November 20, 2024

"Malpractice was committed by that campaign. They saw the ad, they knew it was being bought in heavy quantities. Where were they? What were they thinking?"

Said Ed Rendell, a former governor of Pennsylvania and former chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who "was so alarmed by the Trump attacks that he called top Harris campaign advisers, pleading for them to respond directly."

Meanwhile, Republicans are not content to stand back and watch the Democrats screw up over the transgender issue. They want attention too: "Johnson pressured by GOP firebrands on trans bathroom access" (Axios)("House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) is facing pressure from some of his most outspoken members to restrict transgender Rep-elect Sarah McBride (D-Del.) from using women's bathrooms at the Capitol... Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)... even went as far as to threaten to get into a 'physical altercation' with McBride").


n.n said...

Homosexuals and other transgender spectrum issues conceived in political congruence. What a burden for progressive sects in Democratic divisions.

gilbar said...

serious questions:
what percentage of Americans WANT mentally ill guys showering with their daughters?
what percentage of Americans WANT mentally ill guys beating their daughters in sports?
what percentage of Americans WANT mentally ill guys to BE their daughters?

Gravel said...

Tim McBride can stay in his own damn pisser. He has no right to impose his presence on any women's restroom, anywhere, any time. And it doesn't stop with him - once he's allowed to use the ladies' room, anyone else who pretends to be a woman must be allowed to do so as well.

gilbar said...

We the Democrat Party are the party of psychopathic mentally deranged LOSERS.
if YOU are a psychopathic mentally deranged LOSER, WE are the party for YOU!

Matt said...

Societal norms should not be changed to adhere to the delusions of a subset of the population. Seems rather simple.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"How to Talk About Transgender Rights"

Here's a thought, how about you give time to talk about transvestite rights as a proportion of their population in the USA. In other words, for every hour, they are allotted 1 and 1/2 minutes of time on the agenda...and when it is complete we can all move on with our lives.

tim maguire said...

Seems like a winning issue for the Republicans given what the American people just said about their attitude towards "transgender rights"

Achilles said...

No penises in women's bathrooms.


Shouting Thomas said...

I’m in favor of the “physical altercation” approach. Congressmen should take guys with dicks who want in the lady’s bathroom out into the back yard and take care of business.

Shouting Thomas said...
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wendybar said...

I don't WANT men in my bathrooms, dressing rooms or playing women sports. What happened to the party of WOMEN?? All they care about lately is murdering babies, and pushing mentally ill men into our spaces. The Feminazi's are the problem in this country. Little girls who want to be taken seriously, but turn over everything to the men they hate...(because they wear a dress)

Jupiter said...

I think a fairly accurate nationwide poll was recently conducted on those very questions. The percentage was surprisingly large.

Jupiter said...

Um. Not even 1 and 1/2 seconds.

Lilly, a dog said...

McBride in the men's room might go something like this:

Real American said...

They talk about it like they talk about most issues: (1) what the wokist of the woke wants is ok with them and the government should fund it, and (2) if you disagree, then you're an evil bigot. That's why Harris couldn't draw the line at tranny surgery for illegals in prison when asked about it 5 years ago.

But they don't know how to talk about it rationally because they don't deal with reality, i.e., they approach every issue with the presumption that they're correct about it and anyone who disagrees is evil.

As such, when they're wrong and many people disagree, they don't know how the process it - there's a cognitive dissonance - because if they are correct, how can so many people disagree? It must be about messaging.

Their main response after the election have been to pretend it wasn't an issue in the campaign because Harris never pushed it as a campaign issue. That's where Rendell is coming from. Maybe they didn't push it (they were too busy pushing abortion and Trump is Hitler, etc.), but they didn't respond to it, either. They ignored it and thought a statements by campaign aides to the press was sufficient to stamp it out as an issue.

MadTownGuy said...

That's the plan, though. It's an intentional disruption of societal norms.

Jupiter said...

"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.)... even went as far as to threaten to get into a 'physical altercation' with McBride")."
This is not true. MTG did not "threaten". She stated, as a fact, that if she meets a man in a woman's bathroom, she will fight him. She's a big, strong gal, and I am guessing she has already given thought to which foot she will kick him in the balls with. Delaware's Nancy-boy would be well-advised to wear his little dress into the men's room.

Original Mike said...

"Kamala Harris left Donald J. Trump’s anti-transgender attack ads largely unanswered. Some Democrats call it political malpractice"

Isn't the problem that the ads were factual? How would Rendell, et al. have answered them? I suspect the Harris campaign thought it would make matters worse, highlighting not only this issue, but all of the others where Harris was claiming positions diametrically opposed to her positions four four years ago.

Aggie said...

It does seem odd that the most obvious rebuttal hasn't been used, yet, in any of these arguments. We heard yesterday from the future Democrat minority leader that our poor tranny was 'being bullied' by Republican women, for being himself/herself (chromosomes first/preferences second).

But I have yet to hear Republican women point out that this is really a case of a man, bullying hundreds of women that want their privacy. Why is that, I wonder? Wouldn't this deflate the argument along stereotypical lines of mysogeny and also deflate the whole "It's Ma'am ! !" specious argument ?

