September 14, 2009

We're high but easing...

... sounds like we're on drugs.


Chase said...

"Washington Postal" tag?

traditionalguy said...

He means to convey the plan to wear out the attention span of the American people who usually belive whatever the Government Media tells them. But the American people have never before felt like their government was an attacking force invading their country. Good job Obama.

Ann Althouse said...

"going Washington Postal" is the tag.

Anonymous said...

But the American people have never before felt like their government was an attacking force invading their country.

Oh, I dunno. You might want to talk to some Southerners.

bearbee said...

If the administration and congress critters can't get the public option through this session, I believe they'll persist and eventually slip it through when the public is thoroughly distracted.

Fred4Pres said...

Perhaps the WaPo should give you a trial sample of psychotropic drugs with any new subsriptions. Perscriptions for subscriptions!

Win Win.