"Kennedy spoke about the need for better study of the vaccine dosing schedule for newborns and the rise in chronic disease, while also rattling off statistics about the increase in autism rates despite
multiple studies that have shown no link between vaccines and the disorder and World Health Organization estimates that
immunizations have saved 154 million lives.... Here Trump redirected the conversation... while backing up Kennedy’s desire for more research.... He suggested to the drug company executives that they had nothing to fear from further investigation of the causes of autism, saying Kennedy could help put to rest vaccine hesitancy if no connection was found.
The aftermath of the dinner, which ended by all accounts with surprising warmth on all sides, has become the stuff of mini-legend in the week that has followed. Trump called it 'a little unusual' in a recent NBC News interview. 'At a point I thought, I can’t believe I am doing this,' another participant said, expressing a sentiment echoed by others."
That's The Washington Post admiring Donald Trump!
९३ टिप्पण्या:
The new tag should be 'Pre-Dunking candidates', since this is the third one you've presented for Junior' in a week, and will be one of many more to come - for each of the nominees. This is how the process works, the management of perceptions. This is laying the foundation to vote down the nomination.
Tag: "Trump who outlasted mental derangement and denial"
Even people around here I appreciate have been strangely harsh on RFK as if the press would be telling the truth about his vaccine stance.
A healthy American child will likely receive up to 20 vaccines before it is even 6 years old. A healthy one, meaning children with health problems will likely receive more. This is a level of vaccination you will find nowhere else on earth. Not Europe. Not Japan. Not Canada. That stands out to me as not only odd, but corollary. I hope Kennedy's investigation is very thorough.
Robert "I have nothing against vaccines" Kennedy is a wolf in sheep's clothing, as he will soon be demonstrating. He's going to be a headache for Trump, who will come to regret appointing him to this position.
A huge cohort of the press is bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. The big majors are on record having killed stories that could reflect badly on major advertisers like Pfizer, Glaxo, Merck, Bayer and Sanofi.
"Who doesn't want good things to happen?"
Everyone on the left for whom power is FAR more important than actually serving the people.
That's a majority.
"And who doesn't want it to fail?! Who doesn't want good things to happen?"
you know the answer as well as we do.. The Democrat Party WANTS the destruction of the USA
""Who doesn't want good things to happen?" Pulleeeze. Everyone on the left for whom power is FAR more important than actually serving the people."
My point isn't that I can't image who these people might be. My point is to demand that they expose their hope for things to go badly.
Nothing in regards to vaccines causing autism has been "debunked." It's the same lie from the same people to told the world the mRNA vaccine was 100% safe and effective. The ridiculous long island ice tea cocktail pumped into America's kids has NEVER been studied.
The amount of young people and families of Generation Z and Generation Alpha is staggering. This is a crime against humanity.
There are a lot of people high up in the left that want the total collapse of civil order in the West. Don't kid yourself. Much of it is performative but the true believers hate Western society (anything white).
Our culture is losing its ability to appreciate subtlety.
100% agree. Trump owes him for his help during the last few weeks of the campaign but he needs to get rid of him ASAP. Wait 'til he starts talking about climate change and late term abortions.
Ever seen a Joy Reid or Ibrahim X. Kendi talk? They hate American and European culture openly.
RFK Jr. telling John Stossel without hesitation that vaccines cause autism.
He’s right. And has the balls and fortitude to say it.
The legal and financial implications for pharma and the medical industry is massive. It’s the only reason for the blanket denials and bullshit “debunk” claims.
Do you really think these people (Fauci, Gates, Big Pharma CEOs) give a shit about your kids or grandkids??
How about the tag... "Trump is like Jesus"
Haven't you seen this ad on Fox News for Dr. David Jeremiah's "The Coming Golden Age."
...one of these days, when Jesus comes back... the wolf will lie down with the lamb and the leopard will lie down with the young goat.
I like photo of the kid doing the Vulcan mind-meld with the elephant.
"Wait 'til he starts talking about climate change and late term abortions."
