४ जानेवारी, २००८

"This feels good. This feels just like I imagined when I was talking to my kindergarten teacher."

Obama tells a joke.

११ टिप्पण्या:

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

While running errands, I was channel surfing the radio. A caller to one of the stations stated that he was talking to his son and trying to get him to support Obama.

The son responded that though he really liked Obama, he did not think he could support him because he was the wrong color. The father angrily asked his son what he meant by that.

The son replied that Obama was just too green.

Joaquin म्हणाले...

Oh, that was a nice dig at Hillary!
Right now, Hillary has a bullseye right between the eyes and it looks like Obama is going to nail her at every chance.
The big question is: How is Hillary going to go after Obama?

अनामित म्हणाले...


It will be interesting to see how and if Hillary exploits this.

Peter V. Bella म्हणाले...

The big question is: How is Hillary going to go after Obama?
12:27 PM

The same way she and Bill have gone after all of their opponents. They will release negative information, ususally through phony third parties. They will use the same tactics that they decry being used against them.

The problem with Hillary is her dirt is buried some place. She is a woman without a past.

EnigmatiCore म्हणाले...

I told you that was the line of the day.

Joaquin म्हणाले...

Hillary, the woman married to the first Black President who has an office in Harlem is going to go after Obama?
Hillary, the Queen of the Democrat Party. The Democrat Party that worships at everything African-American is going to go after Obama?

John Stodder म्हणाले...

The same way she and Bill have gone after all of their opponents. They will release negative information, ususally through phony third parties.

Keep an eye on friendly columnists. Joe Conason, for example. He will do anything for the Clintons. Margaret Talbot's another.

But so much of what the Clintons do goes on behind the scenes. Phone calls are being made right now I'm sure, with the message being: "We're going to turn this around, and if you're not with us, well, it'll be like you never existed. No one will return your phone calls. No one will hire you. Is that a chance you're willing to take?"

George M. Spencer म्हणाले...

He won..."with a folksy manner, and with the best guileless pose in modern politics."

That's Peggy Noonan about the other winner.

But it sounds like Obama, too.

Poses and one-liners are not what we need.

AlphaLiberal म्हणाले...

I actually didn't get the joke at first but fortunately the article explains it.

So, he's evoking a dubious passage from a right-wing book by James (?) Gerth, the right wing hit journalist.

Barry, Barry, Barry. There you go again, aping the wingers.

Revenant म्हणाले...

So, he's evoking a dubious passage from a right-wing book by James (?) Gerth, the right wing hit journalist.

Um, no. Like the article explains, he's making fun of the Clinton campaign's attempt to attack him with his kindergarten essay on becoming President. Maybe James Gerth (whoever he is) wrote about that too. But it was in the media because Clinton was talking about it, not because Gerth was.

DADvocate म्हणाले...

Obama's comment is priceless. It highlights the difference between himself and the plodding, humorless Hillary. I won't vote for either but Obama is refreshing.