I'm reading "Biden commutes most federal death sentences before Trump takes office/Thirty-seven inmates will serve life without parole. Three others, involved in cases of 'terrorism and hate-motivated mass murder,' still face execution" (WaPo)(free-access link).
Who were the 3?
What made those 3 stand out in that collection of 40 murderers? Oddly enough, the link on Dzhokhar Tsarnaev goes to at 2020 article titled, "Death sentence overturned for Boston Marathon bomber." Bowers and Roof are alike in that their victims were chosen based on the group they belonged to and the killings took place in a house of worship. But what makes Tsarnaev like them?Those he did not spare are: Dylann Roof, the white supremacist convicted of killing nine Black parishioners at a South Carolina church in 2015; Robert Bowers, who carried out the country’s deadliest antisemitic attack when he killed 11 people at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh in 2018; and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Boston Marathon bomber.
What puts the 3 in one set is their fame. Anything else? Who were the 37 who received commutations? It's easier to spare nobodies.
Biden is, it seems, trying to rack up achievements. (Did you hear the one about the Equal Rights Amendment?) Should he be doing that after we've learned so much about how not there he is these days? His party has been voted out, he's already gone, and we don't know who is acting in his name. That's the real outrage here.
१४३ टिप्पण्या:
Joe Biden, and the hacks who are using his Presidential powers, are completely lawless.
Maybe the Fake News can ask KJP who really decided this. Who was the decider?
Biden continues the stain of his “presidency with his inbred, shitbird Delawarian actions.
Get lost!
I'd expect a competency challenge to the pardons that will lose but brings up a question about the existence of a who, in who has pardon power.
We haven't known who was acting in his name since January 2021.
We know, or at least suspect, who he has been acting for
You're being too kind!
Between Biden and Obama the dems have nearly paralyzed this country.
That's the real outrage here.
And yet, not a peep out of the so-called defenders of democracy in the media.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a key personage in Anthony Jeselnik's Thoughts and Prayers comedy. "How can I make someone laugh today? There are some lines that should not be crossed. Nailed it!"
It’s an insult to all the victims of the other killers. But then again, we live in a country where some people’s lives count more than others. Why be surprised?
I bet the victims of these three unpardoned men would despise being elevated above the other murder victims.
The media are too busy telling us Republicans can't be trusted to govern and an unelected billionaire is the real president. You can't hate the media enough, as they say.
IANAL but this is unlikely, and also likely to fail. Our entire executive branch exists on the theory that its Constitutional power devolves from the President. Calling into question the execution of any Presidential power on the grounds that the President didn't personally authorize it either by ignorance or inability would be pulling the thread that unravels it. Worse yet, it might lead to a de jure recognition that the fourth branch exists separately from the Presidency.
Some victims are more important than others. That's the ugly truth of "hate crime" laws.
"Some victims are more important than others. That's the ugly truth of "hate crime" laws."
The distinctive problem is that the choice of victims based on belonging to a racial/ethnic/religious group creates a special fear of targeting for others in that group, so it's a form of terrorism that increases inequality in our country. It's not that these victims are "more important." It's that the rest of the members of the victims' group are now living terrorized in a new way. The conditions of life are different for some than for others. It's very clear in the cases of Dylann Root and Robert Bowers.
"...we don't know who is acting in his name. "
Some liberal who lives in Boston, apparently.
If your loved one got murdered by someone who didn't become famous for it, too bad for you. Justice is no longer blind, and is apparently a publicity-seeker.
Yep. Just ask any serial killer.
The serious damage Biden has done to our country is really incalculable.
The outrage is the last 4 years, not just last 12 days
Biden still has time to pardon Luigi Mangione for federal crimes. The Unabomber also might have a commutation of sentence coming soon from Biden. Biden (or more accurately his puppet masters) are on a roll.
He freed killers of children and serial killers in an era when children already live fearfully. Biden is a monster who did this to prevent the ones on death row from being punished as sentenced.
One of those given a reprieve by Biden forced an 8 year old to watch as he dismembered her grandmother. Then he raped and dismembered the 8 year old.
