirmative action and its narrative that everything about African-Americans is determined by whites and their deeply entrenched and oh-so-subtle racism
To my eye, the women picked by Woods are similar in the way that we all have certain face and body types that appeal to us. They certainly are not Barbie in tone, but they are all somewhat bony, big-forehead, triangular lower face, high cheekbones sort of faces. It is not quite my face type, but it is clearly a collection with a theme.
She was complaining that everyone is making such a big deal about how beautiful Tiger's wife is..."why would he cheat when his wife is so beautiful".
Maybe because she wasn't paying much attention to him? Sexual or otherwise? Who knows other than them. But what is certain, is that something was lacking on the homefront; her sexual drive or his devotion. Her beauty is irrelevant. A nice aged filet mignon is beautiful too but if you're not allowed to eat it, a Big Mac will also satiate.
"She was complaining that everyone is making such a big deal about how beautiful Tiger's wife is..."why would he cheat when his wife is so beautiful".
Because sex isn't everything. No matter how beautiful a woman is, you will get tired of sleeping with her if there is nothing else there beyond physical attraction. Tiger's wife was a nanny. She is a simple girl for Sweeden. Yes, she is gorgous, but she is in no way Tiger's equal. Marriages based on "hey you are really hot" and "hey you are really rich" will always fail. Eventually one side or the other gets bored and looks elsewhere.
"I say "naturally," because they are always handing out Oscars to actress who take on the amazing challenge of playing a whore."
That made me laugh out loud. So true and pathetic.
Eugene Robinson suffers from his frequent incestuous interactions with Keith Olbermann, not exactly raising the level of his craft.
Tiger needs help. An addiction to any destructive behavior will destroy a man, whether that is alcohol, gambling or whores. He needs an intervention. That does remind one of the old joke about the multi millionaire that ended up broke and was asked how it happened and he said that he spent 80% on drinking and gambling and whores, and that he wasted the other 20%.
Tiger's wife was a nanny. She is a simple girl for Sweeden. Yes, she is gorgous, but she is in no way Tiger's equal.
I don't think it makes sense to define or judge people by what they did in their early 20s. Heck, dismissing people because of the work they did (or do) seems fairly shallow.
Would it be shallow of me to judge someone by their spelling?
And yeah, you can pull out all the stops over that "their."
Adultery is about power and control, but when a married man commits adultery, he is surrendering and transferring power. That is one of the great ironies and mysteries of the Tiger Woods "indiscretions." A man famous for his drive to control situations and marshall his power cedes enormous power to a string of bimbos. (Maybe they are not all bimbos but it's clear he was looking for something that was Not Elin.)
Did young Tiger realize how much power he was giving up? Maybe not right away but it had to dawn on him pretty quickly. Yet he continued. Strange and foolish yet utterly commonplace.
"I don't think it makes sense to define or judge people by what they did in their early 20s. Heck, dismissing people because of the work they did (or do) seems fairly shallow."
Tiger is the greatest golfer in the world. He is also one of the most successful people in the world. It is difficult to imagine that Jasper Parnavic's 20 something nanny is his equal or that they had much in common beyond the obvious.
Do you honestly think he married her for her great conversation? For her agile mind and interesting wit? Or she married him because she felt such an attachment and connection to him?
The proof is in the results. He married her because she was hot and easy to control. Tiger is renown for being a control freak. She married him because he was famous and worth a billion dollars. It is not like that is some new thing that had never happened before. And just like every other time a rich man has married a woman for her looks and his percieved ability to control her, the marriage didn't last.
John --
"but she is in no way Tiger's equal"
Really? Looks to me like she's his superior.
Tiger's wife was a nanny. She is a simple girl for Sweeden. Yes, she is gorgous, but she is in no way Tiger's equal.
How on Earth could you possibly know that?
The fact that Elin is gorgeous does not imply that beauty is the only thing she has going for her. And there's nothing at all low about being a nanny.
"but she is in no way Tiger's equal"
Really? Looks to me like she's his superior."
Maybe. If she was just a gold digger than yes she is. But if she was just a dumb 20 something who had no idea what she was getting into, then I would say she lost a lot in this two. Yeah, the money is great, but it is not like with her looks she couldn't have found another rich husband. And the money doesn't really make up for the mistake of marrying a husband who, after you have kids, goes out and sleeps with every cheap whore he meets at Perkins. And as an added bonus the whole thing plays out on the world media.
I don't think either of them have made out too well on this.
Barbie? No. Pornie? Yes. Rachel Uchitel was Woods's paid procurer.
Very interesting story here. There is much more than has been reported in the MSM. Rush Limbaugh hinted at such yesterday, based on rumors about Wood's private life among the pro golfers in south Florida.
Note of caution: Clicking on the highlighted words "Joslyn James" in the article takes you to a very NSFW web site.
She may yet find herself another husband now that she knows what sort she has now.
This whole TW thing for me is merely a launching pad. A rewarding marriage is hard and somewhat angular. Eventually you grind the worst points off each other.
The intimacy of marriage is that you talk together about the very real things of life ... sharing your weaknesses, laughing at yourselves and each other, doing your best not to "let the sun go down on your anger," stumbling all over the "be angry, but do not sin" part, and most of all, learning how to fight fair and productively.
It's definitely not always easy in my marriage, but I can say in full honesty I've never been tempted to wander.
Perhaps part of the problem is that marriages based on sex ... usually end that way. All's the pity, because a truly intimate marriage is very satisfying, even when it's vexingly difficult.
Michael has the right word: pornie. I'm guessing he looks at a lot of porn based on his mistress selections.
"The fact that Elin is gorgeous does not imply that beauty is the only thing she has going for her. And there's nothing at all low about being a nanny."
Saying that you are not Tiger Woods' equal is not saying you are low. I am not Tiger Woods' equal. He is one of the most successful people in the world.
Maybe Tiger is a sex addict and a loon and it wouldn't have mattered who he married. But, maybe also he married someone he had no connection with and nothing in common with on the basis of her looks and she married him because of his money. As I said above, it is not like such things are unheard of.
Sure, Elin is good looking, but so is Christie Brinkley, and she has been married four times. Maybe the two of them are bum fucks. Maybe they don't give good head. Who knows?
John, you are judging equality in a marriage by professional success. I don't know of any happily married people who do that.
I've seen no evidence that Tiger Woods considers himself black.
What the women look like is a little bit interesting. In a way it reminds me of Bill Clinton. Tiger's choices in women and conduct with them was unsmart, even reckless. But overall those things aren't as important in this story as is the stunning and sudden freefall from grace. That's the res of this story.
"John, you are judging equality in a marriage by professional success. I don't know of any happily married people who do that."
No. You are just not listening to me. My wife and I are equals even though I am more successful than she is. We both have similiar educations, similiar interests and came from similiar backgrounds. If I were married to someone who never picked up a book and had no interest in anything beyond watching TV and playing with kids, I would get pretty bored with her no matter how good looking she was.
Niether one of us know. We don't know Tiger and his wife. But, it is a pretty good guess that Jasper Parnavic's nanny is probably not planning a big professional career and getting that PHD later in life. Maybe she was, but not likely. I don't understand why you don't think that rich men marry hot women for their looks. This may come as a shock to you, but trophy wives really do happen.
