"But no one has done it"... until Trump. I wonder how many of Trump's innovations are things the others have thought of but rejected.
"Almost impossible" — that makes me think of this part of Trump's inaugural speech: "Many people thought it was impossible for me to stage such a historic political comeback. But as you see today, here I am. The American people have spoken. I stand before you now as proof that you should never believe that something is impossible to do. In America, the impossible is what we do best. From New York to Los Angeles, from Philadelphia to Phoenix, from Chicago to Miami, from Houston to right here in Washington, D.C., our country was forged and built by the generations of patriots who gave everything they had for our rights and for our freedom. They were farmers and soldiers, cowboys and factory workers, steel workers and coal miners, police officers and pioneers who pushed onward, marched forward and let no obstacle defeat their spirit or their pride. Together they laid down the railroads, raised up the skyscrapers, built great highways, won two world wars, defeated fascism and communism, and triumphed over every single challenge that they faced."
And we're not supposed to stand up to the cartels?
I noticed that NYT headline via this Elon Musk tweet: "'I can’t believe this is a real headline. Insane.' NYT is pure propaganda."
Back to the article: "The foreign terrorist designation could lead to severe penalties — including substantial fines, asset seizures and criminal charges — on companies and individuals found to be paying ransom or extortion payments. U.S. companies could also be ensnared by standard payments made to Mexican companies that a cartel controls without the American companies’ knowledge.... Cartels use the legal economy to launder money, which could mean that unwitting employees working at a resort or an avocado packing company could technically be on the cartel payroll but not know it.... 'Banks may turn away customers, because they may not think they are worth the risk if they have links to Mexico,' said Eric Jacobstein, a former State Department official in the Biden administration...."
That's the the Biden administration's justification for its inaction.
৮১টি মন্তব্য:
Inverted priorities. Americans last, every time.
If nothing else, Trump is showing that action can be taken provided one has the cojones to do it. Executive orders are not the way to govern but at least they move the needle away from zero. Let's see if he can get anything useful out of Congress.
Ann Althouse, “ And we're not supposed to stand up to the cartels?”
Damn right!
And the lame NYT answer is because the cartels have weaseled their way into the legitimate economy. Absurd. The NYT will next do an investigation piece about the taxes the cartels pay.
The hipsters need their avocado toast so let’s leave the cartels alone.
or how diverse they are…
Embedded in legitimate businesses? Tell me more paper owned by Carlos Slim....
I’m reminded of REO Speedwagon’s cameo appearance in “Ozark.” The insider joke is that the casino and the band are both in the hands of the cocaine cartels. From personal experience, I know that the joke is true.
People are free to wonder "how many of Trump's innovations are things the others have thought of but rejected" but I see these moves as consistent with explicit promises to do these things made by many politicians stretching back decades that are now finally being implemented.
So support the flailing state of California and the thriving state of Florida and BUY AMERICAN effing hipsters.
The Cartels have always been the biggest threat to the life of our Republic.They are a cancer eating away the souls of our citizens . Before the “war on terror” began, the Cartels were our greatest enemy and still are. Every effort to destroy them must be employed. That would entail an effort as huge as our mobilization of citizenry and industries the USA assembled to defeat the Nazis and Japanese in World War 2. Can the hearts and minds of Americans be rallied to once and for all wage total war on the evil Cartels? If anyone could do it I believe President Trump and his team could. Why would that be impossible?
Remind me again why the E-verify program is required for employers. Why is the NYT so eager to cheerlead lawlessness?
Embedded in legitimate businesses? Now let's purge the embedded criminal and corrupt elements inside Microsoft, Meta, Apple, Alphabet, Oracle, Bloomberg, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan/Chase, Bank of America, NYT, ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, and NPR.
Some of us remember their recent support or passivity in the face of the Biden regime's...problematic...actions.
I just got my hair cut by a barber from Bogota, and he said that basically Mexico is now just another copy of the Columbia he fled.
The trouble is that many, many people in the US want their products and financially support the cartels through drug purchases. I suppose the core supporters include all states and cities that allows recreational marijuana. It's not impossible, but it's a complex challenge that should be coupled with demand reduction to be effective.
At one time I would have thought that claims that the CIA was involved in the drug trade was a conspiracy theory. After the last couple of years, I'm thinking, "why wouldn't they be?" They have to finance all the illegal, off the books stuff they are doing some how.
We have gone from "too big to fail" to "to legit/ingrained to go after." Neither are particularly good for America and both arose due to inaction earlier.
Trump is showing once again, just how useless Congress has been forever. He got more done in 24 hours, than some have done in their whole 50 years in Congress. THAT is why they hate him. They can't pretend to fight over the same policies anymore, when the only guy who has the balls to actually get things done gets voted in by the people, The media is unbelievable, and nobody trusts them or the government anymore. THEY did that. Not Trump.
