She experienced the downside of the lack of a man — however "strange" — in the driver's seat:
Stephanie recalled riding home with her sister in one of Waymo’s driverless Jaguar SUVs around 10:30 p.m. on a Saturday night when a car holding several young men began following them. They drove close to the robotaxi honking and yelling, “Hey, ladies — you guys are hot.”I assume, with AI, the car can be made responsive to passengers who call out for some kind of help. It should be able to communicate with the police. And the police will be sending out robotic help too (if it's needed). In the end, and it won't be long, the young men yelling "Hey, ladies" and whatnot will cease to exist. It's not that you need the "strange man" back in the taxicab. You just need to quell the strange men out there on the street. It won't be that difficult. This is just a stage, a very brief stage.
If she or another human had been driving, it would have been easy to reroute the car to avoid leading the pursuers to her home. But she was scared and didn’t know how to change the robot’s path. She called 911, but a dispatcher said they couldn’t send a police car to a moving vehicle, Stephanie recalled.
११२ टिप्पण्या:
Sexism or genderism?
And if not for a piece in WaPo, the police, and maybe Alphabet, wouldn't know about the problem.
There's some famous trope like the virgin and the machine that I can't recall exactly.
"You just need to quell the strange men out there on the street. It won't be that difficult."
Really? The police in San Francisco couldn't be bothered to find and track a robo-taxi today.
Quelle surprise…
This brings to mind those who were calling for defunding the police, who subsequently discovered they needed the police. There are "strange men" who can be threatening, but there are also real men like Daniel Penny who you want to have around when you are being threatened.
Ann’s dismissal of this problem as quickly solved by the vigilant police force supports my taking the under on these things…
Unless these Jaguars have the fire hose and flamethrower disinfecting equipment those unmanned public toilets have these Jaguars are the new public toilets…
The police in SF won't respond to a threat from a moving vehicle?
…and I must have missed when young men yelling hey ladies! become a crime..
"This is just a stage, a very brief stage."
uh huh.
That's probably because it's not really a problem.
…many have tried to dismiss the public vs private property distinction taught week one in Ec10, always with disastrous consequences. Though the cars are technically private property the principle still applies. It reminds me of those car share programs venture was hot on a few years ago. There was registration and credit cards and all the safeguards. None of it was enough to prevent users from using the vehicles to transport livestock…
The group of pedophiles and other various Soviet pro-crime mob B-f*KKKers controlling Biden - just commuted all death row sentences.
This problem has been raised before with respect to the utopian dream of public, shared cars. People are not going to treat them with respect. They're likely to be quite dirty.
She called 911 which I find humorous. Yes Lady, the police aren't going to send out a Police car to track down your moving taxi because you "feel unsafe". LOL!
These women were targeted because of their female sex or feminine gender (e.g. sexual orientation) is a hate crime.
These were dudes on a lark calling to the women. They made their presence known. What if someone with malicious intent had quietly followed this robo taxi? It won't take long for bad guys to realize these unattended women are sitting ducks.
I'd feel more worried about the "Robot Taxi" getting in an accident. Or hitting someone and then having to wait around for the police to show up, etc.
Under Democratic law, there cannot be discrimination motivated by sexual orientation (e.g. incest, pedophilia), thus, among other things, their religious imperative to hold human rites for social, clinical, criminal, political, and climate progress to relieve class-based "burdens", which is a hate crime, selectively prosecuted.
"Hey, good lookin'! We'll be back later to pick you up!"
Mr. Microphone
... honking and yelling, “Hey, ladies..."
Who was chasing them, Jerry Lewis?
That's where the 2nd Amendment comes in.
So if there was no masculinity there to protect them, can we still call it 'toxic'?
"Ann’s dismissal of this problem as quickly solved by the vigilant police force...."
You misread my post. I believe Alphabet and the other private businesses working on driverless cars will solve the problem.
When will robot-car undertake a high-speed getaway for you?
C'mon folks! You're missing the point! Modern women aren't going to be happy until all men have been eradicated from the Earth! That way they can feel safe. At least until the grizzly bears and mountain lions show up.
Yeah, well… exit… stage left!
Modern women are not afraid of grizzly bears and mountain lions. They think they are Disney princesses and can simply charm the beasts and put them to work sweeping up or pulling the carriage they made from a pumpkin.
“In the end, and it won't be long, the young men yelling "Hey, ladies" and whatnot will cease to exist.”
Oh, my sweet, summer child …
This post illustrates how catcalling may seem like a lark to the men doing it but is not perceived that way by the women receiving it
Concealed carry is one solution.