She is a simple girl for Sweeden
Daughter of a former Swedish government minister. Can't get more simple that that!
Sure, Elin is good looking, but so is Christie Brinkley, and she has been married four times. Maybe the two of them are bum fucks.
Good point. That makes me think of Jennifer Anniston who I consider very attractive but for some reason or other, seems to have problems keeping a man around. I can attribute that to the prevalence of beta males in her social circle but I also heard a rumor she's into 3 minute showers as a way to save the planet so there is that.
John, is there any evidence that Woods reads? Any evidence that if he weren't a golfer, he'd be getting that phd in something or other?
There's nothing about being a great golfer that indicates a great (or even so-so) intellect.
I don't get the whole "but Elin is so beautiful" meme.
Tiger's serial fuckathon isn't at all about beauty. It's entirely about sex. His money, celebrity, and paid handlers made the sex possible. His mistress were not at all as attractive as his wife, but they had a different skill set.
bago20 - "Wood's Asian heritage is somehow invisible now, not at all important. Same with Obama's white heritage. We are still a bunch of tribal idiots on this stuff."
It is not the public that are idiots - it is the present rules of the game - codified in the workplace, college admissions.
Since a few Jewish lawyers working on the Hill and in Nixon's new EEO office created Affirmative Action, and the media enablers support it - it deeply advantages multiracial people to position themselves as "black".
That isn't half the fun. The lawyers also created the artificial Hispanic race, and to a lesser extent the bogus "pacific islander" and geographically constricted "Native American Race".
It gets fun! A half white half filipino guy I know is racially advantaged because he was born in Peru and has his family's Filipino spanish surname into a "hispanic". He has the same name as a Spanish immigrant worker who of course is classified as a non-advantaged white. His brother was born in the Philippines islands, but the Jewish lawyers (1968-1970)determined that only certain Pacific Islanders must be racially privileged. So Filipinos, Japanese, Indonesians, Taiwanese are "ordinary no bonus points Asians".
And of course you have 1/32nd Native American the rest black or White folks who are part of a tribe running "Indian Casinos" - who employ Guatemalan "hispanics" to clean their toilets. Now, the Guatemalan toilet cleaners and maids happen to be 100% Mayan Indian...but the Nixon lawyers declared that no native Americans exist South of the Mexican Border. So no BMWs and blackjack booty for the Guatemalans, just shiny toilets to scrub.
Why does this crazy system persist?
Well, the lawyers knew well....YOu create any system in government that greatly advantages stakeholders or the Ruling ELites create a program that never goes away in government.
IT's why Americans are stuck with affirmative action, state and municipal workers arbitration, illegal immigration, lifetime tenure judges, 10,000 pages of IRS Code, etc. - despite the majority of the public not wanting any of it. The People's vote no longer matters in America...the Elites and organized special interests
call the shots.
Actually, John, the evidence is that Woods is a rather shallow man, filling his off-course hours with casual flings.
Thank you for that, Peter.
Henceforth I shall endeavor to treat my premium spread (made with extra-light olive oil!) with more respect.
"John, is there any evidence that Woods reads? Any evidence that if he weren't a golfer, he'd be getting that phd in something or other? "
Where did I ever say he had an intellect? It takes something on the ball to be that good at something. He is a genius in his own way. Also he went to Stanford. Yeah, he was a jock but Standford doesn't totally throw out its admission standards for jocks.
Beyond that, why is it so hard to admit that chances are he married her for her looks? Do you honestly think he would have married her if she had just been average looking? Or that she would have married him if Tiger were stuggling on the Nationwide tour? Wake up people.
It's perfectly okay and acceptable for Robinson to say "I hate whitey," provided he does it in code. His next column will be "Why do whites shun me?"
John, Woods had the opportunity to marry any of a number of women based on their looks. It's not like Nordegren was the only one available.
Yes, he married a very good looking woman. If that's the level of his selection process, then that's more evidence that Woods is a shallow man.
"Yes, he married a very good looking woman. If that's the level of his selection process, then that's more evidence that Woods is a shallow man."
Of course he is a shallow man. That is what I am saying. He married her for the shallowest of reasons and got bored. As for her, she was either really naive and didn't realize how shallow he is or is just a gold digger and didn't care.
The Freudian view is that men marry a woman as much like their mother as they can stand. Shouldn't Asian women be the ones to feel offended by their exclusion from the Tiger harem?....The first time you sleep with an attractive woman is more exciting than the thousandth time that you sleep with a beautiful woman. Damn Darwin. However, when the best looking girl in the room is on your arm there is always and forever a big kick to it--like having the only Rolls in the parking lot......Repression is like a weight bearing exercise that strengthens the libido. Men who operate within the moral norms oftimes have better sex lives than compulsive fuck addicts. It's easier to negotiate a happy marriage than a Hugh Hefner lifestyle. Well Tiger took a shot at it and failed....It is very important that we make Tiger suffer as much as possible for his misdeeds. That not only justifies our own banal lives but, in fact, makes them superior.
John, the point is that you have no idea whether or not Elin is his equal. There is no evidence to say that she isn't.
Elin isn't behaving as though she only married for money. If the stories are true, she seems pretty much devastated by the infidelity. Sounds like someone who was in love with her husband.
As for Mr. Robinson, don't most of us have a 'type'? The movie/tv actors I tend to think are attractive also bear some resemblance to my husband (i.e. hair color, facial features, height, weight). My brother likes Hispanic women and those are the only types he dates. If Tiger wasn't happy at home, it makes sense he'd go for something different, but consistently different - they all like like softcore porn stars.
John, if you think Woods is a shallow man, you have no business suggesting that Nordegren is not his equal because she's just a simple Swedish girl.
Yeah, he was a jock but Standford doesn't totally throw out its admission standards for jocks.
My experience has always been that jock = sport. Since Golf != sport, a golfer != jock. Golf is a competition. I base this opinion on the fact that a few years ago, the WPGA's pinnacle event had "competitors" that included a pregnant woman and 13-year-old.
If your "sport" has a professional championship event that includes either of the above anti-jocks, I think it's safe to cast dispersions on the sport-level of said competition.
Becoming the best in the world at something, by the by, brings with it its own sense of genius, but that doesn't make him the next Einstein. What it does bring is access to women of a certain stripe and adultery from the male perspective is pretty much dictated by access.
The link Michael Hasenstaub linked to above is interesting but not surpising. My question is, if you lived a life where some hot blond flew around the world with you to exclusive corporate events and did nothing but sleep with you and get other gorgous women to do the same, why the hell would you ever get married? Maybe that would get old after a while and you would want some stability and meaning. But you would want to make sure it was really old and you were done with it before you stopped. And you would also want to make damn sure you married a woman who would keep your attention. Tiger seems to have done neither.
Part of the problem with Robinson's analysis is that it might have been based on a smaller sample of the harem, which may have supported his thesis. Some of the women are attractive and then it goes down from there. He may have gone for quality in the longer term affairs, and quantity in the shorter term affairs.
Elin seems to have been pretty much in the dark, so she must be fuming. Especially since Tiger apparently didn't practice safe sex. Not a good idea when one of your lover's is a porn star.
