२७ ऑगस्ट, २००८

Emailed CNN "Breaking News": "Barack Obama wins Democratic Party's presidential nomination after Hillary Clinton's motion on the convention floor."

So.... what the hell? I'm sitting here, eating my arugula salad and zucchini "pasta," catching up on last night's "Daily Show," sipping my chardonnay, waiting for it to be late enough to bother to start watching the proceedings at the Democratic National Convention, and suddenly Barack Obama has been nominated by acclamation. The ostensible point of the convention, choosing the nominee, occurs more than an hour outside of prime time? WTF?!

Blah. Damn. I will still update this post and make it the evening's live-blog, but I am disgusted -- disgusted! -- by this in-your-face message that the nominating convention is not a nominating convention at all, but a big advertisement -- a free media barrage -- for the party and its candidate. And, yes, of course, I already knew that. But it irritates me to be taunted with it.

5:51 Central Time: I'm watching CNN tonight and the commenters are falling over themselves trying to say the word "historic." Seriously, I have just heard the word "historic" about 50 times in 5 minutes. I don't think this really helps Barack Obama get elected. He's a specific person whose qualifications needs to prove himself to Americans. It's not just a a feel-good gesture to nominate "a black man." Yes, it's something. But so much more needs to be done with this convention. Finally, at 6:01, John King makes this point.

6:23: I'm reading this in the NYT:
At 4:48 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time, at the urging of Mrs. Clinton, the New York delegation cast its votes for Mr. Obama, and Mrs. Clinton called on the Democratic National Convention to end the roll call and nominate him by acclamation.

“With eyes firmly fixed on the future in the spirit of unity, with the goal of victory, with faith in our party and country, let’s declare together in one voice, right here and right now, that Barack Obama is our candidate and he will be our president,” Mrs. Clinton said.

“I move that Senator Barack Obama of Illinois be selected by this convention by acclamation as the Democratic nominee for president of the United States.”

The crowd in the Pepsi Center roared as one and then began to chant, “Hillary, Hillary, Hillary.”
Oh. I see. The crowd was chanting "Hillary, Hillary, Hillary." She made it happen like this. When no one was watching. How utterly surreal. This convention is all about the Clintons, isn't it? She dominated last night. She controls the nomination tonight. And the rest of the evening is the lead-up to Bill. How awful for Barack... in his moment of triumph.

6:28: As for me, I'm going to watch the new Bloggingheads, with Bob Wright and Mickey Kaus. Mickey is back at long last. And he's in Denver. "Reviewing the convention speeches ... New Bill Ayers ad deemed highly effective..." Great topics. I'm pouring a second glass of wine and oozing into the delights of the evening.

7:24: Why would any sane person watch tonight's proceedings?

8:01: It's Bill Clinton! Pay Attention! "Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow"... and don't stop thinking about the 90s and the tomorrow that will not be. Hillary and Chelsea look blissful. Michelle Obama claps glumly. Bill himself looks pink and youthful. Wow!

8:04: Bill has a way of magnifying the crowd noise, interpreting it into a higher level of love. "Please stop. Sit down. Please sit." "I am here first, to support Barack Obama." Good. That's appropriate. "And second, I'm here to warm up the crowd for Joe Biden." Ow. That must hurt.

8:08: Are you getting tired of shots of Michelle Obama, looking judgmental?

8:10: "Clearly, the job of the next President is to rebuild the American dream and to restore American leadership in the world.... Barack Obama is the man for this job."

8:13: Clinton is talking in a strong, straightforward way about Barack Obama. "He is ready." This is good and effective... and it ought to fend off some of the criticism that he's some sort of snake serving his own ends.

8:15: Clinton turns the topic to domestic policy (which we've read is what he wanted to talk about): "Barack Obama knows that America cannot be strong abroad unless we are first strong at home. People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power." That was written to be a famous quote, and I think it will be remembered. "Look at the example the Republicans have set." Great segue.

8:17: I love the shots of Hillary -- her chin pulled in unattractively, but with expressive resolve, her eyes bulging, her lips pressed together in a strong smile. It all says: He's right! My husband is right! Then we see Michelle, who -- though she never ran for President -- is presiding over all of this, monitoring everything. She smiles charmingly when Bill is promoting her husband and has an edgy look when it seems as though he might not have his heart 100% in this.

8:24: Bill Clinton is doing a fabulous job tonight. His superiority to everyone else who has spoken is painfully obvious. "American will always be a place called hope." Brilliant. He's the greatest!

8:26: And, now what is going through his mind? And that's how it's done you losers. Screw you for rejecting, Hillary's. Enjoy your doom, fuckers.

8:38: Following up our brilliant rockstar of a former President is John Kerry. "Time and again, Barack Obama has proven right." And McCain... Kerry has the hatchet man role. What a downer after our Bill.

8:54: I'm reading the comments on this post. Michael H writes:
WTF, indeed, Ann.

I first watched political conventions with my Irish grandfather, a union democrat. We watched the state-by-state nominating process, and he explained the importance of every state the the democracy of the process (an explanation with many comparative references to the "fookin' Russians").

The conventi, usualy [sic] a woman, would call the roll: The Greeeat Staaate of Aaaahlaskah!!!

And the chairman of that state's delegation would reply: The great State of Alaska, America's northernmost state, the second youngest state in our great union, the home of caribou, elk, moose and Denali National Park, the great State of Alaska casts its 4 electoral votes for the next president of the United States, Adalai Stevenson!!!"

The nominations were held in prime time because, after all, nominating a candidate was the purpose of the convention.

I wish it were so today. The most important part of the convention has been relegated to a perfunctory exercise to fill time before the prime time speechifyin' can begin.
Yes. Yes. Yes. The great state of Wisconsin is ... or I, here, am ... nostalgic for the old-style Americana of the political conventions of yore. I remember conventions where there was true excitement in the roll call. I remember 1968, when the conventioneers got overwhelmed by the protests outside and started singing "We Shall Overcome" and took down their vertical state-name signpost and rocked it in the horizontal position. That made me weep when I was 17.... Okay, I'm snapping out of that.

9:00. A film about the military. The young enlistees are presented as idealistic but misled. They speak in depressed tones. "They kind of built it up as if it was going to be a kind of simple peace-keeping mission. Win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people, you know. We're going to build schools. We're going to help out in the hospitals. And when we got there, it turned into a fight." Clunking, sentimental piano music. Photos of blood in the street. Talk of battle deaths and suicide bombers. A Marine breaks down and cries. We're told that the soldiers feel afraid, and -- strangely -- that they are able to face fear only because the military is diverse. What a clumsy segue! You mean, back in WWII, when the military was segregated, they weren't courageous? Now, we see the present-day soldiers coming home, hugging their wives and daughters and talking about the difficulties of readjusting to life in America. "You've got all this stuff on your mind and you want to let it out but you just can't." Wheelchairs. Prosthetic legs. Coffins. Tom Hanks ambles out and in a digitally deepened voice tells us "we are there for one another." A montage of soldiers with troubled faces. Sad music. This is the Democratic Party's view of the military, and it is not what I want to see and I doubt that it is what most people who serve want to see.

9:08: "There he is, Steven Spielberg. He put this video together." Well, hell.

9:09: John emails me the link to the video of the acclamation:

9:19: The VP nomination is made "in the name of women," which is a little annoying. Nancy Pelosi comes out to entertain the acclamation. And let me say, she looks great. She's wearing big blue and gray pearls and a blue satin blouse with a very wide shawl collar.