The problem with relying upon improved AI is that the solution is too amorphous to be captured easily in computer commands. You can tell a human driver "take me someplace lighted, where there are other people around," but that is hard to do with an AI. It might take you to an open-air drug market.
Toxic masculinity, women in short dresses, the umbrella issue is Diversity (e.g. sexism) which is a hate crime. The classification of hate crimes is a hate crime that denies individual dignity and violates personal privacy.
Fortunately, most men and women do not exercise liberal license to indulge Diversity, let alone to take affirmative action.
I think AI-proponents underestimate the human attribute of "common sense". Not that all humans live up to their potential.
Remember that the original Ernie and Bert were a cab driver and a cop. Get rid of Ernie and Bert at your peril.
"You just need to quell the strange men out there on the street. It won't be that difficult. This is just a stage, a very brief stage."
One way to quell strange men is with a gun.
Seriously, you want to allow people to be shot just for catcalling?
Hopefully never. A robot-car should never exceed the posted speed limit.
"You just need to quell the strange men out there on the street. It won't be that difficult. This is just a stage, a very brief stage."
Humans are adaptable. The animal humans on the street will adapt. They will find ways to use that robot driver. Some may hack into the system and just tell that robot to drive to their lair... others just follow it to your house... others just jam the door open and kill while the robot waits for orders...
Your wisest choice is to learn to defend yourself and handle weapons. Then keep alert while being driven home.
Robots are a tool.. nothing more. Good and bad will use that tool.
Freder, do you drive a Subaru with Wisconsin plates?
With what enforcement powers?
Since when is stalking equivalent to catcalling, Fredo?
"There are "strange men" who can be threatening, but there are also real men like Daniel Penny who you want to have around when you are being threatened."
And of the two, which group is allowed to roam free and which gets put on trial in NYC?
One step in the right direction would be to put the execrable choice of using Shaguar SUVs to drive teh women around in the rearview mirror.
it disappoints me, that there wasn't a muppet Violet.
other prudish muppets could accuse Violet of "liking ALL the muppet boys"..
And muppet Violet could respond.. "well? what's Wrong with THAT?"
"It’s so much safer, especially for a woman."
Why "especially"? I'm told a woman can do anything a man can do.
Or is this a "Schrodinger's" thing, where a woman is either strong and confident or weak and defenseless but you can't tell which until she chooses the option that benefits her more?
i've Never riden a robo taxi, but can't you change your destination once started?
if not, that's a HUGE flaw. What if you tell it the wrong address?
if SO, the fraidy cat pussies could have Just told the robo taxi to take them to the nearest police station, and then when stopped, called the police (IF the people were Still there).
for that matter, they could have just had it pull over. The police's (stated) problem was that it was a MOVING car.
The car has all of the data needed for either an arrest or a visit from the coppers. The make model, video of the event, facial recognition potential and the video actions of the perpetrators. Tell the car to save and send the data to a newly setup location for these complaints. If nothing else the perpetrators will then be getting a notice from their insurance carriers that they are no longer a good risk to ensure, they will get a notice to their employers/school/mom's that they are being assholes.
I agree, they will make sure this is addressed.
But not if we can get the ERA passed! Women are equal. It may still be harassment but it can't be sex based harassment
“Men and women shall have equal rights throughout the United States and every place subject to its jurisdiction."
John Henry
Does the robo taxi have some sort of intercom where you can speak to a dispatcher? I kind of assumed it did but from this article, perhaps not.
What do I do if I am in a robotaxi and have a problem of any kind?
John Henry
And how many women is it ok to sexually terrorize during this brief stage?
Easy for you to say. I guess you’ve never been raped.
n.n. Only if they aren’t biologically female. I had the DA of Los Angeles’ hate crimes unit tell me this. Carla Arranaga. She was also a special representative for the U.S. to the UN’s Hate Crime task force. She only used sex and gender hate crime laws for transgender and transvestite victims, she proudly told me.
You said it will be solved some time in the future.
Yeah, I was wondering about that one. But I suspect that it's really just a logical consequence of the rule that the police in SF won't respond.
Once Big Brother runs ALL the cars, the young frisky fellows won't be able to follow you.
Well, except, as rehajm pointed out above, there wasn't any crime. Nor any hate, for that matter.
They're everywhere in SF: the triumph of technique over purpose. Currently the robo-car ads show a MAN & woman in the back seat putting the finishing touches on themselves for a night out. It's silly. The company will likely shift to doing 'we're a necessity' ads like featuring a lone pregnant woman beginning labor and having one pull up for her - two 'blessed events' in one.
Yeah, I was wondering about this line; "In the end, and it won't be long, the young men yelling "Hey, ladies" and whatnot will cease to exist." Did someone tell Althouse about the camps? That's supposed to be our little MAGA secret.
