In any case, I'm glad to see that Trump has kept his promise and signed an order to release the rest of the files on the assassination of JFK, MLK Jr., and RFK. Here's RFK Jr. reacting:
RFK Jr. is thrilled that President Trump declassified all JFK, RFK, and MLK assassination files.
— End Tribalism in Politics (@EndTribalism) January 24, 2025
“I think it's a great move because we need to have more transparency in our government.”
“He is keeping his promise to have the government tell the truth to the American people…
১৪২টি মন্তব্য:
Will we ever get to see the information or will the Hawaiian judges rule?
Yikes that would be painful for family members.
I haven't sought out the new information. I figure those interested will make a to do if anything new comes of it. I suspect the major revelations will be background information on the assassins that most people probably figured out by now. I don't believe the theories that the government was behind these assassinations beyond perhaps the same incompetence we saw during the attempts on Trump. That last line isn't a small thing. Our government should be analyzed closely when incompetence appears and they should be open about the mistakes they made, so the people have confidence the mistakes won't happen again. The government demands businesses to do this, so they should set the standard by being transparent themselves.
I can't find the link but I recently saw an AI-enhanced version of the Zapruder film, and it only solidified my confidence that one need not be an expert in ballistics or physics to recognize that the final and fatal shot could not have come from the depository. Where and who? We will never know regardless of how many documents they declassify - which is precisely the whole point in an assassination of that magnitude.
“Keeping his promises to the American people.”
There is nothing crucial on the Zapruder film, Ann. It just shows a murder. The film sheds zero light on why our government did it and why successive governments both Democrat and Republican have conspired to keep the truth from the American people.
Nothing Trump releases will change anything. The "crucial" evidence has already been destroyed and we will never see it. Our betters don't want the plebes knowing the true nature of those who rule over them.
Althouse said...
I have gone 60+ years without viewing the crucial seconds of the Zapruder film.
Spoiler alert: "Back and to the left."
I noticed the executive order is specifically directed toward the Director of National Intelligence. So, when is Tulsi going to get her confirmation hearing?
"There is nothing crucial on the Zapruder film, Ann. It just shows a murder."
That's my point! I don't want to see that film, which has been available for a long time. Trump's order is about something else.
I have followed a lifelong ethic of not gratuitously watching a person die. I never watched the George Floyd video either. Today, I am having it imposed on me — suddenly and without warning.
My stance as well. I suspect the 'known wolf' didn't originate after 9/11 even if nobody used the term back in the day. The FBI was building a dirty file on MLK. Oswald was a known defector and agitator. Not sure about Sirhan Sirhan but I wouldn't be surprised to find all three of the killers were on LEO radar at some point but ignored.
If there is something to be learned, that's one thing. If it's simply a graphic show, that's obscenity.
This makes my think of my dad, who passed about six months ago. He was a lifelong conspiracist about the grassy knoll. He would've loved seeing the information finally released.
"This makes my think of my dad, who passed about six months ago."
I'm sorry to hear about your father.
I've been hoping Robert A. Caro will get his chance to review everything related to whether LBJ was involved.
The ballistic argument is total bullshit in this case. Kennedy's body jerked back and to the left, so at least one bullet must have come from in front and to the right? That's true if someone is shot in the chest, shoulder, or abdomen. It is not true if someone is shot in the brain.
Parts of the brain control bodily movement. When those specific parts are stimulated, they cause the body to jerk in whatever direction. Many (55-60) years ago, I read a story in Reader's Digest that I've never forgotten. (Don't judge: I read everything I could get my hands on when I was a kid.) It was about doctors performing brain surgery to remove a tumor in the motor-control part of a patient's brain. When they moved the scalpel, his knee would bend, or his arm would straighten, or his leg would fall off the table, because they were touching the parts of the brain that controlled those particular movements. The motions were strong and sudden, and seriously complicated the surgery, since nurses or orderlies had to keep the patient from falling - or jumping - off the table while they did their extremely delicate work.