Peachy said...

Kamala sat there - and said in her own words - that she was all in for funding prisoner sex change operations. Unless leftists blocked reality - (don't kid yourselves -that IS the Soviet Objective) there was no response that would be effective. SHE SAID IT!

Todd said...

Kamala Harris left Donald J. Trump’s anti-transgender attack ads largely unanswered.

Because there was NO sane answer. Someone tells you "water is wet", end of discussion.

Achilles said...

Jaguar seems to agree with Ann by the way.

Republicans shouldn't fight any of this because that would be a mistake.

Joe Bar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

I think what they may have been thinking is that trans is was not the ill that tey wanted to die on. They could only lose votes by defending men in women’s formerly safe spaces. It would just drive up votes for Trump, while not really help Harris.

Joe Bar said...

Which side is the bully here?

RCOCEAN II said...

So once again, the response is not "The American people don't like it, maybe we should change our position. Or have a discussion" Instead, its "Republicans are pouncing, how can we do better PR?".

All these post-mortems (sic?) by the Democrats/MSM are all the same. Its "how can we get more votes and win, without changing any of our unpopular opinions and policies. Because we'd rather die, then give one Goddamn Inch".

Peachy said...

It was an issue of priority! It was top crap heap of Democratic F**ed up priorities.
Lets revisit some of these F**ed up Democratic priorities - shall we?
In no particular order:
• Open Southern Border. Massive influx of illegals, invited by Biden.
• Massive influx of Illegals made possible by Biden’s Executive Orders.
• Massive female and child sex trafficking and drug/cartel trafficking to go along with Biden’s open border. (Bonus: D-leftists are too busy calling Trump “Hitler” to care.)
• Tax Payers are forced to pay for it all.
• De-Fund the police. Which cascaded down to local cities where local democrats in power- actually did de-fund the police.
• Crime crime and more crime. Soros wanted crime to rise in every direction – and the Democrats complied.
• Illegal Criminals released into the nation – to the tune of thousands. Democrats again – do not care.
• Hey – lets allow prisoners in prison to change their gender at tax payer expense! Why – so amazing and if you dare disagree you are a trans-phobe.

reader said...

Better X number of young girls be assaulted and/or raped than a trans student feel bad.

Better X number of female prisoners be locked in with and raped than a trans prisoner feel bad

Better that X number of female victims of rape share private spaces with a biological male than a trans female feel bad

Better that X number of female athletes be denied an equal opportunity to compete than a trans female feel bad.

Better that X number of little girls see the naked penis of a sex offender that is now a trans female than a trans female feel bad.

At what value for X will Democrats address the issue? I understand that trans individuals face safety issues, but the trans lobby was not accepting of individual changing/restrooms and competing in biological sex competitions.

What does the X value have to be???

Peachy said...

ugh - Just build the trans-bathroom and shut up.
Here - take some of our tax dollars to do it. Be bow before the trans movement!

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes. And the reason Harris had no response is she has nothing to say that would be palatable to most Americans and NOT completely enrage the transactivists. It's her on film saying stupid shit in the ad. Using it was brilliant.

narciso said...

this is the policy, we don't like it, neither did 77 million people, Ed Rendell is still alive

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

When did India go woke?

mikeski said...

What is the acceptable number of unacceptable things?


Peachy said...


rehajm said...

To repeat- don't interrupt them while they reinforce the idea that messaging is the problem...and two- while you may think the GOP is stepping on their own dick consider the fact that everyone's brave until someone pulls out cock and balls in the women's room...

rehajm said...

In altercations women tend to be pretty protective of their cock and balls...

reader said...

Is Mace the one who is a rape victim? If so, she is supposed to just sit down (with no pants on in a secluded place) with biological males and shut up. What happened to feminism?

john mosby said...

The R congresswomen need to put on pussy hats and chant "FROM THE TIP, TO THE BALLS - NO WEINERS IN OUR STALLS!"


cfs said...

In other news, the illegal alien who murdered Laken Riley was just found guilty of all 10 charges in the killing. The murder was made possible by Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the lying idiot "the border is secure" Alejandro Mayorkas.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Johnson is just weak. Democrat Party members love this guy.

Rabel said...

Confusing article by Nagourney. How was the Harris campaign supposed to respond?

Lilly, a dog said...

Axios posted an update: "Mike Johnson institutes transgender bathroom ban for U.S. House"

Wince said...

This is all because McBride doesn't want to use a bathroom used by men.

FormerLawClerk said...

Go spend some time on BlueSky ... the DNC's attempt to censor speech over there instead of Twitter (X).

It's all Minor-Attracted Persons ... ALL the time. There have been 42,000 reports of child porn on the site.

That's where the DNC is headed. The "trans issue" is merely the camel's nose in the tent and we all know it.

They already have access to your children (school). They see their friends and relatives being arrested for rape of children. They don't like it. They want it legal.

Trans is a means to the end.

FormerLawClerk said...

One of these dudes follows my kid into a bathroom is gonna find out what a toilet curbstomp is.

mccullough said...

The ad was effective because it made that point that Harris is focused on fringe issues and Trump is focused on the main issues.

