Here's a free-access link to the column, which is by William Shoki, a journalist in Cape Town. So read for the content if you want, on your own.
What I want is to talk about the image. He's green. The little green man from Mars. But more importantly, his head is cut off, the top of his head, and it is cut off by a shape that is not a rectangle. It is angled....

And note the angled shadow across his neck.
८० टिप्पण्या:
This image is Goebbels approved.
A hotbed of Zulu vs Mandela's Xhosa black on black tribal conflict with native collateral damage under a progressive constitution with forward-looking adoption if DEI (e.g. racism, sexism, planned parenthood). Previously the rape capital of the world, but has since lost that inclusive title in the woke of ethnic Springs and CAIR. I think it was Norway that now holds that equitable distinction.
The article, like the illustration, is too slanted. I couldn't make it through.
Yawn. I read it for you guys, they are using the usual "he's a racist" without any sort of real facts to back it up. Expect to see more of it.
The NYT is Religious Cult for its democratic religious cult loyaist readers.
Dedicated leftists HATE anyone emptying their tax payer funded cookie jars.
The image: Man they were serious about those USAID cuts...the NYT can no longer afford toner
South Africans: Boers (I do not know if Elon is actually a Boer or descended from Boers), and specifically the descendants of the Voortrekkers, are some seriously tough and SERIOUSLY independent people. They and Americans have a lot in common in not liking the British very much, and while we were successful in getting rid of them, white South Africans of Dutch descent were not.
They are highly intelligent and hardworking (look up Orania). Don't fuck with them.
What liberal assholes. What an irrelevant and low blow. But nothing is beneath the Left.
Musk came to the US - after a detour in Canada - because of the freedom and opportunity America offers.
Musk is saving the US from bankruptcy and insane inflation but these fucking libs can't see that. Musk is saving his country.
I was surprised that when Mandela came to power in South Africa he didn't go full communist and destroy the whole thing in a few years. He must have learned something about the world and humanity in prison. Unfortunately, He is dead and the people who know him and respected him are either dead or very old. The ones that are coming to power look like they are trying to live down to my expectations.
Althouse said...
But more importantly, his head is cut off, the top of his head, and it is cut off by a shape that is not a rectangle. It is angled...
Reminds me of the scene in the Omen (1976) when the photographer discovers the picture of himself that shows a line across his throat presaging his decapitation.
What to do with a "burden" like Elon.
It is because he's African-American, a person of color, which birthed a burden for their brayed handmade tales and projection ability. Perhaps their patriotic transition from Democrazi to Nazi will AID their viability or force a selfie-abortion. Planned Publisherhood (PP)? #LooWins
I wonder what Grok would think of a NYT headline that read "Nelson Mandela is South African. It explains a lot."
I certainly learned today that the NYT is not post racial.
Elon Musk is single-handedly dismantling the criminal enterprise we call the Democrat Party, organized for the sole purpose of looting the Treasury of the United States of America.
He's not going to make it to Mars, I don't think. Because the left want him dead more than they want Trump dead. Musk is robbing the Democrat Party of their money. Which is to say OUR money. That's an unforgivable sin in the criminal community.
The democrat party is a sewer. So is their Leftist-Marxist Authoritarian Corruption-Supporting Democratic Media. This is just wet diaper diarrhea for the base.
Shoki is a pan-African anti-capitalist. Somewhere on the far left side of socialism, likely communist. Thinks Africa as a whole is or should be one country governed by people like him as a socialist utopia.
There’s definitely a 3rd World dictator vibe to the image as well, with the mirror sunglasses and the tilt of the head. And the upper face is cut off in a way similar to the way to the way it’s cut off by the black visor on an officer’s hat like many dictators wear.
Kind of a Michael Jackson "Dangerous" look.
The kleptocracy is quacking... cracking when they can afford it.
Are they trying to call real world Tony Stark a blockhead? It's a bold move Cotton, we'll see how that works out for them...
A South African journalist is an appeal to authority? WTF?
NYT is late to the party. Joy Behar went down this road on The View yesterday. She did walk it back, but I bet that was after a note from ABC's legal department.
All I know is South Africans are lovely people. (There was at least one among the commenters here.) Maybe it's all that hopeless denial.
