"Democrats never once mentioned Arnold Palmer's cock. Never once. Yet focus group after focus group said, you got anything on Arnold Palmer's cock? If not, can you at least stand there and sway to 'Ave Maria' for, like, an hour? Can you at least do that? But it's a delight to hear about why it happened from so many people who were so wrong about what was going to happen...."
That made me laugh out loud, but don't let it make you think Stewart mainly takes sideswipes at Trump. He does not. Watch the whole thing.
१३२ टिप्पण्या:
Trump’s comment about the great Arnold Palmer just reminded me why I have some disdain for Trump’s personality. He shouldn’t talk like that. Not presidential. Not decent. Just stop it. JD Vance would never say anything like that.
Stewart is too "ad focused." Of course Democrats aren't going to run ads that say what they're really going to do (defund the police, chop off kid's genitals, call you a racist, etc.) Of course they're going to try to position themselves as anti-immigration in their advertising ... they do polls. They know Democrat policies are wildly unpopular.
Stewart watches what they say. Voters watch what they do.
In Ann's election night post, I knew and wrote immediately after the exit polls were released at 7pm EST that Trump had won. There was ONLY ONE question that you needed to predict the winner:
70% of Americans leaving the polls told pollsters the country is on the Wrong Track.
No politician has ever been re-elected with that number so high.
I got thru half of that. He is kinda funny.
But once again the left are totally missing it.
This is why the left lost:
"He shouldn’t talk like that. Not presidential. Not decent."
And he's President and you're not.
At some point, "presidential" doesn't mean what you think it means.
He has almost no filter. Grabs life by the pussy, as it were. A genuine person. Not a politician. That is precisely why people vote for him.
Last night I dreamed Alejandro Mayorkas was torn limb from limb by a lion. It was a terrible thing to witness, but I have no remorse.
I would like a president with more dignity, who didn't make me cringe every time he opened his mouth. But when compared with the life and death responsibilities' of the president, it fades into insignificance. It is not a rational basis on which to decide your vote and I have no respect for the people who let it sway them.
So, 'nobody campaigned on Woke,' huh John? Yuh - I beg to differ - and you're not very funny, it's a tired shtick. Also: You forgot to mention how people don't much like being cancelled, being told to shut up, and having their accounts closed arbitrarily by faceless, tyrannical, anonymous bureaucrats, with no chances for appeal, or even an opportunity to hear the reasons.
15 minutes of listening to fingernails on chalkboard, punctuated by two or three laughs. Next time I'll chew on aluminum foil.
ok - watched it all.
Jon and the left are missing the point. AGAIN.
Yeah - democrats tried to run as Republicans - and it looked phony as hell. Because most Americans know the MODERN democrat left ARE phony as hell.
The George Floyd riots caused billions in property damage - and Jon just skips on by.
The left:
De-fund the police - and the did! Americans paid the price.
The D-left were furious over Trump's attempt to close the Southern Border - plus they wanted to give a middle finger to all of us. The modern Democrat opened the border on purpose, and used the Asylum system as a weapon against the American people. The left HATE ordinary Americans. and when they make ads filled with obvious BS - smart Americans see thru it.
Can't stand that guy and can't stand his overwrought delivery, but, I'm sorry, "WTF, Scott?!" was freakin' funny.
Tim: Agree. And I voted for Trump for the third time. But this type of stuff is so unnecessary and gives libs like Stewart ammo to attack him. Be smart!
People also really, really don't like their Free Speech rights violated by quasi-governmental agencies such as Google and Microsoft, getting direction from a bunch of thugs in the White House.
Fuck that. We're not going to live in a country where these activists operate through corporations to do things they cannot legally otherwise do.
Who wants some rando black guy banging on their front door harassing them about who they're going to vote for.
These "vaunted ground games" are ridiculous throwbacks to the days of yore.
The FBI rummaging through Melania’s underwear drawer. THAT is what the Democratic Party has become. If they will do it to her, they will do it to you.