Who cares what he says about things not under his purview?
the most likely, to me, link to autism that has come out of research, obviously there is a genetic predisposition, but the most likely link that I have seen in research is the introduction of television. This has been studies in terms of autism rates being correlated with the introduction of cable TV to an area. scholar.google.com is your friend in this question.
There are Democrat proxies marching at universities and saying "Death to America." In America. But perhaps what you are waiting for is a Rush-like "I hope he fails" statement. I doubt we will get the close parallel, "I hope he can't rescue our economy and border situation from the overflowing toilet Biden left us."
I challenge any Boomer or Generation X member, to call their doctor and tell them you want to catch up on the Generation Z and Generation Alpha vaccine schedule. The entire fucking cocktail. Hepatitis B and all the mRNA Covid bullshit now on the schedule.
I triple dog dare ya!
We all know, even among the most hard core liberal deniers, there is suspicion. ZERO adults would sign up to for the challenge above. ZERO. We have been lied to and RFK Jr. is telling the truth.
Please God, protect him.
That Crockett congresscritter openly says "end whiteness," which is kind of genocide-ish.
There is genetic predisposition in everything. One person can smoke for 50 years and never gets cancer. Another for ten years and they are screwed.
The cocktail is not going to affect every kid the same way. 149 out of 150 for Gen Z were fine. 34 out of 35 in Gen Alpha are fine. That's why people turn their cheek.
And how do we know these assholes have batch and volume control?
Before the modern medical era (last 200 years or so), many children died before reaching adulthood. Today, almost everyone with marginal health/marginal mental health makes it.
I think some of the rise of autism reflects ordinary variations that would have previously resulted in "simple-minded" people with simple careers but not be diagnosed as a medical condition. Some of them would have previously died from accidents working on farms or in mines, or from parental abandoment.
Look at the way adults dropped of instantly from getting COVID mRNA boosters when the choice was theirs to make. After being lied to and coerced, 2/3rds of America took COVID shots 1 and 2.
Then, when it came to boosters 3, 4, and 5, the participation rates fell off a cliff. So did Pfizer's stock price.
But parents walk into a pediatricians office, trusting them, and are willfully kept blind to the risks. "What a beautiful baby you have there. We're gonna stick him six times this morning, and than another at the three month follow up visit. It'll be fine. We know what were doing. It's not about the money. Trust us."
The millions of people who will see that crap coming from the Trump Administration, played up on the MSM night after night. That's who. And, oh yeah, Donald Trump.
And it's not just what he says about stuff not in his purview - it's very much as well the wild stuff that he'll be blabbering about vaccination.
Adjuvants, inflammatory responses, and pathogenic progress are several risks incurred from both vaccines and inoculations. The leading cause of improved human viability is sanitation, and, of course, ending the performance of human rites, the wicked solution, in progressive sects.
Kids 200 plus years ago died from all kinds of things prior to penicillin. Nobody is claiming all vaccines are bad. But the autism numbers aren't small, and it is not just a case of a new classification or recognition of the "simple minded". If you had it affect your life you wouldn't make that claim. The vaccine schedule since the 1987 pharma release from liability is ridiculous.
"The millions of people who will see that crap coming from the Trump Administration, played up on the MSM night after night. That's who. And, oh yeah, Donald Trump."
But it's not coming from the "Trump Administration". But yeah, Trump could make it a thing instead of saying "I don't give a crap what the head of HHS says about climate change.
Their portrayal of Trump was all constructed nonsense. Anyone who grew up in New York during Trump's life knows it. I certainly did. He's a big talking Queens boy. He was a self-promoter, of course. But when was he ever a racist? He was a regular on Letterman, Regis, and the other New York shows and they loved him. Then he beat Hillary, then the nonsense started, and he became a monster in their portrayal. But go back and listen to his acceptance speech in 2016. He was reaching out for unity and trying to send good will even back then.
>But it's not coming from the "Trump Administration"<
Kennedy will be a member of the Trump Administration - a prominent one. Do you think he will be posting comments as a private citizen in some obscure journal or something?
