"Epps, 51, worked for [Chief of Department Jeffrey] Maddrey as he moved up in the NYPD from Chief of Housing to Chief of Patrol.... The married Maddrey allegedly first demanded sex from her in his 13th-floor office at One Police Plaza. Maddrey was allegedly sitting at his desk with his uniform pants open and wearing a white undershirt while rubbing his chest when he first propositioned her, the unmarried mother of three said. 'He said he dreamed about f–king me in my a–,' Epps alleged. '“I said, ‘But Chief, you’re the Chief of Department.’ He rubbed his chest. . . . His work pants were open. He was like but 'I’m still a n—-r and you look good.'... Maddrey began being generous with overtime a couple years earlier, she said, when he was chief of patrol and she told him of financial problems.... 'Part of the overtime was to take care of his girlfriend,' she said. 'He would have me go apartment hunting with her.'..."
With overtime, Epps made $400,000 in a single year. If the story alleged is true, is Epps a victim, who deserves even more compensation for this sexual harrassment? Or is Epps responsible for participating in a scheme to steal from her employer?
७६ टिप्पण्या:
Government efficiency at its best.
Years ago, I worked at a police department where one of the staff was stealing overtime hours. She only got caught because she got greedy and put in a timesheet that added up to more than 168 (7x24) hours for one week!
Women are always victims.
With overtime, Epps made $400,000 in a single year. If the story alleged is true, is Epps a victim, who deserves even more compensation for this sexual harrassment? Or is Epps responsible for participating in a scheme to steal from her employer?
Can both be true? Which would take precedence? If she wins her suit she would have the money to pay back the taxpayers.
I suggested to the NY Post comment section that what we should do is put more black people into very powerful positions in our most criticial criminal justice systems.
They of course wouldn't let me post that.
"We should put more black people in very powerful positions in our most critical criminal justice systems."
That is neither an offensive, or racist statement, but you cannot advance this opinion at the NY Post. They will delete your opinion.
Sexual harassment distorts the workplace. Some accept the offer, some decline, and some receive no offer. All are harmed.
The women who accepted Harvey Weinstein's advances were not available for comment, because they wish to remain anonymous and wealthy.
Vanity Fair ran a story last month about a woman who was allegedly framed for murder by some cops in MA; near Worcester. The victim was a cop and the murderer(s) were allegedly other cops. The town is a small-ish town and one of the investigators is making about $400k and another cop was making about $300k. Now, understand that this is a small-ish town and there can't be too much crime there.
The VF author published the salaries to paint the guys doing the framing as corrupt and overpaid. My response is that MA is maybe the bluest state we have. It is all full of Dem corruption and high wages and wildly generous pensions at the expense of taxpayers. It is a one-party state and the Dems protect their own. Same deal in NYC and NY state.
Imagine how much lower taxes would be in MA and NYC if there wasn't so much Dem corruption.
Sexual harassment is business as usual. Both sides see opportunity. The business isn't harmed because at the top level businesses are dysfunctional anyway. You have to go deep to find where work happens.
This attempt at seduction is not a style I would have ever imagined to be effective, or even dignified, or even likely to produce an enjoyable sexual encounter. People really do something this stupid and clumsy? Maybe so.
True,but then why should she alone (who participated in the scheme (and whi had been ripping off the city illegally for two years prior to the demand for sex) and who profited greatly) be the one who gets paid?
"Sexual harassment is business as usual. Both sides see opportunity."
There are more than 2 sides. There are at least 4 sides.
Harvey Weinstein made good films. A Harvey Weinstein Production is a good title to see on films you buy.
There's mostly a feminist theory.
People like Maddrey and Epps think the rest of us are all a bunch of fucking, loser, assholes and they might just be right about that.
"People really do something this stupid and clumsy? Maybe so."
She's fighting to keep her money. The story about her overtime and retirement pay seems to have preceded this story about Maddrey. If the details are hard to believe, one might want to infer that she's made them up or exaggerated. Now, he seems to have approved her overtime — insane overtime. It's possible that they had some other kind of sexual relationship or that she was extorting the approval from him.
