It’s the utter antithesis of the carnage unleashed four years ago, under clear blue skies, by thousands of Trump supporters, goaded by lies about a stolen election. Hundreds of them bludgeoned police officers guarding the Capitol as the mob fought to stop Congress from counting the electoral votes that would make Joe Biden president.
I asked Grok if that last sentence was factually correct and it said that the "essence" is "supported by substantial evidence" but "the precise quantification of 'hundreds' as attackers specifically 'bludgeoning' officers might be an oversimplification or exaggeration of the exact actions...."
Over at The New York Times, there's: "'A Day of Love’: How Trump Inverted the Violent History of Jan. 6/The president-elect and his allies have spent four years reinventing the Capitol attack — spreading conspiracy theories and weaving a tale of martyrdom to their ultimate political gain." Excerpt:
An emboldened Mr. Trump has already indicated that his presidential agenda will include payback for those who declared him responsible for the Capitol attack. He has said that [Jack] Smith “should be thrown out of the country,” and that Ms. Cheney and other leaders of the House select committee — “one of the greatest political scams in history,” his spokeswoman, Ms. Leavitt, said — should “go to jail,” without providing evidence to warrant such extreme measures.At the same time, Mr. Trump’s repeated vows to pardon those implicated in the Capitol riot, an act of erasure that would validate their claims of political persecution, have electrified the Jan. 6 community of families, defendants and felons.... [M]any Jan. 6 participants are anticipating a general amnesty for everyone involved. One defendant, charged with attacking police officers with a baseball bat, even promoted an A.I. video of inmates in orange jumpsuits parading triumphantly out of jailhouse doors.
The video:
— Jake Lang - January 6 Political Prisoner 🇺🇸 (@JakeLangJ6) December 20, 2024
After 4 years of monotony & torture inside Biden's Political Prisons - all us Jan 6 Patriots are just ONE MONTH away from FREEDOM!!
I am bursting with excitement - I cant wait to leave this God forsaken dungeon.
God is…
Finally, I'm seeing this at The Hill: "Former Capitol Police officers call Trump’s vows to pardon Jan. 6 rioters 'a betrayal.'" Excerpt:
“It’s a betrayal, a stab in the heart,” [said] former Sergeant Aquilino Gonell.... "“We’ve been seeking accountability for years.... It doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen.... I lost my health, I lost my career, I lost some friends,” he said reflecting on his decision to resign from the federal force....
১৬৮টি মন্তব্য:
I'll never forget the link from meade - showing some Wis Dem calling it a celebration.
"Donald Trump is about to get the Jan. 6 that he denied Joe Biden." Why shouldn't he? He finally got the election result that Joe Biden denied him in 2020. Politico and the rest of Hack Squad, wringing that last bit of blood from the turnip. Hey! Don't forget Jimmah's funeral on the 9th, just before sentencing on the 10th. And then, for the capper, flags are instructed to be flown at half-mast for an entire month, just to make sure the nation knows we're in mourning on Inauguration Day.
If only Democrats would govern as well as they pursue their scorched earth revenge, if only they could excel at leadership rather than fighting dirty at any cost.
"Unleashed carnage!"
Not one person brought a gun.
(no word on the FBI's successful attempts to provoke and create mayhem + media photo-shopped smoke)
Loyal democratic media hacks - Do tell us about the Capitol Police officer who blew Ashlee Babbitt away in cold blood.
“We’ve been seeking accountability for years...."
Funnily enough, so have we. Let's hope we all get what we've been hoping for.
The Dems will riot on January 20th. The Left never quits.
The only person who died on January 6th was Ashli Babbit and she was shot by that cowardly and incompetent Capitol Hill police officer.
One defendant, charged with attacking police officers with a baseball bat, even promoted an A.I. video of inmates in orange jumpsuits parading triumphantly out of jailhouse doors.
Okay, so this guy is incarcerated but hasn't been tried much less convicted for such an egregious offense in four years, but people who simply walked through the Capitol have?
Moreover, Trump was the "victim" of those charged with interfering with a congressional proceeding. Correct me if I'm wrong, what they did was interrupt and stop the ongoing challenge to electors before congress reconvened and the certification went forward without further challenge.
as Bad as the carnage, and the bludgeoning was..
JUST IMAGINE, how Much Worse it Could Have Been?
The crowds COULD HAVE ignored the rope lines!!
My initial reaction to the coverage of Jan 6 was that someone had watched Battleship Potemkin too many times. Propaganda repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.
Its astounding how the MSM and Liberal Uniparty establishment has Gaslite everyone about J6, and how they started lying about it when it started, and 4 years later they're still lying. Its amazing.
Unlike the "Mostly peaceful" BLM/Antifa riots which killed 50 people and resulted looting and burning, the J6 event was just a handful of people breaking windows and walking through the Capital. All the violence came from the police, who murdered Ashli Babbitt, and trampled and denied aid to another women who died. 2 other protesters had heart attacks due to the reckless use of bang grenades and tear gas.