They should all come here..
And isn't it obvious? Don't you think? A little too oblivious.
so, our Professor has noticed? the leftists are murderous?
Kill The Boer
"the High Court in Johannesburg, who ruled that "Kill the Boer – Kill the farmer" was neither hate speech nor an incitement to violence"
the cowards are scared
shoot shoot
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
shoot the Boer
shoot shoot
mother leave me be
oh mother
mother leave me be
oh mother
shoot the Boer
Can anyone tell what’s reflected in his glasses? The caption says the image is an illustration, so I would think whatever is reflected may be made up….
I honestly can’t see why the NYT would want to cover up that brain - reminds me of blacking out private parts.
Also pulling down the shade on the man wearing shades. Is the man shady or is the NYT shady?
This is a sign of desperation. At the moment, they've got nothing.
What is the image in the sunglasses?
This is really unbelievable. Life for the lefties is one logical fallacy after another: ad hominem attacks; projection; straw men; red herrings, etc. Aside from demonic possession, the only explanation is desperation. It’s too charitable to attribute it to stupidity.
Sue The View.
Gotta keep "The Hatred" streaming.
An African American they don't like?
Lexington Green said...
This is a sign of desperation. At the moment, they've got nothing.
And it's making them say the quiet parts out loud.
Family explains a lot, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
In the early 1990s, Errol, then aged 45, married Heide Bezuidenhout, a 25-year old he described as "one of the best looking women I've ever seen in my life". They had two children. Jana Bezuidenhout, who later became his romantic partner, was his stepdaughter from that marriage, four years old at the time Errol became her stepfather.
Errol once commented, "The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce."
It's buy something off Amazon day. Use Ann's portal!
Here's an idea.
You have!! to learn the settler colonial ideology so as to recognize it when you see it. You have!! to start thinking about answers to it. Because this ideology is the reason why, in our country, college students are antisemitic without shame. This ideology blinds them to their ugly state of mind which is actually calling for the extermination of the Jews just as did the Nazis; this ideology purifies and sanctifies this Nazi-like hatred of the Jews. If we free-thinkers don't directly answer this blinded-nazi, thinking then it will always protect the students from realizing they are anti-semites and Nazi-adjacent. And here's your chance to learn a powerful new method so no one kicks sand in your face again. !!!!
The article in the post is pure settler/colonial ideology. The settler /colonial ideology says that beginning in the Early Modern period [1492-1740] white settlers colonized in areas belonging to others who were people of color; that in the post-modern period which we are now in, white settlers are now being driven out, and are resisting; and that being "righteous" means siding against the settler/colonialists. Not that whites can be ever be righteous but they can be near it as allies. American and European students can become allies and near-righteous by avoiding resisting the end of settler regimes. This is the ideology behind this article and behind the assaults on Jews on campuses.
For example, the article says: [Musk is part of] "a global right that has long been fascinated with Rhodesia and its successor, Zimbabwe.... the loss of white-minority rule in Zimbabwe represents the model of civilizational decay — a formerly “successful” colonial state plunged into chaos through decolonization." (You may think you have not been "fascinated with Rhodesia" but a settler/colonial ideologist knows better. Aren't you a supporter of Israel when you should be a supporter of Gaza?) The point is that the statement "fascinated by Rhodesia" in the 21st century is a tip-off that the settler/colonial ideology is the organizing principle at work. Settler/colonial ideology is mostly a re-organization of of certain anti-racist histories into an overarching ideology that condemns every European and every person who accepts "European ideologies" such as "All men are created equal."
end of Part 1
beginning - Part 2
The two central histories are the struggle against slavery in the US and the struggle against apartheid in South Africa with the struggle against apartheid the dominant narrative informing the ideology.
