I'm listening to the old Dion song this morning:
No, it's not because I'm trying to come up with a verse about Teddy Kennedy... or that I picture him — accompanied by angel-harp music — walking into Heaven with various beloved dead political heroes. (Get a grip, people, Teddy lived to a ripe old age and died in the normal course of things, which is the best any of us can hope for. He was not cut down in his prime like Abraham, Martin, John, and Bobby.) It's because I need to pull this comment just buried under the "Third Man" post and elevate it to the heaven of today's front page. It's a comment about lost commenters — a song parody. And please, write new verses for that song. The collection of beloved old commenters who have wandered off is longer than Trooper, Titus, and Palladian. And they haven't died. I'm picturing them not in Heaven, but drinking and talking late into the night in some bar over on Atlantic Avenue.
७७ टिप्पण्या:
Palladian left, in part, because Jason had a special gift for busting his balls.
I hope Palladian comes back, but frankly, I think it was best for him to take a little break. He had become unhinged in his jealous hatred of other commenters, even me. And no, I don't think he was joking.
Titus never liked Althouse, or anyone else here at Althouse, for that matter. Palladian was right about that.
The marriage of Althouse and Meade pushed him over the edge because it got shoved in his face that it wasn't all about him.
Why not walk into that bar, buy a round, and invite the guys home?
And buy me a round while you're at it. And one for Pogo and Hoosier and any other regular who looks a bit thirsty. We haven't sat around the bar with you in quite a while.
Solemnizing marriage is breaking up that old gang of mine
"because Jason had a special gift for busting his balls"
You mean Jeremy, don't you?
@Michael H Yeah, we mean to do that!
The death of Ted Kennedy really shows how the 60s are fading from living memory. I think real living memory is the memory of people who mattered at the time, not the memory of children. For example, I can remember the 70s and 80s but not in the same way someone like Ann can remember them. I was a kid. I wasn't really a part of things. I didn't affect things and I didn't have much experience to compare things to.
All of the people who mattered and were adults in the 60s have either passed away or are going to in the next 10 or 15 years. Most of the politicians in power then are gone. The youngest people who mattered and have a living memory of the time were musicians and many of them are gone or are approaching 70. Strange to watch living memory die before my eyes.
No, I mean Jason. There was maybe a two or three week period where they went head to head at every opportunity. Eventually, Palladian tried to call a truce but Jason persisted. Palladian left very soon thereafter.
That's what I remember, anyway. It's not as if I keep records or did any research or anything so I'll cheerfully stand correction.
Perhaps I should add that I paid attention to their fighting because, frankly, I thought it was about time somebody took Palladian down a few pegs.
I fully appreciate that not everyone likes my admittedly offbeat, self-parodying and oftentimes crude sense of humor, but Palladian lost that deft touch he used to have and he got to be JUST PLAIN MEAN. Downright nasty. And for what? He couldn't have ben enjoying himself. I think he became obsessed, which is a shame, really, and a loss for all of us here at Althouse.
There may be something to a single La Althouse attracting male commenters that a happily married lady will not attract. But that is sad because Ann's super brain and great internet social skills have not gone anywhere because a good man has become her partner. I always got a lot from reading the three named MIA commenters. They were gifted and special guys. At least the one and only Crack is still here.
I'd bet serious money that no one reason fits all. (In fact,it's what my dad used to call a sucker bet.)
Thanks, Bissage. I mainly remember him going on and on with Jeremy -- after I begged him (and everyone) not to feed the troll. But if you paid attention observed that, I believe you.
I appreciate what you say when you go serious. You (like Meade) are a terrifically comic commenter who isn't hiding behind comic talent but can also go into serious mode and be completely solid and trustworthy.
Palladian could do that too. I don't think Titus could (in part because he always changed his nickname which made us worry that it wasn't really him).
As for Trooper, I don't remember him trying to be serious. Sometimes his comedy comes across as a serious expression of real hostility, and he's serious about insisting that everyone keep yukking it up with him. At this point, I think he needs to do that at his own place, with the readers who are into playing by that rule. It's not good for his humor or his trustworthiness as a serious person. Basically, I'd say that he's evolved into a position where he doesn't want to expose himself in this big forum. He needs to be in the company of his dedicated group. So, I miss him here, but at the same time, I'm calling him a pussy.
"There may be something to a single La Althouse attracting male commenters that a happily married lady will not attract."
I know. I think my relationship with Meade had its effect on some people.
And then there were the people who had to leave because I couldn't vote for McCain....
