৫ মে, ২০০৮

East Village dog.


২৬টি মন্তব্য:

Jonathan বলেছেন...

While loyal, these are known as being very difficult to train.

1775OGG বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
1775OGG বলেছেন...

However, they do love the "Stay" command! Removing the bird doo-doo is much more difficult, yet doable without being bitten!

Ps: Spell is not typo-proof, first one needs to write the correct word, second, then use the checker!

Ron বলেছেন...

Medusa left her Alphabet City flop too early to tolerate the barking of the Finkelsteins dog, while looking cigs and a bagel and shmear...

MadisonMan বলেছেন...

A few too many acid rain baths.

Bissage বলেছেন...

That’s a Brooklyn Pedestal Hound.

What it’s doing in the East Village I really don’t know.

Anyway, it looks stoned to me.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Medusa left her Alphabet City flop too early to tolerate the barking of the Finkelsteins dog, while looking cigs and a bagel and shmear...

She took a tumble as two men darted behind her, one holding an enormous viola case. It had a Vote for Obama sticker on it.

JohnAnnArbor বলেছেন...

It almost looks like a frog in that pose.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

Graffiti everywhere!! Even on top of the poor dog's head. What a horrible horrible city you show us.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

City of Miami Beach takes the graffiti very seriously, DBQ. You should come on down. E.g. -- the moment the squiggles go up, they send over a squad of city workers to paint over it (usually the very next day it's gone).

Not that there's a lot of that in SoBe anyway.

It's not a city like NY where frustration boils over, where self-expression needs an outlet, where there is a gang presence, or where everything is so old that it's barely hanging on to its rust.

OTOH, it's New York.


Ernst Stavro Blofeld বলেছেন...

You will have to eventually comment on this, so I'll point it out now:


Hence the creation of robo-squirrel Rocky at Hampshire College in Massachusetts (pictured), where researchers are studying whether the robot's squirrelly ways will allow it to mingle with the fully-biological, acorn-chomping natives.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Speaking of gritty cement jungles, what did I read but this SATC-teaser interview with Sarah Jessica Parker in NY Mag?

Her husband, my childhood hero Ferris Buehler, blames her for NY's gentrification. Great.

"Parker and Broderick keep a running count of these changes, a mutual mourning for the transformation of their neighborhood into a luxe, tree-lined shopping mall. She knows this sounds absurd coming from her, that people blame Sex and the City for the ruination of the West Village; even Broderick says, “That’s your fault!” when he sees a thong poking up from low-slung jeans, and her close friend John Benjamin Hickey, an actor, longs for the days before “those girls on buses.” Parker clarifies that she doesn’t want to sound like Madonna bemoaning what’s happened to New York: It’s not that there’s no “creative energy” in the air, it’s simply been priced out of this particular borough."

Read the article. It's not as insipid as it sounds.

I even ordered New Grub Street and The Moonstone on Amazon already, as well as "An Unmarried Woman" with Jill Clayburgh.

And I cannot tell you how blush-making it is for me to admit that I'm taking reading tips from Carrie Bradshaw.


KCFleming বলেছেন...

"What a horrible horrible city you show us."
Sic transit canis.

As goes the little stone dog, so goes the city.

blake বলেছেন...

SJP was on Dennis Miller's HBO show back in the day, and I was rather impressed by the way she carried herself. She had a certain dignity, and seemed to be able to actually express herself intelligently on the topic of government.

Then Miller said, "Hey, you ever think to yourself, 'I'm fucking Ferris Beuller!'?"

She was totally taken aback.

I guess the late '90s was a more genteel time.


Ron বলেছেন...

Victoria, s'cool as long as you don't take Carrie Bradshaw's advice on men!

vbspurs বলেছেন...

SJP was on Dennis Miller's HBO show back in the day, and I was rather impressed by the way she carried herself. She had a certain dignity, and seemed to be able to actually express herself intelligently on the topic of government.

I used to have the exact same opinion of her, Blake.

Pre-or-Early SATC, she was a different, more confident, less self-conscious person. She was even less political, in that alertless NY way.

Then Miller said, "Hey, you ever think to yourself, 'I'm fucking Ferris Beuller!'?"

Heh. But a total ripoff of Totie Fields speaking about Jackie O, whilst looking at a 50 cent coin, and saying with a Noo Yawk accent, "Yeah, I f*cked 'im."

She was totally taken aback.

I guess the late '90s was a more genteel time.

No, the thing is, and you can see this transparently in this interview, is that she bought into the whole Broderick clan's Peter Duchin world (he even played at their wedding...where she wore a black wedding dress).

She was but a poor gypsy family waif from Cincinnati, and like many people for whom NYC is some kind of Cosmopolitan Wonderland, full of transients like her, meeting the real thing in the Brodericks was daunting.

Today, she reminds one of a slightly oppressed rabbit. It's a very sad transformation, this buttoning up. It's almost as if she has this vision of what a NY grande dame is, but she's playing it less like Brooke Astor than Walter Mitty.

She's almost pitifully politically-correct now (she gave her son, James Wilkie, a DVD copy of Brokeback Mountain, so he could be exposed to "true love"), and with that goes along a feeling that she killed the NY of her dreams.

I rather feel like introducing her to Ann. She'd shake the cobwebs out of this girl (well 43 year old girl), in a trice.


vbspurs বলেছেন...

Victoria, s'cool as long as you don't take Carrie Bradshaw's advice on men!

Oh boy, this has become an SATC threadjack, but just to say, don't worry.

I am of the same opinion as Brian from Family Guy who once described the show as "three hookers and their mom".

Ron বলেছেন...

Victoria, just for remembering Totie Fields alone you get hugs and kisses!!!

Let's save the threadjacking for say, a Louise Brooks discussion, maybe Ute Lemper...

When you are introducing me to SJP? I'll get her and that faux Gene Wilder bowling within an hour...

Ron বলেছেন...

Hey here's a show idea!

I am of the same opinion as Brian from Family Guy who once described the show as "three hookers and their mom".

Let's have it be like the Partridge Family, but instead of musicians, it'll be three hookers and their mom! (who drives the bus...)

C'mon, get happy!

Trooper York বলেছেন...

It's nice to see a change. Instead of photo's of dogs urinated, we get a photo of a dog that got urinated on, a lot.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

(who drives the bus...)

Is it me, or does Hillary Clinton remind you of Shirley Jones...somehow?

And I mean facially, not that each was married to a narcissicist a-hole.


Trooper York বলেছেন...

And DBQ when I was in Frisco I thought it was like Calcutta, just without the charm. Just sayn'

blake বলেছেন...

Perhaps so, and more's the pity.

And I have heard disturbing things about the way she raises her son, though in my experience, it's not something I would give much weight to.

On the other hand, when I was a kid, women who had their first child at 40 tended to be weird, as did their kids.

I suppose that's less true these days.

blake বলেছেন...

I recall Patty and Selma Beavuier referring to SATC as "That show where all the women act like gay men."

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Now if they made sex in the city with Adrienne Barbeau, Pam Grier and Sheree North, well then we would have something.

Dust Bunny Queen বলেছেন...

"And DBQ when I was in Frisco I thought it was like Calcutta, just without the charm. Just sayn'"

Agreed. Agressive panhandlers everywhere. Much nicer weather for the hard core homeless drug addicts.