५ एप्रिल, २००५

Student government marches on.

Only people in the north can understand how deeply we love spring here in Madison.

The UW kids are sprawled on the hill again in front of Bascom Hall:

Campus election day.

You see the statue of Abraham Lincoln up there. But what's this?

Campus election day.

These guys are trying to encourage voting in the student election. I think they are supposed to be Rock'm-Sock'm Robots and that's supposed to symbolize politics.

See that the flag is at half staff? A Wisconsin State Journal reporter called me as I was downloading these photos to extract a quote from me about government having the flag at half staff for the Pope. Some people are upset about it? People love to get upset about symbolism.

Here's the view from the same spot looking down to the Capitol:

Campus election day.

And looking across to the south -- it's our beloved Law School:

The UW Law School.

What does student government do anyway? What are the issues? How can you try to win one of these elections? A catchy name helps:

Campus election day.

Campus election day.

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