The case of South Africa is very clear in itself - it's just that the situation there isn't the same as every other situation. In South Africa a black majority was dispossessed of land and all human rights, including the free speech, legal equality and the vote by a white minority who arrived as settler colonialist in the Early Modern era. And this was wrong and the defense of this wrong led to atrocities. And, says settler/colonial ideology, this is the same as whites did everywhere and whites still defend it and always will so that they are all untrustworthy. People of color must unite and be the leaders against settler/colonialism
The same thing happened in Ireland - a white majority was dispossessed of land and all human rights, including the free speech, legal equality and the vote by a white minority who arrived as settler/colonialists under Cromwell in the 1650's in the Early Modern era. And this was wrong and the defense of this wrong led to atrocities such as the Irish Famine of the 1840's. And struggle of the white Irish Catholic majority against the white Ulster Protestant minority laid the ideological foundation for all future sruggles to undo colonial injustices.
"But wait," a settler/colonial ideologue would say. "How can whites be the target of colonial injustices, as you say the white Catholic Irish were? It's as if you think that South Africa is not a complete model of colonial injustice, usefully applicable in all other situations. And then (the settler/colonialist ideologue continues)I suppose, you'd say that Elon Musk, though a white South African, might actually be opposed to injustice. And I suppose you'd say the situation in Israel is not the same as the situation in South Africa. You'd say that when Jews return to Judea that's not just like the Dutch displacing the Zulus." "Why, yes," I'd say, "that is what I think." "Well you're a settler colonialist aka racistNazifascist, aka white, aka Amrican patriot." the settler/colonial ideologue would say "Gaza is South Africa all over again because Judea belongs to the Arabs and the Jews are intruders in Jerusalem because they're white like you."
Today's lesson ends.
'Free speech content for thee but not for me...' - For 200, What Sen. Tom Cotton might say, Alex.
NYT: "New York Times Says Senator’s Op-Ed Did Not Meet Standards"
"Dozens of Times employees objected to the Op-Ed on social media, despite a company policy that instructs them not to post partisan comments or take sides on issues. Many of them responded on Twitter with the sentence, “Running this puts Black @NYTimes staff in danger.” More than 160 employees planned a virtual walkout for Friday morning, according to two organizers of the protest."
BTW. I spent time logging into the NYT website (free signup) , just so i could make this comment.
"I was surprised that when Mandela came to power in South Africa he didn't go full communist and destroy the whole thing in a few years."
I also expected South Africa to devolve into civil war and/or racial slaughter shortly after the fall of Apartheid. I rebuked myself at the time for being too cynical. But it's becoming clear that it just took a little longer than I expected.
Dave Begley said...
“What liberal assholes. What an irrelevant and low blow. But nothing is beneath the Left.”
The article appears in the New York Times. That explains a lot.
I went on safari to the Transvall South Africa in 2000. Chartered a C-182 to a lion breeding ranch further south. Got to fly over part of Lesotho. The entire country I saw reminded me of California. The poverty was stunning. I was glad to be mostly off roading heavily armed and with a case of Castle Lager. All of the africanners we met and stayed with reminded us how the United States had even more apartheid than South Africa.
Of course Shoki would like Musk’s head removed.
The NYT approves of this radical leftist’s narrative.
He emigrated when he was eighteen. He's been Canadian-American for most of his life.
This kind of personal attack is all the Democrats have. It explains a lot.
there are many democrats who are the decedents of slaves.
The art is a partial unmasking indicating the top part of his head is a black hole that we must fear and hate.
I used to work with a white Rhodesian of Boer ancestry. He had been a paratrooper as a young man and had fought in a few of the cross-border bush skirmishes they had with the local Marxists. His dad was one of the diminishing population of white farming holdouts after the country transitioned into Zimbabwe and began its long decline.
The thing about these national transitions to Marxist ideologies, they have a long and very predictable glide path - always downward. The colonial infrastructure degrades, then collapses, and quality of life deteriorates right along with their surroundings. The currency devalues as the kleptocracy plunders the state's resources. It always ends in poverty and hunger, and the smart ones leave. The smarter, the earlier, in my experience.
You end up with a captive class of national victims, too poor and weak to do anything but put up with it - until they recognize (and they always do) that their survival depends on revolt. They're given outlets to vent their frustrations, by the smarter tyrants - white people in this case, also in South Africa's, next door. In Venezuela, it was the so-called 'rich'. Same thing in California. It's amazing how much misery humans are capable of inflicting and receiving to-and-from each other.
ack. Where is that delete button?
There are many democrats who are the decedents of slave-owners.
