২৭ নভেম্বর, ২০০৭


I'm getting reports that I was mentioned on Rush Limbaugh's show today. Can anyone recount what was said

UPDATE: I think the reason my name came up is because it's in this column published this morning by Charlie Sykes.

IN THE COMMENTS: Scroll down to 2:22 for a link to the audio clip. And, yes, it is the material from the Sykes column. And, beyond that, Rush's point is that the new generation is not receptive to the "political correctness" of their elders.

১৪০টি মন্তব্য:

Unknown বলেছেন...

More important, here's a riddle for you.

Q: What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenberg?

A: One's a flaming Nazi gasbag, and the other's just a dirigible.

Mortimer Brezny বলেছেন...

"That Ann Altblogger woman, she quite obviously -- and the lefty Dems know this, my pals, my friends -- this Althousian woman, yes, she has the hots for Mortimer Brezny."

-- Rush Limbaugh, today

rhhardin বলেছেন...

I'm listening but also working so might have missed it, but nothing perked up my ears so far.

Give me a time and I can go back and check. The computer records the radio with no human intervention, in case something worth saving happens.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I'm told it's about 55 minutes into today's show.

Ruth Anne Adams বলেছেন...

RHHardin: It was at about the 55 minute mark of the first hour. He was talking to caller "Jason" about changes on college campii. He quoted either this post or those related to it.

Ruth Anne Adams বলেছেন...

Or possibly this post, because he also mentioned the University of Delaware program.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Fun fact: Noted war enthusiast Rush Limbaugh beat the draft during Vietnam by getting a medical exemption due to a boil on his ass.

Isn't that heroic?

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Okay I'll go back when it stops at 3 and check it. No output to check until then.

Fen বলেছেন...

medical exemption due to a boil on his ass.

Kinda like getting a splinter in your arm, demanding a PH so you can rotate out of a unit thats been retasked from waterskiing to litoral combat?

k বলেছেন...

He quoted from this post, beginning with "Students can report anything?"

George M. Spencer বলেছেন...


It is good publicity. Very good.

Enjoy it.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Mort also mentioned you when he called in "Love Lines," I'm working on the link.

Revenant বলেছেন...

A pilonidal cyst is not "a boil on the ass".

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Kinda like getting a splinter in your arm, demanding a PH so you can rotate out of a unit thats been retasked from waterskiing to litoral combat?

No, one got out of it for a anal cyst, one obviously served. Big difference.

Another fun fact was Ted Nugent showing up at the draft board covered in his own feces and urine to avoid service.


Pastafarian বলেছেন...

Did you go to Vietnam Christopher? And I'm quite sure Rush Limbaugh is the only American to beat the draft. I'm sure only right-wingers dodged right?

Laura Reynolds বলেছেন...

The good thing christopher is that one day, when you grow up, you too can become a responsible thinking adult. One day.

Larry Sheldon বলেছেন...

Hey! Let's don't grt all bound up in _facts_ here. It is the nuance that is important.

(Note to self: Find out WTF "nuance" means.)

নামহীন বলেছেন...

I can send you the audio tonight when I get home from work.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Hey Fen:

They still haven't found anybody who remembers serving with Bush in the Alabama Air National Guard.

How does it feel to have voted for a deserter?

Fen বলেছেন...

garage mahal: No, one got out of it for a anal cyst, one obviously served. Big difference.

Not to a vet like me who served in a Victor unit.

Kerry chose to serve with Swiftboats [by his own admission] because their duty was AWAY from the FEBA out in the water. Once his unit was retasked to dangerous litoral combat, he started pulling his 3 PH bs so he could get out.

Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

Noted war enthusiast Rush Limbaugh beat the draft during Vietnam by getting a medical exemption due to a boil on his ass.

Isn't that heroic?

Considering how Vietnam is considered was such an immoral and illegal war fought by war criminals conducting activites reminiscient of Jengis Kahn, I'd have thought you lefties would be celebrating Rush getting out of it.

Really wish ya'll would make up your mind.

PeterP বলেছেন...

I'm getting reports that I was mentioned on Rush Limbaugh's show today.

I'm told it's about 55 minutes into today's show.

...A hike into the mountains is a good cure for this sort of thing. Clears the head of all sorts of nonsense.

Long vistas to distant snow-capped peaks and empty valleys below. Just one faint plume of campfire smoke in the far distance to remind you that humanity exists. The crunch of crisp new snow beneath the feet and a delicate little frisson that you might just not make it back to the cabin before nightfall.

Gives perspective on life and stuff.

Fen বলেছেন...

Lucky's son: They still haven't found anybody who remembers serving with Bush in the Alabama Air National Guard.

Christopher demonstrates he still hasn't grasped that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Anyone surprised?

Fen বলেছেন...

Peter: Gives perspective on life and stuff.

She might be curious b/c stuff she wrote about a policy of her former employer was brought into a national radio show. I'd want to know, if for no other reason than someone's ruffled feathers might need to be smoothed.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Fen said...

Christopher demonstrates he still hasn't grasped that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Anyone surprised?

You'll rationalize anything where the deserter is concerned.

How cute...

Unknown বলেছেন...

Fen said...
Christopher demonstrates he still hasn't grasped that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Anyone surprised?

So you're saying it's believable that he served even though not a soul remembers him being there?

Wow....some people will drink anything, apparently.

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Althouse said: "Can anyone recount what was said?"

The correct answer thus far is "No".

Unknown বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি একটি ব্লগ প্রশাসক দ্বারা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।
Justin বলেছেন...

Fen said...

