१३ मे, २००७

Auto reflection.

Ford Mustang GTO

Look how thrilling the inside of this Mustang is. What a beautiful -- and dangerous -- steering wheel!

Let's get a closeup on a logo:

Ford Mustang GTO

And, yes, inside my head, I'm all:

Alternate take, suitable for Mother's Day:

Look closely at that second photo of mine -- enlarged here -- and you'll see the lady with the Chihuahua named Peanuts. And you'll see the position I was crunching in and out of for two hours and may understand why I was complaining about exhausting myself through mere photography. And today -- Mother's Day -- my quadriceps are killing me. Like an idiot, I took two of the painkillers my oral surgeon prescribed for that tooth extraction on Thursday and consequently spent the morning nauseated/asleep.

But enough of my troubles. Back to photography. The lady with the Chihuahua named Peanuts wasn't the only one who interrogated me about what I was photographing "down there." People look at a shiny car full of reflections and they don't see the reflections. They think about the car...

Rolls Royce

... and they don't reflect on the reflections.

३ टिप्पण्या:

Maxine Weiss म्हणाले...


Emy L. Nosti म्हणाले...

Dangerous was my first thought too...I guess UW did learn me something.

dbuis म्हणाले...

I know this is over a year old, but to avoid confusion, this is a Pontiac GTO. Whoever owned it and was buying parts for it, is quite confused buying a Mustang steering wheel for a '67 Pontiac.