৭ আগস্ট, ২০০৫

I need to see that!

I've loved Lisa Kudrow's great HBO show "The Comeback" from the first minute, but it's been low rated and a lot of people don't seem to get it. Entertainment Weekly defines the stages of coming to terms with the show:
(1) Befuddlement. I thought this was supposed to be a sitcom, and yet I didn't laugh once during the entire pilot episode. What's going on here?

2) Revulsion. Puppy poo in her hair? Give me a break! How much degradation can one character take?

3) Anger. Why is everyone so mean to Valerie? I hate that stinkin' Boyd Duzpauliegsuck!

4) Addiction. Note to self, I don't need to see that! Note to self, I don't need to see that! Note to self, I don't need to see that! Note to self, I don't need to see that!

5) Acceptance. I've got a lump in my throat because they scrapped the ''Aunt Sassy'' episode of Room & Bored and that beaver coat shtick was actually kind of funny. I think I might be a little bit hooked.

6) Adulation. I'm a huge fan of The Comeback and I'm not ashamed to say it anymore! Anyone else out there with me? Anyone?
I'm going to assume HBO is cool enough to keep the show going and give viewers time to get through the stages, but, jeez, what's wrong with people? The brilliance of the show was glaring right at you in the "Well, I got it!" sequence in Episode 1.

And Paulie G is a great villain. Ooh! He's fun to hate!

৪টি মন্তব্য:

chuck b. বলেছেন...

I love the Comeback. I'm sorry to hear it's low-rated, but I'm not surprised. People are talking about My Life on the D List now which I forgot to program. Have you seen it?

Bruce Hayden বলেছেন...

I tried to watch it, but it made me too uncomfortable. This happens when my empathy comes out for someone in an embarrasing or uncomfortable situation. I can detatch and enjoy violence, but not social embarassment.

BlogVantage বলেছেন...

miklos rosza wrote: "...you don't have to LIKE larry gelbart or his wife..."

I think you mean - Larry David.

Larry Gelbart was a M*A*S*H writer.

Joan বলেছেন...

I'm with Bruce. There are lot of programs I simply can't watch because I die of embarrassment for the characters. It's still very difficult for me to watch an entire episode of "I Love Lucy." So I can appreciate what "The Comeback" is accomplishing, but I can't watch it.