I remember it as Bissage did.
I was going through a bad patch myself at the time, so I understand maybe what was going on, though I could be wrong. My angst was entirely based on despair and panic borne out of the elections.
As things have unfolded pretty much as I had feared, despair has given way to planning my escape from this good land, for reasons economic, if needed.
I miss Palladian and Trooper a lot.
And Sippican.
"He needs to be in the company of his dedicated group. So, I miss him here, but at the same time, I'm calling him a pussy."
I remember Trooper engaging in a protracted and strong defense of Althouse on one topic or another just before he left. Trooper wouldn't back down.
And then there were the people who had to leave because I couldn't vote for McCain....
Cheers ;)
I miss Victoria.
Here's a question for you, Trooper.
Did you ever remove that "Watership Down" post on your blog that had Althouse fucking herself using me as a dildo?
And then there were the people who had to leave because I couldn't vote for McCain....
Yeah, you and Cederford maintain that Obama was a better choice. You could have just voted for yourself.
I miss Victoria.
me too Lem.
I kinda miss the old days when it was considered impolite to tell people who you voted for.
wv: endoomm
I know. I think my relationship with Meade had its effect on some people.
Simon lost his self imposed role as protector.
Plus, your blog style and focus has changed (slightly. Bound to happen when one becomes a 'we'.
And what's up with the stuff about rhhardin fucking chickens and busting on Simon as being an ass-kissing loser?
All I've ever wanted out of Althouse was a place to hang out with a bunch of cool people.
But you've got a real nasty streak going there, pal. You know that already, of course. In fact, I think you're kind of proud of it.
I kinda miss the old days when it was considered impolite to tell people who you voted for.
...and no one would ever ask either. Still, where I work, I can't think of one person who after the last election volunteered their choice.
Most people hate listening to "inside baseball."
Or football commentors who are way technical.
That's why Al DeRogatis can't get a job.
Plus the fact that he is dead.
Hey Bissage so sorry I offended your sensiblity.
But if you don't like it don't read it.
I call it like I see it. You are certainly welcome to do the same.
But thanks for confirming that a dildo is a perfect realized characterization.
By the way Simon posts on my site all the time.
Of course he has sense of humor.
Finally when I said "Nice" I meant it. That's the kind of interaction that I like. No holds barred.
Welcome to the NFL.
And what's up with the stuff about rhhardin fucking chickens and busting on Simon as being an ass-kissing loser?
I think that sort of teasing is actually a sign of affection. Some people get that, some don't. Plus Simon still shows up at Trooper York's.
Now the get-together is bigger, still some missing.
I think Palladian, Titus and dtl ran off to Massachusetts and got gay-polygamous-married. They'll be back after the honeymoon.
@Trooper, I visited your site a few times, but left in a huff when you wouldn't include Curly from the Three Stooges among your list of all-time great fat commedians.
Nyuk, nyuk.
BTW, Trooper, is it true that you design bras for a living? I bet my job pays more but I really wouldn't mind swapping. (Dirty old man that I am.)
No we just sell bras.
I just got a call from someone who just had a sex change and needed all new clothes and bras.
Maybe Titus has resurfaced.
Nice to see you back, Trooper.
Still missing Palladian. Never saw him as mean. Sure, he said some mean things. People do.
I am not back. This is just a cameo appearance.
It's just I can never resist when John L Sullivan walks into the bar.
I am weak that way.
Alright, then. Nice cameo. LOL
I'm coming up on my fourth anniversary of commenting here at Althouse: Sept. 4 (though Althouse had posted e-mailed comments of mine previously, on Aug. 30 and Sept. 1, 2005, at which point, after reading the blog from almost its start, I gave in and got a blogger account).
A lot of people have come and gone in that time (or gone and come back under other names, known and unknown). This blog's been around a long time, relatively speaking. Change is inevitable.
Peter Hoh, if you're reading: By the way, thanks for the first nice comment anyone wrote to me on this blog (apart from Althouse herself), way back on Sept. 4, 2005. You were a sweetheart then, and you still are.
Oh, and...wonderful. Bissage?
Oh, come off it, Trooper. This may be a cameo as "Trooper," but you and I both know you're still hanging around and commenting here.
vh: hotopt
Hey every superhero is entitled to his secret identity. Or to change identities. Just think of me as Clint Barton.
But thanks for the kind words reader.
wv: cudder...the shudder you fell when you see a cow chewing the cud.
Boston Brahmin lament
(I know, wrong thread)
wv: hostsons Where are they, by the way?