A bullet passing through the motion-control part of the brain will cause the victim's body to jerk strongly in some random direction or other. The direction will have no relation whatsoever to the direction of the bullet, just the parts of the brain it passes through. The JFK assassination is a case where you cannot "believe your lying eyes", as the saying goes. The movements of his body after he was shot show absolutely nothing about the direction from which the bullets came.
I certainly hope that when Trump says he will release "everything", he does not mean unblurred autopsy photos. I hope they will also delete names and addresses of innocent bystanders and eyewitnesses, some of whom are undoubtedly still alive. (Few, if any, will be living at the same addresses, but those with distinctive names - names like 'Zapruder' - would be easy to track down.)
My admiration for RFK Jr. has grown. He strikes me as a very principled man who loves his country. The Democratic party would benefit by elevating more people with his type of energy, instead the usual we-need-a-better-message-type folks.
It's important and does show that he was shot from the front, not the rear. If that's important "evidence."
Has Trump said anything about the NJ drones?
Not everyone has the stomach for what goes on in a sausage factory. I certainly don't ever want to hear pigs screaming like that ever again. My personal Waterloo are the made up graphic violent scenes and medical surgeries in television and motion pictures that I cover my eyes and look away. Sometimes I even have to plug my ears.
He said a few days ago he's going to find out what's going on and let us know. That was in answer to a journalist's question, I believe.
Until I see evidence otherwise, I'm not getting excited that this is going to be anything revelatory or stunning.
I'm glad RFK is happy. I'm not much on the JFK assassination but the whole truth should come out.
"It" (whatever that is - an autopsy photo?) shows no such thing. See my 9:04am comment above. And your repeated insistence that he was murdered by someone in the US government, not Oswald, is ridiculous. Raise it as a horrible, but remote, possibility? Fair enough. Insist that it is an absolute fact that LBJ, or the CIA, or both, did it: ridiculous, and stupid.
Jack Ruby, mafiso, with possible connections to the CIA and the Mossad, wanted to shut up Oswald and killed him. That's the key to the whole "Who killed JFK?".
Dr. Weevil, I have seen multiple GSWs in every part of a human being live and in person. You're right about the nervous system, but my direct 1st-person ballistic experience with the terminal effects of high-powered rifle ammunition on a human head will always force me disagree with you and the commonly accepted "lone shooter" theory entirely. Who knows, maybe there are nuggets of info in the declassification that will shine new light on the debate...but I doubt it.
I'll disagree somewhat. The enhanced version proves conclusively that both shots that hit him came from above and behind.
"...about everything". I agree.
I suspect we'll learn about the bumbling incompetence and bad decisions of government staff, and possibly the negligence of Democratic leadership. The Deep State wants to project an image of competence and hide its internal fools. The Democratic party has been in bed with the Deep State since the founding of federal law enforcement agencies (i.e., J. Edgar Hoover) they are the only people who have anything to lose.
So? Doesn't matter HOW Kennedy was shot really. People have used the Zapruder film to posit that at least one of the shots came from the front, as a way of demonstrating that the Warren Commission version of events isn't the truth. But that's the only utility of the Zapruder film: Does it show multiple shooters or not? If so, then our government has been lying to us.
But we already know our government has been lying to us. It lies to us all the time (latest: Hunter's laptop is Russia collusion.) Our government experiments on us, without consent, drives many of us crazy, forces us to participate in medical experiments without our consent.
Of course it's lying about the government's murder of Kennedy. It lies about everything.
Most of the videos I saw were clearly of airplanes, not drones. I don't think that Trump has much to reveal.
The best theory I heard was the propagandists were drumming up support for the expansion of government surveillance powers
Sigh ... as we see with Dr. Weevil, you cannot discuss this with certain people. Oswald, as we know, WAS a government employee.
RCOCEAN II said...
