Hey, watch the Golden Globes with me! Comment away. I'll be adding to this post, with each update indicated by a number.
1. And they start right up with no preliminaries and -- even nicer -- they give the first two awards to two of my favorite people: Jennifer Hudson and Prince. Hudson, who wins Best Supporting Actress for "Dreamgirls" and accepts the prize from the lovely George Clooney, says thanks for making her "feel like an actress." Prince, who wins for some song in "Happy Feet," is not there, and Justin Timberlake, who for a long time seems not to know what to do, finally accepts the award for him, and, to do it, he does a deep knee bend to get down to a 5'1" height and symbolize the tiny purple genius.
2. Jeremy Irons has big bags under his eyes and is dressed in a strange but elegant suit that seems to come from the 19th century. He wins in some TV Supporting category. Next comes TV Dramatic Actress. Kyra Sedgwick. Her dress seems to come from ancient Greece.
3. Emily Blunt. Never heard of her... Best TV Dramatic Actor: Hugh Laurie... "Cars" wins for animation.... Wow, we're up to Best Actress, and with very little fanfare, we hear it's Meryl Streep. Oh, it's just Best Actress in the Musical/Comedy. Meryl also seems to be wearing a dress from ancient Greece. She says "I think I've worked with everybody in the room" in an affected voice that seems intended to impersonate an actress from the past that I can almost remember. I'm wracking my brain and rewinding the the TiVo, and I just can't get it. It's not Katharine Hepburn. It's someone more precious sounding.
4. Best Supporting Actor. Eddie Murphy. He's charming and sweet. Helen Mirren wins for her TV queen role (Elizabeth I). Whether she'll win for her big movie queen role (Elizabeth II) remains to be seen.
5. Cameron Diaz is transformed by black hair. She wears multi-layers of ruffles and yet somehow the effect is not wedding-cake. She seems very pleased by her ability to inform us that "The Departed" is another Scorsese masterpiece.... Next is the Best Screenplay award. "The Queen." The writer tries to make it a political speech about how public protest can affect political leaders. Just when you think you're about to hear about the current war, he's told to wrap up, and he does with a quick "I love you all."... TV Comedy actor: Alec Baldwin. He seems like an amusing guy, referring to the "autumn of my career."
6. "Ugly Betty" wins for Best TV Comedy. Do you watch that show? I watched the first episode, on the theory that it was supposed to be good. It wasn't terrible, but I didn't like it enough to stay with it. But then I don't really watch TV sitcoms, so pay no attention to me on this.
7. How stringy our Sharon Stone has become. The award is for foreign language film, and it goes to Clint Eastwood for "Letters From Iwo Jima," and the thought shoots through my head that I should see a movie every week. "You don't know what this does for my confidence," Clint says. He's wearing all black and a little silver bow tie.... In the comments, people are talking about whether Angelina Jolie is in a bad mood. Which is what's really important. She's so beautiful, and she's got the beautiful man, so, please, Lord, let her be unhappy.
8. Oh, Prince is in the audience. He was too late to receive his award. No wonder Timberlake was confused. We're told Prince was stuck in traffic. I find it hard to believe the world does not stop to allow the diminutive deity to proceed, but -- oh! -- Prince is there. Your humble blogger breaks down and cries.
9. Musical/Comedy TV Actress. Some terrific ladies. And it goes -- I'm not surprised -- to America Ferrera. Who, like every other woman there tonight, is wearing ancient Grecian garb. She's sweet, talking about "beauty that is deeper than what we see." Of course, she is lovely, but if she can speak for the ugly, that's nice. She thanks "Mommy." And you know you should all thank Mommy.
10. Tom Hanks is giving some award to Warren Beatty, who has such an embarrassingly self-satified look on his face. "What balls this man has. What balls this man has. And by balls, of course, I mean artistic vision and fortitude. What balls has Warren Beatty." Oh, he'll always be Milton Armitage to me.
11. Martin Scorsese wins the Best Director award, which he accepts with touching geeky fan style. He wanted to make a movie like "Public Enemy" or "Angels with Dirty Faces," and he lists all the actors he worked with on "The Departed," including "the great" Alec Baldwin... Next is the Best Actor in a Musical/Comedy award, and it goes to the brilliant man I love so much, Sacha Baron Cohen! As he walks up to the stage, they play his Kazakhstan national anthem. Here's a phrase: "When I saw your two wrinkled Golden Globes on my chin."
