৩ জানুয়ারী, ২০০৬

Blog style tips for the new year.

Evan Shaeffer comes up with ten New Year's Resolutions for bloggers, especially law bloggers. He mentions me a couple times, in the context of recommending blogging on a variety of topics. I'd just say there are two kinds of blogs, the kind that pick one topic and stay on it and the kind that range over whatever topics the blogger feels moved to write about. One person might write both types of blogs. For example, lawprof Stephen Bainbridge has his wide-ranging blog and then a single-topic blog. And his single-topic blog, nicely, isn't about law. It's about wine. Do I have a specialized interest of the sort that I'd want to break out into a separate blog? I certainly wouldn't segregate the law material.

I actually had a separate blog for a while, and I used it for very lightweight, chatty material. I stopped because the software trial license I was experimenting with expired, and I was happy enough mixing up this blog with serious and very easygoing material -- you know, the kind of stuff that makes certain bloggers rail against me. Ann Althouse, who's supposed to be a constitutional law professor, wrote this, about nostrils, nostrils! Hey, I pick my topics, and, if I want, I can pick nostrils.

৯টি মন্তব্য:

Ron বলেছেন...

Well of course you pick nostrils...that's what they're for...

But not in the car.

Ruth Anne Adams বলেছেন...

Ron: Continuing your Seinfeld meme....

GEORGE: Was there any nostril penetration?
JERRY: There may have been some incidental penetration. But from her angle she was in no position to make the call.
GEORGE: So let's say in her mind she witnessed a pick. Okay, so then what?
JERRY: Is that so unforgivable? Is that like breaking a commandment? Did God say to Moses thou shalt not pick?

Nostril penetration....heh.

reader_iam বলেছেন...

Ann, thanks for the referral! Very timely, indeed!

reader_iam বলেছেন...

I enjoyed looking at your old "other" blog, too. Familiar, but different, too. Interesting.

XWL বলেছেন...

Damn time difference!

I was going to make the same joke Ron did with the second comment.

I guess we share pet peeves.

AnechoicRoom বলেছেন...

Boogers and the forcefield of invisibility. Wherein drivers of bigbuxlux autos believe they are invisible, completely. To one and all. And in that singular moment, for whatever reason, one just happens to glance over while in traffic (whether moving or stopped). And the driver digs for gold.

Can I sue?

Ron বলেছেন...

XWL: You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but your pet peeves pick people for their personal predilictions, perhaps...

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Matt: I assure you I was in full control of my imagery. No sledgehammers are required for the readers of this blog. I presume!

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Tony: Were you really Googling for nostrils? Because... why??