Jack Ruby, mafiso, with possible connections to the CIA and the Mossad, wanted to shut up Oswald and killed him. That's the key to the whole "Who killed JFK?".
Ruby stopped to wire money to one of his exotic dancers before he entered the basement of the Dallas police station. That he was there at the moment Oswald was being transported was, in some degree, mere coincidence.
I suspect the FBI/CIA knew more about Oswald than the wish to admit, maybe even considered using him as a double-agent to exploit his delusions of grandeur. But even the Russians thought Oswald was nuts while he was there.
My guess is that we will learn only about the Government's tendency to over classify.
Oswald was a government employee? Wow! Because no government employee would ever go rogue and commit a crime without specific orders from his employer! It is indeed true that "you cannot discuss this [or anything] with certain people" because certain people, like Dixcus, are single-minded morons. Again, anyone who claims that is a fact (not a horrible suspicion) that LBJ or the CIA or both killed JFK is a moron.
Dr. Weevil,
You should never apologize for having consumed the Reader's Digest. If you read lt instead of Time and Newsweek back in the heyday of all those publications you would have been far better informed. The owner and editors of the Digest might have been more conservative but they weren't blinded by an agenda as Time and Newsweek became.
The JFK assassination has been talked to death. It's the other two that are more of a mystery. Where did James Earl Ray get his money and passports? Was Sirhan the only person shooting in the Ambassador hotel basement? Was the endless repetition of "RFK must die" a sign of brainwashing? I'm not saying I believe there were conspiracies, but the RFK and MLK assassinations haven't received the attention they deserve.
In all the JFK conspiracy talk, how many have ever heard mentioned Bonnie Ray Williams and Harold Norman? Two witnesses who worked at the TSBD looking out the 5th floor windows below the 6th floor sniper nest.
Black-and-white photo of Bonnie Ray Williams (left) and Harold Norman (right) looking out their respective windows from the fifth floor of the Texas Schoolbook Depository. The window above Norman (upper right, indicated by a black arrow) is the window Oswald allegedly shot the President from
Sometimes we have to admit that bad things will happen, and not even the government can prevent it. At least not in what's suppose to be a free society.
Should the Secret Service have known Oswald worked in a building that JFK's open limo would drive right by? Should LEO have known RFK would seek to exit through the kitchen on that fateful night? I don't think so. Especially back then.
well sirhan was a palestinian christian, but he also worked for a connected mobster, dommareas,
We will soon learn that all of these files were stored in a locked shed in Pacific Palisades.
I think, if everything is actually released, that the U.S. government, FBI and/or CIA were grooming Oswald for something other than killing Kennedy.
"I have gone 60+ years without viewing the crucial seconds of the Zapruder film."
destroy or obliterate:
"zap the enemy's artillery before it can damage your core units" · "it's vital to zap stress fast"
cause to move suddenly and rapidly in a specified direction:
"the boat zapped us up river"
a sudden effect or event that makes a dramatic impact, especially a sudden burst of energy or sound...
Recreation shows fatal shot came from up and behind: (Graphic content alert)
What Physics Reveals About the JFK Assassination
A study suggests the 'grassy knoll' JFK assassination theory is bogus:
My comments might be getting zapped by the spam filter.
Now the Epstein client list
CJ, your comment isn't exclusive of mine. I worked as a government contractor. I worked with people involved in the loss of the Columbia orbiter. I use the CAIB report as a template for other disasters, because it was well analyzed and the results of the investigation were made available to the public as soon as possible. I'm aware of what parts are sensitive and not made public, and the relevance of that information would do nothing to have prevented the loss of the orbiter. However, that information and everything from the investigation helped put in place barriers that made the remainder of the Space Shuttle program safer. Every engineer has that information available to them.
It's not debunked, and that History Channel (maybe it should be called the Aliens & Pawn Shop Channel) special was so unscientific as to be laughable. There's no such thing as testing your conclusions with hypothesis, lol.