We still don't know how many of those leading the charge to break down the barriers and breaking windows were FBI/DHS assets. Over 1000 protesters have been tracked down and punished for doing nothing more then being on the Capital Grounds or peacefully walking through the Capital on J6.
I'd like to know more about the paid patsy - blackrock ad kid - who killed Cory C and almost killed Trump in PA.
Peaceful Americans were ushered into the Nancy Pelosi Owns This Joint - Chi-Com Capitol building - and their lives were ruined. Many of these people did nothing wrong.
The corrupt left can go F itself,.
The Left will never stop lying about J6. Politico will never stop gaslighting and spreading propaganda. We should probably just get used to this permanent schism in our political lives.
The Turks will never stop denying the Armenian genocide, and Democrats will never stop denying they stole the 2020 election. People who are corrupt in character cannot be reasoned with.
Reading Liz Cheney's account of the J6 attack was unintentionally funny. Once the Congress critters heard protesters were coming into the building, they all panicked and wet their pants. Some bloviated about "selling their lives dearly" and "Fighting the mob". Others cried.
Mitt Romney was hysterical - and called his wife in Utah to make sure "Trumpists" weren't attacking her. None of the Republicans thought of addressing the crowd and calming it down. After all these were Republican voters. No they all were afraid "the peasants" were after blood, so they put on gas masks and ran away. What clowns!
No election fraud in 2020 = unproven assertion. The Liberal uniparty establishment was saying that 5 days after the election, and refused to audit the votes. But they keep repeating it, like its a fact. Propaganda technique. The Soviet press was more honest.
Poor poor scared corrupt entitled democraxics.
Not a single one them concerned about the Antifa thug who was the initial dude to break Capitol building glass windows.
Because the point was to stop the objections by any and all means
The idiot lie about January 6th had better be simply ignored by Americans. Denialism, if you would. Because the alternative is that the 2024 election was January 6th celebration, and the overwhelming sentiment would be "pardon the patriots and finish the job, Mister President."
Ask Grok to compare the carnage of J6 with antifa riots
Over time, and now with Biden’s presidency nearly complete and deemed one of the worst, more and more voters may come to see the riot four years ago as an actual attempt to save democracy.
Leave the Democrats and their media asshole buddies to their ineffectual mewling about 1/6/21.
The rest of us have moved on toward a brighter future.
I'm looking forward to January 6, when traditionally the outgoing president accuses the incoming president of theft and treason, then invites an assembled multitude to beautiful party at the capitol.
It appears the media is daring Trump to pardon some protesters.
You read kyle cheney if you dont want to understand
Where is this "carnage" these so-called professional journalist/pundits speak of? The only person slaughtered at the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021 was Ashli Babbitt, who was intentionally killed by a so-called professional Capitol Police lieutenant.
The "professional" police officer stepped out from cover, pointed his pistol at Ashli's head (not center of mass) while she was in a door window with both hands occupied steadying herself. He then discharged his firearm at her head striking her in the neck with many people in a crowd behind her, including other Capitol Police officers. Ashli fell backwards outside the doors where the latter Capitol Police officers were upon her immediately stopping any in the crowd from rendering aid as Ashli bled out.
"Carnage is a synonym for a massacre, meaning the killing of a large number of people."
From the US Flag Code: "The flag shall be flown at half-staff 30 days from the death of the President or a former President; 10 days from the day of death of the Vice President, the Chief Justice or a retired Chief Justice of the United States, or the Speaker of the House of Representatives; from the day of death until interment of an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, a Secretary of an executive or military department, a former Vice President, or the Governor of a State, territory, or possession; and on the day of death and the following day for a Member of Congress." I stand corrected, should have checked.
It was a protest that got out of hand and turned into a riot. Momentarily. Those who made it into the Capitol did so armed with iPhones with which they took pictures. The Capitol lost some windows. It remained fully functional, in a manner of speaking.
I don't recall the beating of the memory drums by our media about the George Floyd riots that took place in multiple cities over weeks in 2020. Dozens were injured, about two dozen people were murdered. And to this day, Minneapolis has never been rebuilt. Neighborhoods all over the country were gutted.
They call J6 the end of democracy. But the end of democracy comes when you shift election laws weeks before an election to allow know the list.
This J6 memory is larger in some minds than in others. I, for one, am looking forward to J20 and a future of change.
Ray Epps could not be reached for comment.
So Grok is saying "fake but accurate." Great.
BTW, the man "assaulting officers with a baseball bat" was a black guy from MD. He hit the officer's plexiglass shields several times with his alumminum bat. He never injured anyone.
He should. Many of them did nothing wrong. OK - they walked into the open doors of Nancy's Building - and took some photos. The few that let the FBI goad them - sadly - they will probably sit in jail for a while. but their long sentences should be reduced.
If the left can let violent illegals into our nation to kill American citizens - some of these protestors who were incited by the FBI - can certainly be forgiven.
Contrast this coverage with the coverage of the actually violent George Floyd riots.
Over at The New York Times, there's: "'A Day of Love’: How Trump Inverted the Violent History of Jan. 6/The president-elect and his allies have spent four years reinventing the Capitol attack — spreading conspiracy theories and weaving a tale of martyrdom to their ultimate political gain."