The FBI rummaging through Melania’s underwear drawer. THAT is what the Democratic Party has become. If they will do it to her, they will do it to you.
So true!
Trump was the primary hero in doggedly practicing and protecting free speech. Musk did the grunge work. Trump is a political Lenny Bruce. He took the lead.
Stewart is a better actor than I anticipated. This one is pretty funny. His conclusion is correct. This is not the end of the Democratic Party.
Maureen Dowd misses the point, too. Yeah -the woke stuff is really irritating. but...
-illegals - millions of illegals. Hotels stuffed with illegals - while we pay the bill.
-inflation - due to massive government debt.
-The left's lies about closing the border. Legislation was not needed - Biden and Myorkas used over 90 executive orders to open the southern border - and they lied. The media lied. Biden lied. Biden even invited them in.
Remember this, Jon Stewart?
-yeas of the corrupt mainstream press lying about the open border. How many times did we hear "the southern border is secure"
- The left ruined our nation - and they skip in by. The elites - and Jon Stewart is included - can eat a bag of dicks.
The corrupt leftist Soviet media just got done lying to us for 4 years.
btw- Berkinski is a lying ass. All of MSNBC – May they be mocked and ridiculed ceaselessly because they are less than worthless. They are nothing.
Dave, Dix and Tim, Maybe the GOP should run Mitt Romney (or a clone) next time. You think dignified wins elections against the 'by any means necessary' party?
"That is precisely why people vote for him."
Oh, bullshit. It's why you vote for him, apparently, which you're entitled to do. I vote for him because I want secure borders, safe cities, less war, etc. Will we get that? We'll see. But I know we get the opposite from the democrats.
Who was the sad sack talking head that reveled the "son vaping and playing video games in the basement and can't find a job?" That guy could use a hug.
Fuck that. We're not going to live in a country where these activists operate through corporations to do things they cannot legally otherwise do.
...or government bureaucrats in charge of distribution of the massive aid allocated and budgeted for.
Leibowitz is trying to pretend he wasn't absolutely subscribed to the same NPC memos right up until the moment of defeat. Like Bret Stephens and David Frum, and most of his people, he was firmly in the Kamala camp even as all of America was going the other way.
The democrats are playing the long game with the border. A lost election in 2024 is worth the price of 20 million new democrat voters in the future. I so hope Trump is successful with his deportation campaign.
I found this tedious. Not at all anti Republican or anti Trump but just not funny (in my opinion) and with no insights into why the Democrats lost. I’m assuming his point was that the Republicans defined who the Democrats were and the Democrats were trapped into campaigning against that Republican portrayal rather than campaigning for Democrat issues.
It’s a subtle point and I don’t know how it played out in getting/not getting votes.
Not funny, sad.
Which makes it funny I guess.
Then the State of New York killed an innocent squirrel.
btw- the Jon Stewarts - the Maureen Dowds - they are in the BS clean up business.
They skip past the reality - the Democrat Party is corrupt and they lie.
The Democrats just allowed over 10 million illegal entrants in - and they let crime sore.
The D's them make BS ads and pretend to care about it.
btw- really Sad that Tammy Baldwin won. She is a fraud.
Recall how Southern Border States tried to stem the flow? Biden's corrupt regime cut thru and created an opening so the illegals could continue to flow in. That's how disgusting the Democrat Party is.
Merrick Garland OKed and corrupt lawless leftist judges let it continue.
The bit on Mika and the Dowd column was funny.
ZERO Media(D) curiosity into the background of the FBI's paid patsy in Butler PA.
"People also really, really don't like their Free Speech rights violated by quasi-governmental agencies such as Google and Microsoft, getting direction from a bunch of thugs in the White House."
Take a look at Trump's plans regarding free speech. Stuff like this is why I vote for him.