I couldn't watch the October 7th film. I didn't need to see it to believe what had been inflicted by Hamas on their victims. But that it was published gave me additional confidence in the reports.
The film was doctored in a CIA lab, immediately after leaving Dallas. There's a whole book about it, "An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story". Several frames were removed entirely, and others were altered.
And blogger has suddenly decided I can't link to it. Interesting.
If you had "gratuitously" watched George Floyd die, you would know that Derek Chauvin didn't kill him. But I guess you don't really need to know that. And you could just read the autopsy report anyway.
Keep your government lies straight, Weevil. The approved government lie is some drivel about how a bullet entering the skull from the back and blasting part of your head off creates a "reaction force" that causes the rest of your head to move in the opposite direction. The idea that a nerve impulse -- any nerve impulse" -- could cause muscle contractions (which muscles, exactly, Doctor?) that move the head violently backward against the impetus of a rifle bullet is utterly absurd.
Well. Anthony has certainly proved your point for you. There are none so blind ...
My guess has always been that the classified material shows that the FBI had Oswald, Ray, and Sirhan on their radar as potential threats, and didn't want to face questions about why it didn't act.
Just cause I'm a moron doesn't mean I'm wrong, Weevil. It was rogue CIA, working for Mossad, using Mafia-supplied hitmen. LBJ was aware of the plot and moved swiftly to seize the evidence and suppress the investigation. Have you seen the photo of him standing there taking the oath of office, grinning and winking at his friends and cronies, with Jacqueline Kennedy standing next to him like a trophy, stunned, still smeared with her dead husband's blood? It's a lot more sickening than the Zapruder film.
Ever wonder why a stone babe like Jackie Kennedy married a thug like Aristotle Onassis? Because she thought his security could protect her children. That sick monster LBJ kept calling her. God, he was a piece of work.
I guess I'm the dummy for attributing that quote to RFK Jr.
Because I didn't click on the video. How ironic.
I have followed a lifelong ethic of not gratuitously watching a person die.
Communist, Redneck, Arab. Those are the assassins.
They were all paid FBI snitches maybe?
Geraldo’s Al Capone Vault
That week in November of 1963, Life magazine was preparing a cover story about the multiple, ongoing investigations into LBJ's corruption. JFK was looking for a new VP. Lyndon was going down. But hey, surprise! The LBJ story was never published. Instead the cover of that issue of Life was a still from the Zapruder film. And those investigations went nowhere.
I've watched a lot of people die. It is certainly burdensome.
OTOH, there are poignant moment-of-death photos and videos out there that are absolutely fascinating for reasons that have nothing to do with morbid curiosity. Eg., the famous Robert Capa photo of the falling soldier from the Spanish Civil War. There's also the video of the rooftop parkour guy who missed his mark and flipped off the building. It is mesmerizing. There are more.
The fact that Kennedy seems to jerk the "wrong" way has long been cited as proof that there was another gunman. There is a subtle bit of physics here which shows if you treated it as a 3-body problem, which it was, the obvious intuition is wrong. While the original article is paywalled, free versions can be found.
A physicist examines the Kennedy assassination file
Luis W. Alvarez*
Am J. Phys. Vol. 44, No. 9, September 1976
Nobel Prize in Physics 1968
It even includes experimental demonstrations using watermelons.
So plausibly, minutely, and sensibly examined, that there will never be any rational conclusion other than that Oswald was a kook who acted alone. "Here's a Carcano. Go shoot the President". Seriously?
At this point it's just a diversion from more serious, more plausible, conspiracies. JFK isn't the dead registered Democrat I'm worried about...
JFK's grandson is on Bluesky this morning complaining about this. Like many on Bluesky he is not making much sense other than he does not like the release.
