This story is amazing because it seems like there is nothing to it (who cares if a state governor takes off for a few days), and then Governor Sanford and his staff managed to whip it into a frothy mess.
Seriously, what in the hell is wrong with the Governor and his staff? Why not just say he was going on vacation and leave it at that.
The boy in Brazil may have met the girl from Ipanima. Being Governor is a frustrating job and he needed time to discover himself. His wife and kids are wondering now whether they are expendable.
Fred4Pres - I think that's exactly the point. If it were just a run of the mill vacation, why would this whole thing have gotten so weird? Reason enough to think it is weird and ask what the hell!?.
If he was Joe private citizen, i wouldn't care at all.
But he is governor of the state, and he does not have the luxury of being out of touch. He is on call 24/7. no, its not quite as important as obama being ready for that 3 am call, but its important enough.
This is an odd time of year for a trip to Buenos Aires -- it's winter. High temperatures in the mid 50s - mid 60s in the past week, lows in the 40s. Positively glacial for a South Carolinian.
I agree that's it's nonsense to have to be in touch 24/7 -- even if you are a sitting Governor. The World will not stop turning if a decision cannot be made TODAY. I don't expect governors to be ON all the time.
Still, there is something distinctly odd about the story. Does it pass everyone's smell test?
This story seemed nuts at first (Laura Ingraham was trying to show that yesterday on her show) but now it does seem to have legs. Something very odd about this and it does not pass the smell test.
Would we better off if more elected officials disappeared? When we can see them or hear them , that usually means they are spending boatloads of our money.
If you have been to Columbia, SC during the summer time, you'd understand the desire to go some place cool! I drove through there this past Saturday and it was 102 and humid.
I am somewhat protective of conservatives who are often singled out and attacked by disingenous media members and pundits with an agenda, like zebras cut from the herd by the hyenas. We have seen similar hit jobs on Palin, Jindal, etc.
But this increasingly appears to be a self inflicted injury. I would recommend that Gov. Sanford deal with this immediately or it will fester.
And I agree, temperatures in the fifties would be great if you left a place over 100 degrees and humid. But you can find that a lot closer to home than Argentina.
Actually, MadisonMan, I have to say that sounds really nice to a Carolinian. Positively glacial is a very nice break from oppressively hellish.
Since it's about 100 degrees in Arkansas lately, I completely agree! 50's sounds awesome.
I'm not quite sure why this is a big deal. He was thinking about hiking and decided he'd rather go somewhere different. It's too hot to hike anyway. Maybe the weather changed.
Most states have a provision that someone else is acting governor while the actual governor is out-of-state. In California, where the Lt. Governor has often been of a different party, this has caused some problems on occasion. Wonder if SC has such a provision.
"First question: "Governor, did you call your children on Fathers' Day?""
His wife has already said "no."
My guess is that he avoided Fathers' Day as an act of selfless solidarity w/ the protesters killed in Iran. You know, because he's not an evil heartless librul like the president who ate ice cream w/ his kids on Saturday. I'm sure the brilliant right wing professional conservatives who attacked BHO for eating ice cream w/ his kids will suss out this explanation of Sanford.
Or, maybe the governor went to visit his son (Lamont) who may have moved to Buenos Aires to avoid Esther. I think I'm getting my Sanfords mixed up.
"First question: "Governor, did you call your children on Fathers' Day?"
I don't know about everyone else, but in my family it was always up to the children to call the parents on their various celebrations (Father's/Mother's day, Birthdays, Anniversary).
Of course that doesn't make the intended message any less powerful.
I don't know about everyone else, but in my family it was always up to the children to call the parents on their various celebrations (Father's/Mother's day, Birthdays, Anniversary).
I bet it would be a little tough to call your Dad too, if he had gone AWOL on his latest sex vacation.
That make no sense. You make it sound irrelevant but you celebrated it anyway? Also, I'm guessing that your not a teenager like his kids, where having Daddy around might be kind of important.
Although I must say that a sex vacation hadn't really occurred to me as a possibility until this thread (though an affair was the first thing I thought of). It's typically S.E. Asia which springs to mind as the locale for such scandals (but that might just be a result of watching too many police procedurals).
This really is one of the most bizarre political developments I've seen in a while. Although I do have to say that this has produced some good lines, my favorite one being "If he comes back with a Nazi in handcuffs all is forgiven".
Back in high school, my friend's dad, a successful attorney, used to disappear a few times a year, on weird missions. He was diagnosed as bi-polar at some point. Is Sanford possibly dealing with mental illness, or just monumentally self-centered?
Although I must say that a sex vacation hadn't really occurred to me as a possibility until this thread (though an affair was the first thing I thought of).
Argentina would be a relatively poor choice for a sex vacation. While there are many hot women, they tend to be flaky and hard to approach.