The Times was doing a lot of reinventing of Jan 6th itself -- starting with the "insurrection" label -- and still is. The chaos of that day gets constructed and reconstructed to fit all sorts of narratives. Times operatives don't call attention to their own role in that process.
He has said that [Jack] Smith “should be thrown out of the country,” and that Ms. Cheney and other leaders of the House select committee — “one of the greatest political scams in history,” his spokeswoman, Ms. Leavitt, said — should “go to jail,” without providing evidence to warrant such extreme measures.
Trump did say it. It was the sort of thing that Harry Truman would say and the papers would find "colorful" and "feisty." Was it really up to Trump to provide extensive evidence on the spot for every statement? There was a context that was either immediately apparent or easy to find with a short search. But in this as in so many other stories, the Times's claims are "without context."
Biden's DoJ has charged J6 people with having "deadly weapons" like forks and spoons, and Flag poles. The NYT's never retracted its lie that a police officer was "Killed with a fire extinghisher (sic)" despite knowing the facts a few days after J6. Large numbers of J6'ers were let in by the police. They didn't storm anything. Buffalo horn guy was almost escorted through the building by police. Despite this, anyone who walked into the building has been charged, convicted and often jailed by Biden's DoJ and their corrupt Leftwing DC judges.
It's good to see them continue to beat the same dead horse. Their diehard 40% will get excited. Normals don't give a shit. It ain't 12/7 or 9/11.
Biden, who claims J6 was a deadly insurrection, refused to condemn Antifa and supported the BLM protests. He said there was no Antifa. He's constantly lied about Trump supporting "Nazis" at Charlottsville. He's now on record as attacking Garland for not putting Trump in jail so he could cruise to victory with token opposition.
The J6 Cheney and Pelosi committee destroyed evidence, include witness tapes and transcripts rather than turn them over the Republican committee which just issued their report. Cheney also was tampering with witnesses. that's why Trump said she should go to jail. She should at least be investigated by an honest DOJ official to see if laws were broken.
Feck these weasel Democrats! Let ‘em stew in their own fetid juices.
Funny, in all the times I've visited the various Smithsonian museums, the Capitol, or just the D.C. Mall in general, I never felt the need to bring tactical gear or club police or hit them with bear spray. So, I ask my MAGA countrymen, Am I doing D.C. tourism wrong?
Most of the stuff that appears on Politico contains a heaping load of snark, smoke, gaslight and bull. "Bludgeoned officers?" You mean the ones who opened the capitol doors and escorted people in?
everyone of them should be set free. arrest records wiped clean. and be paid serious money. The people who ran the op, committee members, etc, should be held accountable.
The attack on our democracy on January 6 was a violent attempt to prevent the counting of electoral votes declaring Biden winner of the 2020 election. The attack on the Capitol on January 6 was done by a violent mob supporting the fragile ego of Trump after he lost the election. Trump saw he lost to Biden on Fox News, was told he lost to Biden by Attorney General Bill Barr, told he lost by Under Secretary of Homeland Security Chris Krebs, and so this fragile little man who lost to Biden approved a violent and criminal attack on our government which led to the deaths of Capitol Police and demonstrators and ruined the lives of thousands all to coddle an infant in a man’s clothes.
So the party of MAGA whose tag line is “fake news” are the best propagators of it.
It's not reinventing or inverting, it's lying. Call it what it is.
""Unleashed carnage!"
Not one person brought a gun."
Only the government brought guns and they murdered Ashli Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland
During the January 6, 2021, demonstration at the U.S. Capitol, four people died on that day:
Ashli Babbitt - She was shot and killed by a Capitol Police officer while attempting to climb through a window into the Speaker's Lobby.
Kevin Greeson - Died of a heart attack outside the Capitol.
Benjamin Phillips - Died of a stroke near the Capitol.
Rosanne Boyland - Died from an accidental overdose of amphetamines, although there were initial reports suggesting she might have been crushed in the crowd.
First, ask Grok to define "carnage" for the idiot editors at Politico.
bich arrives with stale MSNBC talking points. zzzzzzzzzzzz
Pardon ALL of the Jan6 political prisoners within an hour of taking office. Begin investigations of the murderer of Rosanne Boyland and Ashli Babbitt. Turn the tables on the Jan6 committed, hard.
Hour one.
Keith Olbermann, is that you? LOL. Boring Leftwing trolls being boring. Amazing someone could think that by repeating Leftwing MSM talking points they're being interesting or "edgy". I guess it takes all kinds.
Its not clear what Boyland died of. If she did die of too much "amphetimines" it could have been because the police trampled her and denied her medical aid. There's a video of a Police women beating her with a baton.
If Sicknick was "killed" by the protest, then Boyland was murdered by the feds.
Media has been surviving the last four years on JAY SIX. They thought it would carry the Dems/progressives over the line on Election Day - they were shocked that it failed. They failed. This is MSM's second-to-last last dying breath re J6. The final breath will be the handful of days following Trump's pardons. I hope he pardons them on Day 1 along with the "shock and awe" executive orders we are promised. Media won't be able to handle it as they try to sort through what to report and what to ignore.