John Henry
Jupiter just can't help lying. Does he deny that parts of the brain control the motions of the body? That stimulating those parts of the brain can in fact cause various muscles in the body to contract violently in unpredictable directions? It's not a fucking "reaction force", it's stimulation of nerves controlling muscles. "The idea that a nerve impulse . . . could cause muscle contractions" is not "utterly absurd", it's simple scientific fact. How the Hell does Jupiter think muscles work? They work by contracting! And how do they know when to contract? The brain tells them! And how does the brain tell them? By sending impulses along the nerves! What happens if random impulses are sent by a damaged and dying brain? Random muscles contract in random directions, having nothing to do with the direction from which the damage arrived! If you don't know this, you need to repeat middle-school science.
But some people insist on clinging to their anti-government conspiracies, and claim to know that LBJ, or the CIA, or Mossad, or the Mafia, or all of them working together, did it. They should add the Pope, the Queen of England, and the shape-shifting lizardoid aliens, while they're at it. Of course some, like dixcus, are already telling us that they think the files will exonerate all those people, but that just means the files are all lies, lies, lies! Or so dixcus thinks, if you can call that thinking.
1/24/25, 11:52 AM
Leland, I understand. The loss of Columbia was horrible. Coincidentally, I'm in the middle of a Netflix doc on the Challenger disaster. Which I got to after beginning to watch a doc on Apollo 13.
In fact, some point to the success in saving the Apollo 13 crew as perhaps feeding overconfidence for handling risk at NASA.
Maybe he thinks they'll be releasing autopsy photos for weirdos to drool over.
The clinching fact for me that pointed to LBJ was that they cleaned and repaired the limo and cleaned John Connolly's suit within a couple of weeks. Why?
The first time I visited Dealey Plaza, I was surprised at the compactness of the space and thought to myself while looking at the building where Oswald was perched, "Of course he could have fired several accurate shots from there in a few seconds."
Because Connoly didn't want to wear a bloody suit? Just spitballin"...
That's a bit tongue in cheek, but what is lost to the years and the intervening weirdness is that it was a more pragmatic time with a greater sense of what was proper.
"Not sure about Sirhan Sirhan ...". SIrhan Sirhan had an eight-shot twenty-two revolver. All eight of the bullets have been accounted for, and none of them hit RFK Sr. He was shot in the back of the head by a "security guard" who was standing behind him. BTW, RFK Jr. is well aware of all this, which is why he tried to get Sirhan Sirhan (who is a Palestinian Christian, not a Muslim, BTW) released.
You people really don't keep up, do you.
@Jupiter: LBJ was a corrupt bully to his core, and as I understand it this was common knowledge. He was the old-safe-southern-guy used to offset the young Catholic northeastern JFK. LBJ passed the Civil Rights Act of 1965 to ensure black support, and called it the "n****r bill" behind closed doors. His many cynical "free" gifts were meant to create dependent supporters and ensure Party wins in the future.
Not coincidentally, the cynical bullies behind Biden followed the exact same game plan 50 years later. First, Biden was the deeply corrupt old-safe-white-guy behind Obama, then a strong-arm bully pushing free gifts to ensure future wins.
You can fool some of the people all the can buy off the press all the time...
"Should the Secret Service have known Oswald worked in a building that JFK's open limo would drive right by?"
Well. Yeah, I guess they should have. The folks at the CIA who got him the job sure as Hell knew it. But they may not have mentioned it to the Secret Service. It's not clear whether anyone at SS was in on it, possibly not.
Yeah, it's so small we drove through before realizing we were there. We had to turn around and find somewhere to park.
Still, trusting JFK rode in an open convertible.
Many years ago on a visit to Dallas my hotel was right across the street from the infamous grassy knoll. I could see it from my window, along with the three points on the street (marked with Xs) where the bullets hit Kennedy. I took a tour of the book depository, where they’ve recreated Oswald’s sniper’s nest. In the gift shop I bought an unedited copy of the Zapruder tape. I still have it; I’ve never watched it.
How Jupiter think muscles work is "slowly". A nerve impulse travels much more slowly than a bullet. If such a muscular contraction occurred, it would be well after the impact of the bullet.