9: 21: A little film about Joe Biden. Obama appears in it and says: "The most important thing that Joe offers is his honesty." Odd. I thought a key problem with Biden was that he was notoriously caught lying about a speech and his academic credentials. Yet the most important thing he brings is honesty?

9:24: Beau Biden speaks. "Delaware can get another Senator, but my boys can't get another father," said Joe Biden, before he was convinced to go forward and serve as Senator after his wife and daughter died. "Some people poke fun at my dad talking too much..." but you need to know that it's somehow a result of a bad stuttering problem.

9:54: Joe Biden gave an excellent speech. I won't detail it, but his delivery was fine and he pounded appropriately hard on John McCain. His wife comes out, announces a special surprise, and it's Barack Obama. Ah, good. It's the last night in this arena. He wanted to come out and have "a little something to say." "Hillary Clinton rocked the house last night," he says. He praises Bill Clinton and thanks him for "putting people first." He blesses us and blesses America.

10:09: A really cute thronging of Biden family in the end, with Joe walking around holding the hand of the little blond grandson.

१९२ टिप्पण्या:

UWS guy म्हणाले...

I think if you watched it happened, you would agree it was more about allowing Hillary to anoint Obama than anything else.

Or for the Usurper to make the Old Queen kneel...

अनामित म्हणाले...

So much for counting every vote, non-draconian political shenanigans, and free speech. How anyone could be proud to be a Dem these days is beyond me. I wonder what Zell thinks of all this?

vbspurs म्हणाले...

But it irritates me to be taunted with it.

Dude, are you nuts?

This is the guy who made everyone wait on tenterhooks all Friday night, and then sent out those "super-exclusive" text-messages to his groupies, I mean!, supporters at 3 AM in the morning.

If you haven't figured out he's all about being bush league, and gimmicky, you need a reality check.

And when I write "you", I mean "us", obviously.

(I wonder if the unorthodox timing of the nomination has something to do with the less than effusive endorsement Hillary gave last night. Even if it was already scheduled, maybe they had factored it in)


Buford Gooch म्हणाले...

It was just Obama backing out of another promise. Hillary's name put into nomination---well, no.

This should make all those irate Hillary supporters so much more comfortable voting for the one.

erictrimmer म्हणाले...


Did you really make that zucchini pasta, or are you just a recipe-link-dropper?

I saw that recipe earlier today and wanted to try it.

Then I visited my parents this afternoon and and they sent me home with a zucchini, a spaghetti squash and some good tomatoes from their garden.

I'm thinking of tossing the zucchini pasta with the tomatoes and some lemon-basil from my own garden.

If you really tried it, please share details.

Greg Brown म्हणाले...

It was done gracefully, and it would've for made great prime-time viewing. Don't you have C-SPAN?

Blame the networks for no longer showing 3 or more hours.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) म्हणाले...

Hey, you all should consider yourselves lucky to have had a floor vote at all! :p

That was up for debate, this week...

Methadras म्हणाले...

Hate to say I told you so, but I told you so. This convention is a joke, was completely unnecessary and could have been done with delegate chairman via webcast nominating Mr. Barely and reduced their carbon-footprint. This makes the least greenest convention of all. What a waste.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

How awful for Barack... in his moment of triumph.

Spare us the three-hanky show, Ann.

This man allowed himself to be manhandled by the Clintons, plain and simple. He's got no balls.

Due to his corrosive past associations, he's scared to make a move which will compromise him with the fast dwindling electorate. He'll try his best to give us all a junkie-sized injection of the Barack Charm in tomorrow's "Operation HopeChange" at Invesco Field, but right now, it looks bleak.


Palladian म्हणाले...

"...let’s declare together in one voice, right here and right now, that Barack Obama is our candidate and he will be our president,” Mrs. Clinton said."

Sorry, lady, I don't declare anything "together in one voice". My voice is my own, to make declarations as I choose, alone. Barack Obama may be your candidate but you don't have the power to declare him "our president". That's for the voters to decide- voters, I might add, that you recently tried to persuade to do just the opposite.

And even if you con and fool enough people into making Barack "our president", I reserve the right, so often petulantly claimed by your party and its fellow travelers in the last 8 years, to make it known that Barack is "not my president".

But seriously, congrats on the enormous coup and con job you and your husband managed to pull off.

ron st.amant म्हणाले...

It was a very moving moment, and frankly as much as I've been disgusted by the actions of the Clintons in this campaign it was a solid gesture. Hillary had gotten her name and 341 delegates already so there was that piece of history- New Mexico yielded to Illinois and they in turn yielded to New York.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Palladian linked:

to make it known that Barack is "not my president".

Appropriately, it says FORBIDDEN.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

I'm pouring a second glass of wine and oozing into the delights of the evening.

See, this is where that reputation comes from. Drinking wine alone, sad.

Now mojitos is a party in a glass!

chickelit म्हणाले...

I didn't know you were for Biden Palladian.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Who says I'm alone?

"See, this is where that reputation comes from. Drinking wine alone, sad."

"Did you really make that zucchini pasta, or are you just a recipe-link-dropper?"

Yes, in fact. But funnily enough, there's no arugula and the wine is not Chardonnay. So I'm lying, but not about zucchini. Give me some credit.

Palladian म्हणाले...

Forbidden, eh? Doesn't say that for me. Anyway, it's just some balding doofus in ill-fitting grey slacks holding a rainbow peace flag wearing a shirt that says "HE'S NOT MY PRESIDENT" around a high-contrast "scary" picture of President Bush. And he's standing next to a chicken-legged middle-aged man (who may be Joseph Biden) who is wearing an extraordinarily unfortunate pair of shorts.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Who says I'm alone?

Actually, I reread what I wrote in your quote, and I'm all like "Wow, Vic, why get all Maxine Weiss up in Althouse's ass?".

So you know, have one on me, as recompense for the snark!

ron st.amant म्हणाले...

Its so great to know Palladian has the awesome power of wisdom and those of us who support Obama are just fools...I guess if Obama is elected and the House and Senate remain controlled by the Democrats you'll just be living in such the fools paradise...if anyone is conning anyone its the GOP and their attempts to make everyone believe the last eight years haven't been about creating deficits, fighting an unnecessary war in Iraq instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan, shredding civil liberties, and staining the reputation of America by having torture on its hands.

J. Cricket म्हणाले...

Give you credit? Why, beacuse last night you said you would "live blog" and then you managed to miss the end of the speech because you were not live-blogging. Ha ha.

Oh, that was the network's fault!!

Has anything ever been your fault?

Labels: lameness.

Ruth Anne Adams म्हणाले...

With eyes firmly fixed on this evening in the spirit of blogginess, with the goal of sanity, with faith in our commentariat and lurkers, let’s declare together in one voice, right here and right now, that this thread will NOT EXCEED TWO HUNDRED COMMENTS!!!*

*In the alternative, when this thread hits 200 comments, the Bloggress will START A NEW THREAD.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Anyway, it's just some balding doofus in ill-fitting grey slacks holding a rainbow peace flag wearing a shirt that says "HE'S NOT MY PRESIDENT" around a high-contrast "scary" picture of President Bush. And he's standing next to a chicken-legged middle-aged man (who may be Joseph Biden) who is wearing an extraordinarily unfortunate pair of shorts

I see it now, Palladian! Oddness.

The ill-fitting cargo pants guy looks like Jack Black and the balding chap looks in the shorts (Althouse alert!) looks like Neil Kinnock...the guy Joe ripped off, appropriately enough.