Of course his pontifications will be coming from the Trump Administration. Until Donald fires him, anyway. And if you think Donald will be able to shut him up, you don't know much about RFK. Hint: He doesn't need Trump or that job.
It's not just autism that has grown. We have anxiety and ADHD, for example. We have peanut allergies. We don't know why these are growing. We should do everything possible to find out. MAHA is the first time people have thought of this as part of a political program, but these issues (together with obesity) affect our families in profound and permanent ways.
REgardles of whether you think Junior' is a crank or a crusader, the two underlying questions that are the heart of the issue, that are steadfastly ignored in the coverage are:
1. Should vaccines be subjected to the same rigorous, transparent double-blind testing protocols to determine their safe long term application, just like any other injectable drug?
2. Should any company be exempted from legal restitution for damages arising from their products, in particular death and/or long term or permanent human illness or disability?
The US is buying 3 new icebreakers. Name one of them the Donald J Trump.
I was born in the mid Sixties. I have four very competent friend and acquaintance couples whose children have pretty severe, obvious autism
The similarity between these people (and very good parents) is that at least one of all four couples were on long term anxiety or depression drugs.
I haven’t seen much research into that. Admittedly, use of these same drugs are quite common and even unregulated in Western, First World countries with far lower percentages of autism. But a teacher of autistic children I know very well says all sorts of children from severely deprived backgrounds are labeled autistic when it’s obvious to all the teachers that their problems lie in lack of discipline, exposure to violence, pure chaos at home, and no early childhood parenting at all.
She got tired of being mauled by these kids, some grade schoolers larger and stronger than she is. And she couldn’t fight back.
Where is The Last Psychiatrist blog when we need him? This is his firsthand argument while treating many hundreds of deprived kids. For certain irresponsible parents in the underclass, a disability diagnosis is another $800 plus lots more benefits per kid in NYC, at least.
We Children of Men (the 1992 PD James book) need more research to even begin to untangle this Gordian knot. Thank God for Trump.
But RFK Jr. took the normal course of normal vaccines and his kids did too. Our lying media just can’t parse the difference.
A new tag: Correlation does not prove causation
The only thing that comes from the Trump Administration is what's supported by Donald Trump. The rest is just democrat/press blather. You can choose to play their game and get all hot and bothered about what RFK says about climate change. I'll pass.
It is amazing what happens when the democrat media sort of acts like honest media.
That's why a freer hand should be given to those willing to prove a hypothesis. As Trump said, Kennedy and millions of others might be wrong, it's the secrecy, immunity, and seeming lack of inquisitiveness within that industry that appears damning.
Meanwhile, his statements on punitive tariffs have the business workd alarmed.
There are trade-offs. There are ALWAYS trade-offs, but you can't figure out how to balance those without doing a lot of honest research and then evaluating it honestly, and out "public health community" seems completely incapable of doing that.
Sunscreen is useful to prevent sunburns. Slathering up African-American kids in Massachusetts in APRIL before they go outside for a 30-minute recess is idiotic, but that's what every daycare in Massachusetts was doing because the dermatologists said that there were no trade-offs with sunscreen. (Well, except for chronic Vitamin D deficiency, and all the complex photochemistry in the skin and capillaries that we don't understand well enough to know how important it is).
"If masks save even one person from covid..." because really what does it hurt you to wear a mask? (Well, except for people with deviated septums, COPD, skin conditions, etc. for whom the masks led to major complications and even surgeries).
It's the same thing with vaccines. There are benefits and there are side effects. Some people are harmed and others are protected. The thing to do is to figure out what exactly those are and then evaluate the trade-offs. But that's impossible if you don't have accurate safety and efficacy data, and we don't.
What drives me crazy is that if we did really good research with all the tools we now have with (including genomics, inexpensive individual sequencing, fast and accurate blood tests, etc.) we might be able to determine which individuals were more likely to be harmed and which were more likely to be helped.