These are outrageous but the commutations and pardons we would be most outraged about will be released under the cover of inauguration, buried deep, never to be discussed by mainstream propaganda, not even Fox…
It was difficult, using Google, to find the details of the crimes committed by those for whom Biden did commute the death sentences. While the big papers were behind paywalls for me, all but one of the secondary papers didn't describe the crime of a single one of the beneficiaries of the commutations- some Tallahasee paper described one crime which was the murder of an entire family, including children, in a drug war assassination/robbery.
Yeah, but it wasn't a hate crime, was it?
While I think the death penalty isn't appropriate, these commutations are just another example of the shit-stain Biden and his staff are leaving on the way out the door.
Very good, let's keep that outrage dialed to 11 because tis the season, LOL
Just when I think I can’t be more revolted by Biden …
This is not Biden - this is the Democratic Party. They forced Biden to withdraw from the race, they can run his Presidency now. In fact they are doing exactly that.
Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry) is a hate crime. All's fair in lust and abortion.
That is a fair point--in fact Biden's statement says, "These commutations are consistent with the moratorium my administration has imposed on federal executions, in cases other than terrorism and hate-motivated mass murder." But other victims were also in identifiable groups. Some were police officers and prison guards. Some were bank employees. Some were children.
Where are the calls for Kamala to invoke the 25th amendment? Everyone now recognizes that Biden is not competent to act as President but significant harm is being done in his name and no one is accountable. It must not be forgotten by not performing her constitutional duty, Kamala is complicit with all these acts and should answer for them if she ever runs for office again.
"Biden is, it seems, trying to rack up achievements."
Nope, not Joe. He's a potted plant. He just wants his pudding. Maybe Jill.
The bigger outrage is that they sit on death row for decades. The man who tried to kill prez-elect FDR in '33 was dead within a month or two.
That’s not how the enforcement of the laws evolved, and it is intellectually and morally indefensible. Women make up the largest group of people victimized because of their physical characteristics and arguably the group who must alter their behavior most frequently out of fear of being randomly attacked.
The hate crimes industry in the 1990s was literally terrified that “counting” female victims of serial killers and rapists, let alone female victims of lesser crimes categorized as hate (for other groups) would “overwhelm” the statistics they were trying to create of both victims and perpetrators. That was Abe Foxman’s claim. He also said counting women would be a “distraction.” Bill Clinton explained that they wouldn’t count female victims of random hate crime “because there were too many of them.” The Simon Wiesenthal Center said that when they trained prosecutors and police, they always got asked about counting women, but they didn’t put their responses in their manuals or record them.
Do you really believe the presence of a serial rapist on the loose doesn’t terrify the community of women? That’s astonishing, but you’ve got a lot of liars in the hate crimes industry running cover for such beliefs.
My favorite comment was from a GBI agent trying to figure out if the killer of a transvestite prostitute killed because he discovered the prostitute had a penis (thus hate crime) or if he “just wanted to kill a woman” (thus, not a hate crime).
I was in those hearing rooms when the HCSA and two different state’s laws were debated. I spent years researching the rest. Statisticians whispered to me that they were quietly being told to exclude women. I was on the board (quickly thrown off) in Georgia where other board members machinated about ways to make it look like they were counting women but weren’t really going to do it. Sure, sex and gender would count as categories but never be enforced for heterosexual female victims.
They lied. That was their solution.
Here is a list of those whose death sentence he commuted.
Twitter is where I eventually searched to find the actual crimes described.
Did we really need yet another example of the Democrats' special treatment of criminals, as opposed to normal, law-abiding people? It's a twisted kind of misguided compassion and virtue signaling. They've become the party of, for, and by criminals.
Also, as a law professor, how do you decide that some crimes are not targeted at groups (women victims of serial rapists, whites on subways)? Pretty blurry distinction. But more importantly, there was a secret (and sometimes not so secret) conspiracy to exclude heterosexual women from within government agencies, federal law enforcement, and paid trainers from the very beginning. When I wrote about this in the AJC, convincing its liberal editor, I was put on a hate watch list along with klansmen and other organized hate groups like National of Islam.
Sorry but I don't understand all that usage of "he", especially when discussing government actions or inactions. It is finally commonly accepted knowledge that the "big guy" is no longer in charge of anything. Those that were or were not pardoned were selected by "they" and not "he".