If you're really committed - torch your Tesla.
torch your Tesla
In front of a Planned Parenthood... because Black Lives Matter.
Read most of the article. It’s a tour de force of mind reading, virtually free of any substance about what Musk actually did or said.
Wow… quite a meeting between Zelenskyy, President Trump and VP Vance. Complete Transparency, anger and acrimony.
Worth a watch, lol.
Eva Marie said...
What is the image in the sunglasses?
I can see an open hand reaching toward Musk as though he's about to shake hands with someone.
It makes me wonder what was in this picture that they don't want us to see, something that would establish the context and not be dark and negative and scary looking.
Maybe the original picture just came out this way due to a glitch and they liked the vibe and decided to use it.
Musk's a real African-American. Unlike Al Sharpton et alia.
When Elon was first building electric cars to save us from climate change he was the darling of the left. When Elon allows for free speech on X and helps Trump uncover the grift, fraud, and waste in government, he is worse than Hitler. Go figure. Trump, Musk, Kennedy, and Gabbard have one thing in common, they are former Democrats and they committed the ultimate sin of disloyalty to the party.
Collective guilt. One of the three great sacraments of the leftist religion, along with abortion and sodomy.
The left entertains, publishes dreams of abortive ideation perchance affirmative choice. A little too ironic.
I will put on my mind-reading antennae and extrapolate what Elon learned from SA:
1. A beautiful country with a perfect location and plenty of natural resources can still be a shithole.
2. Anyone can turn such a country into such a shithole: Zulu, Xhosa, Dutch, English all shitholed SA in their various ways: socialism, racism, divide-and-conquer strategies, alliances with external forces (see infra), etc.
3. One sure way to turn your country into a shithole is to rely too much on outsiders. As long as the Cold War lasted, the West was not going to let Communist-leaning blacks take the place over and give it to the USSR. As soon as the USSR ended, so did Western concern for SA.
4. Some sure ways to keep your country from turning into a shithole are to make sure it can stand up on its own, to avoid creating or worsening internal divisions, and to stay out of outsiders' problems. Oh, and to keep your culture within the forms established through painful trial and error by the English-speaking peoples: elections, courts, minimal government, internal free enterprise, social liberty, etc.
And unlike the average South African exile, Musk has the money to do something with these lessons.
I wonder if anyone has ever been accidentally killed by a guillotine. You know somebody had to put their head in there just screwing around. Seems like OSHA would have some rules about guillotine workers.
Has anyone identified any actual "racist" things that Musk has done or said? Wouldn't the wealthiest man in the world (by far) have used some of his enormous assets, and his undeniable talents to, I don't know, promote and espouse racism?
At least they didn't put a tire around his neck.
Must I do all the work!
Here's the original photo.
Is it a guillotine or a Black MAGA hat?
I broke the rules yesterday and I apologize to Althouse.
There were stinkweeds springing up all over and no one was tending the garden. But it wasn't my job. I'll try harder to stay in line.
So they blocked out his MAGA hat? "Journalism".
Good job, Rabel!
Who's the guy reflected in Musk's glasses?
"Who's the guy reflected in Musk's glasses?"
Newsmax anchor Rob Schmitt.
I see all. I know all.
"a global right that has long been fascinated with Rhodesia and its successor, Zimbabwe...." Really? I thought we were too busy thinking about the Roman Empire.
Grok schmok! RabelAI is the king! Eat your heart out, Elon Musk!
They were going to Photoshop Melania's hat but ran out of time.
It reminds me of the Wicked poster.
Does this work the other way around? Do we say that William Shoki's origins as Black South African explain his opinions, and that we can therefore safely ignore them (or fearfully suppress them).
I couldn't get past the second paragraph as it was in the top 20 dumbest things I've ever read in my life (I'm 45 an a reader; I've read a lot)
It's a black T shirt.
But he is not, after all, South African. As a naturalized American citizen, he is an American, and by choice. And almost every naturalized citizen I ever met were the most patriotic, America loving people you can imagine.
Winnie Mandela was South African. It explains a lot.
Nothing in this article other than conjecture and innuendo about Musk -- says a lot more about the writer than it does Musk.
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