Just at the back is a red-head with beard.

He's the inspiration behind "Stuff White People like -- Farmer's Market".

Lisa म्हणाले...

Sorry but I disagree. This wasn't about Hillary controlling the event. She's been harassed repeatedly over and over again that she's not doing enough despite campaigning for him, speaking on his behalf last night and pledging to vote against herself this afternoon.

No. I think this was something she was forced to do. This was about pushing her down on her knees in front of the great Obama... just where apparently the DNC believes a woman belongs.

With 18 million votes (more than Obama by some counts), she will not have a single delegate vote recorded with her name at the convention.

Makes me sick.

Ruth Anne Adams म्हणाले...

You might be right, Lisa; however, Hillary has been recorded in history as having made 18 million cracks in the glass ceiling.

So she's got dat workin' for her.

Which is good.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Melissa Etheridge leads the parade of stars tonight.

Team McCain must be revving up the digital equipment.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

We really need a better class of trolls.

Ruth Anne Adams म्हणाले...

I'd be interested to see how fast the Clinton folks work to amend the caucus system and the primary allocation system.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Enigmatic, I tried calling the Troll-Tastic agency to complain, but he said Ann hasn't paid her June bill yet.

Lisa म्हणाले...

I was mistaken. I see she got 341 delegates... one sixth of what she had in June.

Good try, little girl. Now why don't you stand aside and let the big boys show you how it is done.

I'm done with that party.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Melissa Etheridge leads the parade of stars tonight."

Oh God, is she going to sing that stupid Algore song she wrote? Remember when she got all nasty with Hillary at that forum? Will she do the same with Barack, since he doesn't support gay marriage either? Oh, of course not! Mustn't upset the Coronation of the King of Heaven with any "inconvenient truths". She'll walk in line like a good little acolyte.

somefeller म्हणाले...

Live network television coverage for the conventions for both parties has diminished over the years, so the parties naturally want to use that valuable time on speeches and other get the message out activities. The actual mechanics of nominations are secondary to the message at best, and as such aren't timed for prime time viewing. The people hyperventilating over the timing of the nomination today are either disingenuous, ill-informed, or simply need to take a pill and relax.

The good stuff will be sometime between 8pm and 11pm Central Time, which is always the plan these days. Hope Biden's speech is a good one.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Wow, The Boss has really gone downhill. He looks like a aged butch fish taco eater.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Lisa, sorry for your disappointment. No, really. May your ideological future be less disappointing.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Good try, little girl. Now why don't you stand aside and let the big boys show you how it is done."

As much as I disagree with some of Hillary's policies, I think you're absolutely right about this. She was shunted aside and now the party will have to pay the price for that poor decision. They chose to make "an historic event" with an unqualified candidate rather than make "an historic event" with someone who might have actually won.

le Douanier म्हणाले...

I had it on in the background. And, it was genuinely interesting, to me. For the first time I paid full attention to these daytime proceedings.

Fox ignored it. CNN mostly covered it. CSPAN, of course, covered it.

But, MSNBC had KO and Chuck reliving the primary. As each state spoke these two recapped the role of that state during the primary (or some other fun fact was mentioned.) Even with their comments, we could still hear each states' presentation. So we could see a lot of different folks talking about their state.

It was interesting to see how some of the votes went to BHO (e.g. Arkansas) and others didn't (e.g. CA.) Each of these state delegations did seem to have very different internal dynamics that resulted in unique delegate allocations relative to the original votes.

And, somewhere in the back of my mind there was a sliver of a thought that some HRC folks could really go off the rails at any moment.

It was good stuff.



Your language about women on their knees was not well chosen for an HRC supporter.

somefeller म्हणाले...

Twenty bucks says Lisa didn't vote for Hillary in the primary. Trolls don't just live under bridges.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Palladian, Hillary would've won, full stop.

I may have wanted Hillary on one cynical level, just like Rush Limbaugh's did with his Operation Chaos, but I knew Hillary had the scarier core of voters.

Michelle and Obama bookend the DNC. But all people will remember are Hillary and Bill. They can't help but to compare the Obamas are xeroxed imitation of the real deal.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"They can't help but to compare the Obamas are xeroxed imitation of the real deal."

Albeit with more toner.

former law student म्हणाले...


The convention sessions have been starting at 5pm Eastern. I've been going by this:


Thanks to television, the conventions have been coronations for some time now. Bring back cigar-chomping pols and their smoke-filled rooms.

I really thought HRC was going to pull a fast one. Instead, her delegate totals were way below what her votes/caucuses entitled her to. She bravely struggled not to cry when Illinois yielded to New York.

Palladian म्हणाले...

That was a joke, by the way, not a racist comment.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

I had hoped the party would unite in one giant pants suit, but it is not to be.

I don't know whose line that was this morning, but I liked it.

UWS guy म्हणाले...

Actually, if you listened to it live, she says that all the votes will be counted after the fact. The voting will be done pro forma.


vbspurs म्हणाले...

That was a joke, by the way, not a racist comment.

Let me help you out:


rhhardin म्हणाले...

So, the toga party is tomorrow night!

Lisa म्हणाले...


The good little girl comment? that's what I perceive the DNC to be doing/saying here. Or the part where I say I feel like she's been forced on her knees in front of Obama. Again, that's what I perceive the DNC to be doing/saying here.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Bill Ayers trying to embarrass Barack Obama, it's being reported.

First Wright, now Ayers.

What is it about raving mad, country-hating extremist Pygmalions which makes them turn on their Galatea?

former law student म्हणाले...

Hillary's name put into nomination---well, no.

Huh? I thought Dolores Huerta's speech was very moving. Viva la Raza! (which she did not say).

Recall that Cesar and Dolores were trained by Fred Ross in Alinsky techniques.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Up with peace! Up with prosperity! Up with Biden!

Up yours, Kucinich!

अनामित म्हणाले...

WTF, indeed, Ann.

I first watched political conventions with my Irish grandfather, a union democrat. We watched the state-by-state nominating process, and he explained the importance of every state the the democracy of the process (an explanation with many comparative references to the "fookin' Russians").

The conventi, usualy a woman, would call the roll: The Greeeat Staaate of Aaaahlaskah!!!

And the chairman of that state's delegation would reply: The great State of Alaska, America's northernmost state, the second youngest state in our great union, the home of caribou, elk, moose and Denali National Park, the great State of Alaska casts its 4 electoral votes for the next president of the United States, Adalai Stevenson!!!"

The nominations were held in prime time because, after all, nominating a candidate was the purpose of the convention.

I wish it were so today. The most important part of the convention has been relegated to a perfunctory exercise to fill time before the prime time speechifyin' can begin.

Zachary Sire म्हणाले...

It's exhausting but I'm doing it again in less than an hour!

Live blogging night 3 at the DNC.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Obama is supposed to be the leader of his party, and he just got relegated by Hillary to the role of little boy.

I have one question for Obama today:

who's your mama!?!

Obama! Obama! Who's your mama!

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

"7:24: Why would any sane person watch tonight's proceedings?"

I want to see Kerry.

former law student म्हणाले...

Obama is supposed to be the leader of his party, and he just got relegated by Hillary to the role of little boy.

You guys don't get it. This was an act of grace towards a vanquished foe. Noblesse oblige

अनामित म्हणाले...

Please ignore egregious errors of spelling, composition and syntax in the previous post. It's merlot night here at chez Michael_H. A good 2003 Coppola has numbed mine fingers, it seems.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

FLS, this is the Clintons we're talking about. There is no quid which has been pro'd.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"You guys don't get it. This was an act of grace towards a vanquished foe. Noblesse oblige"

Fancy schmancy way of saying that he got bitch slapped.