She might be curious b/c stuff she wrote about a policy of her former employer

Former? Did I miss something? Is Althouse no longer a professor at the University of Wisconsin?

I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Rush said his listeners agreed you were an incredible hottie and for a liberal, you had a good sense of humor too.

Also, to everyone - since Kerry and his 3 Purple Hearts has been the topic here lately, does anyone know if there were any other Vietnam vets who (like Kerry) took advantage of the 3 PH and you go home situation?

And Christopher and Mortimer- way to go by making me laugh at the 1st two comment to this post. Thanks for the chuckles.

Fen বলেছেন...

I thought she relocated to NYC [and away from Madison]. I could be wrong.

John Stodder বলেছেন...

The article Limbaugh apparently cited was a cheerful column about the demise of a Nazi-like program of secret denunciations at the U of W.

But in the mind of little christopher, being opposed to Nazi-like policies makes you a Nazi.

Comedy gold.

Fen বলেছেন...

does anyone know if there were any other Vietnam vets who (like Kerry) took advantage of the 3 PH and you go home situation?

Coastal Division, not entire Vietnam, but:

Insight: contacted many men who served in Coastal Division at the same time Kerry did to ask if any of them had heard of anyone leaving the combat zone by invoking three minor wounds. Of the 12 who replied, none had heard of anyone doing so but John Kerry.


Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

does anyone know if there were any other Vietnam vets who (like Kerry) took advantage of the 3 PH and you go home situation?

Well my uncle got two. Then again he didnt' get them in four months either but that's another story.

I don't think anyone question's a vet going home after getting three Purple Hearts. I think people questioned whether getting a sliver of shrapnel in your arm constitutes a wound meriting a Purple Heart. Kinda like a boil on one's ass expempting them from the draft.

Unknown বলেছেন...

John Stodder said...
But in the mind of little christopher, being opposed to Nazi-like policies makes you a Nazi.

What, you're saying Rush Limbaugh isn't a flaming Nazi gasbag?

I think given his body of work over the years that such a description shouldn't even be remotely controvesial.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Are Lucky and Chris the same person, I wonder? They're indistinguishable, and Lucky sure does get bitchy when people complain about Chris.

Justin বলেছেন...

Fen said...

I thought she relocated to NYC [and away from Madison]. I could be wrong.

You are correct. But I thought it was a temporary [one year] move and that she would be returning to Madison and UW. I, also, could be wrong.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Enough of the talk about Vietnam, etc.

Let's get back to the subject of today's show, not all the general crap you might want to say about Rush.

Fen বলেছেন...

Found one Vietnam vet with 3 PHs, but it doesn't say whether he took advantage of the rule to rotate back to the states [he retired from Marines in 1991.


Fen বলেছেন...

Okay, I'll drop the PH/Vietnam sidebar. Sorry.

rhhardin বলেছেন...

Audio of 0:49:0 to 0:55:0 here (Real Audio)

Unknown বলেছেন...

Oooh no, here come the Althouse Blog Police.

Fen বলেছেন...

Revenant: Are Lucky and Chris the same person, I wonder? They're indistinguishable, and Lucky sure does get bitchy when people complain about Chris.

Some kind of Father/Son relationship. Which explains why Lucky got so upset with people associating Christopher with pedophilia yesterday.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

Frasier: Hello, Mort. I’m listening.
Mort: Hi, Dr. Crane. I have a problem. I am obsessed with someone I met on the Internet. I post long involved recondite legal opinions in the hope that she would notice me. But so far she has been very standoffish and barely acknowledges my existence..
Frasier: Perhaps that is not the right approach. Try something more straightforward. Invite her out for coffee in the diner in the Bronx at the end of the 6 line.
Mort: Someone already tried that. She just posts coquettish videos while doing a fan dance with a flower and making little girlish sex yelps. It’s driving me mad. My hat is spinning.
Frasier: Well it is always best to be honest.
Mort: Ok, doc I will give it a try.
Frasier: And Mort.
Mort. Yes.
Frasier Lose the hat. You look like Imus.
(Frasier, 1997)

Unknown বলেছেন...

Which explains why Lucky got so upset with people associating Christopher with pedophilia yesterday.

I didn't have any problem with that, but it's just not true. Actually, I mostly cruise airport mensrooms looking for anonymous sex with closeted Republican congressmen.

JohnAnnArbor বলেছেন...

does anyone know if there were any other Vietnam vets who (like Kerry) took advantage of the 3 PH and you go home situation?

I know some avoided reporting third wounds in order to avoid the issue, because they felt it would be abandoning their unit.

Hey বলেছেন...

One final point: decisions made by draft boards may look silly in hindsight, and are often used out of context to humiliate, but they have very good reasons for setting certain medical standards. Combat is not a healthy place to be - up until very recently disease killed far more men than battle - and people who demonstrate conditions of even slightly compromised immune systems need to be kept away so as to reduce the chances of incubating diseases and reducing the medical burden. SE Asia is a disease stew (dengue fever, etc) even for the healthiest, so keeping people out with tendencies to get infections is a good idea.

The Air Force has exacting standards on eyesight for pilots (kinda important) and has restrictions on what kind of eye surgery is allowed (since pilots undergo massive g loading). The combat arms are very restrictive towards anyone with asthma, heck even the state department is, because when things truly go bad it's likely to cause respiratory distress for an asthmatic at the absolute last time that the individual and unit can afford it.