(1) Professor, thank you for the kind words. Meade is a master of good-natured, mischievous subtlety and has long been one of my favorite commenters. I hope you two are happy together, forever.
Regarding Trooper, I don’t at all claim to know everything that’s going on here. But he has an overbearing, life-of-the-party personality, yet, he is very sensitive about weight issues. I think he took great offense at your characterizing fatness as generally undesirable. His hostility towards you spiked right about that period. As can be seen in this thread, Trooper has a “Love Me Entirely or Fuck You” way of looking at things. My father was like that.
(2) Beau, I don’t think Simon ever saw himself as a protector. Now, Sippican was to Althouse what Dave Schultz was to the old Philadelphia Flyers. Palladian got to be like that, too. (I got to be like that, jusy a teeny-tiny bit, back in the day with steve simels, but that was mostly a lark.)
No, I think Simon hoped to be something like Althouse’s academic protégé, which I would expect is impossible, practically speaking. This said, I marveled at his legal scholarship, even though, frankly, it’s not my thing. I wish him well. I’m sure he’s doing just fine and that’s good.
(3) Darcy, I’m not sure how to respond to your comment so please let me just say I like you.
(4) Trooper, I wish we could be internet friends but you made it clear a long, long time ago that you don’t like me. Why you did that, I really don’t know. My guess is it had something to do with your intense competitiveness and my not responding to your overtures of friendship as much as you thought I should.
Sorry, but I’m just not much of a follower. Actually, I’m not much of a leader, either. Mostly, I try to get out of the way. Sometimes, I can't even do that.
But hey, we had some good times.
See you around.
Four Strong Winds always make a vortex.
"I think that sort of teasing is actually a sign of affection. Some people get that, some don't. "
Picture a movie with a male character who is always insulting people in a vicious, mean-spirited way and who, whenever anyone rejects this treatment, says "Hey, I'm just busting your chops" and that sort of thing. What everyone in the audience would *get* is that that character is a big asshole.
Anyway, quite aside from our not getting Trooper, *Trooper* didn't get that this post gave him nice opportunity to change his relationship with this blog. He didn't take that opportunity.
"...a male character who is always insulting people in a vicious, mean-spirited way and who, whenever anyone rejects this treatment, says "Hey, I'm just busting your chops" and that sort of thing..."
I think only DTL fits that description. He insulted every single person here except for you IIRC.
wv: sodles (figures)
Chickenlittle...I am currently listening to the You Tube Brother's Four version from the 60's. It's slower and more ponderous, but it never fails to touch the melancholy in my heart. I have still have the original record, on the shelf next to the typewriter. As John indicates, both represent pieces of living memory that will soon need to be dealt with.
Community--what Bissage mentioned this morning. That's what I see forming and reforming on this blog.
I'm dissapointed and hurt that no one is angry with me.
Good bye, cruel blog world.
*shakes can of Guiness*
*holds it to the side of his head*
*pulls tab*
Anyone who wastes a perfectly good can of Guinness is a real putz. There, feel better?
Next time use a Miller Lite.
wv: sularyp - the sound I make when served a pint of Fat Tire.
I think what we need right now is for Titus to drop by and issue his customary "Namaste".
Actually this thread has been very enlightening. I must admit that the ravings of Lucky/Michael/Jeremy and DTL have numbed me to some of the more subtle undercurrents swirling around here.
To Professor Althouse.
Dear Madam,
Having seen my name recently here mention'd once or twice, I pray you, pardon the extreamly irregular Assistance of your old ghostly Correspondant, dead these 260 Years & more, at this, your Theatre of Topicks (as I call it). Many are the Obsequies & Duties of an active Ghost upon the Astral Plane who, acting out of perhaps a too extensive Notion of Civic Pride, has taken upon himself many onerous Tasks that, amongst the Living, would be the due Portion of Government to perform. Yet, there being no Parliament of the Dead that has yet been discover'd, those of us who would do other than simply await Judgement Day must shift for ourselves.
Many Ghosts desire nothing so much as a quiet Death, silently fretting over the arrival of that Day; whilst others, such as myself, who were us'd to an active Life of Business & Affairs, cannot drop their old Ways, and habitually form Committees, Boards, Councils, and the like, for the Improvement of the Ghostly Publick, and the Management of Astral Affairs; which Activity hath the additional Benefit of dissipating the Uselessness felt by so many of these said responsible & active Sorts of Spirits.