FormerLawClerk said...

One of our male Congressmen needs to beat the crap out of this guy on the floor of the House.

FormerLawClerk said...

They're putting period products in the men's room.

Jersey Fled said...

Cookie assured me several months ago that this would never happen. By the way, where is Cookie?

FormerLawClerk said...

That's his way of AVOIDING an actual law, with legal consequences, jail time and criminal history.

He is HELPING the Democrats.

FormerLawClerk said...

Yes. And Yes. You are seeing feminism on stark display.

FormerLawClerk said...

By calling Republicans haters and phobes. What else would they do?

Big Mike said...

Johnson’s proper response: “Not until he’s had his penis and testicles surgically removed.” McBride says he’s a woman in a man’s body. Let him prove it.

And yeah, Marjorie Taylor Greene could totally kick his ass.

Old and slow said...

This is both astute and funny...

Kate said...

I don't want to know your business or your plumbing, but if you want to use my bathroom you'll need to detail your medical history, dude. If you have a vagina, come on in the girls' restroom.

Clyde said...

No matter how you dress it up, a Pizza Hut building will always be a Pizza Hut building.

Breezy said...

Whatever happened to “gender neutral” bathrooms - why is this even an issue?

Plus, the left is aghast at the thought of anyone “normalizing” Trump, but have no issue at all with “normalizing” men’s encroachment on women’s spaces. They have lost their way and are beyond help.

chuck said...

The Democrats are going the mattresses over allowing men in women's bathrooms? Be still my beating heart.

Big Mike said...

I think I speak for a lot of Republicans when I say that the rule ought to be that if you have a working penis, you should use the room with the urinals.

And before hard core Democrat extremist L’s start clutching their pearls and denouncing me for a bigot, may I remind everyone that in a county in Virginia adjacent to the one where I live, a teenaged male dressed in a skirt (a kilt, some now claim, without evidence) raped a teenaged girl he caught alone in a high school bathroom. In an effort to bush this up the school administration reassigned the culprit to another high school — where he promptly did it again.

Big Mike said...

@reader, you asked what happened to feminism? 21st century feminists care only about third trimester abortion. They do not actually care about any other women’s issues.

Breezy said...

How would anyone in a bathroom/locker/changing room know if a working penis has entered the room or not? Will a flag be required?

ConradBibby said...

If so-called transwomen are allowed to use women's restrooms, locker rooms, etc., what will stop just any man from doing the same? What I'm getting at is, how would women and the police be able to differentiate between a supposedly "genuine" or "sincere" trannie and some pervert who, just before entering the ladies room, smeared some lipstick on his lips and put on a girlish sweater? Are the police going to be able to do anything about the latter?

While it actually IS possible to define "woman," how do we define a transwoman for purposes of who gets to use the ladies room? Absent some clear, objective criteria, it seems like the inevitable result of this push for trans people to be able to use either restroom is that everyone will have that right, at least if they do some de minimis thing with their clothes or makeup to feign an attempt at "identifying" as the other sex.

FormerLawClerk said...

A LOT of people are missing the important part of the NY Times story:

The Democrats CREATED multiple advertisements countering Trump's attack ads (the "She's for They/Them" ads).

They then tested those response ads with their focus groups. What they found was that no matter WHAT they said ... those focus groups were MORE LIKELY to vote for Trump if they saw ANY of the response ads.

Meaning: They COULDN'T respond, or they'd lose more voters. Voters were FINDING OUT about Kamala's "trans" support via Kamala's OWN ads and it was reducing her turnout.

Democrats say NOTHING that they haven't first tested to see what effect it is going to have. So if Kamala Harris won't talk about trans ... it's because she knows that "trans" is a LOSER for Democrats - no matter HOW it's talked about.

Chest Rockwell said...


B. said...

Don’t Congresscritters have private restrooms?

Jamie said...

Without reading any comments, I'm curious about how he thinks the Harris campaign should have countered that ad. All I've seen so far is, "This is an issue that only affects a tiny number of people."

How is that a defense? "Let's just ignore it because it doesn't affect that many people, even though it's a signal for the kinds of things we're willing to waste taxpayer dollars on, as well as our attitude about how to treat a condition that, when treated in the way we prefer, exposes vulnerable women to predation and violence"?

JAORE said...

"Kamala Harris left Donald J. Trump’s anti-transgender attack ads largely unanswered. "

And the proper response is so easy:
I was brought up in a middle class home. The neighbors cared about their lawns. Nothing comes to mind (that isn't on the teleprompter.)

Flawless campaign.
Joy(less) Reid

Peachy said...

"This is an issue that only affects a tiny number of people." - the Hive response.
We've all heard it. The left want it both ways.
Again -this is more about leftist priorities. While most Americans are suffering - the corrupt left take and use our money on bullshit. bullshit like paying for housing Illegals and all of the goodies they demand. & Prison pedos/perverts who would love any excuse to get over to the women's side.

Michael said...

Trump's ads were not attacks on transgender people. They were attacks on hyper-Progressives who will not take "yes" for an answer and insist on pushing and pushing (pronouns, restrooms, sports) until average people rebel and then forcing them to comply. Progressivism has become the simple lust for power. That is what "they, them" vs "you" was highlighting.

