рел рдиोрд╡्рд╣ेंрдмрд░, реирежреирек

"Our ruling class is disgusting."

резрезрей рдЯिрдк्рдкрдг्рдпा:

Sydney рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Gotta agree 100%

rehajm рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Our ruling class is disgusting. I always suspected so many of the supposedly unsolvable problems government claims to address are perpetuated by bad policy. Trump showed simple policy tweaks unleash the power of individuals pursuing their self interest. Now we have to stress about returning to rule of law…

Dave Begley рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Best commercial ever!

wendybar рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

And watch Megan Kelly's speech at the Trump rally last night. She was on fire!!!

Big Mike рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

They should have had this we up starting early last week.

Oh Yea рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...
рд╣ी рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рд▓ेрдЦрдХाрдиा рд╣рд▓рд╡िрд▓ी рдЖрд╣े.
Political Junkie рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Me too. 1st time DJT voter. The ruling class, IMO, is destroying our country.

Political Junkie рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Megyn was great. Dana Bash's (CNN) reaction to Megyn speaking at DJT rally was spooky to watch. John King, her ex husband, is on the panel just to Dana's left. Watch him in the clip. Quite funny.

Oh Yea рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

If we were a true democracy, would we have a ruling class of people?

Jaq рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

He's right. The Democrats built their party on respect and support for the working class, and had a lot of sympathy for the slogan "Workers of the World Unite," but then when the workers did unite, like in Canada over forced vaccinations with an experimental drug, the workers were called fascists, one waitress in Canada gave $15 to the truckers' protest and her bank account was frozen. Some unidentified person waves a swastika at a protest there, and that is license to brink down the fist of the state, and then at trial, when the defense demands that this person be named, Trudeau says that the man waving the Nazi flag can't be named, "for national security reasons."

They like the working class in theory, but the reality is that our ruling elite is disgusted by them and uses their control of the media to create fear of working people.

Big Mike рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The main thing I wan to know is whether the passing of Election Day will mean that FEMA will finally bestir itself to assist the people in the very rural areas of western North Carolina. Recall that famous Democrat strategist David Axelrod said that cleanup efforts should focus of Asheville, a blue wart in a sea of red, and deliberately neglect the back country, making it that much more difficult for the people living in the hills and hollers to vote. And I understand that this is indeed what base been happening since Helene.

[This comment was originally posted to yesterday’s cafe thread, but it fits better here.]

Jaq рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I should have bolded the whole thing: "the man waving the Nazi flag can't be named, "for national security reasons."

Jersey Fled рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Well done Tucker

HT рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Aren't ruling classes by definition horrible and disgusting? Can't people just realize that nothing's perfect, as I've heard Amy Wax say, life is hard, and move on and deal with it? If he wins, I'll be ok with it - better than last time. Crime is bad, I have some hopes with him about that. Ukraine - I like that he thinks it was a mistake, but Mearsheimer has already disabused me of any notion that he could actually effectuate any change there.

But if he loses, will he be copacetic? Will yall? Or will it be non-stop whining and feeling victimized?

Breezy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Hear hear!

One thing that gives me more hope of success this week is all the smart, accomplished, eloquent, and committed people speaking up on our behalf. If s*t happens, the backlash will be much more forceful than in 2020.

Jeff Vader рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...
рд╣ी рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рд▓ेрдЦрдХाрдиा рд╣рд▓рд╡िрд▓ी рдЖрд╣े.
Iman рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The unvarnished Truth.

Bill Crawford рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Layover at BWI. Shops selling Trump shirts.Kamala attire as well....

Limited blogger рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Megyn = FIRE

Howard рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Good Luck today. No matter who wins I hope it's a decisive victory.

Jaq рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...
рд╣ी рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рд▓ेрдЦрдХाрдиा рд╣рд▓рд╡िрд▓ी рдЖрд╣े.
Limited blogger рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Let's get it done today

Iman рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

For Godsakes, I hope you’re not flying Spirit Airlines!