"almost impossible" = possible
John Henry
…we had one the kids staying with us for a month who needs their avocado toast and holy carp- half an hour prep in the morning but more significant they went through an oil drum of good olive oil. No wonder the cartels are involved…
The cartels are intertwined with “legitimate” businesses more than ever because the Biden administration effectuated one of the greatest transfers of wealth from some of the poorest people on earth to some of the most evil.
And they still want us to believe there is nothing that can be done about it.
Carlos Slim decided to join the debate. I suspect the NYT article has some truth to it, which is why the NYT is worried.
We choose to go to the Moon... We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.
Democrats used to say things like this. Now look at them.
A new low for the American left.
Now it's "But think of the chil-" ::checks notes:: "the cartels!"
They had no such qualms about destroying businesses and individuals through DEI mandates, Covid mandates, and the like. Or businesses with Russian connections. Or businesses, law firms and lawyers affiliated with Trump or the J6 targets. Or business and individuals affected by draconian environmental measures. I could go on. Why is the drug cartel special?
Many elites (democrats) profit off of child sex trafficking and other forms of human trafficking. Prove me wrong.
The corrupt international Soros-oligarch left profit off of soft on crime, crime, and child sex trafficking.
We all recall how badly the economy tanked during the FBI's mostly successful war on the Mafia.
Jeez, you could cut most of the power out from under the cartels just by legalizing drugs and enforcing immigration laws.
Having said that, once an OC structure is built, it will find other markets. See, eg, the Mafia after prohibition was repealed.
But you know who got the Mafia out of the Fulton Fish Market? Giuliani!
Trump should commission Rudy as a special Coast Guard admiral, advising him on how to extricate the cartels from legit businesses. Then Rudy can use the Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act to protect himself from the goofy libel damages.
“That's the Biden administration's justification for its inaction.”
That and all the graft.
but if we get rid of the slaves... What about our cotton??
but if we get rid of the cartels.. What about our avocado toast?
democrats never change
NYTs: Y'know criminal networks are actually good sometimes.
NYTs: When the crooks take over some businesses - that's a good thing.
NYTs: Can we please stop attacking foreign criminals who invade the USA? They're actually not half-bad. And wow, that J6 pardon will undermine the rule of law.
It reminds me of how many presidential administrations thought that moving the Israeli embassy to Jerusalem was a terrific idea - to talk about.
I thought we only had to import illegal aliens to pick the avocados and cotton. But now we've decided to import illegal alien owners too. But good thing we're supporting the "Rule of Law" unlike Trump and his J6 pardons.
Murder, rape-rape, human trafficking, etc., in the pursuit of economic progress is no ethical vice? Deja vu. NYT is the story.
EOs are the weakest form of government rules and they get gutted with every transition. The point is to (1) write new ones as triage to stop the many, many, many programs following the old EOs, (2) send some out as lawyer bait with hopes of forcing a Supreme Court ruling, and (3) grandstanding / making good on campaign promises with no expectation of congressional movement. Trump is digging deep here, and revoking environmental justice and affirmative action EOs as old as 1965 and 1994.
This is like an episode of “Landman”, where the cartels are investing in oil production while running drugs. Taylor Sheridan is on this.
Trump is enforcing, reinforcing legislation (e.g. Civil Rights Act) through executive orders.
One would think that the fact that the cartels are more heavily involved with legitimate commerce with the United States, including the growing and distribution of food, that would increase the need to defeat the metastasizing criminal army at our southern border?.
To be clear, Trump is not morally or aesthetically opposed to criminal cartels; he just wants Mexico to play ball on his political priorities and this is how he gets leverage. The art of the deal, in other words.
NYT: "Trump takes on the cartels, women and minorities hardest hit."
I wonder how many of Trump's innovations are things the others have thought of but rejected.
Rick James: "Groupthink is a helluva drug."
1) The government of Mexico IS a cartel. Act accordingly.
2) Just like David Lynch and Francis Ford Coppola, Donald Trump is one of the giants - unconventional, big vision, wildly innovative. A great director.
3) Man who say something impossible should get out of way of man doing it.
Do you really believe this?
Much like Monday's upper-woke Episcopal bishop, railing at Trump to "show mercy" to her congregation's housekeepers, groundskeepers, and restaurant kitchen help. Ultimately, drill down. That pearl-clutching progressive-liberal worry surrounds issue of maintaining ready access to a cheap labor pool, at or below minimum wage, to afford "cost-effective" blue-collar employees "to do for them". There's a high demand for undocumented labor, subject to little legal scrutiny or employee protections, to clean homes and businesses, to mow lawns, to construct homes and home-improvement projects, and to cultivate and prepare foods.
That said, many of those Biden-era undocumented illegal migrant adult men have failed to join the workforce in a meaningful manner. Many remain in shelters, free housing, free food, free clothing, free medical care, et al. Most are poorly educated, many functionally-illiterate, not destined to achieve middle-class lifestyle expectations. Many Biden-era migrants are current/former gang members, evidenced by their prominent tattoos, by their gang-related crimes and arrests since arriving here.