What! You guys never heard of medical tourism? My bet is on a face lift at a beach side resort. Where, alas, he could only look at the pretty girls as he stayed out of the sun.
Actually, Governor Sanford was kidnapped by aliens, who meant to put him back where they found him in Atlanta but they got lost and deposited him in Buenos Aires by mistake.
Nothing to see here, move along. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
I don't think there is anything wrong with what he did. An ex-Louisiana governor used to go on 2-week long duck hunting trips when the legislature wasn't in session.
Governors also lie to screen their plans to fly to Iraq or Afghanistan.
You make it sound irrelevant but you celebrated it anyway?
Well, yes. It's expected :) That doesn't mean I think it's necessary! What I mean is, it's not his birthday, a day with some significance. This is just a day somebody arbitrarily decided would be fathers day. There is no special significance associated with the actual day.
Also, I'm guessing that your not a teenager like his kids, where having Daddy around might be kind of important.
Cause when I was a teenager, all I wanted to do was spend quality time with my parents? Heh. Not quite.
He declined to give any additional details about what he did other than to say he was alone and that he drove along the coastline.
Trying to drive along the coast could frustrate a weekend visitor to Argentina. In Buenos Aires, the Avenida Costanera is the only coastal road, and it's less than two miles long. Reaching coastal resorts to the south requires a drive of nearly four hours on an inland highway with views of endless cattle ranches. To the north is a river delta of islands reached only by boat.
A spokesman for Argentina's immigration agency wouldn't comment Wednesday on whether Sanford entered the country, citing privacy laws.
When The State asked Sanford at the airport why his staff said he was on the Appalachian Trail, Sanford replied, "I don't know."
Sanford later said "in fairness to his staff," he had told them he might go hiking on the Appalachian Trial.
The BEST scenario that can explain why he went to a foreign country for several days after giving his staff a cover story is that he went there to hook up with a prostitute without getting caught a la Eliot Spitzer.
The far more SINISTER scenario is that (as a Governor who receives regular briefings on homeland security and other matters) he met with foreign intelligence agents from a country we don't otherwise share that kind of information from.
I hope this possibility is being investigated thoroughly, because right now I'm not the only person wondering if he might be the Manchurian candidate.
Sorry, but I still question the 'affair' story, it's still a cover.
All kinds of politicians have affairs, and they have them in the United States.
Yeah, he might have figured he could dodge the coverage in Argentina but I still think he should provide the name and address of the person he alleges the affair with, because otherwise I think you still have to consider the Manchurian candidate scenario.
For that matter how do we know the woman who he met in Argentina for sex wasn't a Chinese, Russian, Iranian or al-Qaeda agent who was pumping him for homeland security information. Maybe he wasn't the only one doing the pumping.
As a South Carolina Republican, I can tell you that even before this little event, Sanford had absolutely no chance of getting a Presidential nomination. He is a flake and hasn't achieved much as governor. He's on the "lists" because he keeps putting himself there. Now he's on a different list.
Part of the reason Sanford has accomplished so little is the idiot legislature--also Republican. They hate him even more than they would hate a democrat, because he tries to take away their power. The legislature has lots of power and generally uses it foolishly.
He's managed to make the South Carolina legislature look good by comparison. Now that's an accomplishment.
@David, I see that South Carolina hasn't changed much from the way it was characterized in the 1850's. Too small to be a country and too large to be an insane asylum.
BUT it does, Ann! - Sheesh, people in the U.S. just do NOT know geography! ;-) It is odd...this trek he took, 'specially the staff response, and his wife.
No story here except the "Republican" attached to this horny Governor's name. Now if Sarah Palin and her daughters cannot all prove where they were by independent records during all 4 of those days, then the story can be pushed on Sullivan's blog as an unproven denial.
No story here except the "Republican" attached to this horny Governor's name.
And the whining begins.. It was so much more amusing when it was John Edwards standing there looking like a dope. But I don't blame Sanford for this, it was obviuosly the fault of TEH GAys.
the fact is the MSM didn't cover the edwards story significantly for a long time.
of course the sanford story was an eyebrow raiser in the first place and you see my condemnation further up the thread before the affair came out. The mistake isn't covering Sanford and Sons, but not covering the Edwards story.
So on one hand, yes, this is a story in refutation of traditional, but no, the media is not being fair.
June 24, 2009 Argentina, Again: Bill Clinton Pays $1000 For a Private Session With Argentine Stripper/Pop Star?!?! What the hell. Mark Sanford and Bill Clinton, both getting into sexual mayhem in Argentina.
Note to self: Look into Argentina Adventure Trips.
Bill's Wild Night in Argentina, with NSFW vid of the sex-bomb he took such a shine to.
NSFW pictures of her stripping.
Note: Only the Washington Times and other right-leaning outfits a few outlets are mentioning this at all.
