It was still too cold (and windy) to go out for the sunrise, but it had warmed up nicely by mid-afternoon. Just look at that. Toasty! Mid-20s — the same supposedly bone-chilling cold that drove the inauguration ceremony indoors.
Anyone know if we have an extradition treaty with Moscow? Nah, I can't see us doing that. Even for Fauci. OTOH- liberals have great respect for the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Maybe some other country could bring Fauci up on charges there...
I share Althouse's opinion that they moved the inauguration indoors to keep Trump from being shot. Which was the correct decision.
That does not change the fact that 20 degrees is bone-chilling, and it would be insane to have it outdoors notwithstanding (Yes, they have done it every time up until now, and it's insane). Didn't Harrison die because he never recovered from standing outside in the cold at his inaugural?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! —I don't even want to check it, it's too good to check. I am going to sign off tonight in the fervent hope that it's true.
Hopefully more countries will join in the fun until the pressure gets so much Trump just has to hand Fauci over to The Hague. I don't think Biden's pardon will have a lot of weight there, even as he included acts of manslaughter and murder in it. Is killing millions considered a "violent crime"? Or does it go to a higher level.
I doubt that this would make China happy though, so I doubt it's true.
Life sucked under crook Joe. If it were not for the corrupt soviet media- all sorts of people would feel OK about Trump and the GOP. Which is why the Dem-Soviet media are still at it. Non-stop BS.
20 degrees when you are standing/sitting for 2 hours is way different than taking a short walk in it. Plus, no one would be wearing pants, boots, sweaters, scarves, hats and mittens. Not logical to compare the situations.
"Some serious shopping. Ten Thousand rounds of .50 cal. ammo?"
Modern State law enforcement: The Mexican Government fights the Cartels. The MG policy is open border. Cartel imports weapons.
MG wants US to supply weapons to fight Cartel. Cartel buys weapons from MG. Mexico is a weapon sink. All weapons flow to Mexico. MG is mad at US, you bastards need to be sued to stop your weponization of poor old mexico.
"In Eighteen Fourteen we took a little trip, Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp-- We took a little bacon and we took a little beans And we caught the bloody British at the town of New Orleans.
Well we fired our guns and the British kept a-comin' There weren't near as many as there was a while ago, Fired once more and they begin a-runnin' Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of America."
reminder: "Tim Kaine’s son stormed the MN capitol in an anti-Trump riot in 2017, set off explosive devices and tear gas, and fought the police. He didn’t do any jail time because his father is a Democrat Senator. "
Cold tolerance improves with several exposures to low temperature, but the first time in the season is brutal. Those visiting from Phoenix or Miami for the weekend would be in agony. Wearing proper winter clothes makes anything tolerable (i.e., those climbing Mt. Everest or K2), but many people don't have them or understand how to dress. True winter clothes are not stylish enough for a political event either.
There’s an impromptu tribute to David Lynch at the Burbank Bob’s Big Boy. “ Lynch famously made a makeshift office out of that Bob’s Big Boy between the late 1970s and early ‘80s, coming in like clockwork at 2:30 p.m. every day for seven years. His order was always the same: a chocolate milkshake in a silver goblet and a cup of coffee. The napkins that came with his unconventional lunch served as his notepad to jot down ideas, one of which culminated in the character that would become Frank Booth in “Blue Velvet” after he saw a mysterious man walk up to the front counter one day.”
On Rotten Tomatoes audiences liked it but (often woke) critics hated it, so that's a good sign. I found it to be helpful for understanding Vance's background, but tainted by unintended self-parody. City people clumsily try to portray small town people despite having no experience.
Glenn Close truly earned her nomination for a Golden Raspberry award.
If some people in a cartel fear execution by others in the cartel, they might run into the arms of anyone to protect against those who have 60,000 rounds of ammo. Mexico lost control over its drug war a long time ago.
Well.... I don't imagine the stands would be cold at all, for the VIPs. Think Tioga heaters. I've worked rigs in arctic conditions and you could stand out in the open air on the rig floor and be toasty warm, thanks to the Tioga heaters blowing air up around your feet from below. We would put wind walls up around the rig's substructure and the rig floor above, and with that air blasting up, no problemo. I'm sure there was a plan.
