१९ फेब्रुवारी, २००९

Christine and Aaron Boring sued Google for privacy violation, negligence, trespassing and unjust enrichment for showing their house in Street View.

Judge Amy Reynolds Hay threw the case out:
While it is easy to imagine that many whose property appears on Google's virtual maps resent the privacy implications, it is hard to believe that any - other than the most exquisitely sensitive - would suffer shame or humiliation....

The plaintiffs' failure to take readily available steps to protect their own privacy and mitigate their alleged pain suggests to the Court that the intrusion and that their suffering were less severe than they contend
Good call. They were sensitive. And they were Boring.

८ टिप्पण्या:

Ernesto Ariel Suárez म्हणाले...

They couldn't milk that cow...on to the next lawsuit now.

Der Hahn म्हणाले...

I wish we could quit using the word 'privacy' as a catch-all.

'Private' information is information about me that I must disclose in order for you to know. If I disclose it to you then I can require that you treat it with care, control how you use, and prohibit you from disclosing it to another person. If you learn it without me disclosing it, I can take action to prevent you from using it.

If you can figure something out about me in the course of ordinary life or business, that information isn't 'private'.

My bank balance is private information. The observation that I walked into XYZ Bank on Tuesday last is not.

A lot of time and effort is wasted confusing a desire for anonymity with a right to privacy.

Simon म्हणाले...

DH - but what about YYZ bank?

Leland म्हणाले...

Google took a picture of my residence while I was getting my floor replaced, after a washing machine leak. Oh, we're so embarrassed, and Google has such a thick wallet...

rcocean म्हणाले...

Didn't Streisand sue over the same issue? Never read how that came out.

Joe म्हणाले...

So, did the Borings stand outside their house and sue everyone who dared look at it?

TBMD म्हणाले...

Well, I'm thinking of suing them for infringing on my blog title - The Boring Made Dull.

They've got deep pockets; thanks to Google, I've seen their "compound".

Perhaps this suit was out of embarassment; I've been in nicer trailer parks.

Rachel म्हणाले...

Its sad that the couple decided to opt to got to the law rather than using the tools provide by Google to remove them.

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