12. For dramatic acting, the two admirable Brits collect awards. Helen Mirren and Forest Whitaker.
13. To present the last award, out comes our true American, Arnold Schwarzenegger, on crutches. The award for best dramatic movie goes to "Babel." And as Angelina Jolie gives Brad Pitt a slap on the back of the neck, I decide I should go see that movie.
ADDED, NEXT MORNING: Isn't it odd that there were two -- count 'em, two! -- speeches about testicles? (From Tom Hanks and Sacha Baron Cohen.)
६३ टिप्पण्या:
I have been waiting all day for this post, yay!
Since I've linked to my blog more than even I can stand these two days, I'll spare everyone link with my picks. But I'll be posting on my blog too, so click on "Sundries" in Ann's blogroll and scroll down, if interested.
Here are my picks:
(I've seen every movie nominated, save Letters from Iwo Jima -- though I have seen lengthy outtakes)
Best Motion Picture - Drama
WILL WIN: The Departed
Best Motion Picture - Musical Or Comedy
WILL WIN: Dreamgirls
SHOULD WIN: Thank You For Not Smoking
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Drama
WILL WIN: Leonardo Di Caprio (The Departed)
SHOULD WIN: Forest Whitaker
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Drama
WILL WIN: Helen Mirren
SHOULD WIN: Helen Mirren
Best Performance by an Actor in a Motion Picture - Musical Or Comedy
WILL WIN: Sacha Baron Cohen
SHOULD WIN: Will Ferrell
Best Performance by an Actor In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
WILL WIN: Brad Pitt
SHOULD WIN: Eddie Murphy
Best Performance by an Actress in a Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy
WILL WIN: Meryl Streep
SHOULD WIN: Meryl Streep
Best Performance by an Actress In A Supporting Role in a Motion Picture
WILL WIN: Jennifer Hudson
SHOULD WIN: Rinko Kikuchi
Best Director - Motion Picture
WILL WIN: Martin Scorsese
SHOULD WIN: Clint Eastwood (Letters From Iwo Jima)
Best Foreign Languge Film
WILL WIN: Letters From Iwo Jima
SHOULD WIN: Pan's Labyrinth
IMO, those who got shafted were Edward Norton (The Painted Veil), and especially, the amazing Canadian actor, Ryan Gosling (Half-Nelson).
Fun, fun, fun! :)
Go Kate Winslet!
And Borat!
Um...was The Descent nominated for anything? Probably not. :(
Prince is a no-show. Big surprise!
Someone on E was saying something about how Angelina Jolie was in a bad mood on the red carpet? Anyone know anything about that?
Wow, the Blogger server went down again, just like for the Oscars last year. Let's see if they can maintain it up during the Globes.
Anyway, Jennifer Hudson won, and I'm 1 out of 10, so far, woo.
She looked mighty fine, and gave a gracious speech.
And did you check out the Diane Keaton "L'Oreal" commercial?
In the words of Isaac Mirazhi, enough with the Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang wardrobe already!
(She also said, "There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a part of L'Oreal, so I tell my sisters, it's okay to do it." The hell...)
Apparently Prince, along with everyone else watching, thought he had no chance to beat Listen?
Eva Longoria should chill on the eye shadow and false lashes. Jeremy Irons was looking haggard...
Do you have a "change the channel" moment, because you start to cringe?
Me, Kyra Sedgwick, seconds into her acceptance speech...
Not quite Lauren Bacall embarrassing, but still unnerving.
Wow, who is Katherine Heigl, and is she channelling Charlize Theron? The resemblence is freaky.
Emily Blunt won! Woo, British girl done good. Thanks America!
P.S.: Did someone say they loved Justin Timberlake...
Aw, Victoria, I liked seeing Kyra because it was sweet when they showed Kevin Bacon looking on lovingly and almost tearing up. They seem like a nice couple. Hollywood doesn't have many of those....
The person who bugs me is Renee Zellweger, who always looks like she's gonna cry.
Watching "24" and switching back and forth.
Victoria: I disagree. In Best Actor it should be Leo DiCaprio [Blood Diamond] but it will be Leo DiCaprio [The Departed]. I want to see him shun himself throughout all the awards shows this spring.