What everyone really wants to know is specifically who is "they" that have been running things for the last 4 years.
The Democratic Party exists solely to fabricate hoaxes and psy-ops in support of its corruption.
All murderers act with an imperative to relieve a "burden", to indulge a sexual orientation, to define reality for social progress, or with Diversitist intent.
You know who suffers the most, based on population percentages? Black women and girls attacked by black assailants. Second? Hispanic women and girls attacked by Hispanic men. Third? (Usually) young male victims of male rapists and killers.
The conditions of life are different for some than for others.
Who determines this and how? What are the criteria for determining when a specific group "are now living terrorized way"? Isn't treating people as individuals rather than groups a fundamental principal of our Constitution?
Impersonating a president is fraud. We should hear from Biden directly on these issues.
"Adams's blessing was carved into the State Dining Room ...
Blessings On This House And All that shall hereafter Inhabit it. May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under This Roof.”
I guess Joe Biden never visited the WH State Dining Room.
So, kill white people we spare you. Kill Jews or Blacks and you can die. Oh, and muslims? No life for you. Sounds just like a Democrat. I always found it interesting that the Anti-death penalty types disappeared when the killer was Terry Nicholas - the Oklahoma bomber. If only he'd bombed a Christmas Parade, he'd be alive!
BTW, when communte 37 out of 40, that's not "Most" - that's "almost all".
BTW, BTW, as usual Biden and the D's use the Governmental power to the utmost to enforce their agenda and beliefs. No shouts of "abuse of power" or "authoritarian" from the MSM or the RINOs. Now, wait for Trump to start pardons in January. You will hear the cries of "fascism" and "How dare Trump..." plus lots of hurrumphing about "The rule of law" from Federal judges when Trump pardons the J6 protesters.
Hate crimes are selectively prosecuted with the premise of Critical Theory under the Diversity umbrella in progressive sects. #HateLovesAbortion
By choosing certain victim groups as worthy of greater retribution for the wrongs perpetrated against them you additionally make them more, not less attractive targets for future attacks.
"Biden is, it seems, trying to rack up achievements."
I suspect it is more likely that the activists who actually are exercising the executive power are trying to get away with as much as they can while still able to work under a cloak of anonymity.
Tsarnaev was obviously targeting runners. He’d been trying to qualify for Boston for years.
Republicans should read the criminal history of the commuted murderers into the Congressional record.
Yeah… I know… then along comes Howard.
Excellent suggestion!
Watch Biden try to shed the "liberal" Democrats' "soft on crime" stance with his crime bill.
User Clip: Joe Biden boasts about the crime bill
"Let me define the liberal wing of the Democratic Party. The liberal wing of the Democratic Party is now for 60 new death penalties. That is what is in this bill. The liberal wing of the Democratic Party has 70 enhanced penalties.... The liberal wing of the Democratic Party is for 100,000 cops. The liberal wing of the Democratic Party is for 125,000 new state prison cells..."
From the WSJ:
"President Biden, citing moral and policy objections to capital punishment, said he was commuting the death sentences of 37 inmates Monday, a move that prevents President-elect Donald Trump from executing most men on federal death row"
Apparently Biden's "moral and policy objections" to capital punishment. is not absolute.
You can't hate our deceitful press enough. I'm not the first to say it, but it's true.
Recent WSJ headline: "How the White House Functioned With a Diminished Biden in Charge"
In that Biden remains POTUS, does use of the past tense imply that he is no longer "diminished"?
Interesting. I knew about Dzhokhar Tsarnaev‘s death sentence being vacated, but I do not recall seeing anything about the Supreme Court reinstating it. He deliberately planted his homemade pressure cooker bomb adjacent to a group of children, and as far as I am concerned person who would set out to kill children does not deserve to live.
Is it Jan 21th yet? Please GOD, please let Jan21st get here with the USA still alive
A question asked when you interview to be hired at a prosecutor's office is "Do you have any moral or ethical objections to prosecuting a death penalty case?" I replied "No, I'm in favor of electric bleachers".
There are arguments against the use of the death penalty that are very worthy of discussion and consideration. The one I never had any use for is that it's unconstituional. William Brennan and his crew just made that up, because it was their only way to stop it. He disagreed with its use as a public policy, and had to find a way to label it unconstituional.