Any open infection is a bad thing on the battlefield, never mind one that can substantially impede mobility and posture. Boils sound like a joke, but if they aren't treated correctly (say 2 misdiagnoses and 1 lousy ER procedure) you can suddenly be in hospital for 4 days and laid up for two - three weeks in immense pain. I'm 3 times medically unfit for combat, despite being in great shape and a high level varsity competitor across many HS sports (track, football, rugby, swimming). I would have loved to be a Ranger or SEAL, but asthma, propensity for skin infections, and very bad knees (go childhood overuse injuries) I might be able to fly a desk, maybe.

Fen বলেছেন...

Lucky/Chris: I didn't have any problem with that, but it's just not true.

Not you. Lucky had the problem. Or did you mix up your sock drawer?

Actually, I mostly cruise airport mensrooms looking for anonymous sex with closeted Republican congressmen.

Yah, that was a funny line when you said it yesterday. Why recycle? Obviously you felt a need to spike the subject with humor again instead of ignoring it.

No, it doesn't bother you at all...

Freeman Hunt বলেছেন...

So what did Rush say about Ann?

I'm on a PDA and can't listen to the audio.

former law student বলেছেন...

My neighbor had his pilonidal cyst removed about ten years ago, when he was in his mid-fifties. It was painful, but really no big deal. Had he wanted to serve, Rush could have had his removed and been in combat a few months later. Especially because a young buck like Rush would have healed a lot faster than the middle-aged guy next door.

Fen বলেছেন...

fls: Had he wanted to serve, Rush could have had his removed and been in combat a few months later

I can put you in touch with a good recruiter today, if you want to serve...

Fen বলেছেন...

C'mon fls, you're better than Rush, you can be in combat a few months later...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

The Vietnam War ended almost 30 years ago. There sure are a lot of people who want to re-fight it. I have an idea for them: Why don't you re-enact it like the Civil War buffs? On site. In Vietnam. If you'll all agree to use live ammo, I'll spring for the napalm.

hdhouse বলেছেন...

I heard it. It was unremarkable....even for Rush.

Better your name is sprayed on the public outhouses near city hall rather than heard on Rush Limbaugh....you'll have to wash up for a week in any event.

After a month away, it is time to 'rastle the miscreant right wing to the mat once again. I've played in the other sandboxes and found none so inviting as professor mighty-mite's.

Armed and loaded for bear or elephants I am. yahooooooo.

TMink বলেছেন...

Christopher said: "Actually, I mostly cruise airport mensrooms looking for anonymous sex with closeted Republican congressmen."

Good one!


I'm Full of Soup বলেছেন...

Fen said:
"...did you mix up your sox drawer?"

Good one Fen.

Revenant বলেছেন...

I've played in the other sandboxes and found none so inviting as professor mighty-mite's.

The position of "left-wing troll" has already been filled.

Are you willing to learn to hate Jews? Cedarford's getting a little tired, and we could use a replacement Buchananite.

jeff বলেছেন...

"Christopher said: "Actually, I mostly cruise airport mensrooms looking for anonymous sex with closeted Republican congressmen."

Good one!

Uh, Trey, he isn't kidding. I'm not sure if he has actually found a closeted Republican congressman yet, but he will continue to look. One anonymous sexual encounter at a time, until he finds his holy grail. The boy does have commitment.

jeff বলেছেন...

"After a month away, it is time to 'rastle the miscreant right wing to the mat once again. I've played in the other sandboxes and found none so inviting as professor mighty-mite's."

Good luck with that. Many have tried. All have failed.

Unknown বলেছেন...

I'm not sure if he has actually found a closeted Republican congressman yet, but he will continue to look. One anonymous sexual encounter at a time, until he finds his holy grail. The boy does have commitment.

Ain't that the truth. I will not rest until Lindsey Grahame.....and that Mitch McConnell guy.

But there's lots more, including Rove, so it should be nonstop fun...

jeff বলেছেন...

Rove is a congressman? Hot Damn, this should be good. Afraid I got more bad news about the other two guys. You need to expand beyond a congressman. If you know what I mean.

Joan বলেছেন...

I heard part of Rush's show when I was out doing errands this morning, and I did hear him read from Ann's posted comments on the now moribund "Think. Respect." program at UW. He didn't say anything about Ann, but he obviously agreed with the questions that she posed at the time -- "the administration wants students to report everything?" (paraphrased)

It was indeed an upbeat little segment, because such programs were not embraced by the student population. Rush also mentioned other instances where students rejected attempts at re-education and indoctrination, but I don't have the details. There's this expectation that every kid on every college campus in America is left-wing/liberal, in step with the MoveOns, etc. Rush's point was that most of these kids don't even remember Bill Clinton's presidency, so they're not as hung up on the whole Clinton Mystique as the celebrity and media culture icons are.

I don't know why some here think being mentioned by Rush is such a bad thing. The man's audience is huge, the biggest in talk radio. The quote he read was well-reasoned and to the point, and reflected well on Ann. I wonder how much any of those criticizing Rush ever actually listen to him?

Sixty Bricks বলেছেন...

I have been forced at times to listen to this idiot. Once with college boys and once with my fascist mother.
Kansas City Limburger.

jeff বলেছেন...

"I don't know why some here think being mentioned by Rush is such a bad thing."

Because their not all that bright.

"The man's audience is huge, the biggest in talk radio."

Yeah, but those people are all "fascist" though. (used by those who don't know the meaning of the word)

"The quote he read was well-reasoned and to the point, and reflected well on Ann. I wonder how much any of those criticizing Rush ever actually listen to him?"

Probably not.

It might be well reasoned and to the point, but clearly the argument against whatever it was he said is that he is a "flaming Nazi gasbag, and a "idiot". There is no way he can stand up to well reasoned opposition like that.

jeff বলেছেন...