Loafing Oaf: Renee Zellweger looks like she's squinting and constipated. At the same time.
The speeches have sucked eggs so far. Hugh Laurie, Eton/Cambridge, started feebly, but is recovering nicely.
(Oops, he just said "Yanks" and went the route of George Bernard Shaw of "two countries divided by the same language". Ech)
You know things are going to be bad, when Jeremy Irons is doing Arab name jokes...
You're right, of course, but it was heavy going in the first few sentences (Kevin/Kyra are the best still-together couple after Ryan/Reese broke up. Neve/Courtney are okay too, I suppose.).
Ruth Anne:
I liked Leo in both films, but as you know from my Christmas Movie Guide, Forest Whittaker gave a performance for the ages.
No biggie though. I don't have money ridin' on anything. :)
Given that I'm at work, I can't see what happened. What'd Kyra do?
The only thing I really cared about was seeing Jennifer Hudson win. That happened about a minute into the show. This is what it would feel like if they announced Best Picture right at the beginning of the Oscars and then spent the next two hours on technical awards.
Someone on E was saying something about how Angelina Jolie was in a bad mood on the red carpet? Anyone know anything about that?
I don't tune into the red carpet shows since Joan and Melissa fell off the face of this earth, so I don't know.
But if you saw just when Charlie Sheen came on, they cut away to Pitt/Jolie and she was busy pursing her lips, in a disapproving, pissed off manner.
I swear, when she parts her lips, tectonic plates shift all over California.
LOL! Joaquin Phoenix introducing Annette Benning in her bipolar role in Running with Scissors (hated it, but she was great in it)...cut to Benning sipping champagne.
MERYL STREEP!! Of course. :)
2 out of 10, high five!
Yes, I'm only going to get worse as the evening progresses.
I for one am alarmed that a Golden Globes live-blog tonight means no American Idol live-blog tomorrow or indeed ever again.
One of the most charming acceptance speeches ever, by the greatest actress of her generation.
All Hail Meryl Streep!
Streep intimated that 2006 had been a terrific year for chick flicks, and boy was it.
Friends with Money.
The Devil Wears Prada.
The Holiday.
Instant classics, all (Ruth Anne liked The Holiday a lot more than I did, though).
But here comes Borat -- the testosterone-driven antidote to all this hormonal imbalance...
I'm glad Meryl Streep made a public statement about Little Children's lack of distribution. Meryl Streep is really great, and whenever she makes stump speeches at these awards shows she always does it with a sense of humor and says something I really agree with.
Eddie Murphy, Dreamgirls - excellent! My Should Win, WINS!
(2 out 10, 3 out of 10 gone, so far)
I swear he doesn't look a day over his SNL stint. Short, sweet, but not very memorable speech.
That's okay, Eddie, you're still great (even if you pick up trannies).
Ann wrote:
Jeremy Irons has big bags under his eyes and is dressed in a strange but elegant suit that seems to come from the 19th century.
Heh. Yes. He seems to favour the formal, wingless yet cravateless white tie stiff-shirt, these days.
Not sure why.
Jeremy Irons, Hugh Laurie, Emily Blunt, Bill Nighy and now, Helen Mirren.
Are there any Americans nominated? Seriously.
And I hope my compatriots realise, there is not a more generous people to the British, than the Americans.
(BTW, Stephen Poliakoff is a "British Russian" director who did the fascinating, "Lost Prince" shown on PBS, in the States -- the story of George V and Queen Mary's youngest, epileptic son Prince John. Check it out, in case you haven't)
Don't worry about me and "American Idol." I'll be there!
Wow, are we back? Thanks for tweaking, Prof!
Anyway, I was posting on my blog what I would have been here.
First things first, Drew Barrymore -- wow, has she learnt her lesson from the dress she wore at a few Golden Globes back, or what? She looked sleek, even though her complexion isn't suited to Hello Kitty pink. Kudos though, for trying.
Second, "Ugly Betty", the gringo version of the famous Colombian soap, Betty La Fea, won for best TV comedy.
I haven't seen such a reunited bunch of hysterial, out of control, jumping, yelling, busting up group of people on a podium, since Saddam Hussein's hanging!
Third, Ann wrote:
"Whether she'll win for her big movie queen role (Elizabeth II) remains to be seen."