Hmmmm.... Dirtbag scum-sucking liars! Writing for Politico! What a surprise!
The only "carnage" unleashed on 1/6/20 in DC was when the Capitol Gestapo fired rubber bullets and explosives at unarmed demonstrators, beat a woman to death with a baton, and that criminal monster Michael Byrd murdered Ashli Babbitt.
I am curious. Are the purchasers of MAGA swag vetted in some way before they are allowed to buy a hat or a T-shirt? Can we be assured that every masked young man of military age is a Trump supporter based on the fact that he is wearing a MAGA hat, for example?
Just asking questions.
Seriously? Jan. 6 was no "day of love." It was violent and a permanent stain on our country's history.
I can’t imagine how anyone who watched the attack unfold, much less people who were there and had to run for their lives, can deny the reality of that day. The hypocrisy of Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, and countless others who at the time condemned Trump, and now kowtow to him, is unbelievable and disheartening. The role of Fox News and other right wing media (including this blog) in rewriting history is appalling.
They demand we not believe our eyes and ears. The videos are plain to see, but MAGA insist we look at the video that doesn't show violence.
I still don't get why Ray Epps was let off the hook, when he clearly incited people to enter the Capitol, and Trump was declared guilty based on a tweet about protesting peacefully, and respecting law enforcement.
The crazier the stuff that they can make you believe, or at least to say out loud, the easier it is for them to control what you think, or at least to conduct spoiling attacks on lines of thought that might lead you to suspect their true motives. Cult experts call these "thought stopping clichés" and they are used to prevent their members from straying off the reservation, or even to just ask questions.
Jan 6 was a stain on our country's history similar to when the Jews burned down the Reichstag.
January 6th is the traditional Christian feast of the Epiphany, the day the 3 kings realized they were visiting the Savior. Maybe others will have an epiphany of their own, and realize there was no insurrection and all of the people being persecuted should be freed? No, I am not equating Trump to Jesus Christ, but you would have to forgive these folks for seeing him as their personal savior!
Once again, I ask you how you know that the small core of violent actors, men of military age, masked, were not agent provocateurs? Do you have to prove your bona fides as a Trump supporter to buy MAGA swag to wear?
The way that the neonazis turned the demonstrations in Maidan Square violent was that they had snipers fire into the crowd, then blamed it on police. We know that the police fired riot control weapons on a peaceful crowd. We know that Trump had offered up enough National Guard troops to safeguard the Capitol, and that Nancy Pelosi turned him down.
It's an ancient tactic, stirring up a crow to violence to provoke a response that you can use to your advantage. I know we have a poster here who claims that the same people who took power in the coup in Kiev did some ballistic tests to "prove" that the ones done by the courts were "wrong" and in fact, it was not they who fired the shots, but that's like O.J. personally doing tests on the knife to prove it wasn't him who did the murders.
Exactly. Sadly, in Germany, due to this unfortunate event, opposition press had to be shut down, freedom of assembly had to be ended, and the rights of the accused had to be stripped away, and the power of the Nazi Party had to be firmly cemented in law. If only those damned Jews hadn't burned down the Reichstag.
Sorry troll. I'll let the gullible rubes respond. No bites from me.
Hard to read past the obvious lie of "carnage".
Some Alex Cross book I was absently listening to mentioned a rash of terrorist attacks as worse than January 6, if I heard it right. Probably book 32 near the beginning. I have not reinvestigated.
Google is not helpful when looking up how many have been convicted for violent offenses. Best I could find was AP saying 170 convictions and 730 guilty pleas, but it doesn't break them down by type of crime (assault vs trespassing, felony vs misdemeanor, etc.). I'd like to see some actual numbers. Was it dozens? Hundreds?
The real "conspiracy theory" is how you get a plot for a coup from Trump's declined offer of thousands of National Guard troops to protect the Capitol, and his tweets about peaceful protest and respect for law and order. You have to really twist your brain in some odd directions to get to that place. Most of the MAGA theories at least have analogues throughout history. A history where agent provocateurs appear often, and those are just the ones we know about.
Even in the Trojan War, the peace treaty between the Trojans and the Achaeans was broken by secret trickery of an agent provocateur (in that case, a god,) in order to get the war under way. That piece was composed nearly 3,000 years ago.
I want to know how many of those masked military aged men who violently broke windows and doors at the center of the violent entry into the Capitol, have been arrested and tried. Those guys should rot in prison.
How about the headline, every freakin' day, scream ORANGE MAN BAD. Then the sub-headline could announce why the Orange Man is particularly bad this time?
The cost of all this cosplay by main justice is the 15 lives in new orleans amjnf others
The protest got out of hand when the Capital Police started attacking the previously peaceful protesters. It was a setup from the first. They welcomed the visitors to the Capital, guided them around, and then started shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at them. Pelosi knew it was going down, which is why she had her daughter following her around with a video recorder. She refused Trump’s offer of the National Guard, as did Dem Mayor Bowser. And even if they had asked, the National Guard would have required approval from DOD, and Trump’s orders to SecDef for them was ignored.