Elin will file for divorce within three months.
If the stories are true, she seems pretty much devastated by the infidelity. Sounds like someone who was in love with her husband.
Not so. It could be true that there is little love lost between them and she's devastated by the sheer amount of negative attention (read as embarrassment) she's going through...or knew she would when she tried to drive him to the green on a short part 3.
"John, if you think Woods is a shallow man, you have no business suggesting that Nordegren is not his equal because she's just a simple Swedish girl."
Yes I do. She married him. That either makes her very naive or a gold digger. If she were really that sophisticated, she wouldn't have married Tiger, unless she is just a gold digger.
If she is not a "simple girl from Sweeden", how did she not see through him? Or if she did, then granted she is not so simple, but just a golddigger. So, you are right, she may be his equal. But that says worse things about her than it does if she were just a dumb blond from Sweeden who got taken in.
All of this reminds me of the Prince Charles - Princess Diana thing. Powerful rich man marries simple beautiful woman to be the mother of his children, and then can't understand why anyone would fault his cheating on the wife with anyone he wants. The woman is "supposed" to be content with the fame (of being married to ...) and wealth, and just being "the little woman at home", while the male is "entitled" to do whatever he wants. Why should anyone be surprised when the women turn out to be smarter than they were originally presumed to be?
Are you suggesting that Elin shouldn't travel in a chauffeured car in France any time soon?
If she were really that sophisticated, she wouldn't have married Tiger, unless she is just a gold digger.
Evidence? Sometimes people are just wrong about other people. She may just have been wrong about Tiger Woods.
"Evidence? Sometimes people are just wrong about other people. She may just have been wrong about Tiger Woods."
As Setoneus once said "people don't just become depraved". The guy was banging waitresses at Perkins and porn stars. It is not like this was a one off thing in a moment of weakness. Hard to believe that there were not signs of this before. How could any reasonably intelligent woman not known what Tiger was?
In Charles defense, Diana cheated on him first. Also, he only cheated on her with Camilla Parker who was the love of his life. He wanted to marry her in the first place but got brow beaten out of it by his father. So ended up marrying the vile Diana.
You are right though in that their marriage is a good example of how marriages based on the woman's looks and the man's fame and fortune usually end badly.
How could any reasonably intelligent woman not known what Tiger was?
He has plenty of money to insulate the depraved parts of his life away from his spouse. And his job involves a lot of traveling, making it much easier for him to do this.
"Hard to believe that there were not signs of this before."
Since Elin and her sister apparently bought a $2+ million home in Sweden together recently, how do we know that Elin hasn't been planning her "exit strategy" for some time now?
John said:
Yes I do. She married him. That either makes her very naive or a gold digger. If she were really that sophisticated, she wouldn't have married Tiger, unless she is just a gold digger.
You can be very sophisticated, and still be a gold digger. It's just you are less surprised when the philanderer is outed. Plus you take more interest in the pre-nup negotiation to begin with.
WV: foomme
What Tiger's saying to himself right now, as heard thru the SUV window.
"Since Elin and her sister apparently bought a $2+ million home in Sweden together recently, how do we know that Elin hasn't been planning her "exit strategy" for some time now?"
I don't. She may be very smart and knew he was a fillanderer the entire time and now plans to take him to the cleaners. That is entirely possible. It may be that Tiger was the dumb one. But, if that is true, that just makes her a golddigger and just as big a whore as the women Tiger was sleeping with and even more dishonest.
"...that just makes her a golddigger ...."
Or, it could make her (and Diana) a naive, pure, young girl, who believed in "happy ever after", and didn't have a circle of jaded friends around her to teach her the facts of life before marriage.
"He has plenty of money to insulate the depraved parts of his life away from his spouse. And his job involves a lot of traveling, making it much easier for him to do this."
And she never heard any rumors about what goes on at those corporate events? Parnavic's wife, who apparently treated her like a daughter, never gave her the lowdown on being a PGA Tour wife. She never just hopped on a plane and surprised her husband at one of them?
It is not like Tiger was James Bond. He got caught with his g/fs names and numbers in his phones. Either she was incredibly dumb and naive or wasn't looking until she had had his kids and knew she had him by the balls.
If she were really that sophisticated, she wouldn't have married Tiger, unless she is just a gold digger.
That comment places the blame for TW's behavior on Nordegren because of her lack of "sophistication", what ever that might be. I think it's nonsense.
Why the idea of Nordegren's "sophistication" is part of the conversation about TW's serial infidelity is hard to fathom. She speaks several languages, is well educated and comes from a politically prominent family. She's not a milkmaid from the village.
TW, on the other hand, was nicknamed Urkel by his golf team mates at Stanford because of his shyness and social ineptitude. he may be a high earner, but money and sophistication are not one and the same. They are often polar opposites.
Or maybe your point was that TW is very sophisticated because we was able to have unprotected sex with a lineup of high-mileage women with bolt-on breasts.
Yeah, he's waay more sophisticated than his wife.
"Or, it could make her (and Diana) a naive, pure, young girl, who believed in "happy ever after", and didn't have a circle of jaded friends around her to teach her the facts of life before marriage."
That is what I think happened. But Freeman and others are shocked by the accusation that a rich, powerful man would ever marry a beautiful naive young woman.
Comments like the Drill Sgt's always make me think of this. (VERY NSFW)
John said...
Does Robinson have a problem with black men sleeping with white women? How old fashioned of him.
There has always been a lot of resentment both ways about interacial dating. Too bad Ronbinson hasn't gotten over that.
It is hardly old fashioned. It is one of America's last taboo subjects. The rejection of black women with strong Negroid features by black men in favor of lighter skinned, straight hair, narrow nosed black women...or those that reject black women altogether to seek hispanic, asian, white...and the absolute pinnacle...a blonde white woman from Sweden or some other N European nation ancestry.
In this pecking order, the black woman who looks like a black woman, not Halle Berry, is the same as a used men stuck with one can't wait to upgrade to "better" if they are sucessful. Many black men consider a fat ugly white woman or a Mexican they can barely understand as an upgrade.
This rejection is well-understood but rarely talked about. Blacks consider it dirty laundry not to be mentioned to "people outside the race". Whites seeing the sea of blonde GFs of black football players at a game are equally reticent to mention it because it brings up the "worst stereotypes" of oversexed black men chasing white pussy as the best...
(With a stable of 10 or so white bitches he was tapping, Tiger is the new OJ...)
I imagine Eugene Robinson has at least one daughter. And every highly successful black man like OJ or Tiger that wants white wommenfolk and ONLY white wommenfolk is a dagger in the heart of a Dad like Robinson...knowing his daughter is last choice of all races unless she has a pert narrow nose, lighter skin, a Caucasian or Asian "ideal figure".
This impacts society, because it shrinks for young black females, the number of eligible black men, already constrained by joblessness and criminality. Leading to even more single black women who end up raising children on welfare. Burdening Americans of all races with the social costs of black men who reject black women and marriage in general.