"Neither Kennedy's office nor the publishing house would reveal the size of the package, but a publishing figure familiar with the deal said Kennedy's payment was one of the largest in history, eclipsing the $8 million given to New York Senator Hillary Clinton. Former President Clinton and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair each got a reported $10 million for their memoirs."

Wow. Over 10 million. I hear the working title is "If I HAD drowned her, this is how I would have done it."

Unknown বলেছেন...

Wow. jeff has good things to say about the guy who called Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog" and claimed Michael J. Fox was faking his Parkinson's symptoms...

What a shock...

Sixty Bricks বলেছেন...

good old Jeff,
i listened for so many tormented hours to this retard. my mom stopped the car and told me to get out on our way to Red Wing where my blind Grand ma was on her way to the Beauty Shop. I called sweinhexe a nazi and she did'nt like it. Big deal. Hitchike back down on 61. you jeff need to learn how to read.

john বলেছেন...

Dang Chris, you do listen! You kidder you.

paul a'barge বলেছেন...

Hey Althouse, to heck with Rush, you need to fisk this.

Check out the part where she's talking about the Second Amendment guaranteeing "due process".

What a maroon.

Sixty Bricks বলেছেন...

It is they're are not all bright. Get with it. I spell Grand ma that way because she is a dumb freak Fox joke.

jeff বলেছেন...

"jeff has good things to say about the guy who called Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog" and claimed Michael J. Fox was faking his Parkinson's symptoms..."

Come on, you can cherry pick more than that. He's been on radio for how many years now? Apply yourself!

Oh, and you left out "again" after "symptoms".

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

Q: What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenberg?

A: One's a flaming Nazi gasbag, and the other's just a dirigible.

Spoken like someone who has no idea what the Nazi party stood for, but is totally in touch with left wing talking points.

jeff বলেছেন...

"you jeff need to learn how to read."

Yeah. THAT's the problem.

"It is they're are not all bright."

Yes, I know. I like to hang those out now and again to gage the level of my opposition. Usually neither Chris or Lucy bite at it.

I think you both miss my point. Neither of you have pointed to a position of his that you oppose and told me why he is wrong and you are right. Instead it's the usual "retard" stuff.

ricpic বলেছেন...

Imus has a moderately long needle.
Mort has a short fat schlong.
No resemblance whatsoever.

AllenS বলেছেন...


She said: "Few young Americans understand that the Second Amendment keeps their homes safe from the kind of government intrusion that other citizens suffer around the world; few realize that "due process" means that..."

Since she used that semicolon (used to indicate a major division in a sentence), one could assume she was talking about Amendment V without mentioning it. She used "Few Americans" and then "few realize". I read it as two different "fews".

jeff বলেছেন...

"Not long ago, I gave a talk at a major university in the Midwest. "They're going to raze our meadows and put in a shopping mall!" a young woman in the audience wailed. "And there's nothing we can do!" she said, to the nods of young and old alike.

I stared at her in amazement and asked how old she was. When she said 26, I suggested that she run for city council. Then she stared at me-- with complete incomprehension. It took me a long time to convince her and her peers in the audience that what I'd suggested was possible, even if she didn't have money, a major media outlet of her own or a political "machine" behind her."

Or better yet, BUY the goddamn meadow rather than using politics to steal it from its rightful owner.

Fen বলেছেন...

/bump from 3PM

fls: Had he wanted to serve, Rush could have had his removed and been in combat a few months later

I can put you in touch with a good recruiter today, if you want to serve...

C'mon fls, you're better[?] than Rush, you can be in combat a few months later...

You castigate Rush for not having surgery so he could serve, but whats stopping you from serving today?

Where did fls go? Did he shame himself into enlisting? That would be sweet.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Hey everybody --

Get your wingnut revisionist history right here!!!

Karl Roves claims the Democrats pushed Bush into war with Iraq prematurely!!!!!

If you guys can spin this one, you can spin anything....

john বলেছেন...

Chris - right, if no one listens to you on one thread, keep on posting it on every thread!

Too bad you can't bang pots and pans.

As to your point, if there is one, I am sure the Althouse regulars can spin that Rove story to suit your preconceptions just fine. Give them a few minutes.

Revenant বলেছেন...

The Rove interview is pretty neat.

john বলেছেন...

There, see?

garage mahal বলেছেন...

Karl Rove is a genius.

jeff বলেছেন...

And in Living Color!

jeff বলেছেন...

I didn't catch the actual interview. Did he discuss how he felt when he was frog-marched out of the White House two years ago? Oh...wait.

Revenant বলেছেন...

The Rove interview is pretty neat.

And now I'm finally done listening to it. :)

Anyway, big shock, Chris is lying. Rove doesn't blame the Democrats for "pushing Bush into war". He says that Congress -- which, as a smarter man than Chris might remember, was controlled by Republicans held the vote to authorize the war too early, so that it could be an issue in the 2002 elections, and that as a result the Bush administration didn't have a chance to do as much coalition-building as it wanted to.

Now I have no idea if that's true or not -- but whether it is true or not, blaming the Congress of 2002 isn't the same thing as blaming the Democrats. Quite the opposite.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Revenant said...

The Rove interview is pretty neat.

And now I'm finally done listening to it. :)

Anyway, big shock, Chris is lying. Rove doesn't blame the Democrats for "pushing Bush into war". He says that Congress -- which, as a smarter man than Chris might remember, was controlled by Republicans

A smarter man than you might remember that in the fall of 2002 the Congress was controlled, barely, by the Democrats.

Try again...

jeff বলেছেন...

"A smarter man than you might remember that in the fall of 2002 the Congress was controlled, barely, by the Democrats."