...the carnage unleashed four years ago...."
Definition: carnage (noun)
the killing of a large number of people:
Origin: early 17th century: from French, from Italian carnaggio, from medieval Latin carnaticum, from Latin caro, carn- ‘flesh’.
Wow, what a great example of the accuracy and standard of the modern journalist - they "think morals are pictures on walls and scruples is money in Russia.”
This was where half of dc was on fire 6 months before including lincolns church
“ The attack on our democracy on January 6 was a violent attempt to prevent the counting of electoral votes declaring Biden winner of the 2020 election.”
Of course everyone here knows that is total BS. Even you.
I have internet. I know about the violent riots and killings in DC and around the country when republicans have been elected in my lifetime. These children are soulless retards. There’s no other way to say it. It’s like an army of Taylor Lorenz’s.
“So the party of MAGA whose tag line is “fake news” are the best propagators of it. It's not reinventing or inverting, it's lying. Call it what it is.”
Okay… kak is what it is. Nothing more, nothing less.
Cheney was hamas fanboi mehdi hasans producer that tells you everything
Per the DoJ website: "Approximately 452 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees, including approximately 123 individuals who have been charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer."
Another 800 were charged with entering or remaining on "restricted" federal grounds. AKA they did nothing but tresspass.
Unfortunately, the 452 includes people "resisting arrest" and "impeding" officers. How many of the 452 assaulted anyone? Unknown.
>>lies about a stolen election<<... Lies? 20 million extra/missing votes as it turned out.
Typical of the DoJ hysterical language and over charging. A man who supposedly "Hurled a large wooden step" in the direction of police officers and was charged with assault with a deadly weapon. He also supposedly beat on an officer's shields with several times with a baseball bat.
It should noted that the DC juries (94 percent democrats), always find the J6 protesters guilty on all charges, no matter what the DOJ charges them with.
Typical of the supposed "Deadly weapons" According to court documents reviewed by CBS News, 39 defendants have been accused of wielding "deadly or dangerous" weapons that weren't firearms, including Tasers, tomahawk axes, crowbars, flagpoles, a knife, an ice axe, a firecracker, a stun gun, baseball bats, fire extinguishers, a wooden club and chemical spray.
I’m a big supporter of front-line police, though when they do something wrong, they also endanger other police and should be harshly punished.
I don’t believe in releasing every single protester. Surely the building and outside has ample video to separate the very few who physically harmed officers. The rest did nothing Code Pink doesn’t do regularly. Again, selective justice is injustice. Selective prosecution and sentencing is Jim Crowing our entire justice system.
Over two decades of occasionally embedding myself, I have personally watched thousands of leftist “protesters” deliberately plan and commit acts of regular, repetitive violence and months-long, severe trespassing, bombing, and “occupying” against police and the public far worse than anything these protesters did inside or outside the Capitol that one day, with no consequences. I tracked their cases.
Still, if you hurt a front-line cop, you do merit reasoned consequences commensurate with others in that precinct who do the same for any reason.
Remember, Carter, Clinton, and Obama freed, pardoned, commuted sentences, and refused to attach consequences to Cuba for sheltering terrorists who killed multiple front-line police. Carter released terrorists who invaded Congress and shot legislators. I hope that cold South Georgia clay chokes his sanctimonious sack of bones.
Trump should pardon most of them but take it case-by-case and if possible make sure those who did commit crimes get commensurate sentences with the few leftist rioters who ever served time for anything.
Let’s return to politics-blind law.
“ The J6 Cheney and Pelosi committee destroyed evidence, include witness tapes and transcripts rather than turn them over the Republican committee which just issued their report. Cheney also was tampering with witnesses. that's why Trump said she should go to jail. She should at least be investigated by an honest DOJ official to see if laws were broken.”
Here is a start of possible charges against Pelosi, Cheney, and the chair of their Special Committee to Frame Trump for 1/6: 18 USC §§ 241, 1001, 1503, 1506, 1510, 1512, 1513, 1519. Ditto for the DoJ attorneys involved. The killer of Ashlii Babbitt should be tried for that, and the officers who helped kill the other woman, the same.
As I would assume Elon Musk has programmed Grok to be a J6 minimizer, I’m surprised it admitted the “essence” of the sentence is true.
The number of J6 attackers who struck police officers with a “bludgeon” is probably less than 200 (isn’t that the minimum for “hundreds” to be true). But, I do think at least that many protesters struck at police officers with their fists, which is a form of bludgeoning.
So how many police were injured? Well, the MSM goes hysterical and says 168 officers were "Injured". But then you drill down and find out that only 15 went to the hospital for medical treatment, and that includes the ones suffering from tear gas and friendly fire.
Here's a link to that. It's from one year ago. They've been busy since.
Your candidate lost in 2020 because he was an asshole and because of his poor handling of the pandemic. Our candidate lost in 2024 because of the inflation caused by the pandemic. I get it, he’s your asshole, you love him.