Robert Sterling @RobertMSterling The same people who…
Shut down your business Yelled at your kids for not wearing masks Wouldn’t let you visit your dying parents Kicked out soldiers for refusing a vaccine Lied about the origins of Covid Tried to enact a nationwide vaccine mandate Censored us on social media Tried to create a ministry of truth Lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop Covered up Joe Biden’s dementia Stopped enforcing immigration laws Let 10M+ illegal immigrants cross the border Installed DEI commissars in every agency Raised pride flags at overseas embassies Let biological males compete in girls sports Weaponized the DOJ to attack Trump Used lawfare against Elon’s companies Wasted trillions on left-wing boondoggles Defended Biden pardoning his family Wanted to give Ukraine a blank check Tried to forgive billions in student loans Spent four years lying to us every single day
…are very concerned that Donald Trump is going to abuse executive power.
Reagan's 1985 inauguration was also held in the Rotunda, though the weather conditions in that forecast were arguable a bit worse (high of 7 F, windchills of up to -25 F). JFK's was held outdoors even though the temps were similar to Monday, and DC had a major snowstorm the day before.
The only other indoor inauguration I see recorded was Taft in 1909, in the aftermath of another blizzard though the parade was still held.
There were a number of people in their eighties and late seventies at the inauguration (including the incoming and departing Presidents). Indoors was the correct call.
On Fox News tonight Gov. DeSantis claimed that some parts of Florida received 9” of snow — more than double the old record snowfall, which had been 4”.
That Bishop Budde----where do they find these people? I'm sure the LA Fire Dept has a place for her. That sermon was laughable----sort of a woke twist on fire and brimstone. I'm thinking the liberal equivalent of Wigglesworth "In Adam's Fall We Sinned All" except for the 'we' part, Trump has Sinned all. And how fitting, a juicy religious excoriation comes from yet, another Lesbian. Shades of the E. Jean Carroll lesbian attorney "I don't find you attractive either" (sic) . How many more smackdowns from Lesbian must our newly elected President endure?
@Donald: Best series ever. Excellent writing, Stuart Margolin was wonderful and a man of many talents. He wrote songs with Jerry Riopelle. @Clyde: If you have time, check out Jerry Riopelle. He was an Arizona favorite. Sold out shows. Naomi’s Song, Walking on Water, Blues on my Table, Red Ball Texas Flyer, So Young, etc.
We are having delightfully clear weather here in Eugene. Mars is high in the NE, night by night slowly moving out of line with Castor and Pollux (Gemini). I am in Taurus, and scanning the neighborhood I see Nath (or Elnath) and Aldebaran -- a name I read so often in Sci-Fi in my youth that he seems like an old friend, met for the first time. Venus and Saturn are going down in the West, so close together that my aged eyes cannot distinguish them. I have long known that Orion's eye is Betelgeuse, but somehow I was not aware until last night that the bright star near his feet is Rigel. Another name I know well from Sci-Fi. Of course, if you are writing Sci-fi, and you want to have Earthlings visit nearby stars, they will be the brightest stars in the sky.
I highly recommend Fourmilab. Or, if you don't like following a link, cut and paste into your browser;
You can enter your lat and long, and see your sky.
You know, blogger used to allow you to preview your comments, so you could make sure the html tags were working right. They seem to have stopped that, because of course they have. It worked. Some idiot decided it would work better if it didn't work. The idiot has probably made VP on the strength of the lies he told his bosses about how great his work is. Which -- who can say, that his brain is not smoothly and accurately guiding him through the twisting pathways that lead to the top?
Doesn't the decision to designate the Sinaloa Cartel as a terrorist organization turn millions of Mexicans into legal immigrants fleeing the terrorists?
Trump's EO said that they were required to send that e-mail, or something very much like it, to all of their employees. Today! And I am here to tell you, that the depth of their intensely ethical commitment to the timeless virtues of Diversity, Equity and, above all, Inclusion, did not prevent them from sending that e-mail, essentially unaltered. Today.