A very dangerous man, that William Brennan.
I wouldn't be shocked if these commutations weren't issued to create outrage in order to divert attention from pardons he was earlier bribed to give as well as the ones he is about to give to protect his criminal family and their accomplices. Does anyone anymore really believe Joe Biden isn't capable of doing much of anything to make a buck? If you can sell out your country to foreigners, then any other form of corruption is on the table.
Respectfully, I don't think it has anything to do with the identities of the victims.
Thank you sincerely for returning my comment to visibility. So I have deleted my redundancy except for an observation that too few make: minority and ethnic minority women and children suffer the most at the hands of random minority men from their own race or ethnicity, just as male homosexuals and heterosexuals, especially young ones, do suffer the most from random gay male predators. I do this work for all women, all minorities, all children. Far too many offenders are released repeatedly. Others escape because we increasingly pour far, far more respources into even extremely minor so-called hate crimes. And even criminals should of course not have to fear being raped in prison either. Young male offenders comprise one of the cohorts with the highest rates of random sex assault.
In the name of real decency, we should scrap the whole hate crimes industry and laws and dedicate ourselves to finding other vigorous ways to condemn people like Dylan Roof -- outside the courtroom. The hate crimes industry is built on a throne of lies, to quote Will Ferrell. They have proven entirelty untrustworthy. Grossly inequal enforcement divides us racially, sexually, ethnically, and by sexual orientation -- because of their institutionalized lies. And these lies have destroyed our faith in equal justice.
This a a quandary of free speech. We need to find new ways to rally around oppressed communities, but before the law we must all be valued equally. I'm a lifelong pro-Zionist. We do have laws about defacing religious institutions, but they are weak because we also have free speech, and so singling out religious institutions is problematic. This is a task for us, not the courts.
Give me the name and I can tell you.
I have access to Lexis-Nexus.
So Biden opposes the death penalty as a matter of principle — except when it would be tooo politically inconvenient. Good to see his moral compass remains intact. Any chance he can put all the lawyers whose paychecks depend on challenging death sentences out of business — or will they all join the “Alliance to End Life Imprisonment Without Parole”?
"We don't know who is acting in his name."
Yes, we do. It's Barack Obama and everybody knows it. This is his third - and illegal - term as President. Arrest that man.
They put most of it in jail in order to install a fake President.
Never again. I'll never go to a Washington DC protest without being armed ever again in my lifetime.
So where was this handwringing when Trump pardoned a bunch of people (including his daughter's father-in-law) when he was heading out the door.
Send me the name Yancey and I can find all the details of the double murder case. Thanks.
Today's Democrats believe the death penalty should be reserved for CEOs of health insurance companies and political opponents.
He lives on Martha's Vineyard, not Boston. You know, if somebody needs that information. It's a very small island.
Biden isn't doing this. Barack Obama is.
I was far from happy with the way Trump handled Kim-Kardashian-flavor criminal justice, Freder.
I am working on compiling the complete criminal records of all those commuted or pardoned. But it's a ton of work. Contact me if you want to help. I can do a zoom after the holidays to teach people how to research criminal cases, but it has gotten a lot harder. Chicago has the best citizen journalists doing this. Look up CWB -- Crime in Wriglesville and Boystown.
News of the future:
First Death Sentence Carried Out By Robot Executioner.
"It's so much safer, especially for a woman. You're not being strapped to a table by some strange man," said one death row inmate who requested anonymity.
Democrats overwhelmingly support Capitol punishment. They also are infamous, enthusiastic supporters of other hate crimes, including: albinophobia, Diversitism, the performance of human rites for social, clinical, criminal, political, and climate progress.
What puts the 3 in one set is their fame. Anything else?
Their motivations were political? Their actions could be associated to the policies and views of the political right by the media? Which is probably the reason why they are famous.
Fredo- Trump's father-in-law served his legal sentence and paid his fines long ago. You keep trying to make this equivalent to what Biden has and is doing and you are failing miserably.
"Biden just commuted" Biden did that? Ask him who(m), how many, and why. Do pardons count if Prez is senile?
