Start doing that border control job effectively — coordinate with incoming President Donald J. Trump and incoming VP JD Vance.
Or just do the obvious things: 1. Rest and enjoy whatever it is you enjoy (you, the "joy" person), and 2. Oversee the pursuit of money through a ghost-written book and scripted personal appearances.
I just saw the headline at the NYT: "What’s Next for Kamala Harris? Here Are Six Options. Her friends, aides and political allies say it’s too soon for her to even contemplate her next career move. But the speculation has already begun."
6 options, eh? I only thought of 2. It's hard to care long enough to think of 4 more options. Wear comfortable clothes? Get drunk? Divorce Doug? I don't know. Run for Governor of California in 2026 (Newsom is term-limited)?
Let me, at long last, read the actual article:
1. "Bide her time and run again in 2028." — That had crossed my mind, but I rejected it.
2. "Run for a lower office." — That was my 6th option.
3. "Join the private sector." — Too much trouble.
4. "Do advocacy work or join a think tank." — Too much trouble.
5. "Write a book." — That was my second thought. Obviously, this will get done. How much of her time will go into it, no one will ever know. Even if the answer is in the book.
6. "Practice self-care — and go for a hike." — My first thought.
The NYT fails to think of the option I put in the post title, an option that I, tellingly, didn't include in the options I counted: Be the best Vice President you can be. Nail the transition!
The NYT did end its discussion of the go-for-a-hike option with an oblique reference to Harris's continuing status as Vice President:
Ms. Harris still has 10 weeks left to reside in the Naval Observatory, the grounds of which are not known for good hiking....
ADDED: Meade suggested a book title: "What Happened?" That made me think of an idea for her second book. Seek out her father and attempt to build a relationship with him and spin it all out in a thoughtfully ghost-written memoir. Potential title: "Dreams From My Father."
१२१ टिप्पण्या:
Legall,y and this is a good thing, the Vice President has no Constitutional role to play in anything.
She does not control the border. Mayorkis does. She is without portfolio and that's the way we like it because everything she touches turns to absolute shit.
Make us miss you, Kamala. Go away.
Be given a cushy job in Ivy academia and feel good about yourself with help from your friends.
Long walks on short piers…there’s a book title!
In this I largely agree with Dixcus. She has two jobs. She needs to properly manage the certification of the Electoral Votes (i.e. shut down the widely expected Democrat antics) and ceremonially pass the Senate gavel to Vance.
And really, what is she going to transition to either Vance or Trump? She obviously hasn't been doing more than photo ops on anything else Biden asked her to work on.
She’ll opt for a high paying gig that does’t require her to work very hard if at all. about a perch as professor at a prestigious university like Biden’s no-show gig at Penn?
She should return to her roots and start an OnlyFans page. I hear that's what hookers do today instead of streetwalking.
She's going to have to get out of prison first. She and Nancy Pelosi engaged in coup against a sitting President and while Joe Biden doesn't seem to have the cajones to sack up and put them in jail, Donald Trump sure better have them.
I honestly don't think Kamala knows how to do anything other than play off men to advance her standing. She's embodies a very old female stereotype: a follower who is instinctively able to exploit her assets.
Per Lana Del Rey:
Eventually she will write a memoir, and in Andrew Agassi fashion reveal that she never really wanted to be President--that she hated the whole national campaign process--that a series of unlikely circumstances thrust it upon her and there was no off-ramp.
As to the future ? A cushy academia gig like Hillary had at Columbia, plus a few lucrative corporate board seats.
Host a daytime TV talk show.
I read ....go for a hike as Take a hike which is what I think the entire Obama, Biden, Harris, Clinton, progressive clan should do. And don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
Bye bye.
The most successful business model for a former VP appears to be from Al Gore.
Harris should crusade against a new boogeyman: the existential threat of general artificial intelligence -- the Skynet or Tyrell Corporation type threat -- promises to enable plenty of grift.
Or, she should sell pillows to progressives through cable news.
Or a cooking show, since that’s a passion of hers, we’re told.
I already have the book title: Shattered 2, Electric Boogaloo.
No gas stoves of course so she can show us how great she is at cooking on electric.
7) Reflect on what an a**hole prick Tim Walz is/was/will be.
She could sell mattresses. Lot of experience on those.
"Be the best Vice President you can be"
Why start now?
Look at her expression in this picture with Hillary, it's almost as if one of them just said "He was pretty good, wasn't he." She doesn't seem that unhappy to have lost.
Put her head down and get to work...