This, BTW, is why you have that terrible moment when you turn on the hot water in the shower, and you realize that you have burned your foot, and it's going to hurt, but the pain has not arrived yet. The sensory nerves work faster than the pain nerves. But all of them are much, much slower than a bullet.
Really, Weevil, the silly notion you are promulgating is not the official government lie. The OGL involves the magic bullet that hit two people in five places, or whatever, and that idiotic "reaction force". Which would make sense if bullets exploded, but they don't.
Hmmm? The Carcano was cheap and one many cheap surplus options. A professional would never choose it, but the government works with useful amateurs all the time. They can either be political zealots or literally insane, but may serve a purpose if effective in meeting an objective. Plausible deniability.
See The Manchurian Candidate (1962), as pulled from circulation immediately after the assassination, for a detailed examination of how these organizations function.
And also BTW, Dr. Weevil, the "motion-control part of the brain" is called the cerebellum, and it is located low in the back of the skull, not in the upper right forehead.
Yes. Projectiles can either force a vent/jet to the front or the back. It depends on expansion and energy transfer versus penetration. This surplus stuff would likely penetrate and jet to the front (pushing the object backwards).
Thanks, Enigma. Yes, it is pretty generally known in Texas that LBJ had multiple people killed, including his own sister. His will to power was an appalling thing. JFK was black-mailed into choosing him as VP, and I still believe that LBJ was black-mailed into resigning. That monster did not give up the Presidency just because he was down in the polls.
I have not read all that Caro has written, but my impression is that he has served up lots of electoral and financial corruption, but has steered well clear of murder.
You're getting warmer ....
Did anyone ever wonder why a stone babe like Jackie Kennedy married a greasy thug like Aristotle Onassis? It was because she hoped his security was good enough to protect her kids. Johnson kept calling her, asking her if there was anything she needed ...
I don't think Dr. Weevil is knowingly telling lies. But if he's a "Dr.", it's like Dr. Jill.
Yeah, I don't think that on page 263, it says " ...and now we're set up here on this grassy knoll, and here he comes, and I'm pulling the trigger ..."
" Eg., the famous Robert Capa photo of the falling soldier from the Spanish Civil War." Probably staged.
My doctorate is in Classics (Latin), and thanks for demonstrating once again what a flaming stinky asshole you are, Jupiter. When it comes to planets, you're certainly a gas giant, but the one two orbits out from Jupiter is the one you most resemble.
Maybe you should drop by your local jail and see if you can arrange to coincidentally wander through the room where they are transferring prisoners. With a gun.
Considering that Trump was an acquaintance of Epstein, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. If anyone was in a position to order Epstein killed, it is much more likely to be Trump rather than Hillary Clinton.
"Yes. Projectiles can either force a vent/jet to the front or the back. It depends on expansion and energy transfer versus penetration. This surplus stuff would likely penetrate and jet to the front (pushing the object backwards)."
It also depends on the bullet type, weight, and velocity (transonic, supersonic, or subsonic) at the time of impact. To my knowledge the final bullet was never recovered beyond a shadow of doubt, and there is zero assurance that the ammunition used by anyone other than Oswald was of the same type or even the same caliber.
The US government then as now is entirely untrustworthy regarding publicly released information related to this event.
One reason they hadn't released everything is the FBI includes unsubstantiated rumors and hearsay in their reports, which are written from memory, not recorded. This is one reason their sending hundreds of their Republican files to the Clinton WH was so criminal--and unpunished at either end.
My dad's older cousin in Amarillo said she was in Dallas and at Parkland (her husband was a surgeon) and said in public that she knew something would happen if Lyndon could ever get him to Texas. Supposedly, that sparked an investigation. I'm curious if that will show up, or if she was just a fabulist.
JFK was wearing a corset to support his bad back. That helped keep him upright for the second hit.