Compare and contrast to the Mark Sanford situation.
Correction: The WaPo ran the report, not the Washington times. The point stands: Where suspicious circumstances existed with regard to a Republican, the press pushed it until they smoked him out. That's actually proper.
Hey guys, conservatives do not defend fools like Sanford when they are Republicans. Now if she was on his payroll too, then we will have a routine Democrat Politician story from a dumb as rocks Republican. It may take a married woman like Palin to be strong enough to keep her zipper up.
the fact is the MSM didn't cover the edwards story significantly for a long time.
That's about as relevant as saying that the MSM didn't cover the Sanford story significantly for a long time. The MSM didn't have any good evidence that Edwards had an affair just like with Sanford before his disappearance, and he had done nothing to arouse seriuos suspicion. I'm sorry but the National Enquirer is not a source to be trusted by D,R or any other affiliation unless you want the Washington Post chasing Alien space crafts in Iowa and sightings of Elvis every other week. They get lucky once in a blue moon, but to act as though there was some smoking gun is revisionist history. When the details came out, Edwards was toast just as Sanford was.
Big Mike--"Too large to be an insane asylum." That's good.
Aaron said... nkvd
Its never about the sex, but about the ego boost. if it was just the sex, he could have, um, flown solo if you know what i mean.
To bad you never learned that sex with a woman can be better than whacking off, Aaron.
BTW, I do not see any Republicans making excuses for Sanford. I'm sure not.
I will give him one thing though. He did not haul his wife up to the podium when he made his confession. (This may better be credited to Mrs. Sanford's refusing to go.)
Affairs are commonplace. Stupidity like Sanford has just shown is rare.
The idea that Sanford flew to Argentina after telling everyone he was going hiking just to bonk some chick doesn't make any sense. Why not just buy your girlfriend a plane ticket and put her up in a hotel in South Carolina? There have to be better ways for a politician to get laid than just leaving unannounced like that.
Maybe he's mentally ill or something...the whole thing is just bizarre.
I will give him one thing though. He did not haul his wife up to the podium when he made his confession. (This may better be credited to Mrs. Sanford's refusing to go.)
True. And the last two to refuse to go (or maybe not be asked to serve as window dressing) were Democratic wives, Hillary Clinton was conspicuously not on stage when Bill confessed, and Elizabeth Edwards (who apparently John didn't even ask her to stand there.)
Invisable man... "Like adults suddenly released from adult supervision..." applies to public figures who think no one is watching. Let's just hope he didn't steal another man's wife like that Republican in Nevada. I have no sympathy for powerful men stealing other's mens wives. Switzer in NY only hurt himself and his family. But pulling a David and Bathsheba is much more serious to God and to men.
The idea that Sanford flew to Argentina after telling everyone he was going hiking just to bonk some chick doesn't make any sense.
See what I said at 1:46. Unknown and alone in a foreign capital, I wonder if this is a cover for a rendevous with a foreign intelligence agent. Affairs are so commonplace in politics today that it would be an ideal 'cover story' to throw the press off and make them think they got 'the goods' when you were really up to something much worse. And Governors get regular intelligence briefings on Homeland Security and other matters that foreign governments and agents would put a lot of value on. Better check his bank account.
Aaron said... If he was Joe private citizen, i wouldn't care at all.
But he is governor of the state, and he does not have the luxury of being out of touch. He is on call 24/7. no, its not quite as important as obama being ready for that 3 am call, but its important enough.
Plenty of Govs travel overseas on junkets. Our state had a mini-crisis handled by the Gov's staff while he was out drumming up export biz with machinery made in State in Europe, talking to Germans about relocating factories to the USA, and doing the obligatory visit to Israel and "the Troops" to please the AIPAC and militarist factions in State.
No biggy.
Everyone knew the guy was gone, and was doing hopefully useful state's business..Except for the usual fools who think a Gov should be anchored next to what they think is the State's version of The Red Phone, and complained.
Sanford's problem, initially, was he couldn't give his wife or staff a plausible ininerary. Leaving them in the dark when some matter came up and he couldn't be located..Then he and apparantly well-meaning staff trying to protect the boss..made his mess bigger by lying about it.
In hindsight, it would have been a lot smarter to just have her come up to the States, say he was just driving out of State to visit "the hero troops" over in Georgia or at Norfolk Naval Base...and bang his cootchy-cootchy gal silly in some discrete 5-Star resort..
Argentina for a secret lover's getaway???
Bigtime screw-up.
PS - America needs to grow up about affairs being as bad politically and as morally objectionable as 10K in bribery cash stuck in a freezer. Or being the paid whore of Wall Street interests (here's looking at you, Barney Frank, Trent Lott, and Chris Dodd!) Hint - The Victorian Age ended in Europe 100 years ago.