And generates no small amount of resentment by white, hispanic, and Asian men of "anything but black, please!" pussy-chasing black guys. Over half the rapes of Asian women are by black guys, large hispanic families seem to all have tales of some feckless black guy who dated a family member and expected her to work and suport him, and even in the professional of other races mention black peers that consider "anything but a black woman with me!!" as an upgrade they feel entitled to as a high earner..
Television Promo... Handsome Hollywood Actor appears out of a fade.
Actor: Kids, you shouldn't cheat on your husband or wife or life partner.
Shift in camera angle close up of face.
Actor: But if you do, make sure that you cheat with at least one person of every race, creed, color, size and shape. You don't want to be called a racist do you?
Flash starburst and logo, "The More You Know..."
"That comment places the blame for TW's behavior on Nordegren because of her lack of "sophistication", what ever that might be. I think it's nonsense."
It does nothing of the sort. It in no way relieves Tiger of responsiblity. But it also doesn't make her any less dumb for marrying him. As I explained above, only a really naive young woman could not have known what Tiger was up to before they were married.
You explain the tension regarding black women very well. I am well aware of it. But someone as PC as Robinson would never talk about it openly. So, by accusing him of being against interracial sex, I was just polking at his unwillingness to state the obvious.
The fact that Elin is gorgeous does not imply that beauty is the only thing she has going for her. And there's nothing at all low about being a nanny.
Thanks, ITA. Without knowing either of these people personally, we really have no idea. What is so special about being a golfer for a living? It’s not rocket science. Would anybody say Elin wasn’t good enough for him if Tiger were a different kind of athlete, like a basketball/football player?
She could be a gold digger without a brain in her head, or she could be a smart wonderful woman who got tired of Tiger tom-catting around. Who the heck knows.
"She could be a gold digger without a brain in her head, or she could be a smart wonderful woman who got tired of Tiger tom-catting around. Who the heck knows."
I dont' see how a smart woman could not know that her husband was doing what Tiger was doing. The sheer numbers of the women he was sleeping with is kind of astounding. And if she was smart enough to know and didn't care, then she just married him for his money.
Only someone really naive marries a professional athlete or musician and doesn't expect them to cheat on her. They get the mansion and the yacht and the private schools for the kids and in return they look the other way while their husbands bang God knows what. Nordegren probably knew the score. Tiger must have just gotten really arrogant about it and pissed her off.
I'm not sure how smart Elin was, but we'll soon see how smart she is now.
I dont' see how a smart woman could not know that her husband was doing what Tiger was doing.
Was he doing all that when they first met? Was she on all his travel with him?
Some people are better able to hide things. Maybe their marriage was on the rocks and she was trying to make the best of it. Maybe she had an inkling but wasn't sure. But it seems a bit nuts to condemn someone on the basis of the fact that they are good looking and their husband cheated.
They're not like Barbie because of their looks.
They're like Barbie because Barbie is a dirty, nasty whore. Oh yea.
She's a bad girl, bad girl, such a dirty bad girl.
Whoop Whoop.
For a multi-culti, Tiger sure doesn't go much for the home girls it seems.
By the way, most of these women are not "mistresses." Maybe none of them are. Men have some kind of enduring relationship with a mistress. There is usually an emotional as well as sexual connection. These women are fuck buddies, predatory modern women who find a celebrity fuck to be an amusement. Maybe not all of them, but that seems to be the pattern.
Sexual need is a powerful and sometimes irresistible force. One reason we have "morals" is to reduce the disruptive action of that force. Morals can be a very reliable practical guide, as Tiger is learning to his distress.
"But it seems a bit nuts to condemn someone on the basis of the fact that they are good looking and their husband cheated."
I am not condeming her. I am saying she was either naive or a gold digger. I don't know why people have such a hard time accpeting that she probably married him for his money and he clearly married her for her looks. He obviously didn't think anything of her.
One of two things has to be true here. Either she was profoundly naive and married a billionaire phlanderer not realizing what she was getting into or she was just in it for the money and didn't care. But, you can't tell me that you can marry someone like that and reasonable think he is not going to cheat on you. Again, she was a professional golfer's nanny. If she didn't know what went on on tour or Tiger's reputation (and he had to have had one among the people on the tour), she was profoundly stupid.
Neither one of them come off looking very good in this.
This impacts society, because it shrinks for young black females, the number of eligible black men, already constrained by joblessness and criminality.
Some of them do end up with white men, you know.
I am not condeming her. I am saying she was either naive or a gold digger.
What I object to are the comments that she was somehow beneath Tiger. I don't think it's always naive to marry someone and then expect them to be faithful. Some men do that. She didn't chose wisely, obviously, but he may also have changed from when they first met.
At some point Nordlingen bears some responsibility for the man she chose to marry. I am sure there were a ton of dependable nice men with good or even great careers who would have gladly married her and not been out screwing porn stars. But she wanted the billion dollars and the fame and the yacht the size of an aircraft carier. Well she got that and all the baggage that came with it.
"She didn't chose wisely, obviously, but he may also have changed from when they first met."
People at that age don't change. He didn't get married and then decide to have the hot blond "events planner" flying around the world with him providing him with entertainment. He is what he is and I am not saying that is good. He should have never gotten married if he wasn't willing to grow up and stop that nonsense.
If she were really that sophisticated, she wouldn't have married Tiger, unless she is just a gold digger.
This falls into the "Something must be wrong with Mia Farrow" defense of Woody Allen.
"This falls into the "Something must be wrong with Mia Farrow" defense of Woody Allen"
No it doesn't. If I marry a snake, my being stupid doesn't make the snake anything less of a snake. But if I do so knowingly, I am also stupid for having done so.
It is interesting how people are so unwilling to admit that they are responsible to some degree for the people they associate with. You are not responsible for their actions. But you are responsible to some degree for the harm they do to you if you choose to associate yourself with bad people.
What kind of world is it when a guy who has $100 billion can't get a little pussy?
What's the point of having $100 billion if he can't boink as many bimbos as he likes?
You know: "It's the same old story, a fight for love and glory."
That's why we chase after fame and fortune.
Tiger is doing what comes natural. Who in the hell said the rules have changed?
I don't know why people have such a hard time accpeting that she probably married him for his money and he clearly married her for her looks.
Makes perfect sense to me which also explains why guys like Mick Jagger or Steven Tyler who look like science projects gone awry can score supermodels or why May-December hookups are always met with a wink and a nod. Tiger Woods is a self described nerd who excels at golf and is, to be charitable odd looking at best. Now, and I think most guys will agree, any one of us with similar talents and attributes in high school, college or post-college you were pretty much the odd man out in terms of getting a date, never mind a former model. Now add a bank account with six or seven zeros behind it and it’s like you turned into George Clooney or Johnny Depp overnight.
Eugene Robinson finds one in every woodpile. If he wrote about yesterday's weather, he would find something racially fishy about it. Robinson has, in the common vernacular, issues about his race.
For the women raised by pop culture to become successful whores there are important bragging right for sleeping with a famous athlete on the resume. This deluge of braggarts coming out so quickly is a total shock to Tiger and to veryone else. But Nike's slogan is "Just do it". What is it about a NO Adultery and fornication that drives people to the extremes that Tiger felt himself entitled to go to?