My personal opinion on the classification of the Kennedy files isn't that it would've led to a smoking gun. It didn't and it won't. It's that some of the info may reveal just how close the relationship between Oswald, Ruby, and the various depts. of the federal government was, and then only by way of 3rd parties...if we're lucky. That and any discrepancies in chronology or witness statements (discrepancies in witness statements were already well known during the Warren Commission).
Oswald was absolutely a CI, if not a spook. There is no way he didn't have a handler.
Only on one platform is this a problem.
My thinking as well. I'm 99.9% positive that most if not all had some level of working relationship with federal authorities. Anything showing that link would be highly embarrassing to the feds.
RSM nails it. That has seemed the most likely scenario to me for a long time--but it may be much worse.
The "joke" in my small town in New Mexico (we knew all about LBJ, as Texas is next door) was that LBJ was holding his ears and shutting his eyes 30 seconds before the shots. The consensus was that he was very much involved in the shooting....
after reading this thread, it's clear no one has any answers. My trust in government stopped with the murders of JFK, RFK, and MLK.
I hope that Trumps willingness to release the information helps to clear things up, but I doubt it. Too much time has passed, too many possibilities to change the evidence that originally existed.
CIA, and the FBI are their own countries. They owe allegiance to themselves, and no one else. Can Trump change that? I hope so, but doubt he can get through the layers of corruption, deceit, and lies.
After the 60s any trust I had in those agencies ended when my friend, who lived in Ching Mai Thailand, while his father flew for Air America-showed my photos of opium stacked up on the runway, ready for transport, and refining into heroin. An agency that does that isn't our friend or protector, it is clearly existing to further its own existance.
The 'intelligence' agencies are broken,and should be taken apart, destroyed, and re constituted as pro American, with direct over sight by someone who actually gives a damn.
Maybe Tulsi is the one who can do that, at least she is pro America, and wants to avoid unnecessary wars.
Parts of the brain control bodily movement
when shot is it not more physics of force and momentum rather than brain signals
we need Ivan Vorpatril assisting Miles Vorkosigan [Ninth Auditor] in The Basement Evidence Room to submit Report
JFK suffered from physical and emotional pain.
Suicide by assassin.
Had you watched Floyd video you would have seen cop knee did not touch Floyd windpipe [I wanted to make sure amid all hysteria]
I guess that the destruction of evidence regarding the assassination of a US President was "proper." OK. This is why they always win.
Evidence of what? That Connolly was there and JFK bled?
Yeah, blogger is acting up today. Who is blogger, anyway? Google?
"... the famous Robert Capa photo of the falling soldier from the Spanish Civil War."
Ah, yes. Made Capa's career. Now widely suspected of having been staged.
Yeah, that's the OGL.
It was a very different time, and place. Imagine trying to get into a room where police were transferring prisoners with a handgun.
So does Dr. Weasel support the Warren Commission conclusions that 1) Oswald acted alone, and 2) "President John F. Kennedy was hit by two bullets. The first bullet entered the back of his neck and exited through the front, while the second bullet entered the right rear of his head and exited through the right side"? No bullet from the front; that the Latin doctor's conclusion, correct?
There is a photo of LBJ, riding in a limo behind Kennedy's (I think two or three cars back). He is sitting very low in his seat.
The people who started the CIA were mobbed up with Corsican heroin smugglers during WWII, when they were in the OSS. I don't think the CIA really committed all these crimes as an organization. But when your declared MO is "plausible deniability", well, individuals, and even groups, get in the habit of committing crimes and denying it. The idea that they will only commit the crimes "we" want them to is far-fetched.
"Dr. Weasel"? I don't recommend mocking other people's pseudonyms when yours is so easily mockable, "Gutsy Winds" (an obvious euphemism for extreme flatulence).
If you have any evidence to refute the Warren Commission conclusions, why don't you offer it, and leave me out of it? (By the way, Jupiter insisted that the motor-control part of the brain couldn't have been involved in his spasmodic movements, since that's the cerebellum, "not the upper-right forehead". Isn't the cerebellum in "the back of his neck"?)