What's so bad about them missing the point? It just means they'll flounder around and make themselves look stupid until that faction of the party dries up and blows away. This country has historically been a two party system, I'm all for that but I have no problem with the Democrats being in the wilderness until they purge the crazy elements.
Mike ... Trump could have stopped illegal immigration in his first Presidency (all that is required is to end the drug cartels using the US military). Didn't do it. He doesn't run the cities ... they will remain unsafe and really, who cares? Let the city dwellers rot in the filth their Democrat mayors create for them.
We won't get "less wars." We'll get the "right wars." Israel is going to continue killing terrorists and Trump isn't going to stop them because he WANTS them killing terrorists. Trump funded Ukraine on his watch. That war's going nowhere.
I don't like it either, but I have entertained the idea that Trump might do it so that he can define the attack, and know what to expect. You'll notice that most of these are based in absurdity, not things of real substance. It's almost - I repeat almost - as if he knows he's going to be attacked whatever he does, and unfairly, so he provides material that is almost completely innocuous, aside from being offensive. Dog, meet bone.
Those are nice pearls, Dave, but be careful you don't break the string. You'll be chasing 'em all over the floor. Undignified, especially for an older gal like you.
After the hug, they might point out that his son cannot find a job, when he is not out looking for one.
It wasn't "a couple of months" of wokeness, it's been at least TEN YEARS of of the far left wing of the Democratic Party pushing radical victimhood identity politics at every level in every institution.
Stop lying, Jon Stewart.
So Stewart ran a bunch of Democrat candidate commercials where the candidates expressed concern about the Border. Yeah, like that was authentic. Did any of them go to the White House and tell Joe Biden to get serious about closing the Border or he and they would both lose their re-election campaigns? No?
I didn’t think so.
Dave. He is who he is. Let him get things done that need to be done. His personality doesn't matter.
He got close. He noticed that, the closer we got to the election, the more the Democrats tried to pretend they were Republicans. But it didn't work.
was Begley ever on playing field and scratch balls?? as it were?
Dear Jon,
Try this:
(dutifully acting as good and loyal Media apparatchiks for their Party)
"Trump’s comment about the great Arnold Palmer just reminded me why I have some disdain for Trump’s personality. He shouldn’t talk like that."
Trump has never explicitly talked about "Palmer's cock". Go read the quote. Its all implied. Did Trump mean that, or it that what people like Stewart want to believe?
Personally, the idea of someone watching a pig like Jon Stewart (who cant get through 5 minutes without sayin the F-word or making a vulgar sex joke) and then attacking Trump for vulgarity makes zero sense.
When Democrat pols start spewing obsencities, people like Stewart clap and talk about how refreshing and "earthy" they are. They're being "real". But you know God save us from "moderates" - they always want Elite approval.
This is not the end of the Democratic Party.
Pity that.
I thought it was funny. There was a lot of truth in what he said. The Democrats were made fools of. I'm completely happy with the results of the election.
When they're stepping on their own cloacas don’t interrupt…
Trump does have some cringe inducing comments, which I don't appreciate. When he talks it is more stream of consciousness than a scripted speech. You feel you are hearing what he really thinks and is not hiding behind some script writer's crafted to not offend anyone canned speech.
HOWEVER, despite the cringe factor, I voted for Trump because he can do the job and tells us what we need to know and now what we want to hear.
I'm not voting for him for Prom King, or considering him dating material. I want someone capable of fixing this economic and diplomatic mess that the Democrats have engineered. Cringe away. Get to WORK!!!
Indeed, Censorship: The left promised more censorship. The corrupt left demanded any speech that makes a precious king or queen Democrat look bad (the truth) be censored. They are still threatening Elon Musk - how dare he!
Sacred Authoritarian Queen Hillary and Sacred Authoritarian King John Kerry - decreed ! (hack press dutifully reporting for dooty)
what's so bad is that there still exist many American who watch MSNBC - and swallow it whole.