Thank God Tim Walz is gone from our lives. What a disastrous pick. I am not sure if this, but I think I read on Twitter that Walz flipped his hometown red.
Start working to succeed Gavin Newsom as gvernor of California as he's working for the 2028 D nomination for president.
I was thinking Trump could name her Ambassador to Canada.
5. "Write a book." — That was my second thought. Obviously, this will get done. How much of her time will go into it, no one will ever know. Even if the answer is in the book."
Ouch. That is brutal and so true.
The book I'm waiting for will be written by people who worked for her in the past.
1) Replace Sonny Hostin on "The View". Honestly, I'm not sure if anyone would notice.
2) Do the late night 'comedy' show circuit, then the morning show circuit, then a number of teen-directed podcasts. Then release a ghost-written book and to that book selling circuit which means all of those same appearances all over again. That'll kill a few months.
3) End up at a university teaching a course on American Politics. Not that she'd know anything about that, but it'll fill a classroom with eager young minds full of mush wanting to know all about it.
Yup, Blue Earth county, which is where Walz lived when he was in Congress, went for Trump after being one of the few counties outside the MSP metro and Iron Range to vote for Biden in 2020.
“Join a think tank“! Boy those NYT geniuses really have no clue what’s required to do THAT.
If she wrote a book about how the Dems stole the 2020 election and how senile Joe was in office, that would be a major best seller. She’d be finished with politics, but she’s finished already so she might as well get rich.
No one mentioned McDonald’s. That’s where she belongs. Honest work.
Regarding the title/suggestion yes, treat this as that mythical “Day One” that she was always talking about. Maybe “do the things that need to be done that haven’t been done yett” as she put it recently. There’s a reason musicians finish with their best stuff and the old vaudeville motto was “Leave em wanting more.”
Nobody wants to hear her talk and she’s the worst conversationalist ever.
Why start now?? It would ruin her reputation as the laziest VP ever. Running as an angry black woman backfired for the Indian woman.
Climb coconut trees and see if she can fall out of one.
Drink heavily.
Take it to her head to make money…
Why not use that "glock" she supposedly owns, and try to a**a**inate Trump? It's what her people want. She'd be a hero. Or rather HERo.
Reminds me of that Norm long running joke, that became a meme... of course.
While I'm down memory lane... Al Gore (the inventer of the internet) became a college professor... and divorced Tipper. Could Kamala be a college professor?
Kamala will zoom the class whenever joy is missing or she's just uncomfortable with the material.
run again in 2028.
how many unpopular Vice Presidents ran for President after their (very!) unpopular one term President was SO UNPOPULAR, that the people BEGGED Donald Trump to come back?
Of those Vice Presidents.. How many were successful in later political runs?
Kammy is spoiled goods..Hilary(!) will have a better chance in 2028, and Hilary(!) will Probably be DEAD by then.
Failure is Not a path for later success. Of ALL the people that EVER ran (had the nomination) for President and lost.. how MANY, EVER successfully ran again later?
Let me help with your count
1) Nixon
2) Trump
Reagan ran in 1976, but did NOT get the nomination.. Not quite what i'm asking
Think about how quickly Hillary faded into irrelevance after her lost to Trump. This is despite her embarrassing efforts to stay in the public eye and keep the grift going.
Kamala doesn't have anywhere near the resume, or the cache, to do even that well. By mid-terms, people will be saying "Kamala who?"
Thru the first two years of the Biden administration, I kept wondering why the White House wasn't forcing Harris to work with a speech coach. Maybe she's too proud to be coachable, but it showed time and again on the campaign trail.
Her future in politics is finished unless she fixes that.
Her brother-in-law is a former DOJ division head and has pull in DC. She will get installed at some law firm as a lobbyist, if only as a figurehead.
At first, I had the idea of her doing a podcast with her father, but I didn't believe in her ability to speak (or our tolerance for her voice). Yet it is possible that there is another side of Kamala Harris and if she were released from the need to please us all, she might be a lot of fun. That's what they say about Hillary, you know. Maybe Kamala and Hillary could team up for a podcast.
Is there anyone who really likes Kamala? Even on the left?
All that's left is an Ivy League appointment for a one-year celebrity tour (even Chicago's former Mayor Lightfoot got a one-year gig at Harvard this year.)
But we've probably seen last of Harris in public arena, not likely to become a media star, not likely to continue in politics even at state level. Emperor has no Clothes, or I should say, this bobble-headed DEI showpiece is proven to be bare-naked incompetent, vapid, and unfit for public consumption. She makes Whoopie Goldberg seems intellectual.