I know there are many amongst the Living who dread Meetings at their Offices & Shops, as foolish Wastes of Time; pray, consider then what an Ordeal of Tædium it must be, when, in the Course of a Ghostly Meeting, an Infinitude of Time remains in which to conclude your Business.
I tell you this, Madam, not to seek Sympathy for my present Condition, but only by way of Explanation for my Absence. I cannot forbear to mention, before I close, that additional to my busy Death, another Reason I have absented myself, is the miserable Rule set by your Landlord, which limits Correspondence to Four-Thousand-Ninety-Six Letters. I know that my Performances ought to be Short & Smart; but there are Occasions when a more extensive Essay would improve or entertain the living Publick. Such a Rule seems fitter to have been enacted by the Licensing Board of Ghostly Prints, of which I am a Member, than any rational Men of Business in this Modern Age.
Assuring you that my Absences are mostly inadvertent; and that, whilst continuing to hold you & Mr. Meade in the highest Esteem, I am,
Your most Humble & obt. Servant,
Sir Archy
If the spirit world allows polygamy, I think I'm gonna ask Sir Archy to marry me when I die.
If the spirit world allows polygamy, I think I'm gonna ask Sir Archy to marry me when I die.
Aren't most vows "til death do us part"?
wv: nongbor (someone who's not your neighbor)
FWIW, I miss Palladian. I've not been around much since last fall, mostly because I'm working constantly and have very little internet time anymore, so I don't know what sort of posts Palladian was leaving towards the end.
Trooper was spot on with his use of pop culture. I enjoy his blog. Smartass goes a long way.
Titus was pure entertainment. I miss him.
Chickelit: Ssshhhh! I never told my husband about that escape clause, so don't you go spilling the beans.
Just think of me as Clint Barton.
Dude, way to pull out the obscure reference.
To steal from Sir Archy: There are many Theatres of Topicks in the aether, and many shows in the Theatres. We should not lament that one show or even one theatre is no longer to our liking.
Bissage: My comment wasn't about disliking you. Not at all. It's just that -- well, I could be wrong, but I don't think you usually get sucked into bad-mouthing commenters.
I don't get it.
I hope you understand that people who happen to like Trooper and Palladian aren't going to think your comments so wonderful. Or accurate. That's all.
chickenlittle said...
And then there were the people who had to leave because I couldn't vote for McCain....
Yeah, you and Cederford maintain that Obama was a better choice. You could have just voted for yourself.
I agreed with Althouse's reasoning. McCain became more and more erratic and incoherent as the campaign progressed. On top of that "fitness for the Presidency" question Althouse raised, I had further doubts about McCain's health and unfit successor VP waiting in the wings (IMO) and his threatening new wars with Russia over Georgia and with Iran for Israel's benefit...not ours.
And it is one thing to take the coward's way out and lodge a protest vote for a non-entity. Or say you took the moral high ground by not voting at all - but this is basically the coward's path. You have two people you are basically choosing from - so choose.
And had McCain been elected, we know he would have done a similar stimulus, only he wouldn't have given to to unions and community organizers, but his own set of special interests.
He would have done the same as Obama regarding GITMO and cap&trade.
Gone behind closed doors with his Dear Senate Friends like Teddy, Dodd, Leahy and come up with a "bipartisan" Sumpreme nominee that the Dems agreed to.
And given us at least one new war to fight that would not benefited us in the least, have cost the equivalent to Obamacare.
On the departed, I guess I miss Trooper Yorks great timely wit the most. What the Trooper did also showed a sharp insight, often done on the fly.
Titus had his vulgar posts, his beyond vulgar posts...and his downright sweet and funny ones. Rare clumbers vs. coprophilia.
Palladian had good commentary, but towards the end, something went really off with the guy, He got nastier and nastier and more self-righteous with anyone that disagreed with him. Unlike just about any other commentor, he got sucked into a war with Jeremy...then, as Bissage said, into a loosing one with Jason(the commentor). My theory is he will be back after mellowing out - he just went somewhere with a "special" male student he picked in lieu of summer art teaching...
I am still around Althouse but I too am in love.
I love you and I have no issues with you getting married. I am sincerely happy for you although I don't think you believe it.
I have spent the past two months, every weekend, with my British Indian boyfriend who has amazing tits. It has been pure bliss. I am stunned that I could have these feelings. It feels amazing. I am really happy and very much in love.
He works as a VP at State Street Bank. Our combined income is over 500k, isnt that fabulous?
Love and Hugs fellow Althousians.
Time to head to my husbands home in the Back Bay.