The Senate was. The House was controlled by the Republicans. Before the elections they held 223 of 435 seats. Can you make a point without being blatantly dishonest?

Revenant বলেছেন...

A smarter man than you might remember that in the fall of 2002 the Congress was controlled, barely, by the Democrats.

The Democrats had a one-vote majority in the Senate. The Republicans had solid control of the House, which is where the war resolution was introduced and first passed. In BOTH houses, the resolution was passed, and backed, overwhelmingly by Republicans.

So, like I noted, you lied about Rove's accusation. He blamed Congress, not the Democrats.

Unknown বলেছেন...

jeff said...

"A smarter man than you might remember that in the fall of 2002 the Congress was controlled, barely, by the Democrats."

The Senate was. The House was controlled by the Republicans. Before the elections they held 223 of 435 seats. Can you make a point without being blatantly dishonest?

I said the Congress was controlled, barely, by the Democrats

Emphasis: barely.

Having the Senate and almost the House clearly qualifies as barely. Can you attempt to rebut something without being a disingenuous yutz?

PSGInfinity বলেছেন...

christopher said...

"Wow. jeff has good things to say about the guy who called Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog" and claimed Michael J. Fox was faking his Parkinson's symptoms"

Ah, but Michael admitted at the time that he DID (still does?) go off his meds before he testified regarding Parkinsons. In effect, he was 'faking' his symptoms. And as for Chelsea; A) Prove it, B) she was going through the "8th-grade blues" when BJ Clinton was first elected in '92. Fortunately, like almost all of us, she outgrew the awkwardness.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Having the Senate and almost the House clearly qualifies as barely [controlling Congress].

That particularly stupid statement deserves to stand without further comment, I think. :)

jeff বলেছেন...

"I said the Congress was controlled, barely, by the Democrats

Emphasis: barely.

Having the Senate and almost the House clearly qualifies as barely. Can you attempt to rebut something without being a disingenuous yutz?"

So in your world having the Senate by one vote and being down 223-212
in the house is "barely controlling" congress.

"Having the Senate and almost the House clearly qualifies as barely."

That's so damn funny, I had to quote it a second time.

So your answer to "Can you make a point without being blatantly dishonest?"

Is NO. OK then.

Sixty Bricks বলেছেন...

jeff actually listens to limlaugh. Too bad he doesn't read Madison. James Madison.

jeff বলেছেন...

"jeff actually listens to limlaugh. Too bad he doesn't read Madison. James Madison."

I love you guys and this incredible mind reading you do. Actually, I have a job and work for a living. I haven't heard Limbaugh since 1986. I am most curious though. Please quote for me the statement that makes you think I need to read more Madison. Or any Madison. What position have I stated that Madison would oppose? Or did you run over to Wikipedia and look up a founding father? Come on smart guy, step up to the plate.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

You know, conservatives have their own "political correctness." Unlike liberals, it's not usually a matter of being polite.

Examples of Conservative Political Correctness
- Illegal immigrants are diseased terrorists who rip off this country with their low wages.

- Business only does good and must not be criticized.

- Pointing out the growing economic inequities in the USA is class warfare and must be shouted down.

- The President, when a Republican, must not be questioned.

- The President, when a Democrat, must be hounded from office.

- Any environmental problem must only be discussed with the equivalent of grade school-level derision and taunts. All environmental problems are fictitious.

- "The market" and "tax cuts" are the only allowable answers to economic problems.

- Tolerance is bad.

It's easy to find the Conservative political correctness! Even Ann Altouse could do it, if only she could think independently of the right wing! But she can't!

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

"They still haven't found anybody who remembers serving with Bush in the Alabama Air National Guard."

Actually, there's still a $10,000 reward for anyone who can prove Bush showed up for service in the Alabama National Guard.

He didn't. He's a shirker and a wastrel.

John Stodder বলেছেন...

Here's what's bothering me. Rush Limbaugh is one of those news sources that, as in this case, launches the mother of all ad hominem attacks.

The news in this post is that the odious and fascist-tinged "think respect" program is dying on the vine. That's good news. It's a sad commentary on the media today that only sources like Limbaugh find that news to be worth covering.

But he did. Then what happens? Somebody like Ann will cite Rush's coverage, and before you can say Josef Goebbels, a foolish totalitarian-in-training (christopher) leaps in to tell us, in effect, to ignore the news because the source is "a flaming Nazi gasbag."

As I pointed out more briefly up the thread, this is high irony and low comedy. A fascist program dies, but the few who celebrate it get called Nazis.

News is news. "Consider the source" is actually a false basis for an argument. But it's almost all they've got over there on the christopher realm of the left. Yesterday, he was telling us that anybody who is anybody realizes Mark Halperin, a respected mainstream journalist and an avowed liberal, is "a coward." So anything he says is also to be ignored and scorned, just because he said it.

As someone else said above, christopher is obviously ignorant of what the Nazis did and how they operated. He doesn't have the information or the intelligence to realize that lists of banned people were a Nazi tactic that he's slavishly following. But there are less dim bulbs among the left who use the same tactics, who in fact are christopher's teachers, who in fact were the kind of people who devised programs like "think respect" to empower themselves. It's good news that the kids in these colleges are turning up their nose at this kind of program, but its creators are not going to give up so easily.

jeff বলেছেন...

Who has a Honorable Discharge which means he fulfilled his service. If you have any proof to the contrary, then trot it out. Your making the accusation, let's see your proof. Otherwise, I think you set enough straw men on fire in here. What is with you guys and your poorly thought out, poorly supported, poorly presented politics? Are you guys like Republican Moby's sent out to give the real liberals a really bad name?

jeff বলেছেন...