And if they don't fire all the DEI Princesses who have been sending me DEI e-mails weekly ever since I got this job, as the EO requires, you had better believe I will rat them out. Me and a lot of other people who are really, really sick of being lectured about our inherent racial inferiority by our intellectual inferiors.
Hmmm ... it seems unlikely that an extradition treaty would be honored in a period of what amounts to undeclared war. Are you going to hand over your generals? Because they conducted terrorist bombings of their nation's enemies? But more to the point, Fauci is 82. He is certainly guilty of vast crimes, but while he is not past profiting from his crimes, he is likely past compounding them. His many co-conspirators are less sympathetic, and more dangerous.
Reminding us to NEVER hire someone like her again.....
Oli London @OliLondonTV Karine Jean-Pierre has told Vanity Fair that she had to work harder in the White House as Press Secretary because she is a ‘black’, ‘queer’, ‘immigrant.’
“I’m the first Black press secretary. The first person of color press secretary.
The first openly queer press secretary. The first Haitian American immigrant press secretary.
The first press secretary to be all of the above.
Being a first meant that my responsibilities were beyond those in the job description, the load heavier.
I bear a certain responsibility to the communities I represent.”
The Turquoise Temptress @heartsabustin · Follow Perhaps if she spent more time doing her job and less time trying to identify as something, she’d be a decent person.
I've been led to understand by sources that shall remain unnamed- that frontline CBP agents are very happy with the changes. As in- they are now allowed to do the job they signed up for- protect the border. Something new many haven't noticed yet. Apparently there is a 5 mile from the border no fly zone for drones without prior federal government permission. ANY federal agent is authorized to shoot down drones they see aloft in that 5 mile zone. They don't need to get clearance from higher ups.
For those that aren't aware, cartels have been using drones for a while to send drugs over the border. And there's been an active drone/anti-drone undeclared (and unreported) war going on. Stories I hear is that we are as good as the Ukrainians, and getting better. We also have some anti-drone stuff they don't yet have. Developments are way above my retired from active duty pay grade. But stories get out. It's not the military doing this. Yet.
Correction: Strategically encouraged 10M+ illegal immigrants to cross the border to manipulate elections, increase census counts, boost electoral power for their cabal, and otherwise destroy democracy as they claimed to defend democracy
She bears a certain responsibility for the INCOMPETENT black, queer, female, immigrant community that she represents. Incompetent employees everywhere rejoiced as they ignored her press conferences to watch cartoons and music videos and eat pizza.
Every politician who stood up to the cartels was executed and/or cremated and dumped in the river -- 88 killed in 2020 to 2021 alone. Plus, 4K police and about 1K military personnel killed.
I wonder how many songs were great due to the accident of rhyme? Would Mr Bojangles be such a great song if "pants","stance", and "dance" didn't all rhyme?
An ordinary down jacket with an insulated hood and thermal pants under regular pants handles wind chill just fine. Ask any skiier, as they pay big money to slide down mountains faster than 20 MPH in winds greater than 20 MPH and get sweaty in the process.
I tried to be a sport and watch a little bit of David Lynch's stuff, but disturbing images of murdered young girls is just not what I call entertainment.
Paying them to not show up for work is far better than paying them to show up for work but at some point I hope Washington recognizes many of us want to stop paying them, too…
It's the coldest weather we've had in Slower Maryland for some years. When I walked yesterday, it was 17 out. The low was 9 last night, and the Bay is starting to get slushy around the edges; brackish water freezes at a lower temperature than freshwater.
I just found out that Biden pardoned Marcus Garvey - 80 some years after his death. And of course there have been lots of other posthumous pardons.
Are t they the reductio ad absurdam that disproves the Nyah-nyah-acceptance of a pardon-is-admission-of-guilt canard? I mean, if you can pardon someone who can no longer accept or reject it, then It’s not an admission of their part. Which means it’s not an admission on anyone’s part.