But as we saw during covid, when institutions refused to allow antibody titer to be a reason not get vaccinated or boosted, what matters to the "public health community" is uniformity, "messaging," and, most of all, administrative convenience.
Most of them seem pretty transparent about it.
Anyone not corrupt - should abandon the corrupt democrat party.
Sadly - too much mob and money on the line for the crooks and liars.
"Kennedy could help put to rest vaccine hesitancy if no connection was found"
What if they already KNOW there is a direct connection, and just have made the decision that this outcome is better than the alternatives and they're just not announcing it because nobody would understand (or maybe agree) with their position.
There is no evidence our drug industry is influenced by anything other than political science.
Why is it always the default Republican position that everybody wants to do good? Many do not. And there is a substantial body of evidence for that proposition.
My point is to demand that they expose their hope for things to go badly.
And this has been different than what the Republicans (and the vast majority of your commenters) did throughout the Obama and Biden administrations, how exactly?
This is just an outright lie.
but the most likely link that I have seen in research is the introduction of television.
You just don't buy the whole "correlation is not causation" thing, do you? Especially since autism mostly manifests long before most infants have watched a damn thing on tv.
yeah, ok. Have you ever been around an autistic child in his or her home environment, Freder?
But when was he ever a racist?
When he and his dad refused to rent to Black people. Also, when he advocated the death penalty for the Central Park Five even after a confession and DNA confirmation from the actual rapist.
… despite multiple studies that have shown no link between vaccines and [autism]
I have two problems with this sort of comment. The first is very basic — if you aren’t going to link to any of those “multiple studies” so that I can examine the data and the methodology then this assertion amounts to “trust us.” After 2019 and 2020 why on earth would I do that?
Secondly, the rise in diagnoses of autism are real, well-documented, and pretty damned frightening. If it’s not impurities in the vaccines then what the F*** is causing it?. All that effort to exonerate vaccines, how about we put some of that effort — and money — into figuring out? If it isn’t the vaccines causing the rise in autism, then what really is causing it?
So far I’ve read only one such effort, published in Wired decades ago to the best of my recollection, which hypothesized that that once upon a time in recent memory autistic men had very, very limited access to marriagdd we’d partners due to their, ah, truncated social skills. But today a high functioning autistic man might be pulling down a salary north of $250,000, and that this made them much more marriageable, social skills be damned. Thus the autistic males pass their genes on to another generation. (Or, to paraphrase Donald J. Trump, if you have enough money they’ll let you grab ‘em by the …)
And that explanation from Wired combines implausibility with a lack of raw data. So where’s a real study with real data?
"What drives me crazy is that if we did really good research with all the tools we now have with (including genomics, inexpensive individual sequencing, fast and accurate blood tests, etc.) we might be able to determine which individuals were more likely to be harmed and which were more likely to be helped."
The downside here is that doing this might generate results that indicated that different groups of people had different risk levels. And in the "everybody is equal and interchangeable" society we live in today, we can't have that.
One study followed 650,000 kids in Denmark and found that the incidence of autism in vaccinated children was 93% that of unvaccinated children. In other words, there was less autism among the vaccinated kids.
Autism is caused by absent mothers.
Because we told you not to do ACA and you guys did it, and now you have to get excited about killing insurance execs. Suggests your massive reform didn't really work.
But that's not really relevant if Denmark and the US use different vaccine schedules, different vaccines, different adjuvants, etc. And they do.
As far as I know, no one is saying that all vaccines can cause autism, or even that a vaccine against any given pathogen can cause autism. We should instead be looking into CHANGES in the vaccines, particularly after the introduction of the no-liability regime for manufacturers.
The Danes tend to be extremely conservative (in the best possible way) of what they allow to be put into their children, and they are by no means Luddites: they have a very strong, innovative pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry. Maybe we could learn from their experiences over the past 20 years or so, especially during and after covid.
Didn't the seminal paper linking autism with the mmr vaccine turn out to be the fraud?
Actually, I have. One of my best friends son is autistic. It was obvious that there was something different about him well before he was one.
Provide proof - Freder.