Jamie said...

They talk about it like they talk about most issues

...including abortion and the border. The only position they'll stake out, or allow on their side, is the "absolutely no restrictions" position, and devil take the actual voters - even those who identify as Democrats.

Leland said...


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Awesome shot and chaser there guys. LOL. My money's on MTG for the win.

Leland said...

From what I understand, Breezy, not knowing hasn't been the problem. In fact, in my own experience, they make sure you know before it even happens, because they definitely want you to know it is their intention. They tell you in advance, in training discussions, so you'll know they shouldn't be attacked as a pervert. Riley Gaines got similar training, and even after the training, the working penis was often on display for all the women to see in the locker room, because they are perverts.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think what they may have been thinking is that trans is was not the hill that they wanted to die on. They could only lose votes by defending men in women’s formerly safe spaces. It would just drive up votes for Trump, while not really helping Harris.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes they do but not adjacent to the floor of the house.

Peachy said...

if only! LOL. Especially that comment about being from a middle class family.

Bruce Hayden said...

That could be unfair. They say tat digging a hole is easier than building a pole. But apparently trans holes often don't want to stay open.

Big Mike said...

Down in North Colina a high school volleyball player was spiked in the face by a trans female.player (i.e., went through puberty as a biological male) from the opposing team. She was rendered unconscious and now suffers permanent brain damage. As she lay unconscious on the floor the biological male — and some of his female teammates, according to reports — laughed. Let’s stop this madness now.

RCOCEAN II said...

i always love how the MSM media, especially the NYT's and WaPo, act like their extreme leftwing positions are normal, and anyone who opposes them is K-K-Krazy. "Wow, you don't want men in dresses using the women's bathroom, what are you some kind of nazi-nut?!" "Oh, you want to enforce the immigration laws, what are you some far Rightwing bigot, whats wrong with you ?!"

Jamie said...

I have heard or read from a couple of sources that they focus grouped several response ads, but nothing went well.

This, I assume, is because they couldn't say it was a lie, since it was the truth, and they couldn't say she had changed her mind, because she hadn't and also because the progressives who are in charge over there would have immediately shrieked to the heavens, and if they tried to say it was only a minor issue, it would go as well as that one newswoman saying it had only been a couple of apartment buildings that had been taken over by Venezuelan gangs.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

It's a back-assward "defense" because it's the trannies themselves who are a tiny portion of the population but their fetish lived large tends to affect dozens or hundreds of women who have to face them in athletic competition or share locker rooms or bathrooms with them. The number of people harmed by trannies forcing their way in several multiples of the few accommodations that could be made to address trannies if they truly only wanted to be treated "equally."

RCOCEAN II said...

If the issue only effects a small number of people, then why is the NYT's talking about it? And why don't they just let the "Rightwing" have their way? After all, its just a "distraction from the real issues". No big whoop. Correct?

Skeptical Voter said...

Rendell says it was campaign malpractice not to respond to the Trump campaign ad noting that Kamala had supported transgender surgery--at state expense--for prison inmates. Okay Ed--smarty pants--the ad stated a fact. How do you respond to it? You can't deny it and say she didn't do it. So just what do you say? I mean there's a hole below the waterline and all you can do is hope that it doesn't sink the not so good ship S.S. Kamala.

rhhardin said...

It's all wrong anyway. A trans woman ought to be a biological woman pretending to be a man. Adj-noun. The noun stays where it was. Smart woman, tall woman. Former woman, for that matter.

Big Mike said...

@Breezy, if urine comes out the end, so can semen and sperm cells.

Caroline said...

In every coffee shop in enter, the bathrooms are his and hers, a single stall with sink and a door that locks. I’m sure in the hallowed halls of congress there must be a “family bathroom”? Like at airports? I say if the sexually confused gent wants special treatment, designate him a bathroom somewhere. Maybe he’ll have to walk across the building, but ok, you’ve accommodated his dignity without trampling on the ladies’ privacy.

n.n said...

The conflict evolved because the transgender spectrum is Diverse... diverse, but liberals conflated the issue under political congruence ("='), denied science with gender ideology, embraced DEI, then Democrats doubled-down and passed a law legalizing all sexual orientations: pedophilia, incest, sadomasochism, homosexuality, polygamy, etc. with the braying of progressive sects.

Civil unions for all consenting adults. #NoJudgment #NoLabels?

Curb albinophobia celebrated with pride in parades.

Respect women's rights and dignity.

#HateTrumpsLove #HateLovesAbortion

Tim said...

Actually, the women who are affected by the asshole with a penis wanting to share a bathroom are the ones not content to let this be swept under the rug. Pretty damned simple to me. If you have a penis, you pee in the room with the urinals. If you do not like it, I do not care. Get over it. The world is reality. NO ONE has to cater to your insanity.

Leland said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tim said...

Exactly. And if he doesn't like it, that is just too bad.

n.n said...