Inga рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...
рд╣ी рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рд▓ेрдЦрдХाрдиा рд╣рд▓рд╡िрд▓ी рдЖрд╣े.
Eric the Fruit Bat рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Oh, I used to be disgusted, and now I try to be amused, but I'm not much amused so maybe I should work on a different approach.

Jaq рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Hillary Clinton is still claiming that the Russians stole her precious, and you still believe it.

Bill Crawford рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Southwest to Houston and then Costa Rica

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Vote for Cory and the squirrel.

F the left. They are very bad people.

Limited blogger рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The angels wanna wear your red shoes?

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I still find it astonishing that the left got away with hiring a paid patsy to kill Trump - and an innocent man was killed in the process. Media are silent - all while they call him and his supporters Nazis. LEFT'S PAID PATSY WAS IN A BLACKROCK AD.

No Name рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

What's happened in western North Carolina is a travesty, and NC doesn't have the organized hurricane response team that Florida has, nor equivalent of its proactive governor. No surprise Axelrod encouraged FEMA to concentrate on Asheville, the progressive-liberal bastion that it is; won't be surprised if those progressives now abandon their residency in Asheville area for a safer locale with fewer Blue City problems.

Aggie рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

You'd have to qualify that by providing us with a definition of 'losing'. Last time, the definition of 'losing' meant 'losing, but we cant prove it reliably and don't care to anyway, so Shut Up while we proceed to prosecute you with scurrilous charges until the end of time - or money.'

No Name рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Trump's whining would still be less destructive than the rioting in Blue States and Blue Cities if Trump wins. Violence is far more a progressive-liberal thing.

Jamie рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

From your lips to God's ears.

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Trump assassin/patsy in Butler PA - Isn't it wild the democrat media don't interview his parents? or anyone who knew him?

RCOCEAN II рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Yeah, its been a sad and disillusioning time for me since Trump got elected in November 2016. I just assumed the elite would respect the will of the american people and address their concerns regarding illegal immigration and open borders, useless foreign wars, bad trade deals, and the stirring up of racial hatred.

Instead, they did the opposite. They refused to treat Trump as legitimate President. Broke every norm and traditon, and carried on a 24/7/365 campaign to destroy him and block any of his agenda from passing. And Biden has continued that policy.

They are the masters. They rule. We are here to obey. That is their view of America. And the Dumbshit Democat voters watch their Oprah and TV shows and applaud.

Freder Frederson рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I will be fine with him losing, *after* all of the issues have been fairly adjudicated according the Constitution, but not before then. I won't simply accept counters in Georgia lying about a plumbing problem and requiring the Republican scrutineers to leave the building, turning off the official cameras, then, not realizing that the arena they were in had cameras of its own, getting caught on video pulling boxes of ballots out from under tables and counting them with the scrutineers gone and the cameras off.

Propagating this lie cost Rudy Guiliani $147 million and his law license. You should consider yourself lucky that you just spread these lies on Althouse's blog, otherwise they might be coming for your house too.

mikee рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The ruling class has always been vile. See The Wizard of Id cartoon, from the 1970s, where the king is informed, "The Peasants Are Revolting!" and the king replies only, "You can say that again."

The point being that the elite have always hated and feared the rest of us.

GrapeApe рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

While not likely since the educrats no longer actually teach anything more than indoctrination , it would be nice to see this election rebuke the left.

Dude1394 рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Republican poll watchers need to only be removed via handcuffs. No they yell! Fight! Fight! Fight!

Jaq рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

If you are an "accelerationist," who gets your vote? My money on getting the whole rotten edifice to collapse the most quickly is on Harris, but Trump could drive them batshit crazy too, and force their hand on some disastrous decisions.

In my mind, the rot is already so bad that collapse is inevitable. It didn't have to be this way, but Biden has made so many disastrous decisions, wasting trillions we don't have on a manufactured "climate crisis," and committing us to an unwinnable war against half the world, when the half that's on our side doesn't even want to fight, and our demographic destruction by killing off the social norms that led to a society with healthy population growth.