Henry म्हणाले...

Somehow I don't think "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow" will be this convention's theme song.

But let's imagine the convention is big, white, hollow, and stretchy.

"Hey look" says Hillary "It's my giant underpants."

ricpic म्हणाले...

The Deadenders

Women vote for women,
Blacks vote for blacks,
Bow to your corner
And sashay on back.

Don't do the dance
With any but your own,
Wake up next morning
Completely disowned.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

It's merlot night

Why is everyone smoking blog with wine tonight?

I'm a teetotaler. This isn't fair.

blake म्हणाले...

Why does this feel more "smoke-filled room-ish than ever before"?

अनामित म्हणाले...

What's the total thus far?

अनामित म्हणाले...

You guys don't get it. This was an act of grace towards a vanquished foe. Noblesse oblige

There is no such thing as "don't get it" in this domain.

In politics "it" is what we percieve it to be, and nothing else.

Unknown म्हणाले...

The voting is more fair in Zimbabwe.

UWS guy म्हणाले...

Bill Ayers = Willy Horton.

you heared it here first.

UWS guy म्हणाले...

Political Parties are not democracies...

अनामित म्हणाले...

What are the off-topic post rules? Is it okay to post an off-topic comment during the lull before the speeches tonight? Or are there no circumstances under which off-topicishness can be tolerated?

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Michael_H, Ann hasn't commented on Ruth Anne's request to open up a new thread after 200, when it happens.

I think Professor Althouse won't do it. This will be the only thread tonight, especially if Instapundit links to it.

So though I'm trying to keep it light and others are too, we're not going hog wild with comments early on, like we did yesterday.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Vic - Thanks. 10-4 on the voluntary posting restraints.


le Douanier म्हणाले...

The instapundit link (already in place) to this post won't help to limit Ann's image (she mentioned herself in bhtv) as a drinker. Already acknowledging two, and it's early.

Now she'll know how these rumors propagate.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) म्हणाले...

We're not sane people, Althouse.

J Lee म्हणाले...

By doing the nomination roll call, and Hillary's appearance, when they did, the Democrats were able to get it onto the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts live in the Eastern and Central Time Zones. Had they waited until later, with Biden and Clinton scheduled to speak during the one-hour evening slot the networks have set aside, the roll call would have been relegated to PBS and the cable networks.

You can make an argument that rearranging the convention to attract evening news viewers is a strategy more appropriate for 1996 than 2008, but that was the rationale.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

I, for one, welcome our new teetotaler overlords.

I mean, they've been warning me for years that the religious right was going to force puritanism on us, so I am prepared, even if it is coming from the other flank.

The Drill SGT म्हणाले...

It was a Frog Merlot night here, 1989 I think. I'm trying to finish my aged reds before I kick off. No sense letting my wife's second husband have all the good stuff.

This man allowed himself to be manhandled by the Clintons, plain and simple. He's got no balls.

ouldn't handle Hillary and Bill, what will Putin and the Mad Persian do to the Obamessiah

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Bill O'Reilly a moment ago:

I haven't learnt one thing about Barack Obama so far. NOT ONE THING.

Karl Rove parried:

Well I learnt something about Michelle Obama on Day 1.

And I'm thinking, but she's not running for president.

Let's count the ways the DNC are screwing up their convention:

1- Allowing Bill and Hillary Clinton voluble platforms to accidentally-on-purpose reneg on their promise to big up Obama.

2- Hold the nomination outside of prime time, on Day 3.

3- Give two days to the "Ladies", and letting the big closers, all male, go last.

4- Refer to Obama obliquely, and not make him appear except in dressed-down cameos on satellite.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Daryl Hannah, on being asked why she's at the convention:

"In fact, I am not going to the convention at all. I refuse to enter a building named after a product which causes obesity and diabetes."

YEAH RIGHT. She'd enter it in a second if it were called "Mexican Red Centre".

And BTW, Charles Barkley is backing Obama, so forget his dream of being Alabama's first black Republican governor.

HAPPY IN NEVADA म्हणाले...

Your post is about as interesting as the DNC.

Name-dropping what you 'eat and drink', says you're one of those 'darling little spoiled preppies' who probably hasn't had to work a hard day in your life; hasn't had to be hungry, and who has absolutely NO CLUE what 'real life' is like.

I hope you picked a good white wine; but since you didn't say anything but 'white', it could easily be that $1.99 'stuff' now couldn't it.

Is your pasta 'tender and moist'....

Are the greens fresh? Does it have a hint of garlic? Did they throw some croutons in 'for free'?

Did you pick it up at a deli' section in the near-by Albertson's grocery store???

You sicken me............

chickelit म्हणाले...

Gotta love the concerted nature of Hillary's action and McCain's announcement that he's decided

Palladian म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Irene म्हणाले...

Am I dreaming, or did the musical interlude preceding Bill Clinton feature "Chain of Fools"?

vbspurs म्हणाले...

THANK YOU. Thankyouverymuch.

Elvis Clinton is up! Look at the response. Awesome.

And he's trying to shut them up -- Hillary let the waves of love roll (leaving Michelled really POd).

Palladian म्हणाले...

"You sicken me............"

Wow, if that's what HAPPY is in NEVADA, I'd hate to see FUCKING MISERABLE.

chickelit म्हणाले...

Happy: you forgot to label your own comment like grilled C. did at 6:51---lameness

vbspurs म्हणाले...

LOL! Please sit. SIT DOWN. STOP IT.

I tuned into the DNC, and a Barbara Woodhouse episode broke out.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

God, he's so phoney, but why does he still get me at "hello"?

What a pol.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

Most people in real life learned early on that if you work hard in school and work hard after graduating and stay out of trouble that you don't end up going hungry.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Hillary not doing the gooey-in-love-eyes schtick with Bill, like he did to her last night.

So far, this speech is less dynamic than Hillary's. Since they have separate staff, you can tell the ex-President didn't have the freshest crew working on his.

He just gave the Obama campaign the money shot though:

"He's ready to be President of the United States"

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

Must be a good speech because no one is posting.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

This convention is all about the Clintons, isn't it?

Exactly! I have been saying this over and over. This is not the Democratic Convention and it is not the nomination of Barak Obama. It is the Clinton love fest convention. This is the equivalent of a political Woodstock. She orchestrated this and Obama let her have it. I just got home from running errands. I was listening to CBS news on the car radio. All they were talking about was how the past two nights have been all about the Clintons. One brave commentator actually stated that you would never know that Obama was the nominee. I think Obama made a big mistake by letting the Clintons steal his thunder and his convention. He should have told Hillary to take a hike. If he pays off her campaign debt it will prove that he is not fit to lead.

I am sane, I am drinking vodka with basil lemonade and watching the Food Network. I do not want to see ole uncle Festus speak.

Lisa म्हणाले...

"And second, I'm here to warm up the crowd for Joe Biden."

Do you think Joe will bring excitement?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Bill Clinton must have been a man of few accomplishments while president, judging by the his listing of things wrong with America, none of which he apparently could solve.

Clinton's First Law of Astrophysics: I am the axis around which the universe revolves.

अनामित म्हणाले...

What? Blogger breakdown? Am I the only one on the island?

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

John Kerry really should not follow Bill Clinton.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

There is no crowd noise. No applause. It is striking.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Well, hell. Where'd everyone go?