Women and girls need to lean in and stand up to genderism... sexism.

gilbar said...

a "woman" is a person that identifies Themselves as a "woman" END OF STORY.
IF a person SAYS that they are a woman.. THEY can NOT be denied.. END OF STORY

at least if they do some de minimis thing with their clothes or makeup to feign an attempt at "identifying" as the other sex.
there is NO NEED to do ANYTHING, other than "identifying" END OF STORY
[this story has Three endings, because it is fantasy]

Leland said...

Speaker Johnson has ruled. No males in women's restrooms on Capitol Hill. I expect the next step will be an insurrection by trans identifying males taking selfies in women's restrooms within the Capitol.

n.n said...

Liberals have a progressive problem reconciling their divergent religious principles, principals. They left babies on the black slab in a wicked solution. Will they push women to the back of the bus, throw girls under the bus? American Civil Liberties Unburdened

Peachy said...

D-MSNBC spread lies. Where are the lawsuits? Each and every on-air talent hack-liar on D-MSNBC - should be sued into the ground.

rehajm said...

…this is the truest thing I will hear this month…

Ampersand said...

Rendell's criticism assumes that the Democrats had a reply that would have been truthful and a net positive. What would that reply have said?

Jim Gust said...

The political malpractice happened when they made Harris the nominee. Nothing they could have done to save it after that.

Steve said...

I think most people are live and let live, but trans "women" are not returning the favor if they insist on using female facilities and being on women's sports teams even though they are biological males, particularly if their maleness is obvious. McBride at least looks female, there are far too many trans "women" who look like men who grew their hair out and put on some lipstick.

Firstgen said...

I actually read the NYT article so you didn't have to. The end gave it all away. After citing the 55 and 60 % of Americans who thought trans stuff went too far etc, they admitted, from a WAPO poll no less that a "strong majority" (they couldn't get themselves to actually reveal the number, I'd guess 90%) is "uncomfortable" with minors getting medically mutilated. So much for Republicans "seizing" on an issue of concern to a tiny "minority" of Americans all these years. Typical dishonest, supercilious elitism from the echo chamber.

JaimeRoberto said...

And she was proud of it.

DanTheMan said...

It's a free country.
Transexual adult men are free to say "I am a woman."
And the rest of us are free to say "No, you aren't."

MadisonMan said...

I appreciate Rendell's use of the Passive Voice, so close to "Mistakes were Made"! I guess he doesn't want to piss off the DNC in case he wants to run again. Otherwise, why not name names?

Gospace said...

Not possible to defend the indefensible. No winning play for Democrats in this issue.

And how did they arrive here with indefensible positions? From deliberate judicial misinterpretation of the US and various state Constitutions to legalize SSM against the express stated will of the American people. In actual referendums. You know- democracy. All this other crap comes directly from that. As well as eventual court rulings legalizing polygamy.

Leland said...

This post at Instapundit demonstrates why Ed Rendell is wrong.

Zuylen-Wood’s cover story for New York magazine, in which he talked to voters into New York City’s outer borough neighborhoods that swung hard toward Trump. In neighborhoods with significant Muslim populations, he did hear complaints about Democrats’ positioning on Gaza. But mostly, the message for Democrats was that they’ll need to move rightward to win this rainbow coalition of disgruntled voters back.

Harris/Walz needed to win Michigan (among other states). Because they needed to win Michigan, they targeted Muslim voters to gain their vote. Does Ed Rendell think Muslims support trans-rights? LBTQ+ have more rights in Christian countries than they'll ever have in Muslim countries. The right to life being the most prominent of those rights they have in the US.

Joe Bar said...

Her values haven't changed.

My name goes here. said...

I like Trump. I voted for Trump. There are some things that Trump's campaign did spectacularly. That said I wonder the Trump campaign was mediocre and just marginally better than the Harris campaign, OR if the Trump campaign was actually very deft and nimble and aligned on a message and would quickly pivot to the next message that would give them traction.

While I am persuadable, I believe it is the later.

That said, Trump was beatable but it would require a competent campaign running against him.

Achilles said...

When the Regime controlled all media they could pretend that opposition to this insanity was small and not mainstream.

Now that Opponents of this crap can speak up and hear each other on X they know they are not alone. Now they realize they are the overwhelming majority.

This is how illegitimate regimes fall.

Achilles said...

Trump was beatable.

Trump is also Objectively the greatest retail politician in history. Nobody has run campaigns better than Trump did.

It isn't even close.

Leland said...

Not sure about the "truthful" part. Democrats across the country lied about their position on the border. As far as that goes, some lied about this very issue. For example, Colin Allred denied he supported allowing boys to play in girls sports, yet he sponsored a bill in Congress that did.

rastajenk said...

A tiny subset.

Rocco said...

Achilles said…
Jaguar seems to agree with Ann by the way.

Didn’t Jaguar used to sell cars?

Based on the new ad, I am trying to figure out if they sell eccentric clothing, paint (with not so great coverage), or sledgehammers.

Big Mike said...

Meanwhile, Republicans are not content to stand back and watch the Democrats screw up over the transgender issue. They want attention too:

These sentences have been bothering me all day. @Althouse, your phaseology implies that the Republicans sought out the issue of McBride using the women’s rest room but this emphatically is not an issue the GOP sought out. It was thrust upon them, and Speaker Johnson and various female Republican lawmakers appear to have handled the issue remarkably well. It every congressional district is a blue bubble like Madison, Wisconsin.

rastajenk said...