See what I said at 1:46. Unknown and alone in a foreign capital, I wonder if this is a cover for a rendevous with a foreign intelligence agent.
What kind of information would a foreign intelligence agent want from the governor of South Carolina?
Even if an intelligence service were interested in Sanford, they would certainly make sure any meetings were handled discreetly. Doing this stuff without others noticing is their job, they wouldn't want the whole world to notice that their man's gone AWOL.
I'm still skeptical of the affair explanation, but I can't offer any plausible alternative. Very strange.
Mark Sanford is a complete asshat and should resign, not for moral reasons, but because he's just demonstrated that he has no brains.
Among other things, it's much less tiring and much cheaper to cry in South Carolina than in Argentina.
(Had he said that he flew to Argentina to visit his absolute babe of a mistress and they had sex like rabbits for five straight day until even Viagra didn't work, he'd still be an asshole, but at least he wouldn't be a pathetic asshole, which is far worse. At least he didn't trot his wife out, or at least she had the dignity to tell him to fuck himself.)
Okay, getting serious for a moment, every Republican male politician needs to understand that he's got a target painted on himself when it comes to extramarital affairs. If you can't stand being monogamous, then either don't run or file for office as a Democrat. Not that you can't get caught out if you're a Democrat (Edwards and that idiot from New York for instance), but the press doesn't like doing it and will shrink from the task if you give them any sort of BS story.
A Governor making Presidential material moves is under 24/7 scrutiny. A cover story is their first line of defense, when they arrange to meet their favorite whore. Why do you think politicians are continuously traveling to events/speeches and staying in hotels? Sandford is having a crisis of confidence in himself. He needs to leave public life, and go decide whether he is valuable to anyone other than whores. In fact that is the first question every successful man needs to answer in his life.
Hey guys, conservatives do not defend fools like Sanford when they are Republicans.
Invisible Man has pointed out Vitter, and yes, that sterling example of family values is about to be re-elected by the morons in our district.
He's never explained where the money came from for his very, very expensive visits to the upscale prostitutes he favored. This all happened as he and his wife built a new McMansion in Old Metairie, a costly suburb of New Orleans, and as he ran for office. He can't have been making extra money. Did he take campaign funds and spend them on hookers? We'll never know because the FBI investigation in the Canal Street Madame never paid much attention to the johns. And please, never forget, that investigation was going full-steam right after 9/11. I can think of better uses for federal agents in the third largest port in America. Priorities!
And just last week Republicans were defending Ensign.
Big Mike,
No, it's not that Democrats can't get caught or that Republicans are more thoroughly followed, it's that Republicans are more likely to have made a career thumping the family values pulpit.
The hypocrisy angle is what makes these stories pop (not just politicians, think Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker and Ted Haggard.) People love to see the stones come back and break the glass houses.
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This story is amazing because it seems like there is nothing to it (who cares if a state governor takes off for a few days), and then Governor Sanford and his staff managed to whip it into a frothy mess.
Seriously, what in the hell is wrong with the Governor and his staff? Why not just say he was going on vacation and leave it at that.
The boy in Brazil may have met the girl from Ipanima. Being Governor is a frustrating job and he needed time to discover himself. His wife and kids are wondering now whether they are expendable.
There are only four reasons to go to Argentina: Beautiful women, steaks, trout fishing and tango. Which was it Governor?
Fred4Pres - I think that's exactly the point. If it were just a run of the mill vacation, why would this whole thing have gotten so weird? Reason enough to think it is weird and ask what the hell!?.
Kind of flaky behavior (not what he did or didn't do, but that no one apparently knew)for a governor and someone on the list for 2012.
If he was Joe private citizen, i wouldn't care at all.
But he is governor of the state, and he does not have the luxury of being out of touch. He is on call 24/7. no, its not quite as important as obama being ready for that 3 am call, but its important enough.
This is an odd time of year for a trip to Buenos Aires -- it's winter. High temperatures in the mid 50s - mid 60s in the past week, lows in the 40s. Positively glacial for a South Carolinian.
I agree that's it's nonsense to have to be in touch 24/7 -- even if you are a sitting Governor. The World will not stop turning if a decision cannot be made TODAY. I don't expect governors to be ON all the time.
Still, there is something distinctly odd about the story. Does it pass everyone's smell test?
Heh. I agree with Fred4Pres about not having to be on call all the time. I disagree with Aaron.
There's something about mentioning "disappeared" and Argentina in the same sentence that is so unsettling.
This story seemed nuts at first (Laura Ingraham was trying to show that yesterday on her show) but now it does seem to have legs. Something very odd about this and it does not pass the smell test.
He is just another idiot politician. How long before this clueless nut case is president?
Actually, MadisonMan, I have to say that sounds really nice to a Carolinian. Positively glacial is a very nice break from oppressively hellish.