But, if he goes after the “accountability” of which you speak, I don’t think even his Supreme Court will have the stomach for that.
the whole delta house extravaganza has taken on a macabre facade, the Times used snippets of footage to frame the narrative, did not include the provocation of keystone cops firing tear gas on unarmed protesters, clubbing rosalynn boyland, among others, the malfeasance of mike byrd etc,
Holy memory holes!
that doesn't include the six people, that committed suicide, because of the enhanced sentences they were facing,
And Left-Bank’s comment should be thoroughly investigated. At the same time, we should convene a state-by state panel to investigate every single leftist protester who blocked public areas and bridges and hospital entrances (Atlanta); set fires and bombs; burned and firebombed police cars, hotels, car parks, construction sites and warehouses; blocked state capitols; assaulted police over and over and over in carefully pre-planned crimes; disrupted state and federal business; took over any public space, and so on.
They get the same treatment we get. And let’s get some price calculations.
"You must go INTO the capitol" he said on video - over and over.
Nope. We have a Trump store here, where I have empoverished myself buying Trump swag, including maybe a half dozen or so MAGA 45-47 hats. No one has ever checked for political affiliation in any way. Of course, it might help that I am usually wearing a Trump hat when I buy more Trump swag.
I know with the J20 riots, which was the most violent thing since 1984, when they actually bombed the Capitol, who Bill Clinton sprung 17 years later,
they had the charges dropped, and the records expunged,
I was reliably told a Vice President possesses the unilateral power to refuse to recognize electoral-college results, and that Mike Pence refused to do so in 2020 simply because he’s a pussy. So if Kamala Harris chooses to follow Trump’s 2020 advice and reverse the results of the 2024 election, I assume MAGA-world will be fine with it.
The now resigned FBI Director would never come clean about how many agents and confidential sources there at the capital that day. DOJ IG Horowitz came out a week or two ago with approximate numbers (fairly low) of actual FBI agents there, but had essentially been stonewalled about the number of Ray Epps instigators in the crowd. And, of course, he had no authority to did out how many agents and confidential sources other agencies, like Homeland Security, had there. And don’t forget the two busses of AntiFA who showed up. Their trademarked MO is to instigate violence, but then, when it gets going, they sneak off, and instigate violence with another group.
Inflation is caused by massive, out of control government spending. Which YOUR party does in spades.
that comment is for leftist bank
The mask-wearers were all Feds.
Many/most didn’t even Trespass, but were welcomed into the People’s House. And if 123 Capital Police were seriously bodily injured, I think that we would know it by now. And how many innocent tourists that day were ruthlessly injured by those very same police?
BTW, the name of the Capital Police officer who murdered Ashlii Babbitt in cold blood, without sufficient legal justification to use deadly force, was Lt. Michael Byrd. Name and Shame.
You know better than that. If that happens, expect her Inauguration to be far from non violent. And the National Guard, who show up, won’t matter.
"'Donald Trump is about to get the Jan. 6 that he denied Joe Biden.' Why shouldn't he? He finally got the election result that Joe Biden denied him in 2020."
How did Biden deny Trump any election results in? By defeating Trump in the 2020 presidential election? That happens every four years to someone. Maybe read a Civics book.
"Inflation is caused by massive, out of control government spending. Which YOUR party does in spades."
Not quite, pardner.
Trump was re-elected on November 5th, 2024 because of the "irregularities" of November 2020, and the gaslighting, cover-up, and injustice of January 6th, 2021, moreso than the price of eggs, or the Kamala shitshow. At least for me. I would have crawled over broken glass to cast my vote, as a protest and as a statement.
I revel at the looming lay offs facing the fake news conspirators. They deserve worse.
Most of those entering the Capitol that day didn't realize there was an "insurrection" until seeing it on TV later that evening. The violence was started by police and Fed agitators. Who thought it a good idea to fire rubber bullets and tear gas into the peaceful crowd? There were a few protesters who got rowdy in response but that was just on one side of the Capitol. On the other side, the guards opened the doors and invited people in for a tour. Some of those that wandered in and then wandered back out after just a few minutes are now doing prison time.
Now that X is allowing video of that day to be posted at the site, many of the videos are reappearing which show the cops removing the barriers and inviting the people in. There is one video of security cuffing a "protester" and then taking him out of sight of the crowd and removing the cuffs before exchanging "fit bumps". I've never seen cops remove handcuffs and then high-five or fist-bump the "arrestee".
“How did Biden deny Trump any election results in? By defeating Trump in the 2020 presidential election? That happens every four years to someone. Maybe read a Civics book.”
Yes… the historic victory in 2020, backed by several million ghost voters, that kicked off one of the most damaging administrations the USA has ever had to weather. Feck these shitbirds, they can’t fade into oblivion fast enough.
Killed. We should not use euphemisms to try to pretty it up or cover up what it was.
John Henry
Not saying that was your intent, I think you are as appalled as I am about it. But that is the effect of using euphemisms.
