১ জানুয়ারী, ২০০৮

"'Twas the Night Before Caucus: The Republicans."

Cool animation, with excellent caricatures of the candidates.

NOTE: I've disembedded the video, which was too slow-loading.

২১টি মন্তব্য:

নামহীন বলেছেন...

He is a very proficient hater/animator.

AllenS বলেছেন...

Off topic

This is the first time since Sunday that I've been able to open up and view the comments. Let alone trying to view the blog. I've been suffering from Althouse Withdrawal Symtoms.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Are you suggesting that there's a technical problem with the blog?

Anyway, this cartoon is making the blog slow-loading... I'm thinking of disembedding it.

AllenS বলেছেন...

I have dial up...so. I was unable to open the comments after the blogging head stuff from yesterday. At first I could still open up the comments from posts before them, then even that quit and I would get a (Not Responding).

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Yeah, embedded video can be a problem even when you're not using dial-up. But not too many people use dial-up anymore.

save_the_rustbelt বলেছেন...

The video works fine here.

Worst GOP field ever? Following a really wretched GOP president, leaves many of us GOPers in a quandry.

The Dems aren't so hot either.

I think the two grown ups in the race are McCain and Biden, and both are past their primes.

Could be an Obama year.

George M. Spencer বলেছেন...

That 'thunking' noise you are hearing is the sound of millions of Republicans falling to their knees, praying that NY Mayor Bloomberg enters the race as an independent.

When asked whether his entry would hurt or help one party more than another, he replied, "If it’s a three-way race, the public has more choice than if it’s a two-way race, and has more choice in a two-way race than a one-way race.”

Ya think?

If he says that nonsense to The New York Times, what rubbish would he say to the rest of us?

Simon বলেছেন...

Wasn't Mark Fiore the guy who drew that wretched cartoon depicting the Carhart majority wearing bishop's mitres?

save_the_rustbelt said...
"Could be an Obama year."

Lord, no; I'd hoped that this meant that finally people on the other side were waking up to an alarm bell I've been ringing for over a year

Fen বলেছেন...

/back from Dallas, nice to be on a modern computer again...

Over the holidays, I heard Rudy on the radio explaining why he would abolish the Electoral College. He just lost my vote.

Also saw Obama's book at the airport, entitled "The Audacity of Hope". WTH is up with that? Its "bold" to be hopeful? Sounds more like a bunch of touchy-feely bs to distract from his inexperience.

Fen বলেছেন...

Lord, no; I'd hoped that this meant that finally people on the other side were waking up

Obama could have used a true stat: 72% out of wedlock births for blacks, but that would have shifted the blame from American society to black culture. How very "brave" of him..

Simon বলেছেন...

Fen said...
"Over the holidays, I heard Rudy on the radio explaining why he would abolish the Electoral College. He just lost my vote."

I get very tired of Presidential candidates talking about Constitutional amendments as if the President has anything to do with the amendment process. It's usually just a means of pandering (e.g. Bush on gay marriage in '04).

On the other hand, although I'm generally hostile to attempts to change the Constitution that aren't very well-grounded and narrowly-drawn - do we have a link for this? I don't see anything on google.

Fen বলেছেন...

Simon: do we have a link for this? I don't see anything on google

No I don't. And to be fair, I should clarify: this was at approx 1PM EST today in a cab from Reagan International, and I was in the backseat with no control over the radio dial. Also, the speaker wasn't identified as Rudy, its just that his voice is very recognizable to me since 9-11. But I could be mistaken. So its fair to be skeptical until there is better confirmation.

as if the President has anything to do with the amendment process.

Yah, it just disturbs me when candidates don't appear to understand the value of the EC to less populated regions of the country. I don't want my rights defined by idiots in LA and NYC who can't understand why rural folk need a gun to defend themselves until the police arrive [from 30 miles out].

Ann: Are you suggesting that there's a technical problem with the blog?

I am having trouble with your blog today. Freezes and locks my window when accessing the comment section. Internet Explorer gives me an error msg after the freeze, But no problem with others: Instapundit, Powerline, or Captain's Quarters [which has a comment section too]. And my comp is latest generation, only 2 months out of the box.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Do you have this problem with other blogspot blogs?

Trumpit বলেছেন...

"Worst GOP field ever? Following a really wretched GOP president, leaves many of us GOPers in a quandry."

The best Republican candidate is Hillary Clinton. She's a pro corporate lap dog of the highest order as John Edwards keeps pointing out.

Fen বলেছেন...

No. And I've never had any prob with yours until today. But everything here is working "normal" for me now, so maybe it was just a momentary glitch. I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if it crops up again.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Was the problem from when I had that Slate animation embedded?

Fen বলেছেন...

No. My first log on was after you pulled that. From approx 3:30 PM till 4:00 [took me about a half hour of refreshing the page, reloading, and then visiting other sites to see if it was me, before my 4:10 post made it through].

I wouldn't worry about further unless others report similar problems or it happens to me again.

AllenS বলেছেন...

Had problems again this morning. Wasn't on after I posted yesterday. The stuff in the right hand column isn't loading. I've noticed this before, when the site loaded slowly. The right hand column seemed to take forever to load. But again, I have dial up.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Maybe something in the sidebar is slow-loading. I'm taking out the ABA Journal top 100 thing. Let me know if you see an improvement.

AllenS বলেছেন...

I just got back in. The sidebar eventually loaded, but something that I've heard is a noise coming out of my speakers. I think that something in the blogging heads stuff is running or open. When I went to leave your site, my computer locked up and I had to use ctrl-alt-del to start over. When those videos eventually leave the page, I'm confident things will be back to normal.

Synova বলেছেন...

I thought that was an incredibly stupid video. It wasn't even clever. It was essentially, oooo... evil minions what evil are they up to nasty little greedy piggies with guns who like torture and being mean.


I didn't even think he made any sort of intelligent comment on the candidates I think are nut cases. Heck, after watching it I thought *better* of Ron Paul.

I mean, he took the sanest thing Ron Paul is *for* in order to show how he's evil just like all the others.

I'm with Patca. A proficient hater/animator. The content of it didn't come from observation, it all came from the alternate reality that exists inside his own head.