And the left's power to destroy - will rear it's ugly head as soon as they re-group.
The Democrats have been taking out a lot of loans on their assumptions, which proved to be far enough off-base to earn them a resounding loss. Another of their assumptions is the one where every illegal immigrant is a natural Democrat voter. This might work with some massive enforcement campaigns, like the Somalis run in Minnesota, but it is still an assumption.
I watched the whole thing, because Prof asked.
It not that Mr Leibowitz isn’t funny, it is the willful obtuseness to the way people really feel and have been harmed, in some cases deliberately, by soon to be former President Biden’s administration. By the way, I’ll never acknowledge Mr Leibowitz self-identifying as a WASP.
The hypocrisy of the Dems running on how they are going to get tough on the border is audacious. THEY are the ones who have been in charge and could have started "getting tough" anytime they chose to do so. They didn't. In fact they gleefully made it worse and purposely targeted small town America with thousands of illegal aliens. Trying to swamp and "fundamentally change" the make up of those towns.
The Dems think we are stupid....well actually...their voters are. But many of those being personally impacted by the Dems' actions are beginning to wake up and abandon the Woke.
Many, if not most, modern presidents swore like sailors and told blue stories and jokes in the company of the press. They ignored it and it wasn’t made the story. Until Trump.
You don't get the guy who can withstand complete and total weaponization of the federal and state governments, lawfare at every level against him, his famiily, his business, his associates, etc, as well as total media oppostion globally without a hard edge that fights back in ways that makes the Romney-McConnellites turn up their noses and shout "why, that's just not cricket laddie!".
Even now, today, with where the GOP is thanks to Trump, on the cusp of achieving some fundamental changes that republicans have been dying to see for decades, the virtue signalers can't help but let everyone know that they'll vote for that scamp Trump, but tut tutting is never going out of style.
Yes yes yes. You are all much better than Trump. So much better. And its so clear you are so much better because you have a clear view of the political arena where Trump is engaged in life or death poltical warfare while you order your hot pretzels with mustard and watch the contest.
Thank you all for being you.
John Podhoretz: "Trump is an unworthy vessel chosen by God to save us from the evil on the left." Democrats cannot understand because: A. They don't believe in God; B. They don't get that they are evil; C. They get it and don't care; D. Some combination of the three. Consequently, they can't understand why they lost.
I give Stewart credit for that piece. He undercut the end-of-the-world post-mortem. Made everyone laugh at his own side. The misplaced resources reminded me of Romney's ORCA. I was there on election day 2012 at the rented TD Garden in Boston.
Tells me elections are most often decided well before election day and last minute efforts are just face saving by political consultants.
Muy fonny.
After 4 years of denying they opened the border.
Also, watch now as these new, supposed "tough on the border" dems all pledge to resist Trump's deportation plans.
I won't give Stewart the time of day--much less the time it might take to watch this video clip.
Why don’t you read us the Wordle? is my new Althouse go to….
It was a pretty funny segment. The parts on the media and Democratic consultantcy (but I repeat myself,) were pretty good and accurate. However, the part on there isn't a problem of Democrats being too woke because they ran Republican-lite commercials for a few months missed the message that needed to be delivered. Sure, it is inherently funny that Democrats were ran commercials running against Democrat policy. And, John Stewart's audience is primarily on the left so a lot of them favor these type of woke Democrat policies, but the idea that 4 months of ads would outweigh years of actual Democrat policies and actions in the minds of the typical voter is far fetched.
Trump's "inappropriate" comments obviously hurt him with some people. However, he's done a lot to dispel the longstanding stereotype of GOP politicians as button-down Presbyterian types, perhaps best epitomized by Mike Pence.
Trump ain't gonna change, which is why he is his own worst enemy. His crass style could have cost him around the edges, but it's a moot point now.
reminded me why I have some disdain for Trump’s personality
I agree but I also admit I L’ed MAO when he said it.
I think the point is that he does it as part of his speeches.