(Tap dances and whistles for a while).

Did you know that 'drill here, drill now' was Bill Clinton's dating strategy when he was single? And later, too.

Palladian म्हणाले...

"John Kerry really should not follow Bill Clinton."

And no one, I repeat no one should follow John Kerry.


Under any circumstances.

somefeller म्हणाले...

Peter V. Bella says: I am sane, I am drinking vodka with basil lemonade and watching the Food Network.

As a rule, anytime you hear someone start a sentence with those three words, it is safe to assume that they aren't.

Really good speech by Bill Clinton. He still has the old magic in him. Let's hope this helps get the last remaining Hillary dead-enders on board and the Obama fanboys to quit claiming that the Clintons aren't being loyal to the party.

ricpic म्हणाले...

I just had an apple fritter and a cuppa decaf. I guess that makes me too square - poor you! - to comment on Dem doings.

Ben (The Tiger in Exile) म्हणाले...

I've got a line for you all. (Written at my place first.)


The Democrats didn’t win in 1992 because they were on “the right side of history” — they won because we thought we’d hit “the end of history”.

somefeller म्हणाले...

Hell, even Andrew Sullivan liked Bill's speech. I just checked. Miracles happen.

ricpic म्हणाले...

Things fall apart, the center cannot hold.

That's what happens here when Trooper absents himself.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

"Hell, even Andrew Sullivan liked Bill's speech. I just checked. Miracles happen."

If only you believed like I believe...

(Still an awesomely filthy song).

But back to your comment. Sully did? No way! I don't believe you. Next thing, you'll be trying to tell me Olbermann thought it was swell!

ricpic म्हणाले...

When it's safe out there the people sleepwalk into the arms of the Dems.

Is it safe? Well is it, punks?

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Barack Obama knows that America cannot be strong abroad unless we are first strong at home. People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power."

Read that quote and find the odd words out. To me it's "Barack Obama". I hear these claims made about Barack Obama, that he knows this and that, that he's ready to lead, blah blah. But what evidence has been given to support these statements? How does Barack Obama know these things, Bill? What makes you, of all people, think he's ready to lead? It's almost like the words "Barack Obama" were plugged into a speech written years ago about Bill Clinton. There are no specifics about Barack Obama. There are just constant statements that he's this or that or he knows this or that or that he's read for this or that. It strikes me as ... odd. It's like when you say a word and for a few seconds you realize how odd and alien the word sounds, how it couldn't possibly mean what it means, almost as if you'd never heard it before. Then the feeling passes and you go on. Except the feeling hasn't passed. Barack Obama? Who is Barack Obama? Why is he in the position he's in? How did he get there? This is not my beautiful house! This is not my beautiful wife!

अनामित म्हणाले...

Dukakis was just on FOX proclaiming that the last seven years have been the worst of his life...

Alan म्हणाले...

Kerry made a great speech too. Too bad I didn't vote for him over Bush last time around. But then my disgust for the GOP hadn't ripened.

somefeller म्हणाले...

But back to your comment. Sully did? No way! I don't believe you. Next thing, you'll be trying to tell me Olbermann thought it was swell!

No, actually it's not like that. Sullivan has been a caustic Clinton foe for years, and has not been willing to give either of them any benefit of the doubt with regard to Obama. In fact, the term "Obama fanboy" was made for him. His comments about Hillary's speech were backhanded compliments at the absolute best, and were mostly critical. If you want to be funny, it helps if your jokes have some relationship with the truth. Try to pay attention.

अनामित म्हणाले...

I actually like the act that Michelle can't hide her feelings.

But, it also could be that she is exhausted...

The test will be how she looks when Biden comes and spews the red meat all over the auditorium.

somefeller म्हणाले...

The test will be how she looks when Biden comes and spews the red meat all over the auditorium.

That's hot. Anyway, back to the TV room for me.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

Got it. To be funny I need to pay more attention to Andrew Sullivan. Duly noted.

अनामित म्हणाले...

*fact* that Michelle can't hide her feelings...

le Douanier म्हणाले...


Do you have "designer" doughnut shops? And, how about "designer" cupcake shops?

Living in trendy, liberal, cities does have it's benefits--even if non-recycling is a crime (which is not enforced, I can tell you from personal experience.)

vbspurs म्हणाले...

*fact* that Michelle can't hide her feelings...

Act was a Freudian slip though. And you know what they say -- those are often truer than what you meant to say. ;)

BTW, I am commenting on another blog, since this place got quieter than John Kerry addressing the DNC.

In and out!

ricpic म्हणाले...

Nothing more sophisticated than Sara Lee out here in the sticks.

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

Hi Everyone,

What's going on?

Just as a fyi I am the real Titus.

To prove it I am from Waunakee Wisconsin, the only one in the world, 10 miles north of Madison, Wisconsin. Home of the Waunakee Warriors, purple and white and everything bright.

I love Prada, have a nice cut hog, like to have sex with multinationalists, and "summer" in Ptown, Ogunquit and Fire Island-I know very gay.

Now whats going on? I am not horny. Has everyone missed me?

Richard म्हणाले...

8:13: Clinton is talking in a strong, straightforward way about Barack Obama. "He is ready." This is good and effective... and it ought to fend off some of the criticism that he's some sort of snake serving his own ends.

He's still a snake serving his own ends: Obama loses the election. Bill and Hillary are remembered as the good soldiers who played nice at the convention. Now Hillary is the brightest hope for the Democrats in 2012. Sssssssssss.....

ZeroVoice म्हणाले...

AA - You seem to have a lot of right-wing followers. Do you think they would show you the same love and devotion if you were to mock the Republican convention with the same zeal with which you mock the Democrats? I'm just curious.

former law student म्हणाले...

Bill Clinton must have been a man of few accomplishments while president,

He left the country running like a champ. Then W. fuct it up -- ran it out of gas, never added a quart of oil, and treated it like a dune buggy till sand entered every cylinder.

screwing up their convention:

1- Allowing Bill and Hillary Clinton voluble platforms to accidentally-on-purpose reneg on their promise to big up Obama.

Although HRC gritted her teeth, Bill actually sounded sincere. He got off a number of good lines (even though one was in that "country can do for you/you can do for country" mode)

2- Hold the nomination outside of prime time, on Day 3.

Because of the primary/caucus system, the balloting is actually pro forma anyway. Do you want Day 3 to run past midnight?

3- Give two days to the "Ladies", and letting the big closers, all male, go last.

Two days to elected officials and vanquished foes. Two days to the VP candidate, the Presidential candidate, former Presidents and former candidates.

4- Refer to Obama obliquely, and not make him appear except in dressed-down cameos on satellite

People expect things to build to a climax. The bride is always thte last to enter the church, and she outdresses everyone else. Have you ever been to a concert or a comedy show? The headliner always comes last. Little flashes ahead of time serve to whet your appetite.

अनामित म्हणाले...


Name your favorite hair products-or the ones you fawned over here?

le Douanier म्हणाले...


When you say they, you mean your mother.

Aside, I do actually know the difference between its and it's, even if my comments don't always indicate such. And, I'm only at one Alaskan Amber.

Aside II, isn't Althouse able to pick out the real Titus because (apparently) his location is known, and she can see who's on the blog at any time? This explains her previous certitude on this question.

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

Wow, hair care products. I am not much into hair care products.

But I love Kiehls facial products.

I think it must of been Kiehls.

More test questions please. I am so excited about this.

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

Oh, I know how I can prove myself. When I was going to go home to Madison a few months ago I emailed Althouse to see if she wanted to meet.

