A long report with lots of pictures and video. The Berkeley students — in contrast to the Wisconsin students
I wrote about yesterday — tried to disrupt the speaker. And their speaker — Nonnie Marwan — was not harshly confrontational like the Wisconsin speaker — David Horowitz. The disruption at Berkeley, it should be emphasized, seems to have come not from Muslim students but from political leftists. But the difference in student behavior at the two schools is striking and instructive.
This picture caught my eye:

Here's some fashion advice:
1. If your ideas are loathsome, wear loathsome clothing to ward people off.
2. If you think you have an acceptable way of wearing shorts, don't stand near someone who is wearing obviously horrible shorts.
६५ टिप्पण्या:
Yeah, 9/11 was an inside job... if you're delusional and don't know how to research properly.
Cripes, people will believe anything nowadays...
I really doubt that many people believe that 9/11 was an inside job, but rather some people just want to be a turd in the punchbowl. They have no facts to bolster their claim. That way you don't have to project common sense to a debate, but just saying something ridiculous, gets you noticed.
allens....and they wear shorts too. don't they know that ann doesn't like men in shorts (unless they are hunks)? kill the message. obviously kill the messengers.
Is that a > tattoo on his neck? What the heck does that mean?
Things are not as they appear. That guy holding the sign is too old to be so gullible as to actually believe that crazy stuff.
Here’s what really happened.
SWEATSHIRT DUDE: Hey man, you’re wearing shorts same as me. That’s cool. I have to tie my sandal. Can you hold this for me?
HAIRCUT DUDE: Why sure, mate. Be glad to. Give it here.
SWEATSHIRT DUDE: Here you go. Hold it out facing this way.
HAIRCUT DUDE: Here now, wots it say?
[ * FLASH * ]
HAIRCUT DUDE: Oy! You done took me picture holding a bloody troofer sign, you did! I’ll do you up a treat for that!
SWEATSHIRT DUDE: Heh, heh, heh,
See? He's not so stupid he actually believes that crap. His is a higher order, much more benign form of gullibility.
Is that a > tattoo on his neck? What the heck does that mean?
I looks like a moth to me, which probably just busted out of the cacoon inside his old and rediculously unfashionable shorts.
The Berkeley students — in contrast to the Wisconsin students I wrote about yesterday - tried to disrupt the speaker ... The disruption at Berkeley, it should be emphasized, seems to have come not from Muslim students but from political leftists.
Don't tell Freder. He'll have the vapors.
That's not a tattoo. That is one of the arrows that tracks his reverse alimentary canal, and one knows what comes out at the end of the arrows.
"Is that a > tattoo on his neck? What the heck does that mean?"
He hears more than he speaks?
This has to be a textbook example of shorts making a man look like a boy. He even looks like he's doing the potty dance in this picture.
I'd say that he looks like he's enjoying his second childhood but I doubt he ever grew out of his first.
I guess "haircut dude" has given up trying to get laid.
Ann, it isn't nice to make fun of the retarded man with the sign.
Oh! I thought that was Kevin Barrett!
Ann Althouse said...
"Is that a > tattoo on his neck? What the heck does that mean?"
He hears more than he speaks?
As a "political leftist," I am glad you found someone in the mainstream to represent "us." Yep, we're all just like that. Totally.
That is the mark of Cthulhu which indicates that he is a minion of Hillary Clinton and the dark forces of the demon lord
I'm so damn tired of this "9/11 was an inside job" nonsense.
Oh, wonderful - another black eye for Berkeley. But I really doubt that many students on campus at Cal today actually believe 9/11 was an inside job, or comfortably fit into the category of "political leftists" - at least not the type that thrives on disrupting speakers. Folks like this and the idiots living in the trees to prevent retrofit of Memorial Stadium get all the ink, but in the big scheme of things make up a very, very small percentage of students on the campus. So in the end I'm not really sure how instructive (or meaningful) what happened yesterday really is.
No, dear sweet danny, you're not all like this. You don't even have the balls to spout your dick-wad nonsense proudly and non-anonymously like the fashionable gentleman in the photograph.
If the "left" doesn't want to be associated with these types, then don't let them co-opt your protests and don't march in their parades. I give the same advice to moderate conservatives who don't want to have their reasonable ideology associated with the extreme Christian "right".