If Joe Biden were a Chinese agent, paid to cripple the United States as a wold power, what would he do differently?

mindnumbrobot рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

If anybody understands our ruling class, it's Tucker. He's been around those people his entire life.

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Morning Joe's hysterical BS.

mindnumbrobot рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

...they might be coming for your house too.

Spoken like a true goose-stepper.

Jaq рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Well Freder, I deleted the post, because I see that my claim that the ballots were fraudulent is not supported by evidence, and the counters deny it, what I don't see addressed is why the cameras were turned off, and why the scrutineers were kicked out of the building, and only then the ballots were counted.

tolkein рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Freder, it wasn't a lie. I watched the whole saga, the lies about the leak. Maybe it couldn't be proved, and there were other factors in play, but they did throw the Republican scrutineers out because of a supposed leak. They did carry on counting, when they wren't supposed to. Maybe the ballots they were counting were for real, but the whole thing stank.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Dana Bash has been on the verge of a nervous breakdown for a while now. If Trump wins I expect you won't see her on TV for a while.

Rocco рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"Gotta agree 100%"

I vote to agree with you 100%. Of course, if I was in Detroit, I would vote to agree with you 29 x 100% = 2,900%

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

The legal warfare against Rudy is pure Soviet delight. Again- the modern corrupt democratic left live to punish and destroy.

Rocco рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Of course. We would simply get to vote on who our kings/queens are. Just like now.

RCOCEAN II рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"The ruling class has always been vile."

Wrong. Hand-waving and saying 'Its always been this way" is a get-out-of-jail-free card for our current ruling elite. They didn't act like this 30 or 50 years ago.

HT рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Right! And Tucker C. is in the ruling class. All his life.


FormerLawClerk рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

It is disgusting to me that the FBI hasn't arrested a SINGLE PEDOPHILE on Jeffrey Epstein's islands. They aren't even LOOKING for those people. Nobody is even under any investigation. He was put in prison for supplying underage girls. Gislane Maxwell also. So who were the Johns? They have videotape of the rapes of children and they're not arresting ANYBODY.

Our ruling class is disgusting.

FormerLawClerk рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

That's because the Nazi flag waver is a government intelligence agent. Same as the FBI moles that turned J6 into a riot.

FormerLawClerk рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Democrats have sued to keep voters from being properly identified. How can we possibly believe ANY victory is decisive?

who-knew рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

OMG, that's crazy. If there's any significant portion of the country who believe this BS we are in deeper trouble than I thought.

pacwest рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Nice sentiment, but:
1. Narrow margin
a. Trump wins = Burning and looting
b. Harris wins = Constant bitching
2. Wide margin
a. Trump wins = Burning and looting
b. Harris wins = Unhappy Republicans

who-knew рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Tucker's not wrong, here, This is long read but well worth the time:
Especially for the take on the Minnesota ethnic studies leader.

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Resist the Corrupt Left. They lie.

Yancey Ward рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

That was from a Tucker monologue on his FOXNews show just before the 2020 election and after Trump's late campaign rally in Butler, ironically.

Anthony рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I'm treating all of this as a long term fight against tyranny, going back thousands of years. We had a pretty good run, but every government everywhere and every time always always always is pushing towards totalitarianism.

john mosby рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I like how the ad has a few seconds of Trump's jerking-off-two-guys dance.

More proof that he's aware of Maher's running gag and just doesn't care.


Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Start watching at 7:20 for the Margaret Sanger portion.

Lazarus рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Great ad. It's almost like this election is ... is ... is ... a Battle for the Soul of America ...

If somebody gets caught hacking Dominion voting machines this time, will Giuliani get his money, his law license -- and whatever reputation he had -- back? Can I even say that electronic voting machines can be hacked and not lose what little money and reputation I have?

donald рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Dude murdered an office worker at his campaign office.

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Watch college age students struggle when asked about Kamala's greatest achievement.

hen remind yourself of Kamala's own words about college aged students.

