१ एप्रिल, २००९

"NASA decided to hold an election to name its new room at the International Space Station and the clear winner is Stephen Colbert."

"NASA decided to hold an election to name its new room at the International Space Station and the clear winner is Stephen Colbert. The people have spoken, and Stephen Colbert won it fair and square -- even if his campaign was a bit over the top."

८ टिप्पण्या:

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

Lameness is a great tag for thsi. Colbert, NASA, and Fatah are lame. What next, the Richard Pryor bedroom in the White House? The George Carlin Memorial on the Mall? Maybe a Statue of Comedy in NY Harbor?

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

We supposedly have the smartest and the brightest at NASA and they couldn’t have foreseen this?

Then again, the have astronauts installing stuff backwards and loosing their tools in outer space.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Is the new room a bathroom?

Palladian म्हणाले...

Happy April 1st!

Mr. Forward म्हणाले...

Perfect name for a small over-priced weightless space surrounded by a vacuum.

Molly म्हणाले...

Because naming it after a comedian is so much worse than naming it after a movie based on a science fiction show.

Sofa King म्हणाले...

Because naming it after a comedian is so much worse than naming it after a movie based on a science fiction show.

At least the science fiction show had something to do with, you know, space.

Anyways, I'm not so sure Serenity was chosen just because of Firefly. Existing modules are "Harmony," "Unity," and "Destiny." "Serenity" seems to be fit in that pattern.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

This has been going on for a long time. Followers of a cult figure like Sun Yung Moon or Lyndon Larouche or Ron Paul flood the ballots and seek to have a bridge somewhere named for Rev Moon. Or have Ron Paul declared the "Greatest Texan of the 20th Century". Many similar idiocies.

Or the new followers of celebrities like Colbert.

It's wrong. It is an abuse of power or fame to "fix" a contest. Right now, Colbert claims it is just a joke, but the effect is the same as if a vainglorious Hollywood Star came in and was serious about leveraging their celebrity into "cooking the votes" for their favorite Idol, or getting their own postage stamp issued.