She emailed me back.

I never emailed her back though because I was nervous.

Althouse could verify this.

J. Cricket म्हणाले...

Althouse thinks Kerry is "a downer."

Well, yes, it must be a downer to McCainacs like you to have someone point out so many differences between Senator McCain and candidate McCain.

McCain has flip-flopped so many times it's embarassing!

former law student म्हणाले...

Legless war heroine Tammy Duckworth is on now -- is she female enough for you?

अनामित म्हणाले...

Damn it-that ain't exactly it...

remember they were expensive..

What's your favorite facial?

Who's shirt did you lose?

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

Michelle Obama claps glumly.

Michelle wishes she could clap her hands hard and smartly over Barak’s ears for agreeing to give his convention over to the Clintons.

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

My hair is very short so I don't really invest in hair care products.

I generally use Paul Mitchell or Crew shampoo and gel.

The fact that you remember this little tidbit about me Madawaskan is fascinating. I must be interesting.

More questions to find out if I am the real titus please.

ricpic म्हणाले...

My favorite hair product is a comb. I get out of the shower, comb my still wet hair and I'm almost there. One more combing after it's dried and it's all fluffy and soft. Good to go. And that's the story of hair.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"American will always be a place called hope." Brilliant. He's the greatest!

No, he's just confused, Althouse. He thinks he's in Hope, AR, running for Governor again. It's sad, really.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Republican strategist Mike Murphy to Mathews/Olbermann a few moments ago:

"You guys are so far in the tank you should be filming this in a submarine."

Olbermann, off camera and perhaps thinking he was off-mic: "Awright, let's wrap this up."

Matthews and Olbermann are worst than their SNL caricataure. Darrell Hannah is a funny and smart Chris Matthews. Chris Matthews isn't.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

madawaskan said...
Dukakis was just on FOX proclaiming that the last seven years have been the worst of his life...

Well, duh, no one really knows or cares who he is.

अनामित म्हणाले...

"worse", not "worst". Not wurst, for that matter.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

Titus, how do you feel about the Smoky Mountains?

Welcome back.

ricpic म्हणाले...

Michelle goan keel duh honky beeyatch!

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

I have had many facials-seaweed, cucumber, eggplant, mud, cows cum and many others.

I think I said I lost a Prada shirt but it was actually Marc from Marc Jacobs. Marc is the cheap Marc Jacobs stuff. I replaced the shirt with a cute little Marc Jacobs number.

I lost it on a dance floor when I took it off to show my tits. I cried in the bathroom afterwards and my friends tried to comfort me. I actually was on my hands in knees on the dance floor pushing away Puma Sneakers and G Star jean legs to try and locate it but could not. I was devastated.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

TitusWaun A Key? said...
Hi Everyone,

What's going on?

Just as a fyi I am the real Titus.

You are not the real Titus. Get lost. Go snort your whole key and kill yourself. We know and love the real Titus.

blake म्हणाले...

AA - You seem to have a lot of right-wing followers. Do you think they would show you the same love and devotion if you were to mock the Republican convention with the same zeal with which you mock the Democrats? I'm just curious.

I'm not right-wing, but I'll be seriously disappointed if she doesn't. With the caveat being the Rep convention may be just too damn dull to do much with.

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

Althouse, come to my defense here and confirm that I emailed you to meet while I was in Madison and you emailed back but I never emailed you.

Love what Nancy Pelosi is wearing tonight.

NotClauswitz म्हणाले...

Organizationally speaking, you don't need a roll-call when you have a Politburo - that's how they ru(i)n things in California.

TmjUtah म्हणाले...

"Although HRC gritted her teeth, Bill actually sounded sincere. "

I'm going to press that sentence between the pages of a book.

How sweet.

Alas... his lips were moving, and sincere was the furthest place from where the First Horndog intended to be this evening.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

Pelosi really does look beautiful tonight. No question.

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

I am the real Titus.

Waun A Key was a takeoff on the key shop that was in my hometown of Waunakee when I was growing up.

You love me?

That is so nice.

I love Plaza Burgers in Madison and Friday night Fish Frys in Wisconsin.

What more do I have to do?

Palladian म्हणाले...

"Pelosi really does look beautiful tonight. No question."

The monkey glands are working...

Palladian म्हणाले...

"What more do I have to do?"

Put your hands behind your back and turn around, bitch.

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

I would do Beau Biden. He is hot.

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

I am top. You know that Palladian.

Also, Palladian and I have had some little tiffs in the past.

TitusWaun A Key? म्हणाले...

Did me coming here stop Victoria from posting?

That would be kind of cool.

Cedarford म्हणाले...

Althouse - 8:13: Clinton is talking in a strong, straightforward way about Barack Obama. "He is ready." This is good and effective... and it ought to fend off some of the criticism that he's some sort of snake serving his own ends.

Not at all Ann, that's just Bill CLinton being Clintonian. Lying his ass off and being damn good at it. Though by now, most the public and 3/4ths of the Democrats at the Convention know what a bullshitter he is.

His feelings about Obama being unqualified and unready to lead are well-known and he even put some on the public record.

Similarly, Clinton has a record of praising McCain, though his motivations for calling McCain a great Leader and Hero mostly have to do with the stinkbombs McCain set off that were of great help to Clinton Triangulating against his opposition.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

I like when sons or daughters speak on behalf of their parent. It is about the only time you get authenticity at these things.

ZeroVoice म्हणाले...

AA - I'm wondering - what images of the military *do* you want to see? I'll give you enough credit to assume that something other than ticker-tape victory parades and Mission Accomplished carrier landings are OK, but what specifically is acceptable to you?

Revenant म्हणाले...

Do you think they would show you the same love and devotion if you were to mock the Republican convention with the same zeal with which you mock the Democrats?

I guess you'll find out in a week or so.

Simon म्हणाले...

vbspurs said...
"This man allowed himself to be manhandled by the Clintons, plain and simple."

I'd allow myself to be handled by one of the Clintons...

somefeller said...
"Live network television coverage for the conventions for both parties has diminished over the years...."

Yeah, and there's a reason for that. Althouse's post makes mention of it: because the conventions now serve no purpose apart from free publicity, and the networks hate to give away for free what is really nothing more than advertising.

ricpic म्हणाले...

Diversity Macht Frei!

former law student म्हणाले...

Whups! Joe Biden literary allusion:

What happens to a dream deferred?

Or is it plagiarism?

Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore -
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over -
Like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sages
Like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

Wow. We must talk to Iran and convince them that they must change.

Why didn't anyone think of that before?

ricpic म्हणाले...

The dream's been handed to the Dem masses on a silver platter. If they lack the imagination to take the opportunity that's their problem.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

How is Obama going to hold Russia accountable, as Biden says?

Is it by convincing the UN Security Council to pass a resolution condemning Russia? Because that's been his suggestion so far, despite the fact Russia has a veto.

Bill's was a great speech. Joe's start was great, but the rest just eh.

The best part of the night was the way the crickets were audible during John Kerry's speech.

Here comes Obama.

Tom म्हणाले...

Biden just said we should send 2 combat "Battalions" to Afghanistan...did he mean brigades??? I guess he needs a better understanding of what's required...

Revenant म्हणाले...

Is it by convincing the UN Security Council to pass a resolution condemning Russia? Because that's been his suggestion so far, despite the fact Russia has a veto.

I believe the UN Security Council doesn't allow vetos of measures to which the would-be vetoer is a part. But China would veto on Russia's behalf, so the point remains.