If Kamala wins - it will be because Americans are in fact, majority stupid. and we are F-ed.

wendybar рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

It's "D"ifferent when they do it.

Richard Grenell

Republicans who accept this phony argument from the sitting Secretary of Transportation
that he is campaigning for Kamala and trashing Trump “in his personal capacity” are useless in Washington fight.

I don’t care what his Democrat lawyers say - this has never been a thing for Cabinet Secretaries. It’s a Hatch Act violation.

No matter what happens today, Buttigieg must be held to account by
- now or later.

He is ignoring the rule of law.
6:59 AM · Nov 5, 2024

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I think there needs to be a thorough campaign to destroy Rachel Maddow(D) - paid Authoritarian propagandist.

ColoComment рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Given all of the references to the "ruling class" in these comments, perhaps it's time to re-read and re-digest the marvelous work of Angelo Codevilla that gave us the original concept, along with the "country class":


Mike (MJB Wolf) рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Michael Watley a NC native and Chairman of the GOP said they took extraordinary efforts and he's confident every voter in NC had a polling place open or a way to cast absentee ballots.

Big Mike рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

I don't know about "Workers of the World," but the workers of the United States have united -- for Donald Trump

Howard рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

How's being a nattering nabob of negativity working out for you guys, Dix and pac? Too many voices are living and thriving inside your pretty little heads.

Saint Croix рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Great discussion by Bill Whittle on the insiders (Ruling Class) vs the outsiders (We The People). He breaks down the last 80 years of presidential elections. It's a fascinating and original analysis.

Saint Croix рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Insiders vs. Outsiders

Jason рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Scratch a liberal, you'll find a fascist. Every time.

Aggie рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Me-Again Kelly. She's just positioning herself, for the next stage in her career. She's had at least 2 career trajectory shifts since shafting Trump early in his first term. Now, she's suddenly True-Blue and parroting all the right points. Bleh. Sorry, don't buy it.

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"Let them Vote" - wow how kind of you, you leftist Authoritarian jackass.

BREAKING: Jamie Raskin said, “Let folks cast their votes for Trump if that’s their choice. But mark my words, we won’t be certifying the election. He might win, but we’ll ensure he doesn’t step foot in the Oval Office.”

Zavier Onasses рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

...was NOT what political office seekers tell you.

...the reason people left home, came here, faced hardship, fought, and some died...
...was to find a Government LESS INVOLVED IN THEIR LIVES.

Kay рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

To whoever is reading this, I hope whoever you voted for wins. That’s what matters most right now

Lem Vibe Banditory рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

They have to be smart enough to notice that and still? The only rational explanation is that they hate the average American. They hated Reagan too but maybe not as intensely.

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Skint cheap loser liar Democrats who do not care about American Service members are going to pony up $20 whole dollars a month for our vets. All while they give billions so Ukraine. (and illegals)

bagoh20 рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Intelligent people with open minds have learned some things after getting accustomed to the dust storm of lies and fighting through it. A new understanding of the effects of the environment on perception has changed minds all over.

bagoh20 рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Remember: "Best Biden ever."

Quaestor рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Or as I famously said on this blog years ago, "the unvarnished veritas". I certain disgusting member of the disgusting ruling class claimed that was right-wing code for semen. Yes, I know that's unbelievably stupid, but the soi-disant "progressives" have been in the business of flooding the fora with filthy lies and distortions for a long time. Trump didn't cause it, he's just their particular target. Vance is getting plenty now, but the Democrat filth will just ramp up as his 2028 candidacy begins to coalesce.

bagoh20 рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

These words will be quoted until he wishes he never said them.

Rusty рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Hey, Inga and Freder(TDA), isn't there a pet squirrel somewhere that needs killin'?

Quaestor рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"The only rational explanation is that they hate the average American."