Where are the Dem congresswomen on this? Are they truly comfortable with this dude? I doubt it.

Ampersand said...

Leland, that is why it borderline comical for Rendell to see the absence of a response as a tactical blunder, rather than as proof of Democrats persisting with an indefensible position.

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

Yeah, I never could keep straight who was trans from what, until somebody on these pages taught me to substitute the phrase "not a" for the word "trans". Trans woman = Not a woman = Man. Now I'm never confused, though I do have to work it out each time.

I think they adopt oblique terminology to purposefully obfuscate (see "pro-choice" instead of "pro-abortion"). That has the added benefit that they get to belittle and intimidate us poor schmucks who are just trying to follow the conversation.

pious agnostic said...

Trump at McDonalds, and the Trump Garbage Truck Affair were two indications that the campaign was nimble and on-point, reacting to current events in real time in a way that was both entertaining and illustrative of larger points.

I've never seen a campaign like it.

robother said...

The Harris Walz campaign was all in on the Oprah/Beyonce/M&M/Influencer strategy. What Rendell wanted, ads that denied her earlier trans-rights positions, would have made those influencers run away. Her campaign's inability to respond is further evidence that the Democratic Party has no way to correct course toward the middle as it once did with Bill Clinton. It's Sister Souljah's Party now.

John said...

Pious and Achilles are correct that Trump was nimble and very good ("I don't know what he said and I don't think he does either"). But to beat any candidate with what the Democrats were running on was going to be one damn hard pull for any Democrat to win even with all of their so-called advantages:
*open borders with all that entails,
*lawfare against their opponent,
*climate naziism on what we can drive and how we cook our meals,
*inflation from spending money when it wasn't needed and on stupid things,
*the whole Covid BS about vaccines,
*abortion until birth,
*all the trans garbage,
*Mayor Pete's transportation follies,
*the Afghan withdrawal,
*wars starting everywhere because of their fecklessness,
etc., etc.

No wonder they narrowed it down to 34 felonies, abortion, and Hitler.

Vance said...

The Utah Democrat party, apparently, is one of those. They ran against Congressman Burgess Owens a full scale "Put boys in women's everything!" all out trans supporter. Same person demanded a complete federal takeover of education, leaving nothing to local or state control.

An election cycle ago they ran a transgendered grocery clerk for Senate against Mike Lee.

Needless to say both candidates were crushed. The Democrats still keep trying though.

Duke Dan said...

Let’s also be clear that there is no change in the rules here. It’s just that some one is needing to play the adult and state the obvious “no penis in the ladies room” rule out loud because some people want to be selfish children.

Vance said...

From Bob Rivers album, "Twisted Christmas." Set to the tune of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen:

The restroom door said gentleman so I just walked inside
I took two steps and realized I've been taken for a ride
I heard high voices, turned and found the place was occupied
By two nuns, three old ladies and a nurse
What could be worse?
Than two nuns, three old ladies and a nurse

The restroom door said gentleman it must have been a gag
As soon as I walked in there I ran into some old hag
She sprayed me with a can of mace and smacked me with her bag
I could tell, this just wouldn't be my day
What can I say?
It just wasn't turning out to be my day

The restroom door said gentleman and I would like to find
The crummy little CREEP who had the nerve to switch the signs
'Cause I got two black eyes and one high heel up my behind
Now I can't, sit with comfort and joy
Boy oh boy
Now I'll never sit with comfort and joy

/End lyrics. Women should be doing more of this to the trannies invading their space.

Peachy said...

Nancy Pelosi's niece should not be paid $181,648.00 by the US Taxpayer to be the "Climate Advisor" at HUD.

John said...

Perhaps true MJB, but are there unisex bathrooms near the House floor? I would guess there are.

MayBee said...

The first thing I remember in the current trans activism was when the Obama DOJ sued a Chicago-area school district for providing separate changing facilities for a trans student. To the Obama DOJ, that was unequal treatment.
The thing that seems like the simple solution was the first casualty in this war.

Mary Beth said...

Does Congress not have private bathrooms in their offices?

Drago said...

Cookie is around...acting as a voice-actuated defender of democraticals....which puts the lie to his "fight the man", "apart from eithe party" faux revolutionary act that he has put on here for years.

In the end, he's just another dem NPC foot soldier. As expected.

Drago said...

Gravel: "Tim McBride can stay in his own damn pisser."

Each congressperson has their own office bathroom + everyone has access to a number of unisex bathrooms found throughout the capital.

The push by this dude in a dress and his warped allies is simply a cultural power play....which has now missed its political moment.

Drago said...

There's a video of the new Jaguar Brand Leader which explains everything. He's more Bud Light than the disastrous Bud Light Marketing gal that took down the beer brand.

Adios Jaguar.

Drago said...

Yes, they do.
In addition to a number of unisex bathrooms throughout the capital complex.

Peachy said...

