७ एप्रिल, २००५

Look what a funny collection of things...

Look what a funny collection of things comes up when I do a Google image search using my name. No pictures of me, but Osama Bin Laden comes up as the third image. And this is delightfully apt. And I don't mind being represented by this (and can only hope Manolo is reading).

UPDATE: An emailer notes that a Yahoo image search using my name actually does turn up a picture of me first. Does that mean Yahoo is better than Google? Yahoo did come up with a lot of other funny things for my name, including, on the first line, Karen Hughes. No Osama. Google turned up the "Psycho" silhouette of the knife-wielding murderer on the other side of the shower curtain. Yahoo has images of nicer things overall: a jellybean, a fawn, a Realtone transistor radio, Big Brother and the Holding Company, the Marx Brothers...

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