Yeah. As expected. Ok then. Time for bed.

hdhouse বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
hdhouse বলেছেন...

So interesting. Even a dim bulb heading like "limbaugh" will draw out the right wing moths....flapping their little wings.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Jeez, HD -- the post's been up all day and that's the best insult you can come up with?

Maybe I was wrong to tell "dodecahedron" that the leftie troll spots were taken. If you keep up this poor performance Ann's going to have to let you go.

John Stodder বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
John Stodder বলেছেন...

Is HD saying he supports "Think Respect?" Is that what Christopher's saying, too? I guess so.

What else can you conclude from their comments? The attacks on Rush Limbaugh and other commenters here had to have some purpose, right? The topic was not Rush, but the story he discussed on his program on the slow demise of "Think Respect."

Yep. HD and christopher are big supporters of speech codes. Now we know.

The Counterfactualist বলেছেন...


Trooper York met with rather serious accident on the 17th instant. It appears that the men on duty down the lower forehold have been in the habit of sliding down a rope instead of using the ladder placed in position for their use; & by some means, the upper end of the rope became detached, the consequence being that when Trooper York threw his weight on to it, it ran through the block to which it was attached, & he was instantly precipitated to the bottom of the hold, a distance of about 16 feet. Luckily there was no obstruction in the way, or Trooper York, would not have escaped with only a severe shaking. We are glad to report that he is doing well under the care of the medical staff -; & it is hoped he will be able to resume his duties in a week or two.


Paco Wové বলেছেন...

Hey, I thought hdhouse had flounced out of here several weeks ago, never to return.

hdhouse বলেছেন...

i still read this blog on occasion and noticing that the right wing on here has puffed itself up beyond reason, somehow ascribing to the no child left behind logic that 30% constitutes a majority, i came out of retirement to put some logic back into this blog...

of course you know what logic is...right? buellar? buellar?


Hoosier Daddy বলেছেন...

i still read this blog on occasion

Nonsense. We know you only look at the pictures Ann puts up.

froggyprager বলেছেন...

I read Sykes column and heard Rush's clip. Do you Althouse agree with Charlie and Rush that big brother political correctness is a widespread problem destroying universities or do you think that the Think Respect program went too far.

jeff বলেছেন...

"i still read this blog on occasion and noticing that the right wing on here has puffed itself up beyond reason, somehow ascribing to the no child left behind logic that 30% constitutes a majority, i came out of retirement to put some logic back into this blog...

of course you know what logic is...right? buellar? buellar?"

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....oh wait. You were being serious? Oh, now that's just sad.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

This fisking will be easy. Alpha Drones alleged conservative PC-ness.

1. - Illegal immigrants are diseased terrorists who rip off this country with their low wages.

No, Illegal immigrants are ILLEGAL and they need to go home and get in line like their countrymen who came here LEGALLY. What part of that can't you grasp?

2. - Business only does good and must not be criticized.

Then explain Conservative opposition to his immigration amnesty plan, which is backed overwhelmingly by the corporate community and the Chamber of Commerce.

- Pointing out the growing economic inequities in the USA is class warfare and must be shouted down.

It IS class warfare, because those doing the pointing out always have "screw the rich" as the solution to the problem, when screwing the rich has the opposite desired effect on job growth and raising incomes. Also, it is simplistic economic stupidity with no basis in relevence to anything other than appealing to envy, based on alleged fixed economic classes, where people supposedly don't make more money as they get older. Besides, what business is it of anyones that some CEO makes lots of money working for the company that pays him? It ain't my money and it sure as hell isn't the Governments money, socialist tool.

- The President, when a Republican, must not be questioned.

You must not listen to or read any conservatives then. This guy has been critisized endlessly by conservatives re: McCain-Feingold, Immigration amnesty, Harriet Miers, etc, etc. Especially by the conservative pundits you despise, like Rush, Hannity, etc. Witness the criticisms of the current crop of Repub nominees.

- The President, when a Democrat, must be hounded from office.

Projection. Just what the hell is all the impeachment talk from you clowns, but an attempt to hound him from office? Everything Bush does is a crime, according to alot of you leftists and libs.

The ones hounding are from the left and have been doing it since Nixon, as they see that as a way to gain power when they lose elections.

Clinton didn't get into hot water until he lied about sexually harrassing his intern.

- Any environmental problem must only be discussed with the equivalent of grade school-level derision and taunts. All environmental problems are fictitious.

Complete lie. Just like the bullshit that consensus is science and Al Gores movie is factual. When someone tries to lie to me in an effort to gain power thru crisis mongering, I tend to think they deserve derision. The environmental movement is rife with such bullshit and is not motivated by science or a concern for facts, but by the lure of power over others thru the State.

- "The market" and "tax cuts" are the only allowable answers to economic problems.

Since they are the ones that have proven time and time again to actually work the best, as opposed to Socialisms fantasies about "the government" and "raising taxes on the rich" being the keys to prosperity, I'd say this is a no-brainer. How many economies does leftism have to hobble, cripple or destroy to wake you morons up to this empirical fact?

- Tolerance is bad.

I tolerate lots of things I don't agree with. Tolerance doesn't mean "celebrate" or "promote". But the "tolerance" usually called for by leftists like you is a disguise for the kind of PC University "all whites are racists" re-education programs and secretly reporting your fellow college students for incorrect thoughts or offensive ideas to a quasi thought control beaurough staffed by leftists (the point of this thread to begin with). Conservatives don't come up with totalitarian crap like that. But leftists do, time and time again.