Unfortunately Harris has already proven to be a screechy-voiced vapid empty-headed aging beauty queen, unfit even for a job as cast-member of The View. Her voice, the cackles. Her ineptness, the word salads. Her dependency on teleprompters, the "deer in headlights" response to spontaneous questions. Her poor choices in men, her inability to operate as a functioning adult.
Her political career is over.
Billionaire Democrats will provide funds for her in various ways. She will live as a very minor celebrity for the next 10 years and become quickly forgotten.
Harris should do what she should have done a long time ago--she should invoke the 25th amendment. She will be the first woman president, if only for a few weeks.
Speaking of job openings, I think we should start fantasizing about what Cabinet and agency positions Trump could fill for the complete meltdown of the Deep State. Here are a few starting suggestions:
Reorganization, Outsourcing, & Dissolution (new) - Elon Musk
Homeland Security - Tulsi Gabbard
Energy - Sarah Palin
FDA - RFK, Jr.
FBI - Gen. Mike Flynn
CIA - Steve Bannon
(Add your favorites...)
They only liked her because they were told they liked her.
With Liz Cheney as a third voice (you know, for political balance). Joe Rogan is trembling in fear at the possibilities. Welcome to the Wine Box.
She will get an Adjunct Professor job somewhere liberal, and will have her name attached to a book that many people will buy in hard cover, but few will buy for Kindle-type reads. She'll also, perhaps, start out on the Lecture junket, collecting ridiculous amounts of money from the gullible to hear her thoughts.
I actually saw one delusional X poster suggest Sotomayor could resign, and Biden could then appoint her to the court. Setting aside her lack of any actual legal experience trying or hearing cases, the odds of Biden doing anything for her are less than zero
3) Grover Cleveland.
Companies that are run by outspoken leftists, or cater to them, will clamor to have her on their boards of directors. There will be an undemanding adjunct perch in academia, a ghost-written book that will earn her 25 million dollars but mostly end up in bargain bins and landfills, and female-oriented media appearances. She’ll be a regular guest on The View and MSNBC. The rest of us who don’t watch those shows will seldom see her and soon forget her.
Re: Althouse:
Yet it is possible that there is another side of Kamala Harris and if she were released from the need to please us all, she might be a lot of fun.
I think that might be the case. What we've seen of her up until now is all the yuppie HR lady or preschool teacher Kamala, which was pretty awful. Occasionally, when she was tired, you could see something a bit more appealing slip through the mask. I don't know about "a lot of fun," but if she were willing to say "to hell with it all" and just tell her actual story, not one massaged and mediated by smarmy professional consultants, I think it would be kind of fun. But before she's a politician, she's also an upper middle class Californian professional of a certain age, so I doubt that inauthentic grinning facade will ever drop.
Run for president again in 2028?
Seriously, if you can’t beat Hitler how could you expect to beat one of his minions?
Agreed - she looks positively happy/relieved when she came out to give her concession speech. I think the idea of actually winning terrified her.
I bet in some smoke-filled back room in California or DC, there are serious discussions about having Sotomayor step down and installing Harris in the Supreme Court.
Fun with the Pantsuited Pantload Hillary? Fuck me runnin’… is that even possible?
I'm going to make you a bet. No institution of any status is going to want her.
I thought she could become the President of Howard University. However, when she failed to come out and speak to the troops and all the students that waited for her, the started calling her The Howard Coward. So I guess that's out.
Dancing With the Stars.
She should really consider doing the Joe Rogan interview.
I love the idea of a Hillary/Kamala Podcast. Suggest title - "The Brick Ceiling"
What about a spot on "The View" or MSNBC? Moving on to another elected office will be tough. Both Senate spots are filled in Calf and she cant carpetbag like Hillary. She could try - of course.
Calf Governor seems the only slot open, and then a run in 2028.
She'll probably want to make some $$$ on her own, and then divorce Doug. Maybe someone at Goldman Sachs or in Hollywood will give her a million dollar no-show job while she makes speeches.
May I suggest: 7. Scream at the sky.
I hear McDonalds is seeking experienced assistant managers.
7. Become President. Although I voted for Trump, Bidens senility worries me through January 20. Biden should resign today.
Her rolodex of people who will answer her calls is worth megabux to Goldman, or Bank of America, etc.
As per usual, Bob Dylan nails it.