Women who look like Elin have a lifetime experience of men changing their behavior to suit her expectations. There's a fair amount of hubris and entitlement on both sides of this equation.
Tiger Woods is a self described nerd who excels at golf and is, to be charitable odd looking at best.
It might be amusing if his driver or putter failed him at his next outing. That would make his fall complete.
Could we please send Woody Allen to Coventry for a couple of decades. He is an embarrassment to us all.
Regards — Cliff
I'd say he's a man who went for the Playmate ideal in choosing a wife and aimed low for cheating.
That implies that the Playmate is aiming high? Being beautiful doesn't always translate to "great spouse" or "great sex," does it? I just don't get the "Elin is so beautiful, who could cheat on her" theme.
Now I'll read the rest of the comments to hear other perspectives.
@C R
Could we please send Woody Allen to Coventry for a couple of decades. He is an embarrassment to us all.
Agreed about his behavior. However, I'm of that rare breed that found his standup sets from the 60's are golden.
"Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex*" was mostly bleh, but the brainroom schtick with Burt Reynolds was genius.
"Agreed about his behavior. However, I'm of that rare breed that found his standup sets from the 60's to be golden."
My reverse-ebonics kicked in, sorry.
If she is not a "simple girl from Sweeden", how did she not see through him?
If you recall, when they were dating, Elin accompanied Tiger on the tour. She was his near constant companion for the simple reason that she was in love and was able to travel.
For his part, Tiger wasn't going to confess that he liked one night stands and banging ugly women and with Elin as a constant companion, he probably told himself he had changed.
Now that Elin has children, she can't be trailing after her husband and now that she isn't available 24x7, Tiger falls back to his old habits.
I don't think it's as much about plain sex [a high priced discrete prostitute could provide that] as Tiger having the need to be constantly validated. To be constantly told he was an alpha male. (To extent my pschobabble theory, he married up and found that his wife wasn't going to constantly feed his ego or be dominated by him. So he cheats with women he can dominate.)
Regardless, it is almost certain that in a few years, Tiger will admit that losing his wife was the biggest mistake of his life. And it was.
If you recall, when they were dating, Elin accompanied Tiger on the tour. She was his near constant companion for the simple reason that she was in love and was able to travel.
I think what you've said makes a lot of sense. During the initial dating/honeymoon period he maybe was faithful to her and she didn't know that would change. Unless I hear she was cheating or something else, I'm not willing to assign the blame for this to her.
Nice to see white-world all in a huff when an African American analyzes Tiger Woods. From his perspective, Eugene Robinson is right, too - call it the Barbie Complex (no Negroes, thank you).
Still, Robinson didn't go far enough, lest he offend what white-world holds true.
Care to expand on that, Mr. All-The-Way-A-Bigot?
The wives like Elin from a prominent family don't just haul off and file for divorce. The Plan is hatched with an abundance of counselors. The advice for her would be what we have heard so far: threaten to leave and offer to Reconcile for a new agreement that triples her take away monies and property conditioned on the guilty schmuck promising never to do it again or the Reconciliation Agreement will control and not the Pre Nup. Agreement. Then you wait a few months while the wife treats the guilty man as shit not worthy of being in her presence, and then he will pull the trigger on himself in some way. case.
My only interest in this story is seeing what it does to his golf game. I had to listen in the airport to HLN asking callers and emailers whether they accepted Tiger's apology. He doesn't need my forgiveness.
wv: visess - a REAL main squeeze?
Wait a minute. Why would he want a Barbie?
She doesn't have a va-jay-jay.
That Mr. Robinson sees Tiger's bedpartners as 'white' isn't half as interesting to me as the lack of "color" in his choices.
Does TW think of himself as "white"?
This isn't made in a racist sense but in an identity sense. His world is mainly a white world (check out the gallery at a golf tourney sometime), played on lush suburban exclusive courses (and memberships) etc.
It appears his non-golfer friends are exceptional black stars and there is a contradiction here somewhere.
Robinson is part of the MSM and what they do best is recycle cliches. Which is what he is doing with the Barbie and race memes. It's superflous armchair psychology.
Yes, she is gorgous, but she is in no way Tiger's equal.
You know that's incredibly sexist and insulting. Who are you to judge? Maybe she is Tiger's superior when it comes to moral character?
Almost Ali said...
Nice to see white-world all in a huff when an African American analyzes Tiger Woods. From his perspective, Eugene Robinson is right, too - call it the Barbie Complex (no Negroes, thank you).
Still, Robinson didn't go far enough, lest he offend what white-world holds true.
No, if Eugene Robinson truly had balls, he would be vocalizing what every black woman and every decent black man who stuck around long enough to love and raise a daughter or two thinks.
How they all winced as each blonde Barbie that Woods selected was unveiled. That not only did not marrying a black women ever enter his mind, but that black women were too low, not good enough = in his mind - to even cheat on his pefect blonde with.
The stereotype of the amoral, oversexed black man chasing any pussy, preferentially any non-black pussy, just got hammered home by a person I thought before the last couple weeks was "least likely" to confirm the stereotype.
I am not condeming her. I am saying she was either naive or a gold digger.
I don't know why people have such a hard time accpeting that she probably married him for his money and he clearly married her for her looks. He obviously didn't think anything of her.
Because you have offered no evidence of this. None. You have to prove your case before anyone accepts it. Saying, "She should have known!" is not evidence. It seems that the man who introduced them didn't even know.
Also, William is right that Elin, being a beautiful woman, is probably accustomed to men changing for her. There's nothing surprising about that at all. Men and women change all the time for each other. It would not be unreasonable for her to believe that his bird dogging days were over.
I think Joe's comment is likely spot on. They meet, it's love, they're together all the time, Tiger doesn't cheat. Later, she can't be there all the time, Tiger goes back to his old ways and is probably one of those guys who seeks validation in hookups. Joe is probably exactly right.
a montage of faces that have horizontally faced Tiger's
You assume too much. Tiger probably does it doggie, despite his name.
After reading all the comments, I'll submit my own theory: TW, as Urkel, couldn't get a decent date. He relied on porn for his dateless nights. Porn has a funny way of changing expectations about sex...guys start thinking that women really do like double penetration and that all guys have schlongs that can shoot all the way across the room. So, if in the real world, he begins to notice that his own equipment doesn't work as all the movies say it should, he can at least hire women with whom sex will be just like the movies. And if you are Tiger Woods, you can hire a lot of those women.
Elin isn't behaving as though she only married for money. If the stories are true, she seems pretty much devastated by the infidelity. Sounds like someone who was in love with her husband.
This. You don't take a seven iron to your cheating husband's car if you're in it for the money. You move out and get a lawyer.
hdhouse said...
That Mr. Robinson sees Tiger's bedpartners as 'white' isn't half as interesting to me as the lack of "color" in his choices.
I think everyone, especially those in the black community, would have been a lot less disturbed if he had included a couple of hot black models, a wonderful Latina, or some superfine accomplished Asian babes in his little Harem.
Even Asians I know are perturbed. One guy I know who is Chinese-white-Filipino noted.."You would think that being half Asian, with his Mom all-Asian that he would at least have a couple of Asian girlfriends on the side. But noooooo! I guess "our kind" isn't good enough for the fuckwad!"