If there is no driver, there's really no reason not to allow for opaque windows. Or does that open up a whole new field of kidnapping crimes?
I hope this never happens to your wife. Because you won’t find another.
"If there is no driver, there's really no reason not to allow for opaque windows."
Spam in a can, as Gus Grissom would say.
Yeah, I guess I forgot it was excuse the rapists (of women) day.
Too late to buy a card now.
What the fuck do you know, Kate?
Hate has garnered a fluid meaning with social progress. It's a tragic irony that women are being pushed to the back, under the bus with the authority of equity and inclusion laws notably in sanctuary jurisdictions.
I guess you’ve never been dragged around your house by you hair, strangled, released and caught, sodomized, and then watched the bastard who crawled in through your window walk free to do it a couple dozen or hundred more times.
Never say never, Mason.
Fraidy cat pussies, Gilbar. Picture one of them your grannie, one your mommy, and the rest any daughters you have.
Actually, Darkisland, hate crime laws also apply to men attacked by women. It’s included under gender and sex. You see, there’s this thing called The Law, if you can enforce it.
So, technically, you did dismiss this case.
No, I haven't. What's that got to do with my comment, though?
The missing context is not all women perceive, or experience an equal threat or discrimination from all men. This was the crux of the problem for feminists and now for women, and children, too. This the factual error in hate crime classification and prosecutorion under the Diversity umbrella.
Robots will be directed and AI will express a bias with equitable inclusion and so it will progress in the liberal fashion we are groomed to celebrate.
I’ve ridden in a Waymo. You can contact customer service with the push of a button, So that’s what I would do if I were frightened. The cars have cameras everywhere, and contacting customer service would open up verbal communications
They just seem inherently dangerous to me. Of necessity the software to avoid pedestrian collisions is hyper-vigilant. Nothing to stop one bad guy from standing in front of a moving Waymo, then his associate standing behind to prevent reversing. You're at their mercy.
A human driver, at least, might make some semi-aggressive move to use his vehicle to get out of the situation. No chance Waymo would.
No, Freder, dumbass. We're allowing women out alone at night to be armed for their own protection. The women in question would not have ben startled had they been packin'.
"You don't start any they ain't gonna be any. feel me?"
Waymore contingencies on the road than Waymo could ever be expected to handle as good as a “strange man.”
There was a touching story of a duck hit by a car with another duck trying to nudge it back to life. A duck expert said no, he's trying to mate with her. Ducks mate with anything.
So not a swan thing.
If you can hack it, wait for a potential vulnerable passenger, have them delivered to your waiting spot in a garage somewhere… that’s an extreme situation maybe.🤔
A buddy of mine works for Waymo. He says there is a button in the car that can be used to contact a real person. She could have tried that in this situation, though I'm not sure what they would have done.
Autonomous driving removing autonomy.
I don't have the link anymore, but apparently Waymo's honk at each other when they come into close proximity. Also, apparently, the cars return back to their home parking lot in the wee hours of the morning. Much honking ensues. The residents of the nearby apartment buildings were not amused.
I don't have any statistics on rapes in robo-cabs, but by way of comparison, there were 280 attempted sexual assaults in 1.3 billion Uber rides in 2020 (15% were against drivers, not passengers), i.e., the probability of having been raped by a Uber driver was around 0.0000002. I suppose it would be even less if you are the only person in the vehicle. If that's too risky for you then you should either carry a gun or stay home, but excessive worrying about rape (or thinking that every man is a rapist) is just plain paranoia. So, as I said regarding a few yahoos catcalling a robo-cab not being in the news: "it's probably because it's not a problem." You're more likely to be burned alive by a illegal immigrant from Guatemala on a NY subway. Why don't you worry about that.
They could equip the cars with little nozzles to emit a cloud of pepper spray on command. People wouldn't go anywhere near them.
I worry about being burned alive by an illegal immigrant in Gainesville, GA, where I live in the zip code with the highest percentage of illegal immigrants in the U.S., where my illegal immigrant neighbor raped his 11-year old stepdaughter after having impregnated another one, where I almost got caught up in a gunfight in town once and the gangs are moving in. Rep. Rich McCormick should spend less time playing footsie and more time addressing these issues.
I worry when my brother is in NYC though he doesn’t use subways. I worry for people riding the subways.
I worry because the dolt leftitarians led by the Kochs through AFP have taken over a good bit of the real Right and want to empty the prisons and open the borders too.
But I don’t waste much time worrying. I act. And I certainly know the vast, vast, vast majority of men are not rapists. I do not work with the campus feminists. I passed DNA database laws instead of harassing innocent Lacrosse players. I defended the young men being persecuted. They’d transfer into my class to avoid having to study lesbian poetry for their composition classes.