Oliver Cromwell died of natural causes in 1658 and had a monarch's funeral. When King Charles II took power, he dug up Cromwell's body and had him executed/beheaded. Per @john mosby logic, Cromwell was "killed" in 1661.
1. I have a CS degree, with lots of logic courses from the (pure) math and (pure) CS depts.
2. You got me - I am not using RAA as a pure logic term, but more in the normative sense of “do we want a law that allows this discrepancy? Doesnt seem right.” Sort of like the many court decisions of the form “US v Bialystok cannot possibly stand for the proposition that ….”
3. But go ahead, tell me exactly why my logic is faulty. I think you will have somthing along the lines of “just because some A are B doesnt mean all A are B.” But dont make me guess.
4. Then tell me the answer to my question, which i phrased as a question, not an assertion, for criminy.
Oh dont italicize me I couldnt if i tried Oh honey if HTML Baby youre not that kind Woo hoo Nobody knows it (nobody know-ho-ows) But when i was bold Blogger was told Woo hoo Knock off that code! Oh don’t italicize, oh don’t italicize Oh don’t italicize me….
A living person can answer questions. A living person can choose to lie or tell the truth. A living person who refuses a pardon might admit to guilt. A living person refuses a pardon might continue to lie about their actions. When others see a need for a pardon, a guilty person may be crazy-eyed delusional (AOC, if ever pardoned), demented (Parkinson's Joe), or lack connection with moral standards (Adam Schiff) -- but believe in themselves.
A dead person is dead. Their empty body can be moved around by others (you are almost there Parkinson's Joe), but the person and potential to admit or deny guilt is gone. Posthumous pardons are feel-good moves for the living, and never ever involve the dead person's acceptance of anything.
Enigma: thanks. I guess you are saying that living and dead are two separate categories wrt pardons, and no comparisons should be made between them. I disagree, but i understand that a reasonable person could arrive at that conclusion.
(One area where the posthumous pardon could benefit the deceased - or at least people closer to the deceased than the generic ‘living’ - would be if the president also rescinds criminal fines and forfeitures. That money would go to the deceased pardonee’s heirs. Back pay with decades of interest for LT Flipper, or the executed black mutineers? Would be interesting.)
One frustrating thing about people waving around Burdick is that the part about admission of guilt is dictum; the actual holding as i see it is that only the pardonee can even bring up the pardon in court; the prosecutor can’t, and the court can’t even take judicial notice of something that is almost always a public document.
Frustrating for the Bideneers, that is, as they get forced to litigate all these issues going forward….
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৮৫টি মন্তব্য:
This is hilarious (in my opinion). Shines a bit of light on troll origins and motivations.
Too cool! Just got my copy of this e-mail! Story here.
"Progressive left-wing Soviet Democrats
Briefly Pause Chanting ‘Death To Israel’ To Call Elon Musk A Nazi."
We went from sub-zero to almost 40 yesterday. Heat wave!
It's back to butt-cold today - with wind.
Anyone know if we have an extradition treaty with Moscow?
Nah, I can't see us doing that. Even for Fauci. OTOH- liberals have great respect for the International Criminal Court in The Hague. Maybe some other country could bring Fauci up on charges there...
This is for our beloved site contrarians who may not read Instapundit.
YouGov - President Trump's favorability rating among ages 18-29
January 2017
Favorable: 30% (-27)
Unfavorable: 57%
January 2025
Favorable: 53% (+11)
Unfavorable: 42%
I share Althouse's opinion that they moved the inauguration indoors to keep Trump from being shot. Which was the correct decision.
That does not change the fact that 20 degrees is bone-chilling, and it would be insane to have it outdoors notwithstanding (Yes, they have done it every time up until now, and it's insane). Didn't Harrison die because he never recovered from standing outside in the cold at his inaugural?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! —I don't even want to check it, it's too good to check. I am going to sign off tonight in the fervent hope that it's true.
Hopefully more countries will join in the fun until the pressure gets so much Trump just has to hand Fauci over to The Hague. I don't think Biden's pardon will have a lot of weight there, even as he included acts of manslaughter and murder in it. Is killing millions considered a "violent crime"? Or does it go to a higher level.