How can there be a rational explanation of madness? Or is it madness or cold evil that turns human beings into monsters. The first step must be to hate so intensely that you give yourself permission to do anything, however shameful or iniquitous, to destroy the object of your hate. If Trump wins the hatred will be directed more toward Trump voters than the man himself, largely the struggling middle-class, who will be the target of beatings, arson, bombings, and sniper fire. Those attacks will trail off into nighttime assaults and home invasions after the Trump Administration begins to arrest and prosecute the Democrat Brownshirts.

stlcdr рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

There are a lot of people who want a ruling class. How else do you get power over others when you are weak?

Curious George рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

He has cancer. I'm rooting for it.

pacwest рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Pretty good Howard. Looking forward has always worked out fairly well in my life. Better than wearing blinders.

Butkus51 рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

More cheating in Pa with pre-marked ballots for Kommie.

Just a mistake.

Temujin рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Great ad. Makes me want to go vote again. If only I lived in Pennsylvania or Michigan.

pacwest рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

And, being forward looking I'm always looking to pick up a couple of bucks. Wanna bet that there won't be riots if Trump wins?

320Busdriver рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

That’s so powerful, and true to Tuckers MO….entirely true

Captain BillieBob рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"Our ruling class is disgusting"
They are also corrupt, liars, immoral, deceitful, arrogant, did I say corrupt?, grifters, perverts, etc, etc.

Lem Vibe Banditory рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Getting fired was the best thing that happened to Tucker.

tcrosse рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"Our ruling class is disgusting"
And the peasants are revolting.

Interested Bystander рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

They hate Trump because he’s not one of them. Same as they hated Reagan Both men were once part of the insiders but they broke away and they’re hated for it.

Earnest Prole рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

A hundred people commented without cracking this best one wise.

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Bagoh - Yes. Joe said that prior to Biden's super bad debate. Then he flipped like a pancake, and said Biden must go! & we all laughed at joke network D-MSNBC, where he is paid big bucks to be a hack.

Mikey NTH рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

You said it, they stink on ice!

wendybar рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

We can only hope it happens. Because WE don't care about you either. Choke, bitch.

Nicholas Fondacaro
Unhinged Joy Behar says she thinks "so little" of Trump supporters that she wouldn't let one save her life if she was choking.

FormerLawClerk рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Dana Bash's first husband was one of the 51 Deep State operatives to sign the Russia Collusion letter. She is a Deep State implant in our media and should be hounded right the fk out of this country.

Drago рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Reagan was indeed an outsider from the GOP establishment in his time. Its strange to recall just how much DC insider and installed President Ford attacked Reagan in the runup to the 1980 election, just like all the GOPe-ers of today attack Trump, though temperamentally each man was certainly a product of his times.

Reagan lamented that he listened to these East Coast/DC dolts and chose HWBush instead of his true first choice for VP, Jack Kemp.

Drago рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"Unhinged Joy Behar says she thinks "so little" of Trump supporters that she wouldn't let one save her life if she was choking."

It's probably too difficult to dislodge a demon from a leftist throat anyway.

Peachy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Behar can choke on it. Horrible human.

320Busdriver рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

On Fox Chiron RN…snap poll
Role of Govt
53% should do more….

Regardless of who wins. We’re effed..

FormerLawClerk рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Exit Polls showing 70% of VOTING AMERICANS believe the country is on the WRONG TRACK.

It is STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE for Kamala Harris to even come CLOSE to winning when actual voters are telling pollsters as they are coming OUT of the voting booth that the country is on the wrong track.

The ONLY WAY she can win is FRAUD. And we will NOT stand for it again.

FormerLawClerk рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

"Should do more" is too vague to be of any use.

"Should do more border control" for example. Yes.

Freder Frederson рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

He never said it. It is a lie. Don't believe everything (or most things) on X.

Kassaar рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

Althouse: Your text "Hear Tucker narrate this ad. It captures the truth and emotion. Chills." is somehow hidden behind the video.

320Busdriver рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...


MadTownGuy рдо्рд╣рдгाрд▓े...

It's visible if you click on the video , which takes you to X. It's an X thing.

рдЯिрдк्рдкрдгी рдкोрд╕्рдЯ рдХрд░ा

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