८ एप्रिल, २००५

Ted Turner can't think of the name Jayson Blair.

In this gripping dialogue with the NYT's "boldface" columnist:
Mr. Turner, who said he had broken his arm skiing, wore his arm in a sling.

"New York Times?" he asked when we introduced ourselves. "Radio?"

Uh, newspaper.

"How do I know you're with The New York Times?

Well, we have this I.D., and -

"You don't look like The New York Times. You don't write phony stories like that guy with The New York Times. What was his name?"

Come on, we said.

"Go ahead. What's up? I like The New York Times."

Why Does He Keep Repeating the Paper's Name?

No idea.
I like the hyper-accuracy of reporting that he says he broke his arm in a skiing accident. Maybe he's just wearing the sling for fun... or to attract women... for nooners.

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