"I'm so damn tired of this "9/11 was an inside job" nonsense."
See, AlphaLiberal, who is one of the vociferous commenters from the left, disavows this silliness. That doesn't make him any less of a liberal. Most of the liberals I know are tired of being associated with these people; I wish more liberals were willing to stand up and push these people out of their midst, and out of what could have been a reasonable protest of "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week".
And I have to say, New York, and especially my neighborhood of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is absolutely plastered with these stupid blue "9/11 Was An Inside Job" stickers. Whoever is printing them up should have to pay to have them removed from the public property they deface.
The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
(H.P. Lovecraft The Call of Cthulhu 1926)
>Palladian said...
And I have to say, New York, and especially my neighborhood of Williamsburg, Brooklyn, is absolutely plastered with these stupid blue "9/11 Was An Inside Job" stickers. Whoever is printing them up should have to pay to have them removed from the public property they deface.
I used to live in Williamsburg -- in fact my grandfather headed the Saint Paulinus feast back in the day. Glad to see gentrification has not completely moved out the "artists".
I wish more liberals were willing to stand up and push these people out of their midst, and out of what could have been a reasonable protest of "Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week".
Maybe because they were never in their midst to begin with? I challenge you to find any relevant liberal blog with truther links. And I'm not sure who is more crazy, Horowitz and his crew or the truthers.
The only place I see these people, Palladian, is on right-wing sites like this one, where fair-minded law professors use them to stoke the flames of anti-left politics. It seems to be working too. Look at you, foaming at the mouth.
>I'm so damn tired of this "9/11 was an inside job" nonsense.
Alpha -- the thing is that as Althouse has said in the past, the Bush adminsitration has proven to be completely incompetent on so many things, yet to believe the truthers, you need to accept that these same people were capable in a few months to put together the most spectacular and successful terrorist attack in history but cannot do anything else.
Bush is either an idiotic chimp or a brilliant dictator -- he cannot be both. Personally, I think he is neither. But the truthers would have us believe he is both.
What I now heard so graphically at first-hand, though it was really no more than a detailed confirmation of what my uncle had written, excited me afresh; for I felt sure that I was on the track of a very real, very secret, and very ancient religion whose discovery would make me an anthropologist of note. My attitude was still one of absolute materialism, as l wish it still were, and I discounted with almost inexplicable perversity the coincidence of the dream notes and odd cuttings collected by Professor Althouse.
( H.P. Lovecraft The Call of Cthulhu 1926)
I am not sure this is a "right wing" site -- but I live near a university (De Paul) and I see "9/11 Truth" stickers on stop signs and lamposts in my neighborhood. I also see the Ron Paul types running around on weekends with 9/11 signs.
(My problem with Ron Paul is not with Ron Paul, I agree with maybe 80% of what he says -- I have a problem with his supporters)
Having read some "lefty" blogs it is my impression that the mainstream left holds the truthers in as much ridicule as most other people. These folks are a fringe group right up there with the grassy knoll, area 51, and faked moon landing nuts. There are out there in the third standard deviation and the other 98 percent of the population recognizes that. It isnt a lefty--righty thing; its a mental health thing.
Well I don't live that far from you, Anthony, and it appears to me that Chicago is a solid, rational, liberal, and very Democratic city (from it's politics and its attitude). You see some stickers and make the judgment that there are a lot of 9/11 Truthers running around campuses? And you're a lawyer too?
Hey, I saw a car with a Bush/Cheney sticker the other day. What, are we getting overrun with torture-loving war-mongering idiots in this city or what?
"Oh, wonderful - another black eye for Berkeley. But I really doubt that many students on campus at Cal today actually believe 9/11 was an inside job, or comfortably fit into the category of "political leftists" - at least not the type that thrives on disrupting speakers. Folks like this and the idiots living in the trees to prevent retrofit of Memorial Stadium get all the ink, but in the big scheme of things make up a very, very small percentage of students on the campus. So in the end I'm not really sure how instructive (or meaningful) what happened yesterday really is."
Except, of course, these kinds of stories from Berkeley have been appearing like clockwork since the early '60s - and nothing ever changes. You may disclaim the political leftism of Cal students, but they undeniably are the petri dish in which this bacillus thrives.