I'm prepared for any surprises the files may offer. I just object to people assuring us that they know for a fact that LBJ, the CIA, Mossad, and the Mafia did it. The fact is that only those who did it, and are still alive, if any are, know for sure. I strongly suspect that the secrets will mostly involve gross incompetence and hamhanded attempts to cover it up. We shall soon see. Of course, if that's what the files show, many (dixcus, for one) will insist that the files are lies, lies, lies!
I took a tour of the book depository too. It seemed to me that Oswald had the best shot as Kennedy’s limo was driving towards the book depository before making the turn in front of the book depository, allowing Oswald to stay in his sniper’s nest within the building. Where the bullets hit Kennedy, after the limo turned in front of the book depository, would have required at least Oswald’s gun to be outside the window.
I'm aware of that. Doesn't really affect my point about its having drama and poignance.
Considering that Trump was an acquaintance of Epstein, I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.
How long are you going to repeat this lie? Trump threw Epstein's ass out of Mar-a-Lago for being a creep and had nothing more to do with him.
And if Trump was on that list, we would already know about it.
Yes, I had the same reaction. The compactness of Dealey Plaza does not come across in any of the documentaries that I’ve seen.
The "Delusions of Grandeur" puts Oswald In the same league as Booth.
Fair enough. I don't know that the shooters were Mafia hitmen, it was planned and coordinated by CIA agents in collusion with Mossad agents, and LBJ knew about it in advance. I just think that's the most probable scenario by far.
"That he was there at the moment Oswald was being transported was, in some degree, mere coincidence."
Nope. He planned to kill Oswald. He just wasn't "hanging around" and acted on impulse. Ruby wanted to kill Oswald. He was proud of what he did. Delve into him and his connections and you'll unlock the key.
There’s a documentary on Amazon Prime (free with ads) called JFK: The Smoking Gun and also the book JFK: The Smoking Gun by Colin McLaren that does a pretty good job of offering an alternate believable explanation:
From the book description “ With the forensic eye of a highly regarded ex-cop, Colin McLaren has gathered the evidence, studied 10,000 pages of transcripts, and found the witnesses the Warren Commission failed to call, and the exhibits and testimonies that were hidden.”
Oswald is thought of as a Southerner/texan, but he spent 2 years in NYC, and after he returned from Russia, got mixed up with a Communist group "Fair play for Cuba" group. But he was obviously pro-Soviet when he joined the Marine Corps at 17. I wonder who he knew in NYC, and who he knew at the Communist "Fair play for Cuba" group.
Odd that RFK was killed by an anti-Israeli immigrant over his support for that country. Especially when every Politican "stood by Israel".
Focus on Jack Ruby. That's my final thought.
If you’re interested in Oswald, the best biography is Legend: the Secret World of Lee Harvey Oswald by Edward Jay Epstein. Available on kindle.
According to McLaren, Oswald’s testimony would have made it clear that he couldn’t have fired the fatal shot.
Correction: when I wrote, “the first shot was Oswald’s”, I meant the first shot that hit the President - not the first shot that Oswald fired.
One thing for sure, whatever they were, they had lights. Which indicates that whoever controls them definitely wants people to see them.
I don't mean the official swearing-in photo, where everyone looks so solemn. I mean This one, where Lady Bird is smiling and Johnson is winking at his buddy Albert Thomas.
You had sufficient spolier alert.
Walter, you’re right. I’m correcting it now.
***Spoiler alert***
In JFK : the Smoking Gun -
According to McLaren who participated in a reenactment of the shooting, the first shot was Oswald’s, but the fatal shot was from an inexperienced Secret Service Agent riding in the car following JFK.The documentary on Prime is free with ads. Worth watching.
Freder the delusional and loyal leftist. LOL.
I agree. A CIA operative.
Out of respect for MLK’s children, some portions of his file should remain private. They were nearly murdered as children. They have suffered enough.
Maybe Caro can start here.
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