I doubt that this would make China happy though, so I doubt it's true.
OMG - would be so cool.
gonna perhaps watch Hillbilly Elegy tonight. I've not seen it.
Life sucked under crook Joe. If it were not for the corrupt soviet media- all sorts of people would feel OK about Trump and the GOP.
Which is why the Dem-Soviet media are still at it. Non-stop BS.
How cold was it Johnny?
I just saw a video on the news of a hockey player ice skating on Canal street in New Orleans.
The entire world suffered greatly at the hands of this man.
Some serious shopping. Ten Thousand rounds of .50 cal. ammo?
Sitting for hours in 20-degree weather with a wind is cold. It's not the same as walking in that weather. Not even close.
20 degrees when you are standing/sitting for 2 hours is way different than taking a short walk in it.
Plus, no one would be wearing pants, boots, sweaters, scarves, hats and mittens.
Not logical to compare the situations.
It doesn't matter where the inauguration was held, leftists would bitch about it.
"Some serious shopping. Ten Thousand rounds of .50 cal. ammo?"
Modern State law enforcement: The Mexican Government fights the Cartels. The MG policy is open border. Cartel imports weapons.
MG wants US to supply weapons to fight Cartel. Cartel buys weapons from MG. Mexico is a weapon sink. All weapons flow to Mexico. MG is mad at US, you bastards need to be sued to stop your weponization of poor old mexico.
To weave two topics--
"In Eighteen Fourteen we took a little trip,
Along with Colonel Jackson down the mighty Mississipp--
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we caught the bloody British at the town of New Orleans.
Well we fired our guns and the British kept a-comin'
There weren't near as many as there was a while ago,
Fired once more and they begin a-runnin'
Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of America."
Not the same at all.
The US bioweapon head won’t face extradition to another country. He gets the American equivalent to a dacha though…
"Tim Kaine’s son
stormed the MN capitol in an anti-Trump riot in 2017, set off explosive devices and tear gas, and fought the police. He didn’t do any jail time because his father is a Democrat Senator. "
Rockford Season 1 ep 17 with Lindsay Wagner is on. Life is good in America.
Please pray for the men in Florida. Ain’t nothing wrong with them, they just don’t own pants.
Looks apocalyptic, ngl
Yes we do, just depends on the weather
My wife and I finally broke down and went to see that Bob Dylan movie. Well done with some excellent acting. 👍👍
I miss Mike Bloomfield’s guitar work. Damn… the guy died way too young.
Their swastika flags must have blocked their view of the screen.
Cold tolerance improves with several exposures to low temperature, but the first time in the season is brutal. Those visiting from Phoenix or Miami for the weekend would be in agony. Wearing proper winter clothes makes anything tolerable (i.e., those climbing Mt. Everest or K2), but many people don't have them or understand how to dress. True winter clothes are not stylish enough for a political event either.
There’s an impromptu tribute to David Lynch at the Burbank Bob’s Big Boy.
“ Lynch famously made a makeshift office out of that Bob’s Big Boy between the late 1970s and early ‘80s, coming in like clockwork at 2:30 p.m. every day for seven years. His order was always the same: a chocolate milkshake in a silver goblet and a cup of coffee. The napkins that came with his unconventional lunch served as his notepad to jot down ideas, one of which culminated in the character that would become Frank Booth in “Blue Velvet” after he saw a mysterious man walk up to the front counter one day.”
On Rotten Tomatoes audiences liked it but (often woke) critics hated it, so that's a good sign. I found it to be helpful for understanding Vance's background, but tainted by unintended self-parody. City people clumsily try to portray small town people despite having no experience.
Glenn Close truly earned her nomination for a Golden Raspberry award.
Is killing millions considered a "violent crime
does genocide fit? or may be Hominicide?
If some people in a cartel fear execution by others in the cartel, they might run into the arms of anyone to protect against those who have 60,000 rounds of ammo. Mexico lost control over its drug war a long time ago.