I originally thought that Woods would walk away from this unscathed and that he deserved some sort of Mulligan, as a good guy, anyhow.
Now I think he is badly damaged goods with sponsors. He has managed to offend all racial groups potentially, plus various women and morals groups. (As a function of the number of women involved in the cheating and his bias in only wanting sex with one sort of woman.)
C4 - I agree with your racial assessment re: black women, but you just had to blame the Joooos in all this again. Are you just pathological?
Well, I guess we need to give John points for persistence or something...
For the women raised by pop culture to become successful whores there are important bragging right for sleeping with a famous athlete on the resume. This deluge of braggarts coming out so quickly is a total shock to Tiger and to veryone else.
That's something that makes me think Tiger isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. For a public figure to rack up a mistress count like this, brag about it to his friends, and think it won't get back to the wife is nothing short of clueless.
Elin, If you're out there reading this, email me. I have a heart of gold and we can love each other with Tiger's money till we die exhausted by our love. I'm nothing like Tiger, I'm unsophisticated, can't golf, and never get laid. I'm what you need now. I really do love you.
"Care to expand on that, Mr. All-The-Way-A-Bigot?
While I reject your naive, white-world characterization, the Barbie phenomena as it relates to Tiger Woods is really quite simple.
As hdhouse noted above, Tiger's followers are now at odds with his public vs. private persona: "It appears his non-golfer friends are exceptional black stars and there is a contradiction here somewhere." Bingo.
As an African American man-child, Tiger wants to impress (defeat, conquer) his gangsta-ball friends, his bro's, and the only way to do that is to do as they do.
Although white-world is now appalled by such behaviors and revelations, down where the pimp-wheels meet the road, Tiger is the man.
While back in white-world, Elin & Company are lamenting their woeful lack of hip-hop education.
"Because you have offered no evidence of this. None. You have to prove your case before anyone accepts it. Saying, "She should have known!" is not evidence. It seems that the man who introduced them didn't even know."
And you have offered no evidence that your theory is true. But what I have offered is the experience of about a hundred different celbrity marriages that didn't work out that were based on looks and money and not much else. If you look at celbrities that actually have successful marriages (Andre Agasi and Stephie Graph, Greg Norman and Chris Evert, John McEnroe and Patty Smithe, Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward to name a few) those marriages were among people who were both somewhat on the same level of success.
I am sorry but the fairy tales are not true Freeman. If you are Tiger Woods, you can't marry the nanny next door and expect it to work no matter how hot she is. And if you are the nanny next door, you are not meeting a billionaire husband who is marrying you for any reason other than your looks. That is just how life works.
You are normally such a reasonable person on here. But on this you have this 12 year old fairy tale "oh they married for love" view. BS. She married him for his money and he for her looks. And sure enough, a marriage based on such a shallow foundation failed. It is not hard to figure out.
Ali - but Tiger is also buddies with Thierry Henry, Derek Jeter and Roger Federer. 3 non-brothas.
I suspect secret irony, so I'll not banter back and forth with such an obviously ridiculous defense.
On the other hand, if you're serious about what you just posted, please permit me to lower the level of discourse a bit and call you out of the racist tool you are.
"He has managed to offend all racial groups potentially, plus various women and morals groups."
I'm guessing the vast majority of people are more offended by his long history of cheating than his not cheating with diverse enough bimbos.
"Tiger cheated with like ten or twelve or who knows how many women! BUT THAT'S NOT THE BAD PART! Sit down... ALL OF THEM WERE WHITE! OMGZORZBBQSAUCE!"
Please if I'm the only one who finds this the stupidest thing in the history of the race card, don't tell me.
PS: Can you tell me more about White World, Ali? I am totally fascinated by the ramblings of bigots.
John - you are a pure misogynist. You are doing everything you can to absolve Tiger and denigrate poor Elin Nordegren.
Sorry Alex, Derek is a Cosby kid.
I am sorry but the fairy tales are not true Freeman. If you are Tiger Woods, you can't marry the nanny next door and expect it to work no matter how hot she is.
It might have worked just fine if he hadn’t felt the need to sleep with every waitress at Perkins. Good Lord.
John, you're falling victim to media selection bias. The celebrity marriages you are going to hear about are going to be ones that either (a) fell apart or (b) consist of two celebrities. Many, many celebrity marriages between professional equals fall apart. There are too many to name. Many work out. The same is true of marriages between celebrities and non-celebrities. You are simply wrong.
And my point has never been "It was all for love!" My point is that you have no evidence in the other direction.
As for my theory on the pornie women, there are their pictures, and there is the fact that one of them is an actual porn star.
"John - you are a pure misogynist. You are doing everything you can to absolve Tiger and denigrate poor Elin Nordegren."
And you are apparently an illiterate because I am saying nothing of the sort. I have only said that Woods is a dirtbag about twenty times on this thread. I am sorry that goes above your level of reading comprehension.
Yeah, Tiger Woods was wrong to cheat on his wife. He was also wrong to marry a woman that he clearly didn't care about. And don't tell he cared about her or he wouldnt' have been out cheating on her like that.
But, don't tell me for a minute that she married him for any reason other than his money. Beautiful blong models for Norway marry poor guys all the time. The whole marriage was based on two shallow immature people marrying each other for all the wrong reasons. Perhaps people of both sexes ought to marry each other for reason other than sex and finance.
But, don't tell me for a minute that she married him for any reason other than his money. Beautiful blong models for Norway marry poor guys all the time. The whole marriage was based on two shallow immature people marrying each other for all the wrong reasons. Perhaps people of both sexes ought to marry each other for reason other than sex and finance.
Agreed. Beautiful blond Norweigan women should overlook my 300lbs, sweaty palms and halitosis breath to see the "real inner me".
"It might have worked just fine if he hadn’t felt the need to sleep with every waitress at Perkins. Good Lord."
If he had selected his wife on the basis of something besides how good looking she was, he might not have been out sleeping with waitresses from Perkins.
I am not absolving Tiger in this. He clearly married her because he wanted to portray the image of being a "family man" but didn't want the responsiblity and wasn't willing to marry a woman who could hold his attention.
There is one black girl who could alter Tiger's world: Halle Berry.
But you may recall Halle's complaint concerning her own gangsta-baller, David Justice: paraphrasing; He was a sex maniac.
Poor, beautiful girl, she needs to look in a mirror.
Although white-world is now appalled by such behaviors and revelations....
I wouldn't say "white-world" is appalled; I'd say people who value loyalty and maturity are appalled. I think I know some black people like that. Weird!!
If indeed Tiger *is* trying to be a playah, then he's pathetic. Who cares if he's a great athlete, he still dies a jerk. He has to live with his kids reading all about this when they get older.
"Agreed. Beautiful blond Norweigan women should overlook my 300lbs, sweaty palms and halitosis breath to see the "real inner me"."
If your bank account is large enough, I am quite sure you can find someone who will do just that. It is not like Tiger Woods is George Clooney. But don't complain when it turns out your wife only married you for your money and you have nothing in common with her.
"There is one black girl who could alter Tiger's world: Halle Berry."
Isn't she half white? And if she is not, she looks just like a white girl. I am not sure she counts.