What is important to note about this story is the THOUSANDS of government employees abusing the overtime pay rules we have in the United States.
An entire troop of Massachusetts State Police were doing this. Every single officer. They were submitting time sheets for times they weren't working, or were working other "detail" jobs for private businesses ... thus DOUBLING their salaries.
Every single cop was on the take. They eventually "arrested" most of them. Gave them sweetheart deals to plead guilty. But they were forced to disband the entire State Police troop because they were all stealing.
This is going on EVERYWHERE ... in every state. The entire Treasury of the United States is being looted by these low-life criminals.
First of all, she makes 196K for an admin job. That's rather excessive. But hey, NYC. I guess.
Second, she obviously was in scheme to defraud the city. Why would an admin need to work an extra 1,000 hours a year? She obviously wasn't working during all that time. And giving her boss sex, wouldn't take that long, either.
Anyway, it was probably worth it. Look at the crackerjack job the NYPD are doing. Crime has never been lower. LOL!
As a former state prosecutor who saw literally hundreds of embezzlement cases over the years, usually from businesses, I can tell you that in every single case the thief only got caught because they got greedy and took enough to be noticed.
Shorter RH: What's a little sexual extortion between friends?
On a related note, at one point over 90% of retired Long Island Railroad workers had retired early due to "disability."
After I read this story in some detail, what really screamed out from it was “incompetent DEI hires!”
she's a prostitute, that was paid $400,000 a YEAR (and is now retired at $16k a month, i believe)
Looks like this is "sex, drugs, and rock n roll" Saturday here at Althouse.
"If you give me a hummer, I'll let you in as a participant in my foolproof plan to rob the bank". "If you give me $100, I'll let you in as a participant in my foolproof plan to rob the bank". Whether it's a hummer or $100, it's still robbing the bank.
Don't be distracted by the sometimes transactional nature of sexual encounters. A high ranking NYPD female police officer isn't some fragile flower whose sexual innocence and vulnerability have been preyed upon.
Isn’t NYC just a model of clean government for us all to emulate? This is the city that Robert Cook admires so much, even though he left it, only to be pining for it in this very comment section every chance he gets.
Deal benefits both sides.
"There are at least 4 sides."
1) accept
2) decline
3) wasn't asked
Professor? what's the fourth side? the rest of us?
If she didn't report sexual harassment the very first time, or any other time, then she moves from the 'victim' column over to the 'co-conspirator' column, not so?
And what services did the NYC tax base receive for all this overtime, over 70 hours of work per week on average? Have they produced the documentation of her work product, or is it just 'time paid for time billed'?
There is much truth to what you wrote. And the Dem politicians never audit this because they police union is a sold Dem voting block and source of campaign money and election workers. Total scam.
There's a word for a woman who gets paid for sex. But I can't remember it right off the top of my head. Rhymes with "more", I think.
>he dreamed about f–king me in my a–,'; demanding underling perform sexual favors — including ‘kiss his penis’<
So she did! About ten times (riiight...). And she got paid handsomely for it.
The first time he propositioned her for sex was sexual harassment. At which time she should have walked out the door and reported it. Beyond that, every sex act she performed for him was a business transaction. A business transaction between a horndog sexual harasser and a whore. Boohoo for her.
Lord Plunkett of Tammany wrote the motto of New York City: "I seen my opportunities and I took 'em". It's inscribed just above the entry on many of the more imposing buildings here. I think both parties here acted in accord with this maxim......Congrats are in order to Fani Willisl. It was more like role reversal than breaking the glass ceiling, but she had a similar relationship with her lead attorney. I wonder if she made him do oral.
These are what is called merit employees. They can’t pass the real tests to advance through the ranks.
So they are promoted and promoted and promoted while doing nothing to earn their positions.
And this is the outcome. Everyone is culpable. Meanwhile, real cops on the streets are attacked, accused of making too much money (try subtracting the Merit employees from that rubric), and the targets of everyone.
This is an everywhere, everyone issue. Government, business, science, academia... People with power, money, fame, beauty will trade.
Sometimes it's a win-win. Sometimes it's a lesson learned (or not). Sometimes it's a personal catastrophic dumpster explosion that evokes much finger-pointing, tut-tutting and moral preening.