To Aggie's point, they're also assuming that illegals will be ALLOWED to vote in large part. National voter ID coupled with proof of citizenship would really make a mess of their strategy.
Prediction: Democrats won't change a thing.
Stewart is selling the idea that the Dems aren't really the party of woke. But they are.
As usual their candidate ran towards the center right where most Americans are. They always do that. But that's not how they govern. Voters just didn't buy it. Apparently, Stewart still wants us to buy it after the fact.
They let in 15 million unvetted illegal immigrants in less than 4 years and then ran on a secure border. Come on, man!
They promoted and funded the trans kids issue. Then they ran away from it in their campaigns. Voters paid attention to what Dems did, not what they said, which is what they should do.
Stewart didn't bring up lawfare. Hard to be funny about that, I guess.
Voters paid attention, like they're always telling us we should, and they didn't like what they saw.
Stewart says the Dems didn't run on woke. You know what else they didn't run on? The economy.
Stewart is basically arguing the voters got fooled. It's the opposite. Voters have more information sources and more information thanks to new media. They have more information about what the candidates actually did while in office or in their private sector roles. They have more information about the personal histories of the candidates. They have more access to the candidates themselves because there is more demand on the candidates to give access via in depth, long-form interviews on podcasts.
The Dems were behind the curve when it came to campaigning in the age of new media because they had so many more things they wanted to hide from voters and deceive us about. Voters understood this. They didn't like it.
Trump wasn't trying to fool voters. He was running on his record and saying, this is who I am, take me or leave me. In politics, that's refreshing and attractive to a lot of voters.
John Stewart is funny, but when all is said and done, he's blue no matter who.
Who cares. Arnold Palmer was a great golfer and businessman. But he was a womanizer and drunk. Trump made a joke. Just like we joke about Tiger Wirds and the Perkins waitress.
Don't suppose Dave spend much time around Marines.
James T Kirk: Do like history, Spock?
Mr. Spock: Yes, Captain.
James T Kirk: I was watching an old video of a campaign rally that took place on Earth in the early 21st Century. It was very informative. Very granular. For example, did you know Arnold Palmer was hung like a Bactrian camel?
Mr Spock: I had no idea, Captain.
James T Kirk: Well, he was.
Mr. Spock: (raising one eyebrow) Fascinating.
I had never heard AP was hung. Winnie must have been happy…
4 years of the media telling us "THE BORDER IS SECURE"
isn't that enough? Isn't that a big enough lie?
Here is why I didn't vote for Donald Trump.
Shorter dopey comments: I’m uneasy listening to someone who holds an opinion that differs from mine, especially when he’s a Jew.
Its the same old same old. We just have to be better at messaging because the voters are idiots. I've seen speculation that it might take 10 to 15 years for the Democrat party to purge the crazies. It just never occurred to them that POCs would vote for the evil racists Republicans. Well, turns out that POCs need food and shelter too.
What I find very ironic about the Democrats' strategy to flood the US with illegal immigrants is that I believe the majority of them will be voting Republican in a few years, as already indicated by the data analytics in this year's election showing a significant shift in Latino voters. I happen to be an immigrant (now citizen) and I've lived and worked among Latinos for most of my adult life.
Here's some apparently shocking news to Democrat strategists: real Latinos love the American dream. They're hard working. They believe in and love traditional families. They know and love what real women are. They respect traditional religions. They don't like preferential treatment for any given group, and especially if that group didn't work to earn it. And they're ready, willing, and able to fight for this country in our armed forces. They'll also respect a logical (criminals first) and humane deportation policy.
In brief, any short-term tactics favoring the Democrats will dissipate. The Open Border policy was a stupid own-goal by the Democrats.
That was very much LOL funny.
They'll also respect a logical (criminals first) and humane deportation policy.
And what leads you to believe that Trump is planning "a logical (criminals first) and humane deportation policy"?
