December 29, 2024

"We had just walked into the fentanyl lab when the cook poured a white powder into a stockpot full of liquid."

"He began mixing it with an immersion blender and fumes rose from the pot, filling the small kitchen. We wore gas masks and hazmat suits, but the cook had on only a surgical mask. He and his partner had rushed here to fulfill an order for 10 kilograms of fentanyl. While one sniff of the toxic chemicals could kill us, they explained, they had built up a tolerance to the lethal drug. But then, the cook jerked back. 'It really hit me,' he said, looking dazed. 'I need to take a breather.'"

From "'This Is What Makes Us Rich': Inside a Sinaloa Cartel Fentanyl Lab/New York Times reporters witnessed the dangerous fentanyl production process inside a secret lab in Culiacán run by Mexico’s most powerful criminal syndicate" (NYT)(free-access link, so you can see interesting photographs of appalling stovetop cookery).


doctrev said...

Whaaaaaat? I was assured only law-abiding citizens and tacos were exported by Mexico. Either the NYT is in a money dispute with the cartels, or even they see the writing on the wall about illegal aliens.

tcrosse said...

Don't you kids try this at home.

GatorNavy said...

I’m extremely surprised that the NYT committed this act of journalism. It shines light on how truly immoral the Biden administration was about the Mexican border.

Enigma said...

Appalling stovetop cookery? I don't think it's surprising, and it seems way better than a jungle drug factory like this one in Columbia:

Any chemicals heated for a reaction to occur will likely destroy any viruses or bacteria present. The main problem may be the use of metal items, especially the galvanized bucket near the bottom of the story. The zinc of galvanized metal sacrifices itself, so the final product will be full of zinc. Pyrex cookware would inspire more confidence.

Sreetips uses ordinary kitchen glass cookware to refine gold, silver, and other stuff to high purity:

Seeking the Truth said...

Where are all the F-22’s when you need ‘em? Drug cartels = terrorist organizations.

n.n said...

George "Fentanyl" Floyd syndrome... Some, Select Lives Matter

Imported from China, assembled south of the border, transported through immigration reform, defended by the multibillion dollar Diversity cartel in national insurrections.

n.n said...

American Civil Liberties Unburdened and other sympathetic actions with empathetic motives are a progressive condition.

Iman said...

Goddam pestilence…

Wince said...

That video convinces me: using tile as a countertop surface should be illegal.

Lazarus said...

I guess it's good to know which side the Times is on when it comes to illegal immigration, Mexican drug cartels, and fentanyl.

mikee said...

As a chemist this ain't noways a good way to run this production business. No wonder Walter White was so successful.

Big Mike said...

@Seeking, point of information. The F-22 is an air superiority fighter. To bomb the cartels back to the Stone Age you need F-15Es or F-35s. Or B-52s.

Rabel said...

Every time I get a glimpse inside the drug trade, the workers seem to live in squalid conditions that are at odds with the multi-billion take that comes with the business.

Except in the movies.

At least they've got a gas stove. Lucky bastards.

Maybe they need a union.

Nancy Reyes said...

someone needs to bomb the lab. 70 thousand dead of fentanyl overdoses last year means this is essentially a weapon of mass destruction being manufactured.

Rocco said...

We know the cartels had at least one submarine a couple of decades ago. Maybe they have some planes now, too. So we would need to establish air superiority first.

Of course I would worry about SAMs too.

Freeman Hunt said...

That's a powerful bisque.

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

George Floyd built a tolerance for fentanyl, and had the good sense to temper it with a dose of methamphetamine, until he was kneed to death by Derek Chauvin in an evil plot to spend the rest of his life in prison

Char Char Binks, Esq. said...

Bomb what lab? It’s just an ordinary home kitchen. They probably use plenty of ordinary kitchens, and will use others if those kitchens are bombed

Seeking the Truth said...

I stand corrected Big Mike. Thanks. Let’s use all our assets - intel, special ops, law enforcement, treatment and diplomacy - to rid the earth of the scourge. Kill the cartels. El Salvador figured it out.

Narr said...

"Is it dope yet?"

Bunkypotatohead said...

"We gained access thanks to one of our contacts, who knew a drug trafficker who did business with the cooks"

Working for Carlos Slim has some benefits.

Deep State Reformer said...

That's the kind of place that the CIA should be scheduling for a drone strike and not some Middle Eastern goat herder's wedding reception or a Ukrainian farm house because those kind operations are what's killing large numbers of Americans not Syrians, AlQaeda, or Iran.