Still think it's weird and he has some splainin to do.
Would we better off if more elected officials disappeared? When we can see them or hear them , that usually means they are spending boatloads of our money.
If you have been to Columbia, SC during the summer time, you'd understand the desire to go some place cool! I drove through there this past Saturday and it was 102 and humid.
I can't believe anyone missed this guy. Or elected him to anything.
I guess he still rates out higher in my book than John Edwards though.
I am somewhat protective of conservatives who are often singled out and attacked by disingenous media members and pundits with an agenda, like zebras cut from the herd by the hyenas. We have seen similar hit jobs on Palin, Jindal, etc.
But this increasingly appears to be a self inflicted injury. I would recommend that Gov. Sanford deal with this immediately or it will fester.
And I agree, temperatures in the fifties would be great if you left a place over 100 degrees and humid. But you can find that a lot closer to home than Argentina.
Beautiful women, steaks, trout fishing and tango.
I can't imagine how this is going to turn out well for Sanford.
Journalists will be pouring over records and interviewing individuals both here and in BA to determine what was going on.
Even if they don't find a girlfriend or a hooker, at best Sanford is going to look like an selfish idiot.
First question: "Governor, did you call your children on Fathers' Day?"
Sanford is really a secret agent and there was important business to attend to. Nuff said!
Actually, MadisonMan, I have to say that sounds really nice to a Carolinian. Positively glacial is a very nice break from oppressively hellish.
Since it's about 100 degrees in Arkansas lately, I completely agree! 50's sounds awesome.
I'm not quite sure why this is a big deal. He was thinking about hiking and decided he'd rather go somewhere different. It's too hot to hike anyway. Maybe the weather changed.
Most states have a provision that someone else is acting governor while the actual governor is out-of-state. In California, where the Lt. Governor has often been of a different party, this has caused some problems on occasion. Wonder if SC has such a provision.
I'm getting a gay vibe. He went down there to do something gay. Or, rehab.
"First question: "Governor, did you call your children on Fathers' Day?""
His wife has already said "no."
My guess is that he avoided Fathers' Day as an act of selfless solidarity w/ the protesters killed in Iran. You know, because he's not an evil heartless librul like the president who ate ice cream w/ his kids on Saturday. I'm sure the brilliant right wing professional conservatives who attacked BHO for eating ice cream w/ his kids will suss out this explanation of Sanford.
Or, maybe the governor went to visit his son (Lamont) who may have moved to Buenos Aires to avoid Esther. I think I'm getting my Sanfords mixed up.
"First question: "Governor, did you call your children on Fathers' Day?"
I don't know about everyone else, but in my family it was always up to the children to call the parents on their various celebrations (Father's/Mother's day, Birthdays, Anniversary).
Of course that doesn't make the intended message any less powerful.
Or, maybe the governor went to visit his son (Lamont) who may have moved to Buenos Aires to avoid Esther. I think I'm getting my Sanfords mixed up.
I think your on to something. A little Red Ripple and some beautiful Argentinian women/men/other has to be a great way to unwind.
I don't know about everyone else, but in my family it was always up to the children to call the parents on their various celebrations (Father's/Mother's day, Birthdays, Anniversary).
I bet it would be a little tough to call your Dad too, if he had gone AWOL on his latest sex vacation.
He needed peace and quiet to plan the GOP comeback.
Father's Day is a made up holiday anyway. We did ours on Saturday and I don't think I called my dad on Sunday.
That make no sense. You make it sound irrelevant but you celebrated it anyway? Also, I'm guessing that your not a teenager like his kids, where having Daddy around might be kind of important.
That's very true.
Although I must say that a sex vacation hadn't really occurred to me as a possibility until this thread (though an affair was the first thing I thought of). It's typically S.E. Asia which springs to mind as the locale for such scandals (but that might just be a result of watching too many police procedurals).
This really is one of the most bizarre political developments I've seen in a while. Although I do have to say that this has produced some good lines, my favorite one being "If he comes back with a Nazi in handcuffs all is forgiven".
Back in high school, my friend's dad, a successful attorney, used to disappear a few times a year, on weird missions. He was diagnosed as bi-polar at some point. Is Sanford possibly dealing with mental illness, or just monumentally self-centered?
Although I must say that a sex vacation hadn't really occurred to me as a possibility until this thread (though an affair was the first thing I thought of).
Argentina would be a relatively poor choice for a sex vacation. While there are many hot women, they tend to be flaky and hard to approach.
Your look at the wrong sex.
What! You guys never heard of medical tourism? My bet is on a face lift at a beach side resort. Where, alas, he could only look at the pretty girls as he stayed out of the sun.
Opposition gearing up 2010 campaign smears?
Maybe we'd be better off if more politicians just took a lot of time off and disappeared.