Now NYT is extoling "but what about our avocado toast?" as a greater worry to Americans than resolution of Biden-created huge problem of undocumented-unscreened mass-migration of military age foreign men randomly distributed into an America already beset with social and economic problems.
Yeah, Chasing Zapata around the desert for three years worked out really well.
"Surrender now
Surrender tomorrow
Surrender forever"
NYT Editorial Board and Bret Stephans
I guess all that nonsense of Trump being the peace president (and now we can finally say unequivocally that more soldiers died from enemy action during Trump's first administration than Biden's) has been flushed down the memory hole, was, indeed, just bullshit.
Apparently, Trump is willing to go to war against Mexico and Denmark to achieve his goals.
I guess if you are going to ignore the law and constitution, you can get a lot done.
I suppose the core supporters include all states and cities that allows recreational marijuana.
You do realize that all the states (and other than D.C. no cities have "allowed" recreational marijuana, require that all marijuana sold legally be grown in the state by licensed growers.
That approach worked for FDR.
Freder's TDS is now to the point of supporting violent drug trafficking and human smuggling.
I misspoke, it was Pancho Villa that Pershing chased all over the Mexican Desert (who cares, they were both Mexican).
Yay! They've graduated from "who will pick our fruit and clean our toilets?" to "who will smuggle all the contraband we need?"
Remember "sin taxes" on cigarettes and alcohol?
Gusty Winds, you are a fucking liar or deliberately misinterpreting what I said.
Killing 5 of Villa's top lieutenants, including his second in command, and 190 of his men, and ending Villa's role as a national force in Mexico. But yeah, they couldn't catch him. You're such a transparent tool.
Can't take on the cartel? Too embedded in the economy?
Tell it to Bukele.
Back to the article: "The foreign terrorist designation could lead to . . . . U.S. companies could also be ensnared by . . . which could mean that . . . an avocado packing company could technically be . . . 'Banks may turn away customers ...."
Could, could, could, could, may. Let's speculate to justify the status quo.
Apparently, to Goliath, nothing has changed: "A migrant caravan from deep in southern Mexico has set off for the U.S. despite President Trump taking office."
"Soldiers." Soldiers NOT sent by Trump. But in the larger picture Biden allowed 100 or so Americans to be taken hostage and did nothing except simp for the captors, didn't even say their names out loud, never made a demand for their return. That was after leaving an estimated 1000+ American civilians behind in Afghanistan. Trump has brought more peace than the chaos-inducing Biden. Maybe you flushed your memory hole because it was full of crap.
Whenever I read the phrase "almost impossible", it means the author knows it's possible but just doesn't want to see it done.
Cartels involved in legitimate commerce? The tourism industry? Didn't Bugsy Siegel invent 'Vegas?
NYT lunacy is easy to understand. Think about the context: NYT as mouthpiece for the Dems; open border; the Democrat party as ongoing criminal conspiracy; cartel dark money. The Times has no problem with damaging the economy for climate change which, at present, poses less of a threat to the nation than cartel activities. See. Not lunacy. Just corruption.
The NYT knows their owners are connected to the MX Cartels and are pushing the narrative that supports Carlos Slim’s business interests and his partners. https://x.com/WallStreetMav/status/1882255277551972619
Up next, "The Conservative Case™ for Cartels"
Peachy, YOU made the claim, so YOU have to offer evidence to support it.
Another mind-reading Karnak the Magnificent makes an appearance!
Yep, Freder. Wink wink nod nod. Licensed growers are surely an enforcement priorty when stores and markets have all the merchandise locked down against shoplifting. Where the hippies bred high-potentency variants for years and years before it was legal. Where bong shops have been selling bongs publickly for decades.
See what Elton John has to say:
"I misspoke, it was Pancho Villa that Pershing chased all over the Mexican Desert (who cares, they were both Mexican)."
Yeah, they all look the same...
1/23/25, 9:31 AM
LOL pretty likely
I suspect that this is a case of "it's only bad when they do it." I'd be willing to bet that if Obama, Biden or Harris had proposed this they would be praised by the NYT for showing backbone and standing up to illegal activity.
I deliberately included a sarcastic racist comment to see if it would elicit a comment from some idiot.
You people are too easy.
And God, I hope the "esq" in your pseudonym doesn't mean you are an attorney.
I misspoke, it was Pancho Villa that Pershing chased all over the Mexican Desert (who cares, they were both Mexican).
You do realize you pick the stupidest, fucking things to argue about, right? Just to argue.
You realize that, right?
Tedious jackass.
We can't cut off immigration because...
Old narrative: we need the cheap labor.
New narrative: We need the cheap avocados.
We need the imported Fentanyl because Black Lives Matter for-profit, black whores matter for Special, Peculiar, Liberal corporate revenue, and, of course, American Civil Liberties Unburdened for demographic equitable inclusion, taxes, and climate progress.
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