By the way the rare clumbers are totally pissed and hate him.
Oh and yes, I did go to JFK Library to view Ted Kennedy. I absolutely loved him. He was very very good for the gays. Gays love him big time.
Cue outro.
Roll credits.
House lights up.
Curtain down.
Doors open.
Althouse: "because Jason had a special gift for busting his balls"
You mean Jeremy, don't you?
I think he means me! Palladian and I had philosophical differences.
"He needs to be in the company of his dedicated group. So, I miss him here, but at the same time, I'm calling him a pussy."
"Picture a movie with a male character who is always insulting people in a vicious, mean-spirited way and who, whenever anyone rejects this treatment, says "Hey, I'm just busting your chops" and that sort of thing. What everyone in the audience would *get* is that that character is a big asshole."
"Anyway, quite aside from our not getting Trooper, *Trooper* didn't get that this post gave him nice opportunity to change his relationship with this blog. He didn't take that opportunity."
How could I mess up such a gracious offer? What was I thinking?
Noblesse oblige is such a marvelous thing.
I saw that movie, but in the end it didn’t work out so well for Sir Walter Raleigh.
Oh and Bissage, I am not your father.
That was Star Wars.
Trooper, I just wanted your insight into the troubled Plaxico Burress.
Plaxico just shot himself in the leg.
Unlike other people who persist in shooting themselves in the foot.
Those guys play for the Jets.
Oh and one more thing.
Palladian is lot smarter than me.
Just sayn'
Trooper York: Palladian is lot smarter than me.
He may know more facts, but I think you have more wisdom.
Actually I had those teeth pulled this year.
I think things may work out. Good.
Bissage: Jason had a special gift for busting his balls
If you do mean me, I wasn't busting Palladian's balls. I actually felt ill reading what he was saying. I think part of it was what he was doing to himself and I agree that he needed to take a break.
Aw, I love you guys. Trooper and Titus -- and Sir Archy! -- back in the (Alt)house!
Titus, I'm very happy for you. Love is a wondrous thing.
We go where we will. I'm all for appreciating what we've got while we have it, and there's nothing wrong with a good wallow in nostalgia every now and then.
*Trooper* didn't get that this post gave him nice opportunity to change his relationship with this blog.
Of course he did. He's posting, is he not?
Althouse, haven't you ever broken up with a friend and tried resurrecting the relationship by - as a first step - accidentally knocking a book off their desk as you pass, something like that? Sometimes getting back together doesn't take the form of a heart-shaped card and the offering of a box of chocolates!
You knocked the book off his desk by calling him a pussy. He has now "accidentally" bumped you in the lunch line while muttering to himself. If this were a movie, in about forty-five more seconds I'd expect to see you guys hugging, with upbeat happy music rising in the background. [Cut to montage.]
Oh and Troop most fags don't want sex changes. Those folks are straighties.
Believe it or not I enjoy being a man and have no interest in being a woman.
But I still love you as well and think of you fondly.
My British/Indian boyfriend is really hot. He cums 3 times when we are together during a night. I can only cum once. He is 35 and I am 38. But even when I was 35 I could only cum once a night. His arms, shoulders, back and chest are amazing. Sometimes when he is on his back and I am laying on top of him I think he looks a little like Deepka Chopra.
The British accent coming from a dark skinned Indian is incredibly attractive. He is also a vegetarian. I try not to order meat or fish when we go out because for some reason I feel weird.
But he loves me very much and I love him.
The only weird thing is he likes to wear a cock ring when we do it. It is not a steal cock ring but a leather one that you need to button on his entire hog and sack.
He is uncut and it turns me on quite a bit. I love smelling the hint of sweat under his balls. It is intoxicating.
thank you.
Great thread. Inspired choice by Althouse.
Very happy to hear from Trooper. I miss Palladian, Simon and Victoria. Titus is OK, except that I'm not really interested in his bowel movements and sex life.
FWIW, I think trolling is an increasingly serious problem on this blog. It's not just the unpleasantness of the trolls' comments. (With Jeremy it's extremely unpleasant.) It's also that the trolls provoke commenters who are normally cool, witty, and laid back into being not-cool, not-witty, and not-laid-back. I wish Althouse would do something about it.
@buster Did you see these trolls in the last week or are you remembering them from longer ago?
Oh, do not ask, “What is it?”
Let us go and make our visit.
In the blog the trolls they come and go
Talking of just whom you should blow.
—from "The Love Song of J. Alfred Puppetsock"
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