It’s the wind chill stupid. That’s what steals the core body temperature. 22F is not that bad until you add a 20 MPH wind that continuously blows.
Well.... I don't imagine the stands would be cold at all, for the VIPs. Think Tioga heaters. I've worked rigs in arctic conditions and you could stand out in the open air on the rig floor and be toasty warm, thanks to the Tioga heaters blowing air up around your feet from below. We would put wind walls up around the rig's substructure and the rig floor above, and with that air blasting up, no problemo. I'm sure there was a plan.
From Instapundit:
Robert Sterling
The same people who…
Shut down your business
Yelled at your kids for not wearing masks
Wouldn’t let you visit your dying parents
Kicked out soldiers for refusing a vaccine
Lied about the origins of Covid
Tried to enact a nationwide vaccine mandate
Censored us on social media
Tried to create a ministry of truth
Lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop
Covered up Joe Biden’s dementia
Stopped enforcing immigration laws
Let 10M+ illegal immigrants cross the border
Installed DEI commissars in every agency
Raised pride flags at overseas embassies
Let biological males compete in girls sports
Weaponized the DOJ to attack Trump
Used lawfare against Elon’s companies
Wasted trillions on left-wing boondoggles
Defended Biden pardoning his family
Wanted to give Ukraine a blank check
Tried to forgive billions in student loans
Spent four years lying to us every single day
…are very concerned that Donald Trump is going to abuse executive power.
Reagan's 1985 inauguration was also held in the Rotunda, though the weather conditions in that forecast were arguable a bit worse (high of 7 F, windchills of up to -25 F). JFK's was held outdoors even though the temps were similar to Monday, and DC had a major snowstorm the day before.
The only other indoor inauguration I see recorded was Taft in 1909, in the aftermath of another blizzard though the parade was still held.
There were a number of people in their eighties and late seventies at the inauguration (including the incoming and departing Presidents). Indoors was the correct call.
On Fox News tonight Gov. DeSantis claimed that some parts of Florida received 9” of snow — more than double the old record snowfall, which had been 4”.
Wait… I love this pic. Thanks
Via Reddit: “President Trump… You forgot me again… - Joe Exotic”
He can't do that do that to our pledges.
Only we can do that to our pledges.
That Bishop Budde----where do they find these people? I'm sure the LA Fire Dept has a place for her. That sermon was laughable----sort of a woke twist on fire and brimstone. I'm thinking the liberal equivalent of Wigglesworth "In Adam's Fall We Sinned All" except for the 'we' part, Trump has Sinned all. And how fitting, a juicy religious excoriation comes from yet, another Lesbian. Shades of the E. Jean Carroll lesbian attorney "I don't find you attractive either" (sic) . How many more smackdowns from Lesbian must our newly elected President endure?
@Donald: Best series ever. Excellent writing, Stuart Margolin was wonderful and a man of many talents. He wrote songs with Jerry Riopelle.
@Clyde: If you have time, check out Jerry Riopelle. He was an Arizona favorite. Sold out shows. Naomi’s Song, Walking on Water, Blues on my Table, Red Ball Texas Flyer, So Young, etc.
Let’s go ELGSES!
We are having delightfully clear weather here in Eugene. Mars is high in the NE, night by night slowly moving out of line with Castor and Pollux (Gemini). I am in Taurus, and scanning the neighborhood I see Nath (or Elnath) and Aldebaran -- a name I read so often in Sci-Fi in my youth that he seems like an old friend, met for the first time. Venus and Saturn are going down in the West, so close together that my aged eyes cannot distinguish them. I have long known that Orion's eye is Betelgeuse, but somehow I was not aware until last night that the bright star near his feet is Rigel. Another name I know well from Sci-Fi. Of course, if you are writing Sci-fi, and you want to have Earthlings visit nearby stars, they will be the brightest stars in the sky.
I highly recommend Fourmilab. Or, if you don't like following a link, cut and paste into your browser;
You can enter your lat and long, and see your sky.