Money. Bank it. Give you a fiver on your PayPal account, if she doesn't.
That's all I can afford.
Oh, there's Prince. I bet he was late on purpose. And I saw Angelina checking him out, so Brad better beware.
This show is making me feel really out of the loop on pop culture. I haven't seen barely anything. I haven't even heard of most of these TV shows. 24 is the only one I'm familiar with. I didn't know the 40 Year Old Virgin had a show!
I wish it were that my tastes are too high brow for the Globes, but more often it's that it's too low brow.
I did see Borat and Thank You For Smoking. Even read the book Thank You For Smoking, and I know it's a cliche to say it but while I liked the movie it was a little disappointing in comparison with the book. So I'm rooting for Borat, definitely the funniest.
I'm going to make a snack while Tom Hanks kisses Warren's ass.
Blogger's acting up a bit tonight. Please keep trying. I'm working on tweaking it into compliance.
A sincere "yay!" After all it was American Idol that gave us Jennifer Hudson.
I just saw "The Donald" as Warren Beatty goes up to get his ballsy award as best old-timer. Dadgummit, but he was fine looking. "Heaven Can Wait" was the first film I saw of his.
Shirley MacLaine's little brother. Go figure.
Since Blogger is full of glitches, our commentary is getting swallowed up, but just to say --
30 MINUTES of Tom Hanks and Warren Beatty???
How wasteful.
Damn, at least Peter Morgan had a point with his "the people can influence high ups" Dubya-QEII allusion (and they hurried him up after a few seconds of his speech, heh!)...
Yes, Angelina didn't wanna talk to Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet and didn't seem to wanna be there at all, let alone talk. Or...maybe she just wanted it to be Brad's night and didn't wanna steal the attention? We don't wanna believe she's that considerate a wife, do we? I'm going with the bad mood.
We watch Ugly Betty every Friday, with take out.
Scorsese looks like he's wearing a gag Groucho glasses. Look at those floofy eyebrows.
Angelina checking Prince out?? Oh, c'mon! He's like, as tall as her son, an' probably wears the same sized pants! She was probably just thinking "How'd Maddox get here, and what the hell's he wearing?".
Cringeworthy? Um... you watching Sasha Baron Cohen's speech?
There ya go.
No surprise: Sacha Baron Cohen stole the show.
FU, Blogger, you're cramping the Althouse style.
Anyway, Marty and Sacha both won.
And as I just mentioned on my blog about Sacha Baron Cohen, another Cambridge man (ugh):
It was expected, and he's giving the crowd what they want -- jokes about Golden Globes, anuses and testicles, as well as buttocks and fart jokes. Perhaps I never went through this phase as a kid, but coprolalia has never been my colostomy bag...
At least I'm 5 out of 10 right, with 6 categories of the ones I tipped, defined!
J-Lo wearing my grandmother's hunter green bedspread.
DREAMGIRLS! I knew it would beat out Borat, woo.
(6 out of 10, with 7 cats defined)
I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a fey producer prancing on stage, than another round of faeces and asshole jokes.
Damn, they were rude cutting off the Dreamgirls dude like that....
Phillip Seymour Hoffman looks like Wilford Brimley.
I don't know who that black lady writer of Grey's Anatomy is, but she needs whatever Laura Bush is taking.
Here comes Best Actress!
I'm ready to pony up, Ann.
And the Oscar goes to...(whatever), ooh Judi Dench didn't make it out.
A lock baby!!
More of a lock, and you'd have to close down the Tower of London.
Wow, she's awarding this to the Queen. No, she's taking it back since our fellow sovereign already has an orb. Oh brother.
Short quick acceptance speech, which she needs to work on come the Oscars.
Still, very nice, very deserved, and very concise.
(BTW, the Queen recently invited Helen, Michael Sheen -- who played Blair -- and the other cast members to Buck House for a meeting. It is not known what the real Queen said, or if she was there more than a few minutes, but it IS known that the Queen watched The Queen. Heh)
Dear God, now they're whisking through the major categories like nobody's biness.
Let's see.
FOREST WHITTAKER BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Calm down. This might be your only night to shine. Run Forest! Run!
Had another of those, surf-away with clicker moments, since my dear Forest was waaaaaay too nervous.