Father's Day was June 14th in South America. Seriously.
Actually, Governor Sanford was kidnapped by aliens, who meant to put him back where they found him in Atlanta but they got lost and deposited him in Buenos Aires by mistake.
Nothing to see here, move along. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
I don't think there is anything wrong with what he did. An ex-Louisiana governor used to go on 2-week long duck hunting trips when the legislature wasn't in session.
Governors also lie to screen their plans to fly to Iraq or Afghanistan.
Not that big a deal, unless it was a sex trip.
You make it sound irrelevant but you celebrated it anyway?
Well, yes. It's expected :) That doesn't mean I think it's necessary! What I mean is, it's not his birthday, a day with some significance. This is just a day somebody arbitrarily decided would be fathers day. There is no special significance associated with the actual day.
Also, I'm guessing that your not a teenager like his kids, where having Daddy around might be kind of important.
Cause when I was a teenager, all I wanted to do was spend quality time with my parents? Heh. Not quite.
Turns out there was something to it.
Sanford did not go to Argentina for the steaks.
I wish the legislature would take even a longer 'vacation'.
No man's liberty or property is safe when they're in session.
For Governor Sanford.
well the guy just admitted he was having an affair down there in argentina.
Which raises even more questions. as in how long has this been going on? how did he end up knowing anyone in argentina to have an affair with?
He also made a comment that makes one wonder how much of Buenos Aires he really saw, and why he would lie about what he did when he was there.
He declined to give any additional details about what he did other than to say he was alone and that he drove along the coastline.
Trying to drive along the coast could frustrate a weekend visitor to Argentina. In Buenos Aires, the Avenida Costanera is the only coastal road, and it's less than two miles long. Reaching coastal resorts to the south requires a drive of nearly four hours on an inland highway with views of endless cattle ranches. To the north is a river delta of islands reached only by boat.
A spokesman for Argentina's immigration agency wouldn't comment Wednesday on whether Sanford entered the country, citing privacy laws.
When The State asked Sanford at the airport why his staff said he was on the Appalachian Trail, Sanford replied, "I don't know."
Sanford later said "in fairness to his staff," he had told them he might go hiking on the Appalachian Trial.
The BEST scenario that can explain why he went to a foreign country for several days after giving his staff a cover story is that he went there to hook up with a prostitute without getting caught a la Eliot Spitzer.
The far more SINISTER scenario is that (as a Governor who receives regular briefings on homeland security and other matters) he met with foreign intelligence agents from a country we don't otherwise share that kind of information from.
I hope this possibility is being investigated thoroughly, because right now I'm not the only person wondering if he might be the Manchurian candidate.
Sorry, but I still question the 'affair' story, it's still a cover.
All kinds of politicians have affairs, and they have them in the United States.
Yeah, he might have figured he could dodge the coverage in Argentina but I still think he should provide the name and address of the person he alleges the affair with, because otherwise I think you still have to consider the Manchurian candidate scenario.
There's no jet lag commuting to Argentina.
For that matter how do we know the woman who he met in Argentina for sex wasn't a Chinese, Russian, Iranian or al-Qaeda agent who was pumping him for homeland security information. Maybe he wasn't the only one doing the pumping.
Sanford shrewdly made it about his personal failing but avoided his official and professional failing. Still toast.
As a South Carolina Republican, I can tell you that even before this little event, Sanford had absolutely no chance of getting a Presidential nomination. He is a flake and hasn't achieved much as governor. He's on the "lists" because he keeps putting himself there. Now he's on a different list.
Part of the reason Sanford has accomplished so little is the idiot legislature--also Republican. They hate him even more than they would hate a democrat, because he tries to take away their power. The legislature has lots of power and generally uses it foolishly.
He's managed to make the South Carolina legislature look good by comparison. Now that's an accomplishment.
well if it was the policy of other countries to use sex to get intelligence, then i guess clinton gave away the store.
seriously that is more than a little paranoid.
@David, I see that South Carolina hasn't changed much from the way it was characterized in the 1850's. Too small to be a country and too large to be an insane asylum.
I feel bad for the Sanford family, but as for the Gov, a little less philosophy is in order. Many non-Biblical questions remain.
Sanford Fans Today
BUT it does, Ann! - Sheesh, people in the U.S. just do NOT know geography! ;-) It is odd...this trek he took, 'specially the staff response, and his wife.
No story here except the "Republican" attached to this horny Governor's name. Now if Sarah Palin and her daughters cannot all prove where they were by independent records during all 4 of those days, then the story can be pushed on Sullivan's blog as an unproven denial.
No story here except the "Republican" attached to this horny Governor's name.
And the whining begins.. It was so much more amusing when it was John Edwards standing there looking like a dope. But I don't blame Sanford for this, it was obviuosly the fault of TEH GAys.