Somebody please report on Biden Family's long practice of "dine and run" in many Delaware restaurants. Mundane thefts of meals and service-tips, as routine practice, ditto for stiffing contractors working on the Biden homes, the Bidens apparently have finessed art of polite thievery.
These new pardons are meant to distract from Biden Family pardons yet to come. Corruption and self-entitled privilege, writ large and small
And he didn't deserve a pardon (and certainly should not be our ambassador to France). In this instance, You are complaining and, seemingly confusing (although I doubt you are that stupid, but it is fun to make shit up to make Biden look awful), commutations with pardon. These 37 are commutations to life without parole. Nobody is being released from prison.
Democrats overwhelmingly support Capitol punishment.
This, of course is bullshit (which is actually an improvement over the usual n.n nonsensical rants). Just over half the country supports the death penalty, I would imagine that less than half of Democrats support the death penalty.
These new pardons are meant to distract from Biden Family pardons yet to come.
You do realize that Biden can not pardon anyone for offenses at the state level.
Could Trump and the Republican Congress assert that Biden himself didn't make the pardons and commutations and is unaware of them and therefore call him to testify on each individual pardon/commutation and question him about them to see if he actually knew what he was doing?
Maybe keep him on the stand for hours until he collapses into gibbering or passes out . . .
The DOGE Bros should make a quick analysis of the cost effectiveness of life without parole compared to the death sentence, do what’s required to reinstate the executions and save the American taxpayer some hard-earned cash.
The problem with the 25th Amendment is that the people who would have to invoke it are all too busy exercising the power of the presidency in the dotard's name. It's like the fox reporting to the farmer that the chicken coop door was left open.
“It's a very small island.”
Fraternity brother grew up there, and I remember him telling us that the whole Ted Kennedy mess was BS. Everyone on the island knew that bridge had been out for years, and that he, a strong swimmer, couldn’t have swim, what Kennedy, with a bad back, claimed that he had swum that night.
but it is fun to make shit up to make Biden look awful
No need to "make shit up" to accomplish that goal.
From Fox 29 Philadelphia:
PHILADELPHIA - A Philadelphia criminal convicted of masterminding a dozen murders, including a devastating house fire that killed four children two decades ago, was just granted life in prison by President Joe Biden.
Kaboni Savage was sentenced to death for ordering the firebombing of a federal informant's home in 2004, killing his mother, young son and four other relatives.
The drug kingpin was also found guilty in six other murders, including a man scheduled to testify against him and rival drug dealers.
I can appreciate the argument that they are worse than the others, but "Biden"'s argument is the death penalty is always wrong. Apparently not. Some people just need killin', I suppose. I can respect that argument if argued in good faith, which this obviously is not.
The real explanation is these 3 are the only ones that most people know, so less flack is likely. The media would have to cover Roof, but they don't need to cover child rapist and murderer Inmate #4935. Plus pardoning Roof would not be popular with a certain demographic that the Democrats require to win elections.
(Yes, I understand Biden is not making these decisions and probably has not made any decisions while President.)
Gee, Static Ping, I guess you’ve never been forcibly sodomized or murdered. Pretty cavalier for you to assign different values to different lives, but hey, if it was good enough for George Wallace, have at.
Right. Jews. Blacks. Bostonians.
Tina, thank you for your outrage. Althouse, are you actually going to admit that the death penalty is imposed to prevent future murders, but then argue that some types of future murders don't need preventing? CEOs, maybe? Wouldn't want to be unnecessarily deterring any CEO murders, now would we.
You are hoping we have forgotten the pardon of his son, Fredo? I am not confusing a pardon with a commutation, either intentionally or accidentally- these commutations are explicit changes in sentences, unlike the Trump pardon of his father-in-law.
Over 50 years as Senator, VP, and President and not once did he put forward legislation to ban the Federal death penalty. “I will accept the outcome of this case and will continue to respect the judicial process..." When it was rhetorically and politically convenient. Not so much in practice when beyond the judgement of the ballot box.
Freder is the one lumping together pardons and commutations by bringing up Trump's pardon of Kushner, and trying to compare that with commutations for murderers of children and police officers.
As for this, "These 37 are commutations to life without parole. Nobody is being released from prison": You do know that some of those murders were committed either after escaping from prison, or against other prisoners and prison employees. "Life without parole" does not prevent them from future crime. Capital punishment is very effective at that.