Young girls in @JeffcoSchoolsCo
are leaving their high school campuses to use the restroom at home in order to avoid biological males in female restrooms. Kids in schools should be top priority.

The left say "Screw you, females. Stop your whining and obey."

doctrev said...

The tribe has no reverse gear. Chappelle made the suggest of excluding the "T" from LGBT and was generally pilloried for it. But it means the Democrats are in an increasingly tenuous position to deal with Gaza, much less feign being "anti-establishment."

Peachy said...

Laken Riley - the Democrats don't care about you.
There really isn't enough F U for the corrupt democrat party.

Michael said...

This also cost Bob Casey his Senate seat in Pennsylvania. A high level staffer on his campaign told me throughout the autumn about their frustrations as McCormick hammered them on boys in girls sports and in their locker rooms. While Casey wanted his staff to find a way to "thread the needle," there was no way to rebuke the Republican without igniting the rage of the Trans community (a la Moutton). There was no thread and no needle.

Losing by 20k out of almost 7 million votes.

Leland said...


Goldenpause said...

It was political malpractice to hide Biden’s dementia and when that finally failed to replace him without a single primary with Harris, who is a poster child for everything that is wrong with DEI.

Wilbur said...

The last couple of weeks before the election I heard several Dems and their media friends shriek or sputter that Harris was just following Trump Administration policy on this matter, and then just left that unexplained.
Clearly this was a talking point, such as it was, put out by the Leftists. Interesting that the Harris campaign didn't use it; I guess they knew they would have to supply some basis for it.

Jim at said...

I still find it amazing this trans bullshit is the hill the left is willing to die on. But die on it, they will.

Jim at said...

until somebody on these pages taught me to substitute the phrase "not a" for the word "trans"

Trans = fake is what I use. No confusion.

Hey Skipper said...

“… once he's allowed to use the ladies' room, anyone else who pretends to be a woman must be allowed to do so as well.“

This. The glaringly obvious problem here is the complete absence of any limiting principle, for to introduce one holes their entire project below the waterline.

Wilbur said...

FWIW, here's what had to say about it:

I just think the campaign wanted to ignore the ads and let their media surrogates deal with this.

tcrosse said...

The deciding factor should be whether Rep-elect Sarah McBride (D-Del.) leaves the seat up.

Hey Skipper said...

That is a brutal takedown. Well done.

Iman said...

Timmy never had the “full commitment” surgery and only dresses in womens’ clothing. He may be one of those unfortunates who derive sexual pleasure from dressing in female clothing. He should either use the men’s facilities or they can provide a gender-neutral bathroom for shim.

n.n said...

Trans- is a prefix that indicates a state or process of divergence.

Gender refers to sex-correlated attributes (e.g. sexual orientation).

It's not a coincidence that they conceived of the cis- prefix.

It's not a coincidence that they replaced sex with gender.

Semantics in play.

That said, all's fair in lust and abortion.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

‘Mirror in the bathroom’ song changed to ‘Catfight in the bathroom’.

Hey Skipper said...

Might I suggest “ersatz woman”.

“Trans woman” is as perfect an example of question begging as one could hope to find.

Bruce Hayden said...

Hey - that’s the school district that attended K-12 (almost 60 years ago) as did my 4 brothers, and my daughter would have, if she hadn’t gone to private schools.

Readering said...

The Speaker's first instinct was the correct one. The attitudes expressed at the top of these comments (stopped reading before long) will alienate swing voters. A trans person savvy enough to get elected is savvy enough to garner sympathy and support in the face of ugly bigotry.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I think Nancy Mace made that specific argument yesterday, accusing libtards and Party members of bullying her because she won't play prog games with this cross-dresser.

n.n said...

The problem for the albinophobes is that they celebrate Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class-based bigotry) or color blocs under the ancient, "secular" Pro-Choice religion in progressive sects. Their dogmatic bigotry forced them to celebrate queer genders (e.g. homosexual) under political congruence ("=") rather than human and civil rights. The transgender spectrum hoisted them by their Fani.

n.n said...

Levine's Dreams of Herr Mengele didn't help the optics. Their advocacy for human rites the wicked solution or life deemed unworthy of life only recalled darker days of left-wing ideoligical past.

Kakistocracy said...

Someone should introduce a resolution banning fake boobs from Capitol restrooms....

Michael Fitzgerald said...

The crux of the issue is McBride calling himself a woman. What sniveling Johnson did is declare that men are not allowed in women's bathrooms. That is the policy now and always has been. Watch what Johnson does when McBride uses the women's bathroom. I'm betting he refers to McBride as "she/her" and calls him by his tranny name.

Gospace said...

I'm certain the intention was to replace him with someone other then Harris. Biden himself ensured she would be the replacement. And somewhere in his addled brain I'm certain he's happy she lost.

Mason G said...

By Thomas Buckley, Substack:

"Aside – imagine (very much imagine because he isn’t) if you actually thought Donald Trump really was a fascist/Hitler/etc. and you had a billion dollars to stop him and you failed miserably and utterly in doing so? Should that not give one pause?"

Seems like a good question. Who on the left will ponder it?

Jim at said...