As Elon says, "go to the source material". If the source material is not provided then it is very suspect.
Gusty Winds made the original claim, He made his claim with zero evidence. Why do you only get concerned when I call someone a liar? If he provides proof (and I know he can't and won't), I will provide proof of the opposite.
I just heard about a study saying coffee extends drinkers life. It was sponsored by the coffee industry. Hey man, a study is a study.
So dumb. So very, very dumb....and self-defeatng...and Anerica Last.
Precisely the sort of trifecta I would expect from a strong defender of the completely corrupted Delaware Chancery Court as they try and steal tens of billions from Tesla,
A possibility may lie in birth control pills and women delaying having their first child. Or maybe not, I don't know.
"a disability diagnosis is another $800 plus lots more benefits per kid in NYC, at least."
Ding ding ding! And with that you get HUD housing or section 8, EBT card. ..disability "increased" because it's the new welfare and getting on it is the Holy Grail for the poor.
No one's ever suggested any mechanism by which vaccines cause autism or tried to identify any specific aspect of the US vaccine schedule that they think is problematic, so I don't really see any basis for dismissing the relevance of another country's experiences. If someone can't tell me why doing X and not Y matters to the risk of autism, then it's hard for me to see why I should care that the Danes do X and not Y. Put another way, if someone's argument is no more specific than "something about vaccines might be inflating autism," I think it's very relevant that one country's experience with vaccines actually correlates with less autism.
Yes. Lancet MMR autism fraud.
Dr Simon Baron-Cohen, director of Autism research at the University of Cambridge (UK) suggests something a bit different. His theory is that Autism (ASD, etc) is primarily a result of higher than usual testosterone levels prenatally, that results in a more Systemizing (on the Emphasizing/Systemizing (E/S) scale) brain. In short, high levels of T in utero can result in a hypermasculine brain, that presents as ASD. His studies, utilizing amniocentesis, have corroborated this, and have been replicated in three other countries. Interestingly to me, low T, at certain points prenatally, appear to be implicated in male homosexuality.
His work in Autism, over the last over 40 years, suggests that childhood vaccines are less likely as a cause of ASD. Autism can be detected fairly young, based on a Theory of Mind (ToM). Face blindness and inability to understand what others are thinking, suggestive indicators for Autism, have been identified as young as 18 months. The apparent correlation between high T during in utero brain development and ASD, as well as detection as early as 18 months, suggest that it’s brain development, and not vaccines, that cause Autism, at least in many cases.
"Who doesn't want good things to happen?"
I can think of a few. Domestic and foreign.
Though it's been said (many times many ways)... Imagine a news media that simply called balls and strikes, rather than acting as a constant adversary.
“ Secondly, the rise in diagnoses of autism are real, well-documented, and pretty damned frightening. If it’s not impurities in the vaccines then what the F*** is causing it?.”
“So far I’ve read only one such effort, published in Wired decades ago to the best of my recollection, which hypothesized that that once upon a time in recent memory autistic men had very, very limited access to marriagdd we’d partners due to their, ah, truncated social skills.”
I might look in a different direction. It may not be social skills (though the ToM suggests that it might), but rather lack of skills necessary to adequately provide for a wife and children. What could an Autistic do a couple hundred years ago that provided enough resources for wife and kids? Maybe farm, but not a lot else. If you look at the places today where they are most valuable to society, these professions and advocations simply did not exist back then.
The whole 'autism spectrum rate has increased because we're better at diagnosing it' is just nonsense. 4 in 100 boys and 1 in 100 girls 50, 60, 70 years ago did not exhibit the mental, emotional, and behavioral symptoms of the autism spectrum like today. I don't know if vaccines are the reason. I don't think they are, but I don't know. I don't particularly care what the reason is, past needing to find out and take steps to mitigate it. If it is environmental, then that would be the easiest to fix.