(Wow, I've been trying to post during all this time, but Blogger is still overloaded. I hope they SERIOUSLY work on this problem for the Oscars...if my posts appear too many times, Ann, please delete)
Oh my God, will Bobby win?
Are you blogging the E post show? God, I have no life.
Yeah, even though I didn't see his movie yet, that's cool that Forest won since I've liked him in other stuff. Hmm, maybe I should turn off this post show (Trump and Eddie Murphy are on together now) and plop in Ghost Dog in Forest's honor.
I thought for a sec there he was gonna forget Peter O'Toole's name.
FYI-Forest Whitaker is not a Brit, he is actually from South Central LA
BABEL!! I just watched that again last night with my boyfriend (I have an advanced screener).
Deserved. It was a better film than first I remembered it.
Finished with 7 out of 10 awards tipped right, and all but the last, Babel, figured in my "Should Win" guesses.
I'd like to thank the Althouse Academy for their generosity in letting me spew my factoids at will, for our gracious hostess with her tweaking abilities, and lastly, my mum -- who has the best pair of testicles this side of Kazakhstan!
FYI-Forest Whitaker is not a Brit, he is actually from South Central LA
It says on IMDB that he was born in Texas, though.
I think I know why Ann thought he was British.
Most people, if they remember this excellent character actor (who has slogged through many B-grade roles) at all, it is for the Crying Game.
He played a cricket and tranny-loving Brit. :)
I don't think The Last King of Scotland will be as powerful, as gory, and as demonic on the little screen, as it is in the theatres, so if it comes around (making its Oscar buzz 'rounds in March), do see it.
It's really a horror film, and many times more effective than the excellent Rwanda Hotel.
Phillip Seymour Hoffman looks like Wilford Brimley.
Is it me, or is Wilford Brimley still peddling life insurance commercials, from beyond the grave?
I think they're creepy, because of that reason...
Tibore wrote:
Cringeworthy? Um... you watching Sasha Baron Cohen's speech?
There ya go.
Careful, Tibore. You might be accused of not having a sense of humour.
That's the modus operandi of comics who wish to degrade anything American and Bush-centric, but do so using the licence of "humour". Very intelligent, that.
And of course, when you're really good at it, they call you Jon Stewart.
When you suck, they call you Margaret Cho.
Well guys, I'm off for real tonight. Not going to do the Idol threads, so see you around tomorrow, elsewhere.
Re: Angelina Jolie
My understanding is that she has signed a deal to only wear a certain designer to all the various awards show. Pre Golden Globes the rumor was that she was exceedingly unhappy with the wardrobe choices they have given her.
So, her being upset on the red carpet could simply be that she hates her dress and people talking about your dress is what the red carpet interviews are all about.
Since she signed up for millions of bucks just to wear free clothes I'm a bit short on sympathy for her.
Forest Whitaker was born in Texas but moved to LA when he was a toddler-I heard an interesting interview with him on NPR recently.
I thought he was a Brit after Crying Game too-he sounded so natural.
He actually grew up in the hood of South Central LA.
Babel was like an international version of "Crash".
I thought the two best movies I saw this year were Children of Men and Volver but I am a sucker for anything by Pedro Almodovar.
Victoria: According to imdb and his myspace, he's very much alive. It's diabetes supplies. Check out this youtube with Stephen Colbert.
'I don't know who that black lady writer of Grey's Anatomy is, but she needs whatever Laura Bush is taking.'
I didn't watch the show, but I did catch Angelina and Brad's interview with Access Hollywood from the red carpet. I don't think she's angry or upset, I just don't think she likes that environment.
She looks alive and enthusiastic when she's with her kids, or surrounded by the locals of some exotic locale. She looks exceedingly uncomfortable surrounded by fawning tabloid shows and the Hollywood "elite." Can't say that I blame her.
Still giggling at Tom Hanks' attempt at giving a bawdy tribute...like the chess-club goon trying out foul language for the first time.
And sadly, the inconvenient truth is that Tom looks like he's on the Al Gore Fitness Plan.
Thanks for the Dobie Gillis reference. I apologize if someone else caught it but my allergy medicine is making my eyes water.
Also Forest Whittaker's character in The Crying Game was from Jamaica and he wasn't a "toff".
Good morning, Althousianas!
Now that I am less bleary-eyed and harried, I can look at this thread, and enjoy it.