Trump himself has declared the deportations will be a "bloody business". He has also derided birthright citizenship and is apparently willing to ignore the constitution to get rid of it. Two of the first appointments he has announced (Miller and Homan) are absolute advocates of mass deportation in the extreme. Homan even said that if the parents of a U.S. citizen are deported, he will keep the family together by deporting the children too.
"The former president spoke for more than 10 minutes about Palmer, who was born in Latrobe, at a rally at the local airport named in Palmer's honor.
"He was an incredible man, he was an incredible champion, and he came from Latrobe," Trump said.
Then his comments appeared to go off script.
"This is a guy that was all man," the former president said. "This man was strong and tough, and I refuse to say it, but when he took showers with the other pros, they came out of there, they said, 'Oh my God, that's unbelievable.'"
To laughter, Trump added, "I had to say it."
Give me a break, Begley.
As for Stewart, he mostly laid off the number one problem for the Democrats - Kamala.
People are falling for the Stewart version of the Palmer story. It was actually quite mild. See below.
I think that Jon Stewart missed one important point. The Democrats felt that they had to run away from wokeness at the last minute after pushing it down everyone's throat for the last four years. The Democrats are the ones who defined themselves as woke and they couldn't break free of that.
Personally, I don't think that the Democrats have really learned their lesson. All I see in my facebook feed is Democrats saying that the only reason that Trump won was racism and misogyny. And they are still screaming that he is a fascist who will put people in camps.
Even though the job of the federal government is mostly economic, they see the social issues as more important than the economic issues. They see the primary job of the federal government as reshaping our nations ethics and beliefs into what they want. (Even if that means punishing those who don't get with the program.)
"Yes yes yes. You are all much better than Trump. So much better."
Oh, bugger off. No one said anything remotely like that.
I thought he made that particular point quite well.
Yes, he can't find the job he thinks he's entitled to, so he says screw this, I'll just mope in the basement. Poor dear, and his dear poor pappy ain't helping him either by putting up with it.
Old Arnold Palmer survived the old apocryphal story of how his wife told Johnny Carson that she kissed Arnold's ball before each tournament for good luck.
To which Carson retorted, "I bet that straightened-out his putter!"
PERFECT Hey Skipper!!! Good article!!
I thought it was a good, subtle point, and the whole bit was very funny. I also agree that Stewart wasn’t being honest with his talk of wokeness being a fleeting thing. He even looked abashed to say it.
But at this point, just to criticize the left when you’re a leftist shows that Jon Stewart probably could learn to make French fries at McDonalds.
I think the point is that he does it as part of his speeches.
it is the crowd he hangs out with! not in the company of the press
Tough - Freder. You skip by bloody business of all those who died in transport, on their way IN.
You skip on by the sex trafficking of women and children. Don't ya.
I spent my long life avoiding Jon Stewart.
That was hilarious. Brilliant.
I'm gonna bookmark that.
"Trump himself has declared the deportations will be a "bloody business"."
And we have Joseph Robinette Biden to thank for that.
I understand what you’re saying, Dave. But I think some of it really comes from being born and bred in NYC, and some of it is pushing the buttons of the media on purpose.
I worked on a dock and in construction for several years. It was a weird blend of chivalry and eyebrow-scorching bawdiness. The chivalry was sincere; the bawdiness smoothed over differences that could have gotten ugly.
I also worked in academia and politics for several years. Any joyfulness was actually viciousness manufactured to crush your enemies, and the scant chivalry that existed was almost always deceit.
I wish every day that I had never left that freight dock.
Stewart is probably personally upset and professionally delighted with the outcome. It is way more fun to be The Rebel Alliance, and to Resist, than to actually accomplish things. Its also hard to write the narrative. Look at the Star Warz reboot with Rey Skywalker. Sure, the Rebels won and revived The Republic, but somehow things are still being run by a mopey guy in black, who somehow is in charge of everything.