Fen বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Fen বলেছেন...

Actually, there's still a $10,000 reward for anyone who can prove Bush showed up for service in the Alabama National Guard.

"And while a number of Guard members at the base say they do not remember seeing Bush among the roughly 900 men who served there during that time, another member, a retired lieutenant named John Calhoun, says he remembers seeing Bush at the base several times.

He was not going to fly," says Turnipseed. "We didn't have enough airplanes or sorties to handle our own pilots, so we wouldn't have done it for some guy passing through."

On the other hand, showing up for drills was still meeting one's responsibility to the Guard. And, as 1973 went along, the evidence suggests that Bush stepped up his work to make up for the time he had missed earlier. In April of that year, he received credit for two days; in May, he received credit for 14 days; in June, five days; and in July, 19 days. That was the last service Bush performed in the Guard. Later that year, he asked for and received permission to leave the Guard early so he could attend Harvard Business School. He was given an honorable discharge after serving five years, four months, and five days of his original six-year commitment.

The records indicate that, despite his move to Alabama, Bush met his obligation to the Guard in the 1972-73 year"


I'll take my 10k in 10s and 20s please.

Fen বলেছেন...

/bump from yesterday

fls: Had he wanted to serve, Rush could have had his removed and been in combat a few months later

I can put you in touch with a good recruiter today, if you want to serve...

C'mon fls, you're better[?] than Rush, you can be in combat a few months later...

You castigate Rush for not having surgery so he could serve, but whats stopping you from serving today?

Where did fls go? Did he shame himself into enlisting? That would be sweet.


Hey, I'm still wondering where Former Law Student ran off too? To get the boil on his ass surgically removed so he can serve?

Fen বলেছেন...

Nope, fls is back. Bouncing around the other threads and avoiding this one.... bravely ran away

Which reminds me, have any of our liberal commenters ever served in the military?

[And no Freder, you don't get to pull a "hillary" by laying claim to your spouses laurels]

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

In April of that year, he received credit for two days; in May, he received credit for 14 days; in June, five days; and in July, 19 days. That was the last service Bush performed in the Guard. Later that year, he asked for and received permission to leave the Guard early so he could attend Harvard Business School. He was given an honorable discharge after serving five years, four months, and five days of his original six-year commitment.

What is also not known is that, if his Commander wanted to, he could have excused Bush from ANY Drill Attendance and he still would have received an HD.

But with those periods served he gets a good year credit for service.

I love lefty ignorance of military service, especially the Reserves. It makes it so easy to debunk. Ridiculing them is just the gravy that goes on it.

hdhouse বলেছেন...

ahhh but sgt ted. he didn't ask for that. he didn't show up period. or do you have some proof that he did...

by golly president woowoo spent more days on vacation even back then....a pattern for life so to speak....although we are much safe as a country when that idiot is off cutting brush.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Oh, another conservative political correctness: We can't say Happy Holidays. We MUST say Merry Christmas or they'll hound us.

So, if you want to be polite to your neighbors who you think may be Jewish , the right wing won't have it. You must ram your religion down their throats.

What a way to ruin Christmas! STFU!

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Sgt Ted, you made some good responses to about half of my points.

But for the other half you just reinforced my point!! Ha-ha!!

নামহীন বলেছেন...

This thread is awful. Sorry Ann, but it really is.

What began as a simple question quickly degenerated into a series of screeds about whether this conservative or that conservative served in the military.

Inflamed posters (from he left part of the political continuum for the most part)conveniently overlooked the failure of President Clinton to answer the call when his draft notice arrived. He wrote to his draft board (from Oxford) that he hated the military, remember?

Ms. Rodham could have volunteered, as could have any of the other presidential wannabes who didn't serve.

I'm a Viet Nam era guy who didn't serve. None of my friends who enlisted or were drafted hold that against me. The war is over, we've all moved on.

In my experience, the ones who usually yap the loudest about some opposition politician not serving have never themselves been in the military.

Sixty Bricks বলেছেন...

Dearest Jeff,
Have you ever read the Constitution? I've had more jobs than you have brain cells. You need to get to OZ for a brain.

Fen বলেছেন...

I've had more jobs than you have brain cells.

"...I don't think that means what you think it means" - The Princess Bride

Methadras বলেছেন...

Michael_H said...

This thread is awful. Sorry Ann, but it really is.

What began as a simple question quickly degenerated into a series of screeds about whether this conservative or that conservative served in the military.

Inflamed posters (from he left part of the political continuum for the most part)conveniently overlooked the failure of President Clinton to answer the call when his draft notice arrived. He wrote to his draft board (from Oxford) that he hated the military, remember?

Ms. Rodham could have volunteered, as could have any of the other presidential wannabes who didn't serve.

I'm a Viet Nam era guy who didn't serve. None of my friends who enlisted or were drafted hold that against me. The war is over, we've all moved on.

In my experience, the ones who usually yap the loudest about some opposition politician not serving have never themselves been in the military.

It's even worse than you describe. Most of the leftist, anti-war Vietnam whiners fail about Republicans or conservatives who, in the Vietnam era, either got deferments, outrightly dodged the draft, or pulled some strings to get overlooked conveniently forget that most of their brethren either protested in the streets sloganeering against Vietnam in support of the communist regime or ran away to Canada or did the same things to get out serving that they beat Republicans over the head with. The venal hypocrisy with regards to the Vietnam war and who served or didn't is tiresome, old, and frankly isn't even worthy of mentioning anymore. Who the hell cares that Cheney got 5 deferments or that Clinton ran away to England to avoid service? Obviously raving lefty loons do and this is the nonsense that they continuously perpetrate as some sort of strategem of why they are anti-war. Not to mention the nonsensical line of how the children of politicians should serve as well is used as a moronic prop to conflate their idiotic positions.

