৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০০৫

"Football Season Is Over."

That's the title on Hunter S. Thompson's suicide note:
[Thompson's biographer Douglas] Brinkley writes, "February was always the cruelest month for Hunter S. Thompson. An avid NFL fan, Hunter traditionally embraced the Super Bowl in January as the high- water mark of his year. February, by contrast, was doldrums time."

That puts Thompson in a new light.

The whole text of the note appears at the link, including his final sentence, written before shooting himself in the head: "This won't hurt."

৫টি মন্তব্য:

goesh বলেছেন...

Go Vikings !!

Mark Daniels বলেছেন...

Bottom line: Hunter Thompson was a disturbed, self-absorbed, brilliant nut case. I used to read his stuff in 'Rolling Stone.' He was both clever and inane. His journalism rarely approximated reality, probably because he so feared and loathed reality. His death was tragic but, given his self-absorption, probably predictable.

Steve Donohue বলেছেন...

Good thing he wasn't a Bears fan like myself: he'd have killed himself in early January about 15 years ago.

Robert Holmgren বলেছেন...

Ding, ding, ding....we have a winner--Steve the Bear's fan provides the appropriate humor for HST's sick mind.

XWL বলেছেন...

Re: jim's comment, I googled the phrase 'famous suicide notes' and this website caught my eye


This one in particular I found interesting:

"Frances and Courtney, I'll be at your altar. Please keep going Courtney, for Frances for her life will be so much happier without me. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU."
Suicide note.
~~ Kurt Cobain, musician, d. April 8, 1994

(looks like Courtney hasn't exactly been following his advice)

and as far as frequency of famous suicides well you can go back as far as Socrates and work your way up and if you include the suicidally self destructive (like say, Kerouac) that list could get quite long, clearly from the note and his other writings Thompson didn't expect to make it out of the 1970s let alone 80s or 90s so all those extra years were an embarrassment rather than a pleasure (similar to Dorothy Parker's fate, though she didn't commit suicide)