At the 6:16+ mark - is Jenna Griswold. A cretin-partisan Secretary of State who spends all her time on MSNBC. She just left 600+ passwords out in the open - and is not in any sort of trouble.
Again- Democrats are above the law.
Maybe there can be a waiver for all the migrants Freder takes into his own home.
Actually, that’s statistically untrue, but you need to do them over a long period of time and have well-trained workers from the community being targeted. If there is one tiny point I will cede to Harris, the decisions made by her party left her little time for that type of ground game.
The flip in Miami-Dade can be attributed to a few things, but one of them is the ground game of Project Libre. Much as it pains me to admire a Koch organization, that one is the least astroturfed and run by admired community leaders, Cubans and other Central and South American ex-pats who fled communism. It’s been going for a decade plus and isn’t some PIRG-like bunch of dour college students.
Ground games are damn hard work. The Democrats usually wipe us out on that point. In a weird way, Trump is a one-man ground game.
Trump says a lot of things that make me wince, when coming from a President or a candidate. He doesn't have a filter. But maybe that same trait has kept him from giving up when most people would have.
You know, I wonder if they didn’t manufacture that Russian prostitutes story from LBJ’s practice of literally pissing on his underling’s pants. While they were wearing them. That was his “presidential.” The Kennedy boys raped and killed women. That was their “presidential.” Beloved Jimmah ran cover for Jim Jones’ cult AND massive benefits fraud. And wrote the worst poetry on earth. That was his “presidential.” Clinton and Obama gleefully freed cop-killing terrorists.
Nixon invited the White House staff to worship beside him, as equals.
That was a measure of the man we should not forget.
Party of Scumbags. They deserve our scorn.
Lee Greenwood
I have received $0 from the Trump Campaign or the Trump Organization to perform/appear at Trump Rallies or Events. I have supported President Trump since 2015 without any form of payment. My wife worked for him for over 20 years prior to him running for president. I am happy to have stood by him and that he has used my song since the beginning.
Let’s be fair. Find out how much Trump campaign paid “celebrities” like @TheLeeGreenwood @elonmusk @TuckerCarlson @ChrisMacchio who else? x.com/america_mad/st…
1:09 PM · Nov 12, 2024
Voters have more information sources and more information thanks to new media.
No offense to the commenter (sorry, I was reading the thread the old way so I could hold my phone vertically, and didn't take note of who you are or nest my comment - this isn't aimed at you but rather is germane to what you brought up), but all this nonsense about the overwhelmingly dominant right-wing media machine...
The difference between what they've got and what we've got is that we have to seek out those "right-wing" new media outlets. (You know, like right-wing Joe Rogan and right-wing Matt Taibbi and right-wing Jordan Peterson.)
The other side gets pushed to us, to everyone, every time you fire up a screen.
Yes, once you start reading, watching, or listening to a "right-wing" source, the algorithm might start suggesting another once in a while. But despite the fact that (for instance) everyone I follow on X is of the Right or at least disenchanted with their homies on the Left, my feeds are still chock-full of people warning me about my husband's intent to start a harem and steal my IRA or whatever, about the looming concentration camps that will start with undocumented immigrants but soon be used to disappear anyone who didn't vote for Trump, about the perils of being gay, which is the same thing as being trans for all practical purposes, right? and how we should all be building secret rooms in our houses to shelter our gay neighbors from the stormtroopers... All because I tap through to the comments occasionally and, willy-nilly, expose myself to all that crazy. And that's on X, where viewpoint diversity is openly supported. The others? So much worse.
Every single professional comedian out there is thrilled that Trump is coming back in office. There's at least 6 years of solid material coming down the line, any way you cut the humor. As Hubert Humphrey use to say, in that Mr. Toad voice "Pleased as punch...".
Stewart is part of the problem. Fuck him. Fuck him hard.