Turns out there was something to it.
Huh. Maybe. I didn't realize he went without his wife. What a strange story.
the fact is the MSM didn't cover the edwards story significantly for a long time.
of course the sanford story was an eyebrow raiser in the first place and you see my condemnation further up the thread before the affair came out. The mistake isn't covering Sanford and Sons, but not covering the Edwards story.
So on one hand, yes, this is a story in refutation of traditional, but no, the media is not being fair.
More Media Hypocrisy:
June 24, 2009
Argentina, Again: Bill Clinton Pays $1000 For a Private Session With Argentine Stripper/Pop Star?!?!
What the hell. Mark Sanford and Bill Clinton, both getting into sexual mayhem in Argentina.
Note to self: Look into Argentina Adventure Trips.
Bill's Wild Night in Argentina, with NSFW vid of the sex-bomb he took such a shine to.
NSFW pictures of her stripping.
Note: Only the Washington Times and other right-leaning outfits a few outlets are mentioning this at all.
Compare and contrast to the Mark Sanford situation.
Correction: The WaPo ran the report, not the Washington times. The point stands: Where suspicious circumstances existed with regard to a Republican, the press pushed it until they smoked him out. That's actually proper.
But with Bill Clinton? Crickets.
posted by Ace at 01:43 PM
The man needed to get away. Who cares what shape his break finally took?
"No story here except the "Republican" attached to this horny Governor's name."
Not everybody's attaching it.
Sanford is admitting to an affair - what a dolt!
Hey guys, conservatives do not defend fools like Sanford when they are Republicans. Now if she was on his payroll too, then we will have a routine Democrat Politician story from a dumb as rocks Republican. It may take a married woman like Palin to be strong enough to keep her zipper up.
Couldn't find any local cooze, eh?
Hope that was worth it, has-been.
Its never about the sex, but about the ego boost. if it was just the sex, he could have, um, flown solo if you know what i mean.
the fact is the MSM didn't cover the edwards story significantly for a long time.
That's about as relevant as saying that the MSM didn't cover the Sanford story significantly for a long time. The MSM didn't have any good evidence that Edwards had an affair just like with Sanford before his disappearance, and he had done nothing to arouse seriuos suspicion. I'm sorry but the National Enquirer is not a source to be trusted by D,R or any other affiliation unless you want the Washington Post chasing Alien space crafts in Iowa and sightings of Elvis every other week. They get lucky once in a blue moon, but to act as though there was some smoking gun is revisionist history. When the details came out, Edwards was toast just as Sanford was.
Hey guys, conservatives do not defend fools like Sanford when they are Republicans.
One Mr. David Vitter is glad that you don't know what your talking about.
It's always wise for a married man to keep his affairs as far away as possible. Many politicians are prone to such foolish behavior.
Fortunately there are many good men and women who actually have high standards and live up to them.
As for Governor Palin mentioned above it appears that she listens to her very powerful mentor.
Big Mike--"Too large to be an insane asylum." That's good.
Aaron said...
Its never about the sex, but about the ego boost. if it was just the sex, he could have, um, flown solo if you know what i mean.
To bad you never learned that sex with a woman can be better than whacking off, Aaron.
BTW, I do not see any Republicans making excuses for Sanford. I'm sure not.
I will give him one thing though. He did not haul his wife up to the podium when he made his confession. (This may better be credited to Mrs. Sanford's refusing to go.)
Affairs are commonplace. Stupidity like Sanford has just shown is rare.
Nor did he say he was a "heterosexual American".
He needs to switch parties. And teams - Barney Frank is faring ok.
The idea that Sanford flew to Argentina after telling everyone he was going hiking just to bonk some chick doesn't make any sense. Why not just buy your girlfriend a plane ticket and put her up in a hotel in South Carolina? There have to be better ways for a politician to get laid than just leaving unannounced like that.
Maybe he's mentally ill or something...the whole thing is just bizarre.
I will give him one thing though. He did not haul his wife up to the podium when he made his confession. (This may better be credited to Mrs. Sanford's refusing to go.)
True. And the last two to refuse to go (or maybe not be asked to serve as window dressing) were Democratic wives, Hillary Clinton was conspicuously not on stage when Bill confessed, and Elizabeth Edwards (who apparently John didn't even ask her to stand there.)
Invisable man... "Like adults suddenly released from adult supervision..." applies to public figures who think no one is watching. Let's just hope he didn't steal another man's wife like that Republican in Nevada. I have no sympathy for powerful men stealing other's mens wives. Switzer in NY only hurt himself and his family. But pulling a David and Bathsheba is much more serious to God and to men.
The idea that Sanford flew to Argentina after telling everyone he was going hiking just to bonk some chick doesn't make any sense.