John HEnry
what lie. Did you not watch it on TV? Did you not see the horrible lack of any sort of humanity by the people who attacked and destroyed people, property and lives? That was horrible and i do not know of ANYONE, left or right that thought it was a celebration. you must have horrible, twisted friends,
Jan 6 is el día de Los Reyes. It was celebrated as a kid in the DR. It was the time we got toys.
Her life doesn't matter- because she supported Trump.
you don;t need a gun to have carnage, you ingrate. It was the right wjo were enraged and your der laeder did nothing to stop it. He and all those people are disgusting. Really, you are all using Ashlee Babbitt as your poster child? Ugh. Lat's about as smart as using Kyle Rittenhouse as a poster child for civility. I hope he has to declare bankrupcy because no one in the world actually supports his drivvle. Peachy, either you are ignorant or syncopant. Shame on you.
the right will never stop keeping their heads in the sand and saying that January 6 was the absolute pinnacle of patriotism. Those people disgust me.
Massive govt spending does not cause inflation by itself. Inflation, defined as a general increase in price levels is strictly a monetary phenomenom. It is caused by an increase in the amount of money in circulation and/or by an increase in the velocity of the circulation. How many times a dollar changes hands in a year.
There is NO other cause. There can be NO other cause. Money is a commodity like apples or oil or automobiles. It responds to the law of supply and demand.
The massive govt spending was done by increasing the money supply, causing inflation. People saw the inflation and got rid of their dollars instead of holding them increasing velocity. It is a double whammy.
Where M=quantity of money in circulation, V=Velocity P=Average price level Q=# of transactions
John Henry
Peachy obviously knows NOTHING about inflation. Read a book, get informed. Don't believe all the crap that the right wing doles out like it was gold.
So many people on both ends of the speculum cannot get passed J6. What's the appeal of navigating while looking in the rearview Mir? It's like chewing on a cold sore or picking a scab.
if she DID.. And it Stood.. Then the vote would go to the US HOUSE, where each state would get One vote. I realize that Ernie is both Stupid, and and Idiot, so i guess i'll have to point out that a majority of states have a majority of republican reps..
So, YES Ernie.. i WOULD be "fine" with it
“the right will never stop keeping their heads in the sand and saying that January 6 was the absolute pinnacle of patriotism. Those people disgust me.”
Straw man argument from a straw woman. Seems fitting.
Get lost!
“It's like chewing on a cold sore or picking a scab.”
—— Capitán Scabies
Ask grok
A Pelosi-rrection and probable Whitmer-FBI conspiracy.
Why so huffy, girlfriend?
I've never heard the RIght say it was a pinnacle of patriotism. I've heard it said they were naive, stupid, foolish, let it get out of control. Crowds are always notoriously unpredictable. But it was always meant to be an honest protest to a fraudulent election. Just didn't turn out that way, because of federal and DC instigators and inciters, and incompetent behavior of Capitol police misusing nonlethals. They turned it into a riot because that is what the authorities wanted it to be.
Victoria, Peachy is simply very stupid.
The 2020 stolen election lie will never end in the mind of cultists.
Victoria, this entire blog and its cultists have become disgusting.
“So the party of MAGA whose tag line is “fake news” are the best propagators of it.
It's not reinventing or inverting, it's lying. Call it what it is.”
And the cultists continue to believe their own bullshit.
They approve of the violence, they consider themselves “patriots”. But they are merely cultists.
Response to Inga 👆🏽 : must be my lying eyes again
Peachy is not the brightest bulb, no natural discernment or desire to understand.
I’m still hoping for a bloodbath, just to keep things interesting
“Mir”? Are you a Russian bot? If so, we got Trump in White House again! Americanski can cry to Supreme Court, and who care! Da, Putin plan is to working very well!
I just heard an NPR report leaning heavily on the fact that so many people pleaded guilty as if that was proof of anything.
pump trillions into the economy, get inflation, and they have contnued to do so, with monopoly money, not actual revenue, from businesses
Carnage? Go to hell.
If we wanted to commit carnage, we would have.
You simpering leftist fucks better hope we never get HALF as violent as you accuse us of being. Because you'd know it.
destroyed people, property and lives?
Other than the innocent Ashley Babbitt and Rosanne Boyland, what lives were destroyed, twit?
The 2020 stolen election lie will never end in the mind of cultists.
Explain to us how five swing states stopped counting ballots (at the same time), sent poll watchers home, starting counting again and then miraculously had Biden in the lead three hours later.
Until you can explain that, go back to hiding under your bed and shut the fuck up.
Victoria, this entire blog and its cultists have become disgusting.
Who is forcing you to come here, stay here and run your mouth?
I'm looking forward to January 6, when traditionally the outgoing president accuses the incoming president of theft and treason, then invites an assembled multitude to beautiful party at the capitol.
You mean like what happened in January, 2017?
“Victoria, this entire blog and its cultists have become disgusting.”
Things had been going well here, IMHO. And then someone must’ve hung the “windbags welcome” and we were graced with your sorry presence.
Get lost!
Maybe you lefties know where those extra 14 million voters who pulled for Biden in 2020 are, who mysteriously disappeared in this election?