Idiot wind
Blowing every time you move your mouth
Blowing down the backroads heading south
Idiot wind
Blowing every time you move your teeth
You’re an idiot, babe
It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe - Bob Dylan; Idiot Wind.
Some mean spirited responses here, and they're definitely the funniest.....Her book is a historical inevitability. Maybe she can take the book in an unexpected direction though. Maybe something like "Tuesdays with Morrie". She can write about all the great lunches which she had with Joe while Veep and the wisdom he imparted to her during those luncheons while she wiped the apple sauce from his face. Perhaps throw in some whimsical humor about her interactions with his dogs.
"She is still the Vice President. She could concentrate on being the best darned Vice President ever."
Hell, I'd settle for her being the most barely adequate Vice President ever.
Kamala and her dad aren't that close. There are plenty of podcasts and speaking opportunities in the girl power network for her to do. She'll land on her feet, and if she doesn't, Doug can go back to work. Showbiz people and political people love to meet each other and socialize. Kam and Doug can bring them together and opportunities may fall in their laps.
I was also going to say become president of Howard University. If not HU, then some other college (although I doubt any Ivies would take her).
Apart from that, her two options are to try to make a ton of money (the Hillary model) or try to endear herself to the American people (the Michelle Obama model). The latter would require her to open up and acknowledge her limitations in a way that she's been unable to do up to this point in her career, because up to now, being a phony stooge was still working for her. In any event, only she knows if there really is a potentially impressive, endearing person underneath all of the layers of foolishness she has put on public display for decades, waiting to get out.
Making money seems like a surer and safer approach. I could see her being on corporate boards and/or heading a PAC and just accruing wealth.
lamech said...
“Or, [Harris] should sell pillows to progressives through cable news.”
OurPillow (tm).
Whatever she does, she needs to do it in the public eye for Estee Palti’s sake.
The book title is obvious: "Unburdened"
Trump could give the border control job to Vance, like Harris had it. Vance would show her how its done.
Oh, wait. That's right. The vice president has no authority to do anything even if a president hangs a "czar" title on him/her.
This is why Althouse is on my daily reading list...
"She is still the Vice President. She could concentrate on being the best darned Vice President ever."
She should go on Joe Rogan. And talk freely and honestly.
Your snide response is childish. Nothing stops the VP from managing the effort. In the case of Biden/Harris, they had no interest in border control because the open border is a purposeful effort to import voters. Nothing on this front will happen until Biden and Harris are out of office.
She needs a professorship that doesn’t require teaching any actual classes but pays a lot. Like Biden had at Penn.
I didn't think of Gov of CA. She'd be perfect. The state's big cities are destroyed. She could really make things worse... which is what the voters of CA seem to like.
She's a terrible candidate. Very shallow and nervous. Her only skill is memorizing pre-packaged lines. good luck!
I'm still relatively convinced that most of her problems with campaign speech is due to her long incubation in the liberal politics of California. She never developed a vocabulary to express her thoughts in moderate sounding words the way Bill Clinton did in Arkansas or Obama did in Illinois so she struggled to translate the thoughts in her head to how she was going to express them.
I see tons of comments on Kamala being a boozer. Is it an open secret that she's a drunk and that's why she acts that way?
I dunno. I'd certainly vote for "take a hike". Now. But she's too lazy to write a book--ghost writers abound and they could do that for her. But who would want to buy it? Most liberal homes already have a Hillary Clinton book or two--useful as doorstops. Who needs another? I doubt she has much of a future in politics other than--maybe--California. And I say maybe. Willie Brown won't be around to help her.
Ann Coulter has thoughts: (have not heard from her in a while)
"Inasmuch as the sole motivating factor of the modern Democratic Party is identity politics, Democrats were forced to drop their plans for a stronger candidate, like Govs. Josh Shapiro or Andy Beshear. No Democrat would dare suggest that Kamala was not absolutely the most qualified person for the job. Just look at her -- a woman AND a minority!
Harris' race and gender was how Biden got stuck with her in the first place -- an amazing choice for VP, considering that she'd accused him of racism during the primary, and also that she hadn't won a single vote.
This is how Democrats ended up running a dingbat who'd cheered on the BLM riots, enthusiastically released violent criminals from prison, insisted on taxpayer-funded sex change operations for prisoners and illegal aliens, compared ICE agents to the Ku Klux Klan, completely believed Jussie Smollett’s hoax hate crime, supported defunding the police and said she wanted to decriminalize illegal immigration."
Kamala'll join The View with Boy Jehar.
"Not a Thing Comes to Mind: The Kamala Harris Story"
Just continue being The Joyful Warrior you are, baby girl.