Speaking of foaming at the mouth...what the fuck does this mean:
"No, dear sweet danny, you're not all like this. You don't even have the balls to spout your dick-wad nonsense proudly and non-anonymously like the fashionable gentleman in the photograph."
Truthers include nutjobs from the left and the right. They have a big tent thing going on there themselves.
Come on danny, please don't warp what I said. You said that truthers only show up on right wing websites (presumably to throw meat at the fans) while I pointed out that they are out there (also pointing out that they are found also among supporters of Ron Paul, who last I checked was not exactly a liberal). I did not say anything about the "truthers" overruning Chicago.
The reation to the 9/11 truthers is just as interesting as the truthers themselves. I think they're wasting their time and should come back with more solid proof if they can find it, but they don't make me angry, as so many people on here are. What they're suggesting is not anti-American...they are not saying the American people planned 9/11. They're blaming members of the Cheney/Bush entourage (which is far from the embodiment of America). That so many people are so livid about this seems to be an equal waste of time.
He's like an unkempt Barry Scheck in terrycloth shorts. And that BETTER NOT be a fannypack!
The gentleman to his right seems to be more amused than a part of the protest.
And I'll have to agree with you on the men-sporting-shorts-is-wrong opinion in this instance, just for the one on the left.
Honestly, though, wouldn't you dress the part to be taken seriously? Otherwise, you come off as just another young hippie nonconformist antiestablishmentarian. And the guy is obviously too old for that. I think he's just nostalgically holding onto his youth...slipping on his last knuckle.
Ah, knoxwhirl -- he DOES look like that guy Barry Scheck! I was trying to figure out who it was.
Short attention span. He left before the tattoo was finished. The tattoos come in a set, there's another one drawn lower.
Of course 9/11 was inside job.
Bush also utilized the Halliburton designed weather control machine to spawn Katrina, and there are reports that someone saw Cheney in California with a pack of matches.
Average leftist: "Bush lied, people died."
Average Truther: "Bush murdered people".
I admit there's a difference, in a nuanced sort of way.
Repubs also have ejected known racists from their party, such as David Duke
Only after they elected him to the state legislature for a term. I don't blame the GOP apparatus for that, though; everyone from George the 1st on down was campaigning against him. But even when he lost elections, he generally won more than 50 percent of the white vote. This state can be mystifying.
Before the GOP, Duke ran on as a Democrat and as an Independent.
Beth: what is your take on Louisiana politics? They remain a major mystery to me other than the constant thread of corruption that seems to permeate the state irrespective of party. LA is genuinely like a third world country when it comes to its politics.
>LA is genuinely like a third world country when it comes to its politics.
Yet the Lousiana GOP supported Bobby Jindal twice for governor. Unless the white supremicists down there figured Jindal was a real "Aryan", I would say that it shows times change.
(And yes I know that under Lousiana's open primary rules, there is no real nomination, everyone from every party runs together, but the Lousiana GOP did back Jindal as their candidate)
"there are reports that someone saw Cheney in California with a pack of matches."
Matches! He don't need no steenking matches! Cheney can start fires with his mind.
I find your lack of faith... disturbing.
"Cheney can start fires with his mind."
Dick Cheney makes Chuck Norris look like a shorts-wearing, limp-wristed, knock-kneed, bed-wetting liberal Democrat holding up a "9/11 Was An Inside Job" poster on Telegraph Avenue...
>"Is that a > tattoo on his neck? What the heck does that mean?"
>He hears more than he speaks?
Close. It means: "I consumes more than I produce."
(Or, as used in the customary email notation above, "I only parrot what other people have already said.")
I am not sure this is a "right wing" site
yeah, I see your point. Between this leftist Berkeley post, the Commie Clinton post, and the Condi--Isn't she tough?!? post, I'm starting to see what you mean.
You must be what they mean when they talk about "tolerance" and "having an open mind." Please help me find my way back to the offical list of Approved Discussion Topics And Responses For Progressive Thinkers.
Danny, given the quality of discourse, diversity of opinion, and light-hearted tone of this blog, compared to most, I'm not sure it's in your best interests to label it "right-wing."
Also, Horowitz is still Jewish, regardless of whether Hillel publicly agrees with everything he advocates... But you knew that, right? Even though in your post yesterday you falsely claimed he wasn't. But, bah! Details! That's for editors to sort out... I guess.