Those who won't play the game or are too naive to know there's a game going on often foot much of the bill when the party's over.
Everyone here could probably tell a story or two...
Whatever really happened between the two, it is the taxpayers who will be taking it in the ass.
Unclear who was extorting who. She was suggesting to her married boss, who was aware that she knew about his girlfriend, that despite making $200k per year in base salary, she couldn't pay her mortgage (Hint hint) has an extortionary feel to it, and the rest could be made up or consensual. Or are we back to blindly believing all women because trump?
It's tricky because she can't show any financial harm from the harrassment. In fact, it looks like she got financial benefit from it. But we all know that in cases like this, they'll look at possible financial harm and possible punative damages.
So, she was propositioned and accepted. Some would call that prostitution. Note, also she's an unmarried mother of 3. Questions unasked. Reminds me of someone who said that some woman, you can grab them by the p***y. He was criticized for saying that. It is, however, demonstrably true. It's true here, Harvey wienstein, etc,etc,etc. Unfair to real victims it is, it is also true and happens regularly with no complaints until greed or being discarded for another occurs.
In the NYPD your pension is determined as your final 12 months of pay. Somehow, pretty much everybody nearing retirement racks up huge amounts of overtime. Been going on for years and years.
If she wins her suit she would have the money to pay back the taxpayers.
Seems to me like both are true simultaneously. She ought to be prosecuted for felony embezzlement or theft, serve a year or two in prison, and reimburse the taxpayers. And she would appear to have a pretty solid case for a sexual harassment lawsuit for which she will probably be repaid more than she embezzled.
What I'd like to know is why the taxpayers should be paying her, instead of the lecherous police chief. Unless the police department actively promoted or knowingly consented to the harassment, the taxpayers should not have to pay a nickel. Qualified immunity is a ridiculous injustice imposed by judicial fiat and ought to be abolished everywhere. Government employees ought to be required to carry liability insurance for this sort of thing, and if they can't get coverage because of past offenses, they don't belong on the public payroll.
Illinois and New Jersey too. The burden of public employee pensions in those places is becoming ludicrous. If property taxes continue to increase at the rate they have in the past few decades, most Illinois homeowners will end up paying more in property tax than they do on mortgage interest.
Public employee pensions are another good reason for DOGE-style evisceration of the public payrolls. These lazy, overpaid goldbrickers are robbing the rest of us blind. We could cut the most worthless 50% of workers from every government agency in the country and scarcely notice the difference.
Much has been written and said about a former president and "that woman - Ms Lewinsky." I didn't pay much attention to the details so I don't know who took what first step that led to sex in the workplace. Could a case be made that the president paid the the bigger price.
White government workers may be marginally more honest on a percentage basis than non-whites, but I'm not certain of that. In the aggregate they are at least as big a burden on the public purse, and some of the most outrageous scams like the Long Island Railroad disability scandal have been perpetrated primarily by whites. Those whose mugshots and perp-walks I can find online look to be primarily of Irish and Italian extraction.
O corrupt Gotham, where art Batman when thou needest him?
Walz 'N Kamala takes a knee to Massa Brown's Willie women follow? They did, they would for the right to perform human rites and other modes of social progress in our liberal Democrazi.
“First of all, she makes 196K for an admin job.”
$196k in NYC goes about as far as ~$80k in Cincinnati. At least as of circa 2005 proportionality. Good money, but not crazy bank.
UPDATE: Maddrey just resigned.
Tax payers screwed again. I have no sympathy for New Yorker's, they keep voting for this shit and keep getting screwed. But not in the good way.
How does an admin make over $200,000 in overtime and no one notices? Do they ever audit the payroll in NYC? Do they even care?
To paraphrase Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes "corruption" is the price we pay for having a police force in urban America. I'm not excusing it but I'm not surprised nor really that outraged by it either. NYC is a stinking toilet of corruption so this kind of stuff is just going to happen. At least New Yorkers got cops they can call on for help when they're being beat to death stabbed or robbed. The Bernie Goetz's and Daniel Penney's don't take bribes but then you can't depend on them for assistance when you need it either. A stinking unflushed toilet smells and attracts flies but at least New Yorkers have a place to piss. Count your blessings gothamites.
The Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court makes $284k. NE S.Ct. $198k.
POTUS makes $400k.
baghdadbob said…
“UPDATE: Maddrey just resigned.”
I was just reading about baseball before flipping back over here. So I misread what you posted at first.
“There are at least 4 sides.”
True for n-dimensional space. And it goes from a two-body problem to a four-body problem once the wife and girlfriend are factored in.
Hassayamper has it about right. She may have been victimized by Maddrey, but she knew she hadn't worked those overtime hours. I'll just add that she is a prostitute. I'm not sure if that is still legally relevant in New York.
There are a lot of people, mostly male, who consider the "indignity" of frequent rejection to be more than counter-balanced by the occasional acceptance. And really, I am only guessing at the frequencies. Who knows?
"sexual harassment" is an offense against an imaginary perfect order. It used to be understood that men were dogs, and women who weren't whores should stay clear of them, preferably by marrying one and avoiding being alone with any of the rest. Feminists didn't like that. They insisted on being allowed to do whatever the men did, and then they insisted that the men stop hitting on them while they did it. Except that when it's the right man, they want him to hit on them, and get upset if he doesn't.
So, at bottom, feminism is the demand that women be allowed, always, to have it both ways. Have your cake, eat it too, someone else pays, and you don't gain any weight. It's only fair.
If Maddrey had paid a prostitute with city funds, no one would have trouble answering Althouse's question......right?
"Deal benefits both sides."
Assumes facts not in evidence. The libertarian view, which I used to subscribe to, is that contracts voluntarily entered must necessarily benefit both sides. But as Althouse points out, there are other sides.
Except that if every man who ever propositioned a woman got fired for it, the only men with jobs would be homosexuals. It's "harassment" if she's not interested. How do you find out whether she's interested? Hell, how does she find out whether she's interested? Thank God I'm too old for all that!
Well. He was the one who set out to be President. But she was the one who pulled down her pants in back to show him her thong. Fire doesn't burn water.
She should have reported this when it happened. This isn't 1970.
So the people who worked under them tipped off the media to the scam. Her lawsuit is going nowhere.
Reminds me of the old joke with the punchline "we've already established what you are, madam; now we're just haggling over the price!"
Why didn't she report the harassment when it first happened? THAT would be question one.
Public service..
Somewhat different work environment than the banks at which I toiled. If the guy has a tube of KY on the shelf, she wasn't the only one
I’m not sure what is meant by 4 sides (2 people x front & back = options). Here, there is the abuse by the Chief, abuse of and financial gain of the Admin, the harm to the business which also includes taxpayers, the other employees that lost opportunities (either to join in, profit, or advance with normal means and potential abused themselves if they might have exposed the pair), and then the Chief’s wife.
As to the first question, $196,000 is a lot of dough for an Admin, then overtime? She seemed to clearly know he was married and she could have reported the situation. Yes, she was abused by her superior, but she is hardly an innocent victim. She profited from the affair, and also it is only her claim that he pressured her. She could have offered and he liked the offer enough to put her in a favorable position as incentive to keep going. At some point, she became a high priced hooker.
I know a Chicago middle-aged suburban public HS guidance counselor making $200,000+, good money for writing college letters of recommendation for a couple dozen seniors. Also know a middle-aged suburban middle-school gym teacher who was earning $200,000+ teaching 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys how to dribble. Neither was a rocket scientist, but both were earning enough to live in our expensive suburb. Ditto the suburban mid-rank cops and firemen making $250,000+, who don't see much action, by the way.
Ask Kamala.
Seems a little odd that she had been working for the horndog Chief for years, and that only when she was age 50 did he suddenly decide that he needed access to her body.
I’m still a n—-r and da' money look good.
The Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court makes $284k
His title is Chief Justice of the United States.
I worked for a partner in a white shoe firm that billed more hours than existed as well. Us associates were mostly amused by the idea that he was billing for time he was taking a shit. Taking a dump yet working on a brief in his head.
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