১৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০০৭

I want to vlog again!

I haven't vlogged in weeks because my MacBook stopped seeing its own built-in camera, but, back in Madison, I made an appointment at the Apple Store and got the connections tightened up or whatever. Now, it's working again. But what to vlog about?

UPDATE: I just caused the iSight camera to malfunction again, so let me explain what happened in case anyone is Googling for an answer to why their Apple computer comes to falsely believe there is no camera attached. (What follows is boring if you don't have the problem.) I tried to upload to YouTube a video I'd recorded using QuickTime Pro and had not saved. I didn't mention above that when I got to the Apple Store and wanted to demonstrate to the Genius Bar guy that my iSight camera didn't work, suddenly it was working again. So when it stopped working later today, I was: 1. incredibly annoyed, and 2. able to remember the sequence of events and therefore to get to a solution. The thing I'd done before going to the Apple Store was upload a couple videos that I'd taken on my digital camera (a separate camera, not the built-in). So I uploaded a video I'd taken on my digital camera, hoping that would make the built-in camera work again. And it did!

So, look, I have discovered a problem and a solution that Apple itself doesn't seem to know about yet. Uploading a video made in the computer without first saving it causes the problem, and uploading a video made in an external camera solves it. I have no idea why, but if you have the problem, try my solution.

২৭টি মন্তব্য:

Jay Rosen বলেছেন...

How about talking directly to Chancellor Drake at UC Irvine?

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

The substance of Glenn Greenwald's latest would be good to address.

He points out that one of the warmongering Kagan clan have come out against Sen Webb's bill to require soldiers get a break.

Greenwald further points out that none of these war mongering Kagans have served, though they make a living out of pushing for war.

Then there's the expansive Bush clan. None of them are willing to enlist to fight the "struggle of our generation."

All 4 of FDR's boys served in WWII. These guys would be more convincing if they backed up their words.

AlphaLiberal বলেছেন...

But talking to Drake sounds good, too.

Paddy O বলেছেন...

The UC. Down in the south in Irvine Drake hired and fired Chemerinsky. Up in the north at Davis, former president of Harvard Larry Summers was invited then disinvited to speak. I'd love to hear your thoughts in general as well as about the fact that with with the former issue faculty protested the move. With the latter faculty prompted the move.

I'd also be curious about what you think is the most pressing issue in regards to religion and the Constitution. What issue is too over-discussed? What issue are people missing?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Hey, how about something more quirky and fun. It's a vlog, not the Lehrer News Hour.

Paddy O বলেছেন...

Althouse's summer entertainment wrap up. What worked, what didn't, in movies, television, art, food and fashion.

Or maybe 'Ann on pies'!

Ron বলেছেন...

How about fun stuff in Brooklyn?

Use your Manhattan backdrop!

reader_iam বলেছেন...

1) A corn-on-the-cob-eating contest was cancelled at the University of Iowa, because of its bad message. No doubt slimness will soon be busting out all over in your neighbor state!

2) How wrong is this, please? (I guess I thought Charlie Brown'd turn out to be a Mr. Rogers type, or, in a God-laughs universe, Bill Gates.)

3) Ever try to carve one of those twisty gourds, like the ones you photographed earlier today? I have, and I can tell, it wasn't pretty.

Plan to do it again this year. I dare you to do the same, and vlog it.

4) There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who use frequent-flyer miles for exotic (or at least vacation-destination type trips), and those who use them to get home. Thoughts?

5) What does Maxine really sleep in?

That's the best I can do in the "quirk" department in just a few minutes. Sorry.

Joseph বলেছেন...

Who would you do--McNeil or Lehrer?

Gedaliya বলেছেন...

I'd like to hear about what it was like to visit Madison after spending the last few weeks living in the capital of the world.

Joseph বলেছেন...

Do you think you'll retire in Madison?

titus20 বলেছেন...

Being a cultural maven that you are I am suprised you haven't linked to any of the recent Chris Crocker videos from youtube.

reader_iam বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি লেখক দ্বারা সরানো হয়েছে।
reader_iam বলেছেন...

Oh, here's another: How high a number will titusXX have reached by New Year's?

; )

(By the way, re: the Maxine question, I'm not suggesting you know, but rather that you speculate.)

Didn't mean to mangle the spelling of titus's name; getting read to go out and typing with freshly top-coated nails.

Don't you love my ever-expanding reasons for typos?

titus20 বলেছেন...

I maxed out to 20 but thanks for asking.

You didn't even need to ask the blogstress.

Now go back to your boring wingnut life.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Talk about pies - I'm guessing you were at the Farmer's Market when you took those wonderful photos - did you buy one or two or three?

luxurytwist বলেছেন...

How about talking about why so many people continue to buy expensive and faulty Apple products because of their supposed cachet? How's that iPhone doing now, has the new screen worked for more than a couple of weeks this time?

Palladian বলেছেন...

Poor Peter, so jealous and so bitter. How's that incredibly sinking operating system from Redmond treating you? Or are you a right-thinking OOBUNTOO user? The OS equivalent of bio-diesel...

নামহীন বলেছেন...

Great detective work, Ann. If for some reason your other gig fails, you have a great future as one of the geniuses behind the bar ;-)

luxurytwist বলেছেন...

Palladian, that's such a childish non-response to the issue. Honestly, I am so perplexed by the defensiveness of Apple stalwarts, who seem so desperate to to feel superior to others based on their brand preference, that I do think it's a fit topic for vlogging. Of course I'm jealous, I only wish I had a malfunctioning camera, a touch screen that doesn't work, and a battery that might explode in flames at any moment.

Incidentally, I am posting this with a stupid, needy Mac. But my other computer is a Porsche (i.e. it doesn't run MS anything).

Ruth Anne Adams বলেছেন...

Has this trip home cured your homesickness or will you become "Emotional Althouse" again when you get to Brooklyn? And why do you only put "Emotional Althouse" on the crying jags? I'll bet you have other emotions. Are they not "emotional Althouse" as well?

reader_iam বলেছেন...

You know, titus20, I was actually teasing you. That's what the stupid emoticon was about. I wrote the comment on impulse, and in amused mode. You can believe that or not. Whatever.

And you're right, in part: my life is boring (though tonight it's becoming clear that it's poised to get interesting in one of the most unpleasant of ways). But you're wrong, in another part: I'm not a "wingnut," as that term is commonly defined, and as I'd suspect you'd define it.

Eh. What the hell. Who the hell cares, anyway.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

"tonight it's becoming clear that it's poised to get interesting in one of the most unpleasant of ways"

Hope you didn't get arrested!

Maxine Weiss বলেছেন...

"....for reasons which are well-known to her"

titus20 বলেছেন...

Accept my apology readeriam

reader_iam বলেছেন...

Titus20: You bet. See elsewhere for the full version. (I saw it there first, and only then found this.)

Sofa King বলেছেন...

It Just Works!

Except When It Doesn't!