I wouldn't say "white-world" is appalled; I'd say people who value loyalty and maturity are appalled. I think I know some black people like that. Weird!!
No way, knox! I was just reading that that was un-possible!
I would like to point out one little fact. There is a chance that he did not actually have sex with all of these women. In fact a very good chance. They are just opportunistic celebrity struck women looking for their fifteen minutes of fame. You see they often lie.
After all they are whores.
Tiger really should have banged Jada Pinkett Smith. Of course Will Smith would have gladly helped a brotha out.
"Ali - but Tiger is also buddies with Thierry Henry, Derek Jeter and Roger Federer. 3 non-brothas." - Alex
When this shakes out, see who's left standing.
"The same is true of marriages between celebrities and non-celebrities. You are simply wrong."
Name one? Further, name me a marriage that works where there is such a disparity between the level of success between the two parties? Yeah, celbrities marry non celbrities, but the non celbrities are still pretty successful. For example, Linda Carter married a former Clinton Whitehouse advisor Roger Altman. Show me a marriage that works where the billionaire marries the waitress or the nanny? There is only one I can think of (Bill and Melinda Gates). And about 100 that didn't. Life just doesn't work that way.
If he had selected his wife on the basis of something besides how good looking she was, he might not have been out sleeping with waitresses from Perkins.
The point is that you have NO CLUE about their relationship and yet you insist that you know exactly what the problem is. Do you think he would have been faithful to a woman who was a pro golfer? Nobel Prize winning PhD? Or someone who was not as good looking as his wife? Because I kinda doubt it. Don't you think a scenario exists in which a wonderful, intelligent wife could be cheated on by her messed up husband and not be an idiot or "unable to hold his attention" in some way, making it her fault. Maybe it's his fault. The poor girl got cheated on, she's had a rough week. Can't you leave her alone? Ugh.
Tiger Woods grew up in Orange County California.
As Hannibal Lecter says: We begin by coveting what we see every day.
As Hannibal Lecter says: We begin by coveting what we see every day.
News at 11: Tiger found with half-eaten mistress.
He's a Tiger after all.
"Isn't she [Halle Berry] half white? And if she is not, she looks just like a white girl. I am not sure she counts."
She counts.
(Technically, I believe the beautiful Ms Berry is a red-bone; black father, white mother)
But either way, she "passes." At least in my book.
When this shakes out, see who's left standing.
Ah yes. Henry's a cheater. Jeter is a another sex-a-holic. Federer is the only one who comes out smelling like roses.
I don't know. Mr. Sheffield did pretty good with Fran Fine.
John, I grew up in a town with lots of millionaires plus a few billionaires. (One of the billionaires just married a regular person, by the way.) I have seen it play out. It doesn't seem to make any difference how close together the people are professionally. What matters is whether or not they both take marriage seriously and whether or not they marry someone they are compatible with.
By your assumptions, Elin would be assumed to be incompatible with someone just because she's pretty. That's absurd.
And Shanna is right.
He probably still would have, which is a good reason not to marry a famous athlete, musician or such. I am sure there were lots of nice guys who would have gladly married her. She married Tiger for the money. I don't have a lot of sympathy for either one of them. Not to mention the fact that it appears she attacked him with a golf club which ends any sympathy I will ever have for her. You don't hit your spouse for any reason, period. It is not excusable or understandable by either sex period.
Freeman - I think John is trying to excuse Tiger's psychopathic/sociopathic tendencies. Your examples just imploded his meme.
It just gets worse for Tiger:
One of those emails to Rachel leaking into public this week says: "I finally found someone I connect with, someone I have never found like this. Not even at home. Why didn't we find each other years ago?"
"By your assumptions, Elin would be assumed to be incompatible with someone just because she's pretty. That's absurd."
She is incompatable because she spent her life before marriage as a model and a nanny. I assume the worst about people. Maybe she married him out of love, but I doubt it. And he certainly didn't marry her out of love. Marriages of convienence never work.
We know very little about Elin. We don't know what her interests are; we don't know what she's up to. She may be very passionate about the pursuit of some interest. You're denigrating her as a gold-digging bimbo on the basis of exactly nothing.
You could turn out to be right, but that would be by chance. We don't have any indications either way right now.
Why does that make Tiger look worse? If anything that makes him look better. Maybe his wife is a shrew who really did marry him for his money and his mistress is nice to him? If anything, the e-mail is evidence of what I have been saying that he married his wife for her looks and she for his money and there was nothing there beyond that.
"No, if Eugene Robinson truly had balls, he would be vocalizing what every black woman and every decent black man who stuck around long enough to love and raise a daughter or two thinks." - Cedarford
A distinction should be noted; "black" vs. African American. Also that exceptions to the African American rule... do not alter the rule.
Nonetheless, yours was a superb post. (If I may say so)
Cederford hit the nail on the head with his post (sans the Jews part). It is amazing how the insane can have such moments of lucidity. That is why you can't fake insanity. The truely insane bob and weave in and out of reality and when they are in reality they actually have some interesting insights as Cederford shows.
John said (responding to Shanna):
You don't hit your spouse for any reason, period. It is not excusable or understandable by either sex period.
Hijacking another thread, it's good that Elin didn't hit Tiger with a steak. Might have saved the SUV, but she would have been arrested.
From what I've seen of long term married couple who are in the millionaire bracket, they tend to have deep community ties, often religious convictions to go with it. The short of it: Playing the field means you lose status. You lose face in the community you care about. You place value on something other than yourself, because it's the only way to stay grounded.
So Tiger's community attachment would be other superstar athletes? Celebrity in general? Yeah, the higher you go, the more enablers that surround you.
At least he wasn't running a dog fighting ring.
People with Tiger's money and Elin's looks do not suffer tragic ends. They live high up on Olympus and the ordinary rules do not apply. They play at normalcy for awhile--the way Marie Antoinette played at being a milk maid--but then the upward lift of their world pulls them from our banality. They go back to frolicking among the immortals, and we go back to our dull marriages and higher morality. In a few years Tiger will marry the older of the Obama girls and restore his reputation in the black community. Elin will escape with her looks and pride intact and many millions to cushion the landing. If this is a morality play, where are the flames. This is not a no-fault divorce but a no pain one. We should all be so lucky.
The Jews, the Jews, always the Jews!!!
People can ride their high horse, but a man in Tiger's position would usually cheat. Those without his degree of options really don't know if they would do different. It is the, usually controlled, nature of nearly all men, but few of us are challenged like a rich, good looking celebrity is. It reminds me of the stories of quiet, stable couples who win the lottery and become drug addled sex crazed swingers just from a little infusion of cash. Being good is easy when you have few temptations.
Still, Elin, I would never do that to you.
Maybe his wife is a shrew who really did marry him for his money and his mistress is nice to him?
But he also cheated on the mistress.
Thank you Freeman, for mentioning that just because someone is rich doesn't mean they have to cheat or can't marry a normal person. I think anyone who married Tiger would be named a "gold-digger" simply based on the fact that he has gold. For all the talk about her supposed bad judgement, if Tiger had indeed married a gold digger, his judgement would be just as suspect. But the supposed "gold-digger" who is "not good enough" for Tiger is the one who got cheated on. She gets the benefit of the doubt from me.