Maybe she can buy a new home to retire in in a completely different place than she is used to, and then spend her next years mowing her lawn in Independence, Missouri.
She's going to be looking over her shoulder the rest of her life for Lone Squirrel attackers....
She’ll get a high six no-show academic post, like they all do. And we will continue paying for her lifestyle. Why isn’t that both completely obvious and even more offensive than skipping a mere ten weeks of paid work?
Then again, a mere ten weeks of raking in hard-working taxpayers’ money for doing nothing is peanuts in the academic world.
JAQ: "Her rolodex of people who will answer her calls is worth megabux to Goldman, or Bank of America, etc."
I think that rolodex is pretty sparse at this point. Maybe, maybe some black leaders such as Sharpton will listen to her voicemail and text back something nice the next day. Maybe.
"I don't know. Run for Governor of California in 2026 (Newsom is term-limited)?"
I don't think so. A lot of powerful lefties would want that job and Kamala is too lazy and stupid to take it. Plus she has the stink of failure on her. The Dems won't forgive her failure.
I wonder: Who do people consider to have been the Best Vice President? If Harris is to be the Best (as if) -- what's the competition?
MSNBC talking head.
Start a podcast with Dan Quayle & Mike Pence
I always thought that Kamala would be fun at parties.
They picked her solely because she was black and female, so it's only natural that they believe that we voted against her for the same reasons.
Trump should make peace, mend those bridges and bring her on the inside.
We're gonna be needing an Ambassador to Mars.
Why do people think no one will buy her book? There are over 9,000 public libraries in the USA. The head of the ALA ran as a Marxist, and won election. Plus school and college libraries. If each buys 3-5 copies of Kamala's book, that's ~100,000 hardcover copies, before any private sector purchases. Have you been to a public library lately? Every one has at least two copies of Michelle Obama's children's book.
“Maybe Kamala and Hillary could team up for a podcast.”
Yeah, Joe Rogan’s worst nightmare.
But seriously, she has to run again in 2028. She promised us she wouldn’t give up the fight, and we’d all vote for her in the primary, right?
Run for Governor of California in 2026 (Newsom is term-limited)?
The Dick Nixon option!
Was VP
Lost White House bid
Ran for California governor
Ran for prez again. Won
"I was also going to say become president of Howard University. If not HU, then some other college (although I doubt any Ivies would take her)."
Trust me, every Ivy League college in the country would LOVE to have Kamala as their President. Although, she'd be more likely to choose Stanford or something on the West Coast.
Do people still imagine that the Ivy League is a meritocracy and focused on learning?
How many people buy her book is irrelevant. The biggest book publishers are owned by serveral media conglomerants. They make Billions. They don't care if Hillary or Biden or Al Gore or Obama or Kamala's book loses money. The book contract is a reward for services rendered and a bribe in case the Politician regains a position of power.
Its the same reason why Corporations and others will give Kamala, $100,000 a speech.
"3. "Join the private sector." — Too much trouble. "
At first I was thinking that might be a standard option for someone in her position, but then I remembered that Doug has more than enough money that she really doesn't have to work again.
I think that she'll just fade away and live off the money that she and Doug have. (Kind of like Michelle Obama) After all, what happened to all the other Vice Presidents who didn't move on to the Presidency? Mike Pence, Dick Cheney, Al Gore, Dan Quail, Walter Mondale, ect, ect. Only Al Gore stayed really visible in the public eye with his climate activism.
Pillows would be 🔥 HOT! 🔥 sellers, given all the BITING goin’ down.
She should refuse to certify, watch the room go nuts, then say, see what a crazy notion that is.
Jimmy Kimmel alone would order beaucoup pillows!!!
Teh Larry King Show may be more appropriate.
You damn us with faint praise!
Her future in politics is finished. (strike the remainder)
Many Democrats now see her as a loser. If she want to run for governor of California, she'll go to LA, "write" a book and find some foundation to put her on the board. If not, she probably could handle president of Howard U.
Oakland needs a new mayor. She would fit right in there.
"Maybe Kamala and Hillary could team up for a podcast"
The Cackles and Cankles show.
Too old. If I’m President, I’m nominating the most conservative (or proggie, as the case may be) 35 year-old I can push through.
Booze or Valium. To someone who knows the signs, it couldn’t be plainer.
She should do what she's been doing: laugh at her own jokes.
Jerry Brown was same age when he decided to run for mayor of Oakland. Revived his political career for another 2 decades.
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