৬ আগস্ট, ২০০৫


On Madison's East Side.

Madison's East Side.

Madison's East Side.

Madison's East Side.

Madison's East Side.

১৩টি মন্তব্য:

নামহীন বলেছেন...

And perchance do you have a favorite?

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

I love the way all of them look as storefronts, but I've never eaten at any of them!

Videos by Professor Howdy বলেছেন...
এই মন্তব্যটি একটি ব্লগ প্রশাসক দ্বারা মুছে ফেলা হয়েছে।
Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Comment deleted for length and irrelevance.

Peter Hoh বলেছেন...

It looks as if the extra sign at Jolly Bob's used to have superfluous apostrophes -- Saturday's and Sunday's. Fortunately, someone from the Apostrophe Defense Squad came by and rectified the situation.

vbspurs বলেছেন...

Ooh, Laotian.

I just came from having sushi on SoBe, and I would much rather have had Laotian, TBH -- although I cannot forebear but to point at the Kerry/Edwards poster they have hanging in the window.

(Hey, it's Madison and Kerry/Edwards chotchkes are less a visiting card, than a mating call)

The rasta-resto looks particularly atmospheric.



Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Peter: Great attention to detail.

Victoria: I took the picture because of the Kerry sign. It's one thing to keep a bumper sticker on, quite another to block the view out of your front window all this time.

Robert Holmgren বলেছেন...

My guess is that the Laotian restaurant is separate from the Kerry/Edwards/flag upstairs apartment. Back in the day college students seemed to use large flags as all purpose decoration. Here the flag is window treatment rather than political statement. This seems to contrast with the Southeast Asian restaurant aesthetic.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

Menlo Bob: I'm sure the flag is a political statement. I'm going to do a new post about flags in windows so keep looking.

Robert Holmgren বলেছেন...

I do recall the days when flags were used to convey all sorts of messages; Those that hung from the stern of my ship in the Navy had a different meaning than those hung by my college roomates--I refer to the late 60s early 70s. In any event, I was only speculating about the apartment dweller being separate from the owner of the restaurant, and that eating Laotion food here needn't carry political baggage.

Ann Althouse বলেছেন...

The upstairs apartment is probably a student apartment.

Matt Brown বলেছেন...

Jolly Bob's looks as if it might serve Jamaican/caribbean food.

Hammer বলেছেন...

Jolly Bob's is excellent. Sadly, the rum drinks are so potent that I remember nothing more than the excellent fresh bread. Rum, bread, whirl. But a good whirl.