On what grounds, Christopher? Do you know anything about the other offenders or their victims? If not, what could you possibly know about the decision-making process?
That list is incorrect. Lezmond Mitchell was executed in 2022. Another listed inmate had also died.
I don’t understand your comment, Bruce.
Tina, just to be clear I do not approve of these commutations. I am very much pro death penalty, albeit with the belief that you best be absolutely sure about it. I think child rapist/murderers are as bad as the 3 "Biden" spared and we should execute the lot of them.
To me, it is clear that the 3 were not spared only because it would be politically inconvenient. If we had a functioning mainstream media, probably all of them would be politically inconvenient, but alas our mainstream media is utterly corrupt and useless.
That reminds me of the old joke headline "World to end, Jews and Blacks hardest hit". Sorry, I don't think that killing someone in some protected class (who chooses who gets protected?) by someone in a "non-protected class" creates "terror" in the other millions in that group. What this means in practice is that everyone can kill white people without "hate", while every white on minority crime is a "special case".
Its BS, to justify have two sets of punishments. One for the groups we like, and the other for the ones we dont. If someone kills Elon musk, that's just regular murder, but if someone kills George soros, that's "hate". Musk killer gets life, Soros' killer gets the chair. Why would anyone who's not in a protected class accept this?
SCOTUS overturned the vacating of his death sentence.
What shocks me most about the Biden people statement is that he said ‘terrorist or mass killers.’ But there are other mass killers he’s commuted. On WSB Atlanta, which you can hear online, Erick Erickson is listing the crimes.
Did Hassan get his death sentence commuted?
Yeah, thats it. Biden did it.
Thank you for replying. We just don’t agree that those other crimes are worse: I vehemently believe all victims should be equal in the eyes of the law.
Interestingly, I’ve known and treated and court watched with and otherwise supported hundreds of crime victims, including not a few who were mentally disabled or mentally ill.
To a person, those who could communicate held no vengeance in their hearts. Some were pro-death penalty, others anti. But they all recognized the humanity in their offenders, even while thinking the offenders should never go free (I only dealt with serious violent crime).
I wish more people could hear their voices, but they have been silenced by society.
Oh look. Here is a photo of Joe Biden introducing Hunter and one of his clients to Xi! Say it ain't so, Joe! Say you didn't lie about being involved in Hunter's business affairs, for which you gave him a blanket pardon!
Contact me if you want to help.
Considering I am against the death penalty in all instances (and heck, I don't even think there should be life without possibility of parole), I certainly don't want to help you satisfy your bloodlust.
I thought I couldn’t hate this man or his party any more intensely. I was wrong.
Serious question: Could a state in which one of these crimes took place conduct a trial against the accused (which would probably be a formality, since the person has already been convicted at the federal level), solely for the sake of pursuing the death penalty at the state level?
The real scandal here is why didn't the Biden Cabinet invoke the 25th Amendment about two years ago? Maybe someone in the Fake News can ask Secretary Pete the next time he's whoring for attention on TV.
So they’re losing track of them? What can’t government do?
Great. Now prove it. Forward your address to 100 multiple murderers soon to be released. I can send you a list. You can rehabilitate them in your own damn house.
I’m not sure. A few years ago it would clearly be double jeopardy, but the Feds have since screwed that pooch with state/federal prosecutions in select cases.
Some of you think Biden pardoned the death row inmates and freed them. The article stated that he commuted their sentences to life in prison without parole. Bad enough, I agree, but not as bad as you're thinking.
You know what’s weird? Carter, Clinton, and Obama made a point of freeing (not just commuting to life sentences) people BECAUSE they were terrorist murderers. Marilyn Buck. Judith Clark. Susan Rosenberg. Oscar Lopez. Linda Evans. And so on.
Now Biden’s handlers say they are doing the opposite.
“ Thank you sincerely for returning my comment to visibility.”
For some reason, the spam filter picks on you in particular. You might try to change your commenting behavior. It might simply be frequency of posting. So you should know that it’s the filter and I can’t control it. I can only suggest ways that you might use to try to resist it.