Something else Dr Simon Baron-Cohen helped point out is Assortive Mating. ASD has been diagnosed at a significantly higher rate than normal In communities with a high percentage of IT workers. And that may make sense in view of his theory that Autism (ASD in general) are a result of an extreme Systemizing brain on his E-S matrix. And IT is a profession where significant Systemizing is a fundamental requirement. Combine this with the tendency to marry those you spend the most time with. So, you have two people marry and have kids who are significantly above average in Systemizing, and it shouldn’t be surprising if one of their offspring were even further out on the Systemizing axis.
Of corse, it is quite possible that those studies showing Autism resulting from assortive mating suffer from reporting bias. Who is going to identify a child quicker on the ASD, the Empathizing parent or the Systemizing parent? With a great grandchild on the way, I can tell you the answer, from a discussion a couple days ago between my partner and her daughter - the Systemizer. The Empathizer just wants 5 toes and fingers - not even the 10 that we usually joke about. A Systemizing parent is probably much more likely to notice anomalies in their kids than the Empathizing parent. And who is most likely to suspect ASD from vaccines? I would expect it would be the highly intelligent, well credentialed, Systemizing parents, hence possibly explaining why better educated communities seem to report more kids on the ASD.
In the 1970's when I was teaching in a junior high, a parent--the mother--asked for a meeting with all her son's teachers in order to educate us on the recent diagnosis of her son's autism. She was convinced that her then husband's drug use was the causal factor.
The big change at least at the college level has been the absolute explosion of WOMEN with autism spectrum disorders. I did not have my first female student with such a diagnosis until 2017. This past semester, out of the 60 students I taught it was at least 8.
And this is not a result of parents wanting a disability diagnosis to get more money--really the opposite, in that most of these kids' parents have tried all kinds of different private schools, tutors, counsellors, therapists, etc., etc.
If there's any good news, it is that these students can make massive progress in their four years at college and seem to figure out how to navigate life by the time they graduate.
And this has been different than what the Republicans (and the vast majority of your commenters) did throughout the Obama and Biden administrations, how exactly?
Because we want what's best for America. Not for the Democratic or Republican party.
Because your proposed policies went against that, we rooted for those policies to fail.
That's it, insult instead of commenting, adding unrelated financial illiteracy (the court saved tens of billions for Tesla shareholders, including the largest)
"Because we want what's best for America. Not for the Democratic or Republican party."
Brandon famously said: “Well I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”
So tell me- how has supporting Democrats worked out for blacks since another famous Democrat said: “I'll have those n****** voting Democrat for the next 200 years”?
They do that now; they just don't call them the same way for both teams.
Do I need a new tag? Something like "Trump the Great Uniter"? Wouldn't it be funny... I mean, wouldn't it be nice if the old press template — Trump the Divider — failed? And who doesn't want it to fail?! Who doesn't want good things to happen?
Reminded me of Rush Limbaugh, wanting Obama to fail!
You want the opposition to fail because you think they're going in the wrong direction, and they're going to make thinks worse.
Obama has secret meetings with Iran about nukes. "Boy, I hope that fails!"
Obama wants to reorganize healthcare. "Fail! Please fail!"
And so on. Rush was heavily criticized for giving Obama no honeymoon whatsoever. "I am not married to that guy and I give zero shits what you say about me."
(These are not direct quotes).
People on the left are not as brave as Rush was. Possibly this was because he was so hard of hearing, and could literally tune out his critics. Anyway, I am sure there are many on the left who hope Trump fails in his mission to drain the swamp and shrink the government. But they are vewy, vewy quiet. (Swamp creatures don't want to self-identify).
Thanks for sharing the article!
I've been thinking RFK Jr will either be a disaster or a great success with no in between. If he and the medical establishment can work together, we can get some answers and rebuild trust. This article gives me hope that can really happen.
Some points on autism rates:
1) the definition HAS changed ALOT
2) an educational diagnosis (for IEP) does not require a medical diagnosis*
3) there are persons who self-identify as autistic
I have a cousin who is severely autistic and I've also had multiple people who seem normal to me tell me they're autistic.
*also studies show younger kids in the class are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD. And schools seriously PUSH this. I once filled a prescription with doctor's directions stating that the child CAN CHOOSE to decline the medication.