I'm Full of Soup म्हणाले...


Sound of crickets can be soothing after last night's liveblogging, baseball and Jameson.

These conventions are like the Olympics to me. Can only take a few days of it then I get bored.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

"I believe the UN Security Council doesn't allow vetos of measures to which the would-be vetoer is a part."

Depends on which part of the charter it is being brought under.

The part that actually allows for some teeth to be part of the resolution most certainly does allow them to veto even if it involves them.

The part that doesn't allow there to be any bite doesn't. But as you noted, even then it is unrealistic.

Meade म्हणाले...

simon said...
"I'd allow myself to be handled by one of the Clintons..."


Unknown म्हणाले...

Beau Biden was great. I loved how he made an oblique reference to being deployed this fall, without milking it for cheap political points. He's one to look out for.

blake म्हणाले...

I thought Socks got hit by a car.

Lisa म्हणाले...

They nominated another male in the name of women?


holdfast म्हणाले...

FLS is apparently unfamiliar with the DotCom Bust, and when it occurred. That is not surprising as his head is located firmly up his ass. Bush's tax cuts and easy money policy were perfectly appropriate to restart the economy following the Clinton-Bust (a term the MSM will never use). Unfortunately, the easy money policy was continued well past its 2004 best-before date, and the Republican Congress continued to spend in a way that would shame a drunken sailor. And of course Bush did not have the stones to use the veto on them.

former law student म्हणाले...

This is the Democratic Party's view of the military, and it is not what I want to see

Things I didn't want to learn this week about the military:

Soldiers close enough to bomb blasts to suffer traumatic brain injury aren't entitled to the Purple Heart.

Military veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder are more than twice as likely to die prematurely from heart attacks than other soldiers.

Oregon troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are more likely to die of suicide than in combat, recent data shows.

National Guard and Reservists sent to Iraq and Afghanistan are disproportionately represented in returning veteran suicides, according to a Department of Veterans Affairs analysis. There were 115 Army suicides and 935 reported attempts in 2007, a record high, show Army reports.

"There are concerns about the reserves," says Lynn Pahland, a health promotion policy director in the Defense Department. But the military is increasing efforts to prevent, identify and treat troubled troops,she adds.

At a crisis hotline for veterans, about 75 percent of the 400 calls a week come from Reserve and National Guard troops or their families, says Shad Meshad, president of the National Veterans Foundation (1-888-777-4443), which runs the line. "Many have been sent back three or four times," he says.

In a typical unit headed to Iraq, 60 percent are on their second, third or fourth deployment, lasting about a year each, says U.S. Army Col. Carl Castro, who directs a medical research program at Fort Detrick, Md.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

Once upon a time there was a princess named Hillary. She married a not so prince charming named Bill. They lived in the White Castle. They were deposed by the Texas prince GW Bush. They never forgot. They believed that their kingdom would last forever and be as famous as Camelot. Their dreams of eternal rule were shattered.

Hillary went into the nunnery called the Sanctified Senate where she occupied a seat, collected money, and did nothing. Bill jet setted around the world, leaving Hillary behind, while he made a hundred million dollars. She decided that the White Castle belonged to her and her alone. She decided to take it back.

She went to war against the Bush regime. She hired an evil man named Penn to run her campaign. She was on track to conquer the great White Castle. Her troops were arrayed on the field of battle. Then the Black Prince decided that he wanted to prepare his own siege of the castle. The Black Prince offered hope, whereas Hillary only offered despair. He would make history, where she would rule with the iron fist of tyranny. He offered change, where she wanted the dominance. The Black Prince vanquished Hillary, then he rested on his laurels. In stepped Bill. In a quirk of magic, the Black Prince’s coronation turned into a love fest for Hillary. They tricked the Black Prince. They stole his coronation. Oh he would lead his campaign of hope to be king, but all would remember Hillary and Bill. They would control the Black Prince’s destiny.

The battle lines are drawn. The Gray Eminence is fighting against the Black Prince for the White Castle. He was held hostage by allies of Hillary and Bill when he was a young man. He never forgot. Hillary and Bill will do everything to assist the Gray Eminence, even though they were responsible for his imprisonment. He will accept their help, though he will try to eliminate them. Hill and Bill need to prove a point; the evil serfs and peons made a big mistake when they threw her over to the Black Prince. They will outwardly support the Prince, but in secret, they will help the Gray Eminence. Camelot will be put on hold for the time being. They will regain the throne. They know better, they know everything. Bill even sold his set of encyclopedias.

The bus is now leaving the convention center. The Knights of the Trailer Trash Table are lying in wait. They wait to throw the Black Prince under the bus. The Black Prince thinks he has won a battle and will move forward towards his ultimate goal; the White Castle. He is actually walking into the mine field laid out by Hill and Bill. Camelot is their goal and Camelot they will have.

Gimme a sack, a large drink, and fries.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

Hey, here comes the propaganda! Just itching to drive me to the GOP, aintcha, FLS?

"Soldiers close enough to bomb blasts to suffer traumatic brain injury aren't entitled to the Purple Heart."

Please provide the name of one soldier who has suffered traumatic brain injury who was denied a Purple Heart.

"Oregon troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are more likely to die of suicide than in combat, recent data shows."

Unless that is true about other states, then it suggests there is a problem with Oregon.

(Or that Oregon has been very fortunate as far as avoiding combat fatalities.)

But, hey, let's pull out of Afghanistan, post haste! The money would be better spent on education programs developed by certain Chicago professors, right?

somefeller म्हणाले...

Got it. To be funny I need to pay more attention to Andrew Sullivan. Duly noted.

Actually, Enigmaticore, if you are making jokes about the specific topic of Andrew Sullivan or people talking about Sullivan, it does make sense to know something about Sullivan, so your jokes can be funny. That's one of the ways humor works. Jokes about specific topics usually only work if they tie into some actual characteristic of the topic.

former law student म्हणाले...

Please provide the name of one soldier who has suffered traumatic brain injury who was denied a Purple Heart.

Googlefinger broken?

Former Staff Sgt. Kevin Owsley


somefeller म्हणाले...

Peter V. Bella says: Once upon a time...

Nah, no fixation there.

Porphyrogenitus म्हणाले...

"[i]I thought a key problem with Biden was that he was notoriously caught lying about a speech and his academic credentials. Yet the most important thing he brings is honesty?[/i]"

A Leftist's definition of Honesty is kind of like a Pimp's love: You see, it's very different from that of a square.

vbspurs म्हणाले...

After talking to my boyfriend on the phone during the Beau/Joe speeches, and then commenting at another blog, I am rather pooped.

But a few thoughts:

- Beau Biden gave a very effective speech -- in many ways, better than his father. Like young Luke Russert, he might just turn out to be a natural at what he does.

- When I saw Michelle Obama tear up, I almost died laughing. On cue! Good girl!

BTW, she has a genuine affection for Joe and Jill Biden. There's no faking that smile when she looks at them. Not so with the absolutely livid expression she has towards the Clintons.

- Joe Biden's speech was fantastic in the first 15 minutes, then it became hokey after the accidentally-on-purpose Freudian slip "George...I mean John McCain!".

- This convention is LILY-WHITE, man. It is too striking that when the camera pans to the black delegates, their facial expression is tight, antsy, disappointed.

And small wonder.

Pelosi, Schlossberg, Kennedy, Hillary, Bill, Biden...Biden's blond grandkids.

If it weren't for Michelle and Obama, you would never know black people were a major part of the convention.