I'm not a fan of Horowitz' style. But the message he brought to the UW is anassailable (and, as yet, substantively unassailed) -- that all persons of every political stripe should take seriously the atrocities of the so-called "islamofascists," against moderate muslims and others. Apparently, bringing awareness of this problem was deemed protest-worthy racism by some UW folk. If the problem is merely the term "islamofascist," then I expect the "offended" parties to provide an alternative that makes any sense. If, instead, no term is acceptable because the very topic is taboo on a college campus...
That would provide yet another clue...
as always, lets not focus on the outrageous comments, lets focus on the outrage to the outrage
Come on danny -- those posts are anomalies. The good professoress is a sometime Gore supporter and this site is really about cleavage more than politics.
Here's a URL to the speech and Nonie Darwishes comments about how the leftists in the crowd behaved.
Tell me LOS and you other leftists; is she a racist, bigot hater too? and hdhouse, do you still think that there's no such thing as Islamo-fascism? Do you think the neo-cons brainwashed her?
Or can you muster up the stones to address the issues raised and not dismiss them as an invention of the neo-cons?
Huh. I thought it was Dave Berry advertising the name of his new band...
Between this leftist Berkeley post, the Commie Clinton post, and the Condi--Isn't she tough?!? post, I'm starting to see what you mean.
Disliking leftists doesn't make a person right-wing.
Can we have lazy-nigger awareness week too? How about tightwad-kikes awareness week? And how about cunty-feminists awareness week?
Roger, that's a complex question. Politics is a contact sport here, and you can't just line up along party lines to make it any easier to explain. I can't argue too much with the "third-world" comment, except to mention that I wouldn't have to throw a stone too far in Boston, New York, or Texas to hit a corrupt politician. No offense to the folks in those places; I'm just pulling the most obvious names out of a hat. I can't recall what state had practically its whole House indicted by the FBI about 10 years back--anyone remember that? We haven't got a patent on interesting politics, but we do seem to have more drama associated with it.
The open primary system makes statewide elections wild and woolly. I often end up voting for Republicans for state offices that have nothing to do with legislating or with social policy, and the Democrats in the state legislature are often more conservative than your average Eastern or Midwestern Republican. There are many factions to keep happy, even in such a small state, what with racial politics, southeastern Catholics and Northern Baptists, small towns resenting New Orleans, and so on. There's rarely a governor that can appeal to all those interests; Edwin Edwards was good at it, and I think that explains why he got away with so much for so long. In populist tradition, everyone got a little slice of the pie when Edwin was doling it out. He just got two slices to everyone else's one slice.
We have a very active FBI and Attorney General's office right now, and a lot of us are rooting for them from the sidelines, so who knows, maybe there's change in our future.
right-wingers love troothers because they can lump every kind of questioning of what happenned and its aftermath with their looney ideas.
a useful device for drawing attention fom the real conspiracy, which is right out in the open and doesn't need any theory for explanation: they used september 11 in a bid to advance a poorly-conceived, morally wrong, deadly and expensive war.
they did all of this with lies ad shameless appeals to fear.
The only place I see these people, Palladian, is on right-wing sites like this one
You should get out more, then.
That is kind of shallow to judge his opinion based on his attire.
It's a shame your cloths, money, jewelry and 1000 different pairs of shoes won't hold up that well in your grave!
Perhaps you could help his plight by advocating for high morals, family strength, low taxes, a sound government created currency (as it was penned in the constitution) and low inflation!
Then maybe he could afford a house, with a billboard to display his message!
Beth: thanks for your take on LA--as much as I dislike the corruption in politics, ultimately it may not be as bad as, say, Trenton, NJ. And the people, food, and ambiance are one heck of a lot better! Guess I should say LA is what it is!
Roger, come visit anytime. The weather is just now turning beautiful, so you can stroll through the Quarter and Garden Districts without dropping 20 pounds in sweat. You can even wear long pants if you want.
I wanted to add that in the past two years, I've had the chance to vote for three or four people who I (perhaps naively) believe have integrity, for our city council, judgeships, and the two state houses. I'm encouraged by their performance thus far. Changing a culture takes a long time, and part of what we're trying to do here is make the case that changing our political culture is not an attempt at changing other aspects of Louisiana culture that make it unique and beautiful.
Nice one! like it! Thanks! essay
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