Tibore wrote:
Given that I'm at work, I can't see what happened. What'd Kyra do?
Don't worry, it wasn't anything egregious. Just fuffled her lines, in her nervousness.
Ruth Anne wrote:
Loafing Oaf: Renee Zellweger looks like she's squinting and constipated. At the same time.
LOL! And what's up with her chipmunk cheeks? They're to cheekbones what Jolie is to lips.
(Boy, am I going to get it, when I post my pic)
Christopher A wrote:
[Meryl Streep] always does it with a sense of humor and says something I really agree with.
You'll remember that she and Lily Tomlin were the best things about Oscars '06, wiping the floor with the other presenters (almost all of them, part of the younger Pitt-Jolie Young Hollywood).
When they make a point, they're ham-handed, and strident, blech. I worry for my generation...
As for Little Children, sorry, Christopher -- I hated it. But fair play to Streep for gently chiding the cinema chains for not showing it (a travesty).
Ruth Anne wrote:
Scorsese looks like he's wearing a gag Groucho glasses. Look at those floofy eyebrows.
Best comment on the night! As I brushed my teeth before going to sleep, I kept repeating that very addictive word -- "floofy". FLOOOOOFY.
LoafingOaf wrote:
Are you blogging the E post show? God, I have no life.
Heh. If you have a life past midnight, don't forget to check for STDs. :)
I saw about 15 mins worth, when Emily Blunt and Hugh Laurie were the sit-down guests being interviewed by this ravishing black lady.
Emily seems to have acquired a mid-Atlantic accent (like my cousins say I have too, sniff), and Hugh as usual, was very shy.
Ruth Anne wrote:
Victoria: According to imdb and his myspace, he's very much alive.
Dude, who am I think of, then? Maybe I confused he and Ned Beatty...
On those Brits again - Helen Mirren has had an exceptional career and done it with risk-taking and exceptionally varied roles.
I couldn't agree more. In fact, of the newer generation, I am reminded of Mirren's range and audacity whenever I see Kate Winslet.
Only she's not as talented. :(
Chum wrote:
Thanks, Chum. :)
We all had some great comments yesterday, considering the hand we were dealt with, by Blogger.
BTW, it's interesting, and though I still don't recall her name, but I'm fairly sure I heard this black lady writer of Grey's Anatomy, during an NPR interview.
She grew up very middle-class, and though she was hired to give 'street cred' dialogue to the show, she had trouble writing because she didn't have that as background. She mentioned one of her white colleagues started rapping about "ho-hos" (apparently, a kind of junk food), and she knew she had to do something about it. :)
I hope I got the show right! Could be Scrubs. *g*
joe baby:
And sadly, the inconvenient truth is that Tom looks like he's on the Al Gore Fitness Plan.
And you nailed the chess-club goon allusion too.
Jody, I'm not sure any of my recent posts this morning have made it out for Ann's moderation (Blogger still very glitchy...), but I wanted to thank you for your compliment. :)
So here I am in the latest "exotic locale" for Angelina and Brad. They've bought a big house in the French Quarter and say they're putting their kids in school here. Angelina's looking for some "normal moms" to do kids stuff with here in NOLA.
LOL Elizabeth. I take it that's bad...?
Jennifer, it's amusing maybe more than bad. I made beef stew for dinner and thought, "hey, we oughta ask Brad and Angelina over." Celebs like to move to New Orleans for awhile. They buy a magnificent old house, make a movie here (Brad Pitt is making one now), and voila, they're gone.
So here I am in the latest "exotic locale" for Angelina and Brad. They've bought a big house in the French Quarter and say they're putting their kids in school here. Angelina's looking for some "normal moms" to do kids stuff with here in NOLA.
You mean, white moms who wear a vial of her husband's blood around her neck and with lips the size of Idaho? You know, normal moms like that.
Anyway, Elizabeth, a question for your no doubt bodacious self.
What ever happened to Anne Rice, and other famous celebs in NOLA after Katrina? Everything okay with them, and did any leave for extended amounts of time?
Doug Brinkley, the historian, is coming out or has come out with a book about the Perfect Storm, I know.
But how about Julia Reed, and them?
Inquiring minds.
BTW, congrats on the 'aints making it to the Championship Game!
I want Peyton to win, BUT I want him to face his hometown team in the SB. :)
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