३१ मार्च, २००९

Yay! A baby!

Congratulations to Freeman Hunt — a longtime and highly valued commenter here — who just had a baby and is tweeting about it a lot and posting pictures: 1, 2.

५७ टिप्पण्या:

Henry म्हणाले...

Beautiful baby! Congratulations and best wishes.

(Now that's the way to get a tag!)

Ernesto Ariel Suárez म्हणाले...


Bob From Ohio म्हणाले...

I'm all in favor of the right of straight blog commentators to give birth. It's a civil right. And more than gay men are currently allowed.

AllenS म्हणाले...

Congratulations, Freeman!

AlgonquinS म्हणाले...

Congratulations, Freeman! Hello, little baby!

Jennifer म्हणाले...

Engagements and babies and tweeting, oh my! Congratulations! So many happy events around here these days. :)

अनामित म्हणाले...

Bob from Ohio forgot to ask who really gave birth to the kid.

Wince म्हणाले...


Please, for his sake, do not name him any of the following names:

Twitt. Tweet. Blog. Tag (unless you're naming him after Mitt Romney's son). Or any variant thereof.

If only gay men, too, were "allowed" to give birth!

kjbe म्हणाले...


traditionalguy म्हणाले...

A joyous day for your family and friends. Congratulations for all that hard labor.

Chip Ahoy म्हणाले...


* dances wildly *

* composes self *


MayBee म्हणाले...

Good job, Freeman Hunt.

Hopefully you'll get that baby up and learning to ride dinosaurs real soon.

Bissage म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
William म्हणाले...

As a general rule, I think newborn infants are highly overrated, particularly by their mothers. To me, they look larval and undifferentiated. That said, it must be observed that your newbie looks very sweet and appealing.

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

Congrats Freeman!

Hoosier Daddy म्हणाले...

See garage? Just get pregnant and you'll finally get a tag too!

Darcy म्हणाले...

Aren't they all gorgeous?? Holy moley.

Congrats again, Freeman!

Shanna म्हणाले...

Massive Congratulations from your fellow Arkansan!

Babies are so much fun. My little nephew has gotten to the crawling/almost walking stage and is kind of talking (well, he says dada and choochoo and makes a lot of word like noises). And the giggling!

Can’t see the pictures but I’m sure yours is adorable.

Melissa म्हणाले...

Aww! Mini-FH is just adorable! Congratulations!

ron st.amant म्हणाले...


MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Andrew Sullivan wants to know if you really gave birth to the kid.


yashu म्हणाले...

Yay, congratulations! (And welcome, new little person, to the world.)

Bob From Ohio म्हणाले...

"Bob from Ohio forgot to ask who really gave birth to the kid."

It was Sarah Palin of course. Why bother to state the obvious.

Unknown म्हणाले...

The first thing I saw in that picture of all three of them was... The fireplace door clip ;) Good job, that! And congratulations!

Joe म्हणाले...

What a hideously ugly baby.

(This is to create a break in the knee jerk baby responses. :-)

Joan म्हणाले...


A friend of mine once described the pose that all newborns have in those "first day" photos -- they look like tiny prize fighters, ready to give it a go. Completely adorable.

Unsolicited advice you have probably already figured out: when the baby cries at the same time that his big brother needs you for a second, big brother will remember if you put him off, but the baby will be fine if he has to wait a minute or two, so see to the big boy first. I had my kids close together and it made for a chaotic atmosphere the first few years, but we're very happy that we did it that way. I wish you as much joy in your family as we have in ours (lots and lots).

Bissage म्हणाले...

Ms. Hunt: Superb!

Young Master Ethan: oochie woochie coochie coo

अनामित म्हणाले...

Congratulations, Freeman! You've got a beautiful family there.

It surely is springtime at Althouse, isn't it?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Congratulations, Freeman! Welcome to the world, new little Man!

Make sure to keep this blog post for his baby book. It will be fun, when he is older, trying to explain the then-dated material (Sullivan jokes and such).

Trooper York म्हणाले...

That baby is sure to grow up to be a good conservative.

Just as sure as the turnin' of the earth.

Laura(southernxyl) म्हणाले...

Big Brother has a look of wariness, like he is entering uncharted territory. Yes, your life has changed forever.

former law student म्हणाले...


I noticed the same thing about big brother as Laura -- he's beginning to realize his life is profoundly changed.

And the portrait pic does look like the baby should be one of the lesser Lamas, if not the Dalai Lama.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi म्हणाले...

Congrats Freeman!

dbp म्हणाले...

Congratulations Freeman! You have a beautiful family.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Very cute. :)

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Congratulations Freeman.

BJM म्हणाले...

Congratulations, Freeman!

What a cutie!

Absolutely wonderful news and encouraging too; we become so consumed with events swirling around us that we forget that life goes on.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...

Way to go Freeman. If they take after you, your kids are going to be smart, successful and good looking!

अनामित म्हणाले...

Congrats again, Freeman! Hope the foot is better today.

Balfegor म्हणाले...


Really is Springtime on this blog, isn't it? Marriages and babies born and whatnot.

अनामित म्हणाले...

It was Sarah Palin of course.

Wrong! Bristol Palin is the mother of the baby Freeman is trying to take credit for. Sarah is JAC's real mother.

अनामित म्हणाले...


When are the DNA test results coming back to determine the paternity?

Great ice storm photos.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

Best baby ever!!1!

(at least, since your last one)

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

Wow! Thank you all so so much!

Synova म्हणाले...

Congratulations on your biological success!


Beautiful pictures. Beautiful baby.

Now, get some sleep!

David म्हणाले...

Freeman walking the walk. Congratulations.

RHSwan म्हणाले...


अनामित म्हणाले...

Freeman is cute. I don't associate that with Arkansas.

Plaid recliners yes, cute girls no.

Freeman Hunt म्हणाले...

cute girls no

You've obviously never been here.

former law student म्हणाले...

You've obviously never been here.

To be sure. Arkansas is solidly within the Southern Belle belt, where every little girl can grow up to compete in a beauty pageant.

If that seems snarky or like a slam, I apologize, because it's meant to be an accurate description.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

@Freeman, the picture of you and your two little ones in front of the fireplace brought back memories. We similarly secured our fireplace, and as they were trucking off to bedon Christmas Eve I suddenly reminded them that we had left the lock on the fireplace doors and Santa wouldn't be able to get in.

No matter how tired they are, toddlers can really run when they're motivated!

That was roughly two decades ago and our sons are now grown men but the memory will never fade.

You've got beautiful kids and I hope you have as much fun with them as my wife and I had with our two boys.

Ignorance is Bliss म्हणाले...

Congratulations! Very cute! My wife always said 'The better the sex, the cuter the baby.'

theobromophile म्हणाले...

Congratulations, Freeman!

Trooper York म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
अनामित म्हणाले...

Freeman Hunt said...cute girls no

You've obviously never been here.

True, but I'm not dead yet.

I figure if I continue with my evil, sinful ways maybe there's an afterlife there for me.

Or at least some place similar.

JAL म्हणाले...

Congrats Freeman. ( A little slow today -- doing taxes, FAFSA and all that stuff...)

Love the little lions on Ethans outfit. :-)

God is good.

Methadras म्हणाले...

Congrats Freeman on your newborn child. I hope all is well.