Noone could successfully sue, no one has standing. Even a relative of a victim would not.
Meh. I'm more pissed about the previous 8000(?) pardons he issued. Chinese spies and pedos?! WTH?!
Personally, I'm in favor of executing everyone who commits Premediated murder, or "Murder 1" as Joe Friday put it. But if we're only going to kill 1 out convicted killers out of 100, I say lets do it on equal basis. Otherwise, you send the message that Whites lives are less valuable than others.
Ha. Even better Robot executioner will fix your last meal, drive you to the execution chamber, and give you the last rites (in the religion of your choice). Robot executioner means to please!
Very good, let's keep that outrage dialed to 11 because tis the season, LOL
Too bad we can't put you in a room with the families of the victims. Bet you wouldn't run your mouth then, would you?
i am not an enthusiast for the death penalty . From a moral standpoint, someone who intentionally (not due to mental illness, etc.) kills another human being (not in self-defense or defense of another etc.) deserves a death sentence. If Society instead decides that he/she should be incarcerated until he/she dies of natural causes, so be it. That imposes a substantial mantainance cost on the govt., but also, so be it.
George W. Bush Pardoned 200
Barack Obama Pardoned 1927
Donald Trump Pardoned 237
Dementia Biden Pardoned 8064.
It's even on Wikipedia. Look it up!
I would agree to end the death penalty, if only to end the constant lawfare that results. However, some people deserve the death penalty. The killers of the family in Connecticut that burned them alive after raping them come to mind.
What evidence do we have the Biden actually signed those pardons? The Constitution says that the President can pardon people, not "the President's staff." How do we know that various staff people aren't auto-pen signing all kinds of things without Biden even being informed?
If Trump were to assert "these commutations weren't actually signed by Biden, so I have instructed the workers in the bureau of prisons to ignore them," what would the remedy be?
This isn't the same thing as the 25th Amendment not being invoked: Trump would be asserting that rogue staffers inserted inappropriate pardons/commutations/executive orders." It seems to me that you'd need Biden himself to assert, publicly, that he had indeed signed each one, and this would be a good opportunity to let everyone see that he is no compos mentis.
Robot Executioner will ask the condemned if they'd be willing to complete a brief review about their experience.
How likely are you to recommend Robot Executioner to your friends and family?
How satisfied were you with the execution?
Was the procedure effective? Are you dead?
George W. Bush Pardoned 200
Barack Obama Pardoned 1927
Donald Trump Pardoned 237
Dementia Biden Pardoned 8064.
It's even on Wikipedia. Look it up!
"Dementia Biden Pardoned 8064."
So far. It's not even January yet.
So, here's what I want to see: 1st day in office, Trump files to reverse all the commutations on the grounds that Biden wasn't mentally competent, and therefore he didn't issue them
The President's powers belong to the President, not his aides. No competent President, no powers.
Then use that to roll back a lot of other "Biden Admin" actions.
Make the Dems pay for their fraud on America
I'm generally not in favor of the death penalty, having worked for a particular appellate court system decades ago. Lazy judges not really interested in doing anything but affirming the trial court are a real thing. That said, federal death sentences are extremely rare and receive an extraordinary amount of scrutiny. Trial judges, appellate judges, habeas judges, various private organizations, etc. The executive contemplating a commutation should ask "Is there a chance this person is innocent?".
Perhaps that's why he had so few cabinet meetings!
If Biden were really in charge he would have pardoned those three as well.
You may find out that everything that isn't signed in front of the cameras is signed by autopen. Obama used the autopen to sign bills in Washington when he was in Hawaii. George W. Bush got an advisory ruling from his DOJ that documents signed with the autopen were valid (though he didn't use the ruling himself - that we know of). Open up everything to public scrutiny and we may be surprised how often presidents sign things that they never signed or were even aware that they had to sign.
The real question is how many pardons will be granted for crimes not yet specified? I think the numbers will be 0, 0, 0, and many (as my dog would put it) for Bush, Obama (who is damned unhappy he didn't think of it in time), Trump and Biden.
Tina Trent said...
they were terrorist murderers. .... Oscar Lopez. Linda Evans.
"Dynasty" was a bad show and may have killed a few people, but I wouldn't call it terrifying.
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