When my son had problems in school, my principal sister-in-law called it typical neurodiverse behavior and said she'd help us get him an IEP. We opted to homeschool. He doesn't need an IEP or stimulants, he just wants to learn without rigid structure.
I have other things I want to say, but I should probably just end here.
Actually, Freder, vaccines have never been studied to see if they're both effective and safe. There is a balancing act.
From the CDC: For every 1,000 children who get measles, one or two will die from it. Most other places say 3. So- we have a hard number to work with.
So- does the measles vaccine save lives of children? Or cost lives. Let's start with- 2000 children. Now, we're not going to give them all measles. But one half of them- aren't going to get any vaccines. The other half, the measles vaccine- and no others. Follow for one year, which should be enough to generate a signal. How many vaccinated/unvaccinated children die that year from other then accidents? If 3 vaccinated die from ANY disease, or any body type malfunction, and none of the unvaccinated die- cause is likely the vax. If no one dies from ANY disease or body type malfunction- the vaccination is safe. If anyone in the unvaccinated group gets measles, and doesn't die- it tells you nothing. The odds of a vaccinated getting measles is near zero- but if even one case shows up- it's a signal there's a problem.
Now- does the measles vaccination cause autism? For that, you'd need to do a before and after test on all the children using the same testing criteria. And autism diagnosis is affected by the observer...
There is a large correlation between assortative mating and autism. Back in the olden days- not too long ago, engineers and doctors would marry their secretaries or some other female they met socially that usually was quite different.
Now- females with engineering degrees will usually marry males with engineering degrees. And both are likely on the spectrum to begin with. Don't know if it's a little known or well known fact, but a child born of two degreed engineers is much more likely to be diagnosed with autism then a child from a store clerk and a waitress.
High IQ is correlated with being on the spectrum. And a diagnosis called on the spectrum didn't exist when I was young. Thank God for that favor... The military for a short while, a very short while, didn't take in people diagnosed as being on the spectrum. And very very quickly realized that's where all their electronics technicians in all branches were coming from, and nuclear field personnel in the Navy. I rather imagine a male and female electronics tech reproducing would show the same proportion of autistic children as two engineers. But that hasn't yet been studied...
Totally wrong. Because 50 years ago there was no such diagnosis as on the spectrum. You were autistic, or you weren't. When my children were in school- the popular diagnoses was Asperger's Syndrome. No longer used- now it's somewhere on the spectrum.
I've taken a bunch of those online self tests, and answered honestly. Yeah, if Asperger's had existed as a diagnosis when I was a kid- I'd have been diagnosed. I was simply the odd out of place one, forced to figure out why all the idiots behaved like, well, idiots... Luckily for me at age 20 I met my wife to be, and she didn't mind the odd things about me.
Our children all score high on those tests- they all took them without my prompting... But not as high as me. My wife? She doesn't score high on them.
I will also mention here that both my wife and I had several discussions over the years with educators telling them our children DID NOT HAVE ADHD! They really want to diagnose that in children, especially smart and active young boys.
I also find them quite contemptuous of Americans not like them. It’s awfully hard not to see it. I cannot count the times I was forced to sit through some government official and all academicians bar a few who didn’t begin a speech denouncing our colonization of America. If you need more proof than that, your’re not paying attention.
Or you’re from the class that gets to live above this ahistorical projected inter-generational blame. There’s definitely a class divide there, and it’s repugnant not to understand it.
The ONLY time I didn’t hear such crap was at a large, tenured faculty event for my mentor, who had won the National Humanities Scholar medal from Bush II. Instead, the event began with a prayer, which every faculty member in my view sniggered at crudely.
The difference, Fred, is that our hope was that the idiotic policies emanating from the Dems would be shown for what they are, moronic and counterproductive. Your side right now is hoping for Americans to stay angry and divided. See the difference?
Wthin the discussion should be consideration highly temporally correlated changes.The way RFK tells it, parentss were hounding him largely about drastic changes right after the shot(s).
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