Guys, Occam's Razor here says Tiger is a sex-crazed sociopath and the normal rules do not apply here. Stop denigrating Elin. She is NOT at fault here!
@William I agree, for the most part, but that's exactly why Tiger got so much endorsement $ - for presenting the image of a modern god who nevertheless willingly married and became a dedicated family man.
That's the twist that makes it a modern morality tale. Not so much the star athlete cheating on the model as the star athlete manipulating the masses so well. Athletes rarely bother with that any more. Maybe it's some kind of archaic golf throwback.
I'm gonna say it one more time though...he's not good looking. He's very very average. If he weren't rich or famous, you wouldn't refer to that guy as good looking. Cute on a good day from the right angle if looked at with a forgiving eye, but plenty of bad days. One of the lastest Swedes in his portfolio (who refused him) called him "rich but ugly as sin".
As far the guys that call him good-looking, you're as blinded by his fame/wealth as any bim, so you can see how it works.
This is slightly off-topic, but I didn’t get a chance to post this on the last Tiger Woods thread, the one about “men only being as faithful as their options.”
Check out this list:
Paul Newman
Charlton Heston
Theodore Roosevelt
Winston Churchill
Malcolm X
Ronald Reagan
Gerald Ford
Do you really think that these guys didn’t have A LOT OF OPTIONS? Let me acknowledge that Ronald Reagan and Malcolm X both had extensive love lives before they married, but I have seen no reliable evidence that either man ever cheated. There is good reason to believe that Churchill and TR were both virgin bridegrooms. So guys, it CAN be done.
wv: windome. When Al Gore is speaking at the Super Dome and all his wind (hot air) comes out. Definitely OT, but I think it can be appreciated in Wisconsin at the moment.
From what I've seen of long term married couple who are in the millionaire bracket, they tend to have deep community ties, often religious convictions to go with it. The short of it: Playing the field means you lose status. You lose face in the community you care about. You place value on something other than yourself, because it's the only way to stay grounded.
Well put.
There's also, I think, another kind of person who never cheats, and that's a person who thinks very highly of himself and thinks that adultery is a weakness.
Of course, there is overlap between the types, and there are probably more types than are mentioned here.
"Guys, Occam's Razor here says Tiger is a sex-crazed sociopath and the normal rules do not apply here. Stop denigrating Elin. She is NOT at fault here!"
No it doesn't. It is just as simple to say that she was a gold digger and it was a marriage of convienence all along. Indeed, someone in his position is more likely than not to have a marriage of convienence. And he wasn't the one swinging the golf club. She clearly has some issues of her own. A pox on both their houses.
Alex said...
Ali - but Tiger is also buddies with Thierry Henry, Derek Jeter and Roger Federer. 3 non-brothas.
In case you didn't notice, Thierry and Derek are both of some AA ancestry.
Federer mostly has friends he has hung with since his junior circuit days -mostly Swiss - in his private life. On tour, he has black pals who he has been out with for 8-10 years. William Blake, and he genuinely likes the Williams sisters and defends well as getting and giving fashion advice with them..(the sisters and Blake say Rog's the best..)
JOhn - Show me a marriage that works where the billionaire marries the waitress or the nanny? There is only one I can think of (Bill and Melinda Gates). And about 100 that didn't. Life just doesn't work that way.
Well, basically I am agreeing with you and by that, disagreeing with your exception:
Melinda Gates was a HS valedictorian, Duke undergrad and Duke grad school of business MBA. She was recruited by Microsoft while at Duke in 1987 and put on an exec fast track, rising to General Manager of Information products before she began dating the Uber-nerd.
No waitress or nanny....but she is....liberal!
Now, for a sucessful marriage, I suppose that megamillionaire oilman Marshall and Anna Nichole qualifies under your criteria..They never divorced, he died. And she was dumber than a sack of prescription drug pills.
Freeman will tell you that Anna Nicole married Marshall out of love.
And he wasn't the one swinging the golf club. She clearly has some issues of her own. A pox on both their houses.
I knew John couldn't waste an opportunity to stick the knife in Elin.
C4 - James Blake is a major Federer ass kisser. That's a one-way relationship.
Freeman will tell you that Anna Nicole married Marshall out of love.
No, Freeman will just tell you that John is making baseless assumptions about Elin Woods.
Almost Ali said: Nice to see white-world all in a huff when an African American analyzes Tiger Woods.
The problem isn't that Robinson analyzes Tiger Woods. The problem is that no matter what Robinson analyzes, he finds racism at the bottom. He is a black man with a personal black problem.
"I knew John couldn't waste an opportunity to stick the knife in Elin."
Apparently you think domestic violence is AOK or funny if only a cute blond is doing it. I don't.
Almost Ali said: A distinction should be noted; "black" vs. African American.
No it shouldn't. That's part of the problem -- razor-thin and meaningless distinctions like "black" vs. "African American." If you're black, you're black. If you're white, you're white. And if you're Barack Obama, you're half black and half white.
So get over it.
"No, Freeman will just tell you that John is making baseless assumptions about Elin Woods."
Blond model/nanny marries geeky billionaire golfer for his money or because she was too naive to know what she was getting into. Wow what a limp that is walking out on.
Who would you choose, Halle Berry or Elin Woods?
For me, definitely the stunning Ms Berry - if "only" for the sex, because she's an artist; reactive, visceral, a woman of unbridled passion! In a body that would feel the slightest touch, the faintest breeze. That is, in the right hands.
Oh, but Elin is beautiful and sexy, too. But more reserved, introspective, conservative. No hanging from the blazing bed with this one.
Which may in the end explain Tiger's ultimate marital disinterest. Like he's kicking himself for picking a Barbie right off FAO Schwarz's shelf. Because I believe that's exactly what he did.
While the stunning Ms Berry continues to work out in Gold's Gym, proving that life is anything but fair.
John, I don't know why you are unable to see past your assumptions. It does not follow from the mere presence of money and beauty that there is nothing else.
I think we're at an impasse, so I'll agree to disagree.
"Who would you choose, Halle Berry or Elin Woods?"
I would take Berry. She seems to have a lot of magnatism about her. I never liked the 'barbie types'. Always liked more unconventional or exotic women.
"It does not follow from the mere presence of money and beauty that there is nothing else."
True. It doesn't necessarily follow in theory. But it almost always follows in reality.
If pairing worked as you imagine, John, Maureen Dowd would be without angst.
"No it shouldn't. That's part of the problem -- razor-thin and meaningless distinctions like "black" vs. "African American." - Photog714
I disagree. The problem "is" the lack of recognition regarding the difference - which is hardly "razor-thin."
In fact, the difference between black African-Americans and black non-African Americans is akin to bridging the Grand Canyon. On stilts.
"If pairing worked as you imagine, John, Maureen Dowd would be without angst."
Naw. I am sure Maraueen could have been married a long time ago if she had chosen to be. She would just rather be miserable and whine and date men she knows don't love her as a self fullfilling prophecy than be happy. Some people just want to be unhappy. It is what gives their lives meaning or they dislike themselves so much they don't think they deserve to be happy.
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