The unworthy vessel is limpdick GOP parasites like Podhoretz. Donald Trump is a great man who has risen to conquer insurmountable challenges. Libtards and Party members are unworthy of his efforts on behalf of this nation.
I watched but where’s the chewing out that Democrats deserve? Is the link wrong? 😜
It would probably have given the lion indigestion.
I'm with you. I don't forgive libtard propagandists just because they huck a lungii on a very deserving Democrat Party member occasionally. Stewart is a lying, dishonest, deceitful Democrat Party douchebag.
That's a safe bet. But they will find a better messenger.
I liked how the video had TDS in the lower right corner. Truth in advertising! (Yes, I know that The Daily Show also would have the acronym TDS, but it seems so appropriate!)
"Also, watch now as these new, supposed "tough on the border" dems all pledge to resist Trump's deportation plans"
I would hope that outing those people is part of the overall plan, if not the main part. Value-added.
"Stewart watches what they [the politicians] say. Voters watch what they do." Thank God for that!
Stewart’s no Bill Maher, but he can do a fun rant as well as the next guy.
But is he seriously claiming that because Democrats ran on a pro-police anti-trans message, that therefore the public can’t reject Democrats for being weak on crime and pro-trans? Is he seriously dismissing the possibility that voters remember what the Dems did more than 3 months ago?
Yes, some Democrats DID TRY to run as Republicans (or least as some version of reasonable Americans) but they FAILED, because we aren't that stupid. That was part of the humor.
If the Democrats had GOVERNED as Republicans (or least as some version of reasonable Americans) for the last 4 years they would have won. Not with Kamala, but with a credible and qualified candidate. The Democratic Party needs to change, but until (and unless) they do, the people will be attracted to Trumpish figures.
Yeah, he gave them about 1/2 the tongue lashing they deserved
The real one would have required mocking the Feds paying for sex changes for illegal aliens in prison, and Harris not being able to think of a single thing she'd do differently from Biden
I don’t forgive anyone whose opinion differs from my own.
Here's a similar beat-down administered by the Ragin' Cajun, James Carville.
I told you so.
Poor Freder. He feels so deeply about things. Why can't you all feel deeply about things?
You know who despises illegal hispanics the most? Legal hispanics.
It would have been more accurate if I'd said,
Thanks to new media, voters across the spectrum have more information sources and more information available to them ...if they want it.
I am certainly not arguing that there is an overwhelmingly dominant right-wing media machine. I agree that's nonsense.
I agree. Stewart and Althouse believe in this mythical perfectly attuned Democrat elite who mean well but just can't get their message out.
They got their message out.
Americans don't want it.
Anything counter to the corporate media narrative is labeled right wing extremism.
Carville is full of it. As noted in the comments there, he was writing columns as recently as two days before the election claiming that Kamala would win.
Thanks to new media, voters across the spectrum have more information sources and more information available to them ...if they want it.
I am certainly not arguing that there is an overwhelmingly dominant right-wing media machine. I agree that's nonsense.
Ah, bob boyd, it was you! So sorry not to credit you with the inspiration for my comment.
It is nonsense. But it's vying for first place, along with "the voters don't know what's good for them!" (as usual), among Democrats.
No. No you don’t. Nobody on your side does…
Stewart is clever, but basically full of shit. In this case, the shit takes the form: "Democrats were running against an identity that was defined for them.” The identify in question is, of course, being woke.
According to Stewart, the left is the exact *opposite* of woke. It’s all a cunning right-wing plan to trick the silly voters into believing a lie.
And yet he mocks others for living in a liberal bubble.
Stewart was trying hard to get on the right side of a new trend. At that, he is an expert. At humor, he is so-so. Generous estimate, IMO. File with David Sedaris, Kathy Griffin, and all the other unfunny leftists for whom sneering and hatred have to substitute for friendly, happy laughter.
Thanks for posting the Carville piece. His cats wailing in the bkgd around 7+ mins in was a fine metaphor for the unwilling-to-listen Democrat party.
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