And those DNA databases produced some interesting results: a very tiny percentage of men commit vast numbers of stranger rapes (and all crimes). I tell people that all the time when I’m lobbying, especially because many of these men are still on the streets as the campus feminists I abhor call all men rapists.
Don’t assume.
Pepper spray sucks. Bear spray. Or powdered snuff. Blow that in someone’s face and they’ll be quite incapacitated. Plus, you can take it anywhere.
I didn't assume anything. You appear to agree with me, i.e., there's a lot more to worry about than robo-cabs, which was my only point. Maybe you should move down GA 400 to Cumming where my daughters and grandchildren live - the traffic is worse here, but the crime is less. Also, you might find the wherewithal to lighten up and become a more pleasant person.
It’s gotta be safer than a woman driver
Added to the danger is the prospect of the Jaguar breaking down.
Oh, someone has to add this old meme:
1980: Don't get into a car with strangers
2000: Don't talk to strangers on the internet
2020: Use the internet to summon strangers to your house so you can get in their car with them.
2024: s/strangers/robots/g
Freder, do you drive a Subaru with Wisconsin plates?
I'd guess it's a Smart car, California plates with a 'Honk if You're Vegan' bumpersticker.
my mom would have told the car to drive to the police station, instead of crying..
my grannie would have shot them
Very odd anecdote. If a Waymo passenger feels a high risk of imminent assault, you can simply direct the vehicle to the nearest police or fire station. Also, the villainous males in the story seem outlandishly cartoonish. I've seen literally hundreds of Waymo vehicles in my neighborhood, and I've yet to be able to identify a passenger. The windows are too dark. This sounds like taxi service propaganda.
Plus a prelude to an inevitable violent rape.
There was a 70s movie with Farrah Fawcett and a robot stuck in a ship bound for the center of the galaxy with a demented captain.
Tina, I just want to interject here, and this may come as a surprise to you, there EXIST women who are not only NOT offended by being hailed by interested men, but actually ENJOY it. I have seen no evidence that it is a proven precursor to inevitable violent rape. And I am sure that I am not alone in perceiving that this may be a personal issue for you. I hope that you or your loved one have gotten the best counseling available.
“Hey, ladies — you guys are hot.”
"I'm not complaining! I'm telling everyone!"
"You just need to quell the strange men out the sure on the street. It won't be that difficult. This is just a stage, a very brief stage."
These words do conjure dark images. Up-armored robotaxis with mini-guns available at a woman's first inkling of a threat. Men fitted with tiny penis cams and feminist overseers determining whether an imminent erection is to be authorized or denied. You know. Stuff like that.
"there EXIST women who are not only NOT offended by being hailed by interested men, but actually ENJOY it."
It should be pointed out there exist women who enjoy being hailed by interested men, but only when they are also interested. And when they're not, they consider that attention to be creepy and bordering on harassment.
I think that Tina has pretty well emphasized the downside for women. And yeah, it could be creepy. But somehow, some way, the interested must find the interested in all subcultures.
Oh, yes! And at 10:30 p.m. in San Franciso, where the latest summer sunset is at 8:35.
"She called 911, but a dispatcher said they couldn’t send a police car to a moving vehicle, Stephanie recalled...." What they should have done is told the dispatcher their destination, and asked for the police to meet them at the destination - if the car continued to follow and harass them, that is. I suspect that didn't happen.
Sounds like a business opportunity for some big, burly cab drivers.
No, I’m heading for Lumpkin or White County where the cops and politicians, with one exception, listen. I actually live in Cumming/Forsyth County in Gainesville — District 26, for which I ran. I know every street. I might know your daughters. You must know how our counties and cities are scrambled. And I don’t give a fuck what you think of me, though I hope your daughters stay safe. If they don’t, or ever feel fear, I will do anything to help them, with my very good contacts, and feel no reason not to contact me. This is what I do. Thanks to the Forsyth Sheriff, they probably will be safe.
I used to be a very funny person. I’ve seen too many violated bodies and too much injustice. So sorry.
Don’t buy it in the little chaws.
Good on grannie. Mine too.
Hang onto that wife.
Oso Negro. 20 years as a social worker and rape counselor in Atlanta. Stick your dick in your own ass.
Perhaps. See, I’m not a knee-jerk misandrist.
Or you can pack and if a car of strange, aggressive men follow you into the driveway, you can blow them into next week. 4 assholes followed my sister home from a shift at Shoney's at 3 AM back in the 70s. She sat in the driveway and blew the horn while they laughed. When my Dad opened the door and put a round into their hood, they stopped laughing and left.
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