“The attack on our democracy…”
I lived and worked in and around DC for several decades, but had retired and moved away before J6 (I don't know if this even matters but: I was NOT a supporter of Trump in the 2020 election).
My wife and I were watching TV on Jan. 6, and the ABC news broke in with reports of pro-Trump demonstrations in Washington. What we then saw were videos from several FIXED cameras.
- Some showed folks walking up one of the major avenues toward the Capitol. We saw many family groups with children. Didn't look like folks expecting and insurrection.
- Then there were people congregating around I think 2 entrances to the Capitol, and at least in one entrance the guards were trying to calm things down.
- Then there were shots of people inside the Capitol, walking through the public areas and within the allowable tourist routes.
Since this was declared an INSURRECTION!!! I haven't seen any of these videos again.
“Crap?! You’re soaking in it, miss vicki!”
—— Madge
" I was NOT a supporter of Trump in the 2020 election)."
So, you were part of the problem... Good to know!
In the mid 50s a group of Puerto Rican nationalists smuggled handguns into the House chamber and started taking potshots at the Representatives. I believe several were wounded but no one died. IIRC some Democrat, either Carter or Slick Wille, commuted their sentences.
Hell haveth no furry like a woman scorned.
Best/worst typo ever! The people "on both ends of the speculum" are generally a gynaecologist and his or her patient.
Someone say "farts"? They responded, bringing the stanky.
Can't spell very well either. Likely addicts.
Dammit, they're back again, so I'm out.
Thanks, Commander Chalamydia
Inga thinks 2 months is long enough for us to forget her silly comments the week before the election.
extra = Quite a few rising from dead to save Democratic
missing = Quite a few resuming eternal rest under safe Republic
Trump should pardon everyone, except the few that actually INJURED a police officer. Those he should commute. We can't have two standards of justice in the USA, whereby the leftist antifa mobs can attack the White House, throw stones at the police, and set fire to church and get a slap on the wrist, while the J6ers get 3 years in prison for hitting a policeman's shield.
One good thing about J6, maybe the only good thing, is it identified the fake-cons. You had Erick Erickson screeching "Shot 'em down like dogs". You had Matt Schlapp having a heart attack. You had Kevin McCarthy crying with rage. The frauds at NRO were calling it an "insurrection" before the Liberal/left MSM.
No, her cats don't give a shit about her insane rants and she needs attention.
P-Inga: “Victoria, this entire blog and its cultists have become disgusting.”
Both victoria AND P-Inga have called joe biden an honorable man even AFTER they know he showered with and sexualized his own daughter.
Which makes sense really when you consider how over the top the left/dems are with supporting graphic porn in elementary schools and pro-groomer policies. And this left-groomer alliance is also seen in Europe where the Labour worked with muslim groups to cover up over 250,000 (that's right, that's the number) rapes of English girls....even now as the the dam of information bursts and its all coming out, forcing Keir Starmer to come forward with a formal press conference after spending years jailing fathers of these victims for daring to speak out.
Sort of like P-Inga's defense of MS13 "spark of divinity" murderers and rapists.
Well, our nation certainly had enough of THAT didn't they? As well as no longer buying the transparent lies of the BLM-rioting supporters in their criticism of the hoax "insurrection".
Poor Vicyoria. With her it's always 1964 Berkley.
"Victoria, Peachy is simply very stupid."
Well, look who's back. The prognosticator herself. The black hole of misinformation.
Dom't be alarmed. That sound you'll hear tomorrow is the synchronized collective sphincter clench of the Left.
J6 introduced us to the concept of "Capitol punishment", a mode of Planned Personhood, in a liberal democracy.
If they don't take their heads out first, it could get ugly.
I was reliably told a Vice President possesses the unilateral power to refuse to recognize electoral-college results
Your sources are as reliable as you are. The Vice President presides over the meeting. Mike Pence refused to call on people to debate the topic. BTW, Democrats have questioned the electoral college results in 2000, 2004 and 2016, with a promise to do so today. They have been allowed to debate the topic and nobody but those on the left have called such action an insurrection.
Printing money causes inflation, Victoria.
Let’s return to politics-blind law.
When has this country (and Georgia is an especially egregious offender) ever had "politics-blind law"?
Over two decades of occasionally embedding myself, I have personally watched thousands of leftist “protesters” deliberately plan and commit acts of regular, repetitive violence and months-long, severe trespassing, bombing, and “occupying” against police and the public far worse than anything these protesters did inside or outside the Capitol that one day, with no consequences. I tracked their cases.
I think you are lying or at least grossly exaggerating. Thousands of protesters?! "deliberately plan and commit acts of regular, repetitive violence and months-long, severe trespassing, bombing, and “occupying” against police and the public"?! Give us one example of your "infiltration".
No one but Ashli Babbit was killed om J6. Boyland had her cause of death covered up IMO.
NO POLICE OFFICERS DIED J6. Anyone who tells you otherwise won't read the ME's repsrt because then they will be shown to be idiots that just parrot some ledt wing talking points.
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