See what I said at 1:46. Unknown and alone in a foreign capital, I wonder if this is a cover for a rendevous with a foreign intelligence agent. Affairs are so commonplace in politics today that it would be an ideal 'cover story' to throw the press off and make them think they got 'the goods' when you were really up to something much worse. And Governors get regular intelligence briefings on Homeland Security and other matters that foreign governments and agents would put a lot of value on. Better check his bank account.
Have some compassion - marriage is very hard on a man.
Aaron said...
If he was Joe private citizen, i wouldn't care at all.
But he is governor of the state, and he does not have the luxury of being out of touch. He is on call 24/7. no, its not quite as important as obama being ready for that 3 am call, but its important enough.
Plenty of Govs travel overseas on junkets. Our state had a mini-crisis handled by the Gov's staff while he was out drumming up export biz with machinery made in State in Europe, talking to Germans about relocating factories to the USA, and doing the obligatory visit to Israel and "the Troops" to please the AIPAC and militarist factions in State.
No biggy.
Everyone knew the guy was gone, and was doing hopefully useful state's business..Except for the usual fools who think a Gov should be anchored next to what they think is the State's version of The Red Phone, and complained.
Sanford's problem, initially, was he couldn't give his wife or staff a plausible ininerary. Leaving them in the dark when some matter came up and he couldn't be located..Then he and apparantly well-meaning staff trying to protect the boss..made his mess bigger by lying about it.
In hindsight, it would have been a lot smarter to just have her come up to the States, say he was just driving out of State to visit "the hero troops" over in Georgia or at Norfolk Naval Base...and bang his cootchy-cootchy gal silly in some discrete 5-Star resort..
Argentina for a secret lover's getaway???
Bigtime screw-up.
PS - America needs to grow up about affairs being as bad politically and as morally objectionable as 10K in bribery cash stuck in a freezer. Or being the paid whore of Wall Street interests (here's looking at you, Barney Frank, Trent Lott, and Chris Dodd!)
Hint - The Victorian Age ended in Europe 100 years ago.
See what I said at 1:46. Unknown and alone in a foreign capital, I wonder if this is a cover for a rendevous with a foreign intelligence agent.
What kind of information would a foreign intelligence agent want from the governor of South Carolina?
Even if an intelligence service were interested in Sanford, they would certainly make sure any meetings were handled discreetly. Doing this stuff without others noticing is their job, they wouldn't want the whole world to notice that their man's gone AWOL.
I'm still skeptical of the affair explanation, but I can't offer any plausible alternative. Very strange.
Mark Sanford is a complete asshat and should resign, not for moral reasons, but because he's just demonstrated that he has no brains.
Among other things, it's much less tiring and much cheaper to cry in South Carolina than in Argentina.
(Had he said that he flew to Argentina to visit his absolute babe of a mistress and they had sex like rabbits for five straight day until even Viagra didn't work, he'd still be an asshole, but at least he wouldn't be a pathetic asshole, which is far worse. At least he didn't trot his wife out, or at least she had the dignity to tell him to fuck himself.)
Okay, getting serious for a moment, every Republican male politician needs to understand that he's got a target painted on himself when it comes to extramarital affairs. If you can't stand being monogamous, then either don't run or file for office as a Democrat. Not that you can't get caught out if you're a Democrat (Edwards and that idiot from New York for instance), but the press doesn't like doing it and will shrink from the task if you give them any sort of BS story.
A Governor making Presidential material moves is under 24/7 scrutiny. A cover story is their first line of defense, when they arrange to meet their favorite whore. Why do you think politicians are continuously traveling to events/speeches and staying in hotels? Sandford is having a crisis of confidence in himself. He needs to leave public life, and go decide whether he is valuable to anyone other than whores. In fact that is the first question every successful man needs to answer in his life.
Hey guys, conservatives do not defend fools like Sanford when they are Republicans.
Invisible Man has pointed out Vitter, and yes, that sterling example of family values is about to be re-elected by the morons in our district.
He's never explained where the money came from for his very, very expensive visits to the upscale prostitutes he favored. This all happened as he and his wife built a new McMansion in Old Metairie, a costly suburb of New Orleans, and as he ran for office. He can't have been making extra money. Did he take campaign funds and spend them on hookers? We'll never know because the FBI investigation in the Canal Street Madame never paid much attention to the johns. And please, never forget, that investigation was going full-steam right after 9/11. I can think of better uses for federal agents in the third largest port in America. Priorities!
And just last week Republicans were defending Ensign.
Big Mike,
No, it's not that Democrats can't get caught or that Republicans are more thoroughly followed, it's that Republicans are more likely to have made a career thumping the family values pulpit.
The hypocrisy angle is what makes these stories pop (not just politicians, think Jimmy Swaggart and Jim Bakker and Ted Haggard.) People love to see the stones come back and break the glass houses.
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