Well, I'll check you guys out later. Ciao for now!


Triangle Man म्हणाले...

I thought Socks got hit by a car

"Buddy" the dog was hit by a car and killed in 2002. Socks lives with Betty Curie, Clinton's secretary.

somefeller म्हणाले...

As far as tonight's speeches went, Clinton's was great, while Biden's was good. Biden's speech lingered in the beginning and he rushed through the red meat part a bit, but it was a good speech. I skipped Kerry's speech, since I figured everyone else would.

Thus far, the convention has been a pretty good one, but it needs a little more oomph to be really memorable. Maybe Obama's speech will do that tomorrow.

somefeller म्हणाले...

If it weren't for Michelle and Obama, you would never know black people were a major part of the convention.

Yeah, after all, the nominee and his wife are pretty minor characters in all this. Plus, none of the people in the audience count, or people like Jesse Jackson Jr. Inane.

अनामित म्हणाले...


Why is the Democrat party playing the divide and conquer game with the military?

Why are your talking points one that separate the Reservists?

What's the purpose of that?

{plus your link-it doesn't show up}

blake म्हणाले...

Is james quoting Idiocracy?

DaLawGiver म्हणाले...

FLS---Things I didn't want to learn this week about the military:

Being retired military myself and coming from a military family I may have a little different perspective than you do.

War is a terrible, nasty business and no amount of medals or money can assuage the mental and physical toll it takes on the combatants.

Once you join any branch of the service your ass is theirs. They can pretty much do with you as they please and you have to salute and say, "Yes sir!" do what you are told or go to jail.

Ours is a volunteer force and if you don't understand these conditions when you join then you are a fool and deserve what you get.

The majority of the service men and women I worked with understood all these points, didn't like them but understood them. They also preferred a commander-in-chief who was a leader in the military sense of the word. If I was still active duty I would much rather have McCain as my boss than Obama. I know where he's been and what he's done, Obama, not so much. And before I hear a "Why don't you send your son over to Iraq", my daughter in in the Air Force and my nephew is in the Army. His rotation starts in September.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Well you did get the cucumber right...

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Fake Titus, don't post again or I will delete.

Everyone else, I put up a new post to continue the conversation -- here -- and I will close the comments on this post when it hits 200.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Lawgiver, my nephew has been to Iraq three times, safely returning all three times (I think he's done now). He's a DoD person, but no branch of the military AFAIK, although his "equivalent rank" is AF Captain. No idea what he does, he can't tell me. Anyway, I hope your nephew's tour is as smooth as my nephew's was.

Revenant म्हणाले...

Oregon troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan are more likely to die of suicide than in combat, recent data shows.

Considering that only 241 Americans total have died in Iraq so far this year, it isn't surprising that the suicide rate might be higher.

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Wow, the latest Gustav forecast is bad news for McCain and the Republicans (and New Orleans). But the good news is that hurricane forecasts 5 days out aren't very good. But if the forecast verifies...Yikes!

blake म्हणाले...

Heh. Oh noes! McCain might not get that big post-convention bump like Obama's gotten.

What's that? Oh. Never mind.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Madison -- I don't think it will get any farther than Sioux Falls. Minneapolis is safe.

dave in boca म्हणाले...

The best commentary on the Dem thought-control apparatus, more predictable than a Kabuki play, is:
I have a Cuban refugee friend who escaped Castro in the early 60s. He told me a few months ago that Obama reminded him of Castro, and was acting the way that Castro did back then. I told my friend that America is not Cuba. But now I am beginning to wonder. Obama's netwing supporters appear to be behaving like internet brownshirts. I expect we'll be having denial of service attacks on pro-McCain websites soon, if they haven't started already. Someone asked earlier in the thread, " "Wouldn't the whole Ayers story need to be 'false' before it's a smear?" The answer to that is no. Negative information about Obama is a smear even if true. That's what the Democratic party has come to since it went off the tracks in the 2000 election. And that is a totalitarian mindset.[punditius]

Welcome to the Brave New 25th anniversary of 1984!

vbspurs म्हणाले...

Dave in Boca, you know what an anti-Castrite I am (well, if you didn't, you do now. My blog is rife with my distaste for his regime, and elegies to Cuban-Americans).

Although I do believe in vigilance, I also think Obama isn't worthy of being compared to a young Castro. The dynamics are completely different, the mindset for control is not there.

Because see this where conspiracy theories or doomsday predictions fail -- they do not take into account the millions of actors that would have to surrender, and a system which would have to buckle, to make it so.

I know, I know. Lenin/Russia. Hitler/Weimer. Castro/Cuba. Etc. It's happened.

But those country's did not have the faith in their democracy, a strong Constitution which gives this country a heartbeat, and a people learned in being wiseasses when it comes to speaking out.

So, though Obama creeps me the heck out -- he ain't no young Castro.


Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

HAPPY IN NEVADA said...Your post is about as interesting as the DNC.

Name-dropping what you 'eat and drink', says you're one of those 'darling little spoiled preppies' who probably hasn't had to work a hard day in your life; hasn't had to be hungry, and who has absolutely NO CLUE what 'real life' is like.

I hope you picked a good white wine; but since you didn't say anything but 'white', it could easily be that $1.99 'stuff' now couldn't it.

Is your pasta 'tender and moist'....

Are the greens fresh? Does it have a hint of garlic? Did they throw some croutons in 'for free'?

Did you pick it up at a deli' section in the near-by Albertson's grocery store???

You sicken me............

Don't be silly, we don't have Albertson's in Madison. And where do you get un-fresh arugula? In any case, the wine was red. I was eating my zucchini non-pasta with Bolognese sauce (homemade), so of course, I had red wine. And why would I be eating croutons if I was going to all the trouble to substitute zucchini for real pasta. You're not making any sense. But if you want to work yourself up into sickness with your own delusions, that's funny.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

ZeroVoice said..."AA - I'm wondering - what images of the military *do* you want to see? I'll give you enough credit to assume that something other than ticker-tape victory parades and Mission Accomplished carrier landings are OK, but what specifically is acceptable to you?"

I want to see respect for people who are dedicated to a mission they understand and are committed to and who are proud of their brave and hard work.

ZeroVoice म्हणाले...

AA - Thank you for responding. It seems to me that raising public awareness of the costs of war is a legitimate way of building opposition to the war. Presumably that is part of the reason that the Pentagon has gone to such lengths to minimize dissemination of images of flag-draped coffins.

Do you object categorically to efforts to emphasize the human cost of war on the ground that they disrespect military servicemembers? Do you see a way of respectfully emphasizing the human costs of war?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

"Do you object categorically to efforts to emphasize the human cost of war on the ground that they disrespect military servicemembers?"

Not categorically, but I try to see what the political agenda is, and I am disgusted when I think a political party is trying to gain power by showing the military in a negative light. I would like an accurate picture or an excess of respect.

ZeroVoice म्हणाले...

Given your concern with manipulation of military symbols/imagery for political gain, I'll be exremely interested in your comments on this subject during the Republican convention, but let's leave that party aside for now.

I assume you agree that the Iraq war's wisdom and prosecution is a legitimate subject for discussion in the election, and therefore by political parties. It's hard for me to imagine an effort to criticize the Iraq war, its prosecution, or its prospects that is not susceptible to the interpretation that it portrays the military in a "negative light." After all, "the military" is the entity conducting the thing being criticized. It doesn't seem to me that the Democrats can criticize the Iraq war at all without "disgust[ing]" you.

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