They know they are wrong and they know how to capitalize on the hearts and minds of their like minded brethern, but all it proves is that their thinking is as shallow as the cesspool their ideology is derived from.

Sixty Bricks বলেছেন...

Fen got a gob.
His mommy is so happy.

Fen বলেছেন...

We can't say Happy Holidays. We MUST say Merry Christmas or they'll hound us.

Cute how you reversed that. You can say Happy Holidays all you want, but you guys are the ones telling store clerks what christmas greetings they aren't allowed to say.

So, if you want to be polite to your neighbors who you think may be Jewish , the right wing won't have it. You must ram your religion down their throats

Thats an odd statement. I celebrate Sader [sp?] and Passover with a Jewish family. We respectfully listen as they speak Hebrew back and forth across the table. Tolerance for all faiths... even an athiest could learn from that.

Fen বলেছেন...

rsb: Fen got a gob. His mommy is so happy.

Is that supposed to be a flame?

After you just admitted you can't hold down a job for more than a few nano-seconds?

Sixty Bricks বলেছেন...

forget it fen,
just be glad that you have the gob.
some people work for a living and enjoy the diversity of experiences. some people like me have gone to colleges and the military and enjoy the road less traveled. stick with your career fen. mommy is so proud of you.

SGT Ted বলেছেন...

ahhh but sgt ted. he didn't ask for that. he didn't show up period. or do you have some proof that he did...

I hav e seen copies of his pay records published in the LA Times. It was a huge write up on the front page. He attended during the periods theat Fen described in his post. The LA Times conclusion was that Bush completed his service honorably. Based on my experience with old records, they are legit.

Your assertions that Bush was AWOL have no basis in the evidence or any varifiable fact. It is merely asserted in the attempt to smear Bush. This wasstarted after the left realized that claiming flying fighter jets in the reserves was the equivalent to draft dodging was stupid on its face. It then shifted to "Bush was AWOL" and you guys won't let it go.

Michael The Magnificent বলেছেন...

SGT Ted: Your assertions that Bush was AWOL have no basis in the evidence or any varifiable fact. It is merely asserted in the attempt to smear Bush.

When the flying monkeys begin babbling incoherently about Bush and a plastic turkey, be careful, as it's one of the tell-tale signs of end-stage BDS.

Fen বলেছেন...

rsb: some people like me have gone to colleges and the military and enjoy the road less traveled

You don't know who you're talking to - I served 12 years as a Marine. Now I work for the US Senate, after the back-and-forth of several state campaigns.

And I doubt your claim that were in the military.

Sixty Bricks বলেছেন...

i could care less what you think. i have read your various comments here and it was foolish of me to to argue with a monkey. go air force.

Fen বলেছেন...

You haven't made an argument since you've been here, just personal attacks [that backfired].

...it was foolish of me to argue...

...the more things change...

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

Fen demonstrates her denseness:
Cute how you reversed that. You can say Happy Holidays all you want, but you guys are the ones telling store clerks what christmas greetings they aren't allowed to say.

Try to follow along. I was describing conservative political correctness. Stopping people from saying "Happy Holidays" is one example of that.

If store management don't want their employees using one religious faith that may offend a paying customer, that's their choice. It has nothing to do with liberals. It has everything to do with making a buck.

And if conservatives are so damn tolerant of other faiths, why are so many con's demanding everyone in the country only say "Merry Christmas?"

This actually comes up at family gatherings from a dittohead sibling. It doesn't exactly spread Christmas cheer, quite the opposite.

Would be nice if the right wing would not politicize the holidays, but we're into another round of "War on Christmas" bullshit.

And the fact that the right wing base laps it up makes a pretty good case for the dumb conservative stereotype. I've yet to see a conservative oppose this crap. (Including Althouse)

Fen বলেছেন...

Freder: Try to follow along. I was describing conservative political correctness. Stopping people from saying "Happy Holidays" is one example of that.

Where does that ever happen? In Maryland, its the reverse.

If store management don't want their employees using one religious faith that may offend a paying customer, that's their choice. It has nothing to do with liberals.

I worked two Christmas seasons for Macy's [2002 & 2003]. We were specifically told to use "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" because the Perpetually Indignant [ie Liberals] were offended by any religious expression.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

"because the Perpetually Indignant [ie Liberals] were offended by any religious expression."

Is that really what Macy's told you?

I'm a liberal, okay? And I'm telling you I say Happy Holidays when I don't know the person's faith so as to be polite and spread cheer, not offense.

If I know they're Christian, I say "Merry Christmas".

And you act as if the whole "War on Christmas" campaign is not occurring. It is, do you think O'Reilly et al are doing the right thing .

Really, using Christmas as a wedge issue is disgusting hypocrisy.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

"because the Perpetually Indignant [ie Liberals] were offended by any religious expression."

Furthermore, you're pushing the idea that liberals are anti-religion. That's just not the case. Some are, some aren't. I know many who attend Church faithfully.

The liberal civil rights movement was led by Christians.

As far as it goes, Jesus was/is a liberal. "It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven." Not exactly a Republican sentiment.

Fen বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
Fen বলেছেন...


নামহীন বলেছেন...

Why don't we make everyone happy and use this greeting (courtesy of Kinky Friedman):

"May the deity of your own choosing impart his /hers/ its blessings, rapture, happiness or grovieness upon you. Of if you're an atheist, have a nice day."

নামহীন বলেছেন...

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