৭ আগস্ট, ২০০৫

"Niño en rodaje."

Niño en rodaje
Originally uploaded by * No. Pip, no!!! *.
I love this shot of a little boy in Barcelona. Yes, that's a costume, not the result of real poverty. He's in a movie and that's a movie costumer's idea of what a boy in rags looks like.

I found this picture on the Top 20 Portrait Shots pool on Flickr, where you delete one portrait as you add one, so it's a fascinating self-organizing phenomenon.

John has put two pictures up, so at the moment there's one of me. We'll see how long it lasts -- and how long the "Niño en rodaje" lasts.

1 টি মন্তব্য:

goesh বলেছেন...

- and here I thought you had sojourned into Applachia where the great war on poverty still rages - Harpers is showing some nice blk&wht stuff