The attitudes expressed at the top of these comments (stopped reading before long) will alienate swing voters.

That's the spirit, Sparky. Don't learn a damn thing.

Breezy said...

It’s really a very sad state of affairs…. The left used to be champions of women’s safety and security…. What the hell happened?

boatbuilder said...

During the Joe Rogan/Elon Musk interview, Rogan expressed skepticism that AI can really create "art," and Musk agreed--the gist of true art being something unique and new. Rogan also suggested that AI can't do humor, because humor turns on subtly changing the meanings of things.
Musk was pushing the idea that Grok is getting better, and can even make jokes. Rogan asked Grok to make a joke about Trans women. Grok couldn't do it--the "jokes" it came up with were unfunny comments on how people shouldn't judge other people,and that people don't understand transgenders. Woke, that is.
Musk and Rogan tried to prompt Grok to make jokes critical of transgenders, and when Grok came up with something incomprehensible as a joke (and not critical of transgenders), they prompted Grok to "drop the guardrails." Still a failure.
I don't know whether Rogan deliberately chose the trans issue because he knew it would fry Grok's circuits. It was fascinating to me that every actual
human knows what the issue is, but Grok, because of human programming, can't joke about what is human nature.

guitar joe said...

I think MTG is a full on wack job, but I've seen footage of her workout and I would not f*** with her.

Peachy said...

Jeffco is not the same. It was great back in the day. I grew up in Jeffco myself.

Peachy said...

omg -lol

tcrosse said...

Forget it, Jake. It's Delaware.

reader said...

It’s a riff on Blackstone.

Peachy said...

I have to say I am less worried about a trans-"woman" in a public restroom - using a stall. Most women don't get undressed in there. (and probably most trans' "women" are respectful. ) But I am worried about the slippery slope (that is already occurring) of allowing trans "women" (men) in women and girls private spaces.
Reminder - Julie Jaman

the Julie Jaman Story.

I don't think Republicans should get nasty and personal. Just stand the ground needed. This goes right in with Trans in women's sports. It will remain very unpopular - except with the pushy arrogant left.

Peachy said...

and ban fake faces. Sorry Pelosi.

Kakistocracy said...

Trump already told us which bathroom Caitlyn Jenner could use.

n.n said...

Automated Intelligence (AI) (e.g. Massively Correlated Automaton Constructs) are neither creative nor discerning.

The jury is still out on Anthropogenic Intelligence (AI).

walter said...

Born: 1990 (age 34 years), Wilmington, DE
Spouse: Andrew Cray (m. 2014–2014)

For under a year it was Cray Cray.

walter said...

McBride published her memoir Tomorrow Will Be Different: Love, Loss, and the Fight for Trans Equality, with a foreword by Joe Biden. McBride has been credited with shaping President Biden's personal views and political evolution on transgender issues.[9]

McBride won the election for Delaware's at-large congressional district in the 2024 election and will succeed Lisa Blunt

Gospace said...

Thomas Frank needs to write another book: What's Wrong With Delaware?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

The new Law of the Robots- Must Not Make Fun of Trans

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

Eventually there will have to be trans women bathrooms and trans men bathrooms, as those two aren't going to wanna shit next to each other in adjoining stalls.

Narayanan said...

popcorn time
will/can McBride take Congress be taken to court to get proper definition of ''woman"
this may be the case for biology education!!!
will any USSC Justice have to recuse for reasons of gender?

SweatBee said...

If by "outspoken members," they mean "actual rape victim," and if by "want attention," you mean, "are following through on promises," then, sure.

You can't campaign on, "She's for they/them; he's for you" and "protect women" then immediately look the other way when a fetish-dressed penis invades the women's showers in the Capitol gym.

donald said...

She’s not big’ just in fantastic shape.

Tina Trent said...

It wasn’t so long ago that the bathroom issue for women at state capitols and Congress was an extreme disparity between bathroom space for women vs. men.

Normal feminists received adequate facilities only after fighting for them.

Now we are being told we have to share that space with pre-op men in dresses? Hell yes, it’s an issue of human rights. This guy has his own private office facilities and can use the unisex bathrooms elsewhere in the building. If the gyms don’t have unisex changing rooms, they need to build him one.

This is why I quit Planet Fitness: they literally advertise allowing men in women’s rooms. But the gym I switched to, in a conservative area, has a huge, mostly gay nudist colony up the road, and twice I’ve seen a clearly trans man hanging out in the women’s room, applying layer after layer of insane orange “make-up”while enjoying the scene. The second time he was there when I got there and still at it more than an hour after I returned from swimming. I will be seeing the manager the next time I go. Other women and teens were clearly disturbed but too polite — or likely scared of social consequences — to say anything. That gym has two unisex bathroom/ changing rooms for his use. I know a predator when I see one. In the woman’s room.

MacMacConnell said...

It wasn't malpractice, it was how money laundering is suppose to work.

Jim Gust said...

Another example of political malpractice was that tone-deaf commercial of "manly men" who were "man enough" to vote for Kamala. Deeply offensive, hardly persuasive. Who approved that one?

PM said...

Such is the Age where "I think therefore I am." has become "I feel therefore I am."

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