September 9, 2005

"He's just a terrible person."

Said the speaker, talking about John Roberts, at the anti-Roberts rally, here on the UW campus this afternoon. He seemed to be running out of steam as I passed by with my camera in hand.

Anti-Roberts Rally.

He was saying that women are second-class citizens without the Equal Rights Amendment, which seems to have little if anything to do with John Roberts. But the theme of the half-hearted harangue was women, from what I heard. The signs scattered about were mostly abortion-related.

Anti-Roberts Rally.

The crowd was tiny, and nearly all women, listening to the young man warn them of the great danger they faced if that terrible, terrible man, John Roberts, should become Chief Justice.


Unknown said...

He ain't got nothing on me and Florence King, though.

We're gonna repeal the 19th Amendment. Right after this next glass of bourbon.

Sheesh. Madison, we hardly knew ye.

Harkonnendog said...

I hate seeing all these slogans from the late 60's and 70's. I mean wtf revamp the image. You are college students- regardless of your politics don't you hate cliches?

SippicanCottage said...
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Robert Holmgren said...

Is this what you refer to as Badgering?

Anonymous said...

Hold on. There is LOTS of evidence that he is indeed a horrible person.

Take those plaid pants for example . . .

I'm Full of Soup said...

Off topic but it's what I do best. I have to figure out how to post pictures from my phone-camera to my blog.

I had some good shots of Live 8 in Philly and from a protest against Santorum book signing at a B&N. Reminds me that in general protestors today are so lame!

hat said...

If you can get them onto a computer, you can download picasa and Hello! (both free), which can integrate with eacher and automatically upload them to blogger with captions.

Ann Althouse said...

Why are people reading this post as if it depicted a large, vigorous protest? It's a young man with a mike, who has little to say and is not saying it forcefully, a few students who have gathered around for whatever reason (not responding in any noticeable way), and a few signs, which might be signs from earlier abortion rallies. Here's another view of the small crowd.

Simon said...

You know, I really like Justice Breyer. I think he's a terrible Judge, I disagree with him on virtually every level about what the constitution is, what a Judge should do and how they should go about it; but I think he's a nice, funny chap, a great writer, a smart guy, it seems like he has a good heart and I think he's the sort of fellow you can really enjoy having a heated debate with over a round of Sam Adams' finest. That doesn't mean I can't usually (not always; from time-to-time, I even agree with Justice Souter!) tell which opinion I'm going to disagree with by looking to see which one(s) he's joined.

For that matter, I make fun of Gonzales, "Soutero", but I don't have any personal animosity towards Justice Souter, any more so that I imply any towards Judge Bork by using his name as a verb. It's simply that those two jurists have become verbified as a consequence of being emblematic of a certain set of circumstances in the nomination of Justices to the Supreme Court.

It's a shame that the left does not share the virtue of not making things personal. People on the other side of the aisle seem to have reached the conclusion - and this cancer is beginning to infect the GOP as well - that caring passionately about an issue is free license to be an humourless asshole.

Wave Maker said...

Oh fagawd's sake, the kid is just tryna play the "sensitive male" role so he can get into the pants of one of the girls in the crowd (if any of them are hetero).

"He's just a horrible person." Hahahahha how eloquent and profound.

Wave Maker said...

zeimer -- perhaps no better than a clean shave and some deodorant?