You know, blogger used to allow you to preview your comments, so you could make sure the html tags were working right. They seem to have stopped that, because of course they have. It worked. Some idiot decided it would work better if it didn't work. The idiot has probably made VP on the strength of the lies he told his bosses about how great his work is. Which -- who can say, that his brain is not smoothly and accurately guiding him through the twisting pathways that lead to the top?
Doesn't the decision to designate the Sinaloa Cartel as a terrorist organization turn millions of Mexicans into legal immigrants fleeing the terrorists?
Trump's EO said that they were required to send that e-mail, or something very much like it, to all of their employees. Today! And I am here to tell you, that the depth of their intensely ethical commitment to the timeless virtues of Diversity, Equity and, above all, Inclusion, did not prevent them from sending that e-mail, essentially unaltered. Today.
And if they don't fire all the DEI Princesses who have been sending me DEI e-mails weekly ever since I got this job, as the EO requires, you had better believe I will rat them out. Me and a lot of other people who are really, really sick of being lectured about our inherent racial inferiority by our intellectual inferiors.
Hmmm ... it seems unlikely that an extradition treaty would be honored in a period of what amounts to undeclared war. Are you going to hand over your generals? Because they conducted terrorist bombings of their nation's enemies?
But more to the point, Fauci is 82. He is certainly guilty of vast crimes, but while he is not past profiting from his crimes, he is likely past compounding them. His many co-conspirators are less sympathetic, and more dangerous.
Now what?
YouTube: J Peterson and M Malice clip (the bad guy and the trickster.)
or give US raison to revolution Mehico
Reminding us to NEVER hire someone like her again.....
Oli London
Karine Jean-Pierre has told Vanity Fair that she had to work harder in the White House as Press Secretary because she is a ‘black’, ‘queer’, ‘immigrant.’
“I’m the first Black press secretary. The first person of color press secretary.
The first openly queer press secretary. The first Haitian American immigrant press secretary.
The first press secretary to be all of the above.
Being a first meant that my responsibilities were beyond those in the job description, the load heavier.
I bear a certain responsibility to the communities I represent.”
Source: Vanity Fair
The Turquoise Temptress
Perhaps if she spent more time doing her job and less time trying to identify as something, she’d be a decent person.
I've been led to understand by sources that shall remain unnamed- that frontline CBP agents are very happy with the changes. As in- they are now allowed to do the job they signed up for- protect the border. Something new many haven't noticed yet. Apparently there is a 5 mile from the border no fly zone for drones without prior federal government permission. ANY federal agent is authorized to shoot down drones they see aloft in that 5 mile zone. They don't need to get clearance from higher ups.
For those that aren't aware, cartels have been using drones for a while to send drugs over the border. And there's been an active drone/anti-drone undeclared (and unreported) war going on. Stories I hear is that we are as good as the Ukrainians, and getting better. We also have some anti-drone stuff they don't yet have. Developments are way above my retired from active duty pay grade. But stories get out. It's not the military doing this. Yet.
The book was excellent.
Let 10M+ illegal immigrants cross the border
Correction: Strategically encouraged 10M+ illegal immigrants to cross the border to manipulate elections, increase census counts, boost electoral power for their cabal, and otherwise destroy democracy as they claimed to defend democracy
Blogger remains a terribly primitive platform. Weak threading. No like/dislike feature. No editing of posts. Google has it on minimal life support.
She bears a certain responsibility for the INCOMPETENT black, queer, female, immigrant community that she represents. Incompetent employees everywhere rejoiced as they ignored her press conferences to watch cartoons and music videos and eat pizza.
Every politician who stood up to the cartels was executed and/or cremated and dumped in the river -- 88 killed in 2020 to 2021 alone. Plus, 4K police and about 1K military personnel killed.
Goodness! Looks like Antarctica
I wonder how many songs were great due to the accident of rhyme? Would Mr Bojangles be such a great song if "pants","stance", and "dance" didn't all rhyme?
An ordinary down jacket with an insulated hood and thermal pants under regular pants handles wind chill just fine. Ask any skiier, as they pay big money to slide down mountains faster than 20 MPH in winds greater than 20 MPH and get sweaty in the process.
Okay, who turned on the italics?
This was surely caused by global warming.
I tried to be a sport and watch a little bit of David Lynch's stuff, but disturbing images of murdered young girls is just not what I call entertainment.
Paying them to not show up for work is far better than paying them to show up for work but at some point I hope Washington recognizes many of us want to stop paying them, too…
It's the coldest weather we've had in Slower Maryland for some years. When I walked yesterday, it was 17 out. The low was 9 last night, and the Bay is starting to get slushy around the edges; brackish water freezes at a lower temperature than freshwater.
I read the book first. The movie was better than I expected it to be.
I just found out that Biden pardoned Marcus Garvey - 80 some years after his death. And of course there have been lots of other posthumous pardons.
Are t they the reductio ad absurdam that disproves the Nyah-nyah-acceptance of a pardon-is-admission-of-guilt canard? I mean, if you can pardon someone who can no longer accept or reject it, then It’s not an admission of their part. Which means it’s not an admission on anyone’s part.
LOL. Sure, john, sure. Steel trap logic there.
I always have maintained that everybody should take an introductory course in logic from the philosophy department.
Oliver Cromwell died of natural causes in 1658 and had a monarch's funeral. When King Charles II took power, he dug up Cromwell's body and had him executed/beheaded. Per @john mosby logic, Cromwell was "killed" in 1661.'s_head
Jaq and enigma - a few things:
1. I have a CS degree, with lots of logic courses from the (pure) math and (pure) CS depts.
2. You got me - I am not using RAA as a pure logic term, but more in the normative sense of “do we want a law that allows this discrepancy? Doesnt seem right.” Sort of like the many court decisions of the form “US v Bialystok cannot possibly stand for the proposition that ….”
3. But go ahead, tell me exactly why my logic is faulty. I think you will have somthing along the lines of “just because some A are B doesnt mean all A are B.” But dont make me guess.
4. Then tell me the answer to my question, which i phrased as a question, not an assertion, for criminy.
I couldn't if I tried.
I always read Marcus Garvey as Mucus Gravy.
Narr and Prof:
Oh dont italicize me
I couldnt if i tried
Oh honey if HTML
Baby youre not that kind
Woo hoo
Nobody knows it (nobody know-ho-ows)
But when i was bold
Blogger was told
Woo hoo
Knock off that code!
Oh don’t italicize, oh don’t italicize
Oh don’t italicize me….
What discrepancy?
A living person can answer questions. A living person can choose to lie or tell the truth. A living person who refuses a pardon might admit to guilt. A living person refuses a pardon might continue to lie about their actions. When others see a need for a pardon, a guilty person may be crazy-eyed delusional (AOC, if ever pardoned), demented (Parkinson's Joe), or lack connection with moral standards (Adam Schiff) -- but believe in themselves.
A dead person is dead. Their empty body can be moved around by others (you are almost there Parkinson's Joe), but the person and potential to admit or deny guilt is gone. Posthumous pardons are feel-good moves for the living, and never ever involve the dead person's acceptance of anything.
At Bob's Big Boy headquarters in Michigan there are at least a hundred Big Boy statues from defunct resturaunts. I want one.
Enigma: thanks. I guess you are saying that living and dead are two separate categories wrt pardons, and no comparisons should be made between them. I disagree, but i understand that a reasonable person could arrive at that conclusion.
(One area where the posthumous pardon could benefit the deceased - or at least people closer to the deceased than the generic ‘living’ - would be if the president also rescinds criminal fines and forfeitures. That money would go to the deceased pardonee’s heirs. Back pay with decades of interest for LT Flipper, or the executed black mutineers? Would be interesting.)
One frustrating thing about people waving around Burdick is that the part about admission of guilt is dictum; the actual holding as i see it is that only the pardonee can even bring up the pardon in court; the prosecutor can’t, and the court can’t even take judicial notice of something that is almost always a public document.
Frustrating for the Bideneers, that is, as